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Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries
Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries | ALAN. RICKMAN
Alan Rickman remains one of the most beloved actors of all time across almost every genre, from his breakout role as Die Hard's villainous Hans Gruber to his heart-wrenching run as Professor Severus Snape, and beyond. His air of dignity, his sonorous voice and the knowing wit he brought to each role continue to captivate new audiences today. But Rickman's artistry wasn't confined to just his performances. Fans of memoirs at large will delight in the intimate experience of reading Rickman detailing the extraordinary and the ordinary in a way that is 'anecdotal, indiscreet, witty, gossipy and utterly candid'. He grants us access to his thoughts, not only on plays, films and the craft of acting, but also politics, friendships and life. The Rickman Diaries was written with the intention to be shared, and reading it is like listening to Rickman chatting to a close friend.
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Really difficult to rate this as it is not a memoir nor is it diaries that were written with the obvious intention of publication instead this is an almost daily update about the mundane details of that day. Entries are mainly along the lines of filming x, dinner with x, bought a toaster etc.

These diaries do build up an overview of Rickman‘s daily life but there is nothing personal or in-depth.

Not sure this would work as a book but audio ok.

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A good book overall. It‘s very strange listening to (reading) someone‘s diaries, their innermost thoughts. He writes about everyday life, movies, plays, travel, etc., writing about people he‘s worked with, most interestingly Sense and Sensibility and the Harry Potter movies. We get to hear his voice at the end during an interview regarding the Royal Court. Of course I cried at the end. 😢

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“Rickman‘s ability to breathe life into projects wasn't confined to just his performances. As you'll find, Rickman's diaries detail the extraordinary and the ordinary, flitting between worldly and witty and gossipy, while remaining utterly candid throughout. He takes us inside his home, on trips with friends across the globe, and on the sets of films and plays ranging from Sense and Sensibility, to Noël Coward's Private Lives.”

CaramelLunacy I have to put this on my list - shame he didn't read the audiobook, would have loved to hear his voice 7mo
deeannloso @CaramelLunacy Yes. I loved his voice. 7mo
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I‘m confused. Little random snippets from his diary. He complains about making a movie but I have no idea which movie he‘s talking about. And while I imagine he wouldn‘t have published his own diaries, I do wish he had narrated this book. I‘ll go for another hour but so far it‘s disappointing.

Graywacke Hmm. Too bad… wish he had written an autobiography. (edited) 7mo
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I listened to this one over audio. It was interesting to listen to little snippets of Rickman‘s life for over 20 years. Some of it was mundane: what he ate & such but it was interesting to hear what his thoughts were on different projects. He talked some about Harry Potter but not much. Although you could tell by the end of the series he was getting frustrated by what others wanted versus his views of telling a story as an actor. His wife does a

ncsufoxes nice afterward to mention that he really fought hard to the end & she was thankful for the time they had those last few months. #bookspin #nonfiction2024 prompt: Harry Potter 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 8mo
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I dove into this first from my bday/Christmas haul. It is different than I thought it would be but not so much so that I am not enjoying it. I do think I would get more out of it if I was, say, a middle aged actor living in London in the 1990‘s but it is interesting to hear his thoughts about well, everything. And when I do get a reference, it is especially enjoyable. I imagine that will happen more often the closer I get to current times. ➡️

BookishBelle A little funny: every time my husband sees this book, he says the title in his version of Alan Rickman‘s voice. 😂 8mo
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Thank you so much @wen4blu I have been dying to read this book 🤍
#JolabokaflodSwap @MaleficentBookDragon thanks for hosting 🩵

Tamra One of my favorite sob worthy movies is Truly Deeply Madly. 😭😭 9mo
BookwormAHN @Tamra I haven't seen that one. I'll get some kleenex ready and stick it on my video tbr 🤍 9mo
Tamra @BookwormAHN oh my, yes you‘ll need a whole box. I‘m not into sappy movies, but this one 😩 9mo
wen4blu Hooray! Happy holidays! 9mo
BookwormAHN @wen4blu Happy Holidays ❄️ 9mo
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I don‘t really know how to review this book. I enjoyed listening to it and maybe came away with a bit of an idea of who he was as a human being but most of the entries are short without much commentary. Still a favorite actor.

TheSpineView Well done! 12mo
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I always wonder, whenever I read diaries like this, did the person writing them intend them to be published? As he was writing these words did he somewhere in the back of his mind know they‘d be read by strangers? Interesting thought. I found this entertaining and I was interested in his opinions on various films and plays. He seemed to hate every film I like which made me smile. His criticisms are valid though.

