So this is based on Taming of the Shrew/10 Things I Hate About You ... I'm guessing loosely since it's about assassins
Do I keep this for October or binge watch immediately. That is the dilema
So this is based on Taming of the Shrew/10 Things I Hate About You ... I'm guessing loosely since it's about assassins
Do I keep this for October or binge watch immediately. That is the dilema
I interpreted this to mean the oldest story I've read in its ORIGINAL form. So, I didn't say THE ILIAD because I did not read it in Homeric Greek; I read the much more readable translation by Robert Fagles. Having said that, this is the earliest one I can remember where I read it in its original form: THE TAMING OF THE SHREW was published in 1592.
Hate to admit Mr. Shakespeare did make me laugh a little.
There are so many great options for #ScenePrompts for the #MayMovieMadness challenge. (Ex for above scene: “includes a sassy character”) It‘s really easy to make it work for you, and your reading needs since you‘re the one creating the prompts! 😆
I‘m so excited to see what movies you guys pick, which scenes you pic from said movies, and which books you match for your prompts! Happy planning everyone. Let me know if you have any questions!
Another example for a #ScenePrompt from another one of my favourite movies 10 Thing I Hate About You.
“Read a book that includes a grand gesture”
8. Love poem
This movie is so cute 😍
Found some great Shakespeare! Always wanted to read it and then watch 🎥 10 things I have about you👌🏼 Movie was based around The Taming of the Shrew!!
….do you see it!👀
This was the first play I ever seen, when I was in middle school!!! This book is what started my love for the Shakespeare plays!!!
Hmmm.... I read this book when I was in middle school, deep in my Shakespeare phase (did everyone have one of those or just me?) I remember watching the movie that starred Elizabeth Taylor in Music class and of course I have seen updates movie versions, Kiss Me Kate and 10 Things I Hate About You, watching all of those helped me with this reading. I think it really helps to know the big plot points when it comes to Shakespeare.
This one was also finished during the “weekend“ -- Holiday Weekend so Monday counts!
@jessinikkip , @jb72 , @AkashaVampie , @AsYouWish , @AnansiGirl , @Catherine_Willoughby , @MissAimz_55 , @cortg
So, I finished this one the other day (during the holiday weekend) it was so so quick but.. I felt like I didn't get as much out of it as I wanted to.. So, I ended up listening to an audio dramatic type read of it too! Anyway this was a great book #ReadMoreClassics #ReadingWithTBRCrew @AsYouWish
So it started off so sweet then took a huge turn! @AsYouWish #ReadingWithTBRCrew #BuddyRead
Started this yesterday :) so far so good :) #ReadingWithTBRCrew #BuddyRead @AsYouWish
Here‘s my come away:
Petruchio is CLEARLY the villain of this story. Straight up. Kate is married off to the bad guy. The first time we meet him, he‘s beating his servant. Bad sign. He‘s awful.
Kate needed to turn it down a bit. She tied Bianca‘s hands up and slapped her. That‘s mean. I enjoyed her wit though. She clearly figured P out once married; I think she played him.
(An epilogue would show her murdering P in their bed, let‘s be honest)
I had to table #Shakespeare2020Project for nearly 2 mos. I just finished reading “The Taming of the Shrew“. I then watched the Globe presentation and was like, “Wait. They got married?! That was the point of Lucentio and Tranio switching identities?!“ I *totally* missed this while I was reading it. And apparently the other 80-zabillion times I've read this play! I'm laughing at myself, but I'm also recognizing how tired I really am. o_0
Day 15 - #Shakespeare #MarchMadness #TamingOfTheShrew #KissMeKate #BroadwayMusical
I enjoyed the musical Kiss Me Kate on Broadway. It is an adaptation of Shakespeare‘s Taming of the Shrew.
I know it's a classic, but the sexism and the gaslighting just pissed me off too much.
Nothing makes #Shakespeare come alive like seeing it performed in person. A local troupe was performing the tagged play in the middle of a local park in #Brooklyn. So fun...and funny despite the play having some serious misogynistic undertones. Petrucio was played by a local pro wrestler and he was incredible! 😂💃🏻📜
Makes me want to read more of the Bard. What‘s your fave?
The #MayMadness challenge starts next week, so I‘ll be getting my week one stack together shortly.
Here are my recommendations for week ones “Book to TV/Movie Adaptation” theme. Have any of you read these books, or watched the adaptations? Which ones your favourite on the list?
#Recommendsday #MayMadness @RadicalReader @Clwojick
The ultimate in vanity: Shakespeare's Petrochio of The Taming of the Shrew.
#Youresovain #marchintothe70s @Lizpixie @Cinfhen
It‘s a surprise, sometimes, to see how bawdy the greats could be. I imagined Elizabeth Taylor as Kate the whole time.
