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Lords and Ladies
Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
86 posts | 119 read | 31 to read
Although they may feature witches and wizards, vampires and dwarves, along with the occasional odd human, Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld novels are grounded firmly in the modern world. Taking humorous aim at all our foibles, each novel reveals our true character and nature.It's a dreamy midsummer's night in the Kingdom of Lancre. But music and romance aren't the only things filling the air. Magic and mischief are afoot, threatening to spoil the royal wedding of King Verence and his favorite witch, Magrat Garlick. Invaded by some Fairie Trash, soon it won't be only champagne that's flowing through the streets ...
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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I finished another one of my Pratchett aufio books. Of course I loved it. And I like the notion that Pratchett saw the folk of fairies as villians which are able to glamour humans. Well, most if them. 🧙‍♀️

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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I caved and bought the last three books in the Witches series of Discworld, they were on sale and I have lost too much time over the last few weeks when my listening hasn‘t been engaging enough to jump to the head of my listening queue. This one has had me guffawing loudly enough that I worried I might‘ve disturbed my neighbors given the late hour.

julesG It's one of my favourites. 7mo
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Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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This might come across as fairly standard Discworld fare were it not for the villains of the piece: No LOTR Legolas here, these elves are scary fuckers. I enjoy a world where elderly women are respected for the knowledge and wisdom learning things the hard way provides, but there's something intractable about Weatherwax that I don't always find endearing.
As always, I'm happy to see The Librarian feature more prominently.

Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Greebo 😼😸

Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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The plight of involuntarily lending an ear:

"When you're a cork in someone else's stream of consciousness, all you can do is spin and bob in the eddies." ??‍♂️

Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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How to catch a Librarian. 😁📚

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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

I found my first Pratchett novel in our local station bookshop aged 14 or so and read the Witch books completely out of order within weeks. I enjoyed the humour and the characters but never loved L&L that much. Listening to it now in the new audio version I realized how much I missed at that age - the grief, the fear of aging, the anger and the way that those can make you stronger … loved it so much more. Also: Indira Varma‘s Sean Ogg is 😍

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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You can‘t say ‘if this didn‘t happen then that would have happened‘ because you don‘t know everything that might have happened. You might think something‘d be good, but for all you know it could have turned out horrible. You can‘t say ‘If only I‘d…‘ because you could be wishing for anything. The point is, you‘ll never know. You‘ve gone past. So there‘s no use thinking about it. So I don‘t.

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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I‘ve never been disappointed by a Pratchett yet, and this one is no exception! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

Book 32

I love the way he goes into the shifting of language in this one something that is awful inspires awe. And how old customs and traditions loose their meaning even as people continue to practice them.

I genuinely enjoy the relationships between the Witches. And damn if Magrat isn't a bad ass after all!

Solid Pick

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Reread. Love this book!

MinnieTimperley What a beautiful edition. I watched the Back in Black documentary when it was reshown on the BBC last month. It made me well up. Have you seen it? 4y
Booksbymybed @WatsonReads I haven‘t seen it yet. I really want to, will definitely cry a lot. 4y
Sammidnightsun I love terry 4y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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This was the first Terry Pratchett book I read and I really enjoyed it! It made me laugh a lot. The witches were so much fun and so lovely.
Thank you so much @Tineke . This book was a great pick for the #Litsylove winterswap! ❤

So with this one being the only Terry Pratchett book I know, does anyone have a recommendation for the next one? 😀

julesG You could join #OokBOokClub. We read one Pratchett book each month in order of publication. We're reading Men at Arms, the next Discworld novel from Dec 8th to January 7th. 5y
Tineke Great to see you liked it. I have never read a Terry Pratchett book to date. I do have the first one The colour of magic, but I need to be in the mood for it. 5y
Tineke Forgot a part... I hope you now have a new series to read, because I know it's huge with a lot of books. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

This book is very... sad on a reread. Granny Weatherwax's relationship to the state of her mind is basically too much, in light of real life events.
Anyway, I at 31 feel sad about Magrat's everything in this series, since I think this is her goodbye. I wish the people who knew her best had liked her more.
But also? The book is good! Kind of too much for me to reread anytime soon, but good!

