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Girl, Interrupted
Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
105 posts | 332 read | 159 to read
In 1967, after a session with a psychiatrist she'd never seen before, eighteen-year-old Susanna Kaysen was put in a taxi and sent to McLean Hospital. She spent most of the next two years in the ward for teenage girls in a psychiatric hospital as renowned for its famous clienteleSylvia Plath, Robert Lowell, James Taylor, and Ray Charlesas for its progressive methods of treating those who could afford its sanctuary. Kaysen's memoir encompasses horror and razor-edged perception while providing vivid portraits of her fellow patients and their keepers. It is a brilliant evocation of a "parallel universe" set within the kaleidoscopically shifting landscape of the late sixties. Girl, Interrupted is a clear-sighted, unflinching document that gives lasting and specific dimension to our definitions of sane and insane, mental illness and recovery.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Thanks @BookLove4Ever for tagging me for #wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1. I think its the tagged book. Mental Health is rough for me, but I loved it and the movie.

2. Everyone that knows me should know this answer... Paranormal Romance. I just love the craziness and bizarre type of worlds with creatures that aren't human.

3. Honestly I don't know. I mostly like to go for the funny laugh out loud PR ones.

Play along if u like!!

BookLove4Ever Ooh yes, paranormal romance is the best! 😁 2y
Eggs Thanks for playing 💙📖🤗 2y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Tried to watch Nightbooks and couldn't get into it, the book was wayyyy better! So I decided to watch Girl, interrupted as I've seen some YouTubers I'm subscribed to for bookish content mention it. And wow just wow was it amazing. I definitely have to read the book now!!!! 🥰

5feet.of.fury I haven‘t read it since high school, but I liked the book too 2y
tracey38 Good movie 2y
Zoes_Human It's one of those rare few where I like both equally though they are different. 2y
CBee It‘s a great book! 2y
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Day 264.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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So I picked this book up on a whim, but I‘m really glad I did. This was an excellent work of creative nonfiction detailing the author Susanna Kaysen‘s experiences whilst confined to a mental institution in the late 60‘s. It was written in a fairly conversational style, but it worked well for this story. It also raises interesting questions about sanity and perception, and I could recommend this. Full review here:


Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Quick read and super intriguing. But not a lot of detail which was frustrating. She would mention something really interesting but not elaborate on it and it left you wanting more.
Also, nothing like the movie. The movie creates plot and drama, this book has neither of those things really. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Starting now ✨

smalldogs_bigbooks2419 I just rewatched the movie recently. I love it, but I‘ve never read the book. 2y
reading_rainbow @smalldogs_bigbooks2419 me too! Im curious to compare the two 2y
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I was a bit obsessed with this book and movie in high school. I really should try a reread and see how I feel about it now.

#SavvySettings #Hospital @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

jlhammar Same here! Great pick. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻 🏥 2y
Eggs Great choice 👏🏻 2y
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wow really makes you think. i had no idea this book would be a memoir. mental health is subjective

Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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I thought this autobiography was a bit all over the place. But it is about being sent to a mental hospital as a teen in the 60s, so I suppose that's to be expected. Wasn't really holding my attention, but it was a quick read.

Clare-Dragonfly Huh, I remember this as a movie but I didn‘t know it was a book. I was just talking with some friends about it the other day. 3y
tracey38 @Clare-Dragonfly I also saw the movie but didn't know it was a book. 3y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Keen observations. Quick read.

Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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I don't think it really need explanations 😂

Day 20

Eggs Great choice❣️saw the film, haven‘t read the book 3y
Ast_Arslan @Eggs it's one of the rare case where I prefer the movie, actually 😂 3y
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Squirrel, Interrupted

Lmstraubie Squirrel on the Train 3y
LoveToReadLiveToRead The Squirrel with the dragon tattoo 3y
CoffeeAndABook Squirrel with a pearl earring 😉 3y
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RamsFan1963 The Squirrel With The Lower Back Tattoo 3y
Literary_Siren The Casquette Squirrel 3y
Soubhiville The Squirrel who Fell from the Sky 3y
jmtrivera Gone Squirrel 3y
Librariana The Squirrel Who Reads on the Métro 😁 3y
readordierachel The Squirrel With All the Gifts 3y
Bookwormjillk 😂😂 3y
Bookwormjillk Atomic City Squirrels 🐿 3y
Lcsmcat Lilac Squirrels 3y
Prairiegirl_reading Squirrel wash your face. I think I‘d read that before the actual book! 3y
Awk_Word_Smith “The Squirrel Who Loved Tom Gordon” by Stephen King 3y
Bette Six Angry Squirrels. 3y
Deblovestoread A Squirrel is a Half Formed Thing 🐿 3y
squirrelbrain OMG - this is so funny to wake up to! @CoffeeAndABook - that was the first one I thought of.... 3y
squirrelbrain @Prairiegirl_reading - I‘d read that one first too. And I do actually have a book called 3y
squirrelbrain Squirrel, Woman, Other.... I think this book is about me! 🤣 3y
Gissy There is a documental with this title Boy Interrupted. A boy with Bipolar Disorder, family hx with this disorder. So sad. Documental was filmed in some parts by boy‘s parents. 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick The Squirrel Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind 3y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards How the Garcia Squirrels Lost their Accent 3y
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Reading this for both personal and professional interest. Enjoying it although enjoy is not the right word - appreciating the authenticity

Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen

“Sometimes its interpretations are not credible, as when you cut your finger and it starts yelling, “You‘re gonna die!” Sometimes its claims are unlikely, as when it says, “Twenty-five chocolate chip cookies would be the perfect dinner.””

Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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A deeply moving story about the author's experience at a mental asylum where she overcomes depression, forms relationships and learns a thing or two about life.
TRIVIA - Susanna Kaysen (the author) and Sylvia Plath were at the same mental asylum.
There's a movie based on the book too starring Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie.
Rating - 4.5

megnews I saw the movie so I‘ve never read the book. I don‘t like doing it in that order. I ❤️ Winona Ryder. I forgot Angelina Jolie was in that. And that‘s an amazing trivia fact! 4y
Wordsling Yes, Winona is amazing. Loved her in Stranger things too. Thanks @megnews 4y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Reading this for the #MBC #2020ReadingChallenge. It's for the #Memoir prompt.

Wildly_Bookish Finished! I love a good, quick read. 4y
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Less dramatic than the movie, but it feels more direct, honest and, as an autobiography, gives more clarity to Susanna's 'character.'

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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Girl, Interrupted was good, but not nearly as good as The Bell Jar 🤷‍♀️

So much time to read and cook, thanks to social distancing! 🙈

TheBookAddict That looks delicious! 🤤 😋 4y
Qpri @TheBookAddict Thank you! It was a plant-based Mexican-inspired bowl 😋 (edited) 4y
TheSpineView That looks so good! 4y
Qpri @TheSpineView Thank you!! 😋😋 4y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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This fall I was nominated to speak at Norway's largest convention for technology and education, and I okayed the nomination because I never thought I would actually be accepted- but guess what? They did! I was told today and have spent the day being happy, proud, scared and realising that now I actually have to do something 🙈 But I started with celebrating the only way I know how; buying books. One for each year I have taught. #bookhaul

MrsMalaprop How exciting 😁. 4y
Jas16 That is so awesome!🙌🏽 4y
Lcsmcat Congratulations! That‘s wonderful !! 4y
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HannaPolkadots Thank you @MrsMalaprop @Jas16 @Lcsmcat !😍 Very exciting. 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser Congratulations! 4y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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This book really opened my eyes about mental illness and how they connected it to "women". I loved the movie, which made me want to read the book, but now I want to watch the movie because I think now I will have a better understanding of what actually happened.

Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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"Light like this does not exist, but we wish it did".

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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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So excited!!!

