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Le due torri. Il signore degli anelli
Le due torri. Il signore degli anelli | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
In questo secondo romanzo della trilogia di Tolkien, gli amici della Compagnia dell'Anello lottano separati. Merry e Pipino sono fatti prigionieri dalle forze del Male, ma riescono a fuggire e trovano soccorso in uno strano mondo di esseri giganteschi, mezzo vegetali e mezzo umani. Aragorn, un enigmatico personaggio che si era unito alla Compagnia all'inizio dell'impresa, stringe alleanza con i guerrieri di Rohan, un popolo fiero che per secoli ha resistito all'assalto delle tenebre. Frattanto Frodo e il devoto Sam si imbattono in Gollum, un viscido essere che era stato l'antico possessore dell'Anello, e lo costringono a condurli verso Monte Fato. Ma spaventose creature li attendono al varco e il loro cammino si interrompe tragicamente. Prefazione alla seconda edizione inglese di J. R. R. Tolkien.
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The Two Towers | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Real smooth, Aragon, real smooth

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During April I participated in the magical read-a-thon.

My character, Veta Mae changed her Calling to a Scribe and had much more success and more fun.

This stack of books was for my Classes.

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Love this book!!! Enjoyed the audiobook. I rated this book a 5 out 5 stars.

Bookwomble Your rating is officially correct! ✔️💯😁 3mo
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RIP Theoden king


dabbe 😭 5mo
AmyG I know. 😢 5mo
TrishB Always Yozzer to me. Boys from the Blackstuff, a defining 1980s drama. 5mo
Susanita @dabbe @AmyG @TrishB If you have Facebook, there‘s a lovely tribute from the actor Bruce Hopkins. 5mo
JazzFeathers I heard 🥺😭 5mo
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Again, I listened to the original American National Public Radio broadcast. Other than some different pronunciations than we‘re used to, this was another stellar performance. This was also around the 3-hour mark. If, like me, you‘re familiar with the story and just want to have some ear candy while crafting, give this a listen!

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#Three-List-Thursday #TLT @dabbe

The Lord of the Rings
A Gentleman In Moscow

Want to play? @BethM @Read4life @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm

dabbe 1: YES! 🤩 2: Now on the TBR. 3: Does it count as a reread for me if I only reread the sexy parts? (and yes, I even have the pages flagged with post-it-notes!) 😂 Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 6mo
TheSpineView @dabbe I get the rereading of parts. I read the ending 4 times of The Running Grave. I was just couldn't believe the last scene and thought it might change somehow. 😬🙄😏 6mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Ohh I do love A Gentleman In Moscow!! 6mo
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Read4life Thanks for the tag! 6mo
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The first part of this book is my favourite of the whole series because of Merry and Pippin. I just love those two ❤ But I also admire Sam's role in the story. Again, I was buffled by the importance of his character and how he grows in this story. I didn't really like the fight at the end, that's all. It was a bit too much for my taste. Which doesn't change anything about the greatness of this book (there could be more women, but you know that).

Cintia J

At loss of words in front of perfection.

FULL REVIEW: https://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2021/08/review-two-towers.html

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Háma is the real hero of Rohan let‘s be real. He deserves way more recognition

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I‘m having a luxurious Christmas lord of the rings reread this #wintergames! Just finished the two towers which was a lot of readathon hours and a surprising number of bingo card squares - not quite the elves the bingo board makers thought of but eh its elves. #snowangels

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I actually finished it a few days ago, but l didn't find time to post (l also have to catch up with all of your posts!).

Loved it, like always... Despite the questionable translation 🙄

It's such an incredible book. I lived the Siege of Helm's Deep, because l life the Rohirrim 😁 but Frodo and Sam's journey has grown on me ever the reads. This time, l enjoyed Faramir more than ever.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

It gets me, every, single, time!
Sam's turmoil, his doubts, his growing awareness, his acceptance of the task because no one else can do it. And yet his love and loyalty for Frodo. Abd the final decision that that's the most important thing. He must fulfil his loyalty to Frodo before accepting whatever comes.