Got a small cut on my arm today, which provided the perfect opportunity to use one of my Shakespearean insult bandaids.
Congrats @LittleBug on the milestone & thanks for the #litfluencegiveaway !
1. In bed or parked in my car with the windows down on a cool, breezy day.
2. Usually by author
3. My heart is at the library! But when I do go to a bookstore, it's almost always Half Price Books!
I'd pick classics, because Taming of the Shrew is my favorite by the Bard, & I've always wanted to read the other two but still haven't.
#readingresolutions day 20 #rich @Jess7
One of my favorite comedies, by the Bard or otherwise.
Wonderfully led discussion by merelybookish (when tagging is available I‘ll properly tag you) in the #ShakespeareReadAlong.
This play left me feeling rather flat and sad to see the changes wrought in Kate by a male dominated society. Meant to be a comedy, there were portions that rather horrified me and I didn‘t laugh like I hoped I would. Best part of reading this book: the discussions with the readalong group!
I am trying out #readercoin which is an app that let's you listen to audios and get rewarded by doing so. You get a point for every 10 mins and you can use those points for items or pay outs. It seems pretty cool so far, and a great way to tackle the classics. So I have loaded up on Shakespeare and Sherlock Holmes.
If you would like to try it out you can use my code, Michevsv , and get 50 points to start out with.
All right #shakespearereadalong friends, we've reached the end. And again, Liz's puzzled face says it all.
In Act V, we learn that K. Is the superior wife because she obliges her husband. We also get a gross speech on wifely behavior from Kat.
I cry foul that Christopher Sly does not reappear!! Will K's marriage be happier than B's?
Do our true natures out in the end?
Overall, better performed on stage, I expect. What are your final thoughts?
Okay, officially, this didn‘t make me hate the movie at all. In fact, I love the movie even more now. The movie makes this play look like rubbish. Wait, it‘s actually the play that makes the play look like rubbish. Shakes wasn‘t in his stride yet with this one, I think. So much better material later in his career I think. Not sure what happened here. Just...eh. #shakespeare #tamingoftheshrew #10ThingsIHateAboutYou #shakespearereadalong
One of the repeat reads for #ShakespeareReadAlong where I dislike the play more than the first time. It feels harsh & cynical; the humour forced. Not an outright pan because the concepts of identity & disguise & how that exerts force on a character are compelling. But it's hard to read this as a farce when you come to the final monologue on wifeliness. I can only read it "straight"(?) & I'm not impressed. This is one of his early works & it shows.
Sooo, at the end did Shakespeare just get tired and decide to feck it all? That ending was a totally cop out/disappointment. I did enjoy the beginning of the play. The first act was good. It sort of went downhill after that. I really do feel like Shakespeare called in that ending. This play did not make me dislike 10 Things as I feared; it actually made me love it more. #shakespeare #tamingoftheshrew #10ThingsIHateAboutYou
I‘ve seen this one preformed before, and fully enjoyed the banter and comedy in it, reading it now though for the first time as an adult...well in the current age of ‘me too‘ and equality for all, it was a bit more disappointing, especially considering some of the bard‘s other writing.
I‘m looking forward to seeing what the group made of this ending next week. #ShakespeareReadAlong
This book was just nuts. Although some parts just didn't make any sense I laughed in spite of myself. I loved the last line in the play, it's a credit to Katherine, but it didn't resolve another part of the play that I was very curious about! I can't say what because the #shakespearereadalong isn't over, but I'm looking forward to discussing it.
Time for the #Shakespearereadalong Act IV discussion. Liz pretty much sums up my feelings about this act. ? Or as Curtis says, "he is more shrew than she." Also, bully, ass, abuser. K is broken and it's hard to read. But beyond P's cruelty, it's a long act. A few things that stood out
1) We get secondhand accounts of both relationships. What do they offer?
2) We get a soliquey from P but still no access to K's inner thoughts. ?
Here is some of my July TBR list.... the top 2 are ongoing buddy reads, then 1 from the library, 2 new releases, and 1 Chunkster I‘m looking forward to reading with the Litsy group later this month. This is just the ebook pile, not the physical or audiobooks, somehow I got behind in June and I need to use this month very wisely and try to get myself back on track. 😱 #JulyTBR
#Shakespearereadalong Act III recap with Dick sporting Petruchio's ridiculous wedding outfit and Liz/Kate looking gorgeous, of course.
Two scenes this time, two forms of romance.
Is there more to Bianca than originally thought? Is she having fun with her wooers?
What IS up with Petruchio's behaviour? Is there a method to his madness?
Is there any hope for Kate? She seemed somewhat resigned to her fate.
And what has become of Christopher Sly?