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The Bromance Book Club
The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
The first rule of book club: You don't talk about book club. Nashville Legends second baseman Gavin Scott's marriage is in major league trouble. He's recently discovered a humiliating secret: his wife Thea has always faked the Big O. When he loses his cool at the revelation, it's the final straw on their already strained relationship. Thea asks for a divorce, and Gavin realizes he's let his pride and fear get the better of him. Welcome to the Bromance Book Club. Distraught and desperate, Gavin finds help from an unlikely source: a secret romance book club made up of Nashville's top alpha men. With the help of their current read, a steamy Regency titled Courting the Countess, the guys coach Gavin on saving his marriage. But it'll take a lot more than flowery words and grand gestures for this hapless Romeo to find his inner hero and win back the trust of his wife.
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I am a sucker, or this just hit me on the right day, I listened to this book all in one day. It is miserable weather here and I needed an escape and this silly romance was just the ticket. I loved how the author wove a regency inside of a sports inside of a second chance romance! Nothing about this book is too serious or groundbreaking and the writing is fine, but it was a whole lot of fun.

ChaoticMissAdventures I think I stacked this after @MatchlessMarie review! Thank you! I really devoured it. 6mo
MatchlessMarie So glad you liked it! 5mo
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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It is 13°F (-10.5C) here and it isn't snow but ice pellets raining down, the wind is averaging 25 mph (40 kph) and I am geared up for a power outage. I don't remember who recommend the tagged book but I am utterly hooked! Going to listen to it and finish Kevin Kwan 's Lies and Weddings today while I snuggle with whichever cat will have me (currently Mayhem who had 4 teeth pulled this week - we are a mess over here!)

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 6mo
LiteraryinLawrence That sounds like a lot to be dealing with! One of my cats had teeth extracted this year (10 actually) and I was relieved that she recovered really well from that. Hope it‘s the same for yours! 6mo
Suet624 I own a house in a different town that I rent out. Power has been out there for 5 days and they‘re not sure when it will return. I‘m very nervous about busted water pipes. 🥴 6mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @LiteraryinLawrence 10!! Poor Kitty I hope she is doing okay, mine wouldn't let me touch her for 2 days! 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Suet624 5 days!! That is so awful. Hope it comes back soon. 6mo
Suet624 Thanks … I do too. 🙏 6mo
Dilara Oh dear, that is brutal! @Suet624 fingers crossed for you. 5 days without power is very long. I hope your tenants are ok. 6mo
Suet624 @Dilara my tenants are currently staying elsewhere. We are all checking on the place in their absence. 6mo
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Thank you, @KadaGul for introducing me to this series. I loved this book and have already put holds on the rest of the series.
I listened to it at various stops during our boat day yesterday so I couldn‘t post favorite parts. #IslandProblems 😎
These characters are fantastic and I absolutely love the Russian.
#AuldLangSpine #ALSpine #SeriesLove2024 #BookSpinBingo #ReadAway2024

KadaGul @Read4life It's hard not to like THE RUSSIAN. 🤣🤣. I feel for Mack but he deserves it #Bromancebookclub 6mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Awesome! 6mo
willaful The series has been hit and miss for me but I really enjoyed the Russian's book. 😁 6mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 6mo
Read4life @KadaGul here‘s my post for #Bromancebookclub. My hold for book 2 should be ready in the next couple of weeks. I can‘t wait. So happy you recommended this series 🤓 6mo
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Been sleeping on this series. This one was so good. My first “I don‘t need sleep, I need to read my book” read of the year 😂 Gavin‘s marriage is in trouble and his friends approach him with their secret book club where they read between the lines of romance books to mend their relationships to help fix his before it‘s too late. Lots of humor and heart in this one too. ❤️‍🩹#SeriesLove2024

MatchlessMarie Also I just realized I did this as a blurb instead of a review 🤦🏻‍♀️ but yeah this one was a pick for me if you couldn‘t tell 😂 6mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 6mo
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Starting my first #AuldLangSpine book today. Recommended by @KadaGul 🤓