It breaks my hear every single time.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I mean. What can l say? This chapter is phenomenal. There's atmosphere, and feelings, and expectation. I live how Sam and Frodo work together, building Sam's feelings in the next chapter.
And even symbolically, going through the darkness of Shelob's lair. Both Sam and Frodo come out if it greatly changed.

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Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 11mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 11mo
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Read4life 🍁👻🎃 11mo
TheSpineView Well done! 11mo
JazzFeathers Jeez, l need to get these! 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I don't know whether it's because l read these three final chapters in one sit, but l adored them!
This chapters that introduces the Black Land has that particular horror vibe that Tolkien sometimes uses, and yet is also very personal. We experience Frodo's fear, and his determination. His doubts and his hesitation.
And again, l love how Tolkien's characters are perceptive of the world around them.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

This is one of those chapters where not much seems to happen and yet so much is happening
I love the interaction among the characters. I love how. How love how the feeling transitions from the light of Ithilien to the darkness of Mordor and how at that Crossroad, the chapters ends on a hopeful note as the Hobbits enter the Land of Shadow.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Isn't this chapter just amazing?
All the tension in the episode with Gollum. Then that awesome dialogue between Faramir and Sam. And how Sam let slip the info about the Ring: I find it endearing every time. And Faramir reaction about the Ring. I don't remember ever noticing how his words echo Galadriel's about renouncing to claim the One Ring.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Things l love about Faramir:
1. He's an honourable man. He is a man of valour. Because he's a man of valour, he recognises the valour in others.
2. He's exceptionally clear-minded. And he has this clarity of mind because his heart is true.
3. There's something magical about him. He foresees things and he understands untold things about strangers. Not even Aragorn is like this.

What do you like about Faramir?

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

What can l say. The episode of Fatamir is phenomenal in its entirety and l love it more every time l read it 😍

In a letter to Christopher, Tolkien said that Faramir appeared from nowhere, and you can almost see it, as he materialises in the book, almost silently. Then slowly but surely solidifies into an awesom character.

BethM I want more Faramir! I can‘t remember if we get anymore though. 11mo
JazzFeathers Yes, we get more quality time with Faramir, later on 😜 11mo
Clare-Dragonfly Faramir is the best! 🥰 11mo
JazzFeathers @Clare-Dragonfly As much love as he gets, l always have the feeling there's more in him than what we see. 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I am so behind! 😭
With reading, with posting and with catching up with you.
But I'm trying to finish The Two Towers today (l'm climbing Cirith Ungol, at the moment), and catching up with everything else.
Let's see.

JazzFeathers @CatLass007 Sorry. I've just added you to the list 😁 11mo
BookwormAHN I just finished, so I've been rather behind as well 😺 11mo
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BethM You got this! 11mo
JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN @BethM Finished yesterday and lived it as usual. The last chapter always wets my eye 🥲 11mo
BookwormAHN The last chapter is always painful 💔 11mo
CatLass007 Is it weird that I always want to call this The Twin Towers? 11mo
JazzFeathers @BookwormAHN And yet it's beautiful. I would almost want to say it's the heart of the entire story. 11mo
JazzFeathers @CatLass007 Freudian things are going on there, l would say 😂 11mo
CatLass007 I imagine you‘re right. 11mo
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I‘m flipping around the tv this weekend & passed a show on cryptids… creatures that may be myth or real. I stopped immediately as they were showing Shelob on the screen at the time, then Aragog and discussing giant spiders and the stories passed down about this monster myth in stories by the locals for ages. Who knew Shelob descendants infested both Mirkwood & the Congo 🤷‍♀️😂 There are even grainy videos like with Sasquatch & Nessie. J‘ba Fofi😱

BookwormAHN Personally I'd rather run into Bigfoot than Shelob next time I'm in the Congo 😸 11mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookwormAHN Right! 😂 I‘d never heard of it before, but I‘d never want to meet that one. But I had to share, LOTR, Monster stories for Halloween 👻 11mo
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh, wow! Isn't it fascinating how some stories are common or similar in very different places of the world? There must be something there 🤔 @BookwormAHN 11mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers The human mind is really fascinating….. and scary 😂 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Here's the schedule for the last leg of our journey.
I left out the Appendixes because last time, many people didn't care for them, so I thought we could do what we did then: create a schedule for the appendixes only for the readers who do want to read them.
I'll get that schedule ready soon 😁