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I just finished this book. I did like the book. I loved seeing what he actually thought about what was going on around him. He was an amazing actor!!! I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. This is the second book I have completed for #JubilantJuly readathon hosted by @Andrew65

Andrew65 A brilliant actor! Well done 👏👏👏 14mo
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So I struggled with this one a bit- I kept wondering how Rickman would feel about his diaries being published posthumously. Once I got past that, I did enjoy the insight into the characters he‘s played and the plays he‘s directed. It was fascinating. And reading about how the rise to fame impacted him- his voice really comes out in this and his death truly is a great loss. 💔⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 stars

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Mostly made me wish that we'd gotten a memoir from him prior to his passing. How much of these Rickman would have wanted published is unclear, but they're not excerpted/reproduced here as a tell all. It's clear he loved art in all mediums, was passionate about his craft, loved his friends, his family, his partner, cared enough to be involved in politics/activism, and could be a dry wit, critic of and stubborn with himself & others. Sorely missed.

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How to rate a book like this??? It‘s like rating Rickman‘s experiences and thoughts about life. The diary format was clunky for me - pro tip, don‘t try to power through, take breaks - but his insights got me to see the man behind Colonel Brandon. At times super positive, and other times a bit catty, Rickman describes working on films and plays, as well as his constant health battles. I was exhausted just reading about his jet setting ways!

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rmaclean4 I loved him! 2y
Bluebird Great actor. So many wonderful roles. My favs: Colonel Brandon, Hans Gruber and Snape. Think I need to read his book. Stacked! 2y
Librarybelle @rmaclean4 @Bluebird I felt a little invasive reading his diaries, but it was also a nice sneak peek into some of his movies and the interactions on set! 2y
Bluebird 🤔 do you know if he authorized the publication of the diaries? I don‘t think I‘d want to read it if he didn‘t. 2y
Cinfhen Excellent review! I was going to use this book for the same prompts but I‘m not really a fan and I wonder if I‘ll “enjoy” or appreciate this one?? I might look for another option. 2y
Cinfhen @Bluebird good point!!! 2y
Librarybelle @Bluebird @Cinfhen There is not a specific statement anywhere that he authorized this…his wife worked with a collaborator to put this out. So, I‘m not sure. 2y
Cinfhen Thanks, Jess 💜 2y
Bluebird Thanks! Hopefully he and his wife discussed this before his death. 2y
LibrarianRyan I have heard such good things about this. 2y
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I listened to the audiobook, which I thought was well narrated.
It was strange to adapt to the short diary entires, but I ended up enjoying the listen.
It felt voyeuristic, but also neat to have insight into the day to day social/ travel/ work life of a stage and screen actor.
I came for the HP info, which actually is sparing, but kind of fell more in love with who Alan was as a person. ⬇️

Soubhiville I feel the need to start watching all of his movies now, and have seen other reviews say the same, so beware of that. (Also can we just all appreciate this gorgeous piercing stare? He was certainly swoon-worthy sometimes.). 2y
vlwelser I had a weird pre-teen crush on him after seeing Robin Hood. And I have loved him ever since. 2y
TheLudicReader He was so good in Robin Hood, @vlwelser . I think Rickman elevated anything he was in. Imagine anyone else playing Snape? Impossible. 2y
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CBee Let‘s not forget Die Hard! He played villains perfectly 👏🏻 And this pic is definitely swoon-worthy 😍 2y
dabbe @Soubhiville The picture (and that voice). I still can't believe he's gone. When I watch him once again in Sense and Sensibility, I just cry (and swoon!). 🤣 Following him playing Snape when the books overlapped, I told my husband before Book #7 was published that Snape just had to turn out good. When he asked why, I said, “It's Alan Rickman, fcol!“ ❣️ 2y
rwmg Can I recommend his TV performance as Obadiah Slope in The Barchester Chronicles series? 2y
Soubhiville @rwmg I‘ll see if I can get hold of that, thanks for the recommendation! 2y
Soubhiville @dabbe I just watched SnS tonight. 💗 2y
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Instead of audio Lego building, today I did audio dismantling 🤦🏻‍♀️ my swim spa has a leak 😭 in the worst place possible, OF COURSE, where the stairs and power source is. So the stairs and deck had to be moved out of the way. I‘m going to hire a professional to put it back together 😆😖 It was wonderful to get a front row seat to AR‘s life

