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Er ist wieder da: Der Roman | Timur Vermes
Sommer 2011. Adolf Hitler erwacht auf einem leeren Grundstck in Berlin-Mitte. Ohne Krieg, ohne Partei, ohne Eva, dafr unter Tausenden von Auslndern und Angela Merkel. 66 Jahre nach seinem vermeintlichen Ende startet er gegen jegliche Wahrscheinlichkeit eine neue Karriere im Fernsehen. Dieser Hitler ist keine Witzfigur, sondern erschreckend real. Und das Land, auf das er trifft, ist es auch: zynisch, hemmungslos erfolgsgeil und vollkommen chancenlos gegenber dem Demagogen und der Sucht nach Quoten, Klicks und "Gefllt mir!"-Buttons. Eine Persiflage? Eine Satire? Polit-Comedy? All das und mehr: Dieser Roman ist ein literarisches Kabinettstck erster Gte.
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Day 105.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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This book is set in Berlin, 2011, where the 56-years-old Hitler unexpectedly finds himself. It is hilarious and morbid at the same time, and sometimes frighteningly realistic.
📸 Photo was taken at the Hitler birthplace memorial stone in Braunau am Inn, Austria

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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I might have liked it better if there was an actual plot. It was amusing at the beginning, but there is only so much you can read of fictional Hitler‘s mad ravings (I gave up at 102 pages) before you just get bored.

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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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I couldn‘t resist. XD (Also trying to get the hang of these photo editing options)

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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This might be a bit of a cliched joke for a book making fun of Hitler, but I still thought it was funny (Sue me and my unsophisticated humor).

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Hysterical and delusional Hitler is surprisingly funny 😄

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes

I have been trying to broaden my reading choices and decided to pick up ‘Look Who‘s Back‘ which is not one I would normally go for. A satirical and clever book. An interesting take on what society might think or do if someone came back claiming to be Hitler. It‘s worryingly believable, very humorous and highly compelling.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Not meant to offend the lovely morning people, but this quote just makes me 😄.
#temper #quotsynov17

TrishB 😀 me and the kids are not morning people! But hubby is - he knows not to bother us! 7y
Cathythoughts I‘m a morning person & I love the quote 👍 7y
Peterfox123 Love this! I'm a morning person but my wife wakes and rises by slow, laboured and painful degrees. It's my perfect opportunity to be very irritating. 😈 7y
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AmyG I can be a morning person...after about 3 cups of coffee. 7y
Caroline2 😂 so true!!! (I am NOT a morning person!) 7y
JenlovesJT47 Ah yes, so true! 😂 7y
jbhops ?I am that person. I'm at the office early and love saying a bright and cheery "good morning! to all my coworkers who arrive later. I get scowled at a lot. ?? 7y
alisiakae I am definitely not that person. My dad is...and while he has been staying with us lately he has been met with a lot of morning grumpy faces. 😆 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Hahaha. Need to show that to Mr. B. When he wakes up in a few hours ... 🤣🤣 7y
BookNAround My husband is that person. Thank heavens none of our children inherited that odious gene. I only have to resent one person in the house. 😂 7y
Tamra Agreed...😴😴😴 7y
Jinjer Hi!!!!! I'm totally that person! I require zero time to wake up.☺️ 7y
readinginthedark 😆😆😆 7y
mcipher That‘s my husband!! Me, I‘m at my best when he‘s getting ready for bed. 😂 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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For my #5fordinner I'm resurrecting Edith Wharton and Anne Caulfield. I'm also inviting Stephen King and Mindy Kaling plus Karl Ove Knausgaard to keep my husband entertained. Since this is fictional, Jamie Oliver is cooking for us. Who's your five, member of #TheCanadiantour ?

BarbaraBB Knausgard for your husband? Did you take a good look ar him 😍😂!? 7y
BookishTrish @BarbaraBB We went to hear him speak two years ago for my husband - and that was precisely my thought #goodwife 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Babe is pretty excited about my little surprise for him. 😄

There is a Netflix movie of the same premise which piqued his interest a while back and when I found this on Amazon I had to get it for him.

