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Nancy's Mysterious Letter
Nancy's Mysterious Letter | Carolyn Keene
51 posts | 53 read | 5 to read
A special treat for Nancy Drew fans, and any reader who's new to the series! This is a stunning new edition of an old favourite, Nancy's Mysterious Letter, the eighth book in the incredibly popular, long-running series. It's the same exciting mystery that readers have fallen in love with for more than 80 years-when Nancy receives a letter informing her she's heir to a fortune, she decides to track down the sender, as well as the other Nancy Drew. Now with a brand-new look, this is an edition that collectors won't want to miss!
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I liked this one more than the other ones so far. Even though there have been subplots again, this time it made more sense how they ended up being entangled with each other. Ned doesn‘t feel that needy like in the previous story. But I found the ending quite abrupt.

Librarybelle 😁 2mo
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Enjoying the summer that finally arrived in Switzerland - enjoying it with the next Nancy Drew mystery.

Librarybelle Yay!! 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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June #serieslove2024 wrap up. Tackled three books in ongoing series I‘m currently reading.

TheSpineView Great job! 2mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Read for #NancyDrewBR I‘m behind on reviews & while I finished this a couple of weeks ago, I never even made it to the discussion. This wasn‘t my favorite of the books so far, but a soft pick for nostalgia. As usual, there are a couple of mysteries to solve that coincidently link together. And this is the 2nd time Nancy identifies & solves mail fraud so maybe a career option is the USPS—at least if she doesn‘t ⬇️

DebinHawaii …marry Ned Nickerson. 🙄 (Go to school Nancy!) This one has Nancy, Bess & George headed to visit their men at Emerson College (where I‘d like to see all of them going too). No concussion for Nancy & the #NNK count (NancyNogginKnockout, now 3/8) so yay for her head! 🎉🤕 but she does get chloroformed so ends up unconscious anyway. 😱🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 3mo
Librarybelle Love it—career option in the USPS!! 3mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
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Finally got a chance to read this month‘s Nancy Drew pick!

This one has Nancy all over the place. The mystery was interesting but it was her basically just knowing who the bad guy was and following him around unable to find him.

Also I was trying to understand the football game. Back in the day did the quarterback also kick the ball?


Librarybelle The QB could! It was going out of fashion by the 1930s, because the shape of the football started to change, making it easier to throw greater distances. I learned that after having that question myself! 😂 3mo
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3✨Not a favorite, but a good mystery just the same. Nancy gets a mysterious letter from Britain to find she is not the only Nancy Drew. The other Nancy just inherited a fortune, and it‘s up to our Nancy to find her. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Librarybelle That blanket looks very cozy! 3mo
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Thanks for sharing the prompt, @vivastory #lasttenbooks

vivastory Terrific answers! Dorothy Parker is timeless! I have a few poems memorized & I have had a few people in my life be surprised by that, but I think that Parker is a great example of a writer whose work you could memorize & carry with you with not too much effort. 3mo
TheBookHippie @vivastory I love her so. ♥️ 3mo
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Trying to stay awake for #HyggeHour & finish Nancy Drew for #NancyDrewBR & start Trixie for #BobWhiteBuddies but we‘ll see how far I get. I pretty much slept the weekend away trying to get over my relapse or whatever new crud I picked up & get ready for another busy work week. At least I don‘t need to get on a plane.

AllDebooks Oh no, feel better soon x 3mo
Sace Hope you‘re feeling better. 3mo
Crazeedi Feel better soon!❤️ 3mo
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kspenmoll Feel better-hope your work week isn‘t too much for your health!🩵 3mo
Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 3mo
TheBookHippie 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻you feel better soon!!!! 3mo
TheLudicReader Hop you feel better soon. 3mo
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#NancyDrewBR #SeriesLove2024

Not one of my favorite Nancy titles as this was just too convoluted. I did enjoy reading how Nancy and her friends participated in college life with Ned and their dates.

Librarybelle Yay for more Ned! 3mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖 3mo
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Another fun outing with Nancy Drew. I didn't like it as much as others, but still found it entertaining.
@Librarybelle #NancyDrewBR
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Librarybelle Agreed! 3mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 3mo
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I am enjoying rereading the ND canon in correct order, but this one fell kind of flat for me. There were too many times I really had to suspend my disbelief (like how does the other Miss Drew just “happen“ to be at the same college as Ned?), and I think a new ND trope should be added: how many times is Nancy's father called away just when Nancy is in the most danger? Overall, though, a fun, light read and pick.
#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Librarybelle That‘s a good point about Carson Drew! 3mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩😂🤗 3mo
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#LittenDetectives : It‘s #NancyDrewBR time!

