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The Man in the Brown Suit
The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Eggs Beautiful editions! 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️💛❤️ 1mo
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Published August 22, 1924 🤎

#Pub100YrsAgo 💯

#AboutABook… 📚📖📒📘📕📗📙📓

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 📚👏🏻 1mo
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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This is just a basic Agatha Christie mystery. My mum has the entire collection of these from the 80s. They look impressive together. Individually? Not so much.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I find that I really enjoy Christie! This is one of her earlier books with no Marple or Poirot, but it was fun and entertaining, and very dated of course. I enjoyed all the characters!

#bookspinbingo - my #doublespin for this month!
#pop24 - book that came out in a year that ends in 24

TheAromaofBooks This is honestly one of my favorites despite (because?) it being a bit ridiculous. Her sense of humor is so strong and Anne is just so likable! 8mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 I enjoyed this one. 8mo
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Celebrating its centenary this year - this book is perhaps better described as a youthful adventure with high jinks than a mystery. Anne was sweet and foolhardy and alongside her band of fellow adventurers this felt like a grown up Famous Five adventure! There are aristocrats, politicians, jewel thieves, ocean voyages, distant lands, all with an Empire feel. Harmless - but I‘m glad Christie experimented and then moved on!

Ruthiella Agreed! I love Christie but don‘t like the espionage thrillers as much as I like the proper whodunnits. 9mo
batsy I agree; not too fond of this one either. The darker psychological mysteries are her forte! 9mo
rwmg This one sticks in my mind because of the description of surfing, which led me to the unexpected discovery that Agatha Christie herself was a keen surfer herself. 9mo
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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This was a fun adventure-the first with Colonel Race. As always, I was completely wrong about who the “bad guy” was 😂

Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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A fun Christie mystery with the plucky and recently orphaned Anne Beddingfeld !! She has spirited, often amusing, adventures; starting with watching a man tumble to his death in the path of a train at the tube station. She‘s convinced it was not an accident and is now in pursuit of a man with a brown suit…

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#RushAThon Day 24 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 13mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🤗🤗 13mo
TheAromaofBooks This is actually one of my favorite Christie novels. It's a bit ridiculous but doesn't take itself too seriously so it works 😂 13mo
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Eggs @TheAromaofBooks That is so true! You nailed it 13mo
Andrew65 Well done. 👏👏👏 I enjoyed this one. 13mo
Eggs @Andrew65 🤗👍🏼 13mo
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie

Ok so is anyone else having issues with Litsy I think I always logged in using FB but now I have to start over because it somehow deleted my account years of reading logged and now I‘m back at the beginning

TheAromaofBooks I have heard some issues and @Books_et_al had to make a new account from a situation like yours. I also know the Litsy app is currently not available in the Google Play store. So if you're using the app, you may want to try logging in on a computer if you can? 1y
Books_et_al Yes I totally sympathise ! I can‘t access my previous account so have started over. It is frustrating that‘s for sure, years of logging lost to me. 1y
MelliMel1980 I‘m always logged in on my iPhone using Facebook but when I do that there‘s an error so I think it‘s something between Facebook and Litsy so until it gets resolved I‘ll start over and see what happens 1y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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#TBRTarot. picture on the spine. So pleased one of my current reads fits this month‘s prompt since I am STILL working on finishing March‘s prompt! 😂

CBee Perfect! Yay 😀 1y
batsy Nice! 1y
erzascarletbookgasm That‘s great! 1y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Not a fan of this one—almost bailed. It was quite dated and at times seemed ridiculous. I guess I‘m really just a fan of Agatha Christie‘s whodunits: Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. The podcast was fun and made it worth finishing the book. For now I will continue reading her books in order, but I may adjust this if there are more like this. 😬

AvidReader25 I wasn‘t a fan of this one either. 1y
Bluebird @AvidReader25 glad to know it‘s not just me! 1y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Just finished listening to this early Agatha Christie it‘s a one off mystery- no Poirot or Marple. Colonel Race is the only recurring Christie character to appear. I enjoyed the reader‘s voice work. A good mystery despite some cringey colonial ideas. Set in 1922 💚🐉

CarolynM I remember loving this one a long time ago🙂 2y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Notes from that book so far (and I did not highlight some mansplaining...)

