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De Cirkel
De Cirkel | Dave Eggers
ALLES WAT GEBEURT MOET OPENBAAR ZIJN Mae Holland kan haar geluk niet op als ze wordt aangenomen bij de Cirkel, het machtigste internetbedrijf ter wereld. De persoonlijke e-mails van de gebruikers, hun sociale media, betalingsverkeer en aankopen zijn met elkaar verbonden door een universeel besturingsprogramma. Het resultaat: iedereen heeft slechts n online identiteit. Een nieuw tijdperk van openheid en gemeenschapszin is aangebroken. PRIVACY IS DIEFSTAL Mae laat zich meeslepen door de energie van het bedrijf, de groepsactiviteiten en de feestjes, de oneindige mogelijkheden - zelfs als ze het leven buiten de campus langzaam uit het oog verliest, een ontmoeting met een collega haar in verwarring brengt, en haar bijdrage aan de Cirkel steeds meer openbaar wordt. GEHEIMEN ZIJN LEUGENS De Cirkel is een intelligente, geestige en spannende roman die vragen oproept over ons geheugen, onze geschiedenis, privacy, democratie en de grenzen aan onze kennis van de wereld.
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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1. I‘m decent—I probably know a little more than most people my age but can‘t hold a candle to the youngsters! Although I have noticed that their extensive tech knowledge doesn‘t extend to practical applications. They‘re experts with social media posting and video games, but they‘re lost if you ask them to create a spreadsheet or format a text document. 🤦‍♀️
2. The Circle by Dave Eggers - I loved it—so satirical!

TheSpineView Thanks for playing!😊 4mo
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Dave Eggars! I loved The Circle and can‘t wait to read more of his work. #SundayFunday

BookmarkTavern Nice! Thanks for posting! 4mo
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I absolutely loved this! It might have upped the plot complexity to have made Mae more conflicted about what was happening, but I feel like her “sheeple”-like quality represents society as a whole. The book is so spot-on with the approach to social media. Especially terrifying is the thought process behind their ever-more controlling surveillance tactics. I can see people today agreeing with them. Highly recommended for dystopian fans!

KathyWheeler Did you see the movie? 8mo
Reggie I laughed when she gets in trouble because the guy was like we‘ve both been to Portugal and you ignored me. lol something like that. It got crazy. 8mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit @KathyWheeler No, and now I‘m reluctant to. I enjoyed the book so much and they usually ruin it with the movie! Did you like the movie? 8mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit @Reggie Yes, their sensitivity was off the charts! What a great life—spending every minute trying to acknowledge every stranger on the internet who shows you the slightest bit of attention. I thought the book was an amazing commentary on our society! 8mo
KathyWheeler @CindyMyLifeIsLit I didn‘t particularly care for the movie; to me it was completely forgettable. Which was a shame because I really liked the book. 8mo
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Pretty scary at how spot on Eggers was with the direction in which social media is going. There were some eye-rolling moments which weakened the book‘s effect on me, so it‘s just a soft pick. My last completion in a somewhat dismal reading year. 😞

BkClubCare The movie freaked me out. Especially since I had just started an HR job 😳 9mo
Readerann @BkClubCare Yeah, I think I‘ll be giving the movie a miss. I feel “unsettled” enough from the book. 😳 9mo
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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We meet Mae on her first day in her new job at the Circle. We sit with her on training sessions, as her desk acquires more screens, as her responsibilities increase.

We watch as Mae integrates with her new company culture, we watch as her new job becomes a lifestyle and the destruction that causes her, her family and the world.

This is a compelling read but it's also horrifying and uncomfortable.

Sharpeipup Yes and way better than the movie despite Tom Hanks & Emma Watson‘s efforts. 1y
Michellesibs @Sharpeipup I didn't realise there was a movie, thank you! 1y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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For once i have seen the movie before reading the book, let's see how I like it...

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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I really enjoyed this book. It really made me think a lot about the world we live in today and what the world could become. This book was likely mind blowing 10 years ago when it was released so it‘s kind of crazy to think about how when you read it today, that the idea of this kind of “transparent” world is really not too far off from what our world is like what we live in today. There is so many pros and cons to the world created by “the circle”

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
Thanks for the tag @jenniferw88 💕

1) The Circle got under my skin

2) I only give 5 stars to books that have something really special about them. They don't have to be perfect, just absorbing or emotional. 1 star is for total crap, 2 stars bad to meh, 3 stars fairly good, 4 stars really good. I'm not awfully consistent though!

