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Sorcery and Cecelia, Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot
Sorcery and Cecelia, Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot: Being the Correspondence of Two Young Ladies of Quality Regarding Various Magical Scandals in London and the Country | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
In 1817 in England, two young cousins, Cecilia living in the country and Kate in London, write letters to keep each other informed of their exploits, which take a sinister turn when they find themselves confronted by evil wizards.
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Absolutely delightful! I‘m so glad you posted about it @QuietlyLaura !

A Regency adventure shared through letters between two cousins. Strong female leads, unlikely romantic matches - It was as if you took a Georgette Heyer and added magic! It was wonderful!

1988 for #192025

Librarybelle I enjoyed this one too! 2y
mabell @Librarybelle Did you read the others in the series? 2y
Librarybelle Not yet! I think I have a copy of the next one on my shelves. 2y
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Lreads I‘m so glad you liked it! ❤️ 2y
batsy I loved this one, too! The sequels aren't as charming but this was a real delight. 2y
CaramelLunacy This is such a lovely book! 2y
mabell @Librarybelle I am considering going on but I wondered if I would have the same experience as @batsy ! The first one would be hard to top! ❤️ 2y
mabell @QuietlyLaura Yes, so much! I am even considering including it my sister‘s birthday basket! 2y
mabell @CaramelLunacy It is! And that‘s why I love Litsy! I find out about gems that I never would have otherwise 😊 2y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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I listened to and loved the tagged book Sorcery and Cecelia which is the story of two cousins during a Regency era full of magic told in an epistolary style. It‘s a lot of fun and now a comforting listen for me.

#LittensWantToKnow @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

mabell Sounds fun! It‘s in hoopla, so I‘ll give it a try! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻😊 2y
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This was a fun middle-grade story set in Regency England where magic exists. Cousins Kate and Cecelia share their adventures in Society via letters. This epistolary style made me feel as if I was receiving the letters myself. I really enjoyed it!
#audiobook #middlegrade #historical #fantasy

Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer

I listened to this on audiobook and it was so good! Great story, great world building, and how awesome to see how two ladies who no one expects to do anything but be ladies can have such a huge impact on big events in their world. Two best friends and cousins must navigate a complex political and magical plot set in regency England. 4.5/5 stars, read this for a light and fun YA magical regency romance

Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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To Whom It May Concern, 📝

1. Love this whole trilogy! ❤️
2. Years ago, I read a novel that was told entirely through internet chat room logs! 💬
3. When there are multiple POVs, I think it works better having multiple authors. We get entirely unique voices for the characters.

#SundayFunday Have a great day and tag me!

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4/5 ⭐️ The book started off a little slow for me, but it ended up being lots of fun! I enjoyed the cute Regency-era romances too! Thanks for a great #LMPBC round ladies!

Laughterhp I mailed your book back to you Tuesday. So you should probably see it by this weekend! 3y
Catsandbooks @Laughterhp thanks! ❤️ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! The sequels are pretty fun also. 3y
Catsandbooks @Laughterhp I forgot to tell you I got my book on Friday 😊 3y
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Sorcery And Cecilia, Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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When I started this book I didn‘t realize it was epistolary. At first I didn‘t care for it because I felt like I was being told everything and not shown. However, I did get used to it and started to really enjoy the story. I don‘t want to say too much more because it‘s a #LMPBC book and 1 more person still has to read it.

I‘m hoping to get to the post office tomorrow and mail it out to you @Catsandbooks

TheAromaofBooks Glad you enjoyed it - the sequels are really fun as well!! 3y
Catsandbooks No rush! I actually am out of town for at least two weeks to visit my sister and niece. 3y
Laughterhp @Catsandbooks Oh man! I just mailed it out. It should be there in a week lol but we‘ll actually see! 3y
Catsandbooks @Laughterhp no problem! I had all my mail held so it will be safely sitting at the post office! 3y
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Sarah!! Look what finally arrived! I‘ll try to read it this month and get it onto @Catsandbooks ! #LMPBC

On that note, checking in with my other #LMPBC group. I haven‘t gotten the next Agatha Christie book. Has it been sent? @Marmie7

