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The Red House Mystery
The Red House Mystery | A.A. Milne
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A couple of vintage finds from the weekend!

I‘ve been meaning to read the tagged book for YEARS (the only mystery novel by the creator of Winnie the Pooh).

jlhammar Wow, fabulous finds! 5mo
BookNAround That mystery makes me so curious! 5mo
Tamra Jackpot! 5mo
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batsy Nice! I want to read the Milne mystery, too. (I want to read all the books referred to in Peter Swanson's Eight Perfect Murders before reading his book 😆) 5mo
mabell The mystery was unique! (I finally read it this year) And my mom loves Gladys Taber! (I haven‘t read any of hers myself) 😊 5mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar @Tamra Here‘s hoping they‘re good! 🤞 5mo
LeahBergen @batsy I‘ve read a couple AFTER reading that book. Luckily, my memory is not the best for mystery finales. 😂 5mo
LeahBergen @mabell I haven‘t read any Gladys Taber but I‘ve seen a few people on Instagram who love her. 5mo
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen @mabell I haven‘t read any Taber either, but I have a friend who keeps recommending her. 5mo
mabell @rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen I know Susan Branch is also a big fan 😊 5mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads I‘ve flipped through this book a bit and I think we‘ll both like her (she seems to adore her cat and her dogs 😆). 5mo
LeahBergen @mabell That‘s cool! 5mo
Centique These are both beautiful 😍 Great finds! 5mo
Centique @batsy i love that youre going to read that list of books first! I might steal that idea - although likely it will take me years to read them 😂 Definitely feeling in the mood for some mysteries 5mo
LeahBergen @Centique Thank you! And yes to your comment to @batsy … I‘m feeling in the mood for some mysteries, too! 5mo
batsy @Centique I, too, am worried that this might take me years and by then Swanson will put out another similar concept thriller and then I'm behind for decades 😂 Like you and @LeahBergen I want to read more mysteries as well, especially now that I'm reading some heavy fiction! 5mo
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Locked room mystery by the author of Winnie-The-Pooh.

Written at a time when only one Poirot had appeared but continually harking back to Sherlock and Watson, it really wasn‘t that complex but still quite enjoyable.

Ruthiella I thought this was a fun one. 👍 7mo
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"In the drowsy heat of the summer afternoon the Red House was taking its siesta."


emz711 Oooo. Not Winnie the Pooh? 7mo
rwmg @emz711 same author but no talking teddies as yet 7mo
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Anthony Gillingham is a financially independent, man of all work, who takes on a murder mystery as an amateur detective. Coincidentally arriving at a country house the same time as a ne‘er-do-well brother and a gunshot, Anthony decides to put his Sherlockian skills to the test. In this he is ably assisted by fun-loving Bill as Watson.

Lots of humor, which makes sense, as Milne was a writer for Punch!

Thank you for sending it @BennettBookworm !

BennettBookworm So fun!! ❤️ 7mo
Tamra Want to read! 😃 7mo
mabell @BennettBookworm It was! And it looks so pretty on my shelf too! 😄😍 7mo
mabell @Tamra It was a good mystery, and interesting to think this was pre-Winnie the Pooh! 7mo
BennettBookworm 💕😄 7mo
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Maybe because of all the classic crime novels I've been reading lately with the #goldenagecrimeclub @Mitch but I found this locked room mystery to be derivative and predictable, if a rather sweet written gift from the author to his father. I'll stick to Milne's books for kids! #Scarathlon Book 6 #spookyghostclub #trappedinaspookyhouse @TheAromaofBooks 21 word-search-words

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 9mo
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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Only mystery book by the writer of Winnie the Pooh and since I now feel too old to read that I thought I‘d try this novel. If you like locked room novels from the a bygone era it‘s definitely worth a read but if your a crime mystery book lover you‘ll probably guess what happened and the murderer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Red House Mystery | A A Milne
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Suzanne, I love it all! The book came in cute wrapping with a card. So nice! ❤️ The cover is so cool, and I‘m excited to read AA Milne‘s mystery! The recipes you chose sound so good! Chris (husband and partner-in-food) is particularly looking forward to the cinnamon rolls. 😄 Your cards are gorgeous! They will have their own post!

Thank you so much!

LeahBergen This is a book I‘ve been meaning to read for years. And what a pretty edition! 2y
BennettBookworm I‘m so overjoyed that you like them!! And this book looked so fun! ❤️ So happy we were partners!! 2y
mabell @LeahBergen I hadn‘t heard of it until recently! I might just dive right in. 😄 It is a striking cover! 2y
mabell @BennettBookworm I am too! Thank you so much for hosting! I‘ll keep you posted as I make the recipes! 😊 2y
BennettBookworm Same here! 🙌🏻👩🏻‍🍳 2y
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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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Middlin' I enjoyed reading something different from Milne besides Pooh. The characters thought highly of themselves, but it was fun when they compared themselves to Holmes and Watson.