CatLass007 Would you please add me to your tag list? I‘ve been listening to audiobooks for The Hobbit, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and I started The Return of the King but seem to have gotten bogged down. I think it would be fun and give me some added inspiration, if I could listen to the final book of the series with my fellow Littens. 12mo
curiouserandcurioser @JazzFeathers So excited for this part of our journey!! 12mo
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Daisey So looking forward to continuing our readalong! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 11mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Perfect! I‘m all caught up and ready to go 11mo
BethM Yay I‘m so excited! 11mo
JazzFeathers @CatLass007 So happy to have you with us. And sorry for the late reply. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment 😂😬 11mo
CatLass007 Thank you for adding me. I understand overwhelmed, so I appreciate that you‘ve gotten back to me at all. I hope the overwhelmed feeling gets better. Maybe you can work your way to feeling whelmed. 11mo
JazzFeathers @CatLass007 😂 Didn't quite worked. But l have finished The Two Towers, which is good 😊 11mo
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This scene at the crossroads always reminds me of this Shelley poem.

They are literally and figuratively at the crossroads, and the “easy way back” wouldn‘t be as easy as they think since the legions of Mordor march towards Gondor and war…and are between them and their friends. And would lead to the doom of all.

And right here Tolkien places this scene, a scene that alludes to this poem in my mind, ⤵️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ the greatness of the past, the greatness of men broken in the past, gone forever from Middle Earth. But, he adds this little touch, a crown of flowers recrowning the king, changing the image from one of lost ruined greatness, to a hint of a new greatness growing and flowering right before our eyes. (edited) 12mo
JazzFeathers Beautifully said, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think this is the first time that l really feel that moment of passage, that watershed. The hopeful image of the crown of flowers shining in the sun really touched me, this time. 11mo
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I‘ve seen the word landlubber fairly frequently when reading about ships and sailing, but I‘m not sure I‘ve seen just lubber much before. It seems an appropriate word for orcs to use with each other.

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday

Texreader Love this post!! Thanks for sharing! 12mo
CBee Kind of reminds me of “ya big lug” 😂 (edited) 12mo
Daisey @CBee True! 12mo
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What a cliffhanger before we start The Return of the King! Tolkien does such an amazing job of making me feel these emotions right alongside Sam. I‘m kind of glad I got so behind so that now I don‘t have to wait long to continue.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay #KindleQuotes #quote

TheAromaofBooks I had forgotten how this ending leaves you hanging!!! I am SO excited about reading the conclusion!! 12mo
BethM I had also forgotten there was a cliffhanger! 12mo
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curiouserandcurioser @Daisey when do we start Return of theKing, please? 12mo
BarbaraJean Yes, when is the start date for ROTK? I was thinking it was this week (10/16), but maybe this is the catch-up week? I‘ve lost track because I keep falling behind! 12mo
Daisey @curiouserandcurioser @BarbaraJean I kind of lost track as well when I got behind. The most recent schedule says catch up through October 20, and @jazzfeathers is working to post a new schedule very soon. 12mo
BarbaraJean @Daisey Thank you! It‘s nice to know I‘m not behind after all! 12mo
curiouserandcurioser @Daisey Thank you:) im so excited for Return of the King!! 12mo
JazzFeathers You know? I once read the article of someone saying that Tolkien's structure for LotR is a failure, because of the long lapses between books and the shifting of focus. I actually think this is a strength because we go from one good story to another. 11mo
Daisey @JazzFeathers I really think it kind of depends on the person and how they get caught up on the story. There are definitely books with shifting perspective like this where I‘ve just jumped ahead to read a specific storyline and there have been times I‘ve been tempted with this one, but usually I can be patient with Tolkien‘s plan. So, I see the point, although I think his writing is strong enough to make it work. 11mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Really enjoyed this chapter. I loved the interaction between the characters, the way their different personalities emerged, and the building dynamics.
I also loved Frodo inner discourse, half expressed, half hinted at.
Frodo has already started to fade from the narration, as only bits and pieces of his story are told, now.
One of Tolkien's wizardries.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m not far ahead of you now. I am just crossing the Crossroads. 12mo
curiouserandcurioser @JazzFeathers what day are we beginning Return of the King? 12mo
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Clare-Dragonfly That‘s a great point about Frodo disappearing from the narrative. I hadn‘t seen it that way. 12mo
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Then you are ahead of me now. 12mo
JazzFeathers @curiouserandcurioser We're starting on Monday. I'm working at the schedule 😁 12mo
JazzFeathers @Clare-Dragonfly You know? I've only just realised that with this reread. 12mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

