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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
In the war between humans and the Colony, a race of superintelligent ants, other animals are transformed into high-functioning, two-legged assassins, including Mort(e), who is continually searching for his pre-transformation friend, a dog named Sheba.
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Morte | Robert Repino
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While this was a quick listen, I didn‘t enjoy it as much as I had hoped to… I love the premise of these monster ants uprising against humanity and bestowing a transformation amongst mammals to help enact the war against their owners… but at times the action got a bit muddled & I wanted more character development. The friendship that binds Mort(e) to Sheba is the most redeeming quality here but I‘m only mildly curious about what happens next.

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Morte | Robert Repino
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🎧 Waited a while for Litsy to add this short story. Nope? Bronson Pinchot narrates. He‘s great!

Yes another short story. Near future. US economy crashes & after the Great Bailout the multinational Lee-Pi corporation steps in to run the country.

A story about a company man, assassin, errand boy who sets out in what he thinks are the desolate streets of Philly to recover something Mr Lee has lost.

Now I want to read Gulliver‘s Travels. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Twainy I also want to read MORTE now too! I‘ve owned it … forever 😁 and if Leap High Yahoo is any indication, it‘ll be a fun read. 3y
vivastory I really enjoyed Morte, a lot more than I thought I would. I have been meaning to read the follow-up books in the series 3y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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I forgot to take a picture before I returned the book. But this is not what I was expecting and I loved that there was a character named Sheba. She was a dog too. So sharing a picture of my Sheba Ready to read the next one in this series.

BookNAround Sheba!🥰 3y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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#LittensDressedInBlood Today‘s prompt is Pet Semetary. I couldn‘t resist using my Funko Pops to set the stage for a book about pets/animals who are turned into warriors by a race of intelligent ants who are sick of humans and their destruction.

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Morte | Robert Repino
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Book 1 of the War With No Name series follows house cat turned war hero Morte as he looks for his dog friend Sheba, whom he lost track of shortly before his transformation (triggered by ants in a war against humans to aid their cause). Morte doesn‘t entirely trust the colony and the information they‘ve been given but the war is (mostly) over and humans (mostly) eradicated, he can now retire and focus on finding Sheba. Interesting premise and fun.

Morte | Robert Repino
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#3books with animals on the cover

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🐒 4y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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#20series20days (day 6)

A dystopia in which anthropomorphic animals, including house pets, overthrow human rule? Yes please!

These books are strange and wild and wonderful. And I think the cover art is brilliant. I hope Repino will continue the series.

wanderinglynn Love the cover art! 😍 4y
bookandbedandtea Gorgeous covers! 4y
TrishB They look gorgeous ❤️ 4y
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Mrs_B 😍 4y
Andrew65 Love the covers. 4y
Eyelit Those covers! 😍 4y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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I bought this ages ago on a whim because I loved the cover and I did enjoy the story for the most part. This is a pick on the border of so so for me but I‘m glad #BookSpinBonanza gave me the push to finally read this. Mort(e) was an interesting character and I really hoped throughout that he‘d achieve his goal to reunite with his friend.

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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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I managed to finish 4 of my #BookSpinBonanza books this week while staying pretty close to my goal of 318 pages per day.
This week is dominated by the bonanza as well although eventually I'll need to throw in my second #CalibreRoulette title somewhere. I may have picked up Mort(e) solely on cover love alone so we'll see if it lives up to it.

MidnightBookGirl Mort(e) was so much fun- and the author is so funny and friendly! 4y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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I‘m now a quarter way through my #BookSpinBonanza list so I thought I‘d share the next quarter. Looking forward to them all.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! Intrigued to hear your thoughts on these, especially City of Brass. 4y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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I decided to keep my list from last month and only replace the numbers that I read. Looking forward to the March #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin numbers @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Nice!! I'll be sure to tag you next week!! 5y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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If an Animal Farm/Homeward Bound Mashup happened during the Apocalypse, that would be this book, maybe, I think. WTF did I just read? This book reframes issues like religion and free will and love and war and so much more in such a weird and unexpected way, it really got me thinking.

