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A Separate Peace
A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Perhaps for 9th graders, but one of my absolute faves. 🩶🖤🩶

Karisimo Perfect! I read this forever ago! Thanks for sharing! 2mo
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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An oldie, but a fave.

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Library book. I read this 50+ years ago and I wanted to see how it felt now. I appreciated it much more this time around. The writing is beautiful. Devon reminds me of the Catholic girls‘ college I attended for 1 yr in Minnesota. Another parallel is WW2‘s presence in this book and Vietnam‘s in my story. Next up Peace Breaks Out by same author

#OutstandingOctoberReadathon Day 6
#RushAThon Day 19

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 12mo
dabbe LOVED this book. 🖤🧡🖤 12mo
KAO I haven‘t thought of this in years! I should also consider a reread! 12mo
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Larkken Haha, I hated this in high school but I wonder how time would change my feelings? It has def. been more than a minute! 12mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🥰🤩 12mo
Eggs @dabbe Agree 💯 12mo
Eggs @KAO hope you enjoy 😊 12mo
Eggs @Larkken Only one way to find out! I discovered more about myself and my attention deficit 50 years ago by reading it now 12mo
TheBookgeekFrau Oh yay, I'm glad you're going to read Peace Breaks Out -- then you can remind me what the hell it was about 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 12mo
TheSpineView Great job! 12mo
Eggs @TheBookgeekFrau haha I definitely will 😂 12mo
Eggs @TheSpineView Thanks 🙏🏻 ❤️ 12mo
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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So hard to pick a #FavoriteBannedBook but there you have it.

This almost look like a banned book shelf, but nope; these are books that were assigned reading in school (except for The Communist Manifesto, I read that last year).


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👌🏻📚👍🏻 2y
Eggs Yep - high school required reading!!! Well done👌🏼 2y
lazydaizee One of the best things about school was English lessons where we got to read books. 2y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Currently reading.

actualdisneyprincess One of my favorite books ever! I wrote a final paper on it during my junior year of college, for a “Writing & War” class! 💖 2y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I thought I loved this book for so many years but it was just meh. Gene is about the most annoying, whiny, fake jerk I've encountered! It feels like Nick Carraway could have been his older self somewhere along the way. Nostalgia isn't all it's cracked up to be and I really don't know why this was required reading in high school! Lol... Extra points because John Knowles was from Long Island.

Suet624 What is happening in this picture? 3y
IamIamIam @Suet624 I found a stock photo of someone with a broken leg. That's a pivotal event in the book, not really much of a spoiler. 3y
Suet624 Oh, of course. I read this book several times when I was young. I wonder what I would think of it now. 3y
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IamIamIam @Suet624 😁 I'd be interested to see what you think as well! I really didn't like it as much as I remembered. 🤷‍♀️ 3y
ravenlee All I remember about this book, which was assigned in ninth grade, was that senior year a group of us went canoeing and saw some kids along the river playing on an overhanging tree. Someone yelled, “Don‘t do it, Phinny!” and we all thought it was hilarious. Probably not the takeaway our English teacher intended. 3y
IamIamIam @ravenlee 😂😂😂 That's spectacular!!! Hey, at least you remembered something!!! 3y
ravenlee Well, I suppose if the canoeing incident hadn‘t happened I wouldn‘t remember anything about it at all, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. At the time I thought it kind of marked us as the nerds (unapologetically), since only honors English had to read it. I had found my tribe. 3y
IamIamIam @ravenlee I love it!!! 💜 #NerdsUnite 3y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Ending this year quarantined but with an old friend. ❤

May you all have a wonderful end to this year, may you know you're loved and appreciated, may your light shine brighter than ever in 2022, may you have good health and a positive outlook to carry you through your dark days. 💓💓

Thank you to this wonderful community and Happy New Year!!

SRWCF Love that cover artwork! 3y
IamIamIam @SRWCF It's exactly what I remember from middle school! ❤ 3y
SRWCF @IamIamIam it looks like something I'd definitely snag from a local #thriftstore. 3y
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Deblovestoread Happy New Year! May 2022 be kind to us all! 3y
IamIamIam @Kdgordon88 💓💓💓 3y
mrp27 Wonderful message, Happy New Year! 3y
IamIamIam @mrp27 🤗🤗🤗 3y
Bookzombie Happy New Year! 🎆 3y
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Seperate Peace | John Knowles
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A Separate Peace centers on a complicated friendship between two adolescent boys. Gene and Finny are roommates at the northeastern Devon School, where they become thick as thieves despite their very different personalities. But as the shy, unathletic Gene grows jealous of Finny‘s easy confidence, he‘s driven to do something unforgivable — after which their lives will ever be the same.

