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Caliban's War
Caliban's War | James S. A. Corey
For someone who didn't intend to wreck the solar system's fragile balance of power, Jim Holden did a pretty good job of it. While Earth and Mars have stopped shooting each other, the core alliance is shattered. The outer planets and the Belt are uncertain in their new - possibly temporary - autonomy. Then, on one of Jupiter's moons, a single super-soldier attacks, slaughtering soldiers of Earth and Mars indiscriminately and reigniting the war. The race is on to discover whether this is the vanguard of an alien army, or if the danger lies closer to home.
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I listened to the audiobook and it was FANTASTIC. I‘m really annoyed actually as my library has book 4 on audio but not book 3, and these books are whoppers so require a certain amount of commitment to read on paper. Loved the new characters that were introduced here and the way the plot from book 1 continues but also morphs into more. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I‘m enjoying this series a lot, but the constant references to this character‘s size (once she was described as having a “massive head”) are irritating and a bit sexist. The author doesn‘t do this with any other character, but he makes this woman sound like she‘s 7 ft tall and built like a linebacker.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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A reread of book 2 in the Expanse, one of my favourite sci-fi series. I love this installment for its unlikely friendships: Amos/Prax and Bobbie/Avasarala. The TV adaptation of this novel is even better!

This is the 5th and final book I finished for the #MarvellousMarch readathon. Thanks to @Andrew65 for hosting!

#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 17, Vespiquen: Woman in charge)

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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Bk13 of this years #BookMail is the red special edition of The Expanses 2nd book that matches Leviathan Wakes pink one. After Eros crashes onto Venus, strange things are being built on its surface. Meanwhile on Ganymede Station, the bread basket of the Belt & outer planets, a monstrous super soldier tears through a Martian platoon before disappearing. Avasarala tries to hold a diplomatic balance in check & the crew of the Rocinante are back.

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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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An action packed follow up to Leviathan‘s Wake. I really liked joining the great characters again as they unravel more evil political machinations. I think it definitely helps that I have watched the TV show, also the audiobook is excellent. The one small flaw is that our main characters do seem to have plot armor. I still look forward to continuing the series. 4.5⭐️ #roll100 first one done!

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 9mo
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I'd forgotten the changes made for the TV series, vs the Books. I really found the alterations for a different media understandable and thought they were actually good choices for a visual version.

I love this series. Depth and understanding of human nature, great complex characters. The Protomolecule is frightening, compelling, and the questions it raises kept me glued in.

#SnowedIN @PuddleJumper
#CasttheDie @Clwojick @StayCurious

PuddleJumper ❄️💙❄️ 10mo
kwmg40 I love this series too. I'm thinking of doing a reread for #SeriesLove2024. @Andrew65 @TheSpineView 10mo
majkia @kwmg40 I've read all but the last two books, so this is my re-read to finish the series. I love this series so much I was reluctant to finish it! (Still am, if I'm honest). A weird quirk of mine. 10mo
kwmg40 @majkia I was also reluctant to finish the 9th book, but I'm not quite done yet, as I have some of the novellas still to read. 10mo
TheSpineView Love this series!❤️📖📚 10mo
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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1. Chrisjen Avasarala (The Expanse)
2. Meggie Folchart (Inkheart)
3. Holly Gibney (Bill Hodges, Outsider, etc)

It was hard to narrow it down to three. I could easily come up with a dozen more. #tlt @dabbe

dabbe You've given me three more books to put on my TBR! 🤩
Thanks for playing! 🧡💜💛
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Bk3 of #WinterReadathon is done! The 2nd book in The Expanse series & Avasarala is introduced,which is brilliant. I love that the tv series has her from the get go as she‘s one of the best characters of the lot, the grumpy potty mouthed grandma we all need! This book is about Ganymede, the battle, the protomolecule & the search for Prax‘s daughter. Can‘t wait to start the next, if you haven‘t read this yet, why not? #BookspinBingo #SeriesRead2022

Andrew65 Well done, hope you are well. 🎄🎄🎄 2y
TheSpineView Excellent 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I‘m hoping to move straight into the 2nd book in The Expanse as Bk3 of #WinterReadathon, I‘m looking forward to it as it‘s where Avasarala is introduced, and she‘s my favourite protagonist of the lot! Foul mouthed, bad tempered & a consummate politician, she kicks arse &(maybe)asks questions later. Gotta love a ballsy women.💪

Andrew65 Love your posts of these and inspire me. 🚀🛸🚀 2y
DieAReader ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
Andrew65 How are you? 2y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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The second book in the Expanse series, and we finally get both Bobbie and Avasarala. I liked this one even more than the first, and am excited to keep reading. Each book also makes me want to rewatch the show.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Welllll instead of reading the books I ought to be reading… I‘m bingeing this series on audio. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Traci1 It's a great series!! 3y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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4✨ I enjoyed this second book more than the first. The crew is trying to find Mei a kidnapped kid with a rare sickness.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Okay, not book related. I‘m listening to the tagged while working my mini farm though! We are having 3 ducks for thanksgiving this year. These are the untouchables! Left to right: Speedy, Not Dinner (who almost was 😱),Lucky (who also almost was), Nelly, and Plucky. 💛

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I love this show and already have book one of the series. This is book two and I found it today in a second hand shop. Score for me!