I posted 5 questions as spoilers. You can find them on my feed, the book‘s feed, or searching for the hashtags.

Did the length of this one seem shorter than the others we‘ve read so far? The pagination was different than the other ebook copies I read. It could be the version issue, but I was just curious.

I‘ll post the graphic for next month‘s book The Sign of the Twisted Candles tomorrow! Thanks!!

Laughterhp Oops! Haven‘t read this one yet but have it from the library. The 15th always sneaks up on me! 3mo
Bookwormjillk It did seem shorter! 3mo
Librarybelle No worries, @Laughterhp ! I actually have a reminder on my phone so I remember to post questions! 😂 3mo
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Sace I have a full set of the physical books. For the most part they are 20 chapters with 174-178 pages, this one included (174 pages). So it didn‘t seem shorter to me. 3mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk The ebook edition I read was 10 pages shorter than the others. Weird! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
Librarybelle Good to know, @Sace ! 3mo
mrp27 That‘s so funny. For me it felt like this one dragged on! 3mo
Librarybelle That is funny, @mrp27 ! To me, it was not as thrilling as some of the others we have read. 3mo
kwmg40 @mrp27 @Librarybelle I agree. This one didn't have the “page-turning“ aspect some of the earlier ones did. 3mo
kwmg40 I just found out an interesting fact which might explain why this volume felt different from the earlier ones. Books 1-7 were written by Mildred Wirt. This book, along with the next 2, were written by Walter Karig. Then books 11 to 25 are again written by Wirt. 3mo
Librarybelle Oh, good spot, @kwmg40 ! That would explain…we are now venturing into other authors of the series! 3mo
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5. Any followers of historic college football games?

In 1968, Ned as the quarterback kicks the ball on fourth down. The question posed by some Littens...is this allowed?

I did a little bit of digging, and what I found so far is it was and was common in the 1920s and 1930s! Passing did not become popular until the late 1920s, when the shape of the football changed. Anyone with more knowledge please let us know! #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives

Librarybelle This is one brief article that mentions the changes in the football: https://www.theledger.com/story/news/2007/11/29/changes-in-the-game-1920-39/2586... 3mo
DGRachel I definitely had to google it because that felt so wrong to me! It‘s interesting how sports rules and norms change over time! Kickers seem so much more fragile than QBs. 😂 3mo
Bookwormjillk Oh interesting. Thanks for clearing that up! 3mo
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CogsOfEncouragement I did think it odd. Thanks for the clarification. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks It did feel like Ned was doing all the positions! It's interesting to see how the rules of have evolved and changed over time. 3mo
Ruthiella I‘m completely ignorant of how 🏈 gridiron football works! 😂 But Ned has to be the star, right? 3mo
dabbe @Ruthiella The star and the stud-muffin! Nancy needs to have the BMOC, right? 🤩😂😀 3mo
Ruthiella @dabbe That‘s right! 👍😅 3mo
AmandaBlaze Yeah, it wouldn't have been the same if Ned's team would have lost. 3mo
lauraisntwilder I asked my husband (he played in high school) about Ned being QB and kicker and he said, as you did, that it was common then. He thinks that might be why the QB would hold the ball for the kicker. 3mo
lauraisntwilder *At the high school level, at least. 3mo
mrp27 I‘ve no clue about the game of football then and now but reading it, it didn‘t make sense to me. Guess subconsciously I know more than I think! 3mo
kwmg40 I am not a football fan (here in Canada, hockey is much more popular), but I still found the description of the game interesting. 3mo
Librarybelle I know a little bit about football, but I was not familiar with this! Of course Ned has to be the star! 😂 @DGRachel @Bookwormjillk @CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @dabbe @AmandaBlaze @lauraisntwilder @mrp27 @kwmg40 3mo
julieclair Sometimes Ned reminds me of a Ken doll… 😂 3mo
Librarybelle @julieclair 😂 I love it! 3mo
Roary47 I‘m with @Ruthiella I‘m clueless on football, but Ned has to be the superstar. He was the team in my mind. I also think he‘s a Ken doll @julieclair but I‘m all for it for Nancy. 😂 3mo
MariaW No idea at all. American Football is not that common in Europe. 🙈 But I like thr notion of Ned being a Ken doll, @julieclair 🤣 2mo
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4. Let's talk characters! We see a little of George and Bess (1968 at least). There's Ned, & in 1932 Helen appears! In 1968 Hannah Gruen has more of an appearance in the story.