Marmie7 I actually just finished it this morning. I'll send it hopefully by tomorrow. 3y
Laughterhp @Marmie7 Okay! No rush! I just wanted to make sure it wasn‘t lost in the mail! 😊 3y
TheAromaofBooks YAY!!! I can't believe it finally made it!!! Luckily it's a pretty fast read - hopefully you enjoy it!! 3y
Catsandbooks Hooray!! 3y
Chrissyreadit Yay!!!!! 3y
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Although I read this one for #LMPBC this time around, it's an old favorite of mine & I was happy to revisit it. In the Afterword, the authors explain that they didn't intend to write a book originally - they were literally just having fun playing the "letters game" where you write to each other as characters you've made up. They said ahead of time they agreed on the setting & that was pretty much it - but when their story arc ran its course ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) they realized they had a book!! Set in an AU of Regency England where magic is just a part of life, Cecelia & Kate are cousins - Kate has headed off to London for her Season & Cecelia has stayed behind at their country home. Many adventures ensue. This book has plenty of snark & likable characters & while it isn't perfect, it's still a fave.

This book was 28/40 for #CrushtheRush, counted towards my page goals for #ReadYourWay &
TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 4y
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Chrissyreadit 🎄🙌🌲😘 4y
BookmarkTavern I really enjoyed this whole trilogy! ❤️ 4y
Catsandbooks Yay! ❤️ 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick You're making such great progress toward 40! I think you can crush it! 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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I rearranged a bunch of books on Friday so my TBR is in a new location - more convenient in general but less convenient for photographing haha Anyway here is my #WeeklyForecast - mostly finishing off my #BookSpinBingo board!! The tagged book is for #LMPBC but the rest are Christmas reads. My goal for #DashingDecember is to read all 9 books left on my board (A Christmas Carol is extra so I am not sure I will get to it). The post-it ones are my ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) two Kindle books. Plenty of relaxing fluff for this holiday week so I think my goal MAY be achievable!!

@Cinfhen @Andrew65

#WinterGames #MerryReaders @Clwojick
Andrew65 A good week ahead. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - I'm embracing the fluff before getting back into my regular reading groove in January!! 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Both my #LMPBC books came yesterday!! @hes7 @Chrissyreadit I am excited about both of these!!

#GroupR #GroupC @Readergrrl @cwarnier @Laughterhp @Catsandbooks

hes7 Yay! Finally! Also, I got the books you sent me, too—thanks for the bonus one! 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks @hes7 - Woohoo!! I'm glad they made it this time around haha 4y
Chrissyreadit I WANT to read Heyer!!! Is it a historical fiction group? 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @Chrissyreadit - Romance this time around, although now that I'm thinking about it, at least two of them are historical haha I've read loads of Heyer but somehow not this one so I'm excited. But there are sooo many fun ones!! 4y
Chrissyreadit What are your favorites? I always say I don‘t like Romance because my taste is so specific. But I love historical romance. And Epic romance..... 4y
BookmarkTavern Oh I love Sorcery and Cecelia! ❤️❤️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Chrissyreadit - The main thing I love about Heyer is she's just so funny & her characters are completely likable. I'm quite fond of Arabella, Black Sheep, Cotillion, False Colours, Frederica... I could go on haha It's rare for me to pick one up that I don't really enjoy, but I love fluffy romance so that's part of it. They're fairly predictable, but her characters are generally so fun that I don't mind. 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Sweet and silly, magic and regency England, told through cousins correspondence with each other. I loved it. #lmpbc

EclecticBookLover I read this YEARS ago and really enjoyed it. I think there are one or two more in the series. 4y
Chrissyreadit @EclecticBookLover yes- I have the second one. Will provably read it this year after I read my other book club books. 4y
Catsandbooks Sounds great! 🙌🏼 4y
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BookmarkTavern Love this trilogy! 💙💙 4y
Chrissyreadit @ozma.of.oz did you love the third book too? 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I really love this one and am so excited to read it with the group!! I enjoyed the other two books a lot as well, but this one has a special magic of its own, I think because the authors weren't really planning to write a book when they started - it just happened that way! 4y
Chrissyreadit @TheAromaofBooks I have the second one. The third had a lot more criticism on goodreads. Was it also fun? This book just made me happy. 4y
TheAromaofBooks It's been a while since I read it, but I remember enjoying it. I especially liked that we got to hear a bit from the husbands!! It seems as though the magical mystery aspect may have been a little bit more muddled, but if you like the characters well enough I think it's still a fun read. 4y
BookmarkTavern I did. It wasn‘t as good as the first two, but it was still charming. ❤️ 4y
Gillyreads Love this series 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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My 7 year old Kobo ereader seems to be slowly dying, so I've been using this Kindle I got used. It's a 10 year old model!
Got page turn buttons back, yay.

