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The Mystery at Lilac Inn
The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Another fun read for the #NancyDrewBR - this one had a lot going on, so many moving parts with the doppelganger, the missing jewels, the hauntings. But once again it all connected together. And there were a lot of life threatening moments for Nancy! Definitely a thrilling mystery

Librarybelle There was so much in this one! 5mo
Leftcoastzen 😻awww! 5mo
dabbe 💚💙💚 5mo
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3✨ Nancy finds herself in another mystery with sinister characters. It seems as if there is someone that looks like her and getting her in trouble too. Who knew that Nancy could “skin dive”? I should have known she can do it all. Another great mystery. Catrat approved for cuddling. #NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Kitty cuddles are the best! ❤️ 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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February #serieslove2024 wrap up. Squeezed in two series titles this month.

TheSpineView Excellent work!📖📚 5mo
Andrew65 Great 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Nancy Drew, Girl Wonder, can do it all!! Even scuba dive!! 😂 Guys, I love these books. Rereading them has been FABULOUS. Thank you for hosting @Librarybelle !!!

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#ISpyBingo - Flowers, Blonde
#FourFoursin24 - Floral Laurel @lauredhel
#GottaCatchEmAll - Flowers @PuddleJumper

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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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I'm continuing to enjoy #NancyDrewBR hosted by @Librarybelle. This installment, in which Nancy helps a friend whose inn seems to be the target of malicious acts, was full of danger and suspense.

#gottacatchemall @PuddleJumper (prompt 14: “Combee: Flowers“)
#52bookclub24 (prompt 21: “Written by a ghostwriter“)

Librarybelle Excellent choice for ghost writer! Why did I not think of that??? 😂 5mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle me too! Will correct that now! I‘m a bit behind, but reading these too. Fun to go back to books I loved when i was growing up! 5mo
kwmg40 @Librarybelle @Bluebird Yes, that was a tough prompt for me too, until I started reading this book and realized it would match! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Whew! My head is spinning over all the wild and crazy things that happened to Nancy Drew in this book! Lots of fun!
#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle #SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView #24in24 @Jas16

Librarybelle So much in this one! 5mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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The fourth Nancy Drew book (#SeriesLove2024). Nancy really puts herself in the thick of things this time, but manages to solve the mystery.

I am enjoying slowly going through these and look forward to more.

Librarybelle Nancy Drew can do just about anything! 5mo
Mollyanna @Librarybelle Absolutely! I saw your buddy read for the Nancy Drew books. I may try and join in next month. I‘ve got it queued up… we‘ll see if I get to it in time. 5mo
Librarybelle That‘s wonderful! I hope you‘re able to join!!! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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This one was a little too over the top. Boat wrecks, an impersonator, diving, a time bomb, stolen diamonds, AND a fake ghost? And someone throws a rock at Nancy's car? I enjoyed the first half, but it spun out of control until the end felt almost like a Scooby-Doo episode.

Librarybelle There was a lot taking place in this one! 5mo
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#4 in this series seemed to place Nancy in more adventurous,even dangerous situations, which relied on her quick thinking & problem solving skills.What‘s not to like with a “haunted” inn,devious characters, river scuba diving, fires, & a Nancy look alike.Unlike the previous books in this series, #4 actually kept me on my toes as I read it straight through last night. #NancyDrewBR Sorry I read this too late to join in the discussion.

Librarybelle There were so many things happening in this one! 5mo
MariaW I joined the discussion of the last three novels last week because I couldn‘t make it earlier. You can always add your comment. 😊 5mo
Roary47 Oooo I like your pillow! I‘d like to get back into cross stitch. Is that what it is? 5mo
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In this Nancy Drew novel nothing was not missing: an impersonator, a time bomb, a diamond theft, a submarine and a fire, What can be possible used in the next ones? The books are definitely getting better, I hope the pace of improvement can be kept.

Librarybelle She seems to be running out of dangerous scenarios! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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After reading the 4th ND mystery, I have a new hashtag: #macgyvermaven. Since this book involves many intense scenes in water, of course Nancy just completed her certificate in skin-diving. She always has the right props and tools to get out of her scrapes, which are many and much scarier in this version. She's also now 18 and titian-haired, which might explain her dad's hand-offish attitude in this novel. Overall, another fun and riveting read.

Librarybelle Love the hashtag! 5mo
Bookwormjillk She not only had a skin diving suit, she had a backup too 🤣 5mo
jlhammar Yes! Macgyver definitely came to mind while reading this. 😂 5mo
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dabbe @Librarybelle 🩷💜❤️ 5mo
dabbe @jlhammar 🤩😂😍 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Danger abounds! A bit over-the-top (a submarine!), but still a fun ride. One of my favorite covers of the series, I think. I love that Nancy is way more interested in sleuthing than romance. “For the present, *my* steady partner is going to be mystery!”