Megabooks Oh no! 2y
mcctrish @Megabooks it has been a week!!! 2y
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Next up in audio legoing self care

ncsufoxes I need to find this one! Can‘t wait to see it once it‘s done 2y
mcctrish @ncsufoxes I hope they have a whole bunch of art ideas 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 2y
ncsufoxes I still need to get the Van Gogh one (I‘m going back to work so I can justify buying it for myself…now to find one). I hope they do more, it‘s such a neat way to see art 2y
mcctrish @ncsufoxes oh I hope you can find the Van Gogh one! It is so fun to make art this way ❤️❤️ 2y
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Still palate cleansing from Colleen Hoover 🤣🤣 so more AR diary on audio and some pretty Lego building for Valentine‘s Day

Rissreads That is so pretty! ♥️ 2y
BiblioLitten So pretty! 💝 2y
TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣😝😝😝😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 2y
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5feet.of.fury Awwww what a cute Lego craft! 2y
dabbe I swear at first glance, I thought they were real! ❣️ 2y
mcctrish @Rissreads I think so too! I love the pink and red ❤️💕 and pops of green 2y
mcctrish @BiblioLitten in a house full of boys, it‘s nice to have some pretty 😍 2y
mcctrish @5feet.of.fury Lego gets me 😆😆 2y
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I think I‘m going to be okay now 😂😂 2y
mcctrish @dabbe I just love it !!! 2y
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A day of chores and errands made better with audio books. My breakfast looks like it has suffered serious trauma but tastes as good as normal looking omelettes. AR talking about running into Natasha Richardson and my heart hurt a bit 💔she was in canada 🇨🇦 (Quebec) skiing WITHOUT A HELMET and fell waiting for the lift up the hill, banged her head. She was dead by morning

Suet624 Ugh. I remember that event so clearly. How did I not know she didn't have a helmet on though? 2y
TheBookHippie I still remember it happening…. NO HELMET 😵‍💫. 2y
mcctrish @Suet624 that was around the time some hills started insisting on helmets so skiing without one was still a thing, but she was an adult learning to ski and it would have been suggested that she wear one. What a waste and her poor family 2y
mcctrish @TheBookHippie it‘s funny how some of this book feels like yesterday ( the 90‘s were 10 years ago, right?! 🤣🤣😖) but some really bring back memories and this was one 😢 2y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish 👀 I say that all the time -but I have a 34 year old walking around saying Ma… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and yes helmets weren‘t a thing for much then hard to remember that however one would think a beginner would 🤷🏻‍♀️. 2y
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Audio building and baking today

wanderinglynn Yay for Legos! 💜 2y
mcctrish @wanderinglynn absolutely bringing me joy 2y
5feet.of.fury Awww so cute 🐼🎋 2y
mcctrish @5feet.of.fury I have a new big set but I have to work the next few days so I figured I‘d better break out this one that I meant to build last January 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Started this and I‘m not going to lie, I‘m almost in tears because I thought I was going to hear his voice 😢 it was published posthumously🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘m so dumb but I loved him so and like Emma Thompson said in the opening “we won‘t see the likes of AR again”

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#readingbracket2023 #nonfiction #january @chasjjlee

100% not surprised that this one won!

BookDee Hi, this looks interesting. How does it work? 2y
Vansa This is nice!!! 2y
jenniferw88 @BookDee if you go to @chasjjlee 's page you'll find a blank template which you can screenshot and upload with your top read of the month. Some of us do book covers, others just type the title into each box. It's a bit like the Tournament of Books! 2y
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BookDee @jenniferw88 thank you! Can I use it if I only read one book per month? 2y
jenniferw88 @BookDee yes, I just split it into fiction and non-fiction because I read a lot in a month! 2y
BookDee @jenniferw88 thank you! 2y
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#bookreport @Cinfhen

Madly, Deeply
The Sentence

Count of Monte Cristo
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Invisible Women

Libby1 What did you think of The Sentence? I thought it was excellent. 2y
jenniferw88 @Libby1 I gave it 4 stars. 2y
RobES Melmoth is so good .... but I still see her in the shadows at night .... utterly terrifying! 2y
KathyWheeler Invisible Women was enlightening, infuriating, and good. There was some concern that she didn‘t discuss transgender women, but I think that‘s because there is even less data on them. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love Evelyn 💚 2y
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As suspected, I finished last night!

Overall this is a very funny and light-hearted book, although at some points Alan doesn't come across as very nice (this is mainly directed at film editors/critics/journalists, however - not his fellow actors).

It only really gets sad towards the end, where the entries tail off/are shorter, and Rima (his wife) takes over.

#pop23 #celebritymemoir
#52books23 #publishedposthumously
#booked23 #inmemorium

Cinfhen I‘ll let you know Jenny 💕glad you liked it ☺️ 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen I've just remembered something I wanted to put in my review - please see https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5140935666 for my full thoughts! 2y
Librarybelle I have this checked out from the library…looking forward to reading it soon! 2y
Cinfhen Read your review!! I was thinking this book might remind me of Miriam Margolyes 2y
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3 ✨
This starts out a bit boring, with disjointed dates, names and places. But as it progressed and Alan started keeping more in-depth accounts of his days, I really enjoyed getting to know the man behind the actor.