Con: NO justification options at all?! Really amazon?
Pro: Send files to kindle's email address, it gets converted AND my left justification sticks on most, but not all files I've tried, huh.

Like many, I've re-read more frequently this year. This is light fun #fantasy #epistolary letters.

Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Yes!! Tagging the book I‘m choosing for next round of #lmpbc in case anyone one else would be interested. Why yes, I Love coffee! Along with some fellow #cbbc buddies @Mommamanzi @Avanders @BookwormAHN @BethM
Who else loves coffee and reading? Please join in!!!

BethM This book sounds awesome! 4y
Chrissyreadit @BethM would you be interested for LMPBC? 4y
Avanders ❤️❤️❤️☕️🤗 4y
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Blackink_WhitePaper Thanks for playing 💐🥰😀 4y
bthegood Newbie question, what is lmpbc? 4y
Chrissyreadit @bthegood it is Litsy Mark Up Postal book club. It is run by @suvata and a new round happens every 4 months. Check out the hashtag to get a better understanding too. 4y
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#20series20days Day 3
The Cecelia and Kate novels are great fun. Regency England, manners and balls and dresses, plus magic and a nefarious scheme, all wrapped up in an epistolary format with witty dialogue. 😄 I'm convincing myself! I think a reread may be in order!

TheAromaofBooks Oh I love this series!!! 4y
Andrew65 Looks good. 4y
batsy These books are such fun! 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Since author Gail Carriger talked about this book on episode 191 of the Reading Envy Podcast, I‘ve seen several of you reading it. Me too! This is an epistolary novel between two friends in Regency England but a version that also contains magic. It is very enjoyable as they navigate tricky witches and social expectations.

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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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This was great fun: a novel that evolved from a game of letters between two writer friends, set in post-Napoleonic England, with magic. ✨ I (surprisingly) enjoyed the epistolary format. The storyline is silly in the best way—the men are the foolish ones for a change—and I thoroughly enjoyed this light read with good writing and strong female protagonists.

TrishB How are you doing? 4y
batsy I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It's delightful fluff :) 4y
Centique Snap! I just read this as well. It was so sweet. Good luck with your baby bump and all the exciting days ahead. 😍 4y
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saresmoore @TrishB I‘m okay! Many signs of pre-labor have begun, so I anticipate another week and a half at most. Feeling ill and exhausted, as expected, so trying to keep morale up for a positive birth to come! ♥️ 4y
saresmoore @Centique Thank you! ♥️ 4y
saresmoore @batsy Yes! The good kind that doesn‘t make me cringe. 😆 4y
TrishB Good luck 😘 sending love and hugs. Look forward to seeing baby pic ♥️ 4y
CarolynM All the best💕 4y
ReadingEnvy Gail Carriger talked about this on the podcast and I just need to buy it! 4y
Suet624 Sending lots of love your way. 4y
LeahBergen Just checking in to see how you‘re doing? 😘😘😘 4y
saresmoore @ReadingEnvy I was fortunate to be able to get it from my library! Just borrowed the second in the series. 😊 4y
saresmoore @Suet624 Thank you! ♥️ 4y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I‘m hanging in! The tween emotions and quarantine combo is a doozy to deal with while being hella pregnant, but I‘m thinking sweet baby will be here any day now! And then, sangria!!! 🙌🍹 4y
LeahBergen @saresmoore Tween (and early teen) girls are the grossest. 😆😆 I have 13 nieces and nephews on my husband‘s side and those years were brutal. The girls adored me before and after that age but the boys were always delightful. What the hell? 😆😆 4y
saresmoore @LeahBergen And naturally, I‘m bringing a newborn into the mix. 🤪 13 nieces and nephews sounds like a LOT, whether pubescent or not! 4y
Suet624 Just checking in to see how it‘s going. 4y
saresmoore @Suet624 Still pregnant and ready for this baby to be on the outside! Otherwise, all is well. ♥️ 4y
vivastory Thinking about you, friend! 4y
Suet624 It seems like forever that we‘ve been waiting to meet this little squirt. 😄😄 I can imagine just how ready you are. 4y
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What a sweet book. I heard Gail Carriger talk about this on the @ReadingEnvy podcast and it appealed to me. An early nineteenth century setting (with the addition of magic) and a convoluted mystery to be solved by two cousins, Kate and Cecy, who are quite irrepressible in flouting society rules whenever it suits them. Told as a series of letters - definitely one for those who like magic, mystery and 19th century 💜🧙‍♀️🔮

