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I Am a Cat
I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
Written over the course of 1904-6, Soseki Natsume's comic masterpiece, I Am a Cat, satirizes the foolishness of upper-middle-class Japanese society during the Meiji era. With acerbic wit and sardonic perspective, it follows the whimsical adventures of a world-weary stray kitten who comments on the follies and foibles of the people around him. A classic of Japanese literature, I Am a Cat is one of Soseki's best-known novels. Considered by many as the greatest writer in modern Japanese history, Soseki's I Am a Cat is a classic novel sure to be enjoyed for years to come. The New Yorker called it "a nonchalant string of anecdotes and wisecracks, told by a fellow who doesn't have a name, and has never caught a mouse, and isn't much good for anything except watching human beings in action..."
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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I enjoyed this, but I do think the audiobook may not have been the best way to read it. The bulk of the book is conversations between the characters with very little action in between, so it‘s easy to let your mind wander and miss parts of it. Some people may struggle with the pace or the fact that ‘nothing happens‘, but it is very much worth the effort and I still recommend it. I hope to one day return to I Am A Cat and read a physical copy.

I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#FallFinds #Felines I was always hopeful I would find a nice copy of Volume 1 of the Tuttle editions, but I think I will hold on to these , so cute! I found the 3 in 1 edition at a church sale awhile back.This has been on my TBR for YEARS.The little zen kitty was purchased at Vromans bookstore years ago.

Eggs Oh these are wonderful! 🐈👏🏻🐈 4y
Bookwomble I have the omnibus edition, though I've only read the first book as yet. 4y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki

I really enjoyed the first volume of this book but by the time we got to the third volume I found that, for me, the cutting satire that was so enjoying and humourous was now lacking. 2.5/5 stars.

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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Tonight I paired Nongshim‘s lobster noodles with a bit more of I AM A CAT. Sōseki reminds me of Wodehouse.

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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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A couple years back, I passed on a copy of I AM A CAT at the thrift store because I assumed my library owned such a seminal work of Japanese literature.

They don‘t, and the book was gone when I went back to the store. Sigh.

This morning I thought to search Scribd, and they have it! Now I‘ve got a new project book.

(Unless the first chapter‘s incomprehensible. Sōseki satirizes a period I know little about.)

Desha I am currently reading this book for my Japanese book club and I am not liking it 😂. I was an East Asian Studies major in college and lived in Japan for a bit so I tend to like Japanese lit....but this one! I wish you the best of luck and hope you really enjoy it! Let me know what you think if you want! 📚📚📚 4y
xicanti @Desha will do! I‘ve only had time for the introduction so far; no progress on the actual text. 4y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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TYSM!!! You guys spoiled me too much 😭😭😭 @lele1432 I didn't understand the post it until I opened the gift, but the book is printed in the original Japanese way, they read from right to left so that's how their books are printed too 🙂 Ahhh I've been meaning to pick this one up!! @Rissa1 omg thank you for all the trinkets!!! Love the necklace and ornament and bkmark 😭😍🙏😭

*gobbles all the twix* #tmskellington #wintergames

coffees 1pt 12-27 5y
KT1432 Hahaha okay cool!! I was hoping it wasn't a misprint, but I figured maybe it was meant to be that way! I know nothing about manga. 😩 Hope you enjoy!! 🤗 5y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#7days7covers #7covers7days 🐱
I know I missed half of the week, but it's being a very busy one. 😖
Maybe this book is a little strange for some people, but it's actually one of the modern classics of japanese literature🌸. Give it a go, because it will surprise you 😉

Smrloomis I have been meaning to read this for years 🙈 Maybe some day! 5y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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“Leave me alone, I‘m reading!”
- #Coale

#catsofLitsy 😸

Chrissyreadit ❤️😻❤️ 5y
Tanzy13 aw 🐱 5y
Gissy 😻 5y
Dragon 😻 5y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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This is the “I‘m ready to r&r” look (relax & read). Oh, #Coale. 😻😻😻 #catsofLitsy

