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Wir mssen ber Kevin reden
Wir mssen ber Kevin reden: Roman | Lionel Shriver
Kurz vor seinem sechzehnten Geburtstag richtet Kevin in der Schule ein Blutbad an. Innerhalb weniger Stunden ist das Leben seiner Familie nicht mehr, wie es war. Lionel Shriver erzhlt aus der Sicht einer Mutter, die sich auf schmerzhafte und ehrliche Weise mit Schuld und Verantwortung, mit Liebe und Verlust auseinandersetzt. Htte sie ihr Kind mehr lieben sollen? Htte sie das Unglck verhindern knnen? Ein hchst aktueller Roman von erschtternder Klarheit und stilistischer Brillanz.
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1. I guess I would say I live in suburbia, but it's still pretty rural. Nature and wilderness are where my heart belongs.
2. We Need to Talk About Kevin is set in suburbia.
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday 5mo
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1. Not my first name. My middle name is Wayne, and I'm named after my uncle on my uncle on my mother's side.
2. The obvious choice...We Need To Talk About Kevin
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
Wanna play? @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime @TheBookDream @Daisey @Bookishlie @Sharpeipup @Cuilin @ReadingFeedsTheSoul @Lucy_Anywhere @Onepageatatime88 @SpiderGoddess

TheSpineView Kevin is my son's name. Thanks for playing! 7mo
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We Need To Talk About Kevin is a truly chilling read. Not horror-movie jump-scare scary, but can‘t-look-away feel-it-in-your-bones unnerving. I found myself totally gripped by it, even though the ending was a foregone conclusion. I “just-one-more-chapter”ed myself past bed-time more than once. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/we-need-to-talk-about-kevin-lionel-shriver/

The_Book_Ninja Great film too. 7mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 This book was very slow but I‘m glad I hung in there since I‘ve been curious about it for years. The mother/narrator is unlikeable but to me she was somehow sympathetic and relatable. Even though the book is 20 years old now, the subject matter is unfortunately timely, and questions what if any of it was the mother‘s fault.

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Who is to blame when a child does the unthinkable? And how does a mother live with the guilt of what he did when she knows she didn‘t do anything about the warning signs? I still think about this book all the time. I read it before becoming a parent and maybe feel differently about some of the characters now that I have two children of my own. #scarathlondailyprompts #guilt #teamslaughter

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No, no, no, no, no. I loathed everything about this book! I am not sure if I was supposed to empathize with the mother, but I did NOT! I hated the writing style, I hated the unrealistic depiction of a school “shooter,“ and I hated all of the characters. It baffles me how this book won an award of any kind. I think this may have been the worst book I ever read! Don't say I didn't warn you...

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This was not at all what I was expecting. However I pulled me in and made me have feelings that a book has not done for a while.

Ephemera Watch the movie 7mo
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Beautiful writing. I think the way it invites empathy to a character who could easily be shrugged off as unlikable is impressive. There‘s a perfect balance of detail, so that you can imagine yourself there without being bored. It‘s a captivating story of tragedy and the aftermath for those left alive, and even though I‘ve now read it twice, I‘ll probably read it again one day. And I‘m not one to reread often.

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I see this book come up in discussions on Reddit at least once a week as “the most disturbing book they‘ve ever read”. It was hard to get through. Rather slow at times, horrifying, yet like a train wreck you can‘t look away. I wouldn‘t say it‘s the most disturbing thing I‘ve ever read but it‘s very psychologically disturbing and will stick with you for awhile. It will really make you think and would be perfect for a book club. So sad, especially⬇️

JenlovesJT47 The end! You can probably ask 5 different people about this book and nobody will agree. #horror 3y
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My December #doublespin - this was a very challenging read. Eva‘s letters to her husband trace their relationship and that with their son, who has committed a horrible act of violence in his high school. Eva has struggled with her feelings toward motherhood…and her feelings toward Kevin. Maybe not a great choice for the holiday season, but am glad I read it. 3.5 ⭐️