IReadThereforeIBlog I‘ve read this - it‘s very entertaining! 4y
ReadingEnvy I'm glad you liked it! I still want to read it. 4y
batsy Oh yay! I just saw @saresmoore review and now yours and I'm happy you both enjoyed this ❤️ 4y
Centique @batsy I finished it and thought - who would like this? - @batsy I reckon! Now if you took this and added very flouncy vampires and foolish do-gooding werewolves and cross dressing steampunk inventors - you‘d have The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger - so you might like that too! 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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@Sace @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp here are my choices. Sorcery and Cecilia would be my first choice. These all would be light/fluffy/ funny I believe. What do you think? I will tag other books in comments. #lmpbc

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Sace Sorcery and Cecilia and The Wrong Side of Magic both appeal to me! I have not read Pratchett, but I get the impression you cannot go wrong with him. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Any of those choices sound great to me. I haven't read any Prachett either, but he has been on my radar for a while. Sorcery & Cecelia I have read but it is literally one of my very favorites - I almost picked it up again last night! - so I would enjoy reading it with all of you!! 4y
Laughterhp Sorcery & Cecelia looks great! I‘d be down for that one or one of the Pratchett books. I have tried to read Good Omens, but bailed on it. So I‘d rather not that one (even though I loved the tv show 😂) 4y
Chrissyreadit @TheAromaofBooks did you read the sequel? 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yes!!! It lacks a little bit of the spontaneity of the first book (if you read the afterword, the authors talk about how they weren't originally planning to write a book; they were literally writing these letters as a game) but is still great fun. There is also a third story set ten years later when they all have children and is also quite entertaining. 4y
Chrissyreadit I still do not know what to doooo! I have The Color of Magic- the first Discworld book if that makes a difference? I‘ve been told the other one I shared can be read as stand alone. Any thoughts? @Sace @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp I can always do sorcery and Cecilia in another round- (edited) 4y
Chrissyreadit @Sace @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp could you give me first and second choices? I would be super grateful- I‘m having a hard time making a decision. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I think The Wrong Side of Magic is my first choice, and then maybe The Color of Magic? But like I said, I 100% love Sorcery & Cecelia and think it would be fun to read with a group, so I'm happy to go with that one - it's SO funny. 4y
Laughterhp Okay. 1. Sorcery and Cecelia 2. Dead weather and sunshine but honestly, I‘d be down for any but Good Omens. I‘ll probably pick the Jane Austen one if that helps your decision. 4y
Chrissyreadit I‘m going to go with The Wrong Side of Magic for this round, but if you all have time and want me to do Sorcery and Cecilia as an optional “add on” I can send it along also. @Sace @TheAromaofBooks @Laughterhp 4y
TheAromaofBooks I'm always happy to see that book come my way, but I'll leave it up to everyone who hasn't read it yet!! 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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I am utterly disappointed in my past self. I remember being actually disappointed in this and now I'm bewildered how that could've happened. So weird how reading experiences vary.

This was charming, funny, and who doesn't love manners combined with magic? Cecilia and Kate are wonderfully no-nonsense heroines and the storytelling via letters works splendidly. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

BookmarkTavern I love this series! ❤️❤️ I‘m so glad you revisited it! 4y
Briary @ozma.of.oz Definitely going to continue this time 😊 Past reading self is not always to be trusted 🙈 4y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Ugh Monday. But I'm continuing my reread binge.

Lackey's book get points for having the most horrendous cover, but since I'm listening it, I don't have to see it too much.

I remember having some trouble with Wrede, but let's see how I feel now. I do like how these books are structured, the way the story is told via letters.

And you can hardly go amiss with Le Guin.

BookmarkTavern I remember loving Sorcery and Cecelia when I was a teen! ❤️ I hope you enjoy it. 4y
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A very light, YA regency romantic fantasy. Really cute, and the bits of humor and wizardry kept me interested, although it took me longer to read than expected.

