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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
With nothing but the clothes on his back -- and something horrific snapping at his heels -- Jack Winter fled his rural Georgia home when he was just a boy. Watching the world he knew vanish in a trucker's rearview mirror, he thought he was leaving an unspeakable nightmare behind forever.Now, years later, the bright new future he's built suddenly turns pitch black, as something fiendishly familiar looms dead ahead.Surviving a violent car crash seems like a miracle for Jack's family, but Jack knows there's nothing divine about it. The profound evil he uncovered as a boy has finally found him again. The thing that crouched at his bedside with soulless eyes and grinning, razor-sharp teeth is back with plans for Jack and his angelic youngest daughter, and a chilling promise: I've always been here, and I'll never leave.
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Next up from #kindleunlimited

BarbaraBB It‘s good 😱 8mo
Balibee146 It is very creepy.... Even though its a very short book it's giving me King vibes, especially for Pet Sematary 8mo
Reggie Ooooh I hope you like this one! 8mo
Balibee146 @reggie yes really enjoying it. I'm usually a fairly slow reader but will be finishing it in next hour or so. 👍👍 8mo
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Took me a bit to get into it. It was definitely creepy throughout, the ending was good.

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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Sooo creepy!! What always terrifies me most are the simple terrors: strange noises and bumps, lurking creatures, and especially shocking scares. Seed has all of that! The characters were kind of unlikeable but what they experienced was truly horrifying. And the ending 😳😬!! I‘ll be thinking about this one for a while. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Djspens I‘ve read all of her books! Love their creepy factor. Brother was my first and still my favorite! 1y
BarbaraBB I loved this one and Brother too. I really want to read more by her. 1y
candc320 @Djspens and @BarbaraBB I still need to read Brother! It‘s on my list and hopefully I can read it before my Kindle Unlimited runs out! 1y
candc320 Oh, I also forgot to say: this is my pick for April #tbrtarot @CBee 1y
CBee Awesome!! 1y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn

Omg miss Ania did it again

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I read horror novels anytime of the year, but I chose to read this one during the Halloween season. Seed is a very different horror story. Jack Winter and his family are in a bizarre car accident on the way home from their daughter‘s birthday party and their lives are slowly, but dramatically changed. #MountTBR

Full review https://abookandadog.com

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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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While this book was super creepy, because I can't handle creepy kids, it fell a little short for me. Lots of repetitive buildup to things that didn't really resolve themselves. Amiee never redeemed herself and lost me at telling Jack that he's the man and should step in because of that. 🤨 It had a creepy ending but it was all just abrupt. I want to love everything Ahlborn does but she's fallen flat for me since The Bird Eater.

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Normally Ahlborn really speaks to me but this chick is pretty delusional. I dislike everything about Amiee, but mostly how angry she gets at Jack playing in a band. My husband had been in bands as long as I've known him. I was never going to expect him to drop something he loves because he goes out one night a week and maybe plays a show occasionally. 🙄

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I recently read SEED by Ania Ahlborn

As a child, Jack met an evil entity—a true devil that made him do horrible things. To escape the monster, Jack fled home, never looking back.

Now, decades later, Jack‘s young daughter, Charlie, is acting strange, doing bad things. Only Charlie says it isn‘t really her doing them…

An engrossing family drama full of real horror—and a gnarly ending—this is one tale sure to leave a disturbing mark.


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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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In rural Louisiana a car crash sets in motion all the evil that Jack (happily married and father of two young daughters) thought he had escaped from.
Throughout the whole book I was left with a creepy, spooky feeling.

A wonderful horror book to lose yourself into, recommended to me, of course by horror masters @Reggie and @vivastory 🖤

#19822022 #2011 #pop22 #AboutASecret #52BooksIn52weeks #SetInRuralArea

(Pic: Akhdar Mountains, Oman)

