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Magpie Murders
Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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It's a classic murder mystery. A story within a story. Both are brilliantly plotted with crafty twists and captivating characters. Truly enjoyable!

AnnCrystal I believe that I caught the British TV drama version of this...oh, too good 📚🎬☺️👍💝. 2mo
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Not a case of #KAL, but Her Feline Highness #GhostCat is sitting on my knitting pattern and hence I have to enjoy my #audiobook without #audioknitting.

The disadvantage of sitting here with idle hands, I see the dirty spots that need to be spring-cleaned.

#KnittersOfLitsy #CatsOfLitsy

Jari-chan A cat's way to help doing chores 😸 5mo
wanderinglynn 😆😆😆 Ghost Cat is “helping”. Or telling you it‘s time to pay attention to her. ❤️🐱 5mo
Sace My cats love to “help” and “supervise”. It‘s a wonder I get anything done. 🙄 5mo
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humouress Is that like when I dragoon the kids into tidying their room and it just makes everything 3 times worse? 5mo
AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 5mo
Ruthiella 😻😻😻 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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A murder-mystery within a murder-mystery and both of them compelling in themselves. I loved this one! It is unique and clever!

LeslieO I loved the PBS series, too. And I am currently reading Moonflower Murders.🙂📚 8mo
LiteraryinPA I love Anthony Horowitz! 8mo
Lesliereadsalot Loved the PBS series too! 8mo
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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This was fabulous!! I love the book within a book and LOVE the Clue-esque way Atticus explains the machinations behind the murder. @RaeLovesToRead thanks for the glowing rec, I loved it!! This was my #doublespin for January, @TheAromaofBooks 😊

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! I have had this one on my shelf forever!!! 9mo
CBee @TheAromaofBooks it‘s really good! 9mo
vivastory I really enjoyed this one. Have you read any other Horowitz? I thought The Word Is Murder was a blast (very meta) 9mo
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dabbe It was a ride, wasn't it? 🤩😍😃 9mo
RaeLovesToRead So glad you liked it! 🤗💕 9mo
CBee @vivastory this was my first by him! I downloaded the second in this series but will have to check out the one you recommend 😊 9mo
CBee @dabbe yes! It also reminded me that I would probably have the BEST time at one of those murder mystery dinner type things. That would be so fun! 9mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead have you read the second in this series? The Moonflower Murders? 9mo
RaeLovesToRead @CBee Got it on the TBR! 🥰 9mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead I found it on Kindle Unlimited plus The Word is Murder too! 9mo
RaeLovesToRead Got them both in paperback!! 9mo
dabbe @CBee He's written some Sherlock pastiches that I love, too! 🤩 9mo
CBee @RaeLovesToRead 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 9mo
CBee @dabbe how cool 😊 9mo
quietjenn I forgot how much I liked this one, until watching the TV adaptation lately. I really want to read the sequel, but when my library holds can't in it was surprisingly huge and I'm a little intimidated! 9mo
CBee @quietjenn whoa you‘re right! 600+ pages 😳 9mo
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Despite how much I read, there are actually very few photos of me with a book.

AmyG Ha! I don‘t think there are any of me reading. 9mo
Tamra Next to none of me bc I take everyone else‘s! 😂 Suits me fine. (edited) 9mo
CBee I‘m reading this too! What do you think so far? 9mo
BarbaraBB Such a great photo! There are not many of me reading either! 9mo
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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- Magpie Murders, closely followed by 8 detectives. Also loved A Fatal Crossing & The Woman in Cabin 10

- My festive stack 🎄🎁💕

- Locked room - especially a country house, or a secluded island. Also a decent cast of zany characters!


Let me know your answers!

Tagging @The_Penniless_Author @julesG @Ruthiella @ravenlee @dabbe @squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 @Susanita @TheSpineView @Leniverse @Oryx

