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Saturday | Ian McEwan
From the pen of a master the #1 bestselling, Booker Prizewinning author of Atonement comes an astonishing novel that captures the fine balance of happiness and the unforeseen threats that can destroy it. A brilliant, thrilling page-turner that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.Saturday is a masterful novel set within a single day in February 2003. Henry Perowne is a contented man a successful neurosurgeon, happily married to a newspaper lawyer, and enjoying good relations with his children. Henry wakes to the comfort of his large home in central London on this, his day off. He is as at ease here as he is in the operating room. Outside the hospital, the world is not so easy or predictable. There is an impending war against Iraq, and a general darkening and gathering pessimism since the New York and Washington attacks two years before.On this particular Saturday morning, Perownes day moves through the ordinary to the extraordinary. After an unusual sighting in the early morning sky, he makes his way to his regular squash game with his anaesthetist, trying to avoid the hundreds of thousands of marchers filling the streets of London, protesting against the war. A minor accident in his car brings him into a confrontation with a small-time thug. To Perownes professional eye, something appears to be profoundly wrong with this young man, who in turn believes the surgeon has humiliated him with savage consequences that will lead Henry Perowne to deploy all his skills to keep his family alive.From the Hardcover edition.
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Starting off my day with a little rea — 🤣🤣🤣

#dogsoflitsy #stealthcat #thegirls

KadaGul @DHill How adorable to start your day with all your fur babies. #ValentinesDay 5mo
AlaMich I love the lower left pic!!! 🤣🤣 5mo
dabbe 🤩🖤🐾🐾🖤🤩 5mo
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Taking a quiet moment with birds books and coffee on this near-perfect Saturday morning before the heat rises and the day gets moving.

DivineDiana Enjoy! ❤️ 11mo
Aims42 Ahhh, bliss 🥰 Looks lovely! 11mo
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Saturday | Ian McEwan

The Quick and Pithy of MY READING MIND…
If you‘d ever thought to “record” an entire day, there would be a surprise over how much you thought about.

Mark Beyer
author of What Beauty and Max, the blind guy, and The Janitor: Or, Dostoevsky in America. To sample and buy: https://rb.gy/poyrsd
#ReadersWanted #GoodRead #bookworm #booklover #ianmcewan #Saturday #bookclubs #library #booktofilm

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Hi there.

Happy Saturday.

#dogsoflitsy #dogandabook #saturdaystandard

Prairiegirl_reading 🥰🥰🥰 1y
Julsmarshall You have a whole crew to help you read! 1y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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On #groundhogday not a book about Punxsutawney Phil & not a book about Déjà Vu, rather a circadian novel (a book that takes place over the course of a single day). I really like this unusual structure for novels. One of Tana French's DMS is a circadian novel. Ian McEwan's, which happens to be set in Feb, '03, sounds like it might have a few outdated politics but I'm still a bit intrigued by it. #ithadtobeyou

Eggs Perfect choice 👌🏼📚👌🏼 2y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Jajóme, Cayey! If you like to run, this place is perfect! But you have to go early in the morning. I‘m a slow runner, actually I‘m a power walking or jogger but in my mind...I‘m a runner😜Now, back to the books📚🙌

Karisa Beautiful setting! 😍 3y
Gissy @Karisa Yes, it is🤗 3y
Gissy @Karisa I was running seeing that view! Can you imagine? I just stopped to take the picture! You have to be careful because the road is narrow with a lot of hills but it a place where many athletes do their run practice. Today it was full. (edited) 3y
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Karisa @Gissy 💗💗💗 3y
Chelsea.Poole Beautiful! 3y
Gissy @Chelsea.Poole It is!🤗 3y
mabell Lovely!! 3y
Avanders Beautiful! 😍 3y
Gissy @mabell Thank you! 🤗❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Gissy @Avanders It is!!! 🤗❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Today I ran 17.33 in Jájome Cayey. As you can see the location is in the mountain but you forget about the hills because it is so beautiful the view and so fresh. We started at 3:45 am, it was pretty dark but we use some lights and reflectors. Ahhhh now this activity just inspires me to read in the afternoon📚🙌 and to post my last readings for the month of July🤗

Ruthiella Well done! I am impressed. 🤩 3y
Gissy @Ruthiella Thank you!🤗 3y
NikkiM5 Beautiful 😍 3y
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Gissy @NikkiM5 Yes!🤗 3y
Chelsea.Poole Great job! This looks so beautiful! 3y
Gissy @Chelsea.Poole It is beautiful and not too hot early in the morning. 3y
Chrissyreadit Wow!!!! 3y
mabell Way too early in the morning, though! 🤣🤣 3y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Happy Saturday! I hope to spend much of the day drinking coffee and reading.

