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Wintersong (Wintersong #1)
Wintersong (Wintersong #1) | S. Jae-Jones
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My #jolabokaflodswap arrived yesterday!
Looking forward to Sunday! @MaleficentBookDragon

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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The last night of the year. Now the days of winter begin and the Goblin King rides abroad, searching for his bride....

This was a reread. Book One in a two book series.

Inspired by Amadeus, Labyrinth, and Phantom of the Opera, this is a dark, beautifully written Underworld tale. I love the way the author weaves the musical details into the writing. This is also one of my favorite book covers.



TheSpineView Fantastic! 2y
Andrew65 That‘s great 👏👏👏 2y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I LOVED this book. Totally different take on the Goblin King and I was there for every min. Be warned it starts off a little slow but y‘all, stick with it. It‘s a beautifully written story. This is book 1. #LittensLoveRomance #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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I'm pretty much allergic to everything that grows outside so no real tree inside for me. One day I'd like to have a nice tree outside that I decorate for the birds and other critters.

Wanna play? @CurvyCrochetGirl

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Here‘s what I‘ve got for the #WinterReadathon this time around! I‘m trying to wean myself off of books from the library in order to get through books I actually own. These have been languishing on my shelves for a while now waiting for the winter season and now their time has come! Some are Christmas themed, most are just set during Winter/in snowy places. We‘ll see how many I get through!

Andrew65 Best of luck 🎄🎅🎄🎅🎄 2y
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About 80 pages in and I really like how this is going.

TLuvs Do not go into this book thinking it is a retelling of Labrynth! Yes, it is about a Goblin King, yes, it has trickery and death, but it has so much more! There is emotion and depth, true life lessons of self, selfishness, and love. I absolutely LOVED this book from its highs to its depths. But the end (chef's kiss) got me! This will be a reread for me and a book that will always be on my shelf.
For fans of Fortuna Sworn and Cruel Prince
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So week 4 was better than week 3. Total was 6245. Hoping for another good one for the last week. #MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames2021

Clwojick Amazing job! 😍 3y
kezzlou85 @Clwojick aww thank you. 3y
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Well this was a surprise! I picked it on a whim for the fairytale readathon. I absolutely loved it and can‘t wait to read the sequel. With 15 readathons, total points for #wintergames2021 and #mistletoemaniacs is 1375! #averymerrybingo #bookspinbingo #seriesread #littenlistenaudioathon #wintercosy #averymerryreadathon

TheSpineView Great job! 3y
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#jolabokaflod finally getting sent out tomorrow & I even remembered to mark it & snap a picture before it went! Yuletide miracles really DO happen 😂 @MaleficentBookDragon

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Hey Littens! we couldn‘t wait any longer, so the #WinterGames2021 sign ups are now open! There‘s going to be books, movies, photo challenges and games! We‘d be thrilled if you joined us so check out the link below, and please repost to spread the word🎄❤️ @Clwojick https://forms.gle/8Hf4fXhENN3EExHF6

Kimberlone Just signed up! 3y
Laughterhp I‘ve already been stacking up my holiday reads! 3y
Crazeedi Just signed up! 3y
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KristiAhlers Just signed up! Finally getting a chance to have some fun! 3y
Pigpen_Reads Just signed up! 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks Whoohoo! Just signed up!!!!! 3y
Littlewolf1 Yay… Just signed up! @Roary47 3y
katiekat311 I‘ve been following scarathon and was sad I didn‘t do it, here‘s to my first! Can‘t wait for #wintergames2021! 3y
SeaToSkyes Yay can't wait!!! 3y
Airykah13 Yay! I can finally participate! I always miss sign ups 😂 3y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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What an odd love story... It was dark, and morbid. Hinting at questions from my childhood when I watched a different kind of Goblin King, played by David Bowie. Much the same story, stealing young girls, the King of Mischief tricks them. This tale however, is very much the adult version. It was whimsical, sprinkled with magic and heartbreak. I loved it! The ending wasn't what I had expected or hoped for but it did set it up perfectly for a sequal!

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I just signed up for the 2nd annual #WinterGames2020. I can‘t wait to find out what team I‘m on and to start racking up some points and checking books off my tbr.

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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This book was okay. It was very intriguing in the beginning and the prospect of having it be a Labyrinth retelling really got me excited. But towards the end of the book it ended up being a chore to read as things slowed down exponentially. It's sad because I really wanted to like this one all the way through.

EKonrad Agreed! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
vlwelser Same 😃 4y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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#WyrdAndWonder day 6: goblins!

There are so many different goblins across the worlds of fantasy - I pick the Fae-like goblins of S Jae-Jones. Wintersong is a sometimes steamy always atmospheric tribute to Labyrinth and Rosetti, music and family, love and sacrifice 💖

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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I'm not sure about this one. I may be in a mood. The cover is gorgeous, however.