Zelma Such a cutie. 6y
Santhoshthomas Lovely cat 6y
Leftcoastzen He‘s always adorable! 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale wants to know where his snacks are for #LitsyPartyOfOne. 😂👏🏻😻 Oh, #Coale. #catsofLitsy

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww get a Coale his snacks!! 😽😽😽 6y
BookishMarginalia He‘s so pretty! 6y
DePaepe Aww kitty😺😺😺 I just got a copy of the tagged book. Ready to dive into it soon. Seems like it should be a fun read 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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See, told you #Coale loves books! 😻 Right now he‘s literally snuggling with them😸as I‘m doing some late-night book unpacking and shelving. ❤️ #catsofLitsy

Cinfhen Soooo cute 6y
Gissy 😻❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Amiable I love this so much! 😻 6y
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Cailey_Mac Omg😻😻🖤 6y
ravenlee Well, it looks like he chose one! 6y
MrBook 😍😍😍 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale's second favorite room is the library after @BookBabe 's #artstudio 😻😻😻. She has a very unique book case section that is his castle. You should nudge her to share it sometime. 😉

#catsofLitsy #LitsyLovesLibraries

wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐱 6y
MamaGina Share it girl! (Nudge, nudge🤓) 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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I have a ton of work standing between me and vacation, so I made this instead, because squirrel. 🐾📚

kgriffith Why do you think we now have Litsy wiki pages? 🙄😂 #notonmytodolist 6y
Karkar Omg that cat‘s face. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6y
Caroline2 Love this!!!! 😂 6y
AutumnRLS Lol 6y
DragonAuthors 😂🤣😂 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Random #catsoflitsy since I don't seem to be reading much lately.

Lcsmcat Pretty babies! 😻😻 6y
Sace @Lcsmcat thank you! 6y
batsy 😻😻 6y
JoScho Kitty cuteness! 6y
AlaMich They are adorable...and faintly judgmental? 😂😻😻 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale's enjoying his first night at our new house. He's waiting for @BookBabe to get back with a tea refill so they can continue reading together. 😻 #catsofLitsy

gradcat Love all the #CatsofLitsy 6y
Zelma Yay, glad to see Coale settling in. How do you all like your new place so far? 6y
LauraBeth Show us y‘all‘s shelves! 😀 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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My #lasagnahoggiveaway word is Gigil which is a Filipino word used to describe when something is so cute you want to squeeze it... 😄 @jmofo

jmofo @LivingReflections thanks for playing! 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Happy #NationalCatDay from #Coale to all the other #CatsofLitsy ! 😸

RadicalReader @BookBabe raising readers applies to fur babies as well 6y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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This month I'm mainly gonna focus on this book. It's gonna be a busy month, so I probably won't be reading all that much. But I'm excited to get more into this one.

wanderinglynn Who‘s the cutie? ❤️🐱 6y
TheLibrarian 😻😻😻 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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After a 14-hour workday (hence so few posts today like yesterday), #Coale's snuggling with me since all I want to do is read, eat cookies and drink tea, and listen to the rolling thunder overhead. Love this little guy. 😻😻😻


BookBabe 😻❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale has been watching me while I read. I think he wants a book too. He doesn't have a book club to go to tomorrow though. 😆 #catsofLitsy

