A much needed day off! Tolkien is the perfect author to spend it with ❤️
A much needed day off! Tolkien is the perfect author to spend it with ❤️
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
1. Mentally, I'm OK. Physically, I'm still sick with the flu.
2. Baths, reading and walks. I got a walking pad for Xmas and I like to play YouTube videos of nature walks and The Shire.
3. Maybe book recommendations for specific mental illnesses that MCs have.
I first read this in the summer before the movies came out & I was so taken with it, that I read the trilogy through & then immediately began again - it‘s been long years since, with many viewings of the movies & it was hard not to compare the differences as I read. It‘s still a glorious read, but my younger self found it much easier going. ⬇️
Happy Birthday, prof. Tolkien.
You words always inspire and confort me.
My September pick for #12BooksOf2024 is The Fellowship of the Ring. This was a re-read inspired by meeting Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd at Comic-Con :)
Merry Christmas!! Lucas and I will be spending the next few days watching the LotR movies & putting together Rivendell. 😍
May it be an evening star shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls your heart will be true…
Even if the part of the movie that includes this song is actually part of the next book 😉
This dramatization is utterly fascinating and brilliant.
1. My grandfather brought home a gorgeous tray from Brazil where he went in the Navy in the 1930s. I‘d always admired it, so she gave it to me as a wedding gift.
2. Tagged book (and series) has made it 70 years so far…
My favourite of the trilogy (and I suspect many others‘ favourite as well). It has so much heart and adventure. This time round I was moved to tears by Gimli and Galadriel.
The official late summer reading list!
Lord knows I love a fancy pants edition of LoTr & even own a couple, but it was the #black editions pub by William Morrow with the eye catching designs that made me pick up the trilogy at HPB a few years ago. I still retain a weak spot for these, as these were the editions where I first read this incredible trilogy.
#coverlove @eggs @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
At just under 33 inches this set is a tall one…and very cool. The eye even lights up! A fun build for sure. What to start next?!?
While I‘m thinking about that, it‘s time to read a book!
And done…which means I‘ll start posting about books again instead of just posting pictures of a Lego recreation of a setting from one of them. 😬😂 Pictures of the finished set tomorrow. Tonight it‘s all about Sauron‘s study & I must admit…he‘s a lot more studious than I would have thought! The pictures are a close up of the bottom level & then upper level of the “study” in the tower. Last is a full view of tower before exterior pieces added.
The building continues and we are now out of the kitchen and into the throne room. The cool thing about this floor is that when you pull the little knob, visible at the bottom of the top right picture, the throne opens to reveal the white tree from Minas Tirith. Some really great details in this set. Definitely a fun build and one that is distracting me from reading…something I‘m going to rectify right now….
Ok, we‘ve moved up out of the dungeon and into the kitchen and thank goodness we can be a little less worried about the lava up here! 🥵😅 I‘ve included a general view of the two levels, a close up of the kitchen, a portrait or three more fabulous orcs and/assorted minions, and finally another drawer (?) to pull out to revel a secret. The detail on the set is pretty fabulous. I‘ll make sure the next update includes some exterior shots.
I‘m reading, just not as much as I‘m completely distracted by this awesomeness. The first level (Book 1) is done. Pictures are of the front doors (which can be opened/closed by turning a gear, some Orcs, an imprisoned skeleton which can be lowered towards the “lava” and then pulled back up again by turning another gear, Shelob who is hiding but can be pulled out whenever you want and a close up of the first floor interior. It‘s a great set!
I‘m going to Mordor with Frodo and Sam!!!
I just finished listening to the audiobook of this book! I loved the narrator who is Andy Serkis who played Gollum in the movies. This is one of my favorite books. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.
I listened to the original American National Public Radio broadcast and I loved it. An ensemble cast really brought the story to life. Coming in at 3 hours, I know it‘s abridged, so I won‘t be counting it toward my 1,001 books journey until I read it in full. This was just such a nice listen while I crocheted. ☺️
We finally finished this one! My husband and I started listening to this last July and will only listen to it during road trips.
Andy Serkis did a fantastic job but it's not easy to listen to this in a long sitting. We found ourselves constantly drifting with this one, which is not good for those who are driving. It was best to listen little by little.
This was a re-read for me but the hubby's first.
#BookspinBingo #8 #18 @TheAromaofBooks
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! The Tolkien Society chose to focus on Service & Sacrifice as a theme this year. With that in mind, I‘m sharing this quote that I love about the small deeds of simple people being important in the matters of the world.
