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Winter's Tale
Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
Now a major motion pictureA bestseller that takes readers on a journey to New York of the Belle Epoque, where Peter Lake attempts to rob a Manhattan mansion only to find the daughter of the house at home. Thus begins the love between the middle-aged Irishman and Beverly Penn, a young girl who is dying. This novel...is a gifted writers love affair with the language (Newsday).
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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This one has cleared space on my physical shelf and my digital shelf. #DoubleSpin for May is done.
#BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin #ReadOrDonate #readyourebooks #readyourTBR #TBRtarot

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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I needed an additional month but April‘s #WickedWords are complete now that I found #iceberg in the tagged book. 🤓

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#WickedWords #iceberg

My #DoubleSpin / #ReadOrDonate / #TBRtarot book gave me the #WickedWord I didn‘t find in April.

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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CBee Awesome 👏🏻 2mo
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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It‘s time to get this #chunkster off my shelf.

#ReadOrDonate #Roll100
@julieclair @PuddleJumper

TheBookHippie I just brought four to donate. I read one and kept it. 🙃🙂 2mo
julieclair Woo hoo! You go girl! 2mo
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julieclair @TheBookHippie Good for you! 👍 2mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair It really truly does feel good. 2mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 Good luck! 2mo
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#Wintergames #DailyPhotoChallenge #Winter #SantasBookshELVES

I really will get to this one day…

Cheryl_Russell_BookNotes I keep telling myself the same thing. 😬 6mo
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Rereads are always risky. Unfortunately this one went worse than anticipated. If you retain nostalgia for this title, click away from this review now.
From when I originally read this as a teen, I remembered only a love story, when I picked it back up, I was hoping for magic and a connection to the past. My past as much as that of historical New York. Perhaps it was too high a bar to set. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality Turns out the love story is much less of the framework than I recalled, unless you count the love Helprin has for winter and New York.
No idea how much the 'historical' New York depicted is fantasy or exaggeration, it was from time to time, the most enchanting part to read about. Immersive descriptions, the colours and lights of winter, the reader feels the season, even when reading it in late spring.
And that's about it for the positives. 2/?
Robotswithpersonality Sadly, passion for a city on this level seems a step away from the rabid passion for a nation these days labelled as nationalism/patriotism, which feels more pejorative than virtue at this point, especially linked to an American context.
Political and economic philosophy espoused not quite my vibe: strong push for meritocracy. The plight of 'the poor/the city of the poor' is returned to regularly, but always at a distance, feels more like a grotesque prop of disease, corruption and stupidity, not humanized by the inclusion of any one character that represents the group for more than a couple pages, usually unnamed and pitiable, soon to be destroyed, unless they do a bootstrap-style 'getting out'. Justice as a golden abstract gets a lot of mentions but not any of the social structures or revamps which might assist 'the poor'; I believe there was one specific negative reference to welfare. 3/?
Robotswithpersonality Reminded of Ayn Rand, not so much in the specifics, but in the general sweeping monologues that land somewhere between poetic and impenetrable, a thinly veiled platform for the author to hold forth on his views.
Also pretty heavy on that classic (ableist) fairy tale divide (to be pure and virtuous is to be beautiful, to be evil or pitiable is to be ugly).
Finding out the author is billed as a 'conservative commentator' was not surprising. 4/?
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Robotswithpersonality Seems to waffle between emphasizing the changing winds of fortune, just how quickly luck can arrive or abandon, how much more beautiful things are when their brevity and vulnerability is understood, and vaguely promising that the virtuous will eventually be rewarded.
Dangerous to tell oneself a fairytale that 'everything happens for a reason', that it's all part of a larger picture on a greater timescale than we can perceive, because, much like religion, it promises justice later/in the next life and not now. 5/?
Robotswithpersonality Or of course, to get justice now, you could blame the poor for the destruction of the city, burn the whole thing to the ground, costing who knows how many lives, and end as if this is just the price for a fresh start, which feels a Iittle too close to genocide for my taste. 6/? 14mo
Robotswithpersonality A cast of interesting characters, decently interwoven, but a few too many with not enough time on the page to feel invested.
I found the pacing frustrating. Major plot points described in a line, scenic interstitials described in detail; irresistible cliffhanger, then hundreds of pages spent introducing other characters. Various goings on hinted at and never resolved. Spent most of the book in a state of impatience, not immersed in the plot but waiting for it to return, only briefly carried off by a beautiful or absurd description.
Author has a fondness for turning unorthodox lists into meandering paragraphs, and describing many things in terms of snakes. A bit too in love with finding 'ten dollar words' or archaic words to plump up a paragraph. 7/?
⚠️ Touches briefly on a whole bunch of the truly awful parts of being a child in (the industrial revolution (?)) or really any time before modern protections were put in place (yes, I recognize the limits of those protections; we'll call it room for improvement).
Little too casual with the word 'rape' as a descriptor in less violent settings.
That whole scene with the waitress feels a lot like romaticