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Der Name des Windes
Der Name des Windes: Die Knigsmrder-Chronik. Erster Tag | Patrick Rothfuss
Der neue Fantasy-Klassiker jetzt als preiswertes E-Book! In Der Name des Windes erzhlt Patrick Rothfuss die Geschichte von Kvothe, dem berhmtesten Zauberer seiner Zeit. Damit ist ihm ein Roman von so viel Einfallsreichtum und solch sprachlicher Kraft und Authentizitt gelungen, dass er die gesamte Fantasyszene aufhorchen lsst. Vielleicht habt ihr von mir gehrt ... von Kvothe, dem fr die Magie begabten Sohn fahrender Spielleute. Das Lager seiner Truppe findet er verwstet, die Mutter und den Vater tot - sie haben einfach die falschen Lieder gesungen. Wer aber sind diese Chandrian, die weiglnzenden, schleichenden Mrder seiner Familie? Um ihnen auf die Spur zu kommen, riskiert Kvothe alles. Er lebt als Straenjunge in der Hafenstadt Tarbean, bis er auf das Arkanum, die Universitt fr hohe Magie aufgenommen wird. Vom Namenszauber, der ihn als Kind fast das Leben gekostet htte, erhofft sich Kvothe die Macht, das Geheimnis der sagenumwobenen Dmonen aufzudecken. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Leseabenteuers steht ein groer Magier und leidenschaftlicher Wissenschaftler, ein Musiker, dessen Lieder die Snger zum Weinen bringen ... und ein schchterner Liebhaber. Mit Der Name des Windes legt Patrick Rothfuss den ersten Teil der Knigsmrder-Chronik-Trilogie vor, der in den USA bei Kritikern und Fantasylesern begeistert aufgenommen wurde und schon bald einen der vorderen Pltze in der New York Times Bestsellerliste belegte. Der Bestseller-Autor Terry Brooks schreibt: Der Name des Windes stellt das Debt eines Autors dar, den wir lieber im Auge behalten sollten. Das Magazin The Onion gibt den Lesern folgenden Rat: Stellen Sie Der Name des Windes neben "Der Herr der Ringe" ins Regal und erwarten Sie den Tag, an dem beide in einem Atemzug genannt werden, vielleicht als Erste unter Gleichen. 2007 wurde Patrick Rothfuss fr seinen Roman Der Name des Windes mit dem Quill Award sowie dem Pulishers Weekly Award fr das beste Fantasy-Buch des Jahres ausgezeichnet.
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I‘ve lately been having an unusually difficult time finding a book that both grabs and keeps my attention, so I relied on my TBR Jar to help send me in the right direction. I pulled “a book that is outside your comfort zone” and figured I‘d let the library gods do the rest. This chunkster - 722 pages in this format 🫣- was on the FREE FOREVER rack! I am only on page 75 but am loving it…fantasy isn‘t always easy for me but so far this is amazing!

Soubhiville One of my favorites. Only problem is the third book in the trilogy isn‘t out, and it‘s been 13 years since book 2… 2mo
ItsAnotherJen I looooove loooove these books! I've given up hope that he'll release the 3rd. 2mo
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Wonderful story. Looking forward to reading more of this saga. Some cool pictures of depictions of Kvothe (Quothe/Kote) and Auri a friend of mine has. The book is as hard to describe as Kvothe‘s love for Denna. After a battle with some unusual creatures and a chance encounter, Kote begins to tell his story of growing up; making his way as a respected performer with his family, to being a lost, lonely youth, and his growth overcoming adversities.

Cosmos_Moon Also, I have a thing for books with maps. 5mo
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The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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FINALLY getting round to this which I‘ve meant to read for years!

TheSpineView Enjoy! Loved this story! 7mo
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“When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.”

TheSpineView Love that quote. 9mo
BilboBookends @TheSpineView it def is one that stuck out because it‘s SO TRUE 9mo
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Me and my sassy ghosties are going to try this book on for size. It is magnificently flipsy flopsie and smells nice.

TheSpineView I loved it! Still waiting on the 3rd book in the series to come out. I think it has been 12 years!😱 13mo
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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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“The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.“

By far my favorite read this year, and favorite quote I've ever read in a book.