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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blank I vote Where the Crawdads sing bc its been on my TBR forever 5y
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jessinikkip Ive read crawdads before but I would be down for a reread if its chosen. The other two both sound good 5y
bibliobard Crawdads was good but I have read it before! Dominion sounds cool 5y
ameliashley I need to read Crawdads! 5y
Julie548 I need to read Crawdads too - I just bought it but haven‘t started it yet. 5y
Melismatic Ooh! I‘m Team Crawdads too! It‘s on my Library Hold list 😂 5y
WriterAtHeart I've read Crawdads, but could read it again. Wintwrsong is the one that catches my interwst 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Why did I take so long to start this book?! I'm absolutely adoring it! 😍

Also, it's the first truly nice day we've had here in northern Ohio, and the cats and I are bundled up in the porch, enjoying the sunshine. ☀️

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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Mediocre fantasy about music and the goblin king. Lots of focus on the physical relationship for a YA.

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Finally starting my first print #booked2020 pick! This is my #covercrush choice. I've been wanting to read this book for so long, I'm hoping it's been worth the wait. Meanwhile, River is watching my husband's snack very closely, just in case.
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

jpmcwisemorgan I really liked this book! 5y
Crazeedi Awww! We always say "last bite!" to our fur friend!!?❤ 5y
alisiakae Cute puppy! And a lovely cover! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Very crush-worthy! 5y
Cinfhen Yes to all the things the others have written 🐶🐾♥️😍 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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This is what my day looks like. It‘s hot out here. Where is my cool weather? At least all the animals get to play while I read. Baby Tiger spilled my coffee.

Mimi28 😻😻😻😻😻 5y
brit91 Awwww 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Not feeling this one at the moment. It has everything I love, lyrical writing, fairy-folk, adventure... it's just not grabbing me. I've heard the romance is a stretch too. Thoughts? Worth pushing on?

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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So I‘m a day late on my #day7 since yesterday was pretty crazy. But here it is #7days7covers #covercrush

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I'm not one to enjoy goblins, fairies or the like, but Wintersong kept me engaged. I particularly liked the writing style. The descriptions were beautiful and enchanting but occasionally overdone. The story started out very strong but puttered with lulls in the pacing. I may read the second book, I may not but whatever it will be, it will be as I wish.
3 out of 5 stars.

TheDaysGoBy I kind of feel like I have to read the sequel to see if I would‘ve gotten the ending I‘d been expecting. Glad you enjoyed! 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I wanted to like this book so badly! The plot seemed incredibly interesting at first, but at times I found myself rolling my eyes at things taken almost verbatim from the movie Labyrinth. I felt like the first half of the book was disjointed from the second half. At times it was too verbose. I thought the ending was going to make up for everything, but then I just found myself disappointed. Overall an ok read, just left me wanting a bit more.

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Loved this telling of The Goblin King! I writing is gorgeous and the plot is perfectly paced. Looking forward to reading Shadowsong soon! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Jerlynn One of my all time favorites!! 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Thank you for the birthday books @Jas16 ! You‘re so thoughtful! 💜💜💜📚. I‘m excited for both of these titles.

Jas16 Hope you have an amazing birthday 💜 5y
Soubhiville @jas16 thank you! 5y
Trashcanman Happy birthday Soubhi. Hope it kicks ass 5y
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JacqMac Happy Birthday! 🎉🌸🎉 I hope you have a wonderful day! 5y
LauraJ Happy Birthday!🎈🎂🎁 5y
LeahBergen Happy Birthday! 📚📚📚 5y
sudi Happy Birthday 🎁🎂🎈🎁🎂🎈 5y
GatheringBooks i‘ve had my eye on a woman is no man for a looong time. happy birthday! book gifts are the best! 5y
Erofan Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈💕 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz HAAAAAAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY SOUBHI! May all your dreams and wishes come true! 🎉📚💕💃🏽📖 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Hello everyone! My name is Aurora and I'm Italian.This is my first post here. I have an Instagram account where I share pictures of the books I'm reading (@travelslibrary), but recently I discovered Litsy and I wanted to give it a try. So here I am. I hope you enjoy this picture! ❤

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. #LitsyWelcomeWagon
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RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
rory.co @RaimeyGallant Thank you! 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗😊 5y
rory.co @Eggs Thank you! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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A beautifully melodic tale of love, sacrifice and magic.

Oh, and Goblins.

AutumnRLS Just got this one in the mail! Very excited. 5y
xxjenadanxx I really enjoyed it! I had it on my kindle for ages before picking it up the other day. 5y
Jerlynn One of my all time favorites by far 5y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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This was my pick for #fairytaleretelling for #booked2019 and it was very good! Most of the book I wasn‘t entirely decided how I felt about it, but the world the author created was imaginative. And I did like the characters. I‘d expected a bit of a different ending, but the way it did probably lent itself more to the romance.