Cinfhen Sounds really unsettling but good. 2y
squirrelbrain Lovely pic! 😘 2y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 need to get to this one! 2y
See All 21 Comments
Librarybelle That is such an awesome photo! 2y
Cortg Oooh, love the photo! 2y
Suet624 I don‘t know how you get so much reading done even as you travel. Lovely photo 2y
BarbaraBB @TrishB @Cinfhen It‘s a great book to escape reality! (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Do you recognize it? 2y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 So much more time to read than while working! My next one will be one that I thought I bought on your recommendation: 2y
Cinfhen Your next read sounds GREAT!!! So glad you‘re enjoying and reading ❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I am 💯 ❤️! You‘re trip is coming up soon too! 😘 2y
Cinfhen Yup!! I leave a week from Thursday 💕💕 2y
Suet624 Sadly I‘ve never read Trust. Sounds interesting though. 2y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Really? I was sure… now I wonder who recommended it lol! 2y
Megabooks That landscape…wow! Great picture!! 2y
vivastory I'm glad you enjoyed the book & it looks like you're having a great time! 2y
Reggie 🖤🖤🖤I‘m so glad you liked this book. And holy crap what happens to the sister in the end. Did we really have to do her like that, Ania! Lol Hope you have a great rest of your trip. 2y
BarbaraBB @Reggie That sister indeed 🤦🏻‍♀️😱 (edited) 2y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 I just finished it and it‘s very good! I think you‘d like it too! 2y
Suet624 Alrighty then. Stacked!! 2y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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🎧 First book I‘ve read by this author. I will read more. Narration was fine.

A cross between Baby Teeth & A Head Full of Ghosts.

I really liked it. It‘s definitely horror! Creepy.

Jack hides a past he can‘t fully remember that impacts his current life with his wife & 2 girls.

TW: violence, possession, MDK! Bodily harm to multiple people & a pet. Some adult language.


BookDragonNotWorm Thanks for the TW! I was sold until I saw pet harm. That's an automatic no for me and I hate being blindsided by it. 3y
Reggie I love Brother and The Shuddering by her. This was really dark and I liked it a lot. 3y
Twainy @Reggie I own all 3 of those books. I‘ve had them for years. I‘m trying to read more of MY books VS library the past few months. If the other 2 are as good as Seed then I‘m excited to get to them. 😁 3y
Twainy @BookDragonNotWorm YW … 🐈 🐕 😢 🤗 3y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Faced with reliving the nightmares of his childhood, Jack watches his daughter spiral into the shadows that had nearly consumed him twenty years before.
But she isn‘t the only one who‘s changing.
Jack never outran the darkness. It‘s been with him all along. And it‘s hungrier than ever. #hereditary #horrorseason @Klou

Klou Oh my gosh! I am intrigued!!! 4y
Klou Oh, hang on a sec! I have this one on my tbr already 😂 took me a second to recognise the author's name. 4y
Eggs @Klou kewl! 4y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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@BookishTrish once again you've been far too good to me! I love the sound of both these books and can't wait to dive in.

Thank you so much!!!!!

#screamsbymail I'm getting myself back on track over here and @ephemeralwaltz you should have more regular packages coming your way soon.

@reggie @scripturient @kamoorephoto @GatheringBooks

ephemeralwaltz Alice is very weird but fun! Can't wait to reed Seed 😍😍😍😍 enjoy! 4y
ephemeralwaltz Danielle, I just got word that a package from Canada has arrived! I won't be home for a couple of weeks but I wanted to let you know. Hugs xx 4y
danibolahood @ephemeralwaltz thanks for letting me know! Sorry for the delay in responding. Litsy isn't pushing notifications to my phone anymore for some reason. 4y
ephemeralwaltz Hi Danielle how are you holding up in the midst of it all? Just a little bit worried we haven‘t heard from you in a while! 3y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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@danibolahood #screamsbymail Seed is on its way!

ljuliel Angry sky ......... 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Celebrating a rare girls weekend and still reading hard for #screamsbymail I really liked this pick - it had some Head Full of Ghosts vibes. More comments in the travelling notebook.

FantasyChick Oooh I just downloaded the audio of this. I may have to move it up in my list. Enjoy your weekend 😘😘 5y
kstadt929 What a pretty drink! 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Halloween: the aftermath

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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Well, that was creepy, and macabre, and horrifying, and fantastic. My first Ania Ahlborn. I will be reading more of her‘s. But not before bed.

#24B4Monday time on the clock 31:08 Still 6 hrs to midnight.
#scarathlon #TeamStoker 11pts
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @jb72 @jb72

Andrew65 😂😂😂 Phenomenal time! 👏👏👏 (edited) 5y
BeansPage Great job sweetheart!!! 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Judging from the reviews I read, starting this one before bed was probably a bad idea. It might be a late night....