So. This is one of my favourite chapters in the book. Yet, l didn't enjoy it as usual this time, and l think it's because of the translation.

At a certain point, l realised that the prose was giving me disgust instead of uncertainty and anxiety as Tolkien's prose does.
The translator's choices have been too often questionable, in .y opinion, and here l felt how much this translator lack knowledge of Tolkien.

BarbaraJean So frustrating about this translation! Are you planning to continue with this translation into Return of the King? 12mo
JazzFeathers @BarbaraJean l do, because l want to read the entire translation. It might be the only time l'll ever red it. 12mo
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BethM This is the one they modernized with the non Tolkien fan right? 12mo
Clare-Dragonfly Wow, that is unfortunate. 🙁 12mo
Daisey Im sorry to hear you continue to be disappointed, but I also appreciate that you‘re reading the entire translation through. 12mo
JazzFeathers @BethM @Daisey @Clare-Dragonfly Precisely the same. And now I've finished the second book, that's even more obvious. Some choices of words really pulled me out of the narration. I can't get over the fact that they did this to Tolkien 😭 11mo
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I haven't had much time to get on Litsy between work and family shenanigans (why is all my out-of-town family visiting during my busiest time of year?! Get it together, people! 😂) BUT I have still been reading quite a bit, which is great because I really felt like my mojo was lacking for a couple months. This week was a mix of #LMPBC, #LOTRChapteraDay, #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead, and some random books for #Scarathlon. All were enjoyable but ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) besides The Two Towers, none of them were exceptional. However, I've participated in loads of challenges and readathons, so I'll be getting into an excessive amount of hashtags below! Thank you to all the lovely hosts of these fun challenges. I'm really enjoying them, even if I don't always post about them!! 12mo
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Lauredhel Goodness me and I thought I was overdoing the challenges! Lol 12mo
TheAromaofBooks @Lauredhel - Any excuse for another spreadsheet 😂 Most of these are just for Scarathlon. My year-long challenge list is significantly more reasonable!! 12mo
TheSpineView Great job! That is a lot of stuff to keep up with! 12mo
Lauredhel @TheAromaofBooks so you just pretend your hobby is reading; it‘s actually Excel 🤣 (edited) 12mo
PuddleJumper 😲 12mo
AnnR Well, kudos to you for participating in so many challenges. 🍂📚🎃🍁 12mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
BookwormAHN Nice 🐈‍⬛ 12mo
Read4life Thanks for participating in #Falling4Books 🍁👻🎃 12mo
TheAromaofBooks @Lauredhel - You have no idea how on-target that assessment is! 😂 😂 😂 12mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 12mo
JazzFeathers Why is family always in the way of our reading? 😂 11mo
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I‘ve been struggling to find actual reading time lately, although it should be a bit better now that I‘ve finished Clarissa. I read a couple chapters last night and this morning, and I just have the final chapter of The Two Towers left. I always love this discussion between Frodo & Sam about the people in stories that really happened. Nobody goes out planning to be the hero of a story, but the ones that don‘t give up do become those heroes!

wisherwishinguponastar This is one of my absolute favorite parts!!!!! 12mo
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Daisey @wisherwishinguponastar It is such an amazing discussion in the midst of everything, and again delivers such a real message for any reader. 12mo
BethM I loved these parts too! So introspective. Also I alternated between audio, ebook, and physical- it was the only way I kept up. 12mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Always loved this section. 12mo
JazzFeathers @wisherwishinguponastar @Daisey @BethM @Riveted_Reader_Melissa This is truly an awesome passage. A piece of metastory that gives us insight into the mind of the author and at the same time speaks directly to as as readers. Also, l think it shows what a modern writer Tolkien actually is in spite of his subject matter! 11mo
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Forgot to post that o finished this on time! Loved it! This book becomes two separate novels but they twine together effortlessly.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I'm not done, but I'm not as far behind as l may look. I'm with Faramirvst the moment 😜

