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Dracul | J. D. Barker, Dacre Stoker LLC
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It is 1868, and a 22-year-old Bram Stoker has locked himself inside an abbey's tower to face off against a vile and ungodly beast. He is armed with mirrors and crucifixes and holy water and a gun - and is kept company by a bottle of plum brandy. His fervent prayer is that he will survive this one night - a night that will prove to be the longest of his life. Desperate to leave a record of what he has witnessed, the young man scribbles out the events that brought him to this point - and tells an extraordinary tale of childhood illness, a mysterious nanny, and stories once thought to be fables now proven true. A riveting, heart-stoppingly scary novel of Gothic suspense, Dracul reveals not only the true origins of Dracula himself, but also of his creator, Bram Stoker . . . and of the elusive, enigmatic woman who connects them.
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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When you're checking out Kindle deals for the month and it requires at least 2x notebook pages 😄

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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My #LMPBC book is on its way! Review to follow soon!

persephone1408 Yay! Im so excited about this one! 1y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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I‘m nearly finished with Dracul! I hope to have it mailed out by the 25th! #LMPBC

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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#LMPBC #GroupV @Readergrrl May‘s book on the way to you!! Hope you devour it like I did!!🧛🏻

Readergrrl I meant to tell you that I received this package! I‘ve already started reading and I‘m enjoying it so much! 1y
Meshell1313 @Readergrrl yay!!! 🧛🏻 can‘t wait to see what you think! 1y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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#LMPBC #GroupV This prequel to Dracula (written by Bram Stoker‘s great grand nephew?) really made me want to go back and read the original. I loved the story and the character relationships. It was truly a book about family, sacrifice and loyalty. There was a lot is suspense and gore (I found myself writing “gross” a lot), but this was a 5 star read! 🧛🏻🧛🏻🧛🏻🧛🏻🧛🏻

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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This book was amazing! The story kept me hooked. I definitely enjoyed the relationship between Matilda and Bram. The ending is a forgone conclusion since this is a prequel but I still found myself worried about the safety of our main character. I wasn‘t scared but I was thoroughly creeped out. I‘m glad I pushed my boundaries with this book since I usually try to stay away from scary. 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #LPMBC17 #GroupV

Meshell1313 Oooh can‘t freakin‘ wait!! 2y
Readergrrl I can‘t wait to read this too! Last year, I participated in the Dracula Daily which lets you read in time with the journal dates in which it is written. I‘ll add the link here: (edited) 1y
sweetpealsd @Readergrrl thank you. That is awesome! 1y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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I‘m looking at this book or The Southern Book Club‘s Guide to Slaying Vampires. Do you ladies have a preference? #LMPBC #GroupV

persephone1408 @sweetpealsd the 2nd one is on my tbr but I would be ok with either. 2y
Meshell1313 I‘m also fine with either but the southern book club one piques my interest a little more. So excited! 2y
Readergrrl I‘m intrigued by both titles! I‘ll go with either, though I might be partial to Dracul. But don‘t worry about me; I‘m very flexible! 2y
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Meshell1313 Yes I mean prequel to Dracula? Kind of perfect for our Vampire group. We‘re all easy - pick which ever you want! 2y
persephone1408 Is it a prequel to dracula??? That would be awesome! 2y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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It was a slow burn, but I enjoyed it 😊
Especially, the concept of pulling from Bram Stoker‘s notes.

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, J D Barker
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such a fun read…full of scary, creepy, gory stuff…book #1 for #spookoweenreadathon @TheSpineView #readinggoals #spookyreads

TheSpineView Excellent 2y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃A wonderful gothic tale for the spooky season! Vampires best served cold and vicious. I really enjoyed this prequel to Dracula, it makes for a nice pairing.

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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I loved Dracul in the beginning, but the ending took a direction that I didn‘t really enjoy. But the ending saved it. Overall, it was a fun read and great for this time of year. Oh, and be sure to read the author‘s note it was really interesting.

Full review: https://wildwoodreads.com/2022/10/14/dracul-review/

Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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“The prequel to Dracula, inspired by notes and texts left behind by the author of the classic novel, Dracul is a supernatural thriller that reveals not only Dracula's true origins but Bram Stoker's - and the tale of the enigmatic woman who connects them.” #BramStoker #Dracula #livingdead #creepy #spooky #HellFireClub

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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#TeamMonsterMash WEEK ONE GAME

📚331 points 🎃⚰️📚🕸🖤🍁

StayCurious Great job! 2y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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I am tempted to buy this on payday just to hear Christopher Lee read it to me.