#Booked2019 | #Genrebusting

📷: Libby

Soubhiville I really liked these books! Truly weird, a good example of banana pants! 🍌👖! 5y
Cinfhen Sounds like a good choice for the prompt 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
ReadingRover I love this series!!! The audiobooks are amazing. I think Bronson Pinchot does the narration. 5y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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“You are the master over someone who has told you his story.”

#QuotsyMay19 | 24: #Message

📷: Made with Typorama

Suet624 Yup 5y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Day 16‘s challenge for #LiteraryLuck is to spell “March” from book titles. This took me longer than I expected to assemble. #March

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Morte | Robert Repino
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Book 4 finished and hour 14 for #24in48! Loved this sci-fi epic - seriously one of the most unique plot lines I‘ve read.

Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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Imagine if Animal Farm were written in the style of World War Z, with the overriding atheism of The Golden Compass. Boom, the you go.

The plot does get a little less engaging once it becomes apparent there's a "point" being made, but it never stops being a page-turner and I'm interested in seeing where the story goes from here.

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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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#catchingup on #riotgrams #day29 - #cats!

I have a feeling that this one will be a quick read, so I've been saving it for a special occasion. Love the design of this series' hardcovers.

Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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Congrats on your milestone @BarbaraBB and thanks for hosting the #SpotlightGiveaway!

Mort(e) is a fun and wacky sci-fi that fans of the Annihilation trilogy and 🍌👖 books like Hitchhiker‘s Guide should love.

It‘s a story of animals, particularly pets, rising up and taking over the world. With the help of giant ants. For real. Banana-pants. Read it.

BarbaraBB That cover 😍! Thanks for participating! 6y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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I could see this book not being for everyone, but I loved it. The story of a warrior house cat, Mort(e) (pet name Sebastian), fights against the rule of humans who have enslaved pets like him. The story follows his adventures fighting for freedom while he also searches for the dog who used to live next door: Sheba.

Looking at goodreads, it looks like there‘s already two more in the series that I‘m going to have to search out now.

Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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Airplane reading 😼

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Jeez, this book emotionally wrecked me in the best way. Enjoy! #FindSheba 6y
Kitta @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I‘m loving it so far! 6y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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Some stories you forget, some stories you remember... and some stories haunt you.

And the story of Mort(e), a house cat who just wants to find the dog he loves in a world where giant ants #PlayLikeGod and turn animals into weapons in their war against humanity, still haunts me.

#FindSheba #NuYear

daena I absolutely LOVED Morte. I really need to read the other two already! 7y
BillBlume I had a blast reading Mort(e). Even got to meet Robert Repino when D‘Arc came out. He was a really fun guy to meet. 7y
Cinfhen Your blurb sounds intriguing 🤗🤗🤗 7y
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TrishB Wow - definitely a different book! 7y
JazzFeathers That sounds so weird! 7y
readinginthedark Haunts you in a “beautiful but sad” way or a “causing horrifying and graphic dreams” kind of way? 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @readinginthedark 95% from column A, 5% from column B 7y
readinginthedark 👍🏻Stacked! 7y
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Mort(e) | Robert Repino
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In this war between sentient animals and humans, the humans are losing. I love my cats. I can't imagine eating me. I bailed after the second chapter.

Captivatedbybooks I would of balled too im not into zombies and stuff 7y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Repino creates a world that requires a huge suspension of disbelief, but once you start viewing the book as a crazy anime or some sort of B horror movie, its a great ride.

It might be a tad weird or shallow for some readers. Repino does touch on the question of person-hood and the topic of religion, but never really delves into it. It felt like a missed opportunity that would have given the book more depth.

Morte | Robert Repino
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"There is no new order," Mort(e) said. "We're going to become like the humans"

Alicia Great picture to go with the quote! Also cute kitty. 7y
MoniqueChristine Thank you! She's pretty photogenic when she wants to be :p 7y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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'The animals would know who had raised them up. They would know that there was a god on earth.'

Morte | Robert Repino
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One chapter in and I'm loving the book. But I'm confused if Mort picked up a rifle or a shotgun. They called it a gun, then a rifle, then a shotgun. Seems a little inconsistent.

