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Scary Stories
Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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"Describes legendary scary stories and explores whether or not the stories could be true" --Provided by publisher.
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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🐱Frightening Feline Tales🐱
#scarathlon2020 #teamharkness @staycurious

hannah-leeloo @Jackal121 this made me chuckle 4y
AmyG Hahaha! A dog one.....and THEN she took out the vacuum. (edited) 4y
tracey38 😂😂😂 4y
Gissy 🤣🤣 4y
Tera66 😂🤣😂🤣 4y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Part of my neighbor‘s decorations. She always does something fun. I forgot to check in yesterday with #scarathlon points. For October 18-24, I had 544 points. Total is 1466. #teamslaughter @Clwojick

Clwojick 🙌 🙌 🙌 4y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Took a pic of my neighbor‘s inflatables. Love them! The skeleton lights up & the dragon has red eyes at night.
My total points for the first 10 days of #scarathlon are 336.
I have read 6 mystery books (5 were Christie, so they read quickly). #teamslaughter @Clwojick
This week I hope to watch a couple of movies & finish my library books. Think I have 5 physical & 2 audio to read. I‘ll participate in #outstandingoctober & #littenlisten.

Clwojick Woohoo! 🎉🎃Go #TeamSlaughter!! 🖤👻🔪💀 4y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Ok I need some help! I want to make a manageable stack of really scary stories to read over the next few months and I‘ve pulled these from my stacks in the hopes they are terrifying! Has anyone read any and recommend them as truly scary stories? Any other books you can recommend that fit the bill (I‘m always happy to buy more 😉)? Now that I‘m part of the #scarathlon2020 I guess this is officially my #teamslaughter TBR! 25 points already 🤗

Clwojick The turn of the key was creepy! I listened to the audiobook and it has some great sounds added in to make it super eerie. I don‘t think I‘ve read any others though. Are you joining us in October for #Scarathlon2020?! With books like this on your TBR you‘d make a fantastic team member 😉 If you‘re interested, there‘s a sign up link with the details over on my page. 🎃 4y
candc320 Ohhhh I‘ll definitely sign up for #scarathlon2020 ! It sounds perfect for getting me through as many of these as possible 👻!!! 4y
MaleficentBookDragon I really liked The Winter People. I also liked The Turn of the Key, Asylum, and Final Girls. Fellside is on my list too. 4y
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candc320 @MaleficentBookDragon thank you for the recommendation! So many good choices to choose from, I don‘t know where to start! 4y
MaleficentBookDragon I just noticed the kindle books. HELL HOUSE is my favorite ghost story haunted house book. You HAVE to read that one. Then check out the movie. 4y
candc320 @MaleficentBookDragon oh yay! Ok, you‘ve convinced me, I‘ll be reading that one next after The Broken Girls! And I‘m sooo happy there‘s a movie too!! 4y
candc320 @MaleficentBookDragon wow that looks good! Now I just have to figure out where to stream it! 4y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Who‘s looking for some scary story recommendations for October? Check out this list that @StayCurious found at https://www.denofgeek.com/culture/25-scary-novels-to-give-you-the-creeps-this-ha...


Laughterhp All those books look wayyy to scary for me! 4y
DieAReader @Clwojick Are there any points for #TeamSlaughter if we wanted to read any of these?🧐 4y
Clwojick @Squidget 5pts if they don‘t fall under our team theme (Horror or monsters). 15 points for books that do fall under our theme.( mystery/thriller) Plus any additional points if you read them during readathons. (edited) 4y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Looking for some scary reads to add to your #Scarathlon2020 TBR? Check out this list I found: https://www.denofgeek.com/culture/25-scary-novels-to-give-you-the-creeps-this-ha...

Clwojick Ooooo. I‘m sharing this! 🖤 4y
CarolineLovesToRead Thanks! Bookclub is choosing a scary book to read for October 4y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Huge scare today. My dr‘s office called me at 11:30 am and said that my surgery had not been approved by insurance. It‘s Monday. 😱😱

So my parents had to guarantee 20k to get them to move forward before the financial people left at 12:30. Thank God for generous parents with credit cards with high limits. 🙏🏻

At 4:30, right before my dr left, I got word that insurance finally came through. It was a harrowing afternoon😬Leaving for TX in AM👍🏻

