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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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May 2024 Wrap Up
• Skyward ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• The Fires Of Vengeance ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• The Kiss Countdown ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• The Black Girl Survives In This One ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• The Perfect Ruin ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• The Ministry Of Time ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
• Missing White Woman ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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This has been on my TBR for years and while I have enjoyed Sanderson‘s fantasy novels, this #YASciFi didn‘t really appeal as much… But I started listening & literally couldn‘t stop! I was so sucked in, I ran late all day & pretended to go to bed early just so I could finish listening!! Spensa‘s story as she struggles to make her dreams come true, learn the truth about her father‘s death that changed everything & repair a snarky ship is fantastic!

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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Sanderson is a much beloved writer b/didn‘t do much for me

For one: Not veg*n friendly. 🐀

The sentient spaceship was a plus b/endearing smartalecky feels so Murderbot which came a year earlier than Skyward.


Spensa likes to swear frequently only its a much-repeated “scud”.

The enemy Krell. What are they? Crablike? Crabs flying armored spaceships 🦀 🚀

That‘s sorta cool. I like sentient crabs as all crabs are sentient, right?

Soscha I do mean that about sentient crabs. And lobsters. And squid & octopus. I can‘t hurt my friends. 🦀🦞🦑🐙 🌱 2mo
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Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson

Skyward is the pinnacle of what YA sci-fi should be. Yes, this is coming from a known Brandon Sanderson fan, but you just have to trust me. However, this book is a beautiful blend of the many things I enjoy about YA and sci-fi. There‘s AI starfighters, evil aliens, and mysterious human defects that could destroy the planet all crafted in with teenage angst, arbitrary adult biases, and straight up shitty parenting. Oh, yeah give me that good stuff!

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Sanderson continues to highly impress me with his amazing fantasy stories. Skyward is such a great book. I am so excited for the next one to come out this year!

Kay Spencer
Skyward | Brandon Sanderson

This book has an amazing sense of emotion! Spensa, the main character, is dragged down by her history, but strong willed and hoping to change it. Claim the stars. It's wonderful to feel the strong emotions as she goes through a rough experience at flight school. I'm just over halfway done, and hoping to finish it soon.
I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys sci-fi and want a character in the book to relate to

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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#Skyward is one hell of a ride through a different universe. Lots of fun, building friendships and no romance. My first hooray to Sanderson.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

#brandonsanderson #scifi

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson

It has been such a looong time since I actually enjoyed a YA book. I am SO glad I decided to read Skyward, though, because it is incredible. I was a bit hesitant at first, because I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy Spensa as a character, but I was dead wrong about that. I think Sanderson provided many plot points that I am excited to see getting resolved in the next books, and Skyward itself was nicely paced with engaging space battles. Recommend!

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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This set has been recommended by so many people that I had to go out and get it! They are pretty if nothing else. I don‘t normally buy brand new books, and almost never hard backs. Hope it was the right set to splurge in

carolcharityhome anyone here wanna support our homeless orphans with disabilities in our orphanage homes? 1y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I got this book as part of a book swap and IT. iS. EXCELLENT!! Holy.dhit this book was a wild ride from beginning to end and I can't wait to read the second installment. Absolutely a fun ride with a fabulous cast of Characters. Magnificent. So glad I finally read some Brandon Sanderson he is just spectacular.

Avanders ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Books read in May:
A Closed and Common Orbit - 5⭐
Aurora's End - 4.75⭐
The Prince and the Dressmaker - 4.0⭐
Wolves of the Calla - 5⭐
In an Absent Dream - 4.0⭐
The Wizards of Once - 4.25⭐
Alienated - 3.75⭐
Tin Man - 3.5⭐
The Tea Dragon Society - 4.0⭐
Skyward - 5⭐

Still reading:
Song of Susannah
The Stranger Times

Total pages read: 2,833
Avg. pages/day: ~91.39

Clwojick Wow! Nothing under a 3.5! Sounds like a great reading month! 2y
Nelnjali @Clwojick It was a great month! I only had one DNF too and really I think that was just because I wasn't in the mood for it. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👏🏻📚🎊 2y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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In my quest to find a great series to tackle on audio..the Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson kept coming up as a recommendation. Only on chapter 16, but I'm really liking this!
Eta: final review- 4 stars
I'll be using my monthly audible credits towards the next two books. This was a fun listen.