SRWCF I think this one was made into a movie. 3y
BiblioLitten I loved this one. One of the most unsettling books that I have read. 3y
JackOBotts @SRWCF - it was…my cover is the movie tie in (apparently Tilda Swinton and John C. Riley…and I definitely saw their faces as their characters while I read)…not sure if/when I‘ll have it in me to watch, but I‘m sure it‘s a hard watch. 3y
JackOBotts @BiblioLitten - this was tough, for sure. I kept thinking I might make it a “DNF” but I‘m glad to have finished. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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When your #currentread drops your former neighborhood supermarket! Fun Fact: my parents met while working at another Grand Union in Great Neck, NY.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s too cool!! 3y
AmyG Ha...I know where that is ( or was). I used to live in No. NJ. 3y
JackOBotts @AmyG 🙌🏼 I‘m in Central Jersey now, and describe my home town as “North North Jersey” - just over the state line in Rockland. 😂 3y
JackOBotts @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks - it‘s the little things…I so rarely see my area called out 😉 (edited) 3y
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This was disturbingly good. I regret waiting so long to read this one. 5 stars for sure. Despite this not being a holiday book, I managed 22 words for #WGWordsearch for 220 points. Christmas was actually used on three occasions.

#WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

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TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
keys_on_fire Awesome! 3y
StayCurious This looks creepy. Is it creepy? 3y
aperfectmjk @StayCurious, I wouldn't say creepy, I would say it's more disturbing. 3y
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1. Not currently. Have been in 2 in the past.
2. The tagged book resulted in quite a spirited discussion about parenting and nature vs. nurture.
3. I prefer a debate. Although when we discussed the tagged book, one club member got so freaked out by it because it made her worry that she might be making the “wrong” parenting choices and turning her kids into sociopaths. She never came back to the club meetings again. 😬

BookmarkTavern Ouch. That sounds rough. Although, if she‘s worried about it, I would say that's a decent indicator she‘s not doing too bad. Thank you for sharing! 3y
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Damn, this smart, intense psychological thriller is thought provoking. Caught the excellent film version of “We Need To Talk About Kevin.” last night. The flawed mother of a troubled boy gets gaslighted by her husband and the pediatrician. She can‘t bond with her son, or keep him safe. A mother‘s worst fears come to violence and then…. She lives with the cost. Trigger warning: school killings. #thriller #recommend #TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon2021

Clwojick I haven‘t seen the movie yet, but the book was so good! 3y
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Been MIA around here because my phone has been on the fritz. Finally got this app to work again. So happy about that! The start of Autumn always has me reading two types of books - food memoirs and something on the scary side. Currently listening to Save Me the Plums but am fascinated by We Need to Talk About Kevin. I have wanted to read this one for years. Am glad I finally get to cross this one off my TBR list.

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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

📚 I prefer thrillers and mysteries.
📚📚 I don‘t read a lot of horror. Tagged book wasn‘t scary, per se, but it was very disturbing and I was scared for some of the characters (that‘s not necessarily an endorsement of the book - it was not a favorite).

Thanks for the tag @DarkMina ! ❤️📚

TheSpineView I don't read horror either. Thanks for playing! 3y
DarkMina You‘re welcome!💕 3y
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Between a So-So and a Pick for me. I feel like it took me forever to get through this one. It wasn‘t bad, but the subject matter is heavy, and the narrator, Eva, is top-shelf pretentious. I kinda felt like I needed a dictionary nearby to look up words as I went along. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But, it was a good book that held my attention and I was not expecting the twist at the end.

