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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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An intimate discussion of sex and philosophy
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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The bookstore in Rome had the cutest Blind Date books I‘ve ever seen! I didn‘t get one but was definitely tempted!

jedy94 Great! 13mo
Meshell1313 I would get them alll! 😍😍😍😍 13mo
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Thank you so much for the lovely “date with a book”. I‘ve never done one before :) it‘s exciting!!! It‘s a book I had been considering as well :) so win-win

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!! You didn‘t have it!! Enjoy 😍 1y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks no I didn‘t !!!! But it‘s right up my alley :) 1y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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I was tempted by one of these yesterday - have you ever jumped in blind?

AmyG I haven‘t because I have and read so many books...I don‘t want to buy something I already own or have read. 2y
5feet.of.fury @AmyG I have that same apprehension. However unlikely bc of the amount of books in the world 2y
melissajayne @AmyG same here 2y
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Mitch @AmyG I‘ve not either. Scared to be disappointed! 2y
julieclair I haven't, but I'm always tempted. 2y
thegreensofa Neither have I. But that middle top one would have definitely went home with me! 😯 2y
Gissy Yes, but I have to confess that I play with the words in google to check if I can guess the book. It‘s that in the past I had the book already. So it is similar to a blind date😜 2y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Our library is doing #blinddatewithabook 💕

Gissy I love that! Even when I have had good experience with that activity, I admit is risky. My near bookshop use to it during February. 2y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Went for a lovely long walk around a stately home near us ( National Trust) and saw that there was a little second hand bookshop in the stone porters lodge. I might be visiting there again!

squirrelbrain I love the NT bookshops, but never been at Xmas…. Might have to plan a trip to one soon; puppy is allowed out in a week. 🤔 3y
Mitch @squirrelbrain you have a puppy!!!!! Talk to me Helen! 3y
squirrelbrain Yes, we got him last Friday…! He‘s a black lab called Henry. ❤️ If you look back a few posts there‘s a pic or two of him… 3y
Mitch @squirrelbrain wow - he‘s a stunner! Congratulations! 🎉 3y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Another successful blind date! Though it wasn‘t that much of a mystery given the description. Got Four plays by Aristophanes!

Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Went to Barnes & Noble and was pleasantly surprised by a display of “blind date with a book” so I just couldn‘t resist. Wasn‘t disappointed, I got Solaris by Stanislaw Lem. This is such a fun idea!

GypsyKat Awe love that! 3y
Faibka @GypsyKat yes! It‘s a really cool idea, I was actually excited to see what book I was going to get, first time I‘ve ever bought an unknown book 3y
GypsyKat @Faibka I‘ve never done that but I definitely would! So much fun! 3y
MaGoose What a cool 😎 idea 2mo
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Wow so exciting! Thank you @Tattooedteacher for the amazing parcel! I can‘t stop smiling ❤️😍

Tattooedteacher Wow! I think that was super fast. I‘m so glad it arrived quickly. I hope you enjoy it. ❤️ 3y
MySharonaK @Tattooedteacher thank you so much ❤️ loving it! 3y
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rather_be_reading tht tea sounds delicious!! 3y
CaramelLunacy @MySharonaK I've been really interested in that one. Hope you enjoy (and tell us all about it!) 3y
MySharonaK @CaramelLunacy thank you! Will do 🌸 3y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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AND THE WINNERS ARE... Congratulations 🎊🎈 🍾 and thank you so much to everyone who played. @ravenlee @Cupcake12 @MySharonaK and @LiteraryinLititz please send me an email at christinebuckner1992@gmail.com with your address and I‘ll get your packages out to you this weekend. Thanks again!!

MySharonaK 🥳🥳 wow amazing thank you so much ❤️❤️ 3y
ravenlee Oh my goodness! Thank you! 3y
LiteraryinLawrence Oh my gosh! That is so exciting!! 3y
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Crazeedi Congrats winners! Didnt even see your giveaway, but congrats on your milestone and onward and upward!!👏🎉🎉 3y
Cupcake12 Wow..thank you! This is the first giveaway I‘ve entered 😍 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Woohoo!!! Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈 3y
bthegood Congratulations everyone 🎉 3y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Care to make a guess? I'll open it tomorrow.