#dracula #horror #vampires #bramstoker #audiobook

RaeLovesToRead I loved Christopher Lee too 💙 2y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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#nextup because creepy books are even creepier in the dark of a winters night. ❄🧛‍♂️🌨
(Tiggy's isn't a cuddler but he didn't seem to mind being a book stand for just a moment)

Moonprismpower What a cutie! 3y
BookBelle84 One of my favorites! Such a good book! 3y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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So I‘m out visiting my Daughter and Granddaughter… and I‘ve only went to two book stores… the last bookstore & the lost bookstore 👀😳 and I had to mail out the last book store books in the mail 👀😳📚📚📚 so todays purchases are going in my book bag on the flight back… I‘ll be nice and strong for Christmas…🤣🤣🤣📖📚📚📚🤨

AmyG I absolutely loved Kafka on the Shore. Enjoy! 3y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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Secrets are like flowers buried under snow. Eventually they rise up and push through into the light.

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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TheSpineView 🖤📖📚 3y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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wanderinglynn 😆😆😆 3y
Gissy 🤣🤣🤣 🧛‍♀️ 🖤🖤🖤 3y
Tera66 🦇🖤😆 3y
JacqMac 😂 3y
Clwojick 🦇🦇🦇 3y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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Eggbeater Oh, I really enjoyed Dracul! 3y
TheSpineView Awesome! 👍📖 3y
sharread Nice touch with the knife. ☠💀👻 3y
kimmypete1 Great pic! 3y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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A stormy gem that all vampire lovers will enjoy!!! It‘s dark and luscious world will sink it‘s teeth into the neck of the readers and make them wish they never heard the tale of Dracula….

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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My first aesthetic with quote 😍

#Dracul #DacreStoker #JDBarker

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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There are 25° outside 😍😍
It's the perfect day to read with a mint/chocolate ice cream 🤩🤩
I love warm days 😍🤩

#Dracul #DacreStoker #JDBarker #icecream #sunnyday

TheNeverendingTBR My favourite kind of ice cream 🤤👌 4y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR great tastes 😛👌😹 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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1. Ehm... no 😂 I don't even try an audiobook so no, definitely I've never listened a book on a CD
2. Sometimes, especially when I need to cancel all the noises around me (voices, TV,...). In these cases I choose instrumental music so I cannot sing the lyrics 😂

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

Thanks to @TheNeverendingTBR for the tag 🖐

Anybody else wants to play??

TheNeverendingTBR Yes, such vocal music would be too distracting for me 😶 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Hope you have a nice day ahead! 🙋‍♂️ 4y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR hope you have a great day too! I tried with vocal music once but it was like a conflict of interest 😅🤣 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 💙📖 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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1. Yeah, my family support me even if they think I have too many books 🤣
2. Not really. My sister reads sometimes, but she's not exactly a bookworm 🤣
3. Mmh... Frankenstein 😅

Thank to @EadieB for the tag 😉💟

@Eggs #wondrouswednesday

Wanna play? @MySharonaK @xicanti @ozma.of.oz @TheNeverendingTBR @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Cazxxx @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Arvena

Eggs Great answers - thanks for joining in 🌼🌺 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Thank ya!! 😊 I'll do this after work! ✌ 4y
Ast_Arslan @Eggs thanks 😉💟 4y
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MySharonaK Thank you ❤️ 4y
Ast_Arslan @MySharonaK 😊 you're welcome 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thanks for the tag! 4y
MySharonaK I tried to post it a few times already and every time the app crashed right before I uploaded it (but after writing and tagging and all). 😥 I wonder if there‘s a bug or something 4y
Ast_Arslan @MySharonaK 😨 idk, I didn't have any trouble yet 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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New week, new reading!
This is the last vampire's book I planned to read during March.
Even my March TBR is almost finished, only one book more 😆🤟

#tbr #Marchreadings #Dracul #DacreStoker #vampires #JDBarker #Stokerfamily #origins

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker

I started reading this and one thing is really distracting to me: it's using the framing device of being Bram Stoker's journal, but everything about it is deeply American. The way it's narrated, the spellings, the way Dublin is discussed, and the absolute worst is the dialogue. It'll mention Dublin Castle or whatever, then Cletus Stoker will say something and I'll be like “wait, where is this set? Mid 19th century Ireland or Mayberry?“

Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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My answer changes every time I'm asked. This one isn't scary to me but it's one of my favourites. It's dark, gothic and VERY atmospheric
3. Sharks are NOT horror movie monsters!!!! Enough. With. The. Sharks!
4. Scary-sexy, non-sparkly, creepy ass vampires. I'm starting to get a feel for mermaids too. You know, the murdery kind 💀
5. Mugs, Funkos, booksleeves and just....weird, creepy shit you don't see anywhere 😂

#creepychristmas @teebe

BookishTrish Have you seen Ice Sharks! 4y
BookishTrish (I‘m a sucker for shark horror.) 4y
teebe I was thinking yesterday about how I‘ve never understood the mermaid trend unless it‘s dark, murder-y mermaids 😂 (edited) 4y
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FantasyChick @BookishTrish Noooooooooo!! 😂 I mean, I was ok with Jaws but then the whole shark horror thing just EXPLODED and I....don't get it. Guess sharks just aren't my thing 🤣🤣 4y
BookishTrish We may have to agree to disagree! I‘m a Sharknado gal too. 4y
FantasyChick @teebe Right! Don't get me wrong, The Little Mermaid is my favourite movie of all time BUT how much better are evil, killer mermaids? The true serial killers of the ocean! 🤣 4y
BookishTrish Actually any animal horror: Anaconda, Zoombies, Komodo. Luke Perry in Silent Venom is a fav. 4y
FantasyChick @BookishTrish I won't hold it against you 😉 4y
FantasyChick What the hell is a Zoombie? I'm not going to watch it, but I need to know lol 4y
BookishTrish Zoo full of zombie animals 4y
FantasyChick @BookishTrish On second thought...that I might watch! 4y
FantasyChick Ok yeah, that looks like something I'd sit down and chill with! @BookishTrish 4y
BookishTrish Right?!?! Zoombies will be your gateway movie... 4y
BookishTrish You‘ll have an Ice Sharks tee in no time 🤣🤣🤣 4y
FantasyChick @BookishTrish Still draw the line at sharks 😂 4y
FantasyChick Nope.....not doing it. We're just going to have to be shark-less friends 🤣 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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#95 of 2020. I really liked this book. It has plenty of spooky gothic atmosphere fitting for a vampire story. This pairs up quite nicely with Dracula to expand on the original story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#dacrestoker #jdbarker #vampires #horror

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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Bram Stoker‘s Dracula is one of my favorite books so when I saw this book I knew I needed to read it. 🧛‍♀️

#dacrestoker #jdbarker #vampires

Nute I made this same decision! 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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Love love love, this novel! Perfect #Halloween read with scary sound ambience and giving out candy with nightly lit #pumpkins. The smell of bomb fires, I sat delightfully enthralled in this book. It's between 2 time periods for Bram Stocker, as a child and current a time he's being attacked by a mystery beast. Excellent writing style #creepy #suspenseful #scary 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 5 pumpkins

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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This was a re-read for me and a book club pick because I really enjoyed it the first time around. The second time was not a let down! I am really interested in reading more from Dacre Stoker because I really enjoyed this vampire tale that read almost as a ghost story at times.
#Scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness @StayCurious 16pts

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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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Sunday was definitely my Funday! Got lots of reading done and the Hubs and I watched the final episodes of the Haunting of Bly Manor!
#Scarathlon2020 @StayCurious #TeamHarkness #Screamathon #ReadLikeHELLathon #StrangeAthon #ReadYourWay 321pts

Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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#24B4Monday #readathon

I finished it in time, yay! I thought the book was very much in line with the original Dracula. I adored the voices of the female characters, Ellen and Matilda, the best. This creepy, gothic novel got the atmosphere just right for Victorian vampires. The suspense and mystique surrounding the plot really sucked me in.

@Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72

jb72 Awesome! 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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Perfect for October/Halloween Season. I‘ve had this in the bottom of my book box for a while so best give it a try! #bookstagram #dracul #jdbarker #dacrestoker #dracula #horror #vampires #bramstoker #bramstokersdracula #october #halloween #gothichorror #booked2020

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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Dracula is an incredible book. This prequel is pretty darn good, too. Mysterious, creepy, well-written and fun to read. What if Bram Stoker‘s classic isn‘t fiction? In this creative book, Stoker and his siblings come together to uncover the mysteries of their very unusual childhood nanny...

This was my #GothicHorror for #Booked2020, and I am proud to say I put my big girl pants on and kept listening even after it got dark today!🦇


Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻 sounds fun and just the right amount of scary ♥️😉‼️ 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Good for you!! 🧛🏻‍♂️ 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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My October line up!

Dracul | Dacre Stoker, JD Barker
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2 books, 10 euro only... welcome home, babies!