KadaGul @Read4life Share what you find funny as you read #BromanceBookClub. I'll do the same 6mo
Read4life @KadaGul I definitely will! 6mo
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This is a fun and surprisingly informative read. I think it‘s one a lot of men could probably benefit from reading this.
Gavin has a melt down that melts his marriage and his friend introduce him to a group of men in his town that read romance books to help them be better husbands and men. He works to save his marriage and his wife learns that she has work to do as well.
3.5/5 funny at times, rather spicy in some parts, and a nice modern Romance

UwannaPublishme I really enjoyed this one too. Now I need to continue the series. Hugs to Castle! 12mo
wanderinglynn The audiobook version is narrated by Andrew Eiden, which I though did a fantastic job. Plus it was refreshing to have a rom-com narrated by a male voice. 12mo
iread2much @UwannaPublishme I didn‘t know it was a series! Hopefully the rest of the books are just as good 12mo
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iread2much @wanderinglynn that would be a unique experience and perfect for this book I think 12mo
wanderinglynn And there are more books! Like most romanced, you don‘t have to read them in order. But the next one is Mack & Liv‘s story (tagged). But trigger warnings both for Undercover & the next one, Crazy Stupid Bromance: sexual harassment & dealing with trauma from past rape. 12mo
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I can see why people like this book. It is a light easy read and has a man trying to improve his relationship with his wife. There is also some spicy scenes.

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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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The way I inhaled this so fast I should probably reread it already just to retain details. 😅 I am in love with Del and the Bromance Book Club, and I can't wait for more shenanigans. What a fun concept. And the men felt like real men! #contemporaryromance #romcom

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams

This series is wonderful. After reading Adam‘s first, I will be buying the other books in the Bromance Book Club series. This story is definitely sexier than I believed it would be, while still maintaining a strong plot.

#romance #series #bromancebookclub #switchingpov #sexy #relationships #marriage #familydynamics

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Ok, ok, I hung in there until the end and my opinion improved somewhat. I‘m still disappointed because I thought it could have been better, but some of the things I was complaining about were definitely intentional plot points and were indeed addressed by the characters. The author did a decent job bringing it home at the end. I just wish the journey had been a little more fun.
2.5/5 ⭐️

CSeydel Also I think the sky on that book sticking out of his pocket maybe matches Summer Song? #pantone2023 1y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I added this because I absolutely loved the premise, and it has good reviews, including “even people who don‘t read romances [ahem, 🙋🏻‍♀️] will enjoy this book.” But so far it‘s nothing but yikes. Thea‘s entire personality is being unhappy, and inevitably after 3 years of marriage she blames her husband Gavin for this. Gavin is madly in love and willing to do ANYTHING to win her back, but she‘s dead set on divorcing him, mostly to prove ⬇️