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

The thing that's striking me as sad on this reread is how little Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg know Magrat. They have just... never liked her or bothered to know her.

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

Me, reading this book for the first time since middle school: Oooooohhhhh, Agnes has a crush on Diamanda.

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

Magrat's whole arc is that "I -am- tired of being nice, I -do- just wanna to go apeshit" meme. #OokBOokClub

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett

I missed last month's #OokBOokClub but I feel pretty confident that I can catch up!

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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I live for #terrypratchett puns 🤣🤣

I'm a little behind on this one for the #OokBOokClub but I'm gonna wrap it up soon!


Iblu I am catching up too!!! And got to one of those memorable Pratchett‘s passages... the Morris‘ dancers managing to get away!!!! Loooooving it!!! 5y
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Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Hello friends! Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a spoiler. Find the Lords and Ladies post & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag each other & we'll jump in to discuss with you. Feel free to chat about anything!

#EpicBuddyRead #SirTerryPratchett #Discworld #PratchettPosse #OokBOokClub

rockpools Eek! Jules! I think I need to be taken off this list - sorry! It‘s been so good to try out some of the other series, but I‘m not getting through 1-a-month, so I‘m ending up reading in an utterly random order (not helped by Overdrive due dates 🤯)- think I‘ll attempt more Pratchett at a slower pace. If you see me commenting on 2-year-old posts, don‘t be surprised!! 5y
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julesG @RachelO No problem! Wish I could lend you my ebooks or audiobooks. 5y
rockpools @julesG It‘s the one thing with e/audiobooks, isn‘t it? Was thinking the other day I‘d really like to post my kindle to someone... It‘s been a great way to expand my Pratchett reading though- will def read more! 5y
Iblu Hey y‘all!!! I am sooo liking this book! Finishing it by tomorrow I think... love the parts with Granny remembering about her youth and the complexity of her feeling her many lives across the different universes. And Nanny with her dwarf courting her and adoring her ways... and so many funny moments... this is one of my favorite Discworld books!!!! 5y
julesG @Iblu One of my favourite Discworld novels 5y
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Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the #OokBOokClub open discussion for #LordsAndLadies! Feel free to discuss anything! Don't forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

#PratchettPosse #EpicBuddyRead #SirTerryPratchett #Discworld #TerryPratchett

Lucy_Anywhere So I probably read this as a young teenager and completely missed a lot of the adult references 😂 5y
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julesG @Lucy_Anywhere I felt the same. It's so good to reread the Discworld novels. BTW, I nearly spit my coffee across the table at Nanny Ogg checking under her bed for men, because she might be lucky. 😂😂😂 5y
DrexEdit This is definitely one of my top five #Discworld stories. I enjoyed reading this very much. I thought the witches gained layers of character here and Sir Pratchett did a fantastic job with these characters! 😊 👍 5y
TheSpineView @DrexEdit I agree with you. There was a lot more character development which I enjoyed. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @julesG That was hilarious! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DrexEdit I love the witches! I first encountered them with Tiffany Aching, so it‘s so great to read and watch them develop into these great characters as those layers get so wonderful. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really enjoyed this one, and loved Esme‘s development. And so much fun too. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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My personal favourites of the Discworld series have to be the City Watch books, but the Lancre Witches come a close second. Lords and Ladies twists conventions to make the elves the bad guys, the almost-queen the heroine, and the elderly witches the voice of reason in a fun tale. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed reading Discworld! Now I just have to play catch-up with the #EpicBuddyRead of Pratchett's works!

#OokBOokClub #PratchettPosse @julesG

julesG You are spot on, I'm about to post the discussion post for Lords and Ladies. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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What a great mix of a Midsummer‘s Night Dream, and some truly nasty elves...perfect for the season, both for Halloween and the season as my summer turns swiftly to fall. And as always, I love the witches, what Pratchett tells us about ourselves, and Esme‘s always important lessons to listen to yourself and not what anybody else, or a bunch of elves, try to make you think.😉

#PratchettPosse #OokBOokClub
#SeriesRead with @TheSpineView

Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheReadingMermaid Definitely on theme for monsters @Scarathlon 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 5y
Lucy_Anywhere Yes! I love his ability to combine humour and a great story with insightful comments 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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@Lucy_Anywhere the #TerryPratchett #EpicBuddyRead is a loose band of readers kept on track by @julesG. The group is reading the entire Pratchett oeuvre on a 6-year schedule (see image), but you can jump in or out where you want. We're at the end of year 2 just now. I'm reading along with the #discworld novels for now. Follow #OokBOokClub. I think this screenshot is from the beginning of 2019. There might be a more recent one if you scan the tag.