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Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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This starts out as a fun adventure, but turns into pure silliness in the back half.

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie

“Girls derive a lot of comfort from ice-cream sodas.”

mabell I love this book so much! ❤️ 3y
batsy Verified fact, yes 😆 3y
Michael_Gee @batsy haha! Love it! 3y
Michael_Gee @mabell Did I see that you frequently reread this? I finished it and think I‘d like to reread. At a certain point I stopped trying to figure out the mystery element because I was just enjoying the characters so much. 3y
mabell Oh yes, I reread this all the time 😆 I enjoy the adventure, and the characters are so perfect - Anne, Suzanne, Sir Eustace. I just love to escape and be a part of their exploits. 😊 It‘s also why Secret at Chimneys is one of my favorites too. 3y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Ok, some tipsy bath-time in-progress thoughts on this book I didn‘t know existed until I got it for my b-day: 1) The prologue is totally unnecessary and embarrassingly full of exposition-via-unnatural-dialogue, 2) I love Mrs. Blair—Christie does fabulous so well. I like Sir Eustace too but his diary portions are redundant 3) there was a revelation about the MC being in love that really confuses me b/c it wasn‘t set up in any way. ????

Reggie Lol 3y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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#GratefulHarvest #Brown
Not one of Christie‘s better books, I think she did locked-room mysteries or murder mysteries in quiet villages better than thrillers. The 1989 film adaptation is only slightly more engaging.

batsy I agree! Those (spy/secret agent) thrillers were not her best 😅 3y
erzascarletbookgasm @batsy Her Poirot and Ms Marple are still the best! Happy Deepavali, my friend! 🪔 3y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Thank you, Jessie! Hope you have a lovely few days off. 3y
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Eggs Great choice 🤎📚🤎 3y
rwmg The only reason I remember this one at all is the description of surfing and finding out that she was a keen surfer herself
erzascarletbookgasm @rwmg Ah, I didn‘t know that. The book and the film are rather forgettable. 3y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Not bad to listen to while walking

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Delightful mystery (if occasionally outdated)

rwmg My main memory of this book is the description of surfing. Apparently Agatha Christie was a keen surfer in the 1920s. 3y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I thought for a while that this was going to be my favorite Christie so far, with the lady detective and the interesting setting, but then there were some weird bits about what women find attractive in a man along with this being illustrated in mildly icky and alarming ways, and now I'm not sure what to think. I'd almost like to rewrite the second half of this book.

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I read this Aug 24-27 and gave it 4 ⭐️. I found that it was a little harder to get into this one but overall it was a fun read. Once again, I had a hard time figuring out the whodunnit part. I did like the character of Anne but I didn‘t like how Christie ended things with her. The story did drag a bit at the middle.

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Caught up for #AgathaChristieClubR2 during #24b4Monday.

-The Man in the Brown Suit: a highly entertaining romp; hadn‘t heard of it before, but I‘m glad I had a reason to pick it up ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
-Poirot Investigates: Poirot‘s fun, but these stories are almost too short to feel satisfying. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheAromaofBooks I have a genuine love for The Man in the Brown Suit - I actually love a lot of Christie's rather ridiculous spy novels. She just doesn't even pretend like she's taking them too seriously! 5y
ferskner Good work! 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Enjoying this Agatha Christie novel :) 46-year old paperback has about had it. Pages brittle...cover damaged & stained....but it has character :) The cover art is awesome! So 1970s

TheAromaofBooks I'm always amazed at how many different covers there are for Christie's books. I've never seen this one! 5y
batsy Intriguing cover! 5y
Michael_Gee Wow that cover!! 3y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I finished this but never posted my review! This was a fun read. It‘s a stand-alone novel that doesn‘t feature one of her famous detectives, but does have Colonel Race, who shows up in some other books. Diamond theft, family honor, and a secret master criminal, set in 1920s South África, which is a surprisingly primitive place...I guess it was pretty undeveloped outside the main cities, I just don‘t think of it that way. I‘m glad I read this.

rwmg What surprised me was her description of surfing. Apparently Agatha Christie was a keen surfer herself. 5y
azulaco @rwmg That‘s so hard to picture! 😆 But obviously she was a somewhat adventurous person - she ended up married to an archaeologist and traveling all over. 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Free on Kindle FTW

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I'm sorry for the late posting of discussion questions! I got back from two weeks in Scandinavia late last night, and I'm jet-lagged. International travel is the greatest, but I could do without the recovery period, you know?

