#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1) I might use either of my teen-age nicknames, both based on fictional characters: Esme and/or Molly
2) tagged - though most people in Germany pronounce my name "Yoollya" ??
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1) I might use either of my teen-age nicknames, both based on fictional characters: Esme and/or Molly
2) tagged - though most people in Germany pronounce my name "Yoollya" ??
What a shame about Julie Powell. My cousin Stephanie was Julia Child‘s personal assistant for many years before Ms Child died. One night my husband and I were watching a CNN special about Julia Child and up popped my cousin talking about her!
I was so sad to learn of Julie Powell‘s passing. I read Julie & Julia in my favorite class in college, and loved every minute of it. It was snarky and hilarious, but also really beautiful and poignant. I always point to the chapter this quote comes from when I try to sell this book. Powell spends an exhausting day searching all over NYC for a marrow bone for a recipe. When she finally gets it home, she realizes she has no way to actually…(cont‘d)
I finished reading this book on Oct. 26 — which, as it turns out, was the same day that Julie Powell died of cardiac arrest at the way-too-young age of 49. Some reviewers complained that the book was too snarky — but I adore snark, so this totally worked for me.
Really sad news. I loved the Julie/Julia Project back in the day.
Finished this morning. Will try to watch the movie (which surprisingly I‘ve never seen) later today. 👩🏻🍳 #BookSpinBingo
I found Julie Powell to be very whiny, pessimistic & woe-is-me. This was supposed to be about her experience with making every recipe in Julia Child‘s Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook. Most of the time, she hardly ever talked about the recipe she was cooking in that chapter & mostly talked about how terrible her life is. I didn‘t think it was terrible, she did start to grow on me the more I read. But ultimately, I DNF‘d it this time.
So I just finished my third re-read of this book. I'm not sure if I like Julie Powell or not. I feel like we would be besties or couldn't stand each other. She is whiney, self-absorbed, and dramatic - all the things I despise. BUT she is entertaining, aware of her issues, and is willing to laugh at herself. Plus we both say the word “fuck“ a lot. Who am I kidding, we'd be besties - opposites attract.
I don‘t know how long I‘ve had this book but I hesitated to read it because of the low rating. I should have gone with my gut. I got 122 pages in and can‘t take Julie any more. She‘s whiny, rude, frustrating, over dramatic...Maybe I‘ll watch the movie again instead.
I liked it. Sure, Powell‘s snarky sense of humour and tendency towards histrionics won‘t be to everyone‘s taste, but what is? Julie And Julia is a good, quick read that – if you‘re anything like me – will inspire you to pick up the tongs instead of ordering UberEats for the fourth night in a row. Full review here: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/julie-and-julia-julie-powell/
Preparing 524 recipes would be a beast for me!!
This clematis is amazing even if it killed my holly tree!! I planted in 2017 and it is so beautiful and smells so good!! I wish y‘all could really see it!!
Books that left a lasting impression on me.
Day 6:
This probably seems like an odd choice, but when I read it years ago it inspired me to do my own blog project. Not cooking related, but a reading the classics book project.
So my #bookspin list for March is exactly the same as last month but with a couple change outs.
I haven't gotten to my #doublespin book this month and I'm still working on the first pick but I will have it done by the end if the week
Since I was out all day yesterday and home, but busy, today I moved #slowcookersunday to today 😊
Finally finished everything I had wanted to get done and relaxing for the rest of the night by *hopefully* finishing up my #bookspin pick for the month.
Happy Monday!
It looks like my #bookspin book will be Julie & Julia! I've seen the movie a ton of times so it's about time I finally read the book. I think I'm going to try to take advantage of the #doublespin as well. This one hasn't been on my TBR long but I'm hoping that the darker fantasy will fit in with my #WIHM reads 😈
15/15 #jumpstart2020 @Clwojick @Lizpixie 🥳
I‘m in love! I say this a lot but Julie is my new bff - a compulsive planning millennial angst ridden buffy fan pushing herself to do her cooking challenge vibed so well with me. If you‘ve seen the film, this is a very different beast (much less Julia Child content), but I think they‘re both excellent in their own way. The author reads the audiobook really well, and it was funny and inspiring!