3) Not usually, but I read in cafés where music isn't optional! 😅

Eggs Sounds intriguing #1. Thanks for playing 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
Ruthiella You are one of the few people who see three stars as good! Me too. Like every book can‘t knock my socks off and that‘s OK. 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella Interesting 🤔 Yeah 3 stars is OK/good/decent. If I give a book 4 stars, I see that as a glowing endorsement! I do find there's a lot of wiggle room in my mark scheme 😄 If I ever write a book though, you can bet I'll get salty if anyone gives me 3 stars though 🤣🤣 MEDIOCRE?? MOI?! 2y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I hate being disappointed by a book that was a best seller turned movie!

CaitlinR I couldn‘t finish it. Maybe the movie will be better? 2y
TieDyeDude Yeah, the people I know who like it really like it, but overall I've heard more bad than good. 2y
JessBookNerd @CaitlinR right?! It was brutal! 2y
JessBookNerd @TieDyeDude I don't want to keep you from reading it but it wasn't a page turner for me 😬 2y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Wow. This book scared the crap out of me.

The Circle makes for eerie, compulsive reading. It's a chilling and claustrophobic look at power in the digital age. The plot spirals and spirals, indoctrinating & evolving, with no chapters & no brakes.

As with all good dystopian fiction, The Circle makes an unlikely situation seem horrifyingly plausible, at least within the confines of the world on the page.

This book really got under my skin.


Megabooks Great review!! 2y
sarahbarnes Yes, this one felt very close to reality to me when I read it! 2y
BarbaraBB Great review! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @sarahbarnes I just bought the sequel 😬 I need to read something cheerful!!! 2y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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#pop22 - A social horror
@BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 @Megabooks @alisiakae @Laughterhp @Cortg @Cinfhen @KarenUK

So far this is proving a compulsive read. Sometimes you don't realise how frightening certain concepts are until you see them fictionalised. Reading this book is showing me just how essential privacy and boundaries are to me.

Creepy 😶

Karisa I found that one haunting too. Someone hacked my Facebook account, and I‘ve been reminded of it these past couple of weeks 😬 Everytime I tried to reset my email/password, it emailed the hackers for confirmation. When I tried to contact FB for help, there‘s literally no one to call or email. The Circle is too close to life! 😅 2y
Cortg Good choice for this prompt! I haven‘t read it yet but have heard great things and has been on the ole TBR pile for quite some time! 2y
BarbaraBB I enjoyed this one when I read it years ago and thought it a very plausible scenario! 2y
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RaeLovesToRead @Karisa Oh man, I'm sorry you've been through all that ☹🫂 It's so clever how it starts so positive and the negatives start creeping through in a very realistic way. *shudder* 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Cortg @BarbaraBB I'm about halfway through. So far it's difficult to put down (maybe because it doesn't have chapters). Review to come soon... 😊 2y
Cinfhen Great choice!! 2y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I love this paragraph.

I don't agree that it's evidence of a divine hand in things, but I do understand the sentiment. When you meet someone so completely different from anyone you've ever known before and you're completely fascinated by them (and sometimes a little bit in love with them 😅).

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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The weirdest thing about this book was Mae. She was in for everything and honestly agreed to all the aspects of The Circle. Although I thought some aspects sounded nice in theory, the company really went way too far. Especially when people didn't have a choice anymore.
The story was intriguing and I liked the writing style. I contained some great plottwists, that I didn't see coming. Overall I really enjoyed myself!

(🎧 - audiobook)

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🏫📚👍🏻 3y
Eggs Nicely done 📚✅📚 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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@TheAromaofBooks #bookspinbingo

Here's my March list.

It looks suspiciously like my Feb list.

And more than a little similar to my Jan list.

In my defence Rhythm of War was about the equivalent of 3-4 regular sized books and February is a short month 😉 I am falling behind with my #pop22 challenge though so hopefully I'll be speedier this month 🤞🤞

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Too disturbing for me. I wish I had bailed at 50 pgs.


marleed I did not like this either - too many social issues in one book for me. It‘s a pet peeve of mine that only gets peevier (that should be word) the more I read. 3y
Desha I didn‘t enjoy this book either...I bailed! 🤪📚📚📚 3y
DogMomIrene I didn‘t like this one either. I remember thinking that I agreed with many of the problems he identified, but his “solutions” were either ridiculous or nonexistent🤯 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Not sure I can keep going with this. Even if it is for my movie/bookclub. I got to pg 100. Unlikeable main character, too wordy, too many people, sooo busy busy. The theme of Big Brother is very clear.