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I‘ve had this one on my TBR since it was mentioned in Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson, but luckily my memory is crap so I couldn‘t remember the spoiler for the ending. 😂 This was a very witty and enjoyable whodunit. I‘m so glad Milne decided to try out this genre even if it was just the one. I will have to try listening to the audio version that features a full cast one day. I‘d definitely love to revisit this story.

MatchlessMarie I forgot to add this was my April #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks 2y
EvieBee I‘m working my way through the list, too! 2y
TheAromaofBooks I've been meaning to read this one forever!! 2y
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Larkken Haha, I tried to read the list first (before reading swonsons book) and failed since the library doesn‘t have them all. Fun thing to try! (edited) 2y
MatchlessMarie @EvieBee I really enjoyed Deathtrap. The movie too! Also Double Indemnity is narrated by Stanley Tucci if you like audio… or Tucci 😜 I think I have 3 left from the list! 2y
MatchlessMarie @TheAromaofBooks I really liked it. I thought the dedication was sweet. He wrote it for his father who loved detective stories. 2y
MatchlessMarie @Larkken One of the few times my faulty memory serves me well lol 2y
EvieBee @MatchlessMarie Oooh nice! I‘ll definitely check those out. I bought Malice Aforethought and The Drowner on Kindle. 2y
MatchlessMarie @EvieBee Those are 2/3 that I still need to finish. They are hard to find right lol 2y
EvieBee For sure! Funnily I used to own an old paperback copy in high school of The Drowner. I used to collect old mystery paperbacks. 🤣 Wonder what happened to it. Kindle it is for now! 2y
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Friendship goals 😄

Lindy Ha! 2y
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Called out 😂💀 #AwesomeApril

The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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Lovely #Sherlockian story.

The writing is superb.

GingerAntics Is this the same Milne that created Winnie the Pooh?! 3y
julesG @GingerAntics Yes, that's him. 3y
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JazzFeathers I read it last year and really enjoyed it 😊 3y
GingerAntics I had no idea he did a Sherlockian story. Now I need to find this book. 3y
Andrew65 I need to get hold of this one, 👏👏👏 3y
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

"In the drowsy heat of the summer afternoon the Red House was taking its siesta."

Oryx A Chester purchase? 😁 Hopefully you'll have some more of those purchases soon 3y
julesG Yes, that was the second place we visited that morning, and only because we were in Chester before they had opened. I'm looking forward to browsing in a 'real' bookstore, not just that one tiny shelf with the NYT bestseller list books in English. And this time I have my own Waterstones stamp card. Sorry, @scripturient 😬 3y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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This was down to me, not the book - it‘s been a looooong half-term and a chest infection means that I really wasn‘t keeping track of the plot. Back it goes on the TBR Pile! #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't the right fit!! 3y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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#TBRPile 📚”In the drowsy heat of the summer afternoon, the Red House was taking its siesta.”

The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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This dedication page is so sweet 🕵🏻‍♂️

tpixie That makes me want to read this! 3y
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A good amount read and enjoyed in February

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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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A country house murder mystery: two brothers, one murdered and the other on the run. Our amateur detective Tony Gillingham must solve one baffling clue after another, with his own ‘Watson‘ on hand as a member of the house party. A great story, Milne keeps the reader close to the detective, able to see each clue and follow the reasoning. Thank you @TheAromaofBooks of this fabulous Christmas present.

LeahBergen This is one I‘ve been meaning to read for years. 3y
veritysalter @LeahBergen I really enjoyed it, it‘s a quick read and the plot is not too intricate, but the character of Gillingham was fun and I was just happy to continue reading. I hope you get around to it. 3y
Thousand-Lives Looks like a cozy reading spot! 3y
veritysalter Thank you @Thousand-Lives it is. We‘ve been preparing for snow, unfortunately only had rain, sleet and winds, so I had the opportunity to make a nest and read. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! So glad you enjoyed this one!! ❤ 3y
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Red House Mystery | A A Milne
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Finished reading yesterday and really really enjoyed it.
The mystery is really intriguing and not too improbable, but what l really liked where the characters, interesting and relatable all of them.
It is a cute story, witty in making fun of XIX century mysteries, but also moving in places.
Well worth reading.

mabell This sounds fun! I never knew AA Milne wrote a mystery! 4y
JazzFeathers @mabell Me neither. It was a pleasant surprise. 3y
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Red House Mystery | A A Milne
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Someone posted about this book last week. Never imagined that the author of Winnie the Pooh wrote a mystery. I was so intrigued.
So when l stumbled upon the audiobook, l had to try it.