AkashaVampie The tagged book is great. Have u seen the movie? 5y
Ingrid725 Yes it‘s one of my favorite movies 5y
rather_be_reading great picks! 5y
Ingrid725 Thanks now to figure out which one to read next lol 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen

This haunting memoir of mental illness and time spent in a psychiatric hospital kept me riveted and horrified. It hits a bit close to home, as I have a teenage niece struggling with mental illness and suicidal thoughts and actions. My heart just breaks for these young girls caught in the grip of their mental prisons. My only hope is that my niece's treatment is kinder than those of the late 60s shown in this book. #mentalillness #endthestigma 💔

TrishB She sounds like she has some wonderful support ♥️ wishing her well. 5y
cherinium @TrishB Thanks so much! It's been a rough year or so for the whole family. It means a lot to have support from others. 🌞 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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“Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.”

#AnglophileApril | 16: #Rehab

📷: Made with Typorama

LiterRohde In my experience of addiction and its consequences, this quote rings quite true. (edited) 5y
Mdargusch So sad. 😢 5y
Reviewsbylola ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
Cinfhen Such a sad truth but I feel like the world is becoming a bit more compassionate. 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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I'm reading past his bedtime. 😉
#DogsofLitsy #Readingpastmybedtime
Book 31/100 for 2019

Birdsong28 Where did you get that lovely bookmark? 😍😍😍📚📖 5y
InkedBookworm13 @Birdsong28 on Etsy. The store is called "Magicbookmarks" I have quite a few from them. I really like their bookmarks. Good quality and not expensive. 5y
Birdsong28 @LokiDokey Thank you. I will check it out. 📚📖 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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“Scar tissue has no character. It's not like skin. It doesn't show age or illness or pallor or tan. It has no pores, no hair, no wrinkles. It's like a slip cover. It shields and disguises what's beneath. That's why we grow it; we have something to hide.”

#TimbitTunes | 23: #TheNeedleAndTheDamageDone

📷: Made with Typorama

Cinfhen The moment I saw the words “Scar Tissue” I went RHCP 🌶🖤🎶 and I thought about the song & book 5y
LiterRohde @Cinfhen Excellent song (& group). Haven‘t read the book. I just immediately thought of the pain behind most addiction, whether physical or mental. Then I thought about the scars left by both the pain and the addiction, also both physical (track marks, blade cuts...) and mental (relationships, loneliness, shame...). (edited) 5y
KatieMiller Love it! 5y
allureofbeauty When I read this when I was a teenager I quoted this bit too. 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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I‘m giving this a pick, but it was close to being a so-so. I really enjoyed Kaysen‘s thoughts on mental health and illness, diagnosis, and the treatment of persons with mental illness. However, I felt the “story” of Kaysen‘s time in Belmont was too sparse, and the jumps back and forth in time made it hard for me to get really into it.

ephemeralwaltz I felt the same way🤔 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Home alone tonight, and planning on spending it like this (and maybe mix it up with some RuPaul‘s Drag Race All Stars, if/when I‘m getting tired) 👌


Soubhiville I loved that book! 5y
Emilymdxn One of my faves! Hope you enjoy 5y
Kalalalatja @Soubhiville @Emilymdxn I did enjoy it, I just wanted something more from it, I think. Although, I can definitely see why it is such a popular book! 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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For years, my go-to movie was Girl, Interrupted, and it took me awhile to come across the book to read this version. While respectively acknowledging it is a true story, I must say I liked the movie better (Angelina and Winona at their best.)

However this book was truly an eye-opener for many people about mental illness, and it‘s such a quick read. I would STILL recommend it. Susanna put herself out there, and that must have taken a lot.

CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 5y
KristenDuck @CrowCAH thanks so much! (edited) 5y
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1. I love horror movies. The original Halloween is one of my top favorites.
2. Girl, Interrupted probably. I love that book and movie!
3. Maybe My Sister's Keeper. I loved both but the movie made changes to the storyline that significantly changed the story for me.
4. Winona Ryder
5. Anything but Megan Abbott, although I do know some great stuff is happening!