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Separate Peace | John Knowles
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My son is reading this book for Freshman English so I thought I'd read it too. It is a pretty good book. Honesty and forgiveness are two big takeaways from this book.

BennettBookworm What a throwback! 3y
Jemgirl2014 I read this when I was a freshman too! Many, many, moons ago lol 3y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I had to read this in high school, it's been over 30 years. It was one of the few required books that I enjoyed, and I still do. Another review mentioned this gives off Dead Poets Society vibes. I agree.

Hooked_on_books I loved this one in high school. I thought it was much better than Catcher in the Rye, which the class also read around the same time. Maybe I should revisit it, too! 3y
sblbooks @Hooked_on_books you should re-read it. I was not a fan of Catcher in the Rye either. 3y
Butterfinger It was one of my favorite assigned reads too. 3y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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It took a long time for me to understand the point of this novel. The dialogue is excruciatingly redundant and unimportant throughout. Had it been another hundred pages, I would've bailed. It's not really about the war, or about friendships like I had hoped. It's really about selfishness, paranoia, and the dark & dirty depths to which we are all capable of sinking, in the right circumstances. 5/10

LitStephanie The gritty themes sound interesting, too bad they couldn't pull them off. 3y
deeannloso I really liked it. 😊 3y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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#OppositeDay #War This one has been on my bookshelf for a long time, but I've never read it.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs

Suet624 Read this as a teenager. Bowled me over. 4y
Scochrane26 It‘s good 4y
GatheringBooks Beautiful story. Unforgettable. :) 4y
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TheKidUpstairs Loved this one in high school. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So many on our bookshelves!! 🤣📚 4y
MarkoPDX This is the one in high school that made me realize that maybe the stuff they were pushing on me might actually be good. 4y
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Separate Peace | John Knowles
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#treeoncover #windsofmarch

I read this in 1968

Ruthiella I had to read this in high school. 😀 4y
Christy2318 I hated this when I had to read it during high school and I still hated it when my kid had to read it. 😀 4y
Eggs @Ruthiella @Christy2318 Thanks for weighing in 🙂 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I am tagging along with @Branwen and listing one book each day this week to commemorate #bannedbooksweek . I‘m using the www.ALA.org list of Banned & Challenged Classics as my guide.

A Separate Peace is most challenged due to “objectionable” language. Isn‘t anyone aware of how teens speak? I doubt there‘s anything they‘ve not already used or heard in the book. I actually read this as a freshman in HS for English and don‘t recall being shocked!

MicheleinPhilly Exactly. And I went to Catholic school so it couldn‘t have been THAT filthy. That should be the new mantra to respond to book challenges: “If the nuns can handle it, so can your kids.” 😉 4y
Ruthiella @MicheleinPhilly Make that a stamp so schools can stamp on the fly leaf! 😅 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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3⭐️ This is Dead Poets Society with the backdrop of WWII. It‘s quite a depressing read, and I feel sad for both Gene and Finny. Growing up is hard, and it‘s much harder when there‘s an unfortunate event turning your world upside down.

I don‘t know why I keep getting coming-of-age novels this year😆; it can be my reading theme for 2020!

KVanRead Haven‘t read since high school, but loved it then. 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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#3books I should have read but haven‘t. I need to tackle this challenge!

amber_ldsmom I ❤️ A Separate Peace! One of the very few books I‘ve read twice. 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @amber_ldsmom I know so many people who love it, so I don‘t know why I‘ve never read it. I‘m going to soon, though! 4y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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MaleficentBookDragon I remember reading in high school and crying at the end of 4y
HappilyEverKrafter @MaleficentBookDragon I have heard several people say that book made them cry! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚👍🏻 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I didn‘t expect much from this book, but it took my breath away. My heart breaks for Gene and Finny. The personal, insular boy‘s‘ tragedy with the backdrop of the WWII world tragedy makes this book truly memorable.

