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Marriage of Opposites
Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman
A luminous, Marquez-esque tale ("O, The Oprah Magazine") from the "New York Times" bestselling author of" The Museum of Extraordinary Things" a forbidden love story set on a tropical island about the extraordinary woman who gave birth to painter Camille Pissarro the Father of Impressionism. Growing up on idyllic St. Thomas in the early 1800s, Rachel dreams of life in faraway Paris. Rachel s mother, a pillar of their small refugee community of Jews who escaped the Inquisition, has never forgiven her daughter for being a difficult girl who refuses to live by the rules. Growing up, Rachel s salvation is their maid Adelle s belief in her strengths, and her deep, life-long friendship with Jestine, Adelle s daughter. But Rachel s life is not her own. She is married off to a widower with three children to save her father s business. When her older husband dies suddenly and his handsome, much younger nephew, Frederick, arrives from France to settle the estate, Rachel seizes her own life story, beginning a defiant, passionate love affair that sparks a scandal that affects all of her family, including her favorite son, who will become one of the greatest artists of France. A work of art ("Dallas Morning News"), "The Marriage of Opposites" showcases the beloved, bestselling Alice Hoffman at the height of her considerable powers. Her lush, seductive prose, and heart-pounding subject make this latest skinny-dip in enchanted realism the Platonic ideal of the beach read (Slate.com). Once forgotten to history, the marriage of Rachel and Frederick will only renew your commitment to Hoffman s astonishing storytelling ("USA TODAY")."
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Finally finished this one after three weeks. It was well done and I feel like I should have really liked it (Hoffman, forgotten woman of history, art, family saga) but I didnt connect with it in any meaningful way so it felt a bit like a slog by the end.

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Leftcoastzen I really liked this one 9mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❤️ 9mo
Eggs Perfection 🩶🤎🧡 9mo
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I didn‘t expect to love this book, but I do! Finishing up with my favorite red-head. 🐶


Follow.my.read I felt the same. I absolutely loved it. 1y
dabbe Da sweetest pup! What a face! 💙🐾💚 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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A little late starting, but I‘m picking up my April #bookspin today. I‘m also using it for The Islands prompt in The Book Girls Guide Reading Around The US Reading Challenge.



TheBookgeekFrau Such a good book!! 1y
GinaKButler @TheBookgeekFrau I *loved* this one…way more than I expected to! 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @GinaKButler Oh I'm so glad 😊 I feel like it never got the love it deserved when it came out 1y
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My April #bookspin and #doublespin

I‘m excited about this month! I‘m using The Marriage of Opposites for the US Islands prompt of the Book Girls‘ Reading Around The States Challenge and I checked out Good Girl, Bad Girl because of a review on Litsy! I love when 2 different genres are picked!

Thank you for hosting, @TheAromaofBooks 📚

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Completely forgot to post yesterday for #Loveathon #ArrangedMarriage

Trashcanman Candi with an i 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @Trashcanman Nope, not Candi, Candy, Candie. But, in terms of food - you're SOOOO DAMN CLOSE 2y
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Alice Hoffman delivers again⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Finished this historical fiction about Impressionist painter Camille Pissarro‘s mother. This was my first Hoffman & I‘m glad to have read one of her many novels.
However, I‘m not sure she‘s for me 🤔. I don‘t know what it was that made it a bit of a chore at times. Maybe the slightly ‘romancy‘ style? Maybe a case of ‘it‘s not you it‘s me‘? It was evocative of place and time.
Thank you @LeeRHarry for broadening my reading horizons 🙏🤗📖. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

LeeRHarry You‘re welcome - glad you enjoyed it…sort of 😊 3y
Jeg I find her difficult to read. I‘ve tried a few times. 3y
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@LeeRHarry sent me this one as part of our #aussiesecretsanta book exchange. I am making a start on it just as school resumes, in the hope that it will provide the escape I‘ll appreciate in my downtime. #currentlyreading

LeeRHarry Yay! Enjoy! 😊 3y
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Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman
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Thank you @LeeRHarry for my #aussiesecretsanta goodies! Hoffman is an author I‘ve had on my radar 🤗. Can‘t wait to indulge in the chocolate (dark choc is my favourite) & I‘ve already used the hand cream, which really does smell like lemon sorbet 🍋. I‘m enjoying seeing all your posts as you open your packages fellow Aussies @Lizpixie @Flingogal @CarolynM @Jhullie @Cathy_J @Teresereading @Freespirit @LapReader