The change from the Battle of Helm's Deep to the more intimate battle of Frodo, Sam and Smeagol is very stark, but also very significant.
Tkien definitely has a mind for epic storytelling, and yet he is also a narrator of the soul. The Lord of the Rings, with its two main movements, certainly shows this.

I love it 🤩

Riveted_Reader_Melissa The Two Towers is definitely a book with a divide between 2 stories and adventures….each unique and yet so important. (edited) 12mo
Susanita The structure of the different sections really emphasizes that the Fellowship has been scattered. 12mo
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BethM I agree - the two parts are separate but come together flawlessly 12mo
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa It's one of the things that make this story so unique. Yes, it is epic. Yes, it has all the characteristics of an heroic story. And yet there is also a lot of humanity and vulnerability. It's beautiful. 11mo
JazzFeathers @Susanita Do you think so? It's the contrary for me: the way the characters act emphasises how they are connected even if they are far from each other. I'm curious, what gives you that sensation? Let's talk about it 😁 11mo
JazzFeathers @BethM the way Tolkien infuses vulnerability in an epic fantasy is truly unique, in my opinion. 11mo
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Almost done! I saw this one on fb and immediately thought of #fellowshipoftolkien #lotrchapteraday

julesG See there's the rub: no duct tape in Middle Earth. 🤣🤣🤣 12mo
BethM @julesG eleven rope- even better! 12mo
JazzFeathers Sure. And why didn't they y by eagle? 😂 12mo
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4✨ I was able to catch up to current. Since the fellowship is split up at the moment I like that it focuses on one group in the first half, and the other group in the second half. There is lots of danger and breaks in between. I really like the friendships that are forming between some unlikely pairs, and the humorous conversations they have when they are resting. Like the previous book it leaves off on a cliffhanger. #FellowshipofTolkien

JazzFeathers Oh my goodness. Do you own these cutiies? 🤩 12mo
Roary47 @JazzFeathers Yes! They are Build a Bears. I‘m missing the Legolas outfit to complete the collection they have. 12mo
Roary47 Word Search #Scarathlon 266 words 10+1= 2,671 12mo
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I came across this on FB and found it fascinating… and then hilarious! And definitely fitting for our current #LOTRchapteraday read! #FellowshipofTolkien

dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 12mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s hilarious! 12mo
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My view tonight :) after today‘s chapter I quite like Faramir. #lotrchapteraday #fellowshipoftolkien

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My view tonight :) after today‘s chapter I quite like Faramir. #lotrchapteraday #fellowshipoftolkien

JazzFeathers He is awesome! 12mo
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I lost my book 😭 so I audio read to catch up. Frodo and Sam partner with Gollum to get them closer to where they need to be. They lose each other and the hobbits meet Boromir‘s brother. He seems trustworthy. They catch back up with Gollum and are going to continue their journey. #LotRChapteraDay #FellowshipofTolkien @JazzFeathers @Daisey

Daisey I‘m hoping to do some catch up today! 12mo
JazzFeathers You know? I'm still not there. Hope for some catch up this weekend. 12mo
Roary47 @JazzFeathers I hope you find your catch up time. I still haven‘t found my copy. 😭 12mo
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Two Towers | J R R Tolkien
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Only half way through todays chapter but she‘s a bit wordy again. #lotrchapteraday #fellowshipoftolkien

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

With no small delay, l come to the end of book 3. And l have to asset my reading schedule. I've always read at night, but this busy year is making me too tired and often l'm fighting sleep as l read. Not the way l want to read Tolkien!
So I'm trying a different thing. Let's read on the train to and from work. Let's see how it goes 😁

slategreyskies I like the idea of reading on the train. Hope it works for you! 📚💕 12mo
JazzFeathers @slategreyskies Moderately working at the moment. But anyway, better than falling asleep at night 😂 12mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