Anything to add about the characters? What did you think of the “bad guy“ character & any of the characters introduced in the novel?

Confession: The bad guy's initial description in 1968 made me think of the Man in the Yellow Hat! Haha #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives

DGRachel I do love that we get more Ned, but this really felt like more Nancy than any other recurring character. I liked that our baddy didn‘t feel like such a Scooby-Do villain this time. I wonder if that‘s why I liked this one more? 3mo
Bookwormjillk I thought he was a pretty good bad guy but I didn‘t understand who his associates were. Just friends willing to kill as a favor? I laughed that Bess‘s and George‘s dates were on the second string team but of course Ned was starting QB and kicker. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk - I thought the same thing about the bonus baddies. I kept wondering where did these people come from and why are they helping him?? Especially the woman at the airport. 3mo
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CogsOfEncouragement I‘m confused how Ira and Edgar are half brothers, same mom, same last name. They are 30 years apart in age. The mom outlived both husbands. Why do they have the same last name? And no thanks on having children 30 years apart. 3mo
Ruthiella @CogsOfEncouragement Good points! Clearly your detecting skills are sharp! Probably because you read a lot of mysteries. It‘s possible that dad no. 2 adopted Ira, hence same last name. 30 year gap is nearly a medical miracle, but it could happen. First kid at 17 and last kid at 47? (edited) 3mo
bookandbedandtea Yes to all of this! Where DID the extra baddies come from? And I kept asking myself the whole time how Ira and Edgar could be 30 years apart. Hannah did say they were half brothers and that Ira's house and small inheritance were originally from his father so I thought Edgar must have been from her 2nd marriage but I can't make that work with the information we have! @CogsOfEncouragement @Ruthiella 3mo
AmandaBlaze Ned helped out a little, but it seemed Bess and George were mainly there for companionship. I liked the sailor character. I was happy they expanded on Hannah Gruen, a bit. 3mo
lauraisntwilder The description of Edgar made me think of Dick Tracy. It would've been nice to have spent a little more time with Nancy Smith Drew, since I didn't understand how she could be clever enough to leave a coded message in Shakespeare quotes, but dumb enough to run away with a man she just met. 3mo
mrp27 Almost forgot about Helen! Didn‘t like Edgar‘s gang of accomplices, their appearance didn‘t make much sense. (edited) 3mo
kwmg40 @lauraisntwilder Good observation about Nancy Smith Drew! 3mo
kwmg40 One thing about Nancy that I'm noticing now, but I didn't as a child, is how privileged she is. She has a father with a lot of power, a car, plenty of money to spend, and a housekeeper to cook supper for her when she returns from her sleuthing! BTW, I was definitely not privileged as a child but never thought to compare myself to ND. She was more like a superhero to me. 3mo
Librarybelle Yeah…the extra baddies didn‘t seem to fit in, and good observation about the half brothers! I really liked that we saw a bit more of Hannah this time around. @DGRachel @Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks @CogsOfEncouragement @Ruthiella @bookandbedandtea @AmandaBlaze @lauraisntwilder @mrp27 @kwmg40 3mo
Librarybelle Really great observation, @kwmg40 ! I never thought about her privilege when I read these as a kid, but as an adult I can see it. I grew up with many comforts as a kid, but nothing compared to the privilege Nancy has. 3mo
Roary47 I really liked that Bess and George came to find Nancy when she didn‘t meet up with them. I‘m glad she has good friends when she keeps putting herself in harms way. 3mo
MariaW I was kind of disappointed that the roles of Bess and George were that small again after the last story. I was looing forward to see more of them. I liked that Ned didn‘t seem that needy like last time, it seems like there is a balance in their relationship now. Again, I found the very short mentioning of Nixon‘s sidekicks and Mrs Quingely very strange - somehow trying to come to an end hurriedly. 2mo
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3. Thinking of adventurous episodes in this book, they seemed more psychological than dangerous, with the bad guy (Edgar Nixon 1968) being one step ahead of her...at least to me!

However, Nancy unwittingly becomes entangled in a Lonely Hearts Club mail scheme, and she does track down the lost mail and Nancy Smith Drew. She also faces the awful Mrs. Skeets.