#pop21 - a book that‘s won the Women‘s Prize for Fiction

Reagan Eva was so pretentious! I really struggled with the first third and then loved it. I would like to read it again, just to see if I read her differently a second time around. 3y
OriginalCyn620 @Reagan Same! The last 100 or so pages were great. But throughout I wanted to scream at Eva to just use some normal words! 😂 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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I wanted to give up on this book in the first 100 pages, but I‘m a book finisher (although sometimes I really wonder why - what, with “too many books, too little time” and all). Kevin is a school shooter. His mother relives the years leading up to the day that changed it all through letters written to her estranged husband. The subject matter is disturbing and I found the writing pretentious, but that may have been intentional. The final pages ⬇️

Elizabeth2 (con‘t) wrap everything up in a way that made me glad I stuck it out. This book would be a family psych class dream to analyze. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 (more like 2.5) 4y
Elizabeth2 Throughout this book, I just couldn‘t stop thinking about how many signs there were that Kevin was a psychopath, and that his mother knew and did nothing. How can you let your son do the things he did and not get him help?! She wasn‘t blind to it. The only likable character in this book is Kevin‘s sister. I‘d love to know if others felt the same. 4y
Sleepswithbooks I couldn‘t stand anyone in that book except the sister. I was irrationally angry at the other characters and wanted to punch fictional people. 4y
Elizabeth2 @Sleepswithbooks I‘m glad it wasn‘t just me. Truly, I couldn‘t wait to be done with Eva. But this book will stay with me for a long time. 4y
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It has been a super busy week and I‘ve had no time to read. I‘ve managed to read every day, but not for more than 10 minutes. I didn‘t even get my #bookspin list completed for March. 😔 I am doing my best to take today off, and I WILL finish this book today!

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Grrr. It‘s used in dialogue, but it still rankles me. Especially when this author has worn out her thesaurus penning this novel and otherwise uses complex sentence structure.

From the same page: ...I had learned to give the country grudging credit for at least being a spirited, improvisational sort of place that, despite its veneer of conformity, cultivated and impressive profusion of outright lunatics.

(Blacked out racist, offensive words.)

britt_brooke So annoying! 4y
suvata That is one of my pet peeves also. 4y
DogMomIrene Total pet peeve! I cannot unsee such horror🥴 4y
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I really wanted to finish this book in February but it‘s quite a difficult read. The subject matter is just so disturbing, and there isn‘t single character that is likable. I won‘t get any reading done if he doesn‘t get out of my spot. 😉🥰

#rainysundaymorningvibes #rainyday #dogsoflitsy

Eggs ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Such a precious pupper!! ❤️😍❤️ 4y
AmyG What a cutie! And a good, creepy book. 4y
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DogMomIrene I‘ve debated reading this one, but the movie was a lot to handle, so...🤔😬🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
Elizabeth2 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @AmyG thanks! He‘s a sweetie, who loves to bark. 😂 4y
Elizabeth2 @DogMomIrene I‘m about 2/3 through, and I have to say that if you saw the movie that is probably enough. I have not seen the movie, and I‘m not done the book, so I can‘t truly judge yet, but this may be one where the movie is better than the book. Reading this book feels like walking through mud. It‘s slow, sticky and quite difficult to get through. 4y
DogMomIrene @Elizabeth2 Hmmm, that kinda makes me want to try it even more just to see difference, but it will definitely need to be a library loan. Also, good thing you have such a cute snuggler to keep you company🐶❤️ 4y
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Hard time getting into this one. The author wore out her thesaurus writing it, and I‘m finding it hard to feel any sympathy for this pretentious MC. I do like the epistolary style. I looked at a few other reviews and I‘m glad it‘s not just me. I‘m going to keep at it...although I am sure that I‘ve figured out one of the twists. Were it not for #fabulousfebruary I wouldn‘t be this far along, but I‘m not going to meet my goal because this is a slog.