I picked this up from B&N last week and have been mildly mulling it over, trying to see if I guess which book is inside. I truly don't know and refuse to search the ISBN because that's no fun. It sounds right up my alley!
*Oxford University
*...meets Clueless
*Murder Mystery

Soubhiville I have no idea, but I love seeing these blind dates in stores and libraries! 4y
JackOBotts Can‘t wait to hear the reveal! Agatha Christie meets Clueless! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Soubhiville Me too! I'm always afraid I already have the book, but it sounded so interesting I decided to "swipe right". 4y
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CoffeeNBooks Can't wait to find out what it is! 4y
kay.the.bibliophile I have no clue what the book is, but I'm a fan of blind dates with a book, it's nice to try and figure out what you're going to read :D 4y
BookDragonNotWorm That sounds really good! 4y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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I prolonged the gratifying experience of opening my “Blind Date With a Book” choice so I could take a picture to post.

I wonder if anyone can guess, based on the first line and genre noted on the package. The first one is general fiction and begins with, “I don‘t have good memories of growing up. Seems like I knew a lot of ugly stuff when I shouldn‘t.” The other one is a mystery and the first line is, “We were talking about the kidnapped baby.”

abookishbutterfly I‘ll show you what‘s inside later! 4y
AmyG Before we were Yours? This line sounds familiar. 4y
abookishbutterfly @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AmyG I just posted the reveal picture! 4y
AmyG Ha...thanks! 4y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Went for this in library. Wonder what it is. If anyone knows, please don‘t tell me #blinddatewithabook

TheBookStacker Ooh I‘m curious to see what it is! 4y
BookishGirl06 @TheBookStacker posted a spoiler tag a couple minutes ago 4y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Reader, I bought it. Any guesses what I‘ll find?

BookishTrish @xicanti You‘re right! And I‘ve never read it! 5y
xicanti I hope you love it! It‘s one of the few books I‘ve adored from the first word. 5y
Soubhiville It‘s so good! Enjoy! 5y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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I‘m hosting a Blind Date With a Book #giveaway—I see those paper-wrapped books in The indie bookstores & think it‘s such a fun idea!

Have you ever been on a #BlindDate (a person or a book)? Post with the hashtag & tell us about it!

On Feb 1st, I‘ll choose 3 Littens to receive blind-date books!

Please note if you have any absolutely-not genres (e. g. “No self-help or horror” or similar) & don‘t forget to tag me!

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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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To celebrate my 6000 Litfluence, I‘m hosting a Blind Date With a Book #giveaway—I see those paper-wrapped books in indie bookstores & think it‘s such a fun idea!

Have you ever been on a #BlindDate (a person or a book)? Post with the hashtag & tell us about it!

On Feb 1st, I‘ll choose 3 Littens to receive blind-date books!

Please note if you have any absolutely-not genres (e. g. “No self-help or horror” or similar) & don‘t forget to tag me!

BeansPage Congratulations sweetheart! 💖🤗✨🎉 5y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 🎉🙌🏻🥳 5y
REPollock Could you please boost this, @LitsyHappenings ? Thank you! 5y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Such a fun giveaway idea from @kellyann28 . I‘m always too chicken to try these at bookstores! The top left is calling my name because I love lists!

kellyann28 Thanks for entering! Good luck! 🍀 6y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Last night after work I stopped by the library to pickup the books I had on hold and was pleasantly surprised to see they had carts with wrapped books for “pick a blind date with a book”. I was pretty happy with my choice when I unwrapped it. #valentinesreads #blinddate #toomanybooks

Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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My realization was that marching to the beat of my own drum is a good thing!

