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The Canterville Ghost
The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
WHEN Mr. Hiram B. Otis, the American Minister, bought Canterville Chase, every one told him he was doing a very foolish thing, as there was no doubt at all that the place was haunted. Indeed, Lord Canterville himself, who was a man of the most punctilious honour, had felt it his duty to mention the fact to Mr. Otis when they came to discuss terms.
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🖤🖤 8mo
Eggs Great choice 🖤💀🖤 8mo
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I re-read this short story for the first time in a very long time and I found myself laughing out loud through the absurd situations. I can't stress enough how Oscar Wilde had such a gift for humor and irony. His writing feels modern and topical no matter how much time passes. I will never not enjoy his more humorous writing.

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Rereading this for #Victober is so fun

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I'm catching up for the last few days 🧛🏻‍♂️
The Magick & Alchemy podcast: small spells
The Centerville Ghost: It was a reread, I love the story.
Interview With the Vampire: loved the first episode.
#TeamMonsterMash #ScarathlonWordSearch @StayCurious #AutumnBingo2022 #publishedbefore1900 (1887) @Ann_Reads #LittenListen #LittenListenBingo #charactergoesmissing @aperfectmjk #Stabbybingo #HauntedHouse #BodyCountBingo #backfromthedead @PuddleJumper

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I'm on a role today apparently and finished a 2nd book while on my after work walk. The tagged book was short and satisfying and counts as a #TeamTheme read for #TeamHendrix. #Bingo #Scarathlon2021 @StayCurious
#spookoween @TheSpineView
#screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
#LittenListen @aperfectmjk

TheSpineView Great job! 3y
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3 stars

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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There's something poetic in reading The Canterville Ghost while it's snowing.
I used to love the snow years ago, then I took my driving license 😆

#OscarWilde #Cantervilleghost #snowing

BookmarkTavern Lovely view! ❤️ 3y
Ast_Arslan @ozma.of.oz thanks ❤ 3y
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Charming 42 page short story. I must read more Oscar Wilde. I‘ll put him on the list!

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Listened to a podcast about Oscar Wilde yesterday and uploaded all his books just before... Just in case... Oh well, I started reading The Cahterville Ghost instead of continuing with my current book ;)

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And Happy Halloween from very enthusiastic vampire #Zeus !😂😸🧛🏾‍♂️

This was utterly charming! Oscar Wilde is such a delight.

#Screamathon #littenlisten #CreatureFeaturethon #Gothtober #Scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness

Freespirit I have this book on order 4y
aperfectmjk Love the photo! 😸 4y
KVanRead @Freespirit I was able to borrow the audiobook on Hoopla 4y
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KVanRead @aperfectmjk Thanks 😸 4y
LeahBergen This photo! 😂😂😂 4y
KVanRead @LeahBergen he‘s really in his element here 😂 4y
batsy This is too funny 😂😂 4y
Nute The BEST photo! 4y
KVanRead @batsy @Nute Thanks! I just had to get him to show his fangs.😂🧛🏼‍♀️ 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Well, I‘m behind with posting again. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Finished Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & The Canterville Ghost during #OutstandingOctober. #sbooktober

Finished The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde & The Halloween Tree during #ReadYourWay. #gothtober #ghostathon20 #nameinthetitlereadathon #readallweekcgb

#scarathlon #teamslaughter #cocoturns50 #screamathon #fallreadathon #10dayreadathon

TheSpineView 🤩👍🧡📚 4y
RebL Behind posting? It me. 👀 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🍾🥂🍾🥂🥳😊 4y
Clwojick It happens so quickly! I've been falling behind this week too. 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Two #outstanding books I‘ve read this month. Gave them both ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ on GR!

Freespirit The Agatha Christie is great..must read the OW😊 4y
CMB We just watched the o-l-d movie about the Canterville Ghost! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love your collage 🎃 4y
OriginalCyn620 I would love to watch a movie version @CMB! Thanks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks! 😊 4y
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This is a fun little story in which an American family moves into an old English castle that‘s haunted by a ghost...sitcom-like hijinks ensue! 👻 It‘s great to finally read something by Oscar Wilde, whom I‘ve always known more for his personality and quotable quotes than for his actual writing.