DrexEdit @Lucy_Anywhere don't let the long schedule put you off. You can join or skip whatever discussions you want. Generally we finish on the 7th of the month (Lords and Ladies will finish on 11/7) and discuss on the 8th. I hope you can join us! Even if only for a few books! 😀 5y
Lucy_Anywhere Thanks! This is an epic reread - I'm excited 😀 Looking forward to playing catch-up 5y
jillrhudy I‘ve already read about 25 of them. Nanny Ogg has a cookbook? 5y
DrexEdit @jillrhudy I just noticed that this morning too! Might be worth a look! 😊 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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When the walls between worlds grows thin, watch out for what might be waiting on the other side to come through....

Don‘t think we could‘ve picked a better one for Halloween, even better since it was just luck of the schedule! #PratchettPosse #OokBOokClub

I love the play on language here...and it fits in with my #TeamStoker reading so well. @the readingmermaid

Gezemice I still need to get to this one, too many group reads, lol! But I recall it being a good one, 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Magical! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Lucy_Anywhere I discovered Terry Pratchett when I was about 12, and pretty much read every book of his I could get my hands on! I keep meaning to reread the Discworld series - maybe a reading challenge for next year! 5y
DrexEdit @Lucy_Anywhere I'm reading along with a Litsy Pratchett reading group. You're welcome to join in if you like. #OokBookClub 5y
Lucy_Anywhere Ooooh, that sounds great! I'd love to join - thanks for the invite 😀 how do I get involved? 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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The Butterfly Effect versus the inertia of humans and history....Pratchett‘s view.🤔


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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“That‘s no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages ‘em”. 🤔😂


JazzFeathers 😂 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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🤣 I love Pratchett‘s Witches and their headology!


Bring on the witches! #Scarathlon #TeamStoker

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
julesG Granny and Headology. So cool! 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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julesG 😂 5y
JazzFeathers 😂😂😂 5y
ishan0986 🤣🤣 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Wisdom from Ponder Stibbons, Unseen University's Reader in Invisible Writings. Thoroughly enjoying another #Discworld installment.
#OokBookClub #lunchreading

Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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#OokBOokClub-ers, our Discworld adventure continues TODAY with #LordsAndLadies!

Looking forward to our discussion next month!

Happy reading!


#OokBOokClub #Discworld #SirTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett #PratchettPosse #ReadAlong #BuddyRead

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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Book mail! 😁😍🤩😳

#OokBOokClub #pratchettposse #tbr

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“‘This is damn good wine,‘ she said, picking up another bottle. ‘What did you say it's called?‘ She peered at the label. ‘Chateau Maison? Chat-eau . . . that's foreign for cat's water, you know, but that's only their way, I know it ain't real cat's water. Real cat's water is sharper.‘ She hammered the cork into the bottle with the end of her knife, then stuck her finger over the neck and gave it a vigorous shaking ‘to mix the goodness in.‘”

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Nanny Ogg, ever the connoisseur, or con-ee-sewer, in her parlance. Image by Paul Kidby from The Art Discworld #DiscRead 5y
tpixie Cat water. Funny!! I never saw that in the word before!! 5y
ctboeheim I've always loved that book, but where did you find the illustrations? 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“Many tall women accessible by stepladder across the continent had reflected how odd it was that the dwarfs, a race to whom the aforesaid art of seduction consisted in the main part of tactfully finding out what sex, underneath all that leather and chain-mail, another dwarf was, had generated someone like Casanunda.”

Art of Giamo Casanunda (the Disc‘s 2nd greatest lover (but he tries harder)) by Paul Kidby from the Discworld Imaginarium #DiscRead

Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“You make us want what we can‘t have & what you give us is worth nothing & what you take is everything & all there is left for us is the cold hillside, & emptiness, & the laughter of the elves.”