What do you think of her adventures this time? #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives

Bookwormjillk I liked this one but was wondering what Nancy does when she‘s not solving mysteries. Is she in school or anything? 3mo
Sace I just think Mrs Skeets is the perfect name for a bitter shrew. 😂 3mo
bookandbedandtea I enjoyed the encounters with Mrs Skeets! @Bookwormjillk She may not go to school but she is always learning new things- though she didn't exhibit a new skill this time. ? I've always wondered what she did with herself on a "normal" week too! 3mo
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TheAromaofBooks Some of the dangerous episodes felt a little out of left field, like the guy trying to run them over with the car, and dropping the curtain on her - they seemed dramatic for situation. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Sace - I agree, Skeets is a great name 😂 3mo
Ruthiella I loved Sailor Skeets! That windbag who enjoys life at sea because it kept him from his wife! 😂 What was that about? I feel like the writers just threw in any old thing here, plot and characters-wise. 3mo
CogsOfEncouragement @Bookwormjillk My daughter had some newer ND books, that we have passed on to others so I can‘t reference them, where Nancy is on her college campus. I keep expecting to find her in school in these originals and am surprised she isn‘t. I wonder if as we get to other mysteries she will be. 3mo
CogsOfEncouragement @TheAromaofBooks I see that trend of added peril for the sake of adding peril in the whole series. It always reminds me who the target audience is, and I feel that they were trying to make these stories thrilling without being too scary. (edited) 3mo
dabbe @Bookwormjillk I have wondered that since Book #1, and I also wonder why I didn't care when I read these as a kid. She lives with dad, gets her money from him, doesn't work ... is she just whittling her time away as an amateur detective until Ned graduates and marries her? #oytothevey if that's true! 😂 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @CogsOfEncouragement - Oh for sure! I remember ALWAYS wanting to read the next chapter when I was growing up thanks to those cliffhanger endings!! 😂 3mo
AmandaBlaze The attack at the airport was a little out there. Maybe they didn't know she was travelling with friends who would check on her? 3mo
lauraisntwilder @Bookwormjillk @dabbe When Nancy and the girls went to visit boys off in college, it really struck me as bizarre that Nancy wasn't in college, too. Or secretary school? Or whatever else was appropriate at the time for young women. Bess and George could just as easily have been written as classmates or coworkers. Ah well, further proof these are a product of their time. 3mo
julieclair @dabbe I think you‘ve got it exactly right. Daddy is taking care of her until she marries Ned, and then she becomes Ned‘s responsibility. 🤯 3mo
mrp27 As I mentioned previously I‘d love to see more of Nancy develop as a teenager while she solves the mysteries. Is she going to college, is she going to get a job how does her relationship with Ned develop etc. I get we‘re not going to be seeing much of this in the coming books as it‘s the thrill of the mystery that is the point of these stories but they could be so much more! 3mo
kwmg40 As some others have mentioned, the adventures seem somewhat random and chaotic this time. 3mo
Librarybelle Completely agree about the randomness of the adventures this time. Like @mrp27 said, it would be nice to see Nancy advance more, but with the understanding that the draw is the mystery, not Nancy‘s character development. Yes to Skeets and the name!! @Bookwormjillk @Sace @bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @CogsOfEncouragement @dabbe @AmandaBlaze @lauraisntwilder @julieclair @kwmg40 3mo
BarkingMadRead She was definitely playing catch up this time, she always seemed to be a little behind! 3mo
Roary47 Well, it seems like she has a school. She tap danced performed in one of the books. I always visualized she‘s on summer break. 😅 3mo
MariaW I think this time her adventures this time contained of a lot running around asking about the other Nancy Drew. It seemed very exhausting to me and was quite stressful to read. I don‘t think in real life someone would have enkoyed a game or a dance that much after such a stressful day. Or am I just too old for that? 😜 2mo
Librarybelle @MariaW I cannot imagine that either! I‘d certainly not have the energy! 😂 2mo
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2. Nancy is juggling a couple of mysteries, as well as preparing to see Ned at Emerson! How does she do it?!?!

Let's think about the overall plot of the book. In part, there is a carryover from last month's book and the postal service. Nancy violates regulations inviting Ira into her home to rest! Nancy also faces danger but no #NancyNogginKnockout .