#scarathlon #TeamStoker 1pt
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @jb72

vivastory This is a good one 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Andrew65 Almost there 🙌🙌🙌 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Then#circleofLitsylife: when you mail out your #screamsbymail title and arrive home to #bookmail @Reggie THaNK YOU for the treats! You‘ve outdone yourself and this zombie-lovin‘ gal is forever grateful

Reggie Yay glad you liked it!! 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Wow. Okay. Alrighty then. So that happened. And then I slept with the light on.

This novel seemed to be a mash up of The Shining and The Omen (with a dash of The Exorcist as well). Don‘t want to give much away, but demonic possession is the main theme in this one. And Ahlborn knows just how much detail to include without going over the top. Disturbing, atmospheric and graphic. 4/5 ⭐️

LeahBergen Eek! 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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This was not one of her best books but it was okay and a fun read. I would recommend it as one of her books.

Please read my full review here:

3pts for #TeamStoker

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Tamra Spooky! 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I'm not normally a holiday celebration kinda gal, but seeing all the Halloween scary-ish posts have made me want to read something spooky/scary. I've seen several of you post about this one in the last two weeks ( @TheReadingMermaid @DGRachel @vivastory @reggie ), so I'm gonna try it. Several of this author's books are on a Kindle sale.

DGRachel Good luck! I hope you enjoy it. 5y
BeansPage This is one of my new favorite horror authors ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Reggie I hope you like it. And if you like it and think you‘re ready for next level horror read her book Brother. That one was ughhhh-mazing!!!!! 5y
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cathysaid @Reggie @TheReadingMermaid @DGRachel I will let you all know 😱 5y
vivastory Hope you love it! 5y
Trashcanman Are ya back from sequestration? 5y
cathysaid @Trashcanman Momentarily. Until I watch the news and decide that I hate humanity and crawl back in to my blanket fort. But for now...hi! 🙋‍♀️ 5y
Trashcanman @cathysaid 😶 hello 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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This is the closest I have to an orange book in my library. LOL 😋 #ChillingPhotoChallenge

1pt for #TeamStoker

Linsy Definitely on theme! 😱 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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This may be the creepiest book I've ever read. It certainly has stuck with me since I read in back in August 2012. It's one of those where I can remember sitting on my rocking chair in the living room of the townhouse I rented when I first moved to Charlotte. I'll never forget that ending.
#creepy #ScreamathonPhotoChallenge

vivastory I started an Ahlborn last night 5y
DGRachel @vivastory I want to try more of her work, but I have not been able to work up the courage. The end to Seed was just so disturbing to me. Maybe some day. 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Novels featuring #tarotreading, like ones with Ouija board & seances, have to be inventive & seriously sinister, otherwise they run the risk of being the cliche that horror fiction is too often dismissed as. "Seed" features a tarot reading scene that definitely qualifies as memorable.

DGRachel This book STILL creeps me out just thinking about it, even 7 years after I read it. 😱 5y
vivastory @DGRachel Yeah, she definitely knows how to get under my skin. Another one that had a similar effect for me was 5y
alisiakae Very true. This one sounds seriously creepy. 5y
DGRachel I still haven't been brave enough to try another of her books. I want to, but I'm scared. 😱 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Oof!!! I‘m glad I read the ending of this during the day. This was a good, horrifying, primer going into October. A father who thought he had escaped his past is horrified when the past shows up when he has a wife and 2 daughters. This was very creepy. Thanks for the pick @scripturient #screamsbymail.

RealBooks4ever I've always loved this cover! 💜 5y
vivastory Yes! I 💯 pictured the creature as looking the same as from Insidious 5y
KT1432 I've been eyeing this for a while! It sounds perfect for October! 🔪 5y
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JoScho Sounds good! 5y
Cathythoughts Great picture 5y
Reggie @RealBooks4 yeah there‘s a lot to notice. That, is it a sun? or a gunshot wound? while there‘s this demon amongst the trees. Lol it‘s definitely eye catching. 5y
Reggie @vivastory @Cathythoughts this whole book shares a kinship with the movie Insidious. Which is kinda crazy to realize that both came out in 2011. The picture is taken from the movie, Cathy. 5y
Reggie @lele1432 @JoScho it would be a great Halloween read. 🎃 5y
readordierachel Creepy cover 😱 5y
Reggie @readordierachel just so you know my first cry was on on pg46 when Connell tells her he loves her and Marianne feels like for the first time she is someone who is worthy of being loved. I‘m halfway right now but I just want them to be together but they are KILLING me!!!!! Lol 5y
readordierachel OMG, I know! It's heartwrenching. 5y
BiblioLitten I was admiring the cover when I saw the background!! 🤭😁 5y
Reggie @BiblioLitten I hope it scared you! 😱😊Lol 5y
BiblioLitten It sure did! 😅 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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RIGHT ON TARGET. 9pm on the DOT, #24in28 🙌🏼