Anyway, questions below! #agathachristieclubR2

ferskner 1.) Did you enjoy this standalone thriller? What did you like/not like about it? 5y
ferskner 2.) Anne Beddingfield is one of Christie's pluckiest heroines. Did you like her character? How did she stack up against other plucky Christie women, like Tuppence? 5y
ferskner 3.) What did you think of the narrative structure, which mixes Anne's perspective with Sir Eustace's diary entries? Did you think Christie was successful in this choice? 5y
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ferskner 4.) Anne meets serveral attractive men during her travels. What did you think of her relationship with Henry, particularly once they are alone on the island? 5y
ferskner 5.) Christie's plot in this book is extremely full, with several lines of intrigue happening so once. Do you think she handles all of them well? Were you confused by anything? 5y
ferskner 6.) Christie's book often contain problematic racial depictions common at the time. Did you think this book better or worse that others in that regard? How would this have been written differently today? 5y
Librarybelle 1. This was a re-read for me...I gave it 4 stars both times, but I‘m wondering if it was for the silliness of the mystery or just simply because it‘s Christie. The plot is so over the top, especially at the end! There‘s the twist, but for me it‘s couched in some odd happenings that I could almost overlook the Christie twist. 5y
Librarybelle 2. I prefer Anne to Tuppence - she‘s definitely plucky and resourceful. She has a dry sense of humor, too, which helps, but she‘s not as silly as Tuppence. Tuppence reminds me of a big party, whereas Anne is a small group of friends - both can be a lot of fun, but I have a feeling I could only take Tuppence in small doses, much like a big party. 5y
Librarybelle 3. I think it was fun to see different viewpoints! It worked for me, and the clear mark at the beginning of the chapter showing a new voice helped a lot. 5y
Librarybelle 4. They seemed destined for each other - the plucky, attractive female protagonist and the mysterious handsome guy. I‘m sure the island scene raised some eyebrows - an young woman staying on an island alone with a man without a chaperone! Oh my! Nowadays, no worries...haha! It almost seemed like a dream for them, enacting what could be‘s, for instance. It was a good way for Christie to build attraction between them. 5y
Librarybelle 5. Out of everything we‘ve read thus far, this seems the silliest for development of the various plot lines. You‘re right - so many at one time, and some of the characters play different characters, you almost need a scorecard to keep up! This almost seemed to complicate everything - too many things going on at one time. 5y
Librarybelle 6. Oh, there were definite passages that made me cringe for the insensitivity in describing those living in Africa. I would hope she would approach descriptions in a more PC way in today‘s time. She was also writing at a time where this was the normal way to depict non-white people. It‘s shuddering to read these now. I love Christie and her brilliant mind, but her casual (and sometimes blatant) racism disturbs me. 5y
TheAromaofBooks 1. This is honestly one of my favorites. I love the ridiculousness of the whole thing, the humor, the drama - in a lot of ways, I think Christie was gently teasing the serious spy novels of her time, almost creating a caricature of them. 5y
TheAromaofBooks I love Anne but also love Tuppence. I really liked @Librarybelle 's description of the two of them. Both are fun but in different ways. 5y
TheAromaofBooks 3. This is one of my favorite parts of the book. It lulls the reader into false assumptions about Sir Eustace, and helps us to understand why Anne retains a soft spot for him despite everything he has done. I have a bit of a soft spot for Sir Eustace myself. 😁 5y
TheAromaofBooks 4. I think the love story between Anne & Harry (isn't it Harry, not Henry??) is one of the weak points of the story, especially the coincidence that allows Harry to rescue Anne at the exact right moment & the way they aren't discovered by the bad guys until, again, the exact right moment. But I do think it comes back to Christie not being entirely serious about this story & I love the way she contrasts Anne's “ideal“ (Col. Race) with Harry. 5y
TheAromaofBooks 5. It's hard for me to say - I didn't have any trouble keeping things straight, but I've read this book so many times that it may be due to that! 5y
TheAromaofBooks 6. Obviously many of Christie's depictions of non-whites are racist, but I don't think they are more so than other writers of her time. She was from a generation & an era that was strongly segregated by social class & race. However, she was an intelligent & empathetic woman - I definitely think that if she were writing today, she would portray other people groups more even-handedly. 5y
TheAromaofBooks Thank you for posting these questions @ferskner !! A random thought for next month - do you think it would be possible to have multiple posts with only one or two questions per post? It may help with being able to discuss things more easily. Just an idea from what I've noticed of some other book discussions here on Litsy. 😊 5y
AnneCecilie 1. I enjoyed this thriller, but not knowing anything about it, I was expecting Poirot to show up at some point. It took me a while to realize that Anne was our heroine. 5y
AnneCecilie 2. I liked Anne and how she on a whim practically decides to go to South Africa. I haven‘t read any books with Tuppence, so I can‘t compare. (edited) 5y
AnneCecilie 3. I liked the mix between Anne‘s telling and Sir Eustace‘s dairy entries. For me, the conclusion came as an even more surprise because of it, I think. 5y
AnneCecilie 4. I was surprised that Christie would something like the island scenes, they seemed a little daring for their time. Other than that, he did catch her eye early on. (edited) 5y
AnneCecilie 5. This was my first time reading this book, and I had no problem following the story lines, I might have been taken by surprise a couple of times, but that‘s the meaning of thrillers. 5y
AnneCecilie 6. I haven‘t read that many books from this time period, but I would guess that she was no better or worse than anyone else. What really bothered me was the talk about Africa as it the hole continent was a country. If it had been written today, it would probably have talked about both race and women in a different way. Sorry, I had to bring it up, but some the sexism at the start of the novel towards Anne was bad. (edited) 5y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks yes, I can definitely do that! I want sure if people preferred the more concise single posting or several, but I agree that I think it would facilitate better discussion rather than answering my questions like it's a test. 👍 5y
TheAromaofBooks I always really like your questions because they are quite thoughtful and interesting. I'm just trying to think of how we could discuss them more. 😊 Also, is January's book Poirot Investigates? 5y
ferskner @TheAromaofBooks yes! I'm sorry, I had the world's worst deadline at work and I was sick, so I had to not look at social media until I was done. 5y
TheAromaofBooks Literally no worries! Thanks for letting me know, and hopefully you made it through crazy work/sick times okay!! 5y
Linsy 1. @TheAromaofBooks Mine too!! I'm looking forward to more stand-alone Christie's. I'm definitely going to reread! (edited) 5y
Linsy 2. Anne or Tuppence??? I don't know if I can decide! 5y
Linsy 3. I think she was very successful. I loved the format -- I tend to like epistolaries -- and could not guess the ending. I was hooked the whole way through. 5y
Linsy 4. Honestly, that part was a bit weird for me. 5y
Linsy 5. I was a bit confused on some points, but not overly or about anything really important. I think it was handled well. 5y
Linsy 6. I definitely found many passages cringe-worthy. Normal for the day, but not fun parts to read.