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I. Ought this is an Ollie‘s book haul. I quickly learned that it was a classic and often required school read. It was a coming-of-age during World War II tale. The story focuses on two boys at a boarding High School. Like many teenagers, these boys act confident while feeling insecure, yet they do not seem to be aware that everyone else is behaving the exact same way. Life lessons are learned here...tough ones.

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Anytime my kids are assigned a novel for school that I‘ve never read, I like to read it too. There is definitely an outdated feel to this one, but I liked the themes it explored.

CocoReads It felt outdated when I read it in the 80s for school but I remember liking it. 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🌳 4y
Eggs Thank you 🙏🏻 @OriginalCyn620 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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First read in high school, this book has stayed with me. Pax. #peace #bloomingbibliophiles @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I picked this up last month at my library sale. A coming of age story of two boys set during WW2 at a boarding school. There they are finishing school and contemplating enlistment while developing a friendship based on mostly on bullying. There are tragic consequences after an incident on summer night before their senior year.The writing was beautiful but the plot kind of put me to sleep. #readingmytbrcase #libraryclosed #alreadycleanedmyhouse

perfectsinner Had to read this in school 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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A separate peach
Jane Austen
American Psycho
Alkaline Trio
Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin

#manicmonday #LetterA

JoScho Love me some Alkaline Trio! Private Eye is one of those songs I blast in my car and sing at the top of my lungs. Thanks for playing 💕 5y
mollyrotondo @JoScho ooo very good pick! 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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It‘s been decades since I read this book and the only thing I could remember was Phineas setting a sports record to which Gene was the only witness. There really is something interesting in this 1958 story about 1940s boarding school boys coming of age when a world war is their reality.

#ReadTheUSA2020 New Hampshire

MoonWitch94 That‘s a beautiful cover 😻 5y
Scochrane26 I read this a few years ago, & it‘s one of the few classics I really like. 5y
Tracyantoon I loved this one when I read it a million years ago in school. It‘s back on my TBR so I can see how it holds up. Glad you enjoyed it! 5y
marleed @Tracyantoon I own a couple books that I loved back in the day but didn‘t live up to the reread. I was happy this remained a pick. I think it‘s important that we don‘t feel every work of fiction is meaningful if written within the last 5 or so years. 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I RARELY read a book twice, but this is such a great one! Finny is one of my all-time favorite characters. I regret not naming one of my sons after him. 😕

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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First published in 1959, we were assigned the book in 1969 as HS seniors. This was a delightful change from Dickens, Shakespeare and the like.



Scochrane26 I like this one a lot. 5y
Tamra I need to reread this one! 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
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Eggs Thanks for commenting 💗 @Scochrane26 @Tamra @OriginalCyn620 5y
Megabooks I didn‘t get assigned any modern books in high school. I think the most recently published book I read was The Martian Chronicles, and I went to high school in the 1990s. 5y
Eggs @Megabooks wow- and MChronicles was pub. in 1950! 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I went through several of the books I‘ve read with the lowest average ratings on Goodreads. You can find out what they are and how I feel about them here: https://youtu.be/Fg4PMRKTZac

CaitlinByTheBook What a good idea to do this! 5y
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abookishbutterfly @caitlin.reads.books It was fun! 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore That was an interesting thing to do. I‘ll have to check my Goodreads read list. I think the only book I read was A Separate Peace. I gave it 4 stars here‘s my review: 5y
EadieB A classic that young and old can relate to. Gene and Phineas attend a boarding school in New England during WWII and become friends. Gene betrays Phineas out of jealousy and rivalry. Years later Gene is still trying to forgive himself as he recognizes the evil of the dark side of adolescence and the consequences of his jealousy. Book teaches a lesson about how boys can become both rivals and intimate friends but need to be wary of each other. 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB So true! Great review! I am honestly surprised that it has such a low average rating. I‘ll need to read through some of the negative reviews at some point. I suspect that I‘ll get even more out of the book now then I did the first two times I read it so I‘m looking forward to a future reread. 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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A Separate Peace has one of the lowest average ratings on my Goodreads list of books that I‘ve read. Have you read it? Did you love it, like it, or hate it?

Keep a lookout tomorrow for my new video on my BookTube channel, abookishbutterfly. I‘ll take a look at the lowest rated books on my Goodreads list and let you know if I agree with those ratings!