This is a great idea for a giveaway @abbsinwonderland 😍

My three Litten to tag are @AceOnRoam @tpixie @Andrew65

tpixie Thx! 6y
abbsinwonderland March away!! Thanks for entering 💜💜 6y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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My boyfriend and I accidentally stumbled upon a secondhand bookstore today. Two hours and some damage to both of our wallets later, I walked away with a few treasures, including this “blind date” with a book. Here‘s to a New Year, new adventures, and new books!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This looks fun!!! Just wondering if it‘s ok to feature you as a new litten tomorrow? ☺️ 7y
lizzlehuff @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so excited! And of course it is, thank you for the shout out! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @lizzlehuff great!!! And you‘re welcome 😘☺️ 7y
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Betty I'm so curious!! What's the book? Or is it actually titled Blind Date? Welcome to Litsy! 7y
lizzlehuff @Betty it ended up being The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo! Oddly enough, I never got around to reading that series 7y
Betty Great that you've never read it 7y
Andrew65 @Betty I wondered the same thing! 😂 7y
vkois88 The only problem I have with Blind Date books is that unsuspecting people aren't aware of any triggers :/ other than that, I love the idea of being introduced to books you may not have tried otherwise 7y
Smangela 😍 I‘m jealous that your boyfriend enjoys 2 hrs in a bookstore too! My hubby can do a little while but he‘d never make it 2 hrs haha 😂 7y
lizzlehuff @Smangela He normally wouldn‘t last that long either, but this bookstore had video games too. Something for both of us 😂 7y
tpixie @lizzlehuff I did like that series. Different but intriguing. And the Blind Date clues were awesome!! 7y
lizzlehuff @tpixie I‘m a psychology major, so “psychological drama” drew me in! Definitely looking forward to reading it soon! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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sisilia I love the wrapping paper and the sticker! 😍 7y
WanderingBookaneer Thanks, @sisilia ! I have 3 different wrapping papers. 😊 7y
Reviewsbylola So frickin cute! 7y
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kspenmoll Such pretty wrapping paper! 7y
Gissy Lovely! 😍 7y
Jinjer Sea horses! How perfect! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Decided my #SummerSolsticeBookExchange will double as #BlindDateWithABook ! Having fun gift wrapping and writing "clues." #SummerSantaGoesPostal

Wife Good idea! 7y
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WanderingBookaneer @EchoLogical : It's where you go to your local bookstore or library and pick books that have been wrapped based on brief descriptions found outside the wrapping. 7y
WanderingBookaneer @sisilia : This is another paper I'm using. 7y
sisilia Ooohhhh so pretty! 😍 7y
Jinjer So summery! 7y
tpixie Fun idea!! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Mailed off my #blinddatewithabook to @KimM today! I hope you enjoy it! #litsygoespostalOG

398.2 Fun! 7y
GypsyKat Umm, I don't know what it is, but now I want to read it! 😆 7y
EllieDottie Those are some good hooks! 7y
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mcipher @GypsyKat Agreed- this sounds really intriguing!! 7y
Bookworm83 @GypsyKat @EllieDottie @mcipher See the spoiler below for the title 👇🏻 7y
mcipher Yay! It's in my TBR now. Thanks. 👍😊 7y
Bookworm83 @mcipher Of course! I hope you like it 💕 7y
GypsyKat @Bookworm83 Thanks! Added to my TBR list! 😊 7y
Bookworm83 @GypsyKat Absolutely! It's a good one! 7y
elkeOriginal Wow - not what I would have guessed! Your hooks are REALLY well done 👏👏 7y
LeahBergen Okay, now I want it, too! 7y
KimM Yay! 7y
Bookworm83 @elkeo Thank you! This book has so much to offer it made it easy to write the clues 🙂 7y
hes7 I'm so intrigued by this book now! 👍🏻 7y
dragondrool I know what it is!!! 7y
Lucylovesreading I think I know what this is! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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How fun! My library is doing "Blind date with a book" and here's my pick. Can anyone guess what it is?

moranadatter I had a guess until it said it was a thriller. 7y
Lesliereads I'm stumped 7y
LindsayReads No, but I want to know!! 7y
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OrangeMooseReads I'm super curious 7y
HippieChickHomeschool You have to tell us! 7y
ReadingEnvy No but I want to know! 7y
Wife 🤔???? 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Oh wow, how pretty is this?! And there's an extra little something-something, too! Ok, I think it's only fair to the others who participated in #blinddatewithabook via #litsygoespostalog that I open this tonight because I've been so excited seeing the reveals, especially for the ones that made my final list, that I don't want to keep anyone in suspense. So for the greater good (and because I'm like a kid on Christmas morning) @Annl I'm goin' in!

Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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This #blinddatewithabook cutie is heading out to @BooksTeasAndBookishThings tomorrow. I hope she enjoys it as much a I did! #litsygoespostalog

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Woohoo!!! Can't wait! 😊❤🙌 7y
Lola @BooksTeasAndBookishThings I'll send it USPS Priority so you won't have to wait too long 🙂 7y
8little_paws Omg I what this is. Nice choice 🤘🤘🤘 7y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings You rock! 🤘 But, truly, no worries! Cheapest totally works for me 😊 7y
Lola @8little_paws I love that you know what's under the wrapping 🌟🌟 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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My #Litsygoespostalog #blinddatewithabook arrived today 😍I'm torn about opening it because my book isn't going out to its date until tomorrow, but I might not be able to resist 😜 @Annl

Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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#LitsyGoesPostalOG did a #BlindDateWithABook swap yesterday. This mystery tome will be making its way to @Lacythebookworm shortly - and I am looking forward to getting a date from @sprainedbrain 😍 many thanks to @PatriciaU for putting it all together! 💜📚💜

Lacythebookworm Yay, can't wait! 🙌😍 7y
Laalaleighh Can't wait to find out what this is. 7y
Bookworm83 This one was my next choice. I can't wait to find out what it is! 7y
kspenmoll Sounds like such fun for you all! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Our #LitsyGoesPostalOG group did a #blinddatewithabook swap today!
There were so many great choices I couldn't decide which book I wanted to date! But I did finally choose to date @BooksTeasAndBookishThings selection.
@Laalaleighh won a date with this beauty I fell in love with a few years ago. Does anyone else have a guess as to what it might be? Add a spoiler tag so she can still be surprised!
Thanks to @PatriciaU for the idea and organizing!

Laalaleighh Aghhhh I am so absolutely ecstatically excited to find out what this is and read it! Also, the packaging is to die for. ✨ 7y
Libby1 Ooh! Sounds fascinating! 7y
PatriciaU I think it might be one of my favorites, Beneath a Marble Sky? It was a selection in a book club I was in a few years ago. 7y
MeganAnn @PatriciaU yep that's it!! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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My #litsygoespostalOG group had our first #blinddatewithabook extravaganza today. This is my book which was selected by @Cupofjo and is headed her way as we speak! Thanks again to @PatriciaU for organizing 🙌🏻

The book I selected is coming from @Laalaleighh ....book recommender extraordinaire 📚📚

Laalaleighh Haha "book recommender extraordinaire" That's a title I could get behind. ? 7y
Cupofjo I can't wait! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Today, #LitsyGoesPostalOG did a #BlindDateWithaBook exchange. 15 book "dates" were set up! Here's mine, which is headed off to @Annl . I can't wait to meet my "date" from @ApoptyGina69 !

Annl I can't wait to receive it! Thanks! and no spoilers please! 7y
Crystalblu If I know @ApoptyGina69 it will be great! 7y
ApoptyGina69 Super! It will be on its way soon. 🤗 7y
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PatriciaU Looking forward to it, @ApoptyGina69 7y
redphoto3 Omg what is this book! I want to read it! 7y
PatriciaU @redphoto3 it is The Wishing Thread 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Today #litsygoespostalOG had a #blinddatewithabook exchange, and I snagged one of several books I wanted to date. I can't wait to meet my book! 😃

So much fun!

Megabooks 👍🏻👍🏻 7y
Lacythebookworm I wanted yours, but someone beat me to it! I can't wait to see what all the "dates" are ? 7y
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Prairiegirl_reading Is it Attica Locke? 7y
sprainedbrain @Prairiegirl_reading I don't know yet... could be 7y
Prairiegirl_reading When do you get to find out? This would make me crazy! 7y
sprainedbrain We have a postal book club, so we have to wait on the mail. 😂 @Prairiegirl_reading (edited) 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Picked up a little something from my local library to read on Valentine's Day. Not sure what it is yet, but that's part of the fun!

emilyhaldi Fun idea! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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We're doing a Blind Date with a Book display at work for Valentine's Day! These books are recommended based on what books are similar, and customers will choose only on that information. One of my picks has comparisons to The Book Thief, Gone Girl, and We Were Liars. Any guesses as to what it is?

erinreads I enjoyed all three of those books. Intrigued as to what the book could be! 7y
Shortstack Oooo! I want the one next to it based on Southern Reach and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep!! 7y
BeththeBookDragon I liked all 3 too! I want to know! 7y
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Megabooks Ooo...sounds fun! 7y
JessReads @erinreads @BeththeBookDragon @Ebooksandcooks I'm going to tag the book under a spoiler in the next comment! 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle
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Last stop of my #ReadABookDay #bookstorehop: @bookculture on Columbus Avenue. How cute is this?? I bought one but am waiting until I get home to find out my blind date's identity. (I actually have to work now.) Stay tuned, Litsians. I'll make sure to post when I open him or her. (That sounds weird.)