rubyslippersreads Are you sure there isn't a secret feline book club you don't know about? 😂 6y
ladym30 He is handsome!! 6y
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jfalkens I have that blanket too! I got it to replace my blanket in my library when it got all holey after less than a year 😐 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
Gissy Can't see the picture 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
MrBook @Gissy 😱🙈🤷🏼‍♂️ Very strange. @TimSpalding or @kgriffith , what can Gissy do? 6y
Gissy It appeared now. It is taking time. I tried again and the ones I wrote you about are appearing but if I go to the ones I didn't check yet those are blank. I don't know why 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
kgriffith @Gissy I was having long delays on pics showing up for me as well, so you‘re not alone! They did eventually populate but it took longer than I would have waited if I weren‘t shifting from Litten brain to admin brain once I noticed how long it was taking. I don‘t think anyone is working right now but I do know we‘re putting litfluence back in (slowly, as we brought notifications back last week), so I wonder if that may be stealing some load speed. 6y
Gissy Thank you @kgriffith It is so slow that I can't access Litsy sometimes. Let see what happens. 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale hasn't made an appearance in awhile, but that's not a problem since he likes to hang around us during reading time in bed 😻😻😻. #catsofLitsy

Tanzy13 🐱 6y
SandyW 😻😻😻 Coale is a beauty 6y
ReadZenRites Omg, he looks so much like my very favorite kitty Marty who was a loyal friend for 19 years. So sweet. That pic makes me happy.💕💕 6y
Stacy_31 Aww what a cutie!! 😻😻 6y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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My plans for the evening. This book is extraordinary. I have missed reading pure fiction, especially Japanese fiction, and even more so of Sōseki. 💜💜

#diversebooks #japaneselit #natsumesoseki #iamacat #foodie

I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Yesterday was shitty as I learned my cousin & best friend passed away. Not much I can do as most of the preparations & funeral things will be done in Japan where he lived. So, I‘m gonna escape for a while in books & anime.

Also, someone in the neighbourhood tried to burn their house down since they‘re getting evicted, which ignited a fire to another friendly neighbour‘s house. 🙈🙈🙈

Hoping y‘all are having a much better week on your sides.

Librariana Oh, dear 😔 I'm so very sorry to read about the emotionally weighty things you are encountering. I do hope reading brings you the comfort you need 💜📚 7y
LectricSheep I‘m so sorry your cousin and friend died. 💙 7y
LiteraryinPA I‘m so, so sorry to hear about these tragedies. Sending comforting thoughts. 💗💗 7y
JoScho All of that sucks and I am so sorry ❤️ 7y
xicanti *hugs* 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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SUPER excited to read this! It‘s for my Japanese Novel & Light Novel GR group read. We‘re going to start it on Sunday! I‘ve read the first volume of it before, & I absolutely loved it. Looking forward to finishing it this time. Sōseki is one of my favourite authors of all-time.

Also! New #HarryPotter bookmark & fun dinos in space sockies! 💙

#japaneselit #diversebooks #ownvoices #natsumesoseki

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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Someone decided to spend some time with me while I listen to my latest audiobook, "Gilead". Oh, #Coale. ???? #catsofLitsy

jbhops I love a black cat! 🐱 7y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve always thought it was funny that cats sleep with their heads up like that sometimes. Like why not lay down? 🤣 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
cariashley @Reviewsbylola haha such a good point!! I guess their little heads don‘t really weigh that much, proportionately? 😹 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Seriously, this never happens. Feli and Fran (the Siamese twins) barely tolerate Monster, let alone allowing him to cuddle up to them. Truly a magical moment.


AmyG ❤️ 7y
Mollyanna Very cute! 7y
DebinHawaii So sweet! 🐱❤️🐱❤️🐱❤️ 7y
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Eyelit Best! 💜😻💜 7y
Purrfectpages Aw! I love this! 7y
AlaMich Awww!! I hope they didn‘t clobber him right after you took the picture! 😻❤️ 7y
Bookzombie So cute!! 7y
RohitSawant 😻😻😻 7y
Moray_Reads You must have wanted to get into the middle of that! 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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What is #Coale saying with that look 🤔? 😻😻😻😻😻 #catsofLitsy