CSeydel … that she will be a better Divorced Mom than her mother was. Her psychotic harpy of a younger sister moves in with them, mostly to try to break up the marriage so the sisters can go back to being “you & me against the world,” which is totally normal and healthy. Gavin clearly adores Thea even though he‘s a major doofus about it, but Thea doesn‘t even seem to like Gavin as a person, she‘s just turned on by his rippling pecs etc. 1y
CSeydel SOMEONE WHO HAS READ THIS: Please, does it get better? This can‘t be all there is, right? 1y
CSeydel I mean on every page Thea is pulsating with rage against Gavin but I‘m never entirely clear just what he‘s done to upset her. It seems obvious she‘s actually angry with her parents, and if the resolution includes some version of Thea getting her issues under control, I‘m happy. But I have a bad feeling it‘s not that kind of book… 1y
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CSeydel Also, I‘m getting pretty sick of the author acting like Thea is some kind of supermom because she has two 3-year-olds and no job. Like, I‘m sorry, but that‘s easy mode right there. Oh, wait, the kids take DANCE LESSONS, excuse me, get this lady a trophy because she drives her kids to dance lessons … are you kidding me here (edited) 1y
CSeydel Talk to me when you have 3 kids in 3 different schools; plus Boy Scouts, figure skating, and drama; plus a pair of ailing in-laws who move to your town so you can drive them to daily doctors appointments (edited) 1y
CSeydel Not that I‘m bitter I‘m just saying: two 3-year-olds in the same dance class is not my idea of “overwhelming” (edited) 1y
CSeydel There‘s a whole page where Gavin swoons over her mad parenting skills because she walks into the kitchen after he‘s fixed the girls breakfast, barks at him to get his schedule written on the whiteboard, drops a paper towel on the floor over some water the dog spilled, and leaves again to go get dressed. Wow, teach me your secrets, I don‘t know how she does it 1y
CSeydel You think I‘m just being snarky but it literally says “Thea grabbed a handful of paper towels and dropped them over the mess”. In fairness though I left out that she simultaneously “answered a question from Amelia about where her pink headband was” so … pretty amazing all told 1y
Bklover Oh this review is definitely the best thing I‘ve read today! Definitely going to avoid this one. I remember my days of single motherhood, and if I read this I‘d probably end up burning the book (and possible needing a Xanax). Thank you for making me laugh today! ❤️❤️❤️😅 1y
CSeydel @Bklover Thank you for saying so! I‘m losing my mind over this book but with all the positive reviews, I feel like I‘m just being a curmudgeon. But seriously, it‘s such a fantastic premise, I‘m extremely disappointed in how it‘s written. 1y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I don‘t read romance often, so I‘m not a great judge but I liked this one enough. Truly, I‘d say I‘m ‘romance adverse,‘ but I actually wanted to pick up my kindle and thought about the characters when I wasn‘t reading. The idea that grown men were discussing romance novels to better their marriages and discussing the idea of played out and tired female stereotypes together was really neat. If I see any others on the kindle sale, I‘m game 👍

LeafingThroughLife I‘m not much of a romance reader either, so I was also surprised to find myself liking this one as much as I did. Finished the second in the series (Undercover Bromance) recently and would definitely recommend! 1y
CarolynM I do read romance and I agree this is a good one. I liked that it talked sensibly about some serious issues without being heavy. 1y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Very funny second chance romance book. Quite a few laugh out loud moments and also a lot of sincere romantic moments. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I love the idea of this book, I just hope it lives up to my expectations!

TLuvs Deeper and more intense then I expected. But still a great idea of a story line. Lots of cute moments and real life experiences that anyone who's been married can identify with. Final rating is a 3.5 star. 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This was funny, & the plot is original, but about halfway through I started getting really annoyed because while we see the main character‘s husband ostensibly ask for consent, & the writing is engaging & satisfying & easy enough to loose yourself in, the main character had clearly decided & communicated that she wanted her marriage to be over & her wishes & her autonomy are completely ignored in the name of the greater goal of winning her back.

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Has anyone read this series?? I am just discovering it and have decided that I must collect them aaaallllll!

bookandbedandtea I read the first one and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll get around to the rest of them one of these days. 😁 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Another bookclub flop... What's happening?! 😬

Not bad writing but this book wasn't for me. I'm also not one for most conventional contemporary romance books either.

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Gavins marriage is in trouble. Thea asks for a divorce but Gavin wants to fight for his wife. Gavin has some help from the most unlikeliest source. Has he got what it takes to win the love of his life back?
This is a steamy, heart warming, realistic portrayal of working at your marriage. The story had depth and I was rooting for both MCs. Several secondary characters were a great addition. Every scene had a purpose, can‘t wait to read the sequel.

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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I loved how main characters were already married. That's so rarely the case in romance novels and I liked that!! A new relationship is only the beginning and there is still so much to go through. I loved also secondary characters, they all felt so alive.

I loved every scene and it was heart-warming to follow their life. I loved the message this book gave. This was really enjoyable to read!