I especially love the concept: this is an epistolary novel that consists of letters between two cousins/friends: Cecelia is stuck in the country while Kate is out for a season in London and magical mystery ensues. The two authors each wrote a character—that works well!



sprainedbrain I probably wouldn‘t have read this if it weren‘t for the #popsugar challenge... it‘s sort of a cozy and those aren‘t my favorite genre at all. I needed a book by two female authors, and this fit the bill. Glad I read it! 🙌🏻 5y
batsy I enjoyed it, too. Sweet and light! 5y
Amie I've had this on my kindle for so long, and I really need to get around to reading it! 5y
MaureenMc I, too, have had the ebook for ages, but haven‘t gotten to it yet. I didn‘t realize it was epistolary- my favorite genre! (Wait, is epistolary considered a genre? 🤔) 5y
rubyslippersreads I love this book! 5y
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Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer

Pretty good if very light

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A bit of magic and mystery this morning with an attentive lap dog. (She‘s just thrilled I don‘t have to work today!) 🐶 #rereading #dogsoflitsy #beaglesoflitsy

batsy So sweet! 5y
DGRachel 💖💖 5y
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Excuse my Leslie Knope bag that I propped my books up on but I couldn‘t wait until my train arrived home before sharing what I got today! So excited 😍
Pulp Fiction bookstore, you win again 🙌 #bookhaul #allthescifiandfantasyplease

Sue That looks like your weekend sorted! 5y
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Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer

Charming little book and was a perfect read for when you want a little romance, fantasy and mystery. I look forward to the rest of the trilogy

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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Forgot to do #manicmonday #letterS on Monday, so here‘s my late entry just in time for Thanksgiving! @JoScho

📖 Sorcery and Cecelia, by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
✒️ Maggie Stiefvater
📺 Sherlock
🍣 Sushi

JoScho 🧡🧡🧡 6y
Sharpeipup ❤️ Sherlock! 6y
YouBookMe @Sharpeipup It‘s so good! 6y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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It's 60 degrees (happy place!) and I have my tea, my book, my stitching, my tablet, and my sofa.... Sunday may now commence. 😁

AmyG Sounds wonderful. Love the mug! 6y
bookandbedandtea @AmyG Me too! I may have way too many of these Starbucks city mugs. And now they've redesigned them so I have to collect the new series too! 😉 6y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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"I find that most amusing, don't you?"

"Not really," I said, and spilt my chocolate on her.

smilingshelves I love these books! 6y
Andydear @smilingshelves im pumped to get the next one from the library tomorrow!! 6y
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A mash-up of #Regency romance, cosy mystery and magic. I enjoyed the first one (Sorcery & Cecelia, left) but the charm started to wear thin in the next two.

#150PnPCoverParty @CrowCAH @LeahBergen

kspenmoll Those covers!!! 6y
LeahBergen Oh, cool! 6y
Linsy Oooh, this is on my TBR, but my kindle version doesn‘t have those covers. So pretty! 6y
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CrowCAH Oh neat, cozy mysteries of the Regency era; have to tell my Mom about those! 6y
batsy @kspenmoll @Linsy The covers are really enticing :) 6y
batsy @CrowCAH They're light and fun 👍 6y
RohitSawant Wonderful covers! 6y
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Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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This was a cute little book! It wasn't a terrific or life changing book really, but I enjoyed it. It was fun and light. I think middle schoolers and young teens would really like it. Cecelia and Kate have a great relationship.

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Technically they're cousins, but I think that Kate and Cecelia (and the authors who write them) feel like the best of #girlfriends. #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading

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Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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I thought this book was hilarious and the perfect brain candy for a busy long weekend. I'm intrigued by the idea that it started as a Letter Game between the two authors. The subtitle is The Enchanted Chocolate Pot, so I found a picture of one on the web.

Mariposa_Bookworm The pot is gorgeous! 7y
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I really really hated this book. One of those books that many loved and I... well I REALLY didn't. 🤢🤢🤢🤣🤣🤣#didntlikeitstillfinished #marchintoreading

Marchpane 🎃🤢🤣🤣🤣 7y
TrishB Great pic! 7y
ScrappyMags @TrishB thanks! I had a message to convey but didn't want to thoroughly turn everyone off lol! 👍🏼 7y
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kspenmoll That pumpkin!!!!🎃 7y
Reviewsbylola 😂😂😂 7y
Reviewsbylola You definitely conveyed your message lol. 7y
melbeautyandbooks This pic is fantastic! 7y
Gulfsidemusing Haha... great photo! 7y
ScrappyMags @melbeautyandbooks it's an Internet steal 👍🏼 7y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Some of my favorite examples of #epistolary novels are the Cecelia & Kate books by Wrede and Stevermer, who wrote them by writing letters to each other as their characters, two cousins dealing with the London Season in the midst of magical hijinks. Absolutely hilarious and delightfully fun, these books remain some of my favorites. (I discovered book 1 is missing; I must have foisted it upon yet another friend.) #readjanuary 💫🍫☕️🗝🇬🇧