🙏🙏🙏 @thegirlwiththelibrarybag

CarolynM Lovely🥰 3y
LeeRHarry You‘re very welcome! Merry Christmas 🎄 💕 3y
Cathythoughts This book looks good 👍🏻❤️ 3y
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Lizpixie Oooh that chocolate looks yummy! 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag 😍🤩 Merry Christmas! 3y
LeahBergen I love lemon scented creams! 3y
MrsMalaprop @LeeRHarry just realised (when I opened it) that it‘s milk choc. Love that too 🙏🍫. 3y
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You can tell I‘m in a slump , just finished this 1 for
#authoramonth but for Sept. A wonderful, lush historical fiction mostly of the rebellious mother of Camille Pissarro.The descriptions of St. Thomas & main character Rachel shine.Married off to save the business to a much older man w/ children, she will work to make the best of the situation & find love later in life living by her own rules & defying conventional thinking.Beautifully written!

sisilia Oh gosh, this book has been the resident of my shelves for the longest time… and unread still 😅 Hope you recover from the slump soon 3y
Leftcoastzen @sisilia thanks !I‘m clawing my way out! This was a good read , I know I had a Hoffman in the stash , from one of those cheap library or rummage sales. 3y
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I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I have enjoyed this month's #AuthorAMonth selection. Alice Hoffman has all these historical fiction novels based on people and events in Jewish history. And they're fantastic. This one is about the mother of Camille Pissarro and it is so good.


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Loaned to me just prior to COVID, and neglected on my shelf for over a year, this novel sucked me in and kept me reading. Having read Depths of Glory first (the reason my friend loaned it to me) I was on edge the whole time, knowing her life was not a happy one. But this is that story from another angle and a vivid picture of island life. #authoramonth @Soubhiville

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Starting this today for #authoramonth. @Soubhiville

Tianarose Such a lovely book. I adore Alice Hoffman. 3y
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Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman

Finally! Beautiful. #covidread.

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I will read anything that Alice Hoffman writes. This novel centered around the life of Camille Pissarro‘s mother was so lush with descriptions of St. Thomas that transported me away from my tiny apartment, fascinating history, and characters that will be rattling around in my brain for days.

Cinfhen Excellent book!! I LOVE when Alice Hoffman writes Historical Fiction 💜💜💜 4y
Cathythoughts I really must give her a go ... I‘ve never read her & fo have a book of hers ❤️👍🏻 4y
Jas16 @Cinfhen I totally agree! 4y
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Jas16 @Cathythoughts I haven‘t loved everything she has written but she has written so many that I have. My favorite books of her is likely 4y
charl08 Sounds like the perfect read for right now. 4y
Foragingfantasy I loved this one too! I love everything she writes. The Dovekeepers was wonderful. 4y
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Excellent audiobook version. I enjoyed the complicated family saga, the beautiful descriptions of St Thomas and Paris, and loved he main character. Hoffman is master wordsmith. 2019 no. 13

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Lush historical fiction based on the complicated family saga of one of the first Impressionist painters, Camille Pissarro.

TrishB With a stunning cover ♥️ 5y
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#WanderingJune One of my favorite Alice Hoffman novels is the story of Rachel Pissarro, mother to Camille Pissarro, a 19th century impressionist painter. Set on the island of St. Thomas we learn about Rachel‘s life as a refugee from Spain and the small Jewish community that formed on St.Thomas following the Inquisition. It‘s a captivating story of a #CaribbeanQueen and her future generations.

GlassAsDiamonds ♥️♥️♥️Love Alice Hoffman!!! 5y
TrishB And another stunning cover ❤️ 5y
BarbaraBB I know Camille Pissarro (a contemporary of Van Gogh) but not that his mother was so interesting! Are you having a happy birthday💃🥂? Cheers to many more 😘❤️ 5y
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Crazeedi Happy birthday Cindy!! Hope you have a really special day!! 🎂🎶❤ 5y
alisiakae ooohhh, I haven't read this Hoffmann yet. 5y
GatheringBooks that does look awesome! 5y
Suet624 Thinking of you today, Cindy. Have a wonderful birthday!! 5y
DebinHawaii Happy Birthday!! 🎉📚💐🎂🎁🎈Hope you are having a fabulous day! 😘 5y
CafeMom This one is still on my TBR list. 5y
Cinfhen I loved this one @CafeMom @GatheringBooks @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraBB @GlassAsDiamonds I much prefer Hoffman‘s HF to her magical realism 5y
Cinfhen Birthday was great....still celebrating 🥳 @DebinHawaii @Suet624 🎈🎶🎂🎁💜 5y
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#readingwomenchallenge This was my book featuring a religion other than my own.