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This book has been on my TBR forever! I really wanted to read it with my book club, but one member has already read it and we have a rule that none of us can have read the book. I‘ve heard good things! Diving in now because it‘s on my #bookspinbingo card. ❤️📚

I still need to read a few more hours to meet my #FabulousFebruary goal, so I will be spending them with this book. 🙂 @Andrew65

Jessieleah This was so difficult to read in terms of subject matter but also very good 📚 4y
Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏🙌 4y
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This book was a gut punch , watching the movie is as well .Started my free trial of the Criterion Channel. Can you be over subscribed in a pandemic?

vivastory No. No you can't. I really liked this movie. Need to read the book. 4y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory It is so good and so unrelenting. 4y
LeahBergen We‘ve been laughing in my house whenever we subscribe to another viewing service. 😆 4y
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RamsFan1963 When your name is Kevin, as mine is, you would be amazed how many people think giving you this book is a funny gag gift. 🤣 4y
TrishB @vivastory @LeahBergen not sure how many hours we‘d need in the day to watch them all!! 4y
stretchkev @RamsFan1963 Feel your pain. Worse still is the narrator mentioning Kevin everyother sentence makes me feel like I've done something wrong, again. 4y
AmyG Such a good book. And a big HA! To you Kevin. @RamsFan1963 4y
Leftcoastzen @stretchkev @RamsFan1963 OMG ! I feel for you ! A perfectly good name being ruined by its association with a fictional child/teen sociopath/psychopath 😃 4y
Buechersuechtling One of my all-time-unforgettable books. @RamsFan1963 @stretchkev Oh. I haven‘t seen it that way, but of course, you‘re perfectly right. When I was younger Kevin was the name I always imagined to give to my child if it‘s a boy. But then, they published “Home alone” – and, oh, did I hate that film. My love for the Kevin of “The Wonder Years” couldn‘t outweigh my dislike. 🤷🏽‍♀️ (edited) 4y
Leftcoastzen @Buechersuechtling I‘m glad someone got a great Kevin in there . Yay , Wonder Years! 4y
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This novel, sent to me by a #BookCrossing friend, was one scary and disturbing book! At times, I didn't want to continue but I couldn't put it down either.

I managed to finish 5 books for #DashingDecember, so it was a successful event for me. Thanks for hosting, @Andrew65!

#ShutdownReadathon @Squidget

DieAReader Great job!👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Andrew65 That‘s great 👏👏👏🍾🥂🍾🥂🍾🥂🥳😍 4y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What a book!!! Eva takes us on a journey of life with Kevin after her son has done what no parent can imagine. Eva writes letters to her husband Franklin which explain to us about Kevin‘s birth, upbringing, the incident and afterward. Such a heart wrenching read.

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Okay, looking for both help and motivation!!! LOL, I'm only on page 14, I feel stupid because of all the $5 words in $15 sentences... like, the SAT wasn't this daunting to read. I feel like I did when I started Ulysses... am I absolutely supposed to think Eva is a totally pretentious douche? Should I keep going, knowing she's this over the top? Does the perspective change from her letter writing? 😖😫😤

Boooooks This was one of the rare cases that I prefer the film to the book 😱 it was good but a bit of a slog to get through 4y
IamIamIam @Boooooks Thanks so much!!! I really feel like it's just me and I'm totally not smart enough to read this! Haha, my thesaurus is going to get a workout. 😁 4y
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Getting used to sitting in my car for school pickup as we were always busers... I wanted to leave the limited space for parents who needed it. 😁 I'm having a bit of trouble with the beginning of this but that might be because it's on the heels of a middle grade book... I'm sure I'll settle in and I'm sure it will be worth it!

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#3books #thathavebeenmadeintomovies where I love both book and movie!💕🍿

-Kevin is one of my fave books, but the adaptation is cast so well. Lynne Ramsey who directed and adapted the screenplay is so talented!
- Call me by your name (movie) is so visually beautiful that I even prefer the tie-in cover (which never happens!😂)
- I always find Jeremy Irons creepy, but it works for Damage. The chemistry he has with the gorgeous Juliet Binoche is 🔥

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🎬 4y
BiblioLitten I‘m completely with you on 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I think the movie tie-in cover works here because it's subtle. 4y
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A smart and terrifying book. I was impressed, for a book that seemed to lay everything down so frankly, that it managed twists and reveals in the last few chapters so well, and the epistolary format to her estranged husband is perfect for delivering them. It‘s an incredible, macabre and interesting novel that‘s going to stick with me for a long time