MicheleinPhilly I read it in high school and loved it! I don‘t think I‘ve ever met a single other person who enjoyed it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders Really!? Read this in high school and loved it. 5y
MicheleinPhilly @Penny_LiteraryHoarders 👯‍♀️ Come sit by me! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 5y
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Amiable I loved it when I read it as a teen! 5y
Scochrane26 I really liked it, & I don‘t like many classics. 5y
abookishbutterfly @Penny_LiteraryHoarders Yes, I looked at the 15 lowest average ratings from books I‘ve read on my Goodreads list. While this one was not the lowest, it did make the list with an average rating of 3.57. 5y
wordslinger42 @MicheleinPhilly @Penny_LiteraryHoarders I read it when I was a teen & loved it then! I should probably re-read it! 5y
MicheleinPhilly @wordslinger42 I bought a new copy to re-read ages ago. Of course I haven‘t read it. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Thanks for the tag, @monkeygirlsmama !

1. Other than planning a swap with @Cinfhen (about which I‘m muppet-arming)? Probably the fact that I started building the website for my flower business. It‘ll take some time, but it looks good so far!

2. I rarely reread.

3. Fighting Irish of Notre Dame always and forever. 🍀

4. Tagged. Such good memories.

@Soubhiville @Librariana

ravenlee I read ASP in 9th grade English. Senior year on a canoe trip after prom we saw some kids climbing trees over the river and my friend yelled “don‘t do it, Phineas!” 5y
Cinfhen Wait, what????? YOU HAVE A FLOWER business!?!!!!?! OMGeeeee that‘s my dream!!!! I totally need to hear more!!! 5y
Cinfhen @MinDea YOUR‘E BACK!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! I haven‘t been Litsying all week... hubby was in hospital but I‘m so glad to see you and #HumpDayPost 💖💖💖 5y
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Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen I bought an anthurium farm in Hawaii and moved here about 2 months ago. We have some local buyers, but are planning to sell online as well to expand our options. It‘s been fun, but overwhelming at times. It was a needed change. 5y
Hooked_on_books @ravenlee I love that! 5y
Cinfhen That is soooooooo awesome!!!!!!!! How did I miss all of that!?!?! I‘m sending you my email 📧 when you have time I want to hear more. And have you connected at all with the BESTEST Litten @DebinHawaii ???? Now I have 2 friends to visit in Hawaii 🌺 🏝💕 cindyh666 at iCloud dot com (edited) 5y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen I‘ll email you some pictures of the flowers. It‘s been fun. And I just made one of Deb‘s recipes last night! It was great. I think she might be on Oahu, though. I‘m on Hawaii Island, aka the Big Island. 5y
DebinHawaii @Hooked_on_books Oh wow! I had no idea you moved here but my Litsy time has been lax lately. Congrats on the anthurium farm--that is terrific. I am on Oahu but maybe some day we can meet up if one of us travels over. And it's definitely more pull to get @Cinfhen out to the islands for a visit! 🤗 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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#SongsOfSummer Day 2: I would always associate this book with #BoysOfSummer. Phineas and Gene. Best of friends. Phineas, or Finny as he is called, is an all-around athlete, devilishly handsome, playful with borderline irreverence that remains unerringly charming. Gene is a geek, blessed with a sharp mouth and quick wit – rightfully called Finny‘s wingman. Then of course, there was the accident. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-6fk

OriginalCyn620 Sounds really good! 🤭 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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#BannedBooks #MayMadness Hard to believe I had not gotten to this classic of prep school life .Beautiful writing.Gene and Phineas are friends ,roommates but so different.Gene academic and introverted,Finny athletic and outgoing .A rivalry develops,Gene is envious of what Finny has,how he is, events unfurl that will change their lives forever.

DivineDiana Still on my TBR! 🙂 5y
ValerieAndBooks In my TBR, too!! @DivineDiana 5y
Leftcoastzen @DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks Beautiful writing style. 5y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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#BannedBooks #TuesdayTBR On #MountTBR Way to long! I I am in a few challenges I need to keep up with but I want to read this one this week. #MayMadness

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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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”When I thought about it my head felt a little dizzy and my stomach began to tingle. It had, in one word, #glamour, absolute schoolboy glamour. When I looked down at that stop watch and realized a split second before I permitted my face to show it or my voice to announce it that Finny had broken a school #record, I had experienced a feeling that also can be described in one word—shock.” #QuotsyApr19 #TwoForOne

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Revisiting a favorite.

