My #autumncomfortswap box came in!! Can‘t wait to open it! @thebacklistbook
My #autumncomfortswap box came in!! Can‘t wait to open it! @thebacklistbook
*Definitely prone to nightmares if I read something too dark right before sleep.
**I return to the first chapter of the tagged book often. Makes me feel cozy and inspired. Ex Libris by Anne Fadiman and 84, Charing Cross Road are a couple of others that I love to revisit.
***Reorganize my library. I have several stacks of books waiting to be shelved, but need to make some room first.
#BloomingBibliophiles #pastelcover Love Home comforts because I can lookup what mom and grandma knew about the finer points of housekeeping!
I don‘t normally read nonfiction but when I moved out of my parents house I had soooo many housekeeping questions and my mother was miles away (this was before texting was a thing! AOL anybody?!) This book answered all my questions and then some. I learned how to make hospital corners, how to get stains out, and how to iron (yes I used to actually iron before I had kids.) it taught me all the basics and more. Highly recommend.
#Yellow #JulyColdplay That song is such an ear worm! The tagged book will always be in my library, all the home care tips you need are in this book.All the things mom and grandma knew! I love finding old cookbooks at cheap sales and the Blueberry Hill was irresistible!
Birthday gifts from my parents 😍😍😍
"You packed this for me to sit on right? Not to ship to a friend." ??? #catsoflitsy #bookswap #bookmail
You know those times when you're going to have company come and stay, so you move furniture around to make accommodations, but then you find your 2017 Reading Challenge lists and so you decide to take a break to update those? Meanwhile my house looks like a bomb went off inside and these two aren't helping...and I'm out of swiffers.
You know those times when you take a picture and you look at it and you think awww - and you feel so emotional and so full of love when you look at it? I love you swiffer mop - I really, really do.
#riotgrams Day 2 I read wherever I am, but I spend most of my time on the couch or in the chair in my office. I also read before bed. #whereiread #bookriot
I almost exclusively read in bed, but only because I wore my reading chair out & had to get rid of it 😬😂 I'm working on convincing my boyfriend that we *need* something comfy like this..he'll come around eventually I think 💁🏼 #whereiread #riotgrams #pinterest
Not too interesting, I know, but I do most of my reading on my couch. Usually with my super soft and warm U of L blanket wrapped around me. #whereIread #riotgrams #l1c4
#whereiread Here or on comfy couch in family room (this one just isn't soiled from my constant presence)😜😜😜!
This is normally where I read. It's at the end of the house away ftom most of the family where it's nice & quiet.
I also like to occasionally read in a cafe.
#riotgrams #whereiread
How to clean your house in five minutes before people come over: don't have birds... 😀
This is what my daughter gave me for Christmas last year. I'm cashing it in today and going to put my feet up and read 😀 I held on to it all year - long enough to where she had forgotten about it #parentinglikeaboss
Ok, this one is stretching but the main character in I'll Stand By You loses everything and has to start all over. I borrowed Home Comforts from my mom a long time ago and haven't read it yet. This is my last #fictionnonfictionpairing for #seasonsreadings2016