Librarybelle That submarine was an odd choice! 😂 5mo
Ruthiella Yes, I loved that last line too! 5mo
Cathythoughts Brilliant cover 👌🏻 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Very enjoyable to read and then discuss with #NancyDrewBR

Librarybelle Yay!! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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#LittenDetectives , it‘s time to discuss this month‘s #NancyDrewBR ! With two versions so different, it‘s hard to address certain plot points that may not factor in one of the versions, but hopefully the 5 posted questions will be a good jumping off point for discussion!

You can find the questions on my feed, the book‘s feed, or searching #NancyDrewBR . Post whenever you can!

I‘ll post tomorrow about our next book, The Secret at Shadow Ranch!

Bookwormjillk Interested to read the discussion and see how they‘re different! 5mo
Laughterhp I didn‘t realize there were different versions! 5mo
Ruthiella Looking forward to the next one because I am pretty sure I never read it as a child! 5mo
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Librarybelle @TheBookHippie Great articles! The first one touches so much on the struggles I have with racism in classics, especially with Agatha Christie‘s novels. I love them, but acknowledge they are problematic. The second article astounded me from a librarian perspective that librarians at one point would purposely not include Nancy Drew books - feels eerily like the current banned book discussions in the country! 5mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk @Laughterhp It‘s amazing to read the changes in these versions! 5mo
Librarybelle @Ruthiella I know I read it with my mom, but I honestly do not remember the plot! 5mo
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Very interesting articles! @Librarybelle It is hard when our childhood favorites are problematic now. 💔 5mo
kspenmoll Thanks do much @TheBookHippie for the articles. I wish I had access to the older volumes just for my own interest. What I am reading is the 1987 version, with the white Mr. T 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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5. In the 1961 edition, while working the Lilac Inn case, Nancy hears of a break-in at her home and has someone impersonating her in town and at Lilac Inn.

In terms of the version you read, did Hannah or Carson Drew make an appearance in the story? If so, what were their reactions to situations?

Admittedly, in the 1961 edition Carson Drew nearly scared me peering into the window at Lilac Inn - one of my phobias! And poor Hannah! #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk In the 1961 version they were way in the background. On one hand I admire that Mr Drew lets Nancy be a strong young woman, but on the other hand I don‘t know if scream if someone tries to murder you is good advice. It‘s complicated 😁 5mo
MariaW I liked that Hannah did play bigger (but still superficial) role in this one. She started to use her head. I think it‘s weird too, that Carson left Nancy alone while someone is clearly trying to kill her. In the last novel he couldn‘t know that her life was in danger, but this time it was obvious. I don‘t think that any parent would‘ve have behaved this „cool“ in a situation like this. 5mo
Ruthiella I found Carson Drew‘s hands off policy funny as an adult reading this book. But for kids (the target audience) it is part of the fantasy, I think - lack of parental supervision. 5mo
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bookandbedandtea I always like when Hannah is present. Again I agree with @Ruthiella that hands off parenting is necessary in kid's books as there wouldn't be much of a story otherwise. Also, especially in the 30s, 16 wasn't considered a child and Nancy had been in charge of their household for a number of years already so I think her father is used to considering her as an adult. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930 - Hannah leaves town to visit a sick relative, to be gone an unknown length of time. Nancy is in charge of hiring interim help. She interviews a few, one being Mary who she does not hire, but ends up one of the thieves a couple days later. Mary gets the jewels in a crime of opportunity. Carson helps get info Nancy wouldn‘t be able to, but is out of town the night Nancy is gagged and bound on the boat. 5mo
DebinHawaii I agree about the need for parents to not be too involved in children‘s adventure books but when Carson is like “…my daughter‘s been missing for hours to the Chief…” & it‘s like NOW you‘re worried?! 🤔 I did have to laugh at Gay‘s last ditch attempt to impersonate Nancy with her father! I guess he is away a lot… maybe he wouldn‘t recognize her!?! 🤣🤣🤣 (edited) 5mo
AnneCecilie I guess I read the 1930 version her since @CogsOfEncouragement description of the book matches my storyline. So they didn‘t really play that big a role 5mo
mrp27 I like Hannah and wish there was more of her, Carson feels more like an idiot to me, not worrying too much about his daughter… 😂 5mo
jlhammar @DebinHawaii That also made me laugh! 5mo
dabbe From a 16-year-old blond-haired and blue-eyed girl to now 18 and with titian hair, I guess that might explain why Mr. Drew is more of a hands-off parent as well. I found it quite hilarious how the young sleuths are told over and over again to never be alone, and then ... they go off alone. It's like a pre-cursor to horror movies! 😂 5mo
kwmg40 I'd read the 1961 edition. Carson Drew definitely seems to have a lot of faith in Nancy's abilities to survive every possible peril! 5mo
kspenmoll @DebinHawaii these incidents did make me question her dad & laugh at Gay‘s behavior. I found her character fun! 5mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk @MariaW @Ruthiella @bookandbedandtea @CogsOfEncouragement @DebinHawaii @AnneCecilie @mrp27 @jlhammar @dabbe @kwmg40 @kspenmoll I think Hannah needs hazard pay for everything she has to deal with - break ins, strange people showing up at the house - while Nancy and Carson are away! I get the hands-off parenting notion, but it also seems a bit concerning that Carson was tricked by Gay and her impersonation. 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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4. Let's talk characters now. Of course, Nancy and Helen are teamed up again in this mystery, but depending upon the version you read, Nancy and Helen meet a wide range of characters, from kind to surly. Any standout characters for you?