We might have thought that the peril was the Enemy's might, which would become greater if he gets the One Ring. But actually, in these last few chapters, we learn that Evil is more subtle and diverse. Saruman was once a wiseman. Theoden was and is a no le man. And even Pippin, who could think a pure if heart, is not immune to the power of Evil.
Tolkien's discourse becomes ever more complex.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

I always think that here we can really see Tolkien's ability with words.
Sure, Saryman uses magic in his voice, but he also uses sweetness and psychology in the way he chooses words.
To me, this is one of those instances where we see how Middle-earth is a fantasy world, but it could easily be our world too.

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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

In part, the same is happening here. Aot of space is given to the friends' reunion, and yet, their personal life and feelings are merged with the backstory of what happend at Isengard while we were following events in Helm's Deep.
This helps bringing the epic into the personal, if in a different way than in the battle of Helm's Deep.

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Finally finished the Palantir chapter, and I love this little light hearted banter between Gandalf & Pippin.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #LotRChapterADay #quote

BethM I laughed at this 12mo
Daisey @BethM Yes, I did too. So relatable and amusing. 12mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Why yes Gandalf, I do. Let me make some tea ☕️ 🤪 12mo
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 😂😂😂 the relationship between Pippin and Gandalf is really special. 12mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

Di n't you find that Tolkien is giving more space to the characters' perdinality in this chapter?
I particularly enjoyed Legolas and Gimli's interaction here. They friendship is becoming more important.

BethM I love their friendship! 12mo
Susanita I can‘t remember if it‘s in this chapter or the next, but I love the description of Treebeard absentmindedly tearing down a piece of the wall. Also the picture of Grima arriving and a hand yanking him inside the door. 12mo
JazzFeathers @BethM 💚😁 12mo
JazzFeathers @Susanita l like the scene of the hand too. Tolkien has a very peculiar abity to suggest through imagery and atmosphere, so that what you read is always only a part of the meaning. 12mo
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17 Aug-30 Sep 23 (audiobook)
Probably the weakest of the three books of the trilogy, although I do love the ents. It is just that I find Sam and Frodo‘s story drags once they leave the fellowship.
Looking forward to completing Return of the King and sharing all of the films with Trix.

The Two Towers | J. R. R. Tolkien
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This passage in Taming of Sméagol is more clear- small p himself, large P the ring. #fellowshipoftolkien#lotrchapteraday

Roary47 Ooooo that makes more sense! 12mo
BethM @Roary47 I wish I would‘ve figured that out last book lol! Unless maybe it wasn‘t an editing choice until this book. 12mo
JazzFeathers Oh, l hadn't consciously noticed that! 12mo
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Oops… I read a little ahead with Chapter 1 and 2 in book 4. #FellowshipofTolkien #LotRChapteraDay I thought I was behind and realized I read ahead instead. ? I‘m glad I did though. I really like the chapters with Sméagol helping Frodo and Sam on their journey. Sam is rightfully not very trusting at first, but they do start to really care for each other a bit. @Daisey @JazzFeathers

JazzFeathers I enjoyed these chapter too. I love seeing the hobbit interacting, even Smeagol fints in the picture. 12mo
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“Are we riding far tonight, Gandalf?” asked Merry after a while. “I don‘t know how you feel with small rag-tag dangling behind you; but the rag-tag is tired and will be glad to stop dangling and lie down.”

Gosh, I love the hobbits. Clever, self-deprecating, light humor while plaintively asking, in essence, “Are we there yet?” 😂

#LOTRchapteraday #FellowshipofTolkien

Daisey Exactly! I read this same scene last night and very much enjoyed the bit of light humor. 12mo
JazzFeathers It's so true! But that's why weobe them, right? 😁 12mo
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#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien

What always impresses me about Tolkien's battle scenes is that he clearly knows what he's talking about. He knows how people and armies move on the grounds, he knows the tactics. Yet he always manages to bring the battle down on a human level. We know what the characters do, think and feel, their fears and their hopes.
And this is what makes Tolkien's battles so invelving.

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