#quote #fantasy

Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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Still trying to figure out why people love this story so much. A lot was said. Not a lot happened.

julesG Indeed. 1y
archaeolibrarianologist I kept reading thinking, "Surely something is going to happen in this chapter." And then the book ended. 1y
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It took me forever because I was listening to the audiobook for only about 10-20 minutes before bed at night, but I FINALLY finished it! I enjoyed the experience - it felt like someone was reading an epic bedtime story to me each night. I started down this journey before finding out about all of the controversy surrounding Rothfuss, so we‘ll see how things go.

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Okay, this has been the HARDEST month to choose my favorites read. I had four 5 star reads!

It was a tight race between Exiles by Jane Harper and the tagged book. But decided to stick with fantasy favorites.

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Thanks so much to @BookwormAHN for recommending this book to me last year! (Or possibly in 2021 for me to read in 2022).

I started reading this last year and was loving it but lost my library hold. I finally picked this back up in print and absolutely devoured it!

I immediately need to read the next book because I loved this. I loved everything about it. That is all.

BarbaraJean I felt the same way! And then I read the second book and felt the same way about needing to read the third book. Except there was no third book yet. And as the years passed, I grew bitter and despairing as Rothfuss did not and still has not published the third book. 😭 😭 😭 2y
Laughterhp @BarbaraJean Oh no! There isn‘t a 3rd book out yet! 😬😬 That makes me nervous to read the next one then. 2y
Meshell1313 At this point he could write it on a napkin and I‘d be thrilled. 2y
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BookwormAHN I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I agree with @BarbaraJean the second book is just as good and Rothfuss is driving me nuts 😸 2y
BarbaraJean Read the next one and then join the masses who are frustrated with Rothfuss seemingly working on every project EXCEPT the Kingkiller Chronicles! 😂 1y
Laughterhp @BarbaraJean Haha okay, I will! I just ordered it! 🤣 1y
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Since it doesn‘t seem like we‘ll be getting any snow, we brought our deck furniture back out for the Spring. It‘s 54°F (though a bit windy).

Great day for sitting outside and reading.

#currentlyreading I‘m almost halfway through this book and loving it.

BookBosomed1 Fun “it‘s a small world” Fact: The author of this book is the cousin of my personal trainer. I had no idea until I was telling her about a book I was reading. She said “that‘s my first cousin!” 2y
Laughterhp @BookBosomed1 Hahah how weird and awesome! 2y
Meshell1313 My absolute fav! 2y
Meshell1313 @BookBosomed1 such a small world! Tell her to get her cousin to finish book 3!! 🤣😉 2y
BookBosomed1 @Meshell1313 Ha. I asked her when he might finish it, and she said she had no idea bc he is so methodical in his writing or something like that. 2y
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The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😍 2y
Eggs Great choice! 2y
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dabbe Nice! ❣️ 2y
Vansa The original quote is actually from Vonnegut's Mother Night. "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." 2y
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The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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Readergrrl Great quote from one of my favorite authors!! 2y
Eggs Brilliant! 2y
Meshell1313 I‘m forever waiting for that 3rd book….💔 2y
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Andrew65 @Meshell1313 @Readergrrl Yes a favourite series of mine but the third book is really really overdue! 2y
Readergrrl I‘ve been hearing rumors of this *air quotes* 3rd book for years now……. 2y
Andrew65 @Readergrrl 😂 So true! 2y
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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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New bookshelves are the best way to start the new year 📚

My husband built this on the 31st and we put the books up on January 1st. I‘m so in love (with the man and the shelves ❤️)

#bookshelves #shelfie #newyearsnewshelves

AmyG Just lovely! 2y
Kimberlone Turned out great! 2y
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Got a few books in from B&N today using my gift cards. I started the tagged book last year, but my library hold ran out and I decided I needed a physical copy. This is one of the books I‘m hoping to read for #chunkstermini #chunksterchallenge2023

The top is the 3rd book in the trilogy and I‘m awful at finishing series. So 🤞🏻I‘ll actually read it. #serieslove2023

#newbookhaul #newbooks

Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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I can‘t believe this beautiful hand made book my husband got for me. It‘s illustrated and the little lute is made of wood and wire, and it‘s leather bound. Definitely the most beautiful and fancy book I own now! I feel like it needs a glass case. Made by Geekify in Boulder CO. (Big kudos for finding this hon! 💚)