Absolutely beautiful writing, the kind of historical fiction I love—highlighting a mostly unknown woman from a well-known man‘s life. The author does such a good job at bringing Rachel (& Jestine) to life. Really liked the main setting of St. Thomas, don‘t think I‘ve read anything set there before. Wasn‘t as into in the chapters from Camille‘s POV, he just didn‘t draw me in. But overall this was brilliant & I def will read more of her work. 4/5 ⭐️


“I‘ll pretend to be who they want me to be.” He grinned then, and she saw his youth. “But it won‘t work. In the end I‘ll have to disappoint someone. Either them, or myself.”


But every night I thought about my other life, the one that had yet to begin.


I wondered if all creatures were drawn to what was dangerous or if we merely wanted light at any cost and were willing to burn for our desires.

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I‘ve never read anything by Alice Hoffman, but this one sounded really intriguing to me, so I figured it was a good place to start! #nowreading

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Spent a pleasant evening ruthlessly culling my Litsy TBR. I could go further but want to find out who has won Survivor.

Bklover I did that a while back. Made me feel so much better! 6y
Cinfhen OMG!!! That would be SUCH a project!!!!!! 6y
Pogue How do you do that? I have books that I have read on my TBR that I posted about. 6y
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julesG If it didn't take ages, I'd do it. But it's such a pain. 6y
batsy Same @julesG 😭 6y
BookishTrish @Pogue One by one I toggled the to read off. It took hours. 6y
BookishTrish @julesG @batsy It took a long time. I hope it‘s worth it. I was starting to feel overwhelmed when I looked at it. I‘m down to 60 books which is still too many! 6y
CouronneDhiver Survivor 🖤 What did you think of the result? 6y
BookishTrish The winner was my sis‘ fav, and of the three I‘m glad he won. I really wanted Gabby, Christian or Davey in the final 3. 6y
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Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman
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This family story follows several generations and describes their history in the Virgin Islands. It is rich in character and picturesque. It is beautiful.

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A 19th c saga based on real people: the Jewish family of painter Camille Pissarro, who lived on the Caribbean island of St Thomas. Pissarro‘s mother & her closest friend are the two central characters. I enjoyed this for the most part, even though it was a bit too romantic for my taste. Example: From the moment a young widow sees a newcomer, she knows she is experiencing love for the first time. (I call that lust.) Compelling, regardless.

josie281 The writing completely pulled me into the story. 6y
Lindy @josie281 Hoffman knows how to tell a story. 😊 6y
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Then I understood that when someone begins to tell you her story, you are entwined together. Perhaps even more so if the ending hasn‘t been divulged.

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There is the outside of a story and the inside of a story. One is the fruit, and may be delicious, but the other is the seed.

VioletBramble This photo reminded me of a wonderful poem I read earlier today, Blackberry Eating by Galway Kinnell. ...the silent, startled, icy, black language of blackberry eating in late September. 6y
Lindy @VioletBramble oooh! Lovely. 😊 6y
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Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman
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You have a few hours left to grab this daily deal from Audible. I haven‘t read this one yet, but I‘m a big Alice Hoffman fan, so it‘s sure to be good!

They‘re also giving away a free copy of White Fang!

DivineDiana This is a fantastic book! 6y
LikelyLibrarian @DivineDiana I love Hoffman! 6y
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Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman
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A rich and beautiful family saga that begins in the early 1800s on St Thomas. The story is told from several points of view, but mostly through the first-person narration of Rachel Pizzarro. Very little is known about her, but she is best known for being Camille Pissarro's mother. I loved the descriptions of St Thomas and Paris. The characters are so distinct and interesting. And of course the writing is amazing, because Alice Hoffman.

thereadingowlvina I just finished The Museum Of Extraordinary Things. Absolutely love Hoffman's writing! 🤗💕 6y
Brooke_H @thereadingowlvina I haven‘t read that one yet, but I definitely want to! 6y
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Evening reading with the elusive #Vladimir . Notice how thrilled he is to have his picture taken...#catsoflitsy

Texreader That stache!! 😻 6y
robinb He looks so....uh....human! Does that even make sense??! 🤣🤣🤣😍😍😻😻 6y
TiredLibrarian The little white 'stache 🐱❤🐱❤🐱 6y
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wanderinglynn What a handsome boy! ❤️🐱 6y
Librarybelle Love the comment, @robinb ! I call him my little time manager - he tells me when I‘m not taking care of things at the right time! 6y
Librarybelle I know...his little mustache is priceless! @Texreader @TiredLibrarian @wanderinglynn 6y
robinb @Librarybelle everybody needs a time manager sometimes. 😊👍 6y
Librarybelle @robinb Indeed! 😂 6y
tjwill So stern! 😾😉 6y
Librarybelle @tjwill He likes to show his displeasure at picture taking time! 6y
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Time to start this for next week‘s historical fiction book discussion.