Personally, I did not like Maud Potter!

We'll talk about Carson Drew and Hannah next!


Laughterhp Oh I couldn‘t stand Maud! She was awful. 5mo
BarkingMadRead Maud drove me nuts! She was the worst! At first I thought it could be her, then I thought she was too blatantly awful 🤣 5mo
MariaW The portrayal of Maud made her the perfect suspect right from the beginning, but this would have been too easy. She was just a distracrion for us readers and Nancy as well. It took her quite some time to go after Mary Mason. (edited) 5mo
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Ruthiella I loved disliking Maud! 😂 I thought adding John McBride was interesting. Was he an ally or working against Nancy? A few red herrings here, though I suspected gardener Gil from the start (based on how he was described). (edited) 5mo
bookandbedandtea Maud was awful and John's behavior was suspicious but seemed too obviously suspicious, like it was clear he would have a good explanation. There were fewer characters in the 1930s version which helped make the 1961 version more interesting. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930 - Emily‘s guardian, Mrs. Willoughby, is an airhead who gets the jewels, and instead of getting them to Emily‘s safe deposit box - puts them in her handbag, goes to lunch with a friend, acts protective of the purse which draws attention to it, puts the purse on the table and opens a window. She is such a silly woman through the book, makes you wonder how she became Emily‘s guardian in the first place. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930 - Nancy was on her own to sleuth and ended up dealing with three theives that wouldn‘t much mind being murderers too. Discussed throwing her into the river with hands and feet bound, being left to starve, and left bound in a sinking boat. 5mo
Bookwormjillk I thought John was suspicious too. Does he show up in future books? 5mo
DebinHawaii I am ready for Bess & George! 😉 Hazel Willoughby was an idiot in 1961 too with her casually taking out the (uninsured) diamonds & bringing them to the inn. John & Maud were both just distractions. 5mo
AnneCecilie Yeah, there weren‘t many red herrings in the 1930 edition. One of the villains stood out from the beginning. 5mo
Bren912 I loathed Maud!! And I didn‘t fully trust John… 5mo
bookandbedandtea @DebinHawaii I'm ready for Bess and George too! I don't remember there being so many books without them. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Maud was really dreadful, but I also ended up feeling kind of bad for her, because it turned out that she was just a bit of a jerk, not a criminal lol I thought John was done well, because while I was pretty confident that he wasn't going to be a bad guy (mainly because Carson vouched for him) he still did make a good red herring. 5mo
AmandaBlaze Bess and George turn up kind of out of no where in the next one. I did like Helen, but I don't think she could have lasted throughout the series. 5mo
mrp27 So far I feel like all the secondary characters, mostly Nancy‘s friends all bleed into one. Bland, one dimensional and easily interchangeable. The villains are all much more interesting. John will be memorable for sure because you didn‘t know if you could trust him. 5mo
jlhammar I kind of enjoyed the boldness of Gay. She was terrible, but very committed in her masquerade and revenge! I mean, to continue to pretend to be Nancy at the end even as Carson Drew was approaching was pretty incredible 😆 5mo
dabbe @DebinHawaii I agree; they were the perfect red herrings, so to speak. 5mo
kwmg40 I thought Gay was an interesting character, if not a likeable one. 5mo
kspenmoll @Ruthiella I had the same reaction to John- i was never quite sure if he was on her side- there were definitely times I thought he was a bad one! Agree with @CogsOfEncouragement I agree about Mrs. Willoughby, she seemed an odd choice for a guardian? Had‘t she only known Emily‘s family 1 Year? I found her suspicious 5mo
Librarybelle @Laughterhp @BarkingMadRead @MariaW @Ruthiella @bookandbedandtea @CogsOfEncouragement @Bookwormjillk @DebinHawaii @AnneCecilie @Bren912 @TheAromaofBooks @AmandaBlaze @mrp27 @jlhammar @dabbe @kwmg40 @kspenmoll John was a bit suspicious! I wasn‘t sure what to think of him. I think my dislike for Maid overshadowed everyone else. 😂 Gay‘s impersonation tactics, to the point that she fooled Carson Drew, is scary. 5mo
Roary47 Married couple that gets their rings stolen. I was thinking: “You had one job!” 🤣 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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3. A quick discussion about lilacs, as at least in the 1961 edition, there are a number of lilacs named at the inn. Did you know there are over 2000 types of lilacs? It's true, and something I learned through the International Lilac Society's website:


The 1961 version includes the mysterious “blue pipes“ code. Have you ever heard the term “blue pipes“ associated with lilacs? #NancyDrewBR