#LitsyPartyOfOne for 2 💜

aschermetz Omg this sounds so good!! 7y
mrozzz Definitely. @aschermetz he's sitting next to me laughing.... 7y
aschermetz @mrozzz 😂😂Must get. Sounds like a fun one for me and my husband to read! 7y
mrozzz That would be a good plan! @aschermetz 😁 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Funny and original 😄

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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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A new bullet journal means a new books to read page! Any recommendations? #bujo #bulletjournal

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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A bit conflicted to start this book. Anyone read it before? What did you think? 😊

tpixie Interesting, seems like a Sacha Baron Cohen movie 🎥 7y
JDMagnus @tpixie that's what I thought at first too! Haha 7y
findmewherethecoffeeis I actually did not read the book but saw the movie (shame on me 🙈) but the movie was really really good! It's so interesting and kinda shocking how the return of him is portrayed - and at the same time it's hilarious! But I personally felt bad laughing about it because ... yeah ... he obviously wasn't a good person 😐 7y
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Libby1 What did you think of it? I felt conflicted, too. I always concealed the cover when I read it in public! Have you finished it? 7y
JDMagnus @findmewherethecoffeeis Same! The book was funny at times but can't help but feel guilty for laughing 😬 7y
JDMagnus @Libby1 I have finished and it was just okay for me. I can't help but feel bad for laughing sometimes though. If you like dark humor, you'll like this 😬 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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#MayBookFlowers #Satire

I thought this satire about Hitler as a social media star was well-done.

Cinfhen Ooafff... not sure I can find or appreciate any Hitler humor 😔😳😐I actually despise most satire...my hubby always says I'm too sensitive 😉#ItsJustMe 7y
Betty_Bookworm I watched the movie and I thought it was hilarious. But I can also see how others would not agree. 7y
Librariana I'm with @Cinfhen on this one - I don't know that I could read Hitler satire... Having said that, I'm glad you found humor in this and had a good reading experience 😊 7y
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Cinfhen Yes...I would never judge anyone on what they read or enjoy...sorry if my comment appeared judgmental 7y
Well-ReadNeck @Cinfhen not at all! I thought the author did a good job of understanding the gravity of the subject. But, absolutely not for everyone!! (edited) 7y
vivastory I read this last summer & found it depressingly relevant to American politics 7y
hlgreenfield My best friend told me I need to read this and watch the movie cos it's really well done and handled. 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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There were many things in this modern world to which I had to accustom myself, based as they must be on new discoveries or a passion for outlandish design.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉👍📚😀 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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This morning I went for a walk and took this photo. As I walked I pondered the difficulty that is this book. It's not funny but it's amusing in a way that hurts. Maybe that's a good definition of satire?

I settled for a Pick rating as I think it's worthy and important. I'm sure I missed a lot as I'm not German, but what was clear is how horribly simple it is for society to allow a dangerous narcissist to gain power.

Maybe we already know this.

Bibliogeekery Gorgeous photo! 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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"Very early on I made it quite clear to Goebbels that I was prepared to play the fool if it enabled me to capture the attention of my fellow Germans. You won't win over a single soul if nobody is listening."

This feels frighteningly familiar.

Zelma I really want to read this, but can't seem to find it anywhere. I need to just buy or inter-library loan it. 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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I was nervous about reading this book. A book about Hitler that's supposed to be funny? The thought makes me cringe.

But (so far) this is a satire that points out how vital it is to be aware of and guard against fascism.

Hitler "wakes up" in Berlin in 2011. He hasn't changed. What would he do in the modern world? How would people now react to him? And just how ridiculous would it be if he became a reality TV Star?

Erynecki I haven't read the book, but thought the film was worth watching. 7y
saresmoore This makes me think of The Producers! 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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From For Reading Addicts.


Texreader 👍👍👍 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
UwannaPublishme 😊👌🏻 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Trying to find some peace in the midst of Sunday afternoon soft play madness.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes

I'm officially giving up on this book. I did get 100 pages in before giving up so that's good for me.

There are some interesting parts and funny dialogue between Hitler and other characters but unfortunately Hitler tends to go on descriptive tangents that bore me to tears.

The writing is good but just not for me. I'll probably watch the movie when it comes out though.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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So I was having a hard time believing that people would be ok with a guy walking around Berlin who is dressed liked Hitler and very committed to his character.What Hitler did was and is still horrible.

So I googled "Berlin laws regarding Hitler actors" because I've heard that stuff is illegal and found this. This book is being made into a film and I found this part of the article interesting.