ReadingSusan “Give me food servant.” 7y
RadicalReader @MrBook you‘d better be picking up another book so I can enjoy it with you 7y
Texreader That is definitely the evil eye!! 😂😂😂 7y
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RohitSawant 😻😻 7y
JessClark78 ❤️ 7y
Sydsavvy I am Swagggg 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 “Have you forgotten this is my treat time?” 7y
Reecaspieces ❤️❤️😜 7y
JazzFeathers 😻😻😻😻 7y
AmyG That face! 7y
Mdargusch More food or else! 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Someone is impeding my wrapping progress. 😹
#Coale #CatsofLitsy

Bookzombie “Pet me. Pet me now.” 💕🐱 7y
JSW He‘s helping. 😂 7y
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catiewithac My 100 lb dog does the same thing 🐾 7y
SandyW Not impeding, helping! 🐈 7y
Tadams4 So cute! 7y
AmyG You need to fire your assistant. ;) 7y
Captivatedbybooks Last year i was getting my aunt‘s yorkie‘s xmas present together and #Simba (who was still a kitten) stole one of the toys and would not give it back smh 7y
ghosthost Aww! Maybe Coale wants a bow? 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
MrBook 😻😻😻 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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To teach you about human nature and love.

I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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This boy's got it made. Oh, #Coale! #catsofLitsy 😻😻😻

OSChamberlain What a hottie 😻 7y
OSChamberlain P. S. I do this to my dog, too. She has her own baby crib 😂 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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kamoorephoto Oh my gosh, sooo handsome. Can I come over and do a photo session?! 😻 7y
Melkyl He definitely looks like the king 😊 7y
TricksyTails 😻♥️ 7y
Meeko93 He is so photogenic 👍😻 7y
Sassy_Steph He reminds me of the cat on the tv show Sabrina the teenage witch 7y
AmyG In my next life I want to come back as my cat. ;) 7y
MrBook @kamoorephoto You need not even ask; you are always welcome here ☺️🙌🏻. 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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1. Winter by Marissa Meyer
2. I Am A Cat by Natsume Soseki
3. The Color Purple by Alice Walker
4. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
6. Any Human Heart by William Boyd


I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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@thequeerspiderwoman This Morrigan, pretending to be elegant before she gets all her kitten energy and causes terror and mayhem around the apartment. 😼

queerbookreader Omg hi kitty!! Thank you 7y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks 😻😻😻 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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I‘m fighting off a cold, so sorry this is late. Happy #nationalcatday !! Here‘s #Stormy wondering why I am taking pics of her at 1am. 😻😻❤️❤️

Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
Mimi28 @Bookzombie Thanks!! ❤️❤️ 7y
TheLibrarian Hope you start feeling better soon! 7y
Mimi28 @TheLibrarian Thanks!! 👍❤️❤️ 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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This is what #Coale has been doing most of the time to celebrate #NationalCatDay 😸😹😻😻😻, napping. #catsofLitsy

Lcsmcat 😻😻😻 7y
Leftcoastzen Kitties know how to party! 7y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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I felt observed; someone watching me. But who? Where? Two glowing golden eyes peering from the sheened darkness. Oh, #Coale! 😆😸😹 #catsofLitsy

diovival Very stealthy 😂 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Someone looks ready to pounce! 😸 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale didn't want us to leave the house this morning. He insisted that I don't have to go to another library when we have one at our place. 😆😹😻 #catsofLitsy

MidnightBookGirl Cats are wise. 7y
WhatDeeReads Oh Coale! How do you walk away from that face? I would be non-functional. 7y
CouronneDhiver He's a very smart kitty. 7y
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Snow Can't argue with kitty logic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7y
Zelma Well, he does make a logical point. 7y
emilyhaldi I can't resist when my cats stretch out like that!! They always do it when I'm trying to leave the room 😼 7y
OrangeMooseReads He makes a good point 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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No, #Coale, I don't see you! Where are you? Has anyone seen Coale?

It can be very distracting to read when someone around you is this cute! 😸

He loves the wrappings my #bookmail comes in!