Traci1 It is such a good series. 3y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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An exciting, political, and action-filled hard sci-fi gem. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2021/09/22/book-calibans-war-2012/

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Enjoying my The Expanse journey. I've been listening to the audio and would recommend. Love the characters which just jump alive to me. I'm not sure if that's because I've watched the TV Series and can clearly picture them because of this, but the narrator does a great job channelling the characters.

Scurvygirl This series is on my list to be read. Fantastic show. 3y
LazyOwl @Scurvygirl it's definitely worth it IMHO. I love the show as well 3y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Does exactly what a good sequel is supposed to do — expands the universe, deepens the characters, and escalates the stakes. A great book in a great series.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I so enjoy this series. Having watched the show first, I was disappointed that Avisarala wasn‘t in the first book, this made up for it.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Debating on starting the show now! I love this series.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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This is the second book in the series and I liked it better than the first. I liked the characters better in this one. Especially the new ones that were introduced Prax, Avalasara and Bobbie which were so well done. Also, the plot felt tighter this go around. 4.5⭐

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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

📖 Tagged, A Vow So Bold and Deadly, Worlds of Light and Darkness and Harbinger
📘 Harbinger
📘Nothing at the moment.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Bk11 of March &Bk1 of #20in4 This has to be one of the best audiobook series I‘ve ever listened to, not only is the story fantastic, the narrator is fabulous. Every character is distinctive & the words just flow without stutter or hesitation at all. And there‘s some large, unfamiliar words! Bk2 of The Expanse & Jim & Co are caught up in the destruction of Ganymede by rogue elements with the protomolecule. #Booked2021 #HearHere #SeriesRead2021👇👇

Lizpixie Completely forgot to add the time! This audiobook has been so good I‘ve just been in my library chair listening to it all day while organising stuff.🎧 4y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
Andrew65 Brilliant once again 👏👏👏🙌 4y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Been listening to this phenomenal audiobook in-between books for a few days now. This is seriously one of the best audiobooks I‘ve ever read, the narrator is just amazing. Every character has a distinctive voice, he reads smoothly with no hitches or mispronunciations, and he doesn‘t overact. Bk2 of The Expanse, the story itself is one of the best SciFi series I‘ve read in ages I love the tv show but the books are fantastic.Need to buy it in print!

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Just finished my #BookSpin! And WOW SO GOOD 🙌 This is book 2 in The Expanse series, and it‘s every bit the ripping yarn that Leviathan Wakes was. Tip: Read them in order for maximum comprehension & enjoyment. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I loved this second book in the series and raced through it, delighted to see Chrisjen and Bobbie make their very memorable entrances. Now we'll just have to see how many of the books I can finish before the series returns on December 16!

Traci1 I like Chrisjen in the show, but I LOVE her in the books. 4y
Decalino Agreed! 4y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I love these books and I love the TV series. They have created such a great and immersive world. Avasarala has become one of my favourite characters in any book. Quite the cliffhanger ending will definitely be getting my hands on the next one. #mustread #highlyrecommend

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey

Success! It took me until 1 a.m. but I made it through the whole book in a day. And btw, it‘s an excellent book, an improvement over the first in the series.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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450 pages to go, can I finish it today? We‘re gonna find out

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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This continues the breakneck speed and cinematic writing of the first and possibly ups the game with strong new characters (portrayed better than in the tv series) and added nuance to those characters we‘ve already met. The plot events are effortlessly lifted to an epic level, not bogging down in too much didactic Sci-Fi! Just super!