Suet624 Thanks for sharing. That was interesting. 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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A book about Hitler waking up in 2011 Berlin and becomes a YouTube star. Sign me up!


tjwill Cool minimalist cover! 7y
Suet624 Honestly I don't know whether to "like" this book or not. 7y
That-Bookish-Hiker @Suet624 I had the same problem and was hesitant to get it from the library. The book jacket inside says a satire of a modern media-bloated society seen through Hitler's eyes. That's the part that drew me in because we are media bloated and people become famous for the weirdest reasons lol. 7y
Suet624 Yup. I'm curious to see what you think of it. 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes

Interesting look at what would happen if Hitler came back in the present. Also a satire on today's obsession with the media and getting famous.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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I don't have many books with faces on them and am terrible at selfies, but here is my #bookface. #readjanuary

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Megabooks Only one 👎🏻, awesome! 7y
Reviewsbylola Great year!! 🎉🎉 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Now I've never read Mein Kampf ( though I've read my share of Hitler biogs) but the Pooterish tone of the narrative voice here, totally devoid of irony or self-awareness, like a Germanic Trump, is exactly how I would imagine Hitler to speak. Amusing satire on our celebrity-obsessed world though the ending was a little disappointing.

MicheleinPhilly I just read your comment as "I've read my share of Hitler BLOGS" and was like ?. I should probably get my eyes checked in 2017. ? 7y
mjdowens Hahaha....I did the same thing. Had to read it a couple of times. 7y
tricours I bought this one in German in Berlin this year, and I'm looking forward to reading it, I just... need to get better at German first 😛 7y
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Minervasbutler @MicheleinPhilly Haha yes I can see how that happened ;) 7y
ClairesReads Looking forward to reading this I just got it the other day 7y
LeeRHarry Read this last year, very novel idea for a book 😊 7y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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“Here we are: Adolf dot Hitler‘s gone,” she said. “As is Adolf Hitler all one word and Adolf underscore Hitler, too ...“AHitler and A dot Hitler have both gone too,” she announced. “Just Hitler and just Adolf as well.” “Then we will simply have to get them back,” I thundered. “You can‘t get anything back,” she said petulantly. “Bormann could!“ "Would you rather Herr Bormann sorted out your e-mail address?” Fräulein Krömeier asked.

Minervasbutler The Fuhrer trying to create an email address for himself perhaps shouldn't be as funny as it is 7y
vivastory That was one of the funniest moments in the book 7y
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Lui tornato | Timur Vermes

Libro divertentissimo sul un ipotetico ritorno del Fuhrer nella Berlino del 2011!

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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I read Timur Vermes' book earlier this year to try to understand the success of Trump's campaign. It takes place in Berlin in 2011 where Hitler appears in a park out of thin air. A newspaper reporter soon meets him and does an article about him, portraying him as a Hitler impersonator. The article is a massive success and soon Hitler gains increasing media access as he decides to start an increasingly powerful political campaign.

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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Hilarious if worringly convincing account of Hitler waking up in modern day Germany and becoming a YouTube sensation.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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The cover grabbed my attention when I saw it and it is definitely minimalistic #augustphotochallenge #minimalisticcovers #minimalist

RealLifeReading Oh!! Really like this one! 8y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Such delicious fun but also makes you think. A good take for today's political climate.

Erynecki Haven't read the book, but did see the movie! 8y
MrBook Talk about a controversial book, lol. 8y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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"What irritates me most of all about these morning people is their horribly good temper, as if they have been up for three hours and already conquered France."

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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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"To begin with I thought we were driving around in circles until I realised that Herr Starbuck owned dozens of coffee houses."

Yep, that's the tone of the book. It's actually pretty great, and a very interesting take on the cyclical nature of history and that sometimes, you can't stop a force.

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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Popsugar reading challenge! I picked up Look who's back. Imagine Hitler returning in the 20th century but everyone thinking he's an impersonator and then giving him a platform...again! Some stark comparisons to politics in some parts of the world right now! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

BookishBron Such a clever cover! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa That sounds really interesting, and very scary! 8y
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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes

Before long I established that I kept arriving at the same address: a proto-Germanic reference work called Vikipedia, an easily recognizable compound of "encyclopedia" and those ancient Germans with exploration in their blood, the Vikings.

Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes

I was seized by the urge to call in the SA and have them lacerate this cretin's eardrum with his cursed bell.

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Look Who's Back | Timur Vermes
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Has anyone read this book?

Msapoznik No. I just watched the movie at Netflix. Great film 8y
Cohenj It's on Netflix? Which country? in the USA? 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I watched it on Aussie Netflix (mostly because I thought it was interesting but I couldn't quite bring myself to read the book) 8y
elliemcc11 Yes. The book is quite funny. Great satire. 8y
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