How does this one compare to the rest of the books so far? #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives

DGRachel I actually liked this one more than the others. I think because there isn‘t as much of a savior complex, or at least not that stood out. Her blatant disregard for postal service regulations is kind of funny, although I also think it‘s abhorrent that she not allowed to offer her postal carrier respite from the heat. 3mo
Bookwormjillk I thought it was a little convenient that all the mysteries ended up to be connected. I did like all of the different locations Nancy traveled to though. 3mo
Sace I liked this one better than The Haunted Showboat but not as much as the Clue in the Diary. I think there was just a little too much going on, postal tampering, Lonely Hearts scams, missing heiress. 3mo
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CogsOfEncouragement I noticed Nancy didn‘t get to show off some out of left field special skill in this one. lol I was struck by how many times she promised to be careful, and then immediately go off on her own - trust some rando w/a message that says to meet someone in an empty theater and doesn‘t take a friend with her, etc. 3mo
bookandbedandtea It did seem like there was a lot more than usual going on in this one but I liked the trip to Emerson (which luckily helped the investigation!) and I looked 3mo
bookandbedandtea ... and I *liked seeing how close Nancy and Hannah were in this one. Nancy did get knocked down several times, if not OUT, and was this the first time she was drugged? 3mo
TheAromaofBooks It really seems like Ira was actually the one who violated code by going inside for the drink, rather than Nancy for offering him one. How would she know about the rule?? It seems like it would be Ira responsibility to say thanks but no thanks. 3mo
Ruthiella I thought this was a little more disjointed plot was from previous books… not that these are tightly plotted masterpieces to begin with! 😂 But it felt less focused than previous books to me. 3mo
AmandaBlaze I skimmed through the last part of this one, which I haven't done before. I just wasn't as connected to the storyline. It was still a fun read, though. At least this time Nancy was drugged rather than knocked out. 3mo
lauraisntwilder @CogsOfEncouragement Yeah, no special skill! I kept thinking she was going to step in for Ned as QB when he got hurt. I'm sure she could throw a great spiral! 😆 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin I liked this one but not quite as much as the previous books. There was a lot going on! But the ending wrapped everything up nicely. 3mo
julieclair I actually liked this one the best so far. I think because it was a bit more realistic, rather than having Nancy using “some out of left field special skill” (great phrase, @CogsOfEncouragement ! 3mo
mrp27 I agree with many others and ultimately I didn‘t like this book as much as some of the others, too many mysteries, too convoluted. I did like their trip to Emerson and the football game. Would love to read more too how Nancy is teenager doing teenage things. 3mo
kwmg40 I didn't like this one as much as the earlier ones, though it was still entertaining enough. Some of the subplots seemed overly contrived. 3mo
Librarybelle I liked this one, but I don‘t think it was the strongest we have read so far…maybe because it did not seem like Nancy didn‘t show off a special skill, like @CogsOfEncouragement said. I would have loved your thought @lauraisntwilder of Nancy becoming the QB! @DGRachel @Bookwormjillk @Sace @bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @AmandaBlaze @PurpleyPumpkin @julieclair @mrp27 @kwmg40 3mo
Roary47 I was going to mention she did get knocked out with the drug like @bookandbedandtea and @AmandaBlaze mentioned. I say cut Ira a break he‘s retiring, but probably shouldn‘t have put his bag down! I agree with @TheAromaofBooks it should be Ira remembering and abiding by these codes. 3mo
MariaW I liked this one more than the other ones so far. Even though there have been subplots again, this time it made more sense how they ended up being entangled with each other. Ned doesn‘t feel that needy like in the previous story. But I found the ending quite abrupt. (edited) 2mo
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1. Once again, there are some differences between the 1932 and 1968 edition. In 1932, Nancy helps Ira Dixon, whereas the last name is changed to Nixon for the 1968 edition. A few scenes were cut from the 1932 for 1968--a snow storm for instance, and in 1968, Nancy is attacked in an airport.