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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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#TBRPile 📚 “Only fools climbed to the surface. It was stupid to put yourself in danger like that, my mother always said.”

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 📚 2y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Well I love every Sanderson book I‘ve read and this is no exception. Really engaging throughout and the last chunk of the book had me on my toes with all the excimer going on. I could definately see this getting turned into a movie one day. Which I would watch on a heartbeat.

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I finished this around midnight yesterday because I just couldn‘t put it down when it got going. It did take a while for me to get into it, though, but I‘m glad I stuck with it because wow! I really enjoyed it!🌌

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Just like in real life, animal companions can add a lot of joy to a story. And recently, I‘ve read a lot of stories with animals that I just love. And obviously DoomSlug from Skyward is one of them.

The story wouldn‘t be the same without her. And since she‘s my favorite my husband spoiled me with a DoomSlug plush for my birthday.

Are you a fan of animal companions? Do you have a favorite?

Linsy I love doomslug!!!!! So jealous 2y
SayersLover Ooh I didn‘t know they made one of Doomslug!! @wildwoodreads 2y
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RaeLovesToRead Nighteyes from Fitz & the Fool and Lying Cat from Saga ❤❤❤❤❤ 2y
wildwoodreads @Linsy DoomSlug is the best! I was so surprised when I opened the gift! 2y
wildwoodreads @RaeLovesToRead Ohhhh those sound interesting! I need to check them out! 2y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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This was so good! A YA Sci-fi epic that feels like a mix of Top Gun and Star Wars. After needing to take a break from YA that was all seeming the same, it is great to find some great YA books again. I look forward to continuing this series. 5⭐️
2 bingos for my #bookspinbingo 3rd book done for #20in4 #readathon

TheAromaofBooks I really keep meaning to read some Sanderson but still haven't done it yet!!! 3y
Nessavamusic @TheAromaofBooks I read Mistborn a long time ago and it was good but not strong enough for me to continue this series. I loved this one and am going to dive into Way of Kings soon. 3y
Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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“Only fools crawled to the surface.”

Nutmegnc Great book. Great first line!! 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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1. Splitting time between 4 books 😜 Listening Skye O‘Malley, Physical books - The Eye of the World & Instructions for Dancing, KU - Two Kingdoms
2. HEA always
3. Tagged! I want to read more Sanderson

rachelsbrittain That one's on my tbr too! 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Thought this was your average YA book in space. But it turned into something really interesting.

MC starts flying school to show everyone that her family is better than their reputation. She makes friends and enemies and unusual allies.

I'm looking forward to reading the next book.

#AwesomeAugust @Andrew65

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
MidnightBookGirl He is on my To Read Author list! 3y
SayersLover I thought the same thing!! I can‘t wait till the next one comes out this November 😃 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Just finished another great Brandon Sanderson, my #DoubleSpin for this month and I loved it. First in a 3 book series, looking forward to next ones.

Also finished a couple more books started in July, both great: The Midnight Library by Matt Haig and Leonard Cohen's Book of Longing.
All of them picks.

And since I didn't post my #BookSpinBingo card yet, here it is now.

As always, thank you @TheAromaOfBooks!

claudiuo I have to post at least one quote from The Book of Longing by Leonard Cohen whom I love a lot, for his poetry and music:
“Only one thing made him happy and now that it was gone everything made him happy.”
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I‘m reading The Mistborn Trilogy and I‘m loving the friendships in it. They just make my heart happy. So I started thinking about all of the other friendships that I‘ve loved throughout the years. Here are a few books that have great friendships.

What book besties are your favorites?


Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Wow! This one is the best SF book I‘ve read in several years! Starts off a little slow, but then you can‘t put it down. Stayed up way too late finishing it last night so I will probably need extra coffee to get through the work day. 😏 If you‘re a fan of SF I highly recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 103

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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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As I‘ve said a million times, sci-fi isn‘t usually my thing. But lately I‘ve been in a rut. I wanted something different so I gave Skyward a try. I‘m glad I did. I really enjoyed it!