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ WOW. This was a tough yet really good read. It is so dark and yet speaks so much truth (in my opinion). I agreed with so much of what Eva felt, but I was so frustrated with her pretentiousness and frivolity as a younger woman before getting pregnant. I hate that “turn the page” thought because it‘s such an irresponsible reason for having a child. I recommend this one for people who like dark reads. This was my #doublespin for April

TheAromaofBooks Great review!! I haven't read this one, but I definitely agree that the attitude that having a baby just because you want a “fresh start“ seems pretty selfish. 4y
mollyrotondo @TheAromaofBooks It‘s a really thoughtful book but dark. I recommend it if the concept sounds interesting to you. Yeah her whole explanation near the beginning of how she decided to have a baby with her husband is so infuriating 4y
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I'm currently listening to We Need to Talk About Kevin. I loved the movie but am having trouble getting through the first parts of the book. Do I bail or does it pick up?

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#7books7days Day 2
Books that have left a deep impression on me.

@CarolynM @Rissreads

Would you like to have a go at this challenge @Joanne1 ?

Joanne1 I‘d love to but can you give me a run down? Can‘t seem to find the original post. 4y
MrsMalaprop @joanne1 I had the same problem. It seems that you post a book a day for 7 days that had a deep impression on you. I imagine you can interpret it lots of ways. 4y
LeeRHarry This would be one of my books too 😊 (edited) 4y
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Joanne1 @MrsMalaprop I can definitely do that. Your choice is a great one BTW. 4y
Jeg This is one of mine too. I was just looking at it when I went to get seven types of ambiguity off the shelf. They sit side by side. Books I won‘t part with. 4y
MrsMalaprop It‘s a book you never forget. Are you doing the challenge @jeg? I look forward to seeing yours. @LeeRHarry if you would like to have a go, please do. 4y
CarolynM I've always been afraid of reading this. Now my son's fully grown and functioning in the adult world maybe I can risk it😬 4y
MrsMalaprop @CarolynM If you can bear it I‘d be so very interested in your review. I read so long ago, from memory when my eldest son was a baby 🤔. This copy was given to me by someone who lost my original & so got me the movie-tie-in-edition as a replacement. I really didn‘t like the movie BTW. 4y
Rissreads Fantastic book! 4y
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?: https://bit.ly/2yr8ET0

#7Tage7Buecher – 3
Wir zeigen hier 7 Bücher, die uns immer Kopf bleiben werden, weil sie uns so berührt haben, uns verändert haben.
Ohne weitere Kommentare!

We present here 7 books that will always remain in our minds, because they touched us so much, changed us.
No further comments!

I‘d like @Come-read-with-me to join the party.

Come-read-with-me @Buechersuechtling Hi Jessica and thanks for the tag! This is a great idea and I will absolutely join! 4y
Buechersuechtling @Come-read-with-me Wonderful. 🤗 I‘m looking forward to your choices. 💗 4y
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I'm shaken, even though I already saw the movie and knew what was coming. This is the most unusual mother-son bonding story you'll ever read. I watched the movie a while ago but as far as I can remember it was a very faithful rendering of the book.

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This has been on my TBR for ages. I hope seeing the movie first won't spoil it too much 🤞

#audiobook #audible

Reagan I‘m curious to hear what you think having seen the movie. I didn‘t want to see the movie after I read it and while I thought they did a great job, was partial to the book. Look forward to your review! 5y
starlight97 @Reagan I usually watch the movie after I read the book so I hope it's still good the other way around 😃 5y
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Brilliantly dark.

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This book was over-written, but, once I got used to the author's style, I enjoyed it (if that's even appropriate considering the content). It follows the aftermath of a school massacre through the point of view of the perpetrator's mother, who always knew her son wasn't quite "right". Fascinating with a great twist in the last few pages.