Which edition did you read this month? #NancyDrewBR #LittenDetectives

DGRachel 1968 although I‘m sorry to have missed the snow storm. 😂 3mo
Bookwormjillk I read 1968 I believe. Where is everyone finding the 1930‘s books? 3mo
Sace I read the 1968 version (that I assume was maintained intact in 1996, the most recent copyright year listed). So I didn‘t get the snowstorm, but there was one in the Haunted Showboat! I wonder why they changed Ira‘s name to Nixon. 3mo
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CogsOfEncouragement 1968 this time. @Bookwormjillk My library has some. There is an explanation at the front that there is some offensive language, yet there is value in reading older works. 3mo
bookandbedandtea I have the full set of the yellow spine 60's versions and only 1-6 in the 30's version, so I'll be 60's all the way now. Although there was a snowstorm in this. 🤔 Not that it impeded the investigation any! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks I read the 60s and they definitely had a snowstorm, although I guess it just meant they were walking around rather than getting stranded, so maybe it had a different impact in the earlier version?? The airport attack felt really random, just this female villain out of nowhere. 3mo
Ruthiella Yellow spine all the way baby! Reading these takes makes back to childhood. My library had the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books in their own area and I‘d always make a beeline for it in the hopes there‘d be a number I hadn‘t read yet! 🤞 3mo
Ruthiella @TheAromaofBooks Agree about the random accomplices! It seemed like all of a sudden Edgar developed a gang? 3mo
AmandaBlaze 1968 version. The ebook said it was from the 1930's. However, from the info you gave, it seems like 1968. 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin Definitely the 1968 version as an ebook. I wonder if the ebooks are all the later/latest renditions of the stories. 🤔 3mo
julieclair I read 1968. And me too, @Ruthiella ! When our class had library time, there was a whole group of us who hurried over to the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys section. Those yellow and blue spines all lined up were like a wonderful magnet! 3mo
mrp27 ‘68 version. Curious about the name change Dixon/Nixon. Don‘t see how or why it needed changing. 3mo
kwmg40 I'd read the 1968 version too. 3mo
Librarybelle I read the 1968, and the edition from the 90s, as well as the ebooks, are the 1960s versions. From what I can tell, the later editions are the same story as the 1960s. My guess for the snowstorm is a massive storm that causes issues, unlike the snow in the 1968 that seemed to be a minor storyline. @DGRachel @Bookwormjillk @Sace @CogsOfEncouragement @bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella @AmandaBlaze @PurpleyPumpkin @julieclair @mrp27 @kwmg40 (edited) 3mo
BarkingMadRead I read the 68 version 3mo
Roary47 Same with the yellow spine! 😅 3mo
MariaW It seems like the kindle version on Amazon is the 1968 version. 2mo
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While I did enjoy this one, my big take away, unfortunately, is why isn't Nancy in college?! Why is she just *visiting* a college? She's smarter than all those college boys! (Obviously, I know the reason why, but still. Sigh.)

Librarybelle So true! 3mo
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My daughter earned a few ND‘s from library summer reading programs gone by. Mystery number 8 is one she has on her shelf. I finished it today and look forward to the #NancyDrewBR discussion on Saturday. I enjoyed this one.

Librarybelle It was fun! 3mo
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Librarybelle Yay!! 3mo
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Who would have thought a mysterious letter would cause so many issues??? Nancy breaks a postal regulation, is followed and attacked, and also has an altercation with a woman. Plus, she has to cheer on Ned at the football game! I‘m so loving the #NancyDrewBR ! Discussion on the 15th!

#Xander #CatsOfLitsy

Bookwormjillk I gave up on my library and bought a kindle copy today. Looking forward to diving in. 3mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk Sorry! At least you have a copy now! 3mo
Ruthiella I think any postal worker would read this as a horror story! 😱😂 3mo
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RaeLovesToRead Xander!!!! 🥰🥰🥰 3mo
DGRachel I am definitely liking them more as we go along! 3mo
dabbe There's one of your “boys“! 🤩🖤🐾🖤🤩 3mo
Librarybelle Yes, @dabbe ! 😻 3mo
TheAromaofBooks I was like no wonder my packages go astray half the time, they're probably getting caught up in a lonely hearts scam! 😂 3mo
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks I know! 😂 I loved that little twist…what a concept to add for Nancy to discover and solve with her other mysteries. 3mo
Allylu Yes, but she has help from the little kid up the street - no problem. 😊 3mo
Librarybelle I loved that part, @Allylu ! 3mo
Allylu Me too!! 3mo
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Oh, George! 😆

TheBookHippie 😅 3mo
Librarybelle I laughed out loud at that one! 3mo
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What a reminder about how drastically things have changed since the 60s

Librarybelle Yes! 3mo
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Read this during last night‘s #hyggehourreadathon

I‘m ready for our #NancyDrewBR discussion 💙💙

Librarybelle Hooray!!! 3mo
Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛 3mo
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Can‘t wait for the discussion for this one. These earlier books are so much better than the later ones (IMO).

No #NancyNogginKnockout in this one but there was a knockout.


Librarybelle Hooray!! 3mo
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I almost forgot about this! As per usual, Nancy risks bodily harm to investigate a mystery that magically falls in her lap. Our plucky girl detective won‘t be deterred from her quest by anything! I enjoyed this more than I expected, but I wish we‘d had a little more Bess and George. Ned does get a bit more time on page, but now I have to look up 1930s/1960s football rules. Were QBs also kickers back then? 🤔 #nancydrewbr #enquiringminds

BarkingMadRead Yeah that seemed really odd to me as well! I‘m sure there‘s no rule against it, but wouldn‘t the QB want that break when the kicker comes into play? It just seemed like a lot to me! 3mo
Librarybelle Hmmm…I‘m not sure! Being both the QB and the kicker seems off. 3mo
DGRachel @BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle Apparently, it‘s not against the rules and there are a handful of well known (in their time, at least) QBs who doubled as the kicker. It‘s just not super common. #themoreyouknow (edited) 3mo
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I‘m spending my Friday night with Nancy.