@Clwojick #Pantone2023 #Persimmon

jenniferw88 Interesting! Currently reading this & already know it's 5 stars, and may even be my top non-fiction book for January. 2y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @jenniferw88 Glad you're enjoying it! 2y
Clwojick Way to go! 2y
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🎧 👩‍🏫 📚

BEST experienced as an immersion read.

There are footnotes that explain some people places & things that the narrator sometimes stops & reads but sometimes doesn‘t. Then sometimes abbreviations in the book are spelled out by the narrator, helpful!

You get the feeling that personal moments may have been removed. That‘s fine. He hits the highlights! It defines a life well lived.

He‘s missed. Hug. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 👇🏻👇🏻

The book is set up perfectly. Emma Thomson reads a Foreward. Then there‘s an introduction. Then the chapters are set up as years from 1993 - 2015.

There‘s an Afterward penned by his lifelong love, Rima Horton & Appendix of earlier random journal entries.

The audiobook listener is treated to Alan Rickman‘s voice in a 7 minute interview that isn‘t in the book. A perfect ending.

There‘s also a table of contents & extensive Index!

The end papers are 4 different pages from his journals. There are a few pages of color pictures.

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#bookreport @Cinfhen

American Sherlock
Jamaica Inn
The Gospel of the Eels

The Count of Monte Cristo
The Postcript Murders

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Madly, Deeply

TrishB Good week 👍🏻 2y
Cinfhen I‘ll be curious to know your thoughts on 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen so far, it's very funny and not too sad, although there's quite a few swear words! It's not like a traditional memoir (think Born a Crime), but extracts from his diaries so doesn't go into details, although there's footnotes at the end of each chapter. 2y
Cinfhen I‘m going to be listening on audio…wonder how it will work in that medium 😅 I think I might push it up my #TBR - thanks for the reminder xx 2y
jenniferw88 @Cinfhen I was a huge Rickman fan so you might want to take my comments with a pinch of salt. I must admit I'm reading it to 'get it out the way' as I know it might make me sad and I'm using it for the #inmemorium prompt. 2y
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Upgraded myself 😊
I'm telling everyone it's for the gym/running, but truly it's for my Auidbooks! 🎧

Also my desk pad is very inspiring this month.

TheSpineView Cool! I have tried several pair and they never stay in place. Even the ones that have several size ear pieces don't stay in place. I have come to the conclusion that I must have an odd shaped ear. 😅 2y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @thespineview
That kind of suck! I love my in-ear noise canceling headphones, will be lost without them.
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The Rickman Diaries | Alan Rickman
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“after all this time?” Always♥️

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I have loved Alan Rickman since the first time I saw Die Hard all those years ago and still can‘t quite believe he‘s gone, so it was bittersweet getting to know him a bit from his diaries. I‘m glad I knew going in that these are jottings rather than a smooth narrative, and I think this is best enjoyed a bit at a time. The audio has part of an interview with Alan at the end and it was a bit melancholy hearing his voice.

wanderinglynn It‘s heartbreaking that he‘s gone. He was one of my fave actors. 😔 2y
Soubhiville The B&N box arrived today 😁. I‘ve written your name on it and stuck it under the tree. Thank you! 2y
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville You‘re so welcome! It‘s actually been in your area since the first of the month, so maybe it was taking in the sights before getting to you. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 I‘m glad it found it‘s way to you! (edited) 2y
Soubhiville It‘s the time of year that shipping gets weird. I hope your box will get to you soon too! 2y
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I feel liked I skimmed this, nothing really stuck in my head. I wanted to bail on this book so many times but I didn't, and I should of

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I didn‘t know if I was going to like this book when I first started because it was so disjointed and random thoughts. It was a bit tedious in parts, but obviously when he started talking about Harry Potter and Love Actually I was excited!

At the end I was super sad and tearing up a bit when he knew he was sick and his last days.

I think you have to be a huge Alan Rickman fan to enjoy this book.

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Strings of names and places and dates, interspersed with sharp personal observations and pearls of witty brilliance, this is invaluable to a biographer, interesting to a fan, and—although I wouldn‘t recommend it to a casual reader—strangely fascinating. Still, this was published 'as is', and the very raw, context-less format makes it tedious in places (though I don‘t know if it could‘ve been done better without losing its spirit).