elkeOriginal I posted book 1 today! I LOVE these books! 8y
aeeklund @elkeo YESSSSS! I'm so glad you love them, too! I was so upset when I couldn't find book 1. Guess it's an excuse to buy a hardcover... >.> 8y
elkeOriginal I have multiple copies 😁 I think my post is just on a different/duplicate title listing than yours... 8y
aeeklund @elkeo You were right; I had a weird edition linked to that post. I changed it to the one I (somewhere? Maybe still?) have. 8y
elkeOriginal Ah, now we are organized! 8y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Another #repost of an earlier review for #epistolary novel lovers. This one has both magic and a Regency England setting. I love that it began as a Letters game between two author friends!
It is also part of the #sirensreadingchallenge 😉
Previous review:

#readjanuary #epistolarynovels

LectricSheep This looks so interesting! 8y
elkeOriginal It's SO good! And a series, if you like it 😁 8y
brandymuses This book doesn't get nearly enough love! 8y
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thec0zy I've always meant to read this!! 8y
elkeOriginal @brandymuses I agree! That is why I reposted😁 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 I LOVE THIS BOOK. ♥️ 8y
RealLifeReading Sounds fun! Haven't heard of this! 8y
Claireluana Sounds super fun! 8y
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Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Some YA fantasy for you all, with some rather grandiose titles. These books inspired my love for epistolary novels. (And yes, it does bother me that they are not all the same edition) #longtitle (s) #booktober @RealLifeReading

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Sorcery & Cecelia: Or, The Enchanted Chocolate Pot | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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An entertaining and fluffy regency read with magic, mystery, meddlesome aunts, and two cousins stuck in the middle of it all. I enjoyed this quite a bit. Sometimes it's nice to take a break from more serious reads.

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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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One day late for #recommendsday, but this fanciful, Regency-era omnibus is on sale today. 😀📚❤️

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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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This was an obvious #favauthorcolab for today's #augustphotochallenge. I love both these authors, and @Wandering_Resident and I started so many letter games in high school after reading this! (Did we ever make it past about the 3rd letter?...)

Wandering_Resident I think we made it to 5 once! Every time I re-read that book I want to start another letter game 😎 8y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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This epistolary novel of 'Magic and mystery in Regency London' is remarkable because it started as a 'Letter Game' between 2 author friends - they wrote letters (this was the 80s when that still happened!) to each other in character without ever revealing plot ideas. At the end they realized they had a book🙂 Thankfully this mass pb original was rereleased in HC years later so weirdos like me could have duplicate copies📚 #authorcollab

Blair_Reads That is so interesting!! 8y
rubyslippersreads I love this series! 📚💕 8y
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Laalaleighh Oooh, I love epistolary novels! This looks amazing. Stacked 📚 8y
Laalaleighh @elkeo that is exciting!! I wonder if my bookstore/library will have these or if I will have to order them from the dreaded Amazon. 8y
elkeOriginal @Laalaleighh Library is possible. Or order from an indie! Powell's in Portland is a fun one to order from if you don't have any locals... 8y
Laalaleighh Oooh, I never ever considered ordering from an indie. I wasn't aware that was something a person could do. Great idea!!! Sorry bookstore killing behemoth, you're not getting my money today!!! 8y
elkeOriginal @Laalaleighh Powell's is def awesome since they have used books too. Poke around on Indiebound.org if you want to find others or see indie bestseller lists & other news. Indies have character! 8y
Laalaleighh @elkeo will do for sure!! Thank you! 8y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Authors Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer created these epistolary novels (this volume collects two) by each creating a character and writing to each other. Consider them YA Regency romance with magic!
#augustofpages #authorcollab #bookphotochallenge

pppooraikul Great choice! 😁 I've always loved Wrede's work. 8y
Broke_Girl_Reads I was thinking about posting this one too! I loved these books as a kid. They were my introduction to regency era fiction and I've had a soft spot for that time period ever since 8y
iread2much Are these the same books as sorcery and Cecelia? 8y
emtobiasz @iread2much yes, this volume has Sorcery and Cecelia and The Grand Tour. I think there's also a third. 8y
iread2much Awesome! Those were also my first regency books 😄 8y
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Sorcery and Cecelia: An Epistolary Fantasy | Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Always love to come back to this book. Been reread so many times that the cover is rolling up! Love rereading a bit before bed. Always inspires me to write and be creative! Patricia C Wrede is one of my favourite writers!

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