Loving time off from work to read while enjoying the NCAA tourney

TheDaysGoBy And I‘m terrible at remembering to tag the organizers @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage 6y
Cinfhen Thanks for the tag 😍 glad u enjoyed your pick 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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The delightful @GypsyKat is having a giveaway over on her page. Times running out, so go check it out!
If I won, I'd choose Wintersong, The Night Circus, and The Book Jumper.

GypsyKat ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I feel like most people either loved this book or hated it.. and sadly I‘m on the “hated it” side.. I just couldn‘t stand the book and I hated the characters.. I just did not enjoy it..

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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This book started off strong, but around the 45-50% mark it slowed to a crawl. The scenes started to repeat over and over again. At first they would seem like different scenes but in the end they were the same. Unfortunately, this made me skim the last 50 pages. I think the end would have been really good if it hadn‘t taken so long to get there. I have little intreat in reading the second book.

Marilyncjackson Oh yeah there were some really interesting story threads left unwound but not going anywhere. This was a shame because some of the repetitive scenes could have been left out in favor of the interesting threads 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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This book is never going to end. I am not saying this because it has a lot of pages I am saying this because omg the story just won‘t end! There have been several places to end it but it just keeps going, and going, and going. This is not a good thing as it is now dragging so badly I have to force myself to keep reading. It‘s sad because the book started out strong but the repetition is starting to get to me.

wordzie 😁 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I am like the hyenas in the Lion King getting all shivery and giggly as I read this book. Oooohhh 🥰

I know I am ridiculous, but I don‘t care 🤗.

Jerlynn I loved that book soooo much, Wintersong is definitely one of my favorites❄️❄️😊 6y
Marilyncjackson @Jeralyn so far I am liking it and the beautiful writing. 6y
Jerlynn Yes! The writing left me in a dream-like state throughout the entire book and the second one😂 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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My #happilyeverafterswap partner really came through for me! Thank you @Wonderwoman89 for the books and tote - which, no joke, I agonized over buying for myself when I was shopping for my swap! (#greatminds). The books look soooooo great, I have been wanting to read them for The LONGEST! You are very thoughtful and I appreciate the gift so very much!
(Excuse the mess it was a poor attempt to convince Gandalf he wasn‘t allowed on the table)

Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Wonderwoman89 Your books came in so I am mailing the original box as well. 6y
Chrissyreadit Ha! My cats have won the table battle- now I just try to pose things in the path of least destruction. 6y
heikemarie @Wonderwoman89 you are very kind! Also your kiddo is adorable :) 6y
Wonderwoman89 @heikemarie I sent you another box through amazon. I wasn‘t happy with the book quality through ThriftBooks 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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1. -22 but -33 with windchill
2. 70
3. 75 but it‘s barely at 65
4. Snow with work canceled
5. Winter song

#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💜 And stay warm! 🥶 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Where I‘m at for #24in48 and #24b4monday. I‘m hoping I can make it to 24 hours. Fingers crossed.

GypsyKat You‘ve got this! 💪 6y
Silvertongue You‘re doing great!! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
BeansPage Woop woop!!! 👍🏻😃👍🏻 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Finished book 3 for #24in48 and for #24b4monday
Rating: 2/5 Stars
Honestly I was super bored with Wintersong and could not wait for it to be over, which is why I decided to speed read. I feel like there was not much substance to the characters and I wish I saw more world building. Then, with Elizabeth I was getting annoyed with her loving the Goblin King on one page and then hating him on another in the beginning.

GypsyKat I didn‘t care for this one either. Honestly, I was disappointed. 😕 6y
BeansPage Oh no this is in my TBR stack!! 😲 6y
EKonrad Agreed! 👏🏻 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I almost thought I was going to bail on this but I pushed through and actually enjoyed. At first there are parts I thought were unnecessary but not so sure now.

CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 6y
charreads Thanks! I can‘t wait to discover more books from other users! 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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So I am not feeling Hazel Wood at the moment. I am going to try Wintersong instead.

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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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Reading this gives me Labyrinth vibes as the reviews say....trying to not make the Goblin King in this book not be the beloved David Bowie is difficult and easy at the same time.

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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I wanted to like this one, I really did, but I couldn't make it past the second half. It started out good, but I just got bored with it.

Kayla.Adriena I despised this book a 6y
js0315 I wish I had known before. 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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This book was absolutely beautiful!! I can't wait to start the next book!

BookwormAHN I loved this one too 💙 6y
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Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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2018 Reading Challenge: 45 of 35
Which was your best book of 2018? How many books do you plan to read in 2019?

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones

I cried. Amazing book!

Wintersong | S Jae-Jones
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How very true