GarethSouthwell Yes, I ploughed to the end, but found it a little laborious. Good themes, interesting ideas and world building, but lacking something - not sure what. 3y
eeclayton @GarethSouthwell I felt exactly the same about this book 3y
plemmdog Same here! I generally love Eggers but I never found the protagonist a sympathetic character… 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I HAVE done some Xmas shopping today (promise!)... don't want to think about how much I've spent, but I think I've sorted my Mum and got a few bits and bobs for my sisters.

Now recuperating in Waterstones with a *modest* stack of purchases... on the plus side, I have my social-horror pick for #pop22 and something festive to read while awaiting my friend for sushi 🍣🍤

Branwen Look at that beautiful book stack! 😍 3y
vivastory Is your tagged book the social-horror choice? I enjoyed it. I saw he recently published a sequel 3y
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory Yup, that's the social-horror choice! The sequel was on the stand 👀 but I'm resolved to stop buying books by authors I already have books to read by 😅 Hope it's good!! 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen 😁💕🫖 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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How meta to be ranking/posting a review of this book. I‘ve always loved Eggers and after hearing about his new one, felt I needed to read its prequel first. I hate to say this one was a slog for me, in the same way I found 1984 and Brave New World emotionally unengaging. Keen observations, but quite honestly the protagonist never grabbed me.

Schwifty I pretty much agree with this. I liked the idea of the book or rather the commentary the story provided on the confluence of big tech and eroding privacy, but I just didn't get invested in any of the characters. They seemed two-dimensional. (edited) 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Too scary because I think that technology is taking over. Cultish and real life scary, I liked this read. The ending surprised me but I give the author kudos for ending it in that way…..😳🤫. Mae, you have been brain washed! Someone‘s always listening and watching.

Reggie I remember how she gets in trouble because she isn‘t keeping up enough and that coworker gets mad because she isn‘t being active with the Portuguese group. Lol 3y
Kboltz Yes, that made me laugh! If we all have to join some of those groups I am out!!!😂 3y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Just finished this Audiobook - and have to say: it‘s creepy because it‘s so plausible. I can totally see everything that happend in the book also happening in the real world - total transparency due to digital innovations. It was interesting to see the story from the point of view of a vehement advocate of all the innovations. 4/5⭐️ and the wish that people in the real world would never let such surveillance happen🙈

AmyG I just got this for Hanukkah. A friend had recommended this to me...said it was very good, 4y
ju.ca.no @AmyG it was very good indeed! I hope you‘ll enjoy it! 4y
mom2bugnbee I really loved this book - and the movie wasn't bad. Not a masterpiece, but I'll watch anything Tom Hanks does. 4y
ju.ca.no @mom2bugnbee need to watch the movie soon!😍 4y
ephemeralwaltz I also liked this one a lot! 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I‘m pretty satisfied with today‘s painting session☺️ @Bookzombie

I‘ve also made good progress on the Circle- so far it‘s quite scary how okay everyone is with the total monotoring and surveillance🙈

MayJasper I am especially in loving the snowmen from above xxx 4y
ju.ca.no @MayJasper thank you☺️ I‘m really happy with how the snowmen came out too😁🤗 4y
rockpools Beautiful! 4y
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DinoMom These are so pretty! 4y
britt_brooke These are beautiful! 4y
Bookzombie I love these! They are all so pretty! 4y
Jadams89 Wow, what beautiful cards!!! 4y
LeahBergen Beautiful! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Love these, they‘re beautiful! 👏 4y
maich So beautiful🥰❤ 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Continuing my sunday with Audio-Painting my first christmas cards☺️ i‘m so curious already about this (audio) book! Took me way to long to get to it😅

Bookzombie I hope you post some of your finished cards. 🙂 4y
ju.ca.no @Bookzombie I can do that🤗 4y
Tanisha_A Lovely 🌹 4y
bcncookbookclub So lovely! I love water painting too, but I'm a little frog about it... I must recuperate my stuff... 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Although a little repetitive and somewhat preachy, the book held my attention. It was easy to recognize today's bigtech companies in Circle, and the novel was a cautionary tale about where their well-intentioned projects can lead. With the cameras and the loss of privacy the book certainly had a 1984ish vibe.
All in all, it was an intriguing read but it could have been way more powerful if the author had put more thought into the characters.