The_Penniless_Author You're going to have to wait until I'm out of my post-Thanksgiving feast daze. Still cooking at the moment. 😋 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I should know better than to ask questions on Thanksgiving. Also, have you even read any mysteries this year?? 10mo
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LeahBergen Thanks for the tag! 😘 10mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 🧡🖤💜 10mo
IndoorDame Country house is my favorite too!! 10mo
wanderinglynn How fun! Thanks for the tag! 💚 10mo
Kimzey Thanks for the tag! Love a locked room and country house - especially isolated by a storm! 10mo
ravenlee I…don‘t actually like mysteries! I keep trying and I keep not liking them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That said, I have enjoyed the Jane Austen mysteries starting with (edited) 10mo
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag!💜🏷📖 10mo
batsy Thank you for the tag! I've had Magpie Murders on my shelves for so long now and should get to it. 10mo
Clare-Dragonfly I thought I would answer this. I even looked at my StoryGraph stats to see if I‘ve read any mysteries this year. Then I stared blankly at the other questions. I have no idea 😂 But here‘s my favorite mystery this year: 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @ravenlee But mysteries are the best!! 😅😅 I would try to convert you with recommendations, but a lot of my faves are crazy complex and meta (Stuart Turton etc) 🤣 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @batsy Do it! It's fantastic. Two mysteries for the price of one. Poirot pastiche. Cosy vibes. Right up my boulevard! 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @Clare-Dragonfly Interplanetary mystery!!!! Space cruise ship!!!!! I feel I may need this 10mo
ravenlee I‘ve tried! I‘ve read procedurals, thriller/mysteries, cozies, classics (some are pretty good, but still not my cup of tea), and kids‘ (usually the ones I like best). It‘s my mom‘s number one genre; I just can‘t get into them most of the time! 10mo
RaeLovesToRead @ravenlee Try reading The Drift. It's a great book, but it'll bum you out so much you'll never pick up a thriller again, haha. 10mo
Clare-Dragonfly Oh, you do! It‘s so much fun! 10mo
jlhammar Fun, thanks for the tag! I‘ll have a little think and try to post mine soon. 10mo
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Husband and I recently binged the TV series so it fun read. Little bit different so it had some surprises. Definitely want to read Book 2.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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The META!!!! Even as a relative newbie to the murder mystery genre, this was engrossing on a number of levels, in how it plays with the tropes of, existing canon of, and popular perceptions of, the murder mystery genre. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality I'm realizing that the divide between a cozy murder mystery and this type of more classic murder mystery is you don't have the same assurance that there's a pleasant detective-type and a warm support group who are automatically above suspicion. 2/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality You have to read this type of murder mystery for the puzzle, not the people, because as basically everybody is a suspect, you don't get much time with or good feelings about any one character - even if they're not the murderer, their secrets are being laid bare in the course of the investigation and they're understandably disgruntled and defensive about being investigated; even the detective, paraphrasing the book, is an outsider, and the detective's support group are little more than flunkies. 3/? 1y
Robotswithpersonality It's not as clear cut a case of 'everyone's unlikeable' as seems to be the formula in the thrillers I encountered prior to realizing that's not a genre for me, but it does mean that I'll probably always lean towards cozy mysteries, and only be lured back to classic murder mysteries by the promise of a good puzzle, because that's what made this book. 4/? 1y
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Robotswithpersonality I am the first to label myself extremely gullible so I suppose my proclamations of masterful mystery should be considered subjective, but I truly had a great time with the last fifty pages.
To that end, patience is required for this read. The book within the book aspect is laid out in a way I haven't encountered before, such that in this case you read a few pages of one, most of the other, and then switch back, and are left after 200 pages of buildup, with a cliffhanger for another 200 pages.
And yet, yes, I definitely will be reading the next book in this series.
Robotswithpersonality 6/6 ⚠️ Loved one with dementia, classism, ableism, xenophobia, fatphobia, homophobia, child abuse 1y
Billypar I never thought about the actual dividing line between cozy and classic mysteries being about the existence of a detective's support group that is above suspicion. Great insight! 1y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Did they end up creating the phrase 'war crimes', because they wanted to differentiate what they would actually arrest people for, from all the awful things that normally happen in war? 😞

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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This is a small town murder mystery but written wonderfully in a unique manner. Loved it! The work is detailed with twisty plots. I couldn‘t stop reading it so switched to audio. I am going to read other books of this series . 4.5🌟
This was my #May #bookspin #bookspinbingo #serieslove2023

kspenmoll His books are soooo good! 1y
Blackink_WhitePaper @kspenmoll yeah this is my first time reading his books. Can you suggest any other books by him? 1y
LoveToReadLiveToRead I just watched the tv adaptation of this and quite enjoyed it! It‘s been a long time since I read the book though so I couldn‘t remember all the details. 1y
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TheAromaofBooks This one is on my shelf!!! 1y
Blackink_WhitePaper @LoveToReadLiveToRead wow that‘s great ! (edited) 1y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Absolutely loved this!