Bookwormjillk I have not heard of blue pipes, but where I grew up in Massachusetts we had a lot of different types of lilacs. They were beautiful. I love to go back and visit in the spring. 5mo
Laughterhp I must have read the 1961 version. I had never heard of blue pipes before and lilacs are my husband‘s favorite tree/plant/smell. 5mo
BarkingMadRead I‘ve never heard of blue pipes before! 5mo
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MariaW The different types of lilac being mentioned reminded me a little of the Australian novel „Eucalyptus“ I‘ve read while studying English literature. As a non-native speaker of English I never heard of the term „blue pipes“ and I checked, we don‘t have any other synonym for lilac in German. It would be interesting to know what the translators used instead but I couldn‘t find out. 5mo
Ruthiella I‘d never heard of that term either, but I also wouldn‘t recognize a lilac tree if I saw one. I did google it and the origins of the plant (Eastern Europe) and how it came to be in North America were accurate in the book, which I thought was pretty cool. 5mo
TheBookHippie I love lilacs. We have many different types here. 5mo
bookandbedandtea I love lilacs. We have a white one and a purple one in our yard. 😊 I've never heard them called blue pipes outside of this book. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930 - lilacs barely mentioned as being planted on the grounds. I have not heard of blue pipes. There are many lilacs in my hometown. Cool link, thanks. 5mo
Deblovestoread I‘ve not heard of blue pipes before. I have 3 lilac bushes that I‘ve had forever and planted two new varieties last year that I‘m anxious to see in bloom. 5mo
DebinHawaii I love lilacs, we had a pretty purple tree in my backyard growing up. 💜 I wasn‘t familiar with blue pipes either. 5mo
AnneCecilie I don‘t remember much talk about lilacs. But then I read a translated version so they might have been called some completely different 5mo
Bren912 I never knew the names of lilacs but growing up we had a purple and white bush. One of my favorite flowers 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I had never heard the term blue pipes, or heard of anyone making anything out of lilac wood before. I love lilacs - we used to have a gigantic bush in the yard and Mom would always have vases full of blooms all through the house. They smelled amazing. 5mo
AmandaBlaze I had never heard of blue pipes before. 5mo
mrp27 I‘m not overly familiar with flowers and all their various names let alone lilacs and blue pipes. 5mo
jlhammar I love lilacs, but I wasn't familiar with the term blue pipes. I guess I forgot from when I read this as a kid! We have a row of lilac bushes between our house and next door. Very fragrant! 5mo
dabbe I wish lilacs grew well here, but our planting zones are just too dry. I had never heard the term blue pipes before. I think “purple pipes“ is better--plus you've then got some alliteration! “Peter Piper picked a peck of purple pipes ...“ 🤩 5mo
kwmg40 I enjoyed learning more about lilacs. I hadn't been familiar with the “blue pipes“ term. 5mo
kspenmoll I love lilacs- lost two old bushes on my property- they stopped blooming & we could not revive them. I so miss their perfume! They just grow leaves. I never heard the term “ blue pipes” but it‘s a lovely descriptor. 5mo
julieclair I love lilacs. They smell amazing! Never heard of blue pipes. 5mo
Roary47 I never heard that term become either. Wow! Thats a lot of varieties! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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2. Depending upon the versions, the dangers Nancy faces in this one could be considered more dangerous and more scary. And, she faces multiple in this book (at least in the 1961 version!).

Were there any situations you found to be the scariest to you (or at least would be scary for a younger you)? And, how exactly does Nancy carry on with all of the head hits?!?