Bookzombie That is beautiful! 2y
BookwormAHN Fantastic 💚 2y
CBee That‘s gorgeous!! Hubby did fantastic!! 2y
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squirrelbrain Wow, he did good! 2y
wanderinglynn That‘s gorgeous! One of my fave books! ❤️ 2y
Amandajoy That‘s beautiful! 2y
AmyG Ha, I was scrolling, saw this and thought….what??? It‘s beautiful. What a special gift. 🙌🏻❤️ 2y
sebrittainclark That's gorgeous! 2y
KathyWheeler How lovely! 2y
Tamra Amazing! 2y
GondorGirl How beautiful! 🥰 2y
bookishbitch Very cool! 2y
DebinHawaii That is amazing! 💙 2y
RedxoHearts That's gorgeous! 2y
LibrarianRyan that is seriously cool. 2y
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#ManicMonday #LetterN @CBee

📘 The Name if the Wind
🖊 Andre Norton
🎬 Notting Hill
🎤 Night Ranger
🎶 Nights In White Satin

kspenmoll Nights in White Satin- great choice! 2y
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#ManicMonday time!

Book: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (honourable mention: Nimona by ND Stevenson)

Author: Yoshiki Nakamura

Show: Nancy Drew

Band: Nirvana

Song: No Way Out - Goo Goo Dolls (honourable mention: SO MANY. How do all these great songs start with N?)

CBee Nimona!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 2y
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For today's #scarathlondailyprompts here's the King Killer Chronicles.

#scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious

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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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#alphabetgame #letterN @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

My letter ‘N‘ books is prob my favorite book of all time…or at least top 10!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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For #LetterN one of my favorite books The Name of the Wind. I really wish Rothfuss would finish the series. Him and George R R Martin are driving me nuts 😼
#AlphabetGame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

KathyWheeler The cover of this version is just beautiful. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing!! 2y
Meshell1313 Couldn‘t agree more!! 2y
Lizpixie Me three!🙋🏻‍♀️ 2y
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I didn‘t enjoy it as much as I had hoped I would. Occasionally slow and plodding.

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It‘s midyear wrap up time. My Capricorn heart loves to review over my goals. I also love to make note of my favorite book so far, and my least favorite. I like to compare them to my end of the year stats. A lot can change in six months.

Favorite: The Name of the Wind
Least Fave: A History of Wild Places

What was your favorite/least favorite so far?

Full wrap up: https://wildwoodreads.com/2022/06/30/2022-midyear-wrap-up/

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I didn‘t want to love The Name of the Wind. But this book is stunning. The writing was lyrical, but concise. I probably would have gotten through it faster if I hadn‘t stopped every few paragraphs to admire the writing. But I think that‘s the fun of it. So I didn‘t want to fall in love, but I did anyhow. Now I‘m just praying for book three. 😂😂😂😂

Full review: https://wildwoodreads.com/2022/06/13/the-name-of-the-wind-review/

CrowCAH I have this on my TBR. Love your review of the writing. 2y
JuliaTheBookNerd Join the book three waiting club 😬😭 I‘ve been a member since 2011 😫 (edited) 2y
Readergrrl I‘ve read this book, LOVED it, but have held off on reading the next ONLY because I don‘t want it to end! I‘ve heard that the third has been in the works for a loooong time. I don‘t think I could bear the wait if I finished the second with no final installment in sight! 2y
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Sharpeipup I felt the same way! 2y
Lostinagoodbook One of my favorites. You have to hear this song. It makes me think of Kvothe in the Eolian. 🙂
BethM I felt the same way! Definitely don‘t skip the novella either! 2y
BethM @Readergrrl I think GRRM finishes before Rothfuss. I‘m not holding out a lot of hope honestly. I‘m just thankful for the 2.5 books we did get. 2y
Weisubei I haven't finished my 2nd book, I'm still waiting for book three to finish them together. 2y
Vansa Why did you not want to love it? It's great! The second book has some ....iffy writing about women but I enjoyed it overall. I hope he finishes the series! 2y
wildwoodreads @Vansa I didn‘t want to love it because the series isn‘t finished. 😅 2y
wildwoodreads @CrowCAH Thanks! 💕 2y
wildwoodreads @JuliaTheBookNerd I didn‘t want to be a part of this club. But here I am. 😂 2y
wildwoodreads @Readergrrl Same! I‘m reading book two right now but I‘ve noticed that I‘ve been procrastinating it. 😂 2y
wildwoodreads @Lostinagoodbook I will definitely have to check that out! 2y
wildwoodreads @BethM I know! I‘ve almost given up on GRRM. 2y
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I‘ve been in a reading slump this year. Unfortunately they happen to the best of us so here are a few things that helped me break out of mine.