46 pts #teamharkness #scarathlon2020 #littenlisten #screamathon #outstandingoctober

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I adored this cute (and hilarious) ghost story! I‘ve had the urge to read more classics lately, and this was a quick, fun story to get started.

+16 #teamharkness
#scarathlon2020 #screamathon #outstandingoctober #october20in4 #littenlisten

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
Bookgoil Sounds fun!! 4y
JoeMo I gave this a try today based on your review. I agree, it‘s a fun read! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! 4y
britt_reads @JoeMo I‘m glad you liked it! 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Humorous, light, thought provoking and A CLASSIC! A complete package?.

"He made me see what Life is, and what Death signifies, and why Love is stronger than both."

"My dear Hiram," cried Mrs. Otis, "what can we do with a woman who faints?" "Charge it to her like breakages," answered the Minister; "she won't faint after that." ??

"Oh, I hate the cheap severity of abstract ethics!"

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Loved this original and surprisingly sweet story! I haven‘t read Oscar Wilde in ages and this felt kind of gentler than some of this other stories I‘ve read. Fairytale-ish but still sharp.

#scarathlon2020 #teamharkness @StayCurious +16 pts

StayCurious I‘ll have to read this - great review! 4y
veritysalter I‘m so pleased you enjoyed it. 🖤 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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This was my first Oscar Wilde and I loved it! Would you just let the poor ghost haunt?!?!?!

Also, Serial Reader has become one of my new favorite apps. I can‘t remember who recommended it, but thank you!!

I‘m counting 1 hour for it - I promise to make up the four minutes somewhere.

+36 pts #TeamHarkness #CYOReadathon #Screamathon2020 #Scarathlon2020

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A firm favourite from my childhood. When the wealthy American family, the Otises buy Canterville Chase, they do so ‘ghost and all‘, being modern and progressive people they do not believe in his existence. Sir Simon de Canterville has other ideas and hilarity ensues as he attempts to haunt them. It falls to young Virginia to save the family and the ghost #Scarathlon2020 #TeamSlaughter mystery/thriller (16 points).

Emilymdxn Oooooh i need to read this!! 4y
veritysalter @Emilymdxn Do, it‘s fabulous, Wilde pokes gentle fun at the Americans and the English and the genre of ghost stories. 4y
Emilymdxn I need that with my whole self right now. Gonna do it next!! 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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A gentle start to #Scarathlon2020 with this comical ghost story while on the school run #TeamSlaughter (1 point)

Clwojick Yay!! 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I feel like I should read more of Oscar Wilde‘s work. These are the two I know I‘ve read. #AugustAuthors

OriginalCyn620 I love Dorian and I have the Canterville Ghost but haven‘t read it yet! 4y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I‘m trying to get back into @SerialReader so I figured I‘d start with a short one. Settled in with my coffee this morning to finish the first issue. #classicschallenge2020

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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This reminded me just why I love Oscar Wilde so much ❤️ It was beautiful and thoughtful, yet at the same time there were parts when I literally found myself laughing out loud.

emz711 Yes! My favorite! 4y
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Christmas time - movie time. As announced watching the Canterville Ghost, but the Patrick Stewart version. It‘s a bit shallow and not as funny as the novel, but okay. #oscarwilde #thecantervilleghost

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Finished this one on a single flight. Never knew that a) the Canterville Ghost was this funny and b) it was writen by Wilde. I thought it was supposed to a gothic novel. Next aim: Watch the movie with Patrick Stewart as the Ghost. 🤗
#oscarwilde #thecantervilleghost

Laura317 Gonna have to find that movie! I felt so sorry for the ghost. 🤣 5y
AkashaVampie i believe they have done this movie a few times. I really liked it when I watched it. 5y
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They were evidently People on a low, material plane of existence, and quite incapable of appreciating the symbolic value of sensuous phenomena. 😂

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Delighted to find on old library card pocket in this book.