Mrs_B Have you seen the film version with Emma Watson? 4y
eeclayton @Mrs_B No, not yet. Is it any good? 4y
Mrs_B I bailed on the book but really enjoyed the film. Might be worth a try 🤷‍♀️ 4y
eeclayton @Mrs_B Thanks, I'll check it out 🙂 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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1. The Circle by Dave Eggers. The ending was infuriating! After that I sailed it across the room and was ccmpletely disgusted with her weakness..argghh!

2. I would love to reread any of Jo Nesbo's books, while staying in luxury hotel in Oslo. It's so beautiful there! And visit all the beautiful parks.

3. I love chocolate and Carmel the same 😁

#WonderousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs # 1-😂😂. Love your book setting wish-sounds heavenly! Have you been to Norway? Thanks for playing 🍫📚🤗👏🏻🧡 4y
Gaylagal2 @Eggs So sorry for the late response 😬 No, I've never been to Oslo or Norway. My mother-in-law has been twice...lucky! After reading Nesbo's books, you feel like you know the country and Oslo especially 🤓 4y
Eggs @Gaylagal2 Nice to know 🤗 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers

Clear themes relating back to classics like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. The biggest theme is clearly the struggle for big tech to find balance between the common good and the personal privacy of the public. Privacy is theft and full transparency is to be totally vulnerable. #maleauthor #malewriter #thecircle #daveeggers #booktomovie #alfredaknopf

Crazeedi Welcome to litsy! It's a wonderful community, ask questions about anything! Also @LitsyWelcomeWagon 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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#BoundTogetherJune @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I immediately thought of this book. The internet gone way wrong and the power large companies weld over people.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😳😳😳 4y
OriginalCyn620 This sounds good! 4y
TheSpineView @OriginalCyn620 It was! The prose was a little lacking but the plot was good. 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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#boundtogetherjune #socialmedia This book has been on my shelf for ages and I always pass it by. Has anyone read it? Thoughts?

OriginalCyn620 I haven‘t read it, or seen the movie, but it sounds interesting! 4y
Helen19 @OriginalCyn620 I think I‘ll try and get to it this year, it‘s been passed by a lot! 4y
Mrs_B I read half of it then bailed (just put it down then didn‘t ever feel like picking it up again...). BUT I did watch the movie and thought that was pretty good. Maybe I should retry the book, if I can find it... 4y
Helen19 @Mrs_B I‘ll send you mine if I give up halfway ;) When I read the blurb I think it sounds good but there‘s just always something I want to read more! 4y
Mrs_B I know what you mean!!! I think some books are just always doomed to be the bottom of the pile. 4y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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“Sharing is caring. Privacy is theft. Secrets are lies.” Just finished “The Circle,” a “1984” and “Black Mirror” mash-up. #mmdchallenge A book outside my (genre) comfort zone.

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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"You know how you finish a bag of chips and you hate yourself? You know you‘ve done nothing good for yourself. That‘s the same feeling, and you know it is, after some digital binge. You feel wasted and hollow and diminished."

The Circle | Dave Eggers

Near-future distopia. Loved it

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Reviews of The Circle seem pretty mixed. I have to say, I loved it.

I listened on audio, and the pace of it had me on the edge of my seat a good deal of the time.

It‘s a terrifying commentary on social media taking over our lives, and beyond that, taking control of the world really.

Watching the MC, Mae, be drawn deeper and deeper into her online life, I continually thought about brainwashing, and it made me happy that I‘ve gotten off FB!

Bookwormjillk Glad to know it‘s good on audio! 5y
sudi I'm stacking this because of your review, hoping the books turns out good 😊 5y
AnneFindsJoy Good to know! The mixed reviews.had kept me away,, 🤔 5y
Hooked_on_books I loved it, too! I think it‘s a great, chilling critique of social media. I‘m a little surprised at the negative reviews. In other news, my owl post book arrived yesterday! My dad was an alcoholic, so I usually stay away from this topic, but we‘ll see how I do. And thanks for your card—I loved it. 5y
Soubhiville That‘s understandable Holly. There are good parts- a few “high points”... but a lot is bleak. Do t push yourself if it‘s uncomfortable for you though, we‘d all understand! I hope your holidays have been nice so far @Hooked_on_books ! 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I have less than an hour left of The Circle, and less than half of The Wishing Spell.