Morte | Robert Repino
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#junebookbugs day 3 - #insects

So apparently the big bad of this series is ants... Like, all ants everywhere? Honestly, I totally get it.

Morte | Robert Repino
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Normally I object to giant insects in my books... 🙃

Morte | Robert Repino
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This novel makes me nervous... #murdercats #gramgram #catsoflitsy #morte

LauraBrook What a cutie! 😻 7y
bitterbear @LauraBrook 💖💖💖 thank you! 7y
Lcsmcat Pretty kitty! 7y
bitterbear @Lcsmcat 😻😻😻 7y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Loved this novel. Mort(e) is filled with amazing worldbuilding, and Robert Repino does a fantastic job peeling back the layers of that world. This book is like Tailchaser's Song meets Planet of the Apes. Looking forward to the next book, even though this novel's story felt very self-contained.

My GR review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1980929455

#scifi #fantasy #morte #robertrepino #catsoflitsy

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Morte | Robert Repino
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YES! I was gonna be really disappointed if there wasn't any catnip in Mort(e). Robert delivers, though. My perpetually high cat Uncle Kerouac, from my old webcomic "The Wildcat's Lair," approves. #catnip #Morte #RobertRepino #fantasy #scifi #catsoflitsy #UncleKerouac #TheWildcatsLair

A link, if you're curious to learn more about Uncle K: http://wildcatslair.blogspot.com/2008/08/all-pretty-lights.html?m=0

Morte | Robert Repino
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As a 911 dispatcher, I got a great laugh out of this paragraph. The idea of other animals calling in noise complaints for dogs is hilarious. A nice touch to Robert's worldbuilding. #ItsADogsLife #dogsoflitsy #woof #Morte #findSheba #RobertRepino #WarWithNoName #noisecomplaints

Morte | Robert Repino
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I finished the first part of Mort(e) last night, and it's an amazing journey watching Sebastian's transformation from house cat to war hero and then retired veteran. His need to find his friend, the dog Sheba, is so heartbreaking that I dreamed Part II starts with him and Sheba together again. (Spoiler: it doesn't) And I almost never dream about what I'm reading. #Morte #findSheba #WarWithNoName #fantasy #scifi #RobertRepino #weirddreams

[DELETED] 206653737 Another great photo! 7y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Chapter two amounts to a history lesson. I'm actually a little baffled, because what is technically an info dump on how the ants took over the world held my attention. I'm gonna puzzle for some time over how Robert wrote this so well, making ant queen Hymenoptera more horrifying than the Xenomorph queen from Aliens. #Morte #alien #queen #Hymenoptera #xenomorph #findSheba #fantasy #WarWithNoName #RobertRepino #SciFi #GetAwayFromHerYouBitch

Morte | Robert Repino
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Just 20 pages into Mort(e), and I get the buzz. The way Robert places the reader into Mort(e)'s early life as a house pet is flawless, but it's watching how he suddenly evolves self-awareness that's really amazing. The story is a roller coaster, accomplishing so much in a very short time. #Morte #fantasy #RobertRepino #TheWarWithNoName #catsoflitsy

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Morte | Robert Repino
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Found out that Robert Repino will be visiting Fountain Bookstore here in Richmond next month, so I'm gonna read Mort(e). My friends have raved about this book. The sequel D'Arc comes out just before his visit. Wicket seems less than pleased that I'm reading a book about a cat, though. #dogsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #RobertRepino #Morte #WarWithNoName #fantasy

TobeyTheScavengerMonk This book was awesome and emotionally brutalizing in equal measure. Enjoy! 7y
BillBlume @TobeyTheScavengerMonk, I've heard so many great things. I'm only 13 pages into it, and I'm already digging it. 7y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Loved it! I've always enjoyed anthropomorphic animals of every kind, from the rats of Nimh to the rabbits of Watership Down.
It felt timely to read this in a he current political climate, too. Queen Ant smacks of Big Orange Man in ways...
I look forward to sequels!