This is basically an episode of Midsomer Murders wrapped in an episode of Poirot. MY TWO FAVOURITE MURDER THINGS!!!!!

It's a clever and entertaining love letter to detective fiction. Very meta. Some great moments.

I just wish we could read the whole Atticus Pünd series 💕💕


BiblioLitten One of my fav books from last year! I was actually thinking about it two days back (thinking that I wanted to read something similar) ❤️ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @BiblioLitten I need the next one - Moonflower Murders! 😁 2y
Branwen I need to read this! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen If you're a fan of British murder mysteries on TV, this is a gem! 😊 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I think any lover of murder mysteries will agree with this page 💕

The whodunnit is a uniquely satisfying format.

KristiAhlers I love that author. Totally enjoyed the book you're reading 2y
dabbe @KristiAhlers Ditto! ❣️ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @KristiAhlers @dabbe This was my first Horowitz and I LOVED it. Added straight to my "best murders" shelf ? 2y
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dabbe @RaeLovesToRead My favorite of his is MORIARTY, a Sherlock pastiche, sort of. He keeps ya reading! 😊 2y
Ruthiella After House of Leaves, you‘re gonna fly to through this book! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella Ahhh, the relaxation of being able to read a book without footnotes and upside down bits 😊 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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This was my bookclubs February pick. I read this last year before the PBS series aired. I decided to re-read it for bookclub mainly so I didn‘t mix up the book and the show😬 I love a good murder mystery.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Thanks for the tag @JenReadsAlot 💕
#wondrouswednesdsy @Eggs

1) Expands my mind - knowledge, imagination, empathy. Sometimes I even enjoy it 😋

2) I'm looking forward to reading my current reads:- The Priory of the Orange Tree & Magpie Murders.

3) Stuart Turton (mystery with a difference), and even more recently, I've been impressed by Tom Hindle, David Olusoga, Kiley Reid, Masako Togawa, Dave Eggers, and Emily St John Mandel.

Eggs Thanks for the thoughtful responses 🧁 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz

I wish I could read the entire Atticus Pund series!

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚❤️ 2y
dabbe This one had me riveted! 😊 2y
Eggs Brilliant 🖤 2y
Blueberry I just put this on my tbr list after watching an episode on PBS. 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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My husband and I finished up this audiobook on our drive "home" for Thanksgiving. We've been listening to it whenever we've been in the car over the last few weeks. I've enjoyed talking it over with him as we've gone along.

EvieBee It‘s very meta, right? So unique. 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Very suspenseful; I couldn't put it down--though I found it difficult to remember what happened a few days later. Is that because there are too many details, or is my brain slowing down in retirement? Regardless, a fun read!

Favorite quote: “Alan invented all sorts of ways of expressing things so that only he and I understood. He used language as a place for us to hide.“

kspenmoll This is now on PBS. His books are wonderful! 2y
dabbe @kspenmoll Cool! I'll have to check them out! I can never read his books slowly; they're just so good! 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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A soft pick. I have a feeling this will be a case of me enjoying the series more than the book. It was entertaining enough but went on a bit too long. Also was too similar to The Appeal in terms of it being a “cosy mystery.” Need to get back to my gritty serial killers. 😈

TrishB Always the gritty serial killers! 2y
RaeLovesToRead Nah! Cosies all the way!!! 2y
AlaMich I didn‘t understand the hype for this one, at all. (edited) 2y
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LeahBergen Ha! You can‘t beat a serial killer read. 😆 2y
Prairiegirl_reading Definitely was too long! 2y
DivineDiana I agree @AlaMich! And @MicheleinPhilly I am enjoying the series more than the book. 🙂 2y
MicheleinPhilly @DivineDiana So am I! ☺️ 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I enjoyed this book. When I first went into it, I was afraid I might be confused by the concept of a book within a book, but I wasn‘t. I also didn‘t guess the murderer in either story until very near the end. Anthony Horowitz has yet to disappoint me. Now I can watch the show. 😊#audiowalk

lauraisntwilder My husband and I started listening to this over the weekend because I want to watch the show. We've been enjoying it so far. 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Temperatures are back up in the 80s now. It was 85° when I was out walking. I have a little over three hours left in this book, so I‘ll probably finish it sometime this week. I went to the Catholic college up the road from me and walked for a bit on their grounds. It‘s such a beautiful campus. #audiowalk