Texreader Adorable!!! 7y
Char Too cute! 7y
kspenmoll Its so much fun seeing what bags & boxes & hideaways they explore & discover! 😻😻 7y
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Clwojick Definitely creeping all your #Coale pics so I can try to figure out his breed! @MrBook 7y
MrBook @Clwojick 😆👏🏻🙌🏻 Thanks! 😸 7y
BookBabe @Clwojick 😸 I think he might be a Bombay. Not that I know much about kitty breeds. 7y
Clwojick That's what I had mentioned to @MrBook but he said that Coale doesn't have the major personality characteristics of a Bombay. Totem is a Bombay and he fits the decription to a T! Coale definitely looks Bombay though. 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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I often ask #Coale why he's so cute. He just gives me an aloof look and says "I can't help it, Mommy." ?

dariazeoli My dog #Millie responds in similar fashion ☺️ 7y
kspenmoll That sweet wise face!!! 😻😻 7y
becausetrains "Don't hate me 'cuz I'm meowtiful." 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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He was reaching out for his book 😆😹. Oh, #Coale 😻😻😻! Yes, those are his scratch-marks on the furniture. *sighs* #catsofLitsy

Leftcoastzen He is a handsome boy!😺 7y
JoeStalksBeck ❤️❤️👏👏👏 7y
Apinlibraryland One of these days I'm just going to invite myself to your house and sit and read. PS can I have your address? Lol 7y
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Kmmsellers He's gorgeous! 7y
kspenmoll 😻👏 7y
Serotonin ❤ ☺ 👍 7y
KaatjeH 😻😻 7y
Scurvygirl Wild beast! 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Someone's enjoying the quiet induced by the #24in48 #readathon! Oh, #Coale! 😻😻😻😻😻 #catsofLitsy

SarahKat84 Those eyes though! So bright and intense 😻😻 7y
My_novel_obsession Great picture! 7y
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Bookzombie 💕🐱 7y
Julsmarshall What a beauty! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 7y
Lcsmcat Such a cute 😻 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Malice in Wonderland. 🐾 #catsoflitsy

queerbookreader I've decided that all I want in life is to pet your cats 7y
Melli I want to play with ur cats and come admire all ur books.. 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Gorgeous cat!! Ha! Love the caption! 7y
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LisaJo I love your cats. How often do they not books off the shelves however? 7y
Litlady 😻😻😻🐈❤️ 7y
MrBook 😻😻😻 7y
Mc_cart_ny Aw man, she wants to knock that pile over! 😼 7y
Haweller Love this picture. Sort of a Where's Waldo. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Looks like some books 📚 are about to go down. 😺😺 7y
LittlePixels Those 📚📚📚! 😍❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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#Coale is fully engrossed in his book. 😻📚

SharonGoforth 😻📚👓 7y
CouronneDhiver Very smart kitty 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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I came home to find this guy in my rocking chair. 😆😻😻😻 Oh, #Coale! #catsofLitsy

Jinjer Oh Coale you're so cute! 7y
UwannaPublishme Sweet! 😍 7y
JoeStalksBeck ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Texreader ❤️😻 7y
Char I love the look on his face :) 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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@lemonlime799 I hope your day gets better. I have 5 cats and they aggravate me a lot because they are as moody as I am, but I could not imagine life without them 😻😻Here are Stormy and Ozzie at the end of my bed. You cat see Ozzie's 6th toes on his front paws in this pic. #catsoflitsy

Tanzy13 🐱🐱 7y
queerbookreader Hello kitties 😙 7y
LauraBrook Aw, hi babies!!! 😽😽😽😽 7y
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I Am a Cat | Natsume Soseki
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Coale's rule of thumb is that as long as he is in physical contact with a book, it's his until he says otherwise. Even if he's doing his yoga routine 😆👏🏻. Oh, #Coale! 😻😻😻 #catsofLitsy

EchoLogical 😍😍😍 7y
CouronneDhiver Haha! Black kitties are always so silly 🖤 7y
KaatjeH 😻😻 7y
Leftcoastzen He rocks!Super cute. 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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