Gaylagal2 Me too!🤓 3y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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So, my Summer pile has been curated. After John Williams 'Butcher's Crossing', I start on these badboys..anyone recommend pushing any up to the top?

Reggie Lol, when I see a book pile like this, and I haven‘t read any of them, it makes me feel like I‘ve never read anything. I hope you enjoy them all!!! 4y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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This one will produce a book hangover, and not just from all the drinking that goes on. A well told story that manages to balance meditative sect with high-stakes action. You could get lost in the neurosurgery, or the political situation, or the family dynamics and the roles of poetry and music in the world. There‘s a lot here. #authoramonth2020 @Soubhiville

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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I‘m reading the tagged book today, which seems kind of meta. My daughter suggested this was a way to tell the days apart in quarantine. 😀 To keep it “real” we eliminated children‘s books. And I added the Woolf because I might actually read that one. 😂

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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How I wish this weren‘t so relevant right now. #authoramonth2020

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Dipped my toes into my #authoramonth2020 selection that was also recommended by my Oxford book “prescription.” Depending on my reading speed, I could add two more from this author this month. But since I now go in to the office 3 days and work from home 2, I‘m not sure how far I‘ll get. @Soubhiville

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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I got my literary prescription from Oxford professor Sandie Byrne, and it includes the #authoramonth2020 selection. 😀


Andrew65 I‘m hoping to get to Atonement this month. 4y
Lcsmcat @Andrew65 I liked that one a lot. I‘ve got three other McEwan‘s on my self - we‘ll see how many I get to in May. 4y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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So this was pretty much the most boring book I‘ve dragged myself through to finish. I just had to see what would happen. The day is saved by a poem. It is romantic, intellectual and political, but just a bore to read. Also the chapters are way too long. I was relieved to finally start chapter 4 on page 180... overall okay. If this was the first book I read by Ian McEwan, I probably would never read another.

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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I‘ve read McEwan before (liked Black Dogs, LOVED Atonement). I thought this would be a quick read, but it took me 22 days to read 289 pages. 🤪

The writing is meticulously detailed, but the story is so damn boring. When things do finally happen, it doesn‘t come to much. Perowne has a perfect life and super successful family. He‘s kind of pompous but sneaky about it. It gets ridiculous at the end.

So anyway, this was not for me.



BkClubCare You are not wrong! I have an unexplainable crush on McEwan‘s writing. I honestly cannot recall what I thought about this book. 5y
BkClubCare Wait! Is the hashtag mean it is on the list of 1001 Books to read before I die? cool 5y
sprainedbrain @BkClubCare yep, it‘s on the ‘complete‘ list! I think it was later taken off the new edition list, but I‘m working on the complete list so it counts for me. 5y
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BkClubCare @sprainedbrain - me, too! If a title has ever made an appearance, I count it. But I haven‘t been a good steward of xref my read list to it lately. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh dear! I do like his others (On Chesil Beach, Nutshell) and of course Atonement. 5y
sprainedbrain @erzascarletbookgasm have you read this one? I‘m not going to stop reading him, but this one just didn‘t do it for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I have not. Only read the three 👆. I recommend On Chesil Beach! 5y
Daisey I‘ve found McEwan to be kind of a toss-up for me. I didn‘t enjoy Black Dogs, but Atonement was fantastic. 5y
Graywacke So agree, boring af. It came recently in something I was reading (maybe history of London- I forgot) and I thought, this is the book you chose to make your point? 😂 Critics like the somewhat subtle political play on that now somewhat distant era, taking shots at the UK PM then. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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There's a Great Dane under there somewhere...😂❤️🐶

AmyG Awwww ❤️ 5y
JaneyWaneyB Awww too cute 😍🐶 5y
janeycanuck If I can‘t see you, you can‘t see me.... ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan

HELP! I‘ve never read Ian McEwan! So what would you recommend based off of these books currently available via Libby?
The Children Act
Sweet Tooth
On Chesil Beach
A Child In Time
Black Dogs
The Cement Garden
The Daydreamer
In Between the Sheets

Thank you!!

BookishTrish Every one of his is different from the others. I love Atonement and thought Nutshell was very inventive 5y
LiteraryinLawrence Nutshell is really really short, so it‘s not a big time investment. I thought it was weird but an interesting premise. 5y
DavidDiamond Going with AMSTERDAM! 5y
TheLudicReader Atonement is the BEST, but you really can't go wrong with him. 5y
LapReader Atonement is one of my favourite books ever, the wine descriptions in nutshell are up there with Sideways, Saturday then solar if you want a laugh. 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Love Ian McEwan and I‘m also working on the #1001bookstoreadbeforeyoudie list, so clearly I must read this one soon. #hymnfortheweekend #julycoldplay

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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I have mostly horror novels, so I had a hard time putting something together for spine poetry. When I was hastily getting things together while also getting ready for work, I thought this sounded good. Now that I‘m looking at it, it doesn‘t. Haha! Oh well.