SailorMoon Thanks for playing!!! 🥰🌙 I also loved the movie Girl Interrupted, I just didn't know it was from a book!!! Must be an interesting read! 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Devoured this book in 1 day!! Super good. Im sure it was a breakthrough in its time about mental illness. Found myself wanting more.

Merchgal One of my favorite movies 5y
tracydishman17 Great book. 5y
rather_be_reading @Merchgal ive never seen it! 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Book 3 of 2019

Qpri Looking forward to hearing what you think of it! I‘m waiting for my library hold to come through 😬 5y
ElizaMarie I really enjoyed this book. It‘s been years since I‘ve read it but I really did like it 5y
booklover984 I really enjoyed this book. I feel a reread is in order... 5y
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rather_be_reading @Qpri pretty good! 5y
rather_be_reading @booklover984 i can def see me rereading it later down the road 5y
noonaReadingAddict Book three already!!! I'm so jealous! 5y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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I first read this years ago after watching the film several times and I remember liking it but thinking the film was so much better. I loved it this time round. Great writing and insights. #mcwithinvisibleillness #booked2018

Cinfhen I totally remember the film. Never read the book. Glad to know it‘s a pick. 6y
alisiakae I remember feeling the same way. 6y
Emilymdxn I love both the film and the book tho I kind of keep them in completely separate parts of my head cause they feel so different 6y
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monalyisha I *definitely* read this young. Maybe I‘ll reread it sometime, too! 💕 6y
youneverarrived @monalyisha it‘s a quick read! 6y
zsuzsanna_reads I still need to read this one or watch the movie! You guys are inspiring me to do it. 6y
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Was insanity just a matter of dropping the act?

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#misterasylum #octoberxfiles
Most of this book is set in an asylum.

Cathythoughts I remember the movie as good ( I think) never read the book. Good choice 👍🏻❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Same as @Cathythoughts only seen the film... young Angelina Jolie ♥️ 6y
blithebuoyant Ohhhh my god I can never keep up with these photo challenges 😂 do you think anyone would hate me if I did six days worth of photos tonight lmao 6y
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Caroline2 Ohhh good choice! I found this to be one of those rare occasions were the film was better than the book! 😯 6y
Robothugs I haven‘t read the book either 🤔 but I bet it‘s good! @blithebuoyant No one would hate you. If I‘m not hosting I end up doing the same 🤫 participate when you can or want to. That‘s how we feel about it with this photo challenge! (edited) 6y
Reviewsbylola Loved this one, and I thought the movie was fantastic too. 6y
TrishB @Cathythoughts @Cinfhen @Caroline2 @Robothugs @Reviewsbylola I thought book and film were equally good 👍🏻 6y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Book 41 of 2018: Girl, Interrupted
Book 3 of Secret Circle Book Club

GingerAntics Now I feel dumb. I didn‘t know this was a book. 6y
Velvetfur Oohh this was one of my favourite films! I never got round to reading the book though, oops.. 6y
tracey38 I didn't know it was a book either. 6y
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Book_Fairy_Mary This is one of the few instances where I liked the movie better. 6y
rather_be_reading @Velvetfur i love thw movie too 6y
rather_be_reading @Book_Fairy_Mary oh no! i hope i like it 6y
GingerAntics Glad I‘m not the only one who didn‘t know it was a book. The movie was great, though. Is the movie close to the book, or did they take massive liberties? 6y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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I forgot to post this last week, so here is #letterG 1. Tagged, 2. Lev Grossman, 3. Gnomeo and Juliet, 4. Grapes (preferably frozen) #manicmonday

JoScho Yay for getting all caught up! 💖 6y
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Did you ever find two copies of the same book on your TBR? I think it‘s time to read Girl, interrupted!!

