One bingo!!
ABC Bingo
#MischiefandMayhem #Scarathlon
21 points
One bingo!!
ABC Bingo
#MischiefandMayhem #Scarathlon
21 points
My A to Z Reading Challenge 2021: #AtoZ2021 #atoz https://leticiatoraci.wordpress.com/2021/01/29/a-to-z-yearly-reading-challenge-2...
Join us for the 2021 edition of #LitsyAtoZ! It's our FIFTH year!
See the link in the comments.
You can plan ahead your reading or just register and log your reads as you go. Choose from a variety of reading tracks, all suited to your preferences. It's the most flexible #readingchallenge around!
Post pics of your #AbecedarianTBR so we can all be inspired by your choices!
On 1/1/2022 I will raffle off a $25 Amazon eGift card among the finishers.
I haven‘t done the #LitsyAtoZ challenge in a couple of years, so I‘m giving it another go this year! I‘m all signed up! If you‘re interested, here‘s the link:
Thanks for hosting this challenge @BookishMarginalia !
Okay I'm going to do much better this year! I'm excited I can't wait, I'm going to try and plan it this time! #LitsyAtoZ #ReadingChallenge @BookishMarginalia
@BookishMarginalia I hope you don't mind but my track is rather different to your initial 3. I'm mixing your challenge with another one over on one of my Goodreads groups which is doing an a to z of character surnames, and rather than doing 2 different ones I thought it would be easier to combine them. #litsyatoz #abcedariantbr
628pts #teamreadnosedreindeer #wintergames2020 @StayCurious
The registration form for #LitsyAtoZ 2021 is now live! Here‘s the link:
Happy reading and a wonderful new year that far surpasses 2020! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@MrBook @LitsyHappenings @Macnjen @Ncostell @Smarkies @sebrittainclark @jenniferw88 @Kdgordon88 @fandom_hellspawn99 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @RamsFan1963 @TK-421 @Lizpixie
Did you finish the 2020 #LitsyAtoZ #ReadingChallenge?
Make sure you update your entry by using the link in your original registration email OR just register again and input all your read titles!
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/2/d/e/1FAIpQLSex7AJyjI7PptZofazZtUX2T7L_FddNrEBx...
On New Year‘s Day I‘ll raffle off a $25 Amazon gift card to a lucky finisher. 🤓 (Please repost!)
Link to the 2021 version coming soon!
Workinf on my #2021readinggoals and decided to revive an old challenge I really neglected a few years back. So here‘s another round of #ABClassics 📚🤓
Finally sat down and tried to get myself organized so I won‘t be scrambling last minute on these challenges. I‘m trying to use my journal more.
#LitsyAtoZ2020 #AbecedarianTBR #Booked2020
This was really fun @RealLifeReading I discovered I have a lot of “C” books on my TBR !!!!!!!!!
1. (The) Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
2. Charles Dickens
3. Donnie Darko
4. Dumplings, all kinds!
#manicmonday #joscho
I‘m going to try a challenge for 2018! @BookishMarginalia has a wonderful #LitsyAtoZ challenge! I‘m going to start a little easier and do a mix of titles and author‘s last name. I‘m so excited to push myself to read more this year!
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, NOW MY ARM IS SO DIZZY. (Sings the Bebe in his bed, waving out the letters in the air with one finger)
Today's #novemberbythenumbers post is brought to you by the letter P. The sixteenth letter of the alphabet.
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Here's my #LitsyClassics list for next year's #readingchallenge by @Sarah83 ! I did cheat a bit, but i wanted to stricktly stick to the ABC in just the titles and add nothing i've already read. I'm not kidding myself that i'll get done with it in 12 months, but we'll see how far we'll get 🤘📚🌐🗓
@Sarah83 is already thinking ahead and organising a READING CHALLENGE for 2018! ABClassicsDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! Are you in, too? #LitsyClassics
#litsyatoz challenge. I've read 16 books and have 10 to go. My list is composed of titles only & I need a good recommendation for the letter Q. I originally had Queen of Shadows but I honestly couldn't get through the first book in the series Throne of Glass. Any suggestions??
Day 9: Teaching my little ones how to sing and write the ABCs. So thought this would be a great bookmark for the day 😊
#ashsbookmarks #the100dayproject #bookmark #craft #abc
I made a document to keep track of the reading challenges I set for myself and decided to make one to track my #LitsyAtoZ progress. I'm penciling in my picks for now, in case I decide to substitute any.
(If anyone else wants to use it, you can download + print: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xkzii4usxf2m30d/AACh7OQKG5hhLVdKd8ZOsYERa?dl=0 )
My current#LitsyAtoZ looks nothing like the chart I drew up in December. Not even one title is the same🙈 No worries because I'm reading and enjoying and that's what matters most. Many thanks to the wonderful @BookishMarginalia for organizing this challenge and of course squeals of excitement...ONLY 14 days until the unwrapping of #CupidGoesPostal 💗💗💗
My #LitsyAtoZ after #24in48
Added letters B, M, N, O
Getting excited about starting #litsyatoz. Have my first three picked out. But before that 3 more books to go to meet my goodreads goal of 101 books. Two of these were gifts (one from a friend and the sellout a gift to myself). #bookishgifts #seasonsreadings2016
I found this photo earlier of me (on the left) and @LBApple reading together circa 1989. Well. She's reading, and I'm half-sitting on the book. So nice to see that our shared love of books started as early as this 😍.
Trying to find a great gift for #WinterSolsticeBookExchange #SecretSantaGoesPostal and my person's name letters weren't in the pile! Shucks!