Out of all the times I‘ve attempted a #readathon, this may be the 1st time I completed my goals and finished it completely.
What was different this time entirely was that I was living in my new space with just my son and he KNEW I was doing it and he encouraged me. Imagine that.
1,072 pages
4.5 books (including 3 novels, one was an arc, and one for my #screamsbymail book club)

So pleased! 🙂

DebinHawaii Congratulations!! 🎉📚🎉📚🎉 That is awesome! 5y
kamoorephoto I NEED to write REVIEWS all week! 😱 5y
TrishB Well done 🎉🎉 5y
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Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Congrats! 👏 5y
Jas16 🙌🏽 5y
kamoorephoto @ephemeralwaltz @scripturient @danibolahood @GatheringBooks @BookishTrish @Reggie I‘m sorry I‘m holding us up a bit...I‘ll move onto Bird‘s Nest soon!! 🥰 5y
Reggie That‘s amazing!!! Great job, and I‘m happy the new space is working out!!! No worries cause I still have Myra‘s book. 5y
GatheringBooks absolutely no rush! i am in the midst of transition, too! moving soon to united arab emirates (3rd week of august), so things are kinda hectic for me too. 5y
ephemeralwaltz I'm definitely holding us up too, sorry! Can't wait for Seed! 5y
danibolahood I'm another one guilty of a hold up :( buying a 100 year old house because the door knobs look cool is quite possibly not the most well thought out plan I've ever had lol. Sooooo much work and I feel like I'm hemorrhaging money over here. I love it though just trying to get to the end of the tunnel 5y
kamoorephoto @danibolahood That sounds like quite the house... and those must be some AMAZING doorknobs 🙀 Congrats on the house! 5y
GatheringBooks @kamoorephoto do send me your mailing address soon! i hope to finish the books sent to me by @scripturient by end of october. 💕 5y
kamoorephoto @GatheringBooks I‘ll email you 👍🏼 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn

Seed is a proper southern gothic, well-paced and mysterious, with a solid creep factor. Though I loved the conclusion, I was constantly taken out of the narrative by the immaturity of the children, who are the same age as my own, and can‘t help but wonder how much stronger it would have been if they acted six and ten. Still, a solid summer horror read.

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I love Herky the Hawk but I'm not gonna lie, I had finished The Seed the day before and I found myself driving my husband's red Ford truck with Herky in my mirror.... Definitely made me think of Mr. Scratch... I love these books....

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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@kamoorephoto the second book for #ScreamsByMail is now being sent out to you. This is @scripturient ‘s choice, and it should reach you around 10 working days or so. Will share my review of this book in another post. 🧚🏼‍♀️📚💕

kamoorephoto How are you so fast? I need to send my package out to @Reggie... I have had so much family drama, and balancing that with not doing well because I can‘t get my medications for MS, I‘m all over the place. I wish I could press the ‘restart‘ button... 5y
GatheringBooks @kamoorephoto absolutely no worries. please do take your time. family and personal matters come first, naturally. breathe. i hope you received my package, along with the book i sent you (edited) 5y
kamoorephoto @GatheringBooks YES, THANK YOU!!! 💓💓 Things at home are especially bad; I need to move out with my son but it‘s so hard making it happen. I‘m also not liking my own book choice for the swap - ‘The Graveyard Apartment‘ - it‘s so SLOW and I don‘t like the translation. Considering DNF‘ing and changing book to send out... 5y
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kamoorephoto It arrived here safely today, my lovely! After the next two days filled with having to get rescue photos and Roman being in the regional spelling bee 🙀 I will try and get back on track with my reading, get my stupid laptop fixed, and finally make a long-needed phone call... 🥺 5y
GatheringBooks @kamoorephoto wonderful! so glad to hear that. sending you positive energies all the way from sydney where i am presently. visiting for a week and will be back in singapore by friday next week. 🧚🏼‍♀️📚💕 5y
GatheringBooks @kamoorephoto and just to double confirm, you have hag and scribe too, right? 🧚🏼‍♀️📚💕 5y
kamoorephoto Yes, I‘m reading Hag right now; I received them just fine. Thank you sooo much for Scribe 💓💓 5y
kamoorephoto JUST finished (within the day TODAY for #24in48) Seed! Really enjoyed it!!! 😻 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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And so I could not let this one go without taking a photo of it - never mind all the cars that were behind me. This sculpture was in front of Capital Tower in Tanjong Pagar here in Singapore. Awesome backdrop for #ScreamsByMail book of the month courtesy of @scripturient - the man at the back was deliberately included to serve as a contrast signifying how huuuge the sculpture is.