EKonrad Good luck with your surgery! The same thing happened with me where insurance approved the surgery but not the hospital stay initially. It was so stupid! 😡Sending positive vibes your way. 5y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Prayers for a smooth recovery and good luck with your surgery. 5y
JacqMac What a stressful day! Good luck with the surgery. I hope it all goes well from here. 5y
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Megabooks @EKonrad Thank you so much!! The opposite was true for me. I heard from the hospital three days ago. That‘s why I was so shocked. I hope your surgery went smoothly. I really appreciate the vibes!! 💜💜 5y
Caterina I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that stress, and so glad it got sorted out! Praying the surgery goes great. 🙏❤️ 5y
Megabooks @Endowarrior21 Thanks so very much!! 💕💕 5y
Megabooks @JacqMac Right?! Thank you, thank you! 💙💙 5y
Megabooks @Caterina Thank you for the prayers! Very much appreciated! 💜💜 5y
melissajayne That sucks. Depending on the surgery, I would never have to go through that here in 🇨🇦. Instead I would have to worry if they had to delay the surgery. 5y
LeahBergen Oh my!! How stressful for you! 😮 5y
Bookwormjillk Good luck with your surgery. Will be thinking of you on Monday. Glad the insurance thing worked out. 5y
Megabooks @melissajayne I am a big supporter of universal healthcare in the US!! This piecemeal, private stuff is for the birds! 5y
Megabooks @LeahBergen Thanks! Just glad it‘s over!! 👍🏻 5y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk Thank you so much!! 💙💙 5y
Meaw_catlady Sending positivity!!! 🤗🤗 5y
Megabooks @Meaw_catlady Thanks! You have been so kind!! 💕❤️ 5y
Alfoster Yikes! Glad it‘s working out!👍 5y
julesG All the best for the surgery. 5y
BookwormAHN I hope the surgery goes well 🍀 5y
Eggs We‘ll be sending prayers and hugs your way on Monday 💕💕 5y
BarbaraBB Oh no! So much extra stress... (US insurance policy is so different from ours) I am glad it all worked out in the end. Save travels & please keep us posted. Thinking of you 🍀💚 5y
Sungirl79 Oh no!! I hope the surgery went well! Sending positive vibes your way!! 5y
CarolynM Sending positive vibes your way. Hope the surgery is successful and you recover quickly💐💕 5y
Birdsong28 Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️ 😘 📚 📖 5y
Megabooks @Alfoster Thanks! 😁👍🏻 5y
Megabooks @julesG Thank you!! 💜 5y
Megabooks @BookwormAHN Thanks so much! 😊😊 5y
Megabooks @Eggs Thank you so much Sherri! 💙💕 5y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB It is! I really believe in some sort of nationalized healthcare system, but the minute you threaten to take the ability to buy better service than your neighbor away, Americans get angry. I have many times been the beneficiary of that better care, but I still wish rising tides could lift all boats! Thanks for the continued support!! 💜💜 5y
Megabooks @Sungirl79 Thanks! The surgery is Monday! 🤞🏻🤞🏻❤️❤️ 5y
Megabooks @CarolynM Thank you very much!! 😊❤️ 5y
Megabooks @Birdsong28 Thank you so much!! ❤️💜💙 5y
Reggie Good luck!! Hope everything goes well!! 5y
Megabooks @Reggie Thank you!!! 😊💕😊 5y
Lcsmcat I‘m so sorry! We have got to fix our healthcare system! 5y
batsy Definitely scary being caught in that financial loophole! All the best for your surgery 💐 5y
Librarybelle Sending positive thoughts! Good luck on Monday! 5y
kspenmoll Good luck with your surgery. Our healthcare system is so broken. 5y
Reviewsbylola Good luck Meg. You‘ve got this. ♥️♥️ 5y
Redwritinghood Oh no! That‘s crazy. Good luck with everything. 5y
Jas16 Omg. That is awful. I am so sorry you had all of that unnecessary stress. Will be thinking of you on Monday. 5y
Cinfhen Good luck, Meg!!!!! Sending much love ❤️ 5y
Megabooks @Lcsmcat Thanks! We do!! 5y
Megabooks @batsy thank you very much!! 💕 5y
Megabooks @Librarybelle Thanks so much!! 🥰 5y
Megabooks @kspenmoll Thank you! It is. There‘s got to be a better way! 5y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola Thanks friend!! Much appreciated!! 💙 5y
Megabooks @Redwritinghood Thanks very much!! ❤️❤️ 5y
Megabooks @Jas16 really appreciate you support!! 💙💙 5y
Megabooks @Cinfhen Thank you dear friend!! 🥰😘 5y
Cinfhen Hi!!!! How are you doing??? It‘s getting closer! How are your parents?? Im sure it‘s nerve wracking for them too. You are all in my thoughts. ♥️ 5y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Like, I said.. I‘m going to keep those mini games coming. 😈

A lot can be said in just two sentences. Share a creepy or thrilling two sentence story below for 1 participation point each. Max 10 points per person.