🌲Listen to Audiobooks
🌲DNF Until Something Sticks
🌲Re-read a Favorite
🌲Try a New Genre
🌲Visit a Bookstore or Library
🌲Give Yourself Time

Do you have any helpful tips?

Info on how these tips helped me beat a reading slump: https://wildwoodreads.com/2022/06/10/how-to-beat-a-reading-slump/

ravenlee I find graphic novels and middle grade reads can help in a slump. They‘re quick and a change of pace, and both factors can help feel like I‘m getting somewhere. 2y
5feet.of.fury Genre hopping 2y
tokorowilliamwallace I hop around widely between an ever-expanding roulette wheel treasure hunt of reading moods very frequently anyway. My mind and attention span crave novelty pretty much constantly (at least regarding information and input)---inundating glut or nothing. I can't usually stick with the same linear development for very long before I need something different, so I'm a very scattered reader because of how slow I read, since I can't finish quick enough. 2y
KathyWheeler Really easy reads with characters I know and short chapters always help me. Robert Parker‘s Spenser novels were good for reading slumps. 2y
bookaholic1 I've been in one too, been listening to audiobooks, I am reading THE WAY OF KINGS, which is a chunkier, hoping it will help 2y
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In May, I told myself that I needed a break from epic fantasy. I had planned to dive back into some genres I‘ve been missing and break out of my comfort zone. But yet here I am with my June 2022 tbr that‘s full of fantasy novels. And I have no regrets. Other than the fact that I love The Name of the Wind and we don‘t know when book three will be out. 😅 But other than that I‘m so excited to dive into these chunky books.

MommyOfTwo I need to read these, I‘ve had the first book forever. 2y
Follow.my.read I‘ve read and own every…single…book Brandon Sanderson has written! Absolutely love his writing!!!! 2y
wildwoodreads @MommyOfTwo I really enjoyed the first book! 2y
wildwoodreads @Follow.my.read I‘m relatively new to reading his work, but I‘m obsessed honestly. 😂 2y
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The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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Finally got round to reading this fairly recently and loved it!
Can definitely see why so many people love it so much.
A brilliant, character driven epic that has clearly inspired many other authors.

Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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The start of #wyrdandwonder is fast approaching! I have big plans to finish the tagged and to add way too many new fantasy reads to my TBR pile.


imyril Our poor TBRs, they have no idea what‘s about to happen to them! 2y
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I didn't manage to complete my goals for #awesomeapril but I did make good progress with my non-fiction choice of Incredible Journeys. I did complete the tagged as my fiction choice. Now moving onto my next fiction read, which is the next in my #thingsincommon thread. Picking up on wonders in the titles of IJ and new read Circus of Wonders by Elizabeth MacNeal.

Clwojick 💖💖💖💖 2y
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So I saw this and had to get it … in love with the you can actually read the words… and it‘s the whole book. 🤗📖

Leftcoastzen Super cool! 2y
shanaqui I love designs like this! I've seen a couple before, but never actually bought one... 2y
Ddzmini @Leftcoastzen and @shanaqui I know I love it 2y
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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss

Obsessed with this series.

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#12booksof2021 #May

Wasn't my favorite of the year, but a decent fantasy. This one did the thing that I struggle with for many fantasy worlds. Why CREATE a world where women are second class citizens? Are authors really that uncreative? But it was still pretty interesting and got me started on my audiobook kick.

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Thank you @Texreader for the book!! I've seen this book before but never grabbed it, so I'm very excited to read it! I love the chocolate Santa and I'm also very excited to try the peppermint fudge! Thank you so much!
Merry Christmas and Happy #jolabokaflodswap ☃️🍫📖

Texreader Our family loves Tolkien and I saw you did too. My son‘s English teacher recommended this book if you love Tolkien so we got it for you! I hope you like it! 3y
StaceGhost I just read this and it was excellent! I‘m mad though because it‘s a trilogy and the last book hasn‘t been published yet 😭 (edited) 3y
SolaRaynor I loved this book! 3y
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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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Day 131.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you so much! You‘re so thoughtful ❤️🙏🏻 I absolutely love it 🥰 looking forward to diving into this over the holidays 🎄☃️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re welcome!! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️💚 3y
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A great book with a fantastic storyline. 3.75/5 Read for #PopSugarReadingChallenge2021 and #ReadHarderChallenge2021

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When Patrick?!? WHEN!?!?!? 😤

Meshell1313 The same question I ask George 😩 3y
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Hahaha this is why I read the reviews first! Mostly just for entertainment.