Librarybelle Yay!! 3mo
KadaGul Nancy always has a way of making us feel better😁🥰😍 3mo
Sace @Librarybelle I can‘t wait for the discussion on this. 3mo
Sace @KadaGul Yes! She‘s just what I need right now. 3mo
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#Naturalitsy #HyggeHourReadathon

Starting my #HyggeHour early as I need to leave my house at 4:15 AM for an early flight to Hilo. Spending it with Nancy Drew. No snack tonight & drinking lemonade, not shown.

Mood is tired & a little anxious as I always get worried about making early flights. On the plus side, I took a shower, so feeling clean & mango-coconut scented & despite still not having much of a voice, I‘m feeling somewhat better.😷💛

TheBookHippie 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🛫 3mo
bookandbedandtea I'm glad you're feeling a little better. 💛 3mo
dabbe Hope your trip goes well and glad you're feeling better! 💙🩵💙 3mo
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Buddy reads: top row. Plan to read assigned chapters.
Bottom row: #readyourkindle #audiblemystery #camplitsy24

Librarybelle Lots of good reading! 3mo
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Let's go, June. 🌈

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy!! 3mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks 💙🩵💙 3mo
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Librarybelle Yay!! 4mo
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🤣👀 WHAT? who is reading these?! 🤣

Whelp 🤞🏻

Librarybelle Oh my! 🤞 4mo
Ruthiella On the plus side, they don‘t take long to read. Hopefully you‘ll be up soon! 🤞 4mo
AnneCecilie I found it on fadedpage.com 4mo
TheBookHippie @AnneCecilie ooo thx so much!!! 4mo
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella 🙃 I was shocked so far it‘s just been easy. 🫣 summer reading maybe ? School is out soon. 4mo
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#LittenDetectives : We are two weeks away from our next #NancyDrewBR discussion! What happens when Nancy receives a mysterious letter? Let‘s find out!

Questions will be posted on June 15th!

Bookwormjillk My library only has the audiobook for this one. I‘m interested to see what that‘s like. 4mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk Is Laura Linney the narrator? I‘ve not listened to her narrations, but I hear they are good. 4mo
BarkingMadRead Can‘t wait!! 4mo
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bookandbedandtea I'm ready! I really enjoy revisiting these with a group. 4mo
Ruthiella I‘ve already started reading! 😃👍 4mo
Read4life I‘m really enjoying the reread and discussions. 🤓 4mo
Bookwormjillk @Librarybelle no, I‘ll have to look for her version in the future if I do audio again! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks I don't remember this one at all, so I'm curious to see if it comes back to me 😂 4mo
DebinHawaii Just picked mine up from the library! 🎉 4mo
Allylu Already have my copy from the library! 💕📚 3mo
Librarybelle @Allylu Hooray!! 3mo
julieclair I just love the title of this one! 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin This is one reading challenge that I‘m actually keeping up with!😅Looking forward to the upcoming discussion. 👍🏽 3mo
kspenmoll I will be in NYC tomorrow but will catch up Sunday. 3mo
Librarybelle Enjoy NYC, @kspenmoll ! 3mo
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The next book in the #nancydrewreadalong hosted by @librarybelle

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 4mo
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Great discussion for The Clue in the Diary! If you haven‘t had a chance to participate, feel free whenever you are able!

Can you believe, #LittenDetectives , that we are on book 8 in the Nancy Drew series?

Nancy receives a letter that leads her on another sleuthing adventure. #NancyDrewBR

Discussion will be June 15th. All are welcome! If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know!!