Just listened to chapter 1 and l'm hooked.

On a side note, l've never read Pooh's stories, but now l really want to.

The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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Most remembered as the author of the well-known Winnie-the-Pooh tales, A.A.Milne also wrote this book, which is his first and final work into the detective and mystery genre. It‘s an enjoyable locked-room mystery, highly recommended to fans of detective fictions and Agatha Christie.

#wordsofoctober #red

Image from Folio Society.

OriginalCyn620 Awesome! I‘ll have to check that out one day! 4y
veritysalter I keep meaning to find this book, I think it is his only solo mystery. 4y
batsy Oooh to own that Folio edition 😍 4y
LeahBergen I‘ve been meaning to buy this one for years (and the Folio edition would be a nice choice 😆). 4y
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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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Read this one in a day - think Agatha Christie, with homage to Holmes and Watson. A locked room murder and a stranger that happens to visit on the same day leads to detection and red herrings galore. At first, I was not completely engaged, but as the clues progressed, I was hooked! Plus, I kept thinking about Winnie the Pooh while reading - I think I still like those stories by Milne a bit more. However, the dedication to his dad was sweet!

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 4y
batsy Sounds like my jam! And I like that cover. 4y
Librarybelle @batsy This is a copy I borrowed from my mom, which she got through a book club ages ago. I like the cover too! 4y
StayCurious Interesting! 4y
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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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🎧 A house full of guests, a non-beloved brother comes to visit. The brother is heard arguing in the study then found shot between the eyes behind the locked door, alone. His brother, the homeowner is missing. A Sherlock/Watson-type Detective story ensues. The audio quality was pretty bad, they should re-record this little gem. From the author of Winnie-The-Pooh, who woulda guessed! Rating lower due to poor sound quality. 😁 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Red House Mystery | A A Milne
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First book in my #EightPerfectMurdersProject. Solid mystery, enjoyable narrator. Good start.

Currently Reading: The Drowner
On Deck: Strangers on a Train

The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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@Lillie @TheAromaofBooks This one was a really fast read. I enjoyed it, but I‘m curious why it would have been chosen as one of the 8 books referenced in Eight Perfect Murders. In this book, an outsider is in the right (or wrong) place at the right time and comes across a fresh murder scene. He stays and does some amateur sleuthing (he‘s very clever!) with a friend to try to solve the case. There isn‘t a lot of adornment, just the mystery.

ramblingsofareader This is very near the top of my TBR, looking forward to getting started! 4y
Lillie @LiteraryinLititz that was quick! I was able borrow the ebook so I‘ll be reading it today. 4y
TheAromaofBooks The narrator of Swanson's book says that the ones he chose for the list weren't necessarily good mysteries - they were good murders. In other words, murders that he thought would be extremely difficult to solve in real life. More in a spoiler comment - 4y
TheAromaofBooks My understanding (I haven't actually read this one) is that the murderer kills two people, but makes it look as though one of the victims is actually the murderer and has skipped town. The narrator of Swanson's story liked the concept of blaming a victim for the crime, meaning the investigators would be looking for a “murderer“ who is dead, instead of the real killer. 4y
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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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Good, quick, solid mystery. Loved the setting and amateur detective. Read this one to prep for the book Eight Perfect Murders which discusses several famous mysteries.

BarbaraTheBibliophage Wait ... the picture doesn‘t match ... 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
Julsmarshall @BarbaraTheBibliophage I totally missed that! 😂🤣 Fixed it! 4y
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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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#currentread Who knew AA Milne wrote a mystery? Apparently only this one, written for his father.

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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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There‘s nothing better than discovering a new book you want to read except, perhaps, finding one by an author who otherwise made a name for themselves writing other types of books. Milne, author of none other than Winnie the Pooh, also wrote one mystery in 1922. It‘s a locked door story and very highly regarded. It‘s a little like stumbling across Louisa May Alcott‘s A Long Fatal Love Chase—unexpected & surprising. I definitely have to read it!

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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne

It's funny to think of the author of Winnie the Pooh writing a mystery novel! It's not a bad crack at it, either. It doesn't stand out as being especially good, but it's enjoyable enough and I do enjoy that the Watson character isn't *too* silly.