DivineDiana I enjoyed this one! 6y
TrishB Me too 👍🏻 6y
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BookishMe This was recommended to me last night. Supposedly similar feels as A Gentleman in Moscow ;)) ... Eager to get it from the library soon. 6y
Librarybelle @BookishMe What an intriguing comparison! 6y
BookishMe @Librarybelle true and in some ways, it sets high expectations as A Gentleman in Moscow is incredibly well-written 6y
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Working my way through this on Day 2 of vacation.

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The left is what I read this weekend VS the right which is what I wanted to read 😔 I have just a couple more weeks left of this semester and I am going to make sure I do well in classes. I whisper to my ridiculous TBR pile at night soon, soon I can devote more time to you.

Tadams4 You totally rock! 6y
Sleepswithbooks @Craftylikefox - It‘s always the BEST feeling when you conquer the semester‘s requirements and then you are free to read like panda 🐼 first discovering snow ❄️❄️❄️ You‘re almost there!!!!!! 6y
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It's #Recommendsday! Fab book! Couldn't put it down. Started a little slow but quickly picked up. Love the artist aspect! Seeing the world through Pissarro's eyes was a treat. Set in the 1800s, mostly on the island of St Thomas, the rest in Paris. Alice Hoffman writes beautifully. If only she would write a whole book from an artist‘s point of view! Audiobook is excellent, narrators are tops. 4.5 stars! 👍🏻

Full review: https://bit.ly/1HnXq8Q

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I just finished this incredible, haunting novel last night. the Marriage of Opposites is historical fiction that blends real characters — including artist Camille Pissarro — with the evocative settings of St. Thomas and Paris. Highly recommended!

#bookrec #hardcover #historicalfiction #coverart

Cortg I stacked it. I have not read Alice Hoffman but I‘ve heard good things! 7y
Bookish_B This was the first book I read by her and loved it! 7y
emilyhaldi ❤️ your photo😍 7y
Sophoclessweetheart Sounds divine x 7y
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I loved this book❤️

#ReadingResolutions #BeautifulWriting

DivineDiana As did I! ❤️📚❤️ 7y
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TFW someone‘s watching you read...

#dogsandbooks #readinglife #readtheworld #sundayreads #pupper

batsy 😄💜 7y
Chelleo 😂😂😂 7y
tpixie ♥️🐶♥️ 7y
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Avanders 🤣🤣 7y
RebelReader ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Cortg I know the feeling! What a cutie! 7y
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Love more, not less

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Snow day today! Spending the evening snuggled up with my book and enjoying the contrast of its warm St. Thomas setting.

#readinglife #currentread #booksandsnow #litfic

EvieBee Wow. What a picture! Beautiful. 7y
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Grabbing a few minutes of reading at the gym before class begins.

#currentread #hardcover #botm

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Marriage of Opposites | Alice Hoffman
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So, I made this for me 💍📖❤️

JenP Hi! And welcome to Litsy! 7y
Ladygodiva7 Thank you! 7y
rather_be_reading omg so cute!! 6y
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"As I turned the pages, I felt as if there were bees on my fingertips, for I had never felt so alive as when reading."

- The Marriage of Opposites


LitLogophile How lovely🍯 7y
TheBookgeekFrau Great quote! I loved this book😊 7y
Smrloomis 💕💕💕 7y
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Absolutely loved it! I love multi-generational historical fiction, so this was right up my alley. It was such a fun surprise to find out that it also includes a focus on art, and art history. It had just the right amount of magic — as one of the review blurbs states, it has “Hoffman‘s signature blend of folklore, fairy dust, and romantic passion.”

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Anyone else love Alice Hoffman? She can just perfectly wind everything together. And look and at that cover. I just had to put a stone with it. #oceanjasper

dsfisher Alice has been one of my most favorite authors as her writing is so lyrical and stories are compelling. 7y
Craftylikefox Love Alice Hoffman! I have never been disappointed reading her books 7y
Allkat Yes! Turtle Moon and Illumination Night.🐢🌔 7y
ladym30 Love the way she writes! 7y
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Nothing better than a Sunday morning of a long weekend!

JoScho Right! No feeling of Monday creeping in on us. Totally need this three day weekend. 7y
BookBabe Is this Le Pain Quotidien? 7y
Ajessgirl @BookBabe Yes! Very impressive cafe spotting! 7y
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Just started, and am loving it so far! It‘s rare that a non-thriller captures my attention so quickly. Excited to discuss at the #2030somethingbookclub!

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