Bookwormjillk I found this book to be stressful (but in an entertaining way.) The claustrophobia of a submarine added to the tension. 5mo
Laughterhp My version was crazy. There was a bomb and her cabin blew up, she was stuck in a submarine and was sinking. So many scary things and she was basically fine. 5mo
BarkingMadRead That bomb was crazy, she truly could have died in this one! 5mo
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MariaW I think the moment of being face to face with the personator is pretty scary and crazy - for both of them. I think Nancy couldn‘t quite believe that somebiday would exactly look like her before, but seeing the other girl was definitely a shock. I think in this novel nothing scary or thrilling was left out: impersonator, false diamonds, time bomb, earthquake, submarine, etc. there aren‘t any other stylistic means left. 🙈 (edited) 5mo
Ruthiella I think this is the first time that someone has actually wanted to kill Nancy! 😱 Not just lock her in a closet or tie her up. While there were elements common with previous books (jewelry theft, hidden compartments, etc.), the author really ramped up the peril in this one. 5mo
TheBookHippie If this is for 8-12 year olds- isn‘t it too scary for them? That was my question while reading. 5mo
bookandbedandtea I was shocked by the underwater spear incident but the bomb really took things to another level. As @Ruthiella said, these villains were actively trying to kill Nancy, not just distract her, as is typical. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930 - Gagged so aggressively with a dirty rag she blacks out for a moment. Hands tied behind her, feet tied, and gagged when the boat which is on fire starts to sink. The gag comes loose so she can call for help. The crew of the other boat they crashed into hear and save her. The rain downpour puts out the small fire. 5mo
DebinHawaii I have claustrophobia so just the submarine itself let alone being tied up in one was scary & then being tied up on the cruiser with in sinking on fire was also pretty scary. I don‘t remember thinking they were that scary as a child. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And yes, I am going to start a concussion count for the main/reoccurring characters! 🤕😜 5mo
AnneCecilie I felt that there was more tension in this one and the expectation of something happening. And the boat scene was scary, even as an adult you know that Nancy will survive 5mo
Bren912 So much tension in this book. So many lies being told — I truly was unnerved by the impersonator! I mean— how DO you explain your identity?! 5mo
bookandbedandtea @Bren912 Yes- that freaked me out too! How do you prove your identity when someone looks just like you?? 5mo
TheAromaofBooks The final scene on the boat was quite terrifying! Purposefully leaving her behind to die felt pretty scary for younger readers. 5mo
AmandaBlaze This was definitely more suspenseful. I think, as a kid, they would have been a lot more frightening. At the same time in this series, you know that Nancy will always prevail. There is a sense of calm with this as well and the scares become more like popcorn. 5mo
mrp27 In my mind as an adult the most disturbing thing is the the impersonator and the fact she broke into her home and was amongst her things. The other stuff, bombs, fires, getting chased off the road and speared was pretty wild and all of it would have had me unnerved as a kid. 5mo
jlhammar I think the close call with the spear while skin-diving disturbed me the most. It was all pretty crazy though. Funny that I really didn't remember just how much danger Nancy was in throughout the series from my girlhood reading. I guess that it just stands out more reading this as an adult! And yes, it's a miracle that Nancy doesn't suffer brain damage! 5mo
dabbe I found it interesting all of the times they actively tried to kill her but then just left her on the boat to die. That was a hard suspension of disbelief for me. I mean, Nancy's right there; she's tied up ... KILL her, right? But then we wouldn't have a story, I know. I know going into these that I'm in for lots of deus ex machina moments, and I guess that is part of the fun of it all. 🤩 5mo
kwmg40 That last scene on the boat was very scary to me! 5mo
kspenmoll @kwmg40 me too! I found this book more scary than the others. 5mo
Librarybelle @Bookwormjillk @Laughterhp @BarkingMadRead @MariaW @Ruthiella @TheBookHippie @bookandbedandtea @CogsOfEncouragement @DebinHawaii @AnneCecilie @Bren912 @TheAromaofBooks @AmandaBlaze @mrp27 @jlhammar @dabbe @kwmg40 @kspenmoll This one seems to have so many situations where Nancy could have died. And the impersonator is very scary! Christine brings up a good point of marketing this to tweens something that is so scary. But yet, they were read! 5mo
Roary47 @Ruthiella I agree, I believe this is the first time we see someone genuinely want to harm Nancy. @TheBookHippie I remember reading this as a kid and not being scared, but I wasn‘t focused I don‘t think on the danger. I was more focused on the mystery. 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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1. Which version did you read for this month? I know a few of you read both versions! There are massive differences between the 1930 and the 1961 editions - in some situations, entire new aspects are introduced.

To learn more about the differences, here are a couple of links:
http://www.nancydrewsleuth.com/mysterystories.html (there is a typo identifying Emily as Laura)



Bookwormjillk I read 1961 5mo
Laughterhp I read the 1961 one apparently! 5mo
MariaW I read the 1961 one too. It seems to be the more thrilling according to the article. (edited) 5mo
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BarkingMadRead I read 1961 5mo
Ruthiella I read the 1961 edition. 👍 5mo
bookandbedandtea I read both versions and I agree that the 1961 version was more complex and thrilling. 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement 1930 🔍 5mo
DebinHawaii My library only has the later versions so I read 1961. 5mo
AnneCecilie Apparently I read the translated 1930 version 5mo
Bren912 I listened to the 1961 version! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I read the 1961 version. I think it's crazy how many differences there are between the two versions!! 5mo
AmandaBlaze I read the 1961 version. 5mo
AmandaBlaze I read the 1961 version. 5mo
mrp27 1961, Haven‘t come across or read a 30‘s version yet. 5mo
jlhammar 1961 - sounds like they made some good changes! 5mo
kwmg40 I read the 1961 version. 5mo
dabbe 1961 for me as well. 5mo
kspenmoll I have the 1987 version- would love to compare! I want to see if my library has older versions. I must have read the 1961 version as a kid. 5mo
julieclair I read 1961. It would be fascinating to know why they felt such dramatic revisions were necessary. For example, why would they bother to change Emily‘s last name from Crandell to Willoughby? 5mo
Roary47 I‘ll be reading the yellow covers throughout. So 1987? 86 was a better year though I think 😉😅🤣 5mo
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The 30s version vs the one from the 50s aren't even the same story. 🤯 Lilac Inn and Emily's jewels play a part in both- and many character names are the same- but the plots are quite different. I enjoyed both though I liked the 50s version a bit more. I was surprised at how much danger Nancy was in, in this book.