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Book #50

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Snuck in one more quick #audiobook before the #screamathon is over. An oldie but a goodie!

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.”

“He made me see what Life is, and what Death signifies, and why Love is stronger than both.”

Two beautiful quotes from the book. A humorous ghost story tinged with satire. Enjoyable read.
#Screamathon RC

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Loved this ghost story. It‘s a different take on ghosts.

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Listening to The Canterville Ghost on this crisp late October fall morning with some Frankenbones coffee ☕️🍁👻

Maybe it is all going to be okay...

Also, holy smokes! @lele1432 I received your giant #NightmareSwap package!! 🤭🤭 Can‘t wait until Halloween to open!! 🎃🖤🎃🖤🎃🖤

LibrarianRyan Yrahhhhh 5y
KT1432 Yayyy so glad it arrived! Please excuse the rushed wrapping job lol. 5y
Avanders @lele1432 😘😘 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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👻 This was a fun ghost story! 👻 Oscar Wilde is one of my favorite authors, though, so I love everything he wrote!

KathyWheeler I‘m reading this through Serial Reader right now too. I‘m loving it. 😊 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I‘m sorry to say that this was my first time reading this classic. I‘d seen the movie, but somehow have never gotten around to reading the book. Loved it! Such a fun take on a ghost story!

Sharpeipup That movie was a family favorite! 5y
AkashaVampie I loved the movie... never read the book 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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This is possibly my favorite ghost story I have read because it is so different! An American family moves into an old haunted English manor, and the ghost is extremely offended that they are not afraid of him. 😱😂
Read via @SerialReader

#scarathlon #teamslaughter
+5 book finished +1 post

tournevis Pure gold! 5y
BookNAround Sounds like the kind of ghost story I might even be able to read without nightmares. 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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#Scarathlon #TeamStoker #monsters #ghostly #chillingphotochallenge
A cute and short ghost story.

2 points - book read and participation

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
jb72 @TheReadingMermaid Whew has to edit the post. I was unsure of the points since I am including the book read and the photo challenge in one post. 5y
BeansPage Oh okay so this is a 3-pointer then. Two for the book on theme and one for the post 5y
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jb72 @TheReadingMermaid LOL i still get it wrong. 🤦🏼‍♀️ 5y
BeansPage It's okay girl that's why we've got team captains taking note of all the points 😉 5y
jb72 @TheReadingMermaid I guess I haven‘t counted any #chillingphotochallenge posts as participation. It‘s a good thing I have you to keep me on point. 5y
BeansPage 😘😘 love you girl, don't worry I got you! ❤️ 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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#Spooktober @Eggs

Do ghosts give you the chills?

Eggs Mucho 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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For anyone reading this review and thinking this book 📖 is not for you because you're scared of ghost stories, I can promise you that it's really not scary at all - I would describe it as more of a comedy and a clever sattire! What I am continually impressed by is how modern and fresh Oscar Wilde's prose still sounds. It would be easy to forget it was penned in the late 1800s. I really enjoyed this unusual little book! It's funny, imaginative👍👻

AkashaVampie Have u ever watched the movies? I believe they have remade it a time or 2. 5y
Niki_Agarwal @AkashaVampie Nope.. not yet. Ya, quite many times.. infact it has also been made in french a couple of years ago(2016) 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde

I listened to this extremely short story as part of the audio file sync program. What a fun story about a ghost who meets his match.

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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I loved the portrayal of the bulldozer type American patriarch and his family. Hyperbolically hilarious.

Wilde‘s wit is certainly present in this one, but I didn‘t find it as enjoyably absurd as Importance of Being Earnest (against which all things are measured.) The plot turned surprisingly sappy, and reminded me of The Abbot Ghost by Alcott.