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Cinfhen Ohhhh!!! I need both those prompts #stacked 💖 2y
BarbaraBB You can use John Le Carré also for the Tinker Tailor Spy prompt in #ATY23! 2y
jenniferw88 @BarbaraBB yes I can, but not using the one you'd expect. 1) because I've already read it and 2) I can #doubledip with #Panama #readingtheamericas2023 2y
BarbaraBB So clever!!! 2y
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Slowly, but surely I‘m getting through this. Not sure if I‘m biting more than I can chew here.

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And we have now reached the Harry Potter years 😍🤓⚡

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My Libby loan came in!!!

Anyone else excited to read this one?

BookishBelle I am! It‘s on my Amazon wishlist. It‘s the time of year I‘m not allowed to buy myself anything (bday right before Christmas) so I‘ll have to wait. Enjoy! 2y
Librariana I added this title (print copies) to our library catalog just last week, I think. I got to look through it before adding it and I was so surprised by his handwriting and by some of his drawings. Such a gifted, talented man. 2y
Kimberlone @Librariana I have the audiobook version but now I regret not putting the ebook on hold!! 2y
Librariana @Kimberlone It is never too late to put it on hold! Especially if you don't want the holds queue to get crazy. You can always have it be a revisit type of situation if you finish the audio first. It was fascinating to learn he kept a record of his days. I do hope you enjoy your audio listen no matter what! 2y
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I let myself slowly absorb Rickman's life over several days, losing myself in the simplicity of his entries and how most of his days were just normal mundane activities. My favorite parts involved his honest thoughts on actors, movies, plays, etc...

These diaries show just how diverse he was, how caring he was, and yet also just how human he was. We sometimes forget that individuals in the limelight are just ordinary people like me and you.

Bklover Also-look at that intense gaze on the cover! I need to read this!❤️ 2y
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I wouldn‘t have imagined reading someone else‘s notes about their days would be fascinating, but Rickman led an interesting life filled w/compelling work, travel, & dinners. He is critical, witty & acidic in his observations. But through all of that is an underlying passion and curiosity about the world. He is generous with praise, when it is earned, & willing to take criticism. He holds himself to the same high standard he holds everyone else to.

rabbitprincess This is going on my Christmas list! 2y
AvidReader25 @rabbitprincess I got lucky and listened to a library audio version! 2y
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Oh Alan :(
Even though the entries are short it still gives you a glimpse of the real Alan
Knew how it ends but still really sad

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It is a fascinating look into the career of an actor and how often they are juggling multiple roles. He also didn‘t hold back on his thoughts about other actors, films, and the entertainment industry in general, both the good and the bad. I thoroughly enjoyed this and felt like I got an inside look at one of the most iconic character actors of our times. Alan Rickman is greatly missed by so many who have loved his performances for decades.

Meshell1313 Added! Love Actually is only my most favorite movie of all time! 2y
Lizpixie Just got my signed hardcover yesterday from Waterstones! Can‘t wait to start it, I‘m keeping it for #NonFictionNovember 2y
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The Rickman Diaries | Alan Rickman
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Release Day!

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Rickman Diaries | Alan Rickman
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Heads up, nerds! 💕
Available for preorder: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250847959/madly-deeply

Clare-Dragonfly Weird that there‘s no editor or compiler listed, though. If it‘s only being published 6 years after his death, it seems unlikely that he made the selections himself. 2y
Ericalambbrown @Clare-Dragonfly I read about this not long after his death. It sounded like his intention was pretty clear when his wife talked about it. And she‘s an academic so she may have been able to do this work within their close circle. (edited) 2y
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Clare-Dragonfly OK, that‘s good to hear! Still makes me wonder what took so long. 2y
Ericalambbrown @Clare-Dragonfly who knows? She may not have ready to share this yet? Grief has its own time. (edited) 2y
Clare-Dragonfly That‘s true! 2y
GingerAntics This is awesome!!! 2y
GingerAntics @Clare-Dragonfly @Ericalambbrown Alan Rickman reads the audiobook, so I‘m guessing he made his selections and recorded it before his death. 2y
Ericalambbrown @GingerAntics are you serious?!?!? Omg!!! 2y
GingerAntics @Ericalambbrown yup!!! That bad boy went immediately on my wish list!!! 2y
Ericalambbrown @GingerAntics what a gift this is! I‘m stunned! 2y
GingerAntics @Ericalambbrown right? His thoughts. His words. In his own voice. It will be like he‘s speaking from the great beyond! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @GingerAntics Wow!!! I‘m not much of an audiobook person but this may need to be an exception! 2y
GingerAntics @Clare-Dragonfly I don‘t see how you can pass it up. To hear that voice again. 2y
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