I'm pretty happy with how my January #bookspinbingo went! I got a bingo, read a ton of my books, and completed both my #bookspin and #doublespin books!
I'm pretty happy with how my January #bookspinbingo went! I got a bingo, read a ton of my books, and completed both my #bookspin and #doublespin books!
Thanks to hubby for putting up the white shelves for me! I‘m very happy with them! I‘m done for now. Not ideally the way I would generally organize them but, for now at least, it works! Apparently I have more books than even I thought lmfao!! I may have to take it easy at the book sale tomorrow & Wednesday 😈😂🤪🤯📚💖
Finally finished organizing (kind of). Bookshelf: very top is box sets, shelves 1 & 2 finished books (random) shelf 3- classics shelves 4 & 5 finished books (random) shelf 6- books that are in a series and I don‘t own all of them yet. Top pic- TBR eventually bottom pic- TBR 2018- books I really need to read!
Guys!!!!! Guess what I did today??? After getting off work half a day early (early start to my holiday? Hell yeah!) I FINISHED my shopping!! With 2 whole shopping days to spare! Huge deal for me lol. How is this bookish, you ask? Well now that I am ahead of schedule I can relax and spend my whole break (11 days!!!) trying to see how many books I can squeeze in before 2018!!! #winningxmas #holidayreading #challengeaccepted 🤗🤗👏👏
It‘s finished! So happy with it! Now just have to wait 5 months for it to be cold enough to wear the Cowl 😍😍😍
Super messy! But I‘m giving myself #👍🏼👍🏼 for this month! I read nine books which is good for my busy month. Also i have officially completed all my photo challenges for this month without missing a day. I don‘t expect this every month but I‘m happy! 😂
Hopefully even more for December!
Yay! I just surpassed my #GoodReads Challenge. The rest of the year is just icing.
Not the best picture or tutu but it's done! The kid helped and loves the finished product. Now to find green sneakers...
Only managed a piecemeal couple of hours this morning around chores and shipping and other boring non-book activities. But I did manage to complete my original stack with a little audio Dickens and PG Wodehouse in between. It's no real surprise that Ali Smith and Terry Pratchett were my favourites 😊 #readathon #deweysreadathon.
4 whole books, 1 partial, 1,319 pages in total. What fun!
Finished the 24 hour #readathon. Finished with 11 hours 22 minutes, a bit disappointed as I was aiming for 12 hours. I finished The Tunnel by Scott Mariani and Splinter the Silence by Val McDermid. Also read some of The Girl Who Saved the King of Sweden by Jonas Jonasson and The Hangman's Song by James Oswald. Next time I am going to break 12hours.!
Well done everyone! 👏 We made it. Now 😴
WOO FINISHED MY READING GOAL LAST NIGHT! I still have so much time left to read more!
Done! #24in48
Blue Lily, Lily blue
Archie, Volume 1
Pride and Prejudice GN
Made You Up
The Raven King
Slow Church
Bailed On:
Decent Proposal
Guys, my #litsyreadingchallenge is DONE! 🎉🎉🎉
I really wanted to get two books (one audio, one Kindle) finished by the end of the month, but I've been so busy I didn't think it was going to happen. I somehow managed to finish both today. 🎉 Whew! #goals #reviewscomingsoon