Bookwormjillk Interesting. Nancy‘s actually in the title this time! 4mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk Yes! I thought that was interesting too. 4mo
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BarkingMadRead Woohoo can‘t wait!! 4mo
bookandbedandtea Already looking forward to it! 4mo
dabbe Thanks, our hostest-with-the-mostest! 🤩😀🤗
Bookwormjillk I was updating my #192025 tracker today and noticed these were being released around the same time as the Little House books. Not sure what my point is, but I found that interesting. 4mo
Ruthiella What skills will Nancy acquire this time!?!?😁 4mo
Librarybelle Thanks, @dabbe ! 😘 4mo
Librarybelle That is interesting, @Bookwormjillk ! 4mo
Librarybelle @Ruthiella I‘m excited to find out! (edited) 4mo
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Spending the afternoon with Nancy Drew and her gang was such a relaxing throwback! #scarathlon #skeletoncrew @Emilymdxn

Soubhiville Cool cover! 11mo
tpixie Great cover! 11mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 💚🩷 11mo
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LibrarianRyan I love these editions. I wish they had done more than just the first 8 11mo
Emilymdxn This cover is gorgeous! 11mo
peanutnine Wow cover love! 😍 11mo
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I filled in 4 more slots in the #192025 challenge in May! @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Great job! I plan to do a tally of what I read for the challenge so far at the end of June…I‘ve been keeping track on StoryGraph, but it‘ll be fun to pull out the completed from the full list to see the overall progress. 1y
kwmg40 @Librarybelle I've been keeping track in both StoryGraph and in a spreadsheet. I've been trying to read no more than one book by any one author and it's easier to keep track of this in the spreadsheet. 1y
Librarybelle That‘s a good thought! 1y
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This is a low pick, as the plot is rather implausible. However, rereading it reminded me of why I loved this series so much when I was young.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#Magnificent May @Andrew65
#192025 #1932 @Librarybelle

TiredLibrarian I loved these too 📚❤ 1y
Librarybelle I‘d love to go back and read these again! 1y
Andrew65 Well done, brings back memories 👏👏👏 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
kwmg40 @TiredLibrarian @Librarybelle @Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Nice to see so much love for these books. I also loved Three Investigators, Hardy Boys, Cherry Ames, and other series. 1y
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Sometimes I like throwing it back to my childhood 😅 #nancydrew #mystery

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The first Nancy Drew mysteries by Carolyn Keene were published in the 1930s and since then a steady diet of intriguing mysteries have followed, penned by a team of ghost writers under the this pen name.

MamaGina Nancy is the reason I‘m a reader and have a particular love of mysteries 💕 2y
johncadams @MamaGina People love Nancy and her mysteries. I get such a positive response whenever I post a review on my blog. 2y
UwannaPublishme Great review! 🙌🏻It‘s been too long since I‘ve read Nancy Drew. 2y
johncadams @UwannaPublishme So many readers loved her as children. Many still read them now as adults. 2y
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A case of mistaken identity, mail theft, and an unscrupulous con man. Nancy‘s most dangerous case yet.

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A newsletter I subscribe to (dated today) mentioned National Book Boyfriend Day. I assumed today was the day and began reminiscing about my very first #litcrush, Ned Nickerson 🥰, before discovering the actual day was Oct 3. 😒 Ah well. I still came home and mined my childhood set of Nancy Drew books for pics of the delightful N.N. 😁

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#SpringIntoReading Day 2: Fats has shared a list of her #ChildhoodFavorite(s) in her throwback post entitled “Bibliophilia: The Kind of Love That Never Falters (Or My Journey Into Reading).” These are just some of the titles she shared here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-9eu

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sweet Valley High!!!! 5y
vkois88 So many good choices! 5y
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“The two girls with her turned to look toward the sidewalk. Trudging along was an elderly mail carrier. He was lugging a heavy bag over one shoulder. His head was down and his eyes were almost closed against the strong November #wind that swirled leaves and dirt around him.” #QuotsyFeb19 #NancyDrew

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Just finished reading this one aloud. Things get dicey for Nancy this time as she tries to track down a missing heiress before a dangerous con man can swindle her out of her inheritance.

Number 5 down for #nancydrewchallenge , number 2 with the kiddo.

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The best girl detective!


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These are some of the fantastic thrift store finds I got a few days ago. Taking it back to the preteen years.❤️ 🐱Also there is a sleepy, hidden Totem.

zezeki I used to read R. L. Stine like crazy, thanks to him I joined the local library 😁 7y
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A friend got me this Nancy Drew puzzle for my birthday Sunday!! How fun is this?? :)

ellen_bookspired Love this so much! 8y
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Day 26: Sleuth!
Nancy Drew is a 🍑! While I don't usually condone repurposing a book, I ❤️ what RecluseBooks on IG is doing! I bought the book shown to hold a gift for my daughter for Christmas! @LibrarianRyan #octphotochallenge #sleuth

Alfoster Oh my! Loved Nancy Drew and her cool roadster! Now 7 year-old granddaughter loves Nancy Clancy so going to work her up to "my" Nancy!! 8y
Texreader That takes some serious talent! I love it! 8y
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