Booksnchill For sale: baby shoes, never worn. 5y
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Kappadeemom My phone rings at 2am. It‘s one of my kids calling. 5y
Kappadeemom I‘m on a back road where I haven‘t seen another car for miles. My engine suddenly stops because the gas tank is empty. 5y
EadieB On my way home, I had to walk through a cemetery in the dark. My mind was playing tricks because I thought I saw all the bodies raising out of the graves dancing to the song Grim Grinning Ghosts! 5y
Clwojick My husband called me with bad news. The bookstore has closed for good. 😂 5y
Kappadeemom I am in the elevator alone when a man with a gun steps on. The elevator suddenly stops. 5y
Kappadeemom @Clwojick 😂😂✅✅ 5y
samantharoberts I received a letter in the mail yesterday. My student loan payments are due 😱😭 5y
Kappadeemom My husband died in 1996. Today his cell phone number showed up on my missed calls. 5y
FantasyChick There's nothing sweeter than seeing a picture of yourself sleeping on your phone. Unless you live alone. 5y
InkedBookworm13 I woke when the baby started crying. I live alone. 5y
EadieB I had a dream that a man was watching me sleep from outside my bedroom window. When I woke up, I found footprints… inside, next to my bed. 5y
EadieB It‘s nice that my grandmother calls to check on me, but if she wants to communicate from the other side I wish she wouldn‘t scream so much. 5y
EadieB My boyfriend has a collection he‘s very proud of. He never told me that he‘s been collecting souvenirs from the girlfriends he murdered. 5y
BookmarkTavern You‘re home alone. Something brushes through your hair. 5y
SaturnDoo I awoke this sunny morning to the joyous singing of birds. When I opened the window blind to peer out, there was a clown staring in at me. 5y
Lizpixie Home alone, Elizabeth walks down the mirrored hallway to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Suddenly she realises, there are two reflections beside her. 5y
Lizpixie Heart beating furiously, she slides open the drawer. Horrified by what she‘s found, she doesn‘t register the presence behind her. 5y
MoonWitch94 Although Leigha locked the door to her apartment when we left, it was wide open now. As she peered through the open front door, she heard footsteps and suddenly a light flashed in her face, blinding her as something knocked her over. 5y
Lizpixie Running into the corn maze to escape, she thinks furiously “why does even the end of my life have to be a cliche!” 5y
candyturbo Slowly I opened the drawer. GASP..the chocolate was gone! 5y
Lizpixie Groggily, she wakes up to find herself tied to a surgical bed. Her last thought as the deranged doctor slides his scalpel in is”of course it ends this way” 5y
SaturnDoo True Story: In the last months(Nov/Dec 1990) of my pregnancy, I had a reoccurring dream of my BFF dieing in a car wreck. 27 years later, she had a car wreck and died 2 months later. 5y
Booksnchill @Kappadeemom that‘s attributed to Hemingway but I always remember it. 5y
Lizpixie Peering up at the ceiling over her bed she spies what looks to be holes in the plaster. To her shock, there‘s two eyes staring out of them! 5y
SaturnDoo True Story: On October 24th 2017 at 1:30 PM the call came in that my BFF passed away. At 4:30 PM I got a call that my youngest son had a wreck and totaled my Yukon Denali. 😰😱 5y
Bookwormjillk One day I thought it would be fun to take my kids to the corn maze. We got lost in the far corner, and snakes started slithering out of the corn. 5y
deirdrebeecher I knew what he was, but somehow, I stood frozen unable to scream stop. He smirked at me and turned to take command of the nuclear submarine. 5y
Gezemice @SaturnDoo I am so sorry 5y
Gezemice True story: You wake up in the middle of the night to a goulish stench. You open the door, and realize your air system has filled your house of skunk smell. 5y
SomedayAlmost The blood moon rose. The nurses offered ragged morgue corpses as offerings. 5y
SomedayAlmost Faith handed out cranberry orange cupcakes at bookclub. The tangy taste and citrus smell distracted her fellow readers from the faint bitter almond smell of cyanide. 5y
Liatrek She awoke in a land with no books and cried out in pain. The man standing in the crimson suit said welcome to your hell. 5y
Liatrek She rushed down the aisles of the bookstore horrified pulling book after book from there shelves. They were all covered in millions of tiny sticky stickers that could never be removed. 5y
Liatrek She felt faint and nauseas as her eyes tried to adjust having blurred reading the sign in disbelief.
By order of the United States of America Intervention crisis no woman may purchase more than 10 items from Target.
Clwojick @Liatrek 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 5y
madamereadsalot1 The tree branches creaked ominously in the gusting winds. Autumn had unburden the limbs of its leaves, but not the hanging bodies. 5y
Charityann The door creaked open. She stared in horror at the three bodies strewn across the floor, as she realized she would meet the same doom if she couldn‘t escape. 5y
Sleepswithbooks My ex-boyfriend sidled up me at the pub and gripped my wrist with his clammy hand. Smiling and exposing his recent dinner remains of sauerkraut, he whispers, “We‘re pregnant.” 5y
kezzlou85 As she lay fast asleep on the old bed, a hand crept out from underneath. It began a slow crawl along the bed towards her head. 5y
barbwire I almost missed the innocuous envelope amongst the bills and solicitations for charitable donations, but a second glance at the mailing address sent chills up my spine. It was a notice from the Internal Revenue Service. 5y
Sarahreadstoomuch She has just taken the perfect picture of her child at the fair and wanted to upload and share it right away. When she lowered her phone, her son was gone. 5y
MsRadioSilence She thought she‘d locked the door. She thought wrong. 5y
MidnightBookGirl When she checked into the roadside motel, she thought the clerk seemed a little weird. And then she took a shower. 5y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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1. Love zombies!
2. Werewolves definitely, but I like a good vampire story now and than.
3. Both!
4. Train to Busan, 13 ghosts, House on Haunted Hill, to name a few
5. Twizzlers, but don't like the colored ones.
Dark chocolate and mint m&m's, don't like the other flavors, esp smores😝
@bullbunny @TorieStorieS