Being sick on my parents sofa day 17,456 (it feels like) watching movies on Netflix with my mum. This is so lovely and heartwarming it makes me feel a little bit like I‘m not sick.
I loved the hell out of this book. It captures everything I feel about food and cooking. Food can be such a sexy thing. Preparing it. Cooking it. Eating it. When it‘s good; It‘s a religious experience. I liked the language and the rawness. It‘s a winner for me.
I finally watched this movie... I know I'm late to the game... but omg I loved it. Now, I must get my hands on the book because the book is always better!
Ten years later - this movie really holds up and is delightful. Also ten years later, I now have a cat that looks like Julie‘s cat.
I loved this so much! Such a fun little read, and I was pleased to realize that there‘s (some) actual depth to Julie‘s story beyond a comical narration of her kitchen mishaps during her self-imposed cooking challenge.
Oh and, the movie is adorable as well. 🤓
I missed this one when it was new. I missed it when it was adapted for film — with Meryl Streep, no less. Then I put up that Julia Child quote while I was cooking dinner one night and a friend of mine said “Say, did you ever happen to read/see Julie and Julia...”. I‘m glad she did, because I had a lot of fun with this. It‘s funny and irreverent and disgusting and relatable. Hooray random book recs!
Why have I been living under a rock?!! I didn't even know this movie existed. Just watched it on Netflix and I found it so heart warming and didn't want it to end.😖
Also I Googled online and found that it was actually a book first...WHAT!
Love love love this still from Julie & Julia 💖 #julieandjulia #juliachild #juliepowell #amazingbookstores #shakespeareandcompany #booksbrewsandbooze
I enjoyed this book because I found myself relating to the main character who is almost 30 and wasn't sure what she was doing with her life decided to give cooking a try and loves food. Full review is on my goodreads :)
"I have never looked to religion for comfort—belief is just not in my genes. But reading Mastering the Art of French Cooking—childishly simple and dauntingly complex, incantatory and comforting—I thought this was what prayer must feel like."
Only on the first chapter and I am already feeling this will be terrible. This is just one example of the ridiculous writing, so far. Also, mental illness slurs have already been covered. So, great start!
This book has EVERYTHING: Slurs against mental illness, disparaging terms for folks with disabilities, fatphobia... hard pass, thanks. Just... wow.
📚 Julie and Julia
🙍🏼♀️ Julie Mulhern
📺 The Jetson‘s!!
🍇 Jelly - why is the food always the hardest question?
#manicmonday #letterj
This #memoir was a great listen—I‘d seen the movie and enjoyed it (I have to admit that I *much* preferred the Julia part of the narrative, so the book—focused on Julie—was a nice surprise).
A cute movie and a cute book! It makes me want to take up a similar challenge, though I never have.
🍒1) Tagged Book (also a good movie!)
🍒2) Butter? Watermelon? Sour cream?
🍒3) Cilantro 🤢
🍒4) Thanksgiving
🍒5) Voyager (Ferndale), Zingerman‘s Deli
(Ann Arbor), Sister Pie (Detroit)
#MittenLitten #ManicMonday
I love this movie but didn‘t really love the book....
Day 11 Punctuation. Ampersand is my favorite! #riotgrams
Pic 1: The books. I have wanted to read some of these for the longest time!!!! Especially the tagged book 🤗 Creepy and killers and Julia!! #pumped
So Julia Childs just got even cooler in my book!
Julia Child's legs. Photo by her husband. ♡♡♡
I watched this movie yesterday and it put me in a baking mood. So, I made a berry galette for my hubby. I would love to cook my way through her book like Julie does.
Such a fun read! I literally laughed out loud multiple times while reading...perfect remedy for surviving a semi-insane work week (a food show one at that). And seriously, how many books have both a Jane Austen reference AND a reference to "the prematurely canceled Joss Whedon outer space-western series"?!