Sorry I posted these responses so late. I don't have much detail, as it was a month ago, but I really loved this one! Thanks for hosting this. ❤
ferskner Thanks for joining in, @Linsy! Never too late to add comments. 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I don‘t actually have time to keep up with #agathachristieclubr2, but someone mentioned that the group read this last month, and I realized that I didn‘t remember anything about this book. I read it once, a long time ago, but my Christie fandom has focused mostly on frequent re-reads of Poirot and Marple novels. So I found it on Scribd, and I‘m re-reading it now. It‘s nice to be reading a Christie book that‘s essentially new to me!

TheAromaofBooks A lot of people don't care for Christie's “spy“ novels, but this has always been one of my favorites. She just totally embraced the campy, and the dialogue is a delight. 5y
azulaco @TheAromaofBooks I‘m enjoying it too. I had to go look up where Rhodesia used to be...not for the first time when reading a Christie novel. I can‘t seem to keep that particular fact in my head for long. I can‘t wait to read her descriptions of South Africa in 1922. Holy gee, I just realized, this book is now set almost 100 years ago! 😯 5y
TheAromaofBooks Right?! It's crazy how her stories are still so readable so many years later. A while back, I was doing a lot of reading about the early 1900's, and I loved the way that little things in her books began to make more sense - for instance, all the crazy political groups in The Secret Adversary actually came together for me! 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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A re-read for me; this was the December read for #agathachristieclubr2 . It‘s been fun revisiting the older Christie novels!