bullbunny Woah Train to Busan!? Awesome love that actor, haven't seen it yet. Not a fan of zombie things, not that I am afraid just have a meh feeling. 13 ghosts nice! 5y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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#humor #litsyhumor

julesG 😂😂😂 5y
MrBook 😂😂😂 5y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Finally starting my next #ravenmail book so I can get it off to @Shortstack on schedule. I‘m on the book @ginganinja sent off last Sept!

Tonks got adopted, so now this guy is here until we can find him a home. #catsoflitsy

RadicalReader @LauraJ face perfectly matches the title 6y
Linear Shes pretty, i hardly see white cats 6y
Charysselya Oh my heart! So cute 6y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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In case you want to add more to your October tbr Book Riot shared this awesome list.


Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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I'm in! #horrorgoespostalbookclub #HGPBC
Sorry, Continental US shipping only for me at the moment. @TheReadingMermaid

BeansPage Don't be sorry. No prob 😉 6y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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TricksyTails 👏😈🖤 So exciting!!!! 7y
JessNevertheless Yay!! Glad it made it there after it‘s cross-country journey! 🖤🖤 7y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Received the next installment of the in the #RavenMail group! Can't wait to start! Looks like a good pick from @BookishFeminist

Captivatedbybooks Did you ever received the one i sent for #readersgonnaread 😕 7y
bitterbear Yay!! Everything was in it!!! 7y
bitterbear I double wrapped that sh*t!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂 7y
scripturient Just wanted to leave you another info in case you‘re interested: I just received a note that your Halloween package is now being returned to me after it waited for you at the post office for almost four weeks (incl. a second delivery attempt). Sorry but I‘m really a bit miffed right now because I did all I could and you never even replied. (And I‘m not even starting on the other swap situation.) 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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Thank you so much to my #halloweengoespostal friend!! I came home to this waiting downstairs just now! I had thought I was out of luck, but it made it 🎃🙌🏻😍!

Can‘t wait to open this @TheBookAddict !!!!

TheBookAddict 🙌🏽 I was getting nervous. Thought it had gotten lost or something. You‘re welcome, I hope you like it. 7y
britt_brooke Yay!! 7y
BooksForEmpathy @TheBookAddict OMG! Just opened up my presents and you really did an incredible job. I like learning about new people, and so these choices mean a lot to me knowing that they are some of your favorites. I would love to read more horror, hence why I joined the #ravenmail book club and Horns looks so chilling! Water for Elephants is another I have never read. I appreciate your thoughtfulness so much. And all the POE!!! Obsessed. 7y
TheBookAddict Yay!!! 💕💕💕😁 sooo happy you liked your gifts. I was a bit nervous about my choices, I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed them. 😂 yes, the POE! 7y
cocomass Aww I‘m glad your package arrived 🎃🖤🎃🖤 7y
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Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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I don't think read any scary books lately. I am planning to read one next month. 🎃🎃👻👻😈👹

#boobooks @Liberty

Scary Stories | Jim Whiting
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@Yamich49 Received my first ravenmail book and creepy doll journal😱Book sounds good👍Thank you! ( and the postcard is very cool) #Ravenmail