Also, I‘d love to know your favorite sci-fi books. I‘m on the hunt for more. Let me know in the comments!


SilverShanica Try Hench by Natalie Zina Walschots for a not what you‘d expect superhero sci-fi, and The Midnight Bargain by CL Polk for a regency romance inspired fantasy with strong female protagonists and magic. (edited) 3y
lukulamppu I‘m currently reading and loving 3y
wildwoodreads @SilverShanica Thanks! I will have to check them out! 3y
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wildwoodreads @RosaS Oh that sounds good! I‘ll have to check it out! 3y
Lyssa131330 Have you read the illuminae files? They are my go to recommendation at the moment lol 3y
bookishbitch I recommend any of the Murderbot diaries by Martha Wells. All Systems Red is the 1st one. They are short novellas so you don't need to make a huge time investment if you don't like it. 3y
Lucy_Anywhere I recommend the Vorkisigan saga - the first one is Shards of Honour 3y
wildwoodreads @Lyssa131330 I haven‘t but they are on my list! 3y
wildwoodreads @bookishbitch I will check them out! They sound great! 3y
wildwoodreads @Lucy_Anywhere Thanks for the recommendation! I will check it out! 3y
SayersLover One of my favorite sci-fi authors is Lois McMaster Bujold, though some find her a little complex, her writing and characters are high quality. You could try “Cordelia‘s Honor” @megzlynn 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Really enjoyed this book and it‘s my #bookspin book! Fantastic on audio and now I need to hunt down the next one. I absolutely enjoyed the characters and all the twists and turns. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Wow. Just wow. This book was absolutely amazing. Once I got to the last 100 pages, I thought I had it figured out just to find out I had nothing figured out at all. By far one of my favorite books of this year. This was my very first Brandon Sanderson book and I was definitely not disappointed.

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I haven‘t read a Sci Fi book since I was in high school, and I think the last Sci Fi Series I Read was The Lunar Chronicles (💙💙). With that being said, it‘s been a hot minute since I have read anything from this genre. I couldn‘t have picked a more perfect re-introduction into Sci Fi than this one! 🚀 Thoroughly engaging, and full of details that made the scenes and atmosphere feel real. Held my attention from the very beginning.

Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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I wanted to read this book and I am so happy to have it. Thank you again @Deifio 😘😘

#LitsyLoveWinterSwap #LLWS #LitsyLove #Skyward #brandonsanderson #scifi #tbr

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Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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Thank you Fiona @Deifio for these beautiful gifts❤😍❤ We open it last night but it was so dark to take picture so we took this today morning when the sun wake up. Leja said thank you (Hvala in slovenian language). She loves unicorn and took it immediately.
You asked me the same question as I do. Do we read each other minds😂
#LitsyLoveWinterSwap #LLWS #secretsanta #sweetsurprise #litsylove @rsteve388 @Bookgoil

Deifio Glad you like your gifts! The unicorn pencil topper, should be kids safe. I used safety eyes 😉 Merry christmas! ☃️🎄 4y
Crazeedi Yay for litsy love!!!! 4y
Bookgoil Love that card! What fun gifts! That tea looks yummy! (edited) 4y
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maich @Deifio you made it? It is beautiful😍❤ 4y
Deifio Yes, I did, there are lots of crochet instructions for unicorns 😉 4y
maich @Deifio it is perfect❤❤ We love it😘 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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My #5StarReads2020 #FiveStarReads2020
I‘m sure I‘ll have at least 1 more by the time the year‘s up... I‘m listening to Starsight right now..... 🤩🤩🤩

Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit ! 😘😘

Tagging, if you‘re interested and haven‘t done it yet ... @LeahBergen @TheAromaofBooks @MaleficentBookDragon @cobwebmoth @TK421 @SamHeartCoffee @TheSpineView @LibrarianRyan

(And if you have done it already — I look forward to seeing your picks! 😁😘♥️)

Chrissyreadit I just stacked Green Rider and wonder how I never saw that book before! 4y
LeahBergen Thanks for the tag! And now I need to check my list... 🤔 4y
tpixie I‘ve been wanting to read Mexican Gothic 4y
TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the tag!! 4y
SamHeartCoffee Thanks for tagging me! 😘 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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This was amazing!