The elves of Discworld are the most genuinely frightening villains in the series so far. The witches three find themselves in the fight of their lives when a midsummer night‘s play unleashes these cruel beautiful monsters on the eve of Magrat‘s wedding.

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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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#Starting Discworld 14 #DiscRead

saresmoore Ooh! Enjoy! I haven‘t read this one yet. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Discworld 14 came in the #bookmail!

This one apparently has the Witches Three up against some Shakespeare-style faeries.

Katerina The witches will always and forever have all my love. Pratchett was a gentle genius. Enjoy! 5y
fenchxrch What a beautiful cover! I was just talking about the Discworld series today with a friend. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.”

Actually, I think frogs are adorable. And I love my cat even if she is vicious!

#Frog #QuotsyApr19

Lreads Vicious but sweet! 😻😊 5y
LiterRohde I too love cats and frogs. But I can understand why they get the looks and not the love sometimes. 5y
tournevis I prefer apex predators as pets. Prey pets are boring. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.”

#QuotsyApr19 | 27: #Frog

📷: http://www.totopets.com/funny-merged-animals-picture.php?picture_id=88

Avanders 😆😆 5y
huntersmom1977 Cats are assholes but man I sure do love those adorable assholes. Never a dull moment 5y
mreads 😻👍 5y
TK-421 I chose the same quote! 😂 5y
LiterRohde @TK-421 great minds, and all that... 5y
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Lords and Ladies (Revised) | Terry Pratchett
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So here's the thing. This is one of the few Terry Pratchett (Sir) Discworld novels I had not read until now. I had been saving it. In five days time I am having a hip replacement and I am definitely in need of a good laugh to conquer my nerves so Lords and Ladies to the rescue.

squirrelbrain Hope all goes well with your op. 😘 5y
TrishB Good luck 😘 5y
quietlycuriouskate Best wishes for your op. 💚 5y
CarolynM Hope it goes well❤️ 5y
MayJasper Thanks very much @squirrelbrain @kathedron @TrishB @CarolynM for your kind wishes. I am looking forward to it being over. 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“After a few seconds a sense of pressure on her feet indicated that the cat Greebo had taken up his accustomed place at the end of the bed. Greebo always slept on Nanny‘s bed; the way he‘d affectionately try to claw your eyeballs out in the morning was as good as an alarm clock. But she always left a window open all night in case he wanted to go out and disembowel something, bless him.”
🤣😂🤣 🐈

Laura317 🤣🤣🤣 Cats. Sounds about right. 6y
Aimeesue Greebo is one of the best DW characters! 6y
MayJasper I want this! With this cover I mean. I have a different version already. Is that greedy? 5y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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I think Igor has the right idea! Tonight is for a soft blanket, snuggles, and some Sir Terry Pratchett.

#Igor #catsoflitsy

LauraJ Sounds divine! 6y
JoScho His legs look so long in this picture! 6y
Heideschrampf I want to have a naked cat called igor too! Perfect monicer! 6y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Terry Pratchett's Witches are some of my favourites! #WitchyFiction #WitchyReads @Linsy

Linsy Ooh, can‘t wait to read! And I love those bookends!! 🧙‍♀️ 6y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Magrat Garlick, Tiffany Aching, Angua Von Überwald, Susan Sto Helit, Lady Sybil Ramkin, Cheery Longbottom, Adora Belle Dearheart and many others. Take your pick of a Discworld #strongheroine #31bookpics @howjessreads

umbrellagirl I love the cover on the Tiffany Aching 💙 6y
Moray_Reads @umbrellagirl they're the gift editions and they're all beautiful. I still need I Shall Wear Midnight and the Shepherd's Crown 6y
umbrellagirl @Moray_Reads Yes, you do! They are all beautiful actually. Love TP!! 6y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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“Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of #social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there'll be another one along in a minute.” #QuotsyAug18

Chrissyreadit Such a good quote! Any leader is a figurehead for followers who allow and believe in the power that particular leader provides for them. 6y
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Lords and Ladies | Terry Pratchett
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Not quite as good as the Briggs adaptations that I‘ve read I don‘t think. But still, it‘s Pratchett and it‘s fun and funny.