Gayan I've done this before. So much fun. 8y
Eyelit 💜📚💜 8y
UnabridgedTomes This is also a great activity for classroom teachers to get their students to try new books. I did it with my high schoolers, but it'd work at any grade level. 8y
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jessberk13 I bookstore hopped in NYC for months on end!! I hope you got to the Book Cellar at Webster Library. I wanna say it's 87th and Park. It's heaven!!! 8y
writerlibrarian We do this at our library for Valentine's day. It's been a huge thing for the last 3 years. You borrow a book without knowing what it is. inside you find the name of the employee who rec the book for the event. 8y
Laru79 We did 'Risk it for a biscuit' at my library - you get a mystery book and a chocolate bar to eat while you read! 8y
MariaCristina @jessica It's 78th and York! Webster's where I pick up all my library holds. 😊 8y
jessberk13 @TransparentAcademic that was one of my favorite bookstores ever. I also love Bookoff and Strand (obviously!) 8y
LBApple I've done this before! Of course I was more excited to give my book a cryptic description than to pick something up for myself 😊 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Oh, so fun! 8y
katedensen @Gayan As a buyer or seller? @UnabridgedTomes Fantastic idea! What grade? I find there's such a difference in taste (for lack of a more pedagogical word) from ninth to twelfth grade. @Jessica @TransparentAcademic I didn't today because I had to head west. Another day, I'm sure. @LBApple We should do this as a Secret Santa or Yankee Swap (?) thing for book club. 8y
katedensen @writerlibrarian Aw, that's amazing! Friends AND books, I love it. @Laru79 That sounds like perfection. 8y
katedensen @Litsy (I'm featured? What does that mean?) 8y
LBApple @katedfisher absolutely!! 8y
Gayan @katedfisher As a buyer. 8y
katedensen @LBApple ?? @Gayan ? "Who" was your "date"? 8y
UnabridgedTomes @katedfisher I did it with my tenth graders and several sets of novels. The blind dates they picked then turned into book club-style reading and discussion groups. It worked really well and they all had a great time! 8y
Eliza-beta What a great idea! 8y
raelaschoenherr I can't wait to see! Did it have a description? 8y
katedensen @UnabridgedTomes Awesome!! I love it when group work is successful. @raelaschoenherr Stay tuned! I'll be posting the description and contents within the hour 😊 8y
Gayan @katedfisher Be Frank With Me. I got it at Honer Book Store when I was on vacation. They donate all the money to local charities. 8y
judithfertig Great idea! And sometimes a book IS the best kind of blind date. #turkeys 8y
katedensen @Gayan I don't know that one, but it sounds like a great store. @judithfertig Agreed. 8y
Melissa9963 I did a display like this for my library for Valentine's Day. So much fun! 8y
Booksnob We do this at the school I teach at for Valentine's Day. 8y
katedensen @Melissa9963 @Booksnob It seems like Valentine's Day is a common time to do this! 8y
literallycait What a great idea! 8y
katedensen @literallycait I won't lie--I might go back today for another. 8y
SpacyStacy I might be cynical, but to me this looks like something stores would start doing to move product that doesn't sell. Like those "mystery boxes" a lot of places do now. 8y
katedensen @SpacyStacy That makes sense. Although, I frequent that store enough to know they're putting a bit of effort in and excited about it. 8y
Leetha_rose Blind date books are my favorite! 8y
kelsey__reads What a great idea! 8y
Bookish.Heart I love this idea! Never seen this in any of the local bookstores but I I wish they'd join in! 8y
BetweenThesePages I would love to do something that! 8y
Lisa63 My local library does this every year for Valentine's Day 💜 7y
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Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle

Last stop of my #ReadABookDay #bookstorehop: @bookculture on Columbus Avenue. How cute is this?? I bought one but am waiting until I get home to find out my blind date's identity. (I actually have to work now.) Stay tuned, Litsians. I'll make sure to post when I open him or her. (That sounds weird.)

Blind Date: Sex and Philosophy | Anne Dufourmantelle

Last stop of my #ReadABookDay #bookstorehop: @bookculture on Columbus Avenue. How cute is this?? I bought one but am waiting until I get home to find out my blind date's identity. (I actually have to work now.) Stay tuned, Litsians. I'll make sure to post when I open him or her. (That sounds weird.)