#Pantone2022 #SeriesRead2022 #aestheticallymatched

Clwojick Loved this book! 2y
PageShifter @Clwojick We seem to have similar taste with this kind of books :D 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Started my new library hold today 📕📕

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I‘m sat on the sofa reading my book, I look up and think to myself is Lola comfortable 🐶💕

CBee She‘s so pretty! 2y
Cupcake12 @CBee not when she‘s rolling in fox poo 🐶🤣 2y
CBee @Cupcake12 oh nooooo I have a chihuahua who does stuff like that. She rolled in a dead worm once, it was SO GROSS 😳😳😳😂😂😂 2y
Megabooks Pretty girl, but mine can really get dirty too!! 😂😂 2y
PaperbackPirate Cute doggy! And like @CBee @Cupcake12 and @Megabooks one of my dogs is a dirty girl too. 💩🐕 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams

“All human beings are a work in progress, and we don‘t all change at the same pace. Who knows how many people have gotten divorced simply because they failed to recognize that what they thought were insurmountable problems were actually just temporary phases?“

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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@Littlewolf1 thanks for the extra! You didn‘t have to do that!

Littlewolf1 I know… But I hope you enjoy it anyways. Thank you for being patient with me. 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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A professional baseball player tries to save his marriage with the help of some unlikely sidekicks. I did not expect to enjoy this one as much as I did and was delighted to find out it is actually a series.

Julsmarshall I love this series! I felt like it got stronger with each book! 2y
wallacereads @Julsmarshall - so glad to hear!! 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Robin, this was such a lovely surprise to get in the mail today! Thank you so much for thinking of me! It made my day extra special. ☺️💕

robinb You are welcome! Always glad to pass books along. 😊 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Genre: Romance
Rating: 3.5
Recommend: Yes!
This is a rom-com worth reading. It‘s cute & fun but doesn‘t shy away from stating what‘s wrong. It‘s the best kind of cheese. So, why only 3.5?
Really 2 characters.
I loved Gavin & the Bromance Book Club. They‘re sweet, funny, & good people. The one thing they couldn‘t do was make up for Thea and Liv. Thea kinda redeemed herself by the end, but not enough for 4 stars.
Would Read again.

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I think this might be my first romance novel! Gavin‘s marriage is in the rocks and his buddies decide to invite him to their secret book club. These macho guys read romance novels as the instruction manual to save their marriages. So, there‘s a book within a book and as Gavin reads more and more, he definitely learns how to connect with Thea. Not all smooth sailing and there are some very graphic sex scenes.
Funny, good book.

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This was too much fun. Gavin finds out his wife has been "faking" it their whole marriage. His friends decide to allow him into their secret book club where they read Regency romance novels to learn what women want and to help Gavin win his wife back. I honestly expected this to be just ok but it had great characters, a relationship with realistic problems, and hilarious scenes with these men discussing romance books. #fun #romance #read

CoverToCoverGirl I thoroughly enjoyed it too, SO much fun. 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I put up a new book display at the library yesterday. It's of romance books with illustrated covers. People seem to love or hate them. I tend to like them.

LiteraryinLawrence Great display! 2y
tracey38 They are definitely a thing right now. I like them. 2y
Kimberlone I think it‘s a good trend! 2y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I got some very unexpected but very much appreciated #bookmail which really made my day! Thank you so much for the surprise #LitsyLove package @Kaylamburson ! 🤗 I swear it seems to me that Litsy is one of the only places these days with genuinely nice people. Thank you again so much and I hope you are doing well! Looking forward to reading this book. 🤗


Johanna414 What a sweet surprise! 3y
Kaylamburson So glad it was a good surprise!! I truly love this community so much. Everyone makes it a place you want to be and people you want to be friends with! Enjoy it!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So true!! ❤️ 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Giving this a shot

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams


The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Prompt: 13 or 31 chapters

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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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⭐⭐⭐ #BookishBingo
Prompt: 13 or 31 chapters

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Got the first week of my new job under my belt so taking a day to just breathe and read this

LiteraryinLawrence Congrats on the new job! 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Progress on #booked21 - only 2 to go! The Bromance Book Club was a bit of fun. Completely Romancelandia pandering, but I am here for that. #romantsy

@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

Cinfhen Yay!!! You‘ve got this🙌🏻💗 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick! And progress!! (edited) 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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An entertaining romance where a group of men have a romance novel book club to learn to understand women better. Gavin, the male lead, is inducted into the book club by a friend and team member after Gavin's wife asks for a divorce. Gavin learns how to forge a stronger relationship with his wife through the course of the book, leading to our HEA.