I am looking forward to seeing the Margaret O‘Brien film, though it appears to lack verisimilitude. 😆

CarolynM I haven't read the story but I have seen the film. I enjoyed it but it seemed to me very unlikely that it would have had much in common with the original. 5y
mabell @CarolynM That‘s the impression I got too. But it looks cute! 😄 5y
mabell @BookishMarginalia Sorry for the inundation! I completely forgot to be keeping up with my #LitsyAtoZ2019 ! 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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“It is absurd asking me to behave myself, quite absurd. I must rattle my chains, and groan through keyholes, and walk about at night, if that is what you mean. It‘s my only reason for existing.”

This was a short read about a ghost who can‘t scare the new American tenants of his old English castle.

In the background the Champions League match between Ajax and Juventus. On to the semi finals we go ⚽️🎉!

batsy I didn't wake up to watch the match but I recorded it 🤓 Ajax, what a feat 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 5y
jveezer I‘m so excited. Ajax is my Dutch team. My English team didn‘t do quite so well today. 😝 Nor did I expect them too. Ajax to the finals next‼️ 5y
BarbaraBB @batsy @jveezer This is so unexpected, the team being so young and without any real iconic players. It is super exciting, though it will be hard to keep winning from the great teams! ⚽️ 5y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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I loved this movie years ago and mentioned it to the hubs ( @TheWhiteHatter ) recently. So he put the DVD in my Christmas stocking yesterday, and we‘re watching it now. ❤️

LibrarianRyan I love this version of this movie. 6y
annkuch13 Oh wow! This movie was the best. How cool that your husband got it for you! 6y
GypsyKat @LibrarianRyan Me too, it‘s so fun! 6y
GypsyKat @annkuch13 Right? He‘s the sweetest! 6y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Catching up on reviews!

Gezemice Sounds fun! I only read a few Oscar Wilde and I need more! 6y
CoffeeNBooks I love Oscar Wilde! He's one of my favorite authors! 6y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Tanisha_A I liked it! 👻 6y
DarcysMom @Tanisha_A Same! So funny! 6y
Ericalambbrown I need to read this! It‘s one the few of his I haven‘t read 6y
DarcysMom @Ericalambbrown You should! It is probably my favorite! 6y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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A humorous novella. Read to know what ensues in the Canterville Chase when an American family moves to England and decides to reside in the house haunted by the Canterville Ghost. The ending is beautiful!
@SerialReader provides this in just 4 issues! Enjoy!
📷: The Halloween decorations at Disneyland, Paris. It was an amazing sight.

batsy Cheery Halloween at Disney! 😁 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Haven‘t read this but I‘ve enjoyed the TV movie adaptation. 6y
Tanisha_A @batsy It was a delightful decor! 👻 6y
Tanisha_A @erzascarletbookgasm Oh there's a movie too?! Will check it out. 6y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Thanks for the #friyayintro tag @Gissy !

1. Babysitting the new and old canine babies. 🙄🐶❤️😂
2. CST
3. I don't have one, but I loved the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and I hope to get to the Canterville Ghost this year.
4. I almost ONLY reread, but I've found new favorites thanks to Litsy!
5. Will do! 🙌

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Thanks again to Litsy for introducing me to Hoopla! Just listened to this fun short story. (So appropriate for the season. ) An ancient family ghost 👻 meets the new owners of his castle, a Republican and his family. Oscar Wilde is a very witty author.

Sace I loved this when I read it! 6y
Dragon Thanks @RestlessFickleBookHoarder I‘m pretty sure I‘ve seen an old movie based on this story. I‘m going to have to make reading the story a Halloween 🎃 tradition 👻 6y
Sace I'm kind of wanting to read it again myself! 6y
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Laura317 This on Libravox was hilarious! 6y
Dragon Thanks @RestlessFickleBookHoarder 😀👍🐉 6y
Dragon Thanks @Laura317 Agreed! 😀🐉👍 6y
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The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde
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Read this little short story while waiting at the kids' dentist appointments. Such a classic ghost story wit Wilde's sense of humor mixed in.

#litsyclassics #serialreader #ghosts

The Canterville Ghost | Oscar Wilde


CarolynM Welcome to Litsy 🌼 6y
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