The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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erinreads They‘re all stunning! 😍 5y
Nute Wow! 5y
LeahBergen Ooooh, I love that Milne cover! 😍 5y
Reviewsbylola Pretty! 5y
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The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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I bought myself a little gift from Folio basically so I could get the free journal 🤷🏼‍♀️. But I am also drawn to this cover and illustrations AND the fact that it‘s written by AAMilne!

Has anyone read this?

tpixie No!!! Awesomeness!!! 6y
DivineDiana Love all of it! ❤️ 6y
Kalalalatja Lucky you 😍😍 6y
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Lcsmcat I read it years ago. It reminded me of Agatha Christie, but otherwise I don‘t really remember much about it. 6y
LeahBergen Gahhh! Those illustrations! 😮😮 I‘ll be needing this. 6y
Leftcoastzen So Beautiful ! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Yes, but I was a bit disappointed by it. Has some Christie vibes to it, that‘s why I picked it up. The Folio illustrations are gorgeous! 6y
emilyhaldi Treat yo self! 6y
Reviewsbylola Very pretty!! 6y
Reviewsbylola Hopefully there were some Christmas gifts in that box too. 😆 6y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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I‘ve read some of Milne‘s plays and enjoyed them, but I‘m delighted to discover this excellent addition to the mystery genre from him as well. If you enjoy Christie and Chesterton and their fellows, then The Red House Mystery will be another enjoyable romp through the murder-riddled English countryside!

The Red House Mystery | Alan Alexander Milne
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Shoulda stuck to your day job, AA Milne.

Actually, this stand alone mystery story by the author of Winnie the Pooh predates The Hundred Acre Woods. He gave the genre a good try, and even though the denouement was clever the middle section was a bit wobbly. It‘s as if, like Winnie, the story had been indulging in a bit too much honey. 🍯

Purrsistently Very much agree😅 I liked Bill but everything else was meh 6y
Libby1 @Purrsistently - phew! Maybe we‘ve both read too many good mysteries? 6y
Purrsistently @Libby1 I actually haven‘t read very many. I like agatha christie and Simon Tolkien though :) 6y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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My beloved vintage book collection. #shelfie #riotgrams

rubyslippersreads 😍📚😍 6y
readordierachel 😍😍😍 6y
chael0910 That is one epic vintage collection you have there.👍 I had one like that back then, It was a collection of books of my grandparents handed over from generations by their ancestors it was a full room that I could just get lost in my own reading universe. Sadly, Mt. Pinatubo errupted and it washed out everything. We saved a few but the full collection was gone forever. 6y
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Wilkie @chael0910 That is so sad😔. Most of my books have been collected in the last 5 years, I love finding hidden treasures at markets and second hand book shops. I hope that you can build up a wonderful book collection that reminds you of your Grandparents. 6y
chael0910 @Wilkie That is so true. Second hand bookshops are like my "happy pill". There is this wonderful feeling whenever I am inside one. The best part is when I find books where there some notes and anotations from the previous owner. It's like a he/she is sharing a part her thru the book. 6y
Linsy 😍 6y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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Many of us are familiar with the creator of the beloved characters Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore, but A.A.Milne was also the author of numerous dramas and novels for adults, among them, this little gem of finely crafted #whodunit.

zsuzsanna_reads I have heard good things about this one from friends. 🤗 7y
JazzFeathers Noooooo! I need it!!!! 😲 7y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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This is my go-to genre when I need something a little lighter. There's murder but no-one is terribly upset and it's all jolly good fun. The Red House has all the cozy tropes, eccentric amateur detective, admiring sidekick, country house setting. But after a good start it drifted, and I drifted as it lost steam in the last third. It was a good way to cleanse the literary palette but it's not the best of its kind.

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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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Homemade plum crumble and cream, trees and an early 20th century crime novel by the writer of Winnie-the-Pooh. Perfect cozy night in.

saresmoore Yes. 8y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore (crumble courtesy of my ever-wonderful flatmate 💜) 8y
valeriegeary Yum! 8y
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The Red House Mystery | A. A. Milne
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That moment when you discover that The Red House isn't a hard boiled crime novel featuring a Sam Spade-esqe Winnie the Pooh and is actually a fairly tedious crime novel not set in the 100 acre wood. 😔

readinginthedark 😆Sorry, I‘m not laughing at you, but the idea of a crime novel set in the 100-Acre Wood! Actually, your idea sounds kind of like Jasper Fforde‘s Nursery Crime Series! Have you read those? 6y
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Red House Mystery | A A Milne
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Interesting introduction by A.A. Milne to his novel The Red House Mystery regarding what makes a good detective story.
A.A. Milne is best known as the author of Winnie-the-Pooh. However he was well known playwright and poet before his earlier work was overshadowed by his children's books success.

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