#day12 #30junebooks #spinepoetry

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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1. I have, in the U.S. and I‘m a fan of the big cities plopped down in deserts but not fan of the CSI-esque middle of nowhere.

2. No, I‘m awful. Just awful.

3. Death of Mrs Westaway by Ruth Ware and How Not to Die Alone by Richard Roper... and both are wonderful. ❤️

@saguarosally @ReadosaurusText

saguarosally So how middle of nowhere is middle of nowhere? A few years and you get used to it. 😇 5y
BlameJennyJane @saguarosally I‘d say my middle of nowhere criteria would include anywhere remote enough someone might consider it a good location to hide a body AND far enough out people have spotted UFOs, but the number of corroborating witnesses is small enough that the government won‘t take reports seriously. 😂😂😂 👽 5y
saguarosally @BlameJennyJane So anywhere near where I grew up.🤣 5y
BlameJennyJane @saguarosally lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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💚 California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico
🌵 I have been for certain plants: ferns, succulents, geraniums, coleus, ivy
💚 reading my first ever Nancy Drew mystery
#succulentsaturday @saguarosally @ReadosaurusText

saguarosally How‘s the Nancy Drew going? 5y
Eggs Finished it last night-a quick read. Thanks for asking🤗 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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1. Yep, Mohave Desert, Las Vegas, Cali
2. No. I really wish I did. I try to grow things and they just die 😔
3. Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh & will probably start In A Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware


saguarosally I quit trying with plants. 😜 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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#succulentsaturday @saguarosally @ReadosaurusText

🏜 Yes several including the Arabian Desert.
🌻 So-so... I do good with some things and not so good with others.
📘 Circe and The Memory Tree

ReadosaurusText Ooh! I loved Circe! I hope you enjoy it, too! 5y
TheSpineView @ReadosaurusText Liking it so far! 5y
saguarosally I so want to see some deserts on other continents! 5y
TheSpineView @saguarosally Hope you get the chance toa 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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🌵 Yup! My grandparents live in Palm Springs in California.
🌱 Oh man, I wish. I like to garden but I‘m not very good at it!
📚 Dark Matter, Long Road to Freedom, Born a Crime.

#succulentsaturday @saguarosally @ReadosaurusText

ReadosaurusText That is some excellent weekend reading! 5y
saguarosally I really loved Born A Crime. 5y
bewareofwords @saguarosally Yeah, it looks really interesting! I‘ve only just started, so I‘m excited to see how it is. 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Hope you guys are all enjoying your Saturday. It‘s 8pm here, and we‘re just getting started on painting the living room 😂

Kshakal I hope it goes well!! 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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I am the #saturdaylibrarian for the last time for this semester... so no snuggling up on the couch for me. But maybe I can get some readjng done while I‘m there. 🤫

booklover984 I love this mug so much!!❤️❤️ 5y
CoffeeNBooks Great mug! 5y
squirrelbrain Oh my gosh! Love the mug! 5y
MelissaSue81 @booklover984 @coffenbooks @squirrelbrain - thanks. I actually have two. I posted it on my fb page once and two family purchased it for me. 🤣. 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Went to a coffee shop this morning and they had this bookcase with a lot of great titles; HOWEVER, they cut the durn books in half so that they didn‘t stick out 🧐

BarbaraJean 😳😱🤬 5y
JaclynW 😱😧😬😢 5y
ScientistSam Why would you even do that???!!! 5y
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Librarybelle 😱 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Really, that‘s just horrible. Argh. 5y
Drocchio03 How grossly absurd. 5y
RavenLovelyReads Monsters! 5y
mrsmarch 😱😱😱😱😱😱 5y
cobwebmoth Oh no! That's awful. 5y
LeslieO That's crazy! 5y
Bklover That‘s just evil! 5y
Blueberry 😖 5y
TrishB 😱😱😱 5y
CSeydel 😵😵 5y
CSeydel That‘s utterly horrifying 5y
papertimemachines That's practically sacrilege! 5y
Aimeesue 😱😱😱 5y
Reggie Lololol, that‘s like in The Road where they see the house and go towards it but they keep hearing that tinkling bell. They make it to the barn and see people and are so happy at first but then realize they‘re in captivity and some have their legs chopped off. 5y
Kappadeemom @Reggie lol😱 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Eggs ❤️🤗❤️ 5y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan

This is another one I read for a literature class. I thought it was great. So much can happen in one day that can change your whole life.