A cute premise. 4 ❤️.

CoverToCoverGirl Such a fun read! 💜 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Just started this now that I‘m up to date on The Expanse books. On my hook: Meandering Paw Prints scarf.

Bookzombie That scarf looks so cute! 3y
BookishMadHatter Beautiful stitchwork 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I liked the premise & characters in this one. Wasn‘t my favorite romance book but I‘ll prob check the rest of the series out from the library at some point. Gavin is a pro baseball player with a family. After his wife asks for a divorce, he tries to win her back with the help of his friends, who use romance books to figure out the women in their lives. This is my #doublespin for August. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I liked this one except Gavin's sister-in-law was SO horrible. I really hated the way that every time Gavin's wife was wanting to repair her marriage/listen to Gavin/work through problems the sister just went off on a man-hating spiel. I've never picked up the second book because the sister is the MC & I'm not sure I can deal with it! 😂 3y
Scochrane26 @TheAromaofBooks I know, she was annoying. I‘m curious about her being the MC, so I‘ll prob at least skim it—but not going to buy a copy. 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Before I start my #bookspin I gotta read this library book. It looks like a quick read!

vonnie862 It's super cute! 3y
CoverToCoverGirl I really enjoyed it! 3y
HOTPock3tt I enjoyed this one too! ☺️ 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This was absolutely cute! I loved the bromance and I loved how Gavin tried to win back his wife. 4⭐

#bromancebookclub #firstbook

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Gavin‘s wife, Thea, wants a divorce. Gavin doesn‘t want to loose her. His baseball teammates/friends has them join their romance book club to help him win back his wife.

This book is so cute and funny! I liked the concept behind the book club. I liked that the main character had a stutter. I liked the other characters as well. The plot was executed well.

#books #audiobooks #adultbooks #romancebooks #librarybooks #libby

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Thank you so much @wanderinglynn for the book and all the goodies. It arrived safe and sound. I am looking forward to reading this one!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💞💞💞 3y
ShelleyBooksie I've heard great things about this book! 3y
wanderinglynn Yay! I hope you enjoy the book! 💜😀 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Thanks for the tagged @RamsFan1963
1. You‘ve got mail.
2. The tagged series. I even have my dream cast mostly picked out.
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Quite enjoying The Bromance Book Club. It has some cute and inspirational quotes.

Book for #AwesomeAugust

BennettBookworm Loved this one!! 3y
vonnie862 @BennettBookworm it was very cute! 3y
Andrew65 Looks good. 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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This was a fun camping trip! I finished listening to Sanctuary, I am 72% in Bromance Book Club, and I am halfway through Bunny. Bunny is taking me longer than expected. It's a super confusing book. Anywho...

We don't sing campfire songs or tell scary stories. Instead, we like to tell each other funny stories from our past. We like to laugh around the campfire.

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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And by random drawing, the winner of my #bromancegiveaway is @DinoMom 🎉

Sharon - please email your mailing address to lynn@wanderinglynn.com 😀

Thanks everyone who entered!

DinoMom Yay! So excited , I will send you an email! 3y
TheSpineView @DinoMom Congrats! 🎉 3y
AmyG Congrats! 🎉 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Check out @wanderinglynn 's page for info on her #bromancegiveaway ☺️💕

wanderinglynn And now you have 2 entries! 🙌🏻 3y
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The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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Go to @wanderinglynn to check out this #bromancegiveaway 💚💚💚💚💚

wanderinglynn And now you have 2 entries! 🙌🏻 3y
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