#dracul #dacrestoker #jdbarker #freduhlman #reunion #trilogy #bookhaul

StayCurious Dracul is great! 4y
Ast_Arslan @StayCurious I want to read it so badly, but first I have to read Dracula 😅 4y
StayCurious @Ast_Arslan I admit I didn‘t read Dracula first lol...maybe I missed a few things 4y
Ast_Arslan @StayCurious lol 🤣 I hope I will enjoying Dracul after reading Dracula 🤣 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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My #TBR for #october I'm really excited about #Dracul


#halloween #reads

HeathHof Nice stack!! 👻🎃🦇 4y
aperfectmjk Dracul is EXCELLENT! ❤ 4y
wildwoodreads Great tbr! 4y
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sharread @Mynameisacolour Thanks 😁 4y
sharread @aperfectmjk Awesome 🥰 4y
sharread @megzlynn thanks 😁 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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It was hard to narrow it down but I'm sure you can figure out my Halloween aesthetic 😈😈

Love this idea! #hauntedhollowswap @wanderinglynn


wanderinglynn Awesome! 🎃🖤🧡☠️ 4y
monalyisha Ohh, we listened to “Heart-Shaped Box” on a road trip. It was so good! 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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I have always heard if you like "Frankenstein", then you don't like "Dracula", and I guess I break the stereotype. I enjoyed "Frankenstein", but I absolutely adored this tale. So much intrigue! I love the language and it was nice finally getting to read a classic.


Melismatic I‘ve never heard that trope...but I agree, too. I prefer “Frankenstein”. 4y
Palimpsest I‘ve never heard that before. I do prefer Frankenstein, but I really like Dracula. I saw a ballet of Dracula by Michael Pink a few years ago and it was amazing. Admittedly in the novel the multiple blood transfusions became a little too repetitive for my taste, but I have a theory about that so I can forgive the redundancy. 4y
WriterAtHeart @Palimpsest - ohhh,a ballet! I love the ballet and I am sure it was absolutely amazing! 4y
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Palimpsest It was! Wish there was a recording. Here is a snippet. 4y
ravenlee I can see some validity to that, but the style of the two novels is so very different. I tend not to like epistolary novels, so even though I love Dracula it always takes me a while to settle into it. I love Frankenstein too - maybe I‘ll reread them both sometime this year. 4y
CourtSmall I'm the opposite I love Dracula and thought Frankenstein boring 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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Loved it. Gothic and terrifying.

BookwormM Stacked 👍 4y
Catherine_Willoughby Have it. Recommend it. Love it ❤ 4y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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I f*cking 🖤 you guys 😂😂😂

My book made it back to me and I'm dying at some of the comments in this! Totally made my day and I'm happy you guys all seemed to enjoy it. And thank you so much for the extra treats and card @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego You reminded me that I need to get mine out

@Andrea4 your book is heading back to you soon. Don't want you think I forgot about it! Also....I totally forgot about it 🤷‍♀️

#lmpbc #TeamCanada

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I laughed so hard when I came to that comment. 🤣 5y
BethM 🤣 5y
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StayCurious It was a fun read! 5y
Andrea4 @StayCurious I'm still reading CoG but I promise I'll get it to you by end of february! 5y
StayCurious @Andrea4 take your time! I still have the Quints book lol 5y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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Catherine_Willoughby Just finished in Hardback format 5y
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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I am so incredibly behind for this round of lmpbc. But I finished it. I really enjoyed this Dracula prequel. Now I have to go and read the actual Dracula novel!

@FantasyChick @Andrea4 @StayCurious @BookishTrish

Trashcanman I swear I always think your name is Carmen when I see a post of yours. Yes... I'm am idiot. I hope your night is going well. 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Trashcanman 🤣 I've been called worse! Lol. 5y
RainyDayReading Love that cover! 5y
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Andrea4 I am still working on City Of Girls.🤷🏽‍♀️ 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Andrea4 oh good! That makes me feel better. 😊😋 5y
FantasyChick Glad you liked it! I still have Witches here so don't feel bad. It's a very casual sort of club we have here 😂😂 5y
Coby613 I started but decided I didn‘t have time. For the prequel I mean. Is it worth it? 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Coby613 I enjoyed it. But I've never read Dracula, so I can't say whether or not it's worth it when you're already familiar with the story. 5y
Coby613 @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego ah. Maybe that‘s why it seemed a bit far fetched to me 5y
StayCurious I still have the Quints book too! We‘re all good. 5y
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