rather_be_reading haha all the time!! 6y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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wanderinglynn I liked both the book & the movie. 👍🏻 6y
Amabear Is this a scary book or just a mental illness book? If it‘s not too scary I want to read it! But I don‘t do horror 😂 6y
elizabethlk @Amabear my mum doesn't do horror either and enjoyed both the book and the movie. 6y
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GripLitGrl @Amabear i believe its more autobiographical not horror at all its more like how mental illness was treated in the 60's. Never read the book but enjoyed the movie. 6y
Cinfhen Saw the movie - was very good 💜 but sad 😭 6y
GripLitGrl @elizabethlk I'm gonna have to read this book since i got a couple good book & movie comments. I actually forgot it was a book till i was looking for this movie quote online. 6y
GripLitGrl @Cinfhen yes agree it was sad 6y
Caroline2 I love this movie! I think this may be the rare case of the movie being better than the book! But the book is still very good! 👍🏻 6y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2: I have such a fascination with mental illness. Loved this movie and didn‘t even realize it was a book, and a nonfiction one at that.

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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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“I wasn‘t convinced I was crazy, though I feared I was. Some people say having any conscious opinion on the matter is a mark of sanity, but I‘m not sure that‘s true.”

Kaysen offers a brief glimpse into her 1960s diagnosis and a 1960s psychiatric hospital. Her writing is impressive and honest. I wish it had been longer, but I also realize it was published 20+ years after the fact, so details might be sparse.

LauraBeth I LOVED this book! 6y
Emilymdxn This is one of my favorite books! 6y
britt_brooke @LauraBeth @Emilymdxn I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was! 6y
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Reviewsbylola Absolutely loved this. 6y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola I was surprised by how good the writing was. Very good read! 6y
Cathythoughts I remember seeing the movie years ago .. I think it was good ! I cN hardly remember 🤭. 6y
britt_brooke @Cathythoughts I feel the same. I may need to watch it again now! 6y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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On being in a psychiatric hospital. #SusannaKaysen

BiblioTori You would really enjoy the book Suicide Notes. It‘s similarly written, but from a male POV. 6y
LazyDays @OnlyMeJustT have you guys watched the movie? I didn't even know there was book....I know shame on me. I really enjoyed the movie. 6y
britt_brooke @OnlyMeJustT Just stacked it - thanks! 6y
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britt_brooke @LazyDays I‘ve seen the movie a couple of times but that was many years ago. At the time I didn‘t know it was a true story and had no clue there was a book. It‘s very good so far. Very short; I‘ll likely finish it tomorrow. 6y
LazyDays @britt_brooke I didn't know that either! Wow I'm definitely going to read it now. 📚 6y
britt_brooke @LazyDays 👍🏻👍🏻 6y
emilyhaldi Why haven't I read this 🤔 6y
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Girl, Interrupted | Susanna Kaysen
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In Kentucky visiting my folks for a few days. Starting this one before bed.

The_Real_Nani Wow!! Been years since I‘ve seen that book. 6y
britt_brooke @The_Real_Nani I picked it up recently at my library‘s book sale. 👍🏻 Really good so far. I remember the movie, but only vaguely. I‘ve been curious about the book for a while. 6y
The_Real_Nani I barely remember what it‘s about. I read it when I was going through a Prozac Nation period and reading a lot of similar books. I forgot there was a movie!! Winona Ryder? Or Gwenyth Paltrow? Someone like that, right? (edited) 6y
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britt_brooke @The_Real_Nani Yes, Winona Ryder played Susanna and Angelina Jolie is in it, too (early in her career). 6y
TheBookbabeblog84 This is one of my favorite books ♥️ 6y
Blueberry I'll be in KY in a few weeks also. :) 6y
britt_brooke @TheBookbabeblog84 It‘s very good so far! 6y
britt_brooke @Blueberry Really?? Which part? My hometown is Paducah. 💙 6y
Blueberry Radcliff, outside of Fort Knox. The only Starbucks is on the base 😣 😢. I don't know what will I do for three months. I am going to take of my parents. 6y
britt_brooke @Blueberry Oh no! That‘s a bummer about Starbucks. 😬 Hope it goes well with your parents. 6y
Reviewsbylola I really enjoyed this one. 6y
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