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Bk1 of #24B4Monday #readathon & Bk12 of #WinterGames for #TeamNutcracker is done! Bk2 of The Expanse series was fantastic, the writing was fast paced & exciting which really gave me that full immersion you get reading a great book. The protomolecule is amping up it‘s business on Venus & evil people in the UN are engaged in weaponising it behind closed doors, in the process turning humans into monsters. Can‘t wait for Bk3! 16pts #PointsTotal-2,273

Andrew65 Another good start. 😊👍 5y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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And we‘re off! The Holiday Edition of the #24B4Monday #readathon & the end run of the #WinterGames for #TeamNutcracker has begun. I still have 2 chapters left of the tagged book then I have a huge decision to make of what book is next. Do I start one of my #xmashaul books or shall I choose another library book? Decisions decisions🤔 1pt #PointsTotal-2,257

julesG Best of luck! I'm 10 hours behind you, so I'll do a few training laps until kickoff. 😉 5y
Andrew65 I‘d go for a library book. Enjoy whatever you choose. 😊 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 does this start friday am or midnight? 5y
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jb72 @Crazeedi It starts at midnight tonight. 5y
Andrew65 Starts midnight on Thursday night, i.e. beginning of Friday in your time zone. (edited) 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 ok then! I'll start counting soon!! 5y
Crazeedi @jb72 thank you! Have fun! 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Good luck 😍 5y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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In my library getting ready for the start of the Holiday edition of #24B4Monday #readathon and the last stretch of the #WinterGames for #TeamNutcracker Its almost 11.30pm Thursday 26th Dec so I‘m finishing the last chapters of this before firing up my timer and getting started on my attempt to triple the 24hr time. Wish me luck! Oh, and Merry Xmas to all you fabulous Littens.❤️💚 #joinin 1pt + 10pts from games. #PointsTotal-2,256

Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 And Merry Christmas 🥳🎅🎁🔔🎄 (edited) 5y
Lizpixie Thanks @Andrew65 Merry Xmas to you too!❤️💚❤️💚 5y
jb72 Good luck! Glad to have you aboard! 5y
Nute Good luck! Merry Christmas! 5y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Bk12 of the #WinterGames for #TeamNutcracker is the 2nd book in The Expanse series. Eros has smashed onto Venus & now the protomolecule is up to something under the cover of her clouds. Meanwhile on Ganymede, a creature attacks UN soldiers & their Mars counterparts sparking a battle in the skies. Capt James Holden & his crew are now working for the OPA & end up back in the thick of things. So far so good👍 1pt + 697from games #PointsTotal-2,245

BehindthePages I really need to get back to this series. I read the first book and loved it! But the others weren't out yet. 5y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Similar review as book 1. Great story, but I think the show does it better. I did appreciate the additional POVs. But, in the show the actors bring so much life to the characters, who fall a little flat in the book.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Expanse series, book 2. Every bit as good as book one, with some great new characters. Just me or does Chrisjen Avasarala remind you of Lady Olenna from Game of Thrones. Loved her character. And the very end! Can't wait to start the next book.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Book 2 in the Expanse series, just as good as the first. Well worth reading if you enjoyed the TV series. Chrisjen Avasarala is a fantastic character 😊 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

SilverShanica I have never seen or heard an old lady drop as many f-bombs as Chrisjen does in this series. It‘s awesome and I only hope I can have her attitude when I‘m old. 5y
Cathy_J @SilverShanica Hahaha, me too 😊 5y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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1. Gemini
2. Recently? Nothing! But in cleaning out my storage I was recently reminded that in 1999 I was the FREAKING GUITAR SOLO CHAMP PEOPLE 🎸🎸🎸
3. Caliban‘s War. I can‘t decide if I want to go back to this series, or if it‘s just not for me.
4. Like most weekends I‘ll be writing freelance game/tech reviews for Best Buy Canada


wanderinglynn 👏🏻🎉🥳 Way to go 🎸 champ! 6y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I enjoyed this just as much as the first book. ❤️ Avasarala !

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Does this dog make my book look big? 😂
I loved this action-packed sequel to Leviathan Wakes and look forward to Abaddon‘s Gate. Extra kudos for the badass women in this series!

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love your shelves!!! 6y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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When your kitty loves cuddling with books as much as you do! 😁😸💕 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten

kspenmoll 😻😻 6y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 6y
Leftcoastzen Pretty kitty!😻 6y
Branwen @kspenmoll 😽💕 @britt_brooke 😽 💕@Leftcoastzen Thank you! 😽💕 6y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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Went apple picking today and also started the next book in this awesome series! 😃 🍎🍏

Eggs Lovely photo 🍎🍏🍎 6y
Branwen @Eggs Thanks! 😄 6y
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Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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I'm sorry, I can't go on after that horrendous pair of sentences. Goodbye, Expanse. I never really liked you that much anyway.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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That is some clunky writing.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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The second book in The Expanse series is great combination of action, sci-fi, political intrigue, and family drama. The first book introduced the characters. This book gives them the freedom to be who they are. It‘s wonderful.

Caliban's War | James S.A. Corey
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This is super accurate.