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I got all engrossed in the book within a book; now I‘m back to the book editor‘s story. I‘m not used to it yet. #audiowalk

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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So far, I‘m enjoying this. Where Hawthorne, in Horowitz‘s other detective series, reminds me of Sherlock Holmes, Pünd, in The Magpie Murders, is reminiscent of Hercule Poirot. #audiowalk

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I saw the book cartoon right after watching an episode of Magpie Murders on PBS. Timing is everything. 😂

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Scarathalon photo prompt: Murder. I read this one quickly for a book group, so I may actually try to reread it before I watch the new Masterpiece Mystery PBS miniseries it inspired. #murder #photoprompt #TeamSlaughter #Scarathalon22

Aims42 I just watched the first episode last night! It‘s been a few years since I‘ve read the book so it was fun diving back in with these characters 😃 2y
jlhammar The Masterpiece Mystery series is fun so far! I listened to the audiobook of this a few years back. Hoping to start Moonflower Murders soon. 2y
SomedayAlmost I am looking forward to the series. 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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First episode of Magpie Murders on PBS was great! Definitely tuning in each Sunday night for more!! 🔪🕵️‍♂️📖

LeahBergen I have this recorded. 👍 2y
Aims42 @LeahBergen It was great! Can‘t wait for you to enjoy it too 😊 2y
jlhammar @Aims42 @LeahBergen Just watched the first episode the other night and really enjoyed. Fun to have a new series to look forward to! Still need to read Moonflower Murders. I wonder if we'll get a second season adapting that one? 2y
Aims42 @jlhammar I wonder if that‘s what they‘ll do too 🤔 Definitely looking forward to finding out 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Do you ever pick up a book only to realize that it is not at all what you expected? I didn‘t realize that this was essentially an entire small English village murder mystery a la Agatha Christie embedded in another mystery novel. That would be fine, except it‘s not what I want to be reading right now, so I am putting it to the side. I‘ll probably come back to it at a later date.

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz

A mystery book within a mystery book, both containing mysteries that allude to one another. A nested murder mystery, by Horowitz who I was more familiar with from his TV work. Plenty of call backs to his TV roots and little cozy mystery tie-ins that are made throughout. It was a really fun read, even if I was able to pick out the killer fairly early on.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Woohoo! Finished my Book Club‘s latest pick and met my Goodreads reading challenge for the year. AND, most importantly, I enjoyed this multi-novel read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

LiteraryinPA I loved this book and its follow up as well! 2y
Monica5 Congratulations 🎉 on reaching your reading goal!! 2y
Jas16 🙌🏽 2y
JackOBotts Thanks, @Monica5 & @Jas16 🥳! @LiteraryinLawrence I want to check out the follow up…I know so little about it! 💜 2y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I picked this one up on a total lark. I‘ve never read this author before but found this story almost “unputdownable” to be honest.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I‘d never heard of this book, nor the author. But my husband knows I love crows and picked it up for me on a whim one day based solely on the cover.

Holy cow, it turned out to be such a great read!! Two books in one. A handful of characters which you have to try and keep straight. A quaint setting including a mansion. Death. It brought to mind the game Clue and how, if it was a book, this would probably be it.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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A clever dual mystery, with lots of clues that don‘t seem to fit and an equal amount of likeable, unlikeable, and just plain suspicious characters. I found it a little slow paced, and there were some digs at the publishing industry that felt a little pointed, but overall a fun read. Susan was an engagingly unwilling detective, and I think I‘ll read the next one…

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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It‘s a beautiful morning to be reading in the North…

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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This was a fun contemporary mystery. I don‘t want to give too much detail because it‘s the kind of thing you‘re better off not knowing too much about before you go in.

BiblioLitten True. It‘s hard to talk about the book without giving away a bit of the plot. Even saying that it is a book within a book seems like a lot. 3y
Bookwormjillk @BiblioLitten right? I even wished I hadn‘t read the cover blurb. 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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His side. Her side. ♥️🖤
I like how the book covers are complementing each other. I‘ll be borrowing Bad Blood from my husband later. I‘m intrigued by the scandal.