MaleficentBookDragon This sounds so good!😻 8y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk So good, this book! When I was reading apparently I had a look on my face, and when my wife asked what was wrong I said "This cat HAS to find this dog or I will NOT be okay!" Left me emotionally drained, but worth it. 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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This is s book about a war against humanity as ants turn on us and get animals to join them. It's fast paced and highly engaging with solid storytelling the whole time. Much gets revealed as we follow Morte on this journey which surprisingly has a lot to say about love and friendship. This fun and quirky sci-fi story has a lot to say and manages it skillfully.

AWahle That's an awesome cover! 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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I'm at work right now, so getting beamed up might be nice 🤣. I wouldn't mind this for spaceship reading material! #FunFridayPhoto (can I take my candle too?)

Faibka I just got Culdesac! :) 8y
Soubhiville @Faibka I am loving this! 8y
Yellowpigeon I love Mort(e). I need to get on top off mount tbr so I can read Culdesac 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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My current #MarchTBR. As we all know, these things are subject to change on a whim 😊📚
Top row are Audio and Ebooks.

DeborahSmall The Fishermen is fantastic ❤️ 8y
EmilyChristine I loved Arrival! And I have the movie sitting by my tv so I hope it's as good as the story. 8y
Soubhiville @DeborahSmall I've been looking forward to reading it since November! @EmilyChristine the movie was incredible! I didn't know it was a book until we came out of the theater! 8y
EmilyChristine @Soubhiville Yay! I can't wait to see it! I hope you like the book too! 8y
Gezemice Love the Witches!! And HP. Looks like a great month to me! 👍 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Morte | Robert Repino
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I'm a chapter and a half in, and so hooked! This is going to be a wild ride!
Thanks @Hooked_on_books !
#litsyAtoZ #LetterM or #LetterR

TobeyTheScavengerMonk You have no idea. #findSheba 8y
Soubhiville Haha @TobeyTheScavengerMonk that's what I like to hear! 8y
Hooked_on_books You're welcome! Total 🍌👖 8y
Soubhiville @Hooked_on_books I love that 🍌👖 is a thing! @Liberty 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Great way to start a Saturday #bookandbrunch

Texreader Mmmm...yes! 8y
Gissy 😋 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Veggie burger and onion rings as I enjoy this book.

Morte | Robert Repino
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My wonderful boyfriend took me to a bookstore for our second date. He bought Mort(e) and that's when I knew he was a keeper 😍

Morte | Robert Repino
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In the event animals take over I like my odds better with the Pretty Girl. She has a gentle spirit. She sends lots of puppy snuggles your way @lemonlime799

CherylDeFranceschi 🐶❤️! 8y
Dragon 😻 8y
queerbookreader Sleepy puppy 😭💜 thank you for tagging me! 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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This one is getting extra treats as I read this book. Sugar Bear says hi @lemonlime799

DebinHawaii Those eyes! Gorgeous! 🐶❤️ 8y
SoniaC @DebinHawaii she melts my heart with those puppy eyes daily. 8y
CherylDeFranceschi ❤️🐶 8y
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Graciouswarriorprincess So precious! Those eyes! 8y
Dragon 😍 8y
queerbookreader Sugar Bear!! How cute 😍 thank you for tagging me! 💞 8y
Gissy So cute! ❤ 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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I am a bad photographer, but @downtherabbithole is a good #cupidgoespostal match. Hope all you Littens got nearly as lucky. This book sounds right up my alley (and comics I've been meaning to read on top of it/shot glasses to spice up the reading) and there's even two more in the series when I inevitably love it. Thanks Veronica and Happy Valentine's Day!

downtherabbithole @andytbarnes you're welcome!! I'm so glad you like everything!! Happy Valentine's Day!! 🎊🎉🎊🎉 8y
8little_paws Morte is really interesting. Be prepared for a 🍌👖 plot 8y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Mort(e) wore me out emotionally but it is truly unique. 8y
Yellowpigeon I love Mort(e). Although I do have to agree on its banana-pants-ness 8y
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Morte | Robert Repino
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Jumping into this one to break up some of my more serious reading right now. Animals take over! Going to be keeping a close eye on the Sugar Bear in case she gets any ideas. You see her lurking acting all innocent. I'm not convinced. There was that time last week I was a little slow getting her treat. Something tells me she is holding a grudge 😂