Librarybelle Oh! This will be a very interesting discussion then! 5mo
bookandbedandtea @Librarybelle I think so! I'm looking forward to it. 5mo
jlhammar Oh wow, so cool that you read both! Interesting that they are so different. I‘ll be finishing up my 1961 edition tonight. 5mo
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bookandbedandtea @jlhammar I only have 2 more of the 30s versions so I'm enjoying the comparisons while I can. Happy reading! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Until we started doing these buddy reads, I hadn't realized how drastically the editions changed. Now I want to read both editions of all the books! 5mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks Me too! Unfortunately I only have two more. I started looking for them on online last night but I only found a couple I don't already have. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I own almost the entire series, but in a mix of old and new, since I didn't realize they were different when I collected them back in my teenage years. Now I'm torn!! 5mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks I have all of the original 56 in the yellow spines and I have the first 6 in the 1930s version. I'm wishing I had a full set of each! I'm really enjoying comparing them. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks It's super fun to revisit these. I'm surprised at how much comes back to me when I'm reading them! And some of the scary stuff really did stick with me through the years. There is one book, no idea which one, where the villain leaves Nancy tied up in an attic and then releases a deadly spider! Nancy, struggling to free herself in the dark room, with a silent, tiny killer heading towards her is truly one of the most terrifying things ever!!! 5mo
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks I love revisiting these! I don't remember much of these early books- I think child me preferred the ones with Bess and George so I didn't reread these much. I remember one book (don't know title) where the patriarch saved money in his books. Any book that had a variation of his last name in the title, he would put money in. It's funny what sticks with us. 5mo
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Currently I am finishing the fourth book of the series. This time I am prepared for tomorrow‘s monthly discussion with @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Awesome!! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Starting this tonight before sleep. I had a snow day so I spent the day with the characters in Hello Beautiful. I will review the book but right now I feel like I need to carry this read in my heart a day or two. I could not put it down until the end. #LitsyLoveReads

Librarybelle 😁 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙❤️💚💛 5mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Finished Sunday for #NancyDrewBR & this one does get pretty tense. Some observations: 1) Nancy & Helen should not be allowed anywhere near boats/water together 2) Hannah Gruen needs hazard pay for the # of times the Drew household gets burgled 3) Someone is knocked out again! Concussions, people!🤕 4) Don‘t be so careless with diamonds for Pete‘s sake! 5) Shouldn‘t Carson Drew worry MORE about his daughter?! 🤔🤫🫣

Bookwormjillk Haha I was thinking the same. Stay out of canoes Nancy and Helen! 5mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 All valid observations! 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Great 5mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 5mo
jlhammar Oh my gosh, yes to all of that! Awesome review 🤣 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Mrs Willoughby and Mrs Potter stop at Lilac Inn after picking up the Cranston jewels and we have an entire chapter of conversation and events which Nancy isn't present to witness. I can't recall that ever happening in the previous books; does anyone else recall similar scenes? It feels weird. 🙃

Ruthiella This was not in the 1950s edition. 5mo
bookandbedandtea @Ruthiella Interesting! This is one of the titles that I have both versions of, so I planned to read the 50s version real quick, too. Hoping I have time for that tonight. 🤞🏻 5mo
Librarybelle Very interesting…don‘t remember this! 5mo
AnneCecilie I noticed that too 5mo
bookandbedandtea @Librarybelle @AnneCecilie It sounds like it's another difference between the two versions. 5mo
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My #HyggeHour is reading Nancy Drew # 4 for #NancyDrewBR & maybe something in my Kindle after. I think the salted caramel Lindor balls are my favorites. 🍫
Mood = not ready for Monday. 🫣

SpellboundReader I have the same cover on my kindle. I thought something looked familiar. 🙂👍 5mo
DebinHawaii @BeeCurious I just replaced my old one—same design. I love the colors! 💙💚 5mo
AllDebooks Perfect cosy mystery for #hyggehour x 5mo
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Chrissyreadit 🤍🤍🤍also same mood. 5mo
Librarybelle Love the salted caramel from Lindor! 5mo
TheBookHippie Yum caramel!!! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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I think the levels of danger are increasing with each series installment. In this fourth in the series, Nancy faces some pretty big dangerous episodes, right from the first chapter. I cannot remember what young me thought about this, but adult me had some concerns!

Excited for the discussion on Thursday! #NancyDrewBR

Ruthiella I know! At some point Carson Drew advises her to just scream loudly if she runs into trouble! 😳😱😂 5mo
Bookwormjillk Yeah this one was kind of stressful! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks The final showdown was honestly a bit shocking! 5mo
Librarybelle I know, @Ruthiella ! He either really trusts Nancy, or he has no clue what types of dangers she faces! 😂 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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A friend of Nancy‘s has inherited some very valuable jewelry. While her custodian is bringing them to her, they get lost. How have taken them? And will Nancy be able to get them back?

I can definitely see how this book would have scary to a younger me. I was gripped even to now.