This is my letter M for #LitsyAtoZ .

ferskner I'll get questions up tonight! 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I didn‘t know anything about this crime before I started reading, so I say waiting for Poirot for a long time, but this is not a Poirot or Miss Marple mystery.

This is about young Anne who sees something strange at the metro station, and want to find out more. It turns into quite the adventure and I didn‘t see the twist towards the end.

#TBRRead #WinterGames #ReadNosedReindeer
My 3rd book finished for #24B42020

Andrew65 👏👏👏 Colonel Race from this book also appears alongside Poirot in 5y
AnneCecilie @Andrew65 I‘m reading them in chronological order. But he was an interesting figure, so I‘m happy about meeting him again later 5y
Andrew65 @AnneCecilie That‘s the best way. 5y
StayCurious I think i'll have to get this book! +16 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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One last #TBRread for #WinterGames - I love Christie so much, and this is on of my faves. It's just so over-the-top, a genuinely funny, entertaining romp of a story. Read for #agathachristieclubr2 and also just because I love it!

Still racking up some #24b42020 time, too!!

#MerryReaders @Clwojick @StayCurious @Andrew65 @jb72 @TheReadingMermaid @ferskner

Andrew65 👏👏👏 5y
mabell This is one of my favorites, too! I read once or twice a year - such a fun adventure. And of course Sir Eustace ❤️😂 5y
TheAromaofBooks @mabell - a little in love with Sir Eustace 😆 5y
Clwojick 16 pt 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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@BookNAround - My #LastFirst reads!!

Looks like the tagged book - The Man in the Brown Suit - is going to be my last of the year - always good to go out on classic Christie! For my first book, I think I'm going to pick up The Storm Keeper's Island by Catherine Doyle, my first read for #NewYearWhoDis !

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Well, yesterday ended up being a revolving door of visiting relatives, so I didn't get much reading done (although it was a lovely day, so no complaints!). I've hit my original goal of 10hrs, but probably won't hit my secondary goal of 15. Still, fun times!!

Tried to use Paisley as a prop for my time. She was very suspicious of the stopwatch 😆

#24b42020 #WinterGames #MerryReaders @Clwojick @StayCurious @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72

Andrew65 Still a great return! 👏👏👏😊 5y
Clwojick Paisley is adorable! 1 pt 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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This one was okay. It wasn‘t my favorite Agatha Christie. The mystery was pretty good but I found this one kind of boring. I stopped listening for a while and didn‘t really have a desire to continue, but I powered through! I was definitely surprised by who the Colonel was.

#AgathaChristieClubR2 #TeamElectricSex Winter Games #TBRRead (ahh forgot to turn on my timer because it usually ends on Sunday!) I had 2 hrs left on the audio.

Laughterhp Currently at 10:25:38 #24B42020 (edited) 5y
umbrellagirl There‘s an Agatha Christie club on Litsy?!? 5y
Laughterhp @umbrellagirl Yes! It‘s very unofficial. We are reading Agatha‘s books by publication date. It‘s only 3 or 4 months in, so you could definitely get caught up! 5y
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umbrellagirl @Laughterhp I love that idea. I‘ve read many (most?) of hers and trying to work my way through the rest. I‘m always up for a reread though, even if I have read them before. 5y
Laughterhp @umbrellagirl Its hosted by @ferskner - I believe a discussion post is posted once a month to discuss the books if you‘re interested!! 5y
LibrarianRyan i forgot the timer on my audio book as well. 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I really loved this one! Perfectly paced and kept my interest the entire time. I‘m so glad I‘m participating in #AgathaChristieClubR2. I probably would‘ve stopped after that last Poirot if left to my own devices. So glad I didn‘t!

Plus two more hours for #24b42020, totaling at 11 so far.

#WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals #TBRRead

veritysalter This is one of my favourite standalone Christie‘s. ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 I also recently enjoyed (a lot) Death on the Nile where Colonel Race appears again alongside Poirot. 5y
Linsy @Andrew65 Ooh, that sounds fun! Aren‘t they making that one into a movie sometime soon? (edited) 5y
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Andrew65 @Linsy Yes I only noticed this whilst I was reading it. Possibly released in October 2020 starring Kenneth Branagh. 5y
Linsy @Andrew65 Think this means I need to read!! Thanks for the rec ☺️ 5y
Andrew65 @Linsy Hope you enjoy it now. 😬😂 5y
Linsy @Andrew65 Ha, no pressure! 😂 5y
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Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Finished a second book in my #24b42020! This moved so fast and packed a LOT into its 300 pages. Looking forward to the #agathachristieclubr2 discussion - this is the first time I‘ve managed to finish the book in advance!!

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Have to stop for a bit, too tired to continue. Having fun with The Man in the Brown Suit though! It‘s reigniting my Agatha Christie fervor. 7 1/4 hours down! 🕯

I finished 3 more of the #ChristmasLightsScavengerHunt. I haven‘t found any reindeer on the rooftop though! 🤷‍♀️

#24b42020 #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals

jessinikkip Lovely time! You'll have no problem reaching 24 if you keep this pace up 😄 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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December's book is the globetrotting The Man in the Brown Suit! I hope you'll join in the #agathachristieclubR2!

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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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This was a pleasant surprise. I loved Anne Beddingfeld as the heroine. #agathachristie

Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I love this adventure! I‘m reading it for the millionth time, somewhat satisfying my summer wanderlust.

In the story, once the ship docks, Anne and Suzanne will proceed to the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town.

I‘m always curious when I read specific places in older books, and often look them up to see if they were fictional or actually existed. Mount Nelson was a real hotel, and still is. It is also amazingly gorgeous! 😍

CarolynM I remember loving it too. Great pictures😍 5y
Gissy 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
LeahBergen I want to stay there! 5y
mabell @CarolynM @Gissy @LeahBergen I got lost paging through 😍 I may have also planned an imaginary vacation 😆 5y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I always love sitting down and just powering right through an Agatha Christie in an afternoon. This was a fun tale full of great protagonists and villains. There were moments where I felt things were a bit implausible but nothing too severe that it detracted from the story. I also greatly liked the dual narration of events from two strong characters full of personality. An awesome read!

Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie never disappoints. Even if this one doesn't have her usual detectives, I say the heroine had a Miss Marple feel to her.

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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minkyb Love the review. Love that you took the time to post it here rather than just providing a link. Makes it much easier for those interested! 7y
DGRachel @minkyb I‘m glad you like that. I know I‘m inherently lazy and rarely click links to full reviews If I‘m going to bother to write the review, I want to make sure it‘s seen by as many people as possible. 😂😂 This seemed like a good way to cheat the character limit. 7y
SusanInTiburon Thank you! 😄 7y
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mabell I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! I didn't see a lot of love for it as others in the book club posted their reviews, and it was very disappointing, as I think this one such a fun adventure story. And I agree, I couldn't get enough of Sir E, Anne, and Suzanne. 7y
DGRachel @mabell I was discussing that issue with @dsfisher and it seems like some people missed the humor. I thought there was a good deal of mockery of traditional spy thrillers and mysteries. Part of the fun was that it didn‘t take itself too seriously and I think if you try to read it as a serious novel then yeah, it‘s ridiculous and overblown, but as satire it‘s riotously funny. It reminded me a bit of how Austen 👇🏻 7y
DGRachel ...mocks the Gothic novels of her day in Northanger Abbey. 7y
mabell @DGRachel That is a good point! I never thought of it as satire, but it certainly does have elements of it. Makes sense! Northanger Abbey is a good analogy! Similar approach, different genre. 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I just adore Sir Eustace.