BookishMarginalia That‘s cool! 5y
Billypar Love it: whatever he's reading, looks like he's enjoying it! 5y
BookishTrish Love this shot! 5y
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scripturient 😍😍😍 5y
Cathythoughts Great pic 👍🏻♥️ 5y
DivineDiana Fantastic! So glad you took the shot! 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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To say that I am utterly creeped out by this novel is an understatement. I am only in the first few pages, but I can tell Ahlborn is a master at building up the suspense and the creepazoid factor that is simply goosebumps-inducing. Paired with my fave premium coconut ice cream with green jelly, toasted coconut flakes and peanuts in a bowl of coconut. Because we celebrate tropical goodness the whole year round. #ScreamsByMail #HorrorPostalBookClub

ephemeralwaltz I'm so excited for this one! I loved her book for round 1. 😍😍😍😍 Yummy! 5y
scripturient Glad you like it. 😁 5y
Purrfectpages That snack looks so interesting! 5y
Lindy Young 🥥❤️Delicious! 5y
BookNerd9906 Everything she writes is absolutely terrifying. I have The Seed, haven‘t read it yet. I couldn‘t even get through the one I recently picked up 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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@scripturient , I have the bookses! Finally received back my Pick for Round 1 of #ScreamsByMail #HorrorPostalBookClub and Steffi‘s pick for Round 2 (tagged book). Looking forward to it, fellow horror freaks! Excited to read my Fireman journal, too, and know everyone else‘s thoughts. Will be sending my first journal along with Seed. 🧚🏼‍♀️📚💕

ephemeralwaltz The cover for seed is awesome 5y
DGRachel Seed is one of the few books I have ever read that truly scared me. 😱 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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This was on my October list and I never got to it. I was up with a bad cold the other night and decided to go ahead and listen to it. It started creepy and wasn't terrible, I just didn't like the way the story went. Very depressing at the end.

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Wow. This book was crazy!! So demented and twisted and creepy! Great book! My first actual scary horror book and I loved it 😁 Great, great pick @PirateJenny as you'll be able to see when you get it back I have a ton of sticky tabs in it lol

I will be sending it off to the next on Friday! Am I sending this one to @MaleficentBookDragon this time?? Or to you again @TheReadingMermaid ??

#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu #HorrorGoesPostalBookClub @jillannjohn

jillannjohn Yes! ❤️ 6y
BeansPage Send this one to @MaleficentBookDragon as she will be sending me American Psycho 6y
InBooksILive @TheReadingMermaid okay! That's what I figured but I wanted to make sure 😊 6y
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BeansPage Sure thing girly! 6y
PirateJenny so glad you liked it! 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Did you ever send out Seed? If so, it may have been lost in the mail. 😪 5y
InBooksILive Sorry, no it's not lost! I sent it out the other day, though. I got behind on sending out books and reading books. December kicked my butt lol but it's on way so should be there in a couple days! I meant to let you know that I mailed it 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
MaleficentBookDragon @InBooksILive I'm right there with you. I was behind on my mailings too. I'll keep my eye out for it. 5y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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@jillannjohn I got your package today!! Unfortunately, the tea spilled in the bag a little bit. But, no big deal! Accidents happen when we entrust our stuff with the mailmen that don't take caution with packages. But, Thank you! It smells heavenly!

@PirateJenny I'm looking forward to reading your book! 😁 well actually, I'm scared haha

#HGPBC #TeamCthulhu #HorrorGoesPostalBookClub @TheReadingMermaid

jillannjohn Bummer about the tea. I hope you enjoy @PirateJenny ‘s pick. I loved it. 6y
InBooksILive @jillannjohn it was only a little bit! Theres still so much in the tin. But it seriously smells so good! So thank you 😁 I'm looking forward to her pick! 6y
BeansPage Can't wait for my turn! 😁 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I loved this creepy story. Evil kids freak me out and this kid was scary! There were a couple of twists I didn‘t see coming too. I wouldn‘t have found this one if it wasn‘t for #HGPBC. Great pick! I plan on checking out more books by this author.