Additionally, today is Annunciation Day, recognized by the Catholic Church, and Lady Day, for a long time considered the beginning of the new year in England.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #TolkienReadingDay
"I want to see mountains again, Gandalf, mountains, and then find somewhere where I can rest..."
I've been so stressed with work lately. I've honestly been quoting this quote to my hubby almost every night. Today, he surprised me with a quick trip to the mountains so we can get some nature therapy and play in the snow.
Plus, we continued listening to the tagged book, which we started last year. It's taking us a while but that's okay.
My first #bookcrush #luckyinlove #Strider
After exactly seven years I'm rereading LotR, how fitting is that? And even though now I realise how male dominated the story is, I still loved every step I took with the Hobbits. Once again. It was the same feeling I had when I first read it. The narrator does a great job and I think his voice fits the story very well. Merry and Pippin are still my favorites, I can't help myself 😄 Already preordered the next audio book. Obviously.
Finished this in what felt like no time, even though I took care to read every word. I don‘t know what it is with these books. I have read them so many times but I still can‘t wait to read more to know what happens next.
I bought this “LOTR” game for my husband, and it‘s taking an hour just to understand the directions on how to play 😅I read the reviews on it, and a lot of people say it‘s really fun once you get the hang of it. Here goes nothing! 🧙🏻♂️⚔️
Some books discussed on our latest episode
It‘s time. It‘s been four years since I last read this. But a couple of weeks ago, I felt the urge creep up on me and suddenly no other book felt interesting enough anymore. So here we are again. With my old friend. I am looking forward to it.
The traditional anniversary gift for year 11 is steel…my guy got me a sword!!!
#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien
Will l day that l loved it?
Doesn't seem as l need to. If you scroll down my feed, you'll find a few places where l have already said so 😂
Rather, l'd sped two words on the new Italian translation.
I'm sorry to say, l didn't enjoy it 🙁
#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien
I love Boromir's episode. It's so strong and complex. And l love that Sam starts to come into his own here.
I'm posting late, but l finished on time.
Now l have to catch up on The Two Towers and #HobbitWeek and all of your comments and posts. I'll do my best tomorrow.
#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien
Well, one could think, not a very eventful chapter, just people rowing in some boats. And yet so much happens here. Gollum.is revealed: Sam, Frodo and Aragorn knew it. the orcs, the Nazgul, the Argonath. Frodo trying to make a decision. Aragorn trying to make a decision. Boromir brooding.
It's just incredible.
#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien
There's so much packed in this quiet chapter.
And - what can l do. I find Galadriel and Gimli's dialogue so touching and endearing.
#LotRChapterADay #FellowshipOfTolkien
It always annoys me when readers say there are too few women in Tolkien's work. That's simply not true. And anyway, if there were only Galadriel, l'd be more than satisfied. She's that good of a character.
In this chapter, we see both her power and her vulnerability, her wisdom and her ambition. All the phenomenal complexity of a very human and yet extremely ethereal being.
I had just plowed through “The Hobbit,” but I had no money for a book, so I had to start negotiating. My mother and I agreed that I would read a book of her choosing and then I would get my mass market paperback with an alarmed Elijah Wood on the cover. I just had to read… “Pride and Prejudice.”
I was reminiscing after playing catch-up for #lotrchapteraday #bookjournal
Time for a cozy evening of reading 😊📚🍁
Finished on ebook in my tree stand! Just in time for tomorrow. Loved it- it‘s like I‘ve never read it before. Now I‘ll be able to catch up on #readingwesteros before bed hopefully! #fellowshipoftolkien #lotrchapteraday
That‘s ominous. Sometimes I swear it‘s like im reading these for the first time😂 Hoping to finish tonight- hubs made me take a nap today so it threw me off. #fellowshipoftolkien #lotrchapteraday
Family update- yesterday was hard to see my stoic dad so emotional. Mom‘s backsliding some and has contracted MRSA on top of everything else. Her release was supposed to be tomorrow which is now looking doubtful.
@JazzFeathers @Daisey - I have to thank you both for hosting the buddy read that not only has given me the motivation I needed to reread these amazing books for the first time in 20ish years, but also gave me the excuse I needed to purchase these gorgeous naked hardcover editions that I've been side-eying for a while 😂
This book was an even more amazing journey than I remember it being. I enjoyed every page, even the poems 😆 and am stoked ⬇
Since a lot of readers are finishing up the section in Mória now, this might be an interesting video, if you haven't seen it already!
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LotrChapterADay
I loved this reread. And Andy Serkis is a brilliant narrator. 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
#FellowshipOfTolkien #LOTRChapterADAy
@JazzFeathers @Daisey
#TBRTarot @CBee