#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle
#DoubleSpin February @TheAromaofBooks

Librarybelle That cover is so different! 5mo
Ruthiella I‘m 45% of the way through and there have been at least two serious attempts on Nancy‘s life! This one is even more thrilling than 5mo
LeahBergen What a fantastic cover!! 5mo
UwannaPublishme Cool cover! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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This has been my favorite #NancyDrewBR book so far. Discussion next week.

Librarybelle I like the cover of this edition! 6mo
monkeygirlsmama I have never seen this cover! So pretty. 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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#FirstLineFridays Started this yesterday for #NancyDrewBR - Discussion 2/15 if you‘d like to join us.

BarkingMadRead I think my version is different, I could swear it started with Nancy in a canoe 6mo
CogsOfEncouragement @BarkingMadRead I have the 1930s version. 6mo
BarkingMadRead Ahhhhh mine is definitely the updated version, it has that obnoxious shiny cover 🤣 6mo
CogsOfEncouragement @BarkingMadRead The 1930s version of The Bungalow Mystery begins with Nancy and her friend who cannot swim in a canoe, a storm comes in… 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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From @Librarybelle

#LittenDetectives, our next #NancyDrewBR discussion is less than a week away! Questions will be posted on the 15th. I know many of you have already finished...I'm reading this one this weekend! I'm excited to discuss another Nancy Drew caper with all of you!!

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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#LittenDetectives , our next #NancyDrewBR discussion is less than a week away! Questions will be posted on the 15th. I know many of you have already finished…I‘m reading this one this weekend! I‘m excited to discuss another Nancy Drew caper with all of you!!

CogsOfEncouragement I started yesterday. Looking forward to our discussion. 6mo
Bookwormjillk Looking forward to diving in this weekend 6mo
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AnneCecilie I‘m planning to read it this weekend as well. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I've been reading these two chapters/day each month, so it's fun to get my Nancy Drew fix every morning 😂 6mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready! 6mo
peanutnine Also planning on reading this weekend ☺️ 6mo
Librarybelle I love that, your Nancy fix! @TheAromaofBooks 6mo
bookandbedandtea I'll be reading it this weekend too 😊 6mo
Ruthiella I‘m going to read it this weekend. That‘s one of the joys of these books! Quick reads! 😃 6mo
dabbe This weekend for me, too! Can't wait! 🤩🤩🤩 6mo
julieclair I‘m reading it this weekend, too! 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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This is my favorite Nancy Drew mystery so far. There‘s real danger and a complicated plot. Nancy is an experienced scuba diver! If she were solving crimes today she‘d be covered in tiny tattoos and an adrenaline junkie! 👩‍🎤

mcipher Ooh I love that puzzle!! 6mo
TheBookHippie Just started it!! 6mo
LoverOfLearning So fun!!! 6mo
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Librarybelle Fun review! And, I love the puzzle as the background! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks I was honestly cracking up when she admitted to being a scuba diver. How has she fit all these skill sets into her 18 years?! 😂 No wonder she was such an inspiration to me growing up! 6mo
catiewithac @TheAromaofBooks Nancy‘s also getting decked out in bling! 💍 She‘s going to end up with more diamonds than the Patriot‘s Super Bowl rings! 🤣💎🚣‍♀️🤿 6mo
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Got my book for #nancydrewbr
loving the nostalgia of reading this series.

Crazeedi This was one of my very fave Nancy Drew's ! 6mo
Librarybelle Yay!! 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Welcome February. 🩷

monkeygirlsmama Five stars for Nancy Drew! 6mo
AmyG Sherlock Holmes….what a surprise! 🤣😘 6mo
dabbe @monkeygirlsmama 🤩😍😃 6mo
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dabbe @AmyG 😃😍😘 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 6mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks 🩶🖤🩶 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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We‘re two weeks away from the next #NancyDrewBR discussion! Discussion questions about The Mystery at Lilac Inn will be posted February 15th.

What could possibly be happening at the Lilac Inn???

original post via @librarybelle https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2699347

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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We‘re two weeks away from the next #NancyDrewBR discussion! Discussion questions about The Mystery at Lilac Inn will be posted February 15th.

What could possibly be happening at the Lilac Inn???

Ruthiella Fantastic! Thanks for the reminder. 😃 6mo
Bookwormjillk Yay!! 6mo
bookandbedandtea Woohoo! 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Repost for @Librarybelle

Discussion is still going strong for The Bungalow Mystery, so feel free to stop by the questions whenever!

The next book for #NancyDrewBR is The Mystery at Lilac Inn. Personally, I‘m drawn to the image on the 1980s cover, with the ghostly image!

Discussions questions will be posted on February 15th.

If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know!

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Discussion is still going strong for The Bungalow Mystery, so feel free to stop by the questions whenever!

The next book for #NancyDrewBR is The Mystery at Lilac Inn. Personally, I‘m drawn to the image on the 1980s cover, with the ghostly image!

Discussions questions will be posted on February 15th.

If you would like to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know!