MaleficentBookDragon I remember crying so hard when I read this as a freshman in high school. 6y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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I am so thankful for this wonderful #Litsy community! 💕This week‘s #jb and #LitsyLove mail has been so uplifting and beautiful. Thank you @Kdgordon88 for the lovely note, book (which I have been wanting to read for so long) and bookmark (Claude Monet is my absolute favourite!). Thank you also to @CareBear @BookwormAHN @Morr_Books @iread2much @TheBookHippie @robinb @WeeziesBooks @Stacypatrice 💕

BookwormAHN That is a good book 😺 6y
Deblovestoread So glad it arrived! 6y
robinb 😊👍💕 6y
Sleepswithbooks 💌😀 6y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles

Great writing, lots of hidden meanings I‘m not great at with novels but I did enjoy the story and the lessons.

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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This was interesting. I don't know how I managed to avoid reading it in school. 💖📚


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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Pretty good classic! I'm always attempting to add in a recommended classic novel once in a while and this one was a good read. I was surprised to find out that there were 2 movies based on it. I think it will be be fun to watch both versions!

BookwormAHN I really enjoyed this book, but I didn't know about the movies. I'll have to look for them. 6y
IamIamIam This is an absolute favorite of mine! I didn't know there was a film version with Michael Cera!!! 6y
Kimberlone Wow there‘s a version with Michael Cera & Anton Yelchin 🤯 6y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Thanks for the #bookitforward @wanderinglynn - these got here safely yesterday 😊


wanderinglynn So happy they arrived! Enjoy! ☺️ 6y
Lcsmcat I loved the tagged book when I read it in high school. It may be time for a reread. 6y
Kaye @wanderinglynn @Lcsmcat Hi guys ! Just going through the JB posts to get an idea of who all would like to continue into 2019 with the group? When you get the chance could you drop me a note ? Thanks and Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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This book turned me into a lifelong bookworm! Is it still taught in schools I wonder? If not, it should be! 📚🐛🤓#everlasting #friendship #loyalty

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Finished on the plane to Taiwan. This was such a wallop of a little story. It broke my heart. I did survive to eat tea eggs. It is set in New England during WWII and tells the story of adolescent male friendships. It reminded me of the Kite Runner.

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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Eh, I know it‘s kind of a classic, but I just had a hard time relating to the characters. It was soooo slow at the beginning. I didn‘t see the ending coming, but it wasn‘t enough for this to be a “pick”.

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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SilversReviews 😊 Thanks for playing. Great job on the graphic. (edited) 6y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles

A thoughtful and beautifully crafted coming of age novel! Love it!

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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“It wasn't the cider which made me surpass myself, it was this liberation we had torn from the gray encroachments of 1943, the escape we had concocted, this afternoon of momentary, illusory, and separate peace.”

A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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@Jennick2004 Jenny, I love every single thing! I can‘t wait to read the books and use all the goodies. Especially love the bookmark and tote bag. Thank you making my first swap so amazing! And thanks to @JoeStalksBeck for hosting. #myfavoritebookswap

Jennick2004 Yay so glad you like it 😃 6y
Lovesbooks87 Looks like you got Nineteen Minutes. It was so good. Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors. Her books are amazing! 6y
Reviewsbylola Wow, great box!! 6y
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A Separate Peace | John Knowles
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A coming of age story about best pals Gene + Finney, two boys that live at a New Hampshire boys boarding school during WWll, both overachiever‘s.. one in athletics, the other book smart.
An accident happens to Finney caused by Gene‘s extreme jealousy over him resulting in a broken leg. The truth later gets revealed, and in those final moments takes a life. A great story about friendship + regret. 3.5 ☆

Finished #MakeMeReadIt ✔️

BeansPage Nicely done 🤘🏻😄🤘🏻✨🧨🎉 6y
tammysue @TheReadingMermaid Thank you for hosting this readathon Tamara, it‘s been a lot of fun! 😁 6y
BeansPage You are very welcome 🤗💕 Next round opening this October for November reading 6y
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BeansPage Also I sent your letter out yesterday 6y
tammysue @TheReadingMermaid I‘ll join y‘all again. Sounds great.. I‘m looking forward to your letter! 💜 6y
BeansPage 🤗😘🤗😘 6y
tammysue @TheReadingMermaid I got your letter 😊 am putting mine in mail today! 🧡 6y
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