Rachbb3 He's hilarious. 7y
Bambolina_81 😂🤣😂 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Gotta love a good listener! #agathachristieclub

dsfisher One of my favorite lines. 7y
SusanInTiburon She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she pitied them. 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I have so many books that I want to read, I‘m finding it difficult to pick one to start. Opting for this one to try to catch up to the #agathachristieclub. I hear it‘s a fast read. 🤞🏻#upnext #currentlyreading (Pilot is not amused that I used him to prop up the book for the photo 😂) #dogsoflitsy

Dolly 😂🐶💕 7y
Andrew65 That‘s often my problem, so many books to choose from that I can‘t decide which one to read. 7y
SusanInTiburon He‘s some good-lookin pup! And Christie is always a good option. 7y
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Leftcoastzen Cute!🐶 7y
DrJAdMerricksson 😆😂 that look! 7y
dragondrool I love this one. The made for TV movie from the late 80's was pretty decent, too. 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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A fun adventure! I enjoyed this book, I read it in a day and a half. 👍🏼👍🏼😀

Bradleygirl Aw yeah. I can't remember if this was my first Agatha Christie it not, but it's my melodramatic favorite. 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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He flung down the rifle and turn to me.

"Anne! You beauty! You wonder! You little queen! As brave as a lion. Black-haired witch!

This book shows a side of Christie that we don't see much of in her other books. I've laughed out loud several times with this one.

The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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"It is a really hard life. Men will not be nice to you if you are not good-looking, and women will not be nice to you if you are."

??? That's a tough life right there. ???

Bradleygirl One of the reasons I love Christie. 😍 7y
JazzFeathers 😁😁 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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#agathachristieclub @Bambolina_81 I started the club late so I‘m trying to do at least a couple of stories a month. These are finished so I should get the next one done this month and maybe even December‘s book. They are quick reads.

Bambolina_81 Great to have you along! I really enjoyed Murder on the Links and I can never work it out! Also, that glass is awesome 😍 7y
Clwojick Yessssssss! The wine glass is everything I need this holiday season! 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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Well, that was a fun ride! The characters were great and the plot challenging. I kept thinking I figured out who the "Colonel" was, but ended up being entirely wrong. Agatha Christie is always way ahead of me. Highly entertaining! And with this book, I've completed my GR challenge, yay! #agathachristieclub

mabell A fun ride is such a good way to describe it! I've noticed others reading for the book club weren't fans of this one, but I love it. It combines Christie mystery with adventure story, and I found Anne endearing. I loved all the characters, actually! 7y
PurpleyPumpkin @mabell Totally agree! It was a departure from what I usually expect from Christie. Maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much. It was quite amusing!😉 7y
cariashley Yay on completing your challenge! 👏🎉 7y
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PurpleyPumpkin @cariashley Thanks! I‘m doing a lot of challenges this year, but this one may be the only one I actually complete. 😅 7y
UwannaPublishme Another challenge done! Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7y
SilversReviews Love her books. 7y
PurpleyPumpkin Me too! But I haven‘t read many of them. The #AgathaChristieClub is helping me read through her bibliography. 👍🏽 7y
Bambolina_81 Well done for completing your GR goal! I think I'm about 4 away from mine so should hopefully do it 🤔 7y
PurpleyPumpkin @Bambolina_81 Well done!👍🏽 7y
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The Man in the Brown Suit | Agatha Christie
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I like that the back of this edition has "Agatha Christie, C.B.E., at work". Tried to do a pic collage with front & back covers but does anyone else on Android struggle with the default photo cropping on Litsy. You spend a lot of time making a pic collage but then it goes croppety crop! And cuts out the best parts. So I do a freestyle collage hoping I get it small enough to fit. But sometimes you need to see things clearly. Like Christie's face.

Redwritinghood You can resize the pictures within the collage app. At least I‘m able to on iPhone. 7y
batsy @Redwritinghood Oh lord, I knew there would be simple answer staring me in the face. 😆 Thank you, I'm gonna give that a try! 7y
cathysaid Love this pic! 7y
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kalinichta I use collage apps that let me start with a 1:1 ratio to avoid that annoying auto-cropping. 7y
Bambolina_81 Love this pic! 😊 7y
Dragon Great photo of Dame Agatha, I especially like that mischievous smile. What dastardly murder is she planning? 💙🐉 7y
batsy @kalinichta I'm going to figure this one out somehow, thanks! 😁 7y
batsy @cathysaid @Bambolina_81 @Dragon It's great isn't it, and she does look mischievous 😉 7y
batsy @Redwritinghood Alas, this option isn't available on the Android pic collage app! 7y
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