#weneedtotalkaboutkevin #lionelshriver

Rissreads I loved this book! The torment of the mother will always stay with me. 5y
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This book would have been five stars for me if the beginning wasn‘t as drawn out. 100 pages less and I would have loved it. There was a lot of irrelevant info which made the pace of the book very slow up until the last quarter of it. I also didn‘t love the letter writing style but appreciated it at the end. I absolutely loved the creepiness of the book and the twist at the end.

Blueberry I disliked so many things about this book. 5y
Buechersuechtling I remember to have been deeply impressed by this one. 😶 5y
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I realize this book and the movie based on it were popular, but I went in knowing almost nothing about it. Despite being a very difficult, gritty, horrifying epistolary filled with extremely unlikable characters, it‘s so well written and completely absorbing that I had to do book/audio combo. I suspected the ending all along, but still found myself in a mind-blown ‘holy shit‘ state having finished it. 🤯


Leftcoastzen It was so rough but such an incredible read. 5y
Mamashep So hard to read - when I read it, I could only read 10-20 pages a day. 5y
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Current situation: slightly dog-chewed book (giant puppy is still in his demon phase) and peppermint cocoa that I wish I could squeeze a little more whipped cream into. 😂

My #ThankfullyReading weekend is off to an excellent start, so I blogged about it:


jb72 I have a giant puppy in that phase as well. 5y
sprainedbrain @jb72 my golden is almost 10 months old, gigantic, and (I‘m pretty sure) the devil. But gosh, he‘s cute. 😂 5y
jb72 @sprainedbrain Aw so sweet! My monster is Anatolian Shepherd and Great Pyrenees. He‘s about ten months old too and ginormous! He doesn‘t understand how big he is either. 5y
sprainedbrain @jb72 we have that issue too! Nearly 90 lbs but sits on us like he‘s still tiny. 5y
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So far this is kind of boring. I‘m only 8% in but I‘m gonna need it to pick soon or it‘s going on the DNF shelf.

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1) Monopoly
2) Italy or Ireland
3) 112/85
4) Lilac Girls
5) Favorite Christmas read?

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Emilymdxn It‘s not a specifically Christmas read at all but I love defeating Wuthering Heights at Christmas. I guess it‘s wintry rather than Christmassy? 5y
night_shift Hm. Nightmare Before Christmas? 😂 5y
TheLibrarian Italy is beautiful! I haven‘t really read a Christmas book but I‘m going with this one based on the author and story 5y
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TheBookHippie We read Little Women at Christmas 5y
Airykah13 @TheLibrarian lol I haven‘t really read any Christmas books either. I wanted to try one this year 5y
Airykah13 @TheBookHippie I never finished that book but I want to try again 5y
KarenUK Audio narration of a Christmas Carol by Neil Gaiman, free on the NY Public Library podcast..... so good! 😍 5y
hes7 So many choices! A Christmas Carol is a great classic, and Skipping Christmas, The Christmas Train, and Dashing Through the Snow are a few of the more recent ones I‘ve enjoyed rereading. 5y
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The school bus has been late everyday since they started last week but I‘ll take the time to read my book 📚📚

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Break time 📚 2am #thirdshift

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I finished this a couple weeks ago—a re-read for my book club. It was every bit as harrowing, and the characters were just as unlikable, just as fascinating as I found them before. Knowing the plot points in advance, I found myself scrutinizing certain characters more closely and re-evaluating my interpretations of fault/blame. SO much to discuss—looking forward to book club tomorrow!!

Zelma I still remember where I was when I finished this one. So good, so powerful, so disturbing. Loved it. 5y
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My favorite reading spot! I'm glad to finally be done with this book. I didn't hate it and it was an interesting take from the mother'a side. For me, it just drug on too long. I wanted to get to that last written letter to see what happened that day. A lot of emotions ....

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Trying to get ahead of the upcoming uni semester by doing my course readings on holidays

keepingupwiththepenguins I'm doing the same! 😅 🤓 ❤ 5y
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Such a well written but cringe worthy story. It simply sucks you in and although difficult to read you cannot help but love and hate the characters. I definitely plan to see the movie adaptation.

Tamra The movie was so disturbing! So well acted! 5y
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