One of my bookclubs chose Disappearing Earth for next year- but not until July! I just can‘t wait that long! Starting later tonight probably. Recommended by @Hooked_on_books and @Mitch 🥰

And I‘m pretty sure @AmyG recommended City of Girls for me. 🥰

Mitch Oohhh.. hope you like it! 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Omg I hope you enjoy Disappearing Earth too! ❤️ 5y
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Sharpeipup Is on my list for the week too! 5y
Suet624 Disappearing Earth is so good. 5y
Cinfhen I hate when bookclub does that!!!! I want to read the book ASAP!!!! Because if I read it now, there is NO WAY I‘ll remember anything by July 😜 5y
sudi I wanted to read The Circle but put it off cause the movie was terrible. 5y
Soubhiville @Cinfhen if I hadn‘t already bought the book, I could have waited. But it was sitting on my shelf staring at me! 5y
Soubhiville @sudi I‘ve really liked the book. I had no idea there was a movie! Was it the acting or the premise that was bad? 5y
sudi @Soubhiville there was, Emma Watson and Tom Hanks starred in it. The movie just felt like a Black Mirror episode done badly. It was boring and all over the place. 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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No better time to revive my dormant Litsy page than while honeymooning with @LiteraryinLititz at a 3-day ‘reading retreat‘ on the eastern coast of England! If you‘re skeptical of modern social media and behavioral tracking (as we both are), this book provides a kind of 1984-lite experience, though I was hoping for a slightly more persuasive argument in favor of privacy and digital autonomy to contrast with the blind zealotry of the Circle.

Lreads Congratulations! I hope you both will be very happy! ❤️🎉🎊❤️ 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Mae might have been a 24-year old college graduate hired into the California tech-savvy, The Circle, but she was written like a middle-schooler dropped mid-term into a new school and desperate to fit in. This book contained sooo much social commentary. With all that and my I-don‘t-give-a-shit-about-Mae, the MC, I had no perspective in which to take away whatever it was this book wanted me to receive.

...And sharks eat anything!

claudiuo Thanks a lot for your review. I have this book on my TBR list but reading your notes made me move it way down, there are many other more interesting books in need of my attention. Thank you! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I did not like this book either. 5y
marleed @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @claudiuo I felt like the author pulled every concern with technology in our daily lives, dropped it into Word and retrofitted a story around it. Had he concentrated on fewer concerns and given us an MC we wanted to understand, it might have been better for me. 5y
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DivineDiana I really enjoyed this in audio! 🤷🏼‍♀️ (edited) 5y
marleed @DivineDiana I‘m interested to see the movie. Perhaps if I‘d have pictured Emma Watson as Mae or Tom Hanks as Eamon I might have been more invested in their characters. It just fell flat for me. I read it for an upcoming IRL bookclub so it will be fun to hear their input. I‘ve rated 2 books in the last 2 weeks on the low side but it does make me appreciate my other reads! 5y
DivineDiana I tend to always have a new appreciation for a book after Book Club! 🙂 5y
marleed @DivineDiana Me too. This particular one is hosted by my local library branch. It‘s always packed and the opinions are all over the board. I limit my input to a single statement because of the number of participants. It‘s interesting because I try to be thoughtful of when my single piece of input might be meaningful to the evening. 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Well, well, well, what do we have here.... Let me check this out. #LitsyLove #taggedbookisbookIamreading

Lovesbooks87 Yay so glad it made it to you! 5y
Tineke @Lovesbooks87 and so fast I imagine. Thank you. I will send you something back! 5y
Lovesbooks87 @Tineke it was fast. I was surprised at how fast it did get to you! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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This book will make you rethink your use of social media. The irony of me posting this comment on Litsy is not lost on me 😀
Very clever, disturbing and thought provoking read. Don‘t bother watching the movie on Netflix. It is completely different from the book and not very good either.

ShyBookOwl I haven't read this yet but I watched the movie. It wasn't great, but it did make me think "this is why I don't do social media" lol Litsy is my only exception because, y'know, book love ??. I've never had anything else 5y
Hooked_on_books I really liked this book, too. 5y
Feenbraut Forget the movie. This book not only made me think but it gave me the creeps. 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Only 100 pages in and I‘m anticipating sinister goings on ahead. Very cleverly written so far.