Picture is of a review on Audible that gives one out of five stars and is titled, “Lipstick on a Pig”.

robinb 😂😂😂🐷 3y
DGRachel That‘s awesome. I bailed on this one, with about 6 hours left to go in the nearly 28 hour long audiobook. I just couldn‘t listen anymore. 🤣🤣 3y
Samreamer @DGRachel ooo good to know! I have it on my tbr list and was seriously considering it, but if you bailed… lol 3y
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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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IT WAS NIGHT AGAIN. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

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Just bought the 10th anniversary edition of The Name of the Wind, it's gorgeous. :)

TrishB It is a thing of beauty! 3y
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A clever, thoughtless person is one of the most terrifying things there is.

Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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Eggs Nicely done ✅👏🏻 3y
MayJasper I especially love the cover 3y
Ast_Arslan @MayJasper I love this cover too 🤩 Hope to love the book as well. Did you read ? 3y
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Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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4th read, as it is my comfort read when life gets messy (well, messier)

Still poetic and beautiful as ever 💚

Soubhiville I‘m with you there. I just love these books, and was recently thinking it‘s about time to read them again. 3y
pppooraikul @Soubhiville Please do! It‘s like giving yourself a reward after a long day 😁 3y
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The Name of the Wind | Patrick Rothfuss
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As recommended by Rachel Parris on ‘Between the covers‘, this was really good! Like if Robin Hobb wrote Harry Potter for adults! It‘s a chunkster and I got restless at the 3/4 mark (prob more me than the book!) but amazing world building, characters to really root for and a plot that keeps you guessing! A fab read! 👍 #betweenthecovers

Oryx I love this book. It's brilliant and I am so mad that the third book isn't out 😁 Are you going to read 3y
squirrelbrain I have to say it‘s not one that I fancy but glad you liked it! 3y
GingerAntics @oryx I‘m still not so patiently awaiting the third book. I get that he wants it to be really good, but it‘s frustrating. 3y
Caroline2 @Oryx Yes! Defo going to read the next one!! 😁 3y
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Vacation can‘t be over if I haven‘t finished my book, right?? #roadtripreading

CrowCAH Correct! Are you in Charleston, SC? 3y
Sharpeipup @CrowCAH I was for brunch yesterday. My nephew lives there. 3y
CrowCAH @Sharpeipup neat! I LOVED the trip I took down there; such history! I want to return! 3y
Sharpeipup @CrowCAH it does have a rich history and some pretty views too! 3y
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Pat, it hasn‘t been 84 years, but it‘s been 1.5 decades since the release of the first book. This trilogy has slowly leaked from my brain overtime. Someone asked if I had read it & for my thoughts, & I realized, why? I can‘t recall. I know I had ❤️‘d it, I know I had been excited. I know that I lost hope of a conclusion about 5 years ago. I wish litsy had polls, Bc I want to know! Whose holding out hope? Whose given up? & Who doesn‘t care anymore?

thegirlwiththelibrarybag About 7 years ago, when it was recommended to me, I thought I‘d wait and start when the last book came out... And at this point it‘s kind of in the “no longer care” basket 3y
AmyG Oh, I barely remember anything at this point. 😳 3y
LazyLibrary @AmyG Same! Like almost nothing lol 3y
LazyLibrary @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Yeah, not even worth it due to lack of conclusion. Neither books can stand alone. It‘s in my NLC Basket as well. 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @LazyLibrary, such a shame. I wonder what is really causing the hold up. 3y
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Oh man, this really is a chronicle. So here comes my #unpopularopinion: I don't mind reading a chunkster if there's good reason for it to be a chunkster. This whole 660 pages was just the beginning of Kvothe's life story which was interesting enough but I still felt like it could've been told in half the amount of pages and still not feel rushed. 🤷🏻‍♀️
📷 sarareadsliterature on Instagram

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty pic 💛 3y
starlight97 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it's so cute that you found the only positive thing in this review 😅💞 3y
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