EvieBee I‘m excited for you reading Magpie Murders for the first time. It‘s bonkers in the best possible way. 3y
BiblioLitten @EvieBee It is! It‘s unlike any book that I have ever read. I love the Agatha Christie references too🖤 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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A splash of red to get into the spirit of Valentine‘s day.

This book has been on my TBR for so long and I am glad that I finally got to read this book-within-a-book murder mystery.


Tianarose Loved this one. 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Loved this mystery within a mystery. I‘ve only read two Agatha Christie novels so I know I missed many references to her detectives and stories, but that‘s okay by me. The number of clues and suspects that kept layering on made this a truly fun read.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I‘m 67% through this mystery coiled around a mystery manuscript, and I keep thinking about this quote from early on in the story. What was on the vicar‘s desk? I‘m sure Mary saw whatever it was, but is the whatever even relevant? Going to try to finish this one today because I‘m bursting to know all the secrets!

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Starting my #bookspin pick. Lizzie wants to snuggle and Bernie wants me to turn a Harry Potter movie on. He loves watching all the magical creatures🐉

Itchyfeetreader They are cuties 3y
DogMomIrene @Itchyfeetreader Thank you! I love them to pieces. 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I found this to be highly irritating. From funky numbering of pages to stories within stories, it felt pretentious and overindulgent. I like other series by this Author but this one was a dud.

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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#12booksof2021 #August @Andrew65
A lot of easy reading in August as it was a lovely week in Northumberland so I am going purely on that memory of reading with fish and chips, beer, views, the North Sea and of course already excellent whodunnit with opportunity for a good litsy photo. We must be a strange breed of people who can probably be spotted in the wild trying to artisticly pose books for photos with family looking on askance.

Andrew65 🤣🤣🤣 Give us a book and a camera and we are happy! A good book. 3y
Cathythoughts Excellent picture 💫 3y
Centique This made me smile! My husband has just been explaining to our hosts on holiday that “every time she finishes a book she has to take a photo of it!” 😂😂😂 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Having a wonderful time on the Cape Peninsula after a lot of anxiety earlier in the week. My friend took me of a tour along the coast of the peninsula this morning/early afternoon. It's so gorgeous here! And right now I have nothing to do except read my fantastic, completely engrossing book. I'm so lucky!

alisiakae That looks beautiful! Enjoy! 3y
wanderinglynn Beautiful photo! 3y
Chrissyreadit Gorgeous 😍 3y
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Andrew65 Looks heavenly, enjoy. 😍 3y
Cathythoughts Fabulous! Enjoy 3y
Graywacke Wow 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Up next! On my way to Cape Town (well, the Cape Peninsula, my new favourite place) for a week of work training. I've been wanting to read this forever.

LiteraryinPA Love this one and its sequel! 3y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @LiteraryinLawrence I'm enjoying it so much! 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Made this this morning but forgot to post. #BookReport - Finished 6 books this week. At the point where I‘m reading a bunch of quick books for the most part.

#CurrentlyReading - about 100 pages into Orquidea Divina, about 50% into Twelve dates and only about 10% into The Last Graduate

Since I have a bunch currently going, I only have one other book on my #WeeklyForecast

Cinfhen You‘re on a roll 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 3y
mcctrish I just grabbed Twelve Days from the library. I agree that quick and easy reads are perfect for December 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Recommend. Horowitz writes some of my favorite modern murder mysteries. A book within a book. #whodunnit #murdermystery #fiction

Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Bear with me, I have a bunch of reviews. I‘m glad I gave this one a second chance. I‘ve been in the mood for cozy English Murder mysteries and this one popped up. I knew at the time I bailed it was totally me and I wasn‘t in the mood. This time I was.

I almost thought they weren‘t going to tell us the end of the mystery in the book but thankfully they did. I‘m curious to see how the other books in this series are based on the ending of this one

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Happy Sunday! 💚🏈🐱📚

My favorite house to go to because I get all the snugs. And watching the Patriots and Panthers games!

AmyG I am doing the same. Reading, minus the cat, watching the Colts vs Bucs game. Enjoy! 3y
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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I read this a few years ago but relistened on Libby before moving on to Moonflower Murders. It‘s a good production!

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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I am about to start my last October #bookspinbingo book. I am still working on one last audio, but hoping to completely clear the board this month. I have had some unexpected extra reading time this week, and am taking full advantage.