TheBookHippie My library hold came in before the storm so I have it!!! Phew! 6mo
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kspenmoll I am in again! 6mo
bookandbedandtea Looking forward to it! I'm really enjoying rereading these. 😊 6mo
BarkingMadRead Can‘t wait!! 6mo
Bookwormjillk These have been so fun! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! This is the perfect pace for me, even if it's going to take us YEARS 😂 6mo
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks Totally agree! 😂 6mo
dabbe What will our daredevil Nancy do this time? Can't wait! 🤩 6mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe she gets more reckless with each book 🤣 6mo
dabbe @BarkingMadRead As Scooby-Doo would say: #ruhroh 🤩 6mo
BethM I‘d love to do this with Trixie Belden! But does anyone else but me read her 😂 6mo
Librarybelle @BethM I‘ve never read a Trixie book, but I have heard of her! 6mo
kspenmoll Sorry I missed the discussion for the Bungalow - I did read all the comments & appreciated all thoughts. 6mo
lauraisntwilder @BethM My mom read Trixie and, since starting to read Nancy Drew, I keep thinking I should read those, too. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks @BethM - Yes!!! I actually loved Trixie even more because HORSES 😂 And they did feel more like real people, I thought. 6mo
julieclair Yay! This is so much fun. 😀 6mo
BethM @lauraisntwilder @TheAromaofBooks I‘m down for a read along! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks @BethM @lauraisntwilder - Let me know if you decide to do one - I can't host any more because I have to show SOME restraint! 😂 6mo
lauraisntwilder @BethM @TheAromaofBooks I'll ask my mom if she can find her Trixie books. I don't think I'll have much luck at my library with those! 6mo
Bren912 I Love Trixie Belden as well @BethM 6mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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1. No, but it is enjoyable.
2. The tagged. Tangerine seltzer.
#Two4Tuesday @The SpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 7mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Nancy faces a personal doppelgänger as she investigates the strange occurrences at Lilac Inn in this action-filled mystery.
#SeriesLove @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
#ReadAway2024 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#Roll100 @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 💜💜 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 7mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 📚📚📚 7mo
Andrew65 Excellent. 👏👏👏 I want to read more of these. 7mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Two of my #Roll100 were Nancy Drew books this month. Guess how I‘m going to spend my afternoon.

dabbe 😂😃😍 7mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 7mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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#AppleOfMyEye #IdiomInsight @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs Nancy Drew is definitely the 🍎 of her father‘s 👁️, and they have the sweetest relationship though he does spoil her rotten.

tpixie I always loved the lilacs on the cover of this book and (edited) 10mo
IndoorDame @tpixie lilacs are my favorite! 10mo
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Eggs Lilacs - miss them so much (Minnesota), but I found lilac scented gentle foaming soap from Bath&Body that transports me to Midwest Springtime 💜💜 10mo
Ruthiella Love that illustration! I understand why publishers update the covers and illustrations (and maybe even the text) to appeal to a new generation, but as an adult, I love the original concept of our girl detective in her original time period. 10mo
IndoorDame @Eggs oooh, amazing! Lilac is an especially difficult scent to capture in products. So glad you found something that does that well! 10mo
IndoorDame @Ruthiella same! I‘m always excited anytime I find editions with original artwork. 10mo
dabbe Yeah, where's my convertible, Dad? 🤩🤗😍 10mo
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Forgot to post yesterday 🤦🏻‍♀️

#RemoteInn 🛖 #SavvySettings 🍀💚

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs OMG look at that collection! 2y
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Love the cover art for this one!

The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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A day late because my timezones got messed up.

1. I lived a very sheltered life so maybe Elvis passing.
2. Library
3. Maybe Nancy Drew and definitely Reader's Digest Condensed Books.

Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView
I tag @NataliePatalie @trashcanman @PhyllisH
#WonderousWednesday @Eggs

TheSpineView You're welcome! 🤩🤩🤩 3y
Eggs Readers Digest - that brings back memories...thanks for playing 📚👏🏻📚 3y
PhyllisH 1. JFK assassination.
2 Amazon,Audible,Overdrive and Libby. Most of my reading is via Kindle and audiobooks.
3.Black Beauty. I love horses.

Thanks for the tag.
Blueberry @PhyllisH I usually don't care for books about animals but I am reading Watership Down and really liking it. 3y
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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Nancy Drew mysteries are always fun an intriguing! She got into serious life-threatening trouble several times in this one. I plan to read through as much of the series as I can. #100YEARS100BOOKS #BookSpinBingo #2 (bingo 2 ways!) #MGMarch #SERIES2021 #20in4 Just 2 more books to go this month!

TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
megnews I loved Nancy Drew growing up. 3y
Crazeedi I always remember this one! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Rereading these has been on my list of things to do for a while!! I have a huge pile of them from my childhood. 3y
Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 3y
Allylu @TheAromaofBooks Me, too, but I think I might read the Ramona books in Honor of Beverly Cleary - or maybe both! 3y
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The Mystery at Lilac Inn | Carolyn Keene
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I know... I know... I shouldn't get new books until I read all the old ones...but....