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Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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This started with Becky Chambers/Wayfarers vibes (certain aspects of premise/world building style are similar) which was great! Then came an extreme eye rolling moment of almost DNF-worthy teenage wish fulfilment (if you've read it you'll know) which was not so great. BUT THEN ... total immersion & compulsive page turning & not 1 but 2 twists *gasp* & knuckle biting action & gotta buy the next one & WOW, that was a lot of fun!

Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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Very excited to start this one today. With thanks to #netgalley for this book.

cleoh This cover 😱 4y
hwestfall I love this cover more than the one I have! 4y
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Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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2/2 @Avanders all of these goodies are sheer perfection! I‘m going to have to hit up our organic store for more! @Mommamanzi this included three #CBBC books- I‘ll try to get to them quickly for you!

Soubhiville That tea looks nice 😊 4y
Avanders ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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1/2 #cbbc @Avanders you continue to insanely spoil me! And no I have not read the book. I love it all, but particularly adore the necklace!

Aims42 Gorgeous necklace!!! What a fun set of goodies ☺️ 4y
Avanders Yes! I‘m so glad — I thought that necklace was *perfect* for you 😊😊 4y
BethM @Avanders I‘m wearing it today 😊 4y
Insightsintobooks That's adorable. What's #cbbc? 4y
BethM @Insightsintobooks it‘s #coffeebeanbookclub. A postal mailing club for coffee and cozy mysteries! 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson

This is by far one of my favorite science fiction books. Sanderson does a great job at world building and allows you to really understand the characters and their universe. Perfectly developed and interesting characters, I read this entire book in one sitting.

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Really loved this one. It is my first Sanderson novel and I‘m a fan. I look forward to reading the second one as well as his adult novels.

#brandonsanderson #skyward #claimthestars

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Teen Angst

LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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These are my #top6reads of 2020 so far! The first 5 were easy picks... the 6th probably tied with a handful of others... Can you guess which one that is? 😏😁

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Only two books this month but both of them were pretty epic! I honestly can't tell which one is better. They are both so different, both have strong characters yet incomparable in terms of the severity of the story. I strongly recommend both!

Bookish_Viking Skyward is excellent, as are the rest of Sanderson‘s books. 4y
PaulaNovotna I actually enjoyed Skyward much more than Mistborn... but I only read Final Empire so far 😁 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I've had so much fun reading this book; I nearly swallowed it whole. I enjoyed getting to know the main character, she was funny and witty, determined and strong. The world is slowly introduced and yet the book never gets boring. I loved the side characters and don't even get me started on M-Bot. He made the book so much better! And of course I have to mention Jerkface..

Johanna414 I love this cover so much more than the one i have! 4y
PaulaNovotna @Johanna414 I also love it so much more! It fits the storyline so much better! 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Two more books to add to my tbr! Happy reading all!

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Well this kicked me right out of my reading slump. I absolutely loved it!! ❤️


Follow.my.read I love EVERYTHING Sanderson!!!!! 4y
my.books.in.squares @Follow.my.read ME TOO. He's an incredible writer. 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Spin wants to become a pilot like her father, who was branded a traitor, and fight against the aliens that attack her world. That plot has been written a thousand times before, but this book has great world building and unique details like Doomslug and M-Bot. I couldn't put it down because I needed to know why it was all happening. It's the first one in a series but thankfully it doesn't end on a cliffhanger and we get answers.

Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I feel like there are explosions going off in my brain after that.

I listened to the entire last hour just staring at this image. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

5 stars... all the stars... claim the stars.....

“Review” based on audiobook at 1.5x speed.

iread2much I LOVED this book, I am interested to see what you think of the next book in the series. 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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Loving this audiobook. Wish I had more time to listen!

Hoping everyone is staying safe out there. 💔🖤

BethM The pandemic has really cut into my audio time! 4y
Avanders @BethM it‘s about the only reading i get done these days 🙍🏽‍♀️ But this book? Soooooooooooooooooo good!!!! 4y
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Skyward | Brandon Sanderson
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 14 #bookstoread #tbrpile

Skyward (Skyward, #1) | Brandon Sanderson
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Wow, this was great! Excellent science fiction. Well paced, funny, exciting.. Loved it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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