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Lazy Saturday morning. Current view #CatsofLitsy

LauraBeth 😻 Who got the bed? David? 6y
Dragon 😻 6y
WanderingBookaneer @LauraBeth : Good eye, though. David and Chippie are sisters. David is grayer while Chippie has a reddish hue. 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Not Saturday but Thursday book shopping with lovely @JulietteGF at Literarity independent book store (in El Paso). Be sure to drop by if you happen to be in the area ;). @JulietteGF - what was the name of the book and author that you recommended? I didn't write it down ...

Adventures-of-a-French-Reader It was Vercors - Le Silence de la mer ;) 6y
Anna40 @JulietteGF Thanks :) 6y
Anna40 @JulietteGF : there is a bilingual edition! 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Shop Small at your local Bookstore! #TatteredCover
#Denver #shopsmallsaturday

monalyisha Jeff Tweedy 😍♥️😍 6y
AmyG I got a Jeff Tweedy signed book! 👍🏻 6y
Mgruidae Yessss Tattered Cover! ❤️ 6y
Maria514626 Tattered Cover! 😘😘😘 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Enjoying my Saturday! (waiting for my Georgia Bulldogs to play) ❤️🖤❤️🖤

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Great day of book shopping !! LOVE supporting Indie book stores. 📚📚🤘😁

AmyG I read Koko YEARS ago and just loved it. 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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I'm late to the #friyayintro @howjessreads, it's Saturday here.

1) read, enjoy the balmy autumn
2) CET, at the moment CEST. We still have Summer Time for two more weeks.
3) no favourite read for this season, I have a ginormous TBR to go through. Hence,
4) no time to reread.

CoffeeAndABook ➡️1. It‘s the balmiest of balmy autumn days isn‘t it? Just gorgeous ☀️🍁🍂☀️ 6y
julesG @CoffeeAndABook It is. I've been sitting on the balcony all day. 6y
CoffeeAndABook That sounds fab!!! I‘ve been doing stuff outside but am just about to crash in our tiny backyard with Harry Potter & Co 👏🏻🙌🏻🦉👓🥢🏰 Have a lovely evening 🙋🏼‍♀️ 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Here's to the weekend!

Sace ❤️ 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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My little humans picking their reads for the week
📖 🐛

Cathythoughts Adorable 💕 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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MaleficentBookDragon 😀😂♥ 6y
kspenmoll This is great! 🤣 6y
Ddzmini Yes 🤣🤣🤣 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Typical McEwan brilliance covering the events of a single day. The details of neurosurgery are utterly compelling though not the main focus of the novel. I had to finish the book in two sessions, very hard to put down.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here. And check out @LitsyWelcomeWagon to get connected. There are links to good tips for navigating Litsy in the profile. 6y
RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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After a long day of errands and cleaning, I got to sit down to this delicious dinner of filet mignon, salad, and let‘s not forget the pink moscato! #deliciousdinner #bestfiance

Trashcanman Nom nom 6y
Craftylikefox Moscato in an adorable cup!! 6y
TheLibrarian @Craftylikefox Thanks! One of my old work friends finds the coolest cups for me. 6y
RadicalReader @TheLibrarian will forever be a fan of salads because of their sensationalism 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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So I had to work today so I thought I would share a collage of some of our awesome Graphic Novel Collection for my ‘Saturday Shelfie‘. The bulk of our Marvel and DC collections are not shown here but I am still proud!

#ReadingResolutions 📚Saturday Shelfie📚

Nute Wow! That is an awesome collection. 6y
DrexEdit Nice collection! 6y
ElleSkel @Nute @DrexEdit thanks! We have a great selection comparatively. And we just received two huge boxes full for collection development because my boss is amazing! 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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An interesting premise—one day in the life of London neurosurgeon Henry Perowne. A day that turns out to be not an average day. But this book started so slowly I was already bored by the time it picked up. It takes place between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq—and feels dated. Not McEwan‘s fault, if things had gone differently it might have aged better. Not his best. #1001books My 20th 1001 list read in 2018!

BarbaraBB 20! So much! 6y
ValerieAndBooks Good idea, keeping track of how many #1001Books within a certain time frame!! 👏👍 6y
AshleyHoss820 Twentieth!? Good for you!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Only when enough of them have been torn down, will it be possible to start loving them p.78

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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Library book sale! I got the tagged book and so many more. I‘ll post the book haul later. Now I‘m off to my granddaughter‘s birthday party.

TrishB Sounds like a great day 👍🏻 6y
rather_be_reading awesome! 6y
Kaye Wow 😮 looks like fun ! 6y
LeahBergen Ooooo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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Happy #Caturday from my sweet boy, Chance!

Rachellynnwright Caturdays are the best kind of days! 6y
tammysue 😻😻😻 6y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 6y
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Saturday | Ian McEwan
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More browsing at the second-hand bookstore 📚

Saturday | Ian McEwan
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AmyG To you, too! 🌸 6y
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