Final #roll100 read for July and enjoyed this one. Quite slow paced and atmospheric, but I enjoyed the different perspectives and enjoyed it being a bit meandering. And #bookspin #doublespin list done for August!
Final #roll100 read for July and enjoyed this one. Quite slow paced and atmospheric, but I enjoyed the different perspectives and enjoyed it being a bit meandering. And #bookspin #doublespin list done for August!
Back home from our trip. I think someone missed me. (To be fair I think Edgar is glad too. He just won't stay still long enough for a picture 😂)
Such a beautifully written novel. All the characters have unique voices. Cameron Jade Russ I loved them all. The story is simple but intricate in its telling. Highly recommend.
Creepy! 👀 Attractive teen girl is found dead in the park. A neighbor teen boy is obsessed and knows everything about her. But does he know why she‘s dead?
None of the characters are likable and are deviant in their own ways.
The so-so rating is for the teen angsty drama, of which I‘m not a huge fan. I lived through high school once and that was enough. 😂
This is Kukafka‘s debut book. I had loved Notes on an Execution, and this Girl in Snow is equally addictive. In a Colorado suburb a young girl is found murdered. We listen to the inner worlds of the suspects and the policeman involved. The characters are fascinating and real. I‘ll be thinking about this for awhile as different details click into place for me. A literary thriller of substance. I‘m looking forward to her next book. 💫💫💫💫💫
A high school girl is dead, and we view her murder through the eyes of three people: the boy who loved her, the girl who hated her, and the investigating cop. They narrate their own stories, and bring themselves to life through their complicated emotions and histories. Thought provoking and well worth reading.
This book is the debut of Danya Kukafka, author of Noted on an Execution- which I loved.
This debut is another excellent atmospheric psychological thriller. Three outsiders in an average Colorado town are all, one way or another, involved in the murder of 15-year old Lucinda, one of the pretty girls in town.
It‘s good! Not as good as her second book, but it‘s definitely a pick. Thank you again, Heather, for sending me this one 🤍
I‘m not into this one as much as I had hoped. Moving on to something else.
Current audiobook for the work commute. Three chapters in and I‘m enjoying it.
We are being slowly taken over by beanie boos at my house, but Gilda the flamingo was kind enough to let me finish this book!! I‘m finding lots of books with great character studies lately and this was no exception! I loved Jade‘s writing and ‘What you want to say but can‘t without being a dick‘ was so brilliant. As another Litsy-er said, finding out the murderer was less important than following these characters.
Starting on this at lunchtime. Only a few pages in and there‘s already a dead girl, some interesting characters and a creepy kind of vibe!
For fans of YA and Lit fic mysteries this one is $1.99 today!
Look what I found in the mail today! Goodies from my #litsypenpal @Litlady 😊Thank you so much! I'm going to try and incorporate them into my challenge (which I will send to you). Love those bookmarks too 😻
Just finished Girl in Snow and I really liked it. I thought it was compelling and bittersweet.
What better way to spend this -10 degree evening? Good book in hand and cuddle puppy on my lap. #dogsoflitsy
Seems fitting that I should be starting this on such a snowy, blustery day here in Southeastern Iowa. Perfect for curling up with (hopefully) a good book and a cup of cocoa.
I absolutely hated this book. While the author is a beautiful writer, the book is terribly overwritten. The characters are underdeveloped, and no 15 year old thinks the way she writes. If it wasn‘t such a short read, I would have stopped reading.
This was a fantastic character study into three separate people whose stories become intertwined as the police work to solve the mystery of who killed Lucinda. Kukafka‘s writing is poetic and beautiful - I realized I didn‘t really care who committed the crime; I just loved living in each of their heads.
We‘re giving away two copies of this debut thriller on our Facebook page. Head over there for the details.
I love these that are in this book. Just a girls thoughts lol
According to this book I should be a parrot named Pauly😂😂😂. #halloweencostumes #letthebookdecide
So I am reading along in my LIBRARY book and find something stuck to the page. It appears to be broccoli!! How? Why?
Can anyone top this? #foundinalibrarybook
Another great Point St Reading series, probably the best group of 5 authors I've seen. My personal favorite was Girl in Snow, it had a Megan Abbot vibe.
I really wanted to enjoy this story, but unfortunately I did stumble upon a few problems that made it harder for me to actually enjoy the reading experience. I‘m not saying the writing is bad at all, but I do think it is something that either works for you or it doesn‘t. It did turn out to be quite a fast read and there were some aspects and themes I really liked and I guess the right person will probably have a better experience.
2,5/5 stars.
This was really lovely in ways I didn't expect. The mystery was good, but the exploration of love in it's many forms, and the question of what a person will do for someone they love, made this a standout for me.
This book is unbelievably boring. Full review at http://theghastlygrimoire.com/2017/09/12/book-review-girl-in-snow-by-danya-kukaf...
Making a huge dent in my arcs! Now for this one. Here's a blurry photo of a #gingerbrat #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
Ignore the #lego #darthvader #photobomb
I have just read a few pages of this, but right off the bat you see what the synopsis means when it talks about walking the line between love and obsession! Really looking forward to diving into this one. Has anyone read it? Did you enjoy it?
This was incredibly slow. The plot moved as fast as my kids do when I tell them to pick up their toys. 🐢 By the time the killer was revealed, I wanted it all to be over. The main thing about this: 1. Not all mysteries are thrillers. 2. This should not be categorized as a thriller.
The last two books I read have been heavy reads. So what did I pick to start tonight? Girl in Snow about the death of a teenage girl in a small Colorado town and the impact her death has. I'm thinking I need to read something light and fluffy next!
The joys of working nights in a library. I am banished to the basement to cover books.
The story alternates between these three characters stories and as you piece the story together you realize that they are intricately connected. A crushingly delicate, poetic look at how everyone is tangled in some way or another and what you may believe is not always true.
4⭐️'s (Full review on Goodreads/instagram)
I gave this 3.5 stars. It was well written and interesting; I just don't really care for this type of novel.