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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I listened to the audio, and had no trouble following without losing interest. I really liked this. It was hard to fathom how she could get more and more sucked in to that life and not realize the implications. I guess I felt like she had been brainwashed, like a cult. In fact, pretty much all of them had “drunk the Kool-Aid”! It was an interesting tale of taking social media way too far

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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In this frightening dystopian novel, the main character, Mae, has a close friend, Mercer, who does not agree with the Circle‘s methods. He attempts to go off the grid. #wanderingjune #letsgetlost

BarbaraBB Great choice! 💕 5y
Cinfhen Forgot this part!!! Great choice 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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A fun one - nearly a blackout! I would have to check on that last one... I may have read all the books from one author but that would take me some time to verify! #bookwormbingo @EclecticReaders

Tagged book fits both the "book bought at airport" and "popular book I didn't enjoy" categories ?

EclecticReaders Nice! At least that book was good for something! 😄 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers

Saw this pop up a ton so I got it on audiobook from the library. It went quickly! Really enjoyed the book, not sure I‘d enjoy is the right word, but definitely powerful and eye opening.

Walking into the Apple Store when you‘re 75% down with the book is downright disturbing!!

Going to use this for the #Booked2019 #booktomovie prompt

BarbaraTheBibliophage Nice review! 👊🏻📚♥️ 5y
Cinfhen Ha!!!! I hear ya 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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This book may seem exaggerated in its dystopian vision but is it really so? I look at our world and encounter uncomfortable similarities. #Booked2019 #SocialMediaFocus @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen It was a little too close for comfort but I hated how Eggers made the MC such a dishrag 😬 5y
LeticiaToraci @Cinfhen I think that the style of writing had a bit of magical realism to it, for example, when Mae met that old couple on the barge it was as if she was meeting her parents who were hiding after the circle was completed. Many thing seemed to be made intentionally for symbolic reasons, one of them being Mae's utter lack of consciousness. 5y
Cinfhen I honestly wasn‘t reading so intently... I missed a lot of those nuances😬 5y
LeticiaToraci When I like a book I usually have theories about it, if they are correct or the right way to interpret the book Idk, but I often imagine them. 😉 5y
LeticiaToraci The film finished very different from the book. I don't know if it was better, to me it seemed like a forced happy ending. 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I'm reading this for the Social Media Focus prompt at #Booked2019 #SocialMediaFocus @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen @DivineDiana read if for that prompt too and really liked it!! Hope you do as well 🙏🏻 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I listened to this on audio in my car, and I was so invested that I wished that I had copies in multiple formats! Sharing is caring is one of the mottos of the technology company known as The Circle. And we certainly do already live in a world of likes, smiles and comments. What if one company had the power to take all the data for the country and use it to achieve their goals? Did not see the movie. Finished4/30. #booked2019 #socialmediafocus

Cinfhen Great choice for this prompt!!! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m debating whether to read this one or another for this prompt. Glad to have your review, because I‘ve heard mixed things about this one. And the other— 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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Currently reading my choice for #booked2019 #socialmediafocus. I am enthralled!

Cinfhen So funny... I hated this book but so many people I know really liked it a lot. Glad you‘re enjoying 5y
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The Circle | Dave Eggers
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I read this for the around the year challenge in 52 books for prompt #36 a book featured on the NPR best books of the year. It had a good premise but wasn‘t executed all that well. You could see where society could get like this though with social@media. It did keep me turning the pages. I‘m still going to put it as a pick. #aty2019 #aroundtheyearin52books

The Circle | Dave Eggers
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@Clwojick #bookishquestions
Thanks for the tags @Samplergal @Eggs 😘

1. Literary Fiction
2. Memoirs- so many sound interesting, I just often don‘t love the writing, so fall back into my Lit Fic comfort zone!
3. Horror 😳 & Sci-Fi 🛸
4. Historical Fiction. I love a good costume drama.🎥
5. ‘The Girl with all the Gifts‘ & ‘Dark Matter‘
6. I‘m picky about what I read so I can‘t think of anything I LOATHE, but I read ‘The Circle‘ for a book club..👎

KarenUK 7. If you want play, consider yourself tagged 💕 5y
Clwojick I didn‘t read the circle, but I watched the movie, and I agree 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 5y
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