Laylafinn Looks creepy from the picture! 6y
jillannjohn @Laylafinn yes! 🖤 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Hey now! Despite the back-road Louisiana hicks slam 🙋🏻‍♀️ I‘m enjoying this book a lot. 🤣

Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Received my #HGPBC package from @PirateJenny !
Thanks so much for the extra goodies! I love everything! Looking forward to starting the book as soon as I finish my pick! 😮 It‘ll be going out soon. #teamchtulhu

BeansPage Wow nice job @PirateJenny 😘 6y
PirateJenny I love sending gifties! 6y
MaleficentBookDragon 😍😍😍😍 that bookmark!!! 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Just finished it and loved it! Creepy and disturbing, the story seems quite traditional in its possessed-by-the-devil theme but it does have a few twists and turns that I didn‘t really see coming. It will definitely be a great pick for round two of #screamsbymail. 😊

readordierachel Awesome cover! 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I very much enjoyed this book. It was good and creepy and perfect for this time of year. It didn't scare me as much as I had hoped but I am a very hard nut to crack that way. Here is Jack, curious about Jack in the book. #HGPBC #horrorgoespostalbookclub #TeamCthulhu @TheReadingMermaid @MaleficentBookDragon @InBooksILive @jillannjohn
The package for the swap will go out as soon as all the goodies arrive

BeansPage Awesome! Can't wait to read it 😍 6y
jillannjohn Looking forward to this one! 6y
InBooksILive I'm excited to read it!! 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Book and chocolate. 😍

AmyG My favorite combination ❤️ 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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The hubby is off for a pint at the pub, the kid is tucked in and I‘m enjoying the quiet 😋 and reading my books. In bed. With chocolate. What could be better? #loudmomsigh

DivaDiane Nothing, frankly! 6y
Sarah83 Looks great 😍 6y
AlaMich Sounds like perfection to me. 😊 6y
tracey38 Sounds like a wonderful evening to me. 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Waiting for Sarah83 at the cafe. We‘re meeting at nine but it wouldn‘t have been worth it to drive home after my kindergarten run just to head out again 15 min later. So I‘m enjoying the morning sun and my book. :)

Sarah83 I am on my way 🤗 6y
LeahBergen Have fun, you two! 6y
Heideschrampf Enjoy! ☕️next time i‘m in. 6y
Heideschrampf Maybe have a look for a date for a movie date, too? 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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Checking out my choice for round 2 of #ScreamsByMail. I absolutely adore this cover!

Jennick2004 😱💜 6y
BookishTrish That photo too! ❤️ 6y
Heideschrampf Gorgeous cover! I‘d probably be sleepless for weeks though.,, 6y
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SexyCajun Oooooooo 6y
DGRachel This book freaked me out so much! I read it in 2012 and it still gives me chills just thinking about it! 6y
LazyDays That is a great cover! 6y
JazzFeathers That cover is seriously great 6y
tracey38 Sounds freaky! Love the photo! Very autumnal. 6y
Kimzey I love the cover! ❤️ 6y
ephemeralwaltz LOOOVE 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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This is my pick for #teamCthulhu. I'm very excited to read it--I've heard very good things and I loved Within These Walls. #HGPBC #horrorgoespostalbookclub @TheReadingMermaid @jillannjohn @MaleficentBookDragon @InBooksILive

BeansPage OMG I'm so excited!!! We've got some great books going around in this group. Way to go #TeamCthulhu !!! 🤘🏻😄🤘🏻 6y
jillannjohn This sounds so good! Can‘t wait! 6y
InBooksILive I am so excited to read all these book choices! We definitely got some good books in our group! @TheReadingMermaid 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Yay! I 💙 Ania! 6y
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Seed | Ania Ahlborn
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I wanted to finish this by end of May but, the best made plans and all that... I could have though! It is SO good and a rather quick read! I think I can safely say I am a huge fan of Ahlborn now! I think of the ones I've read, this one is my fave so far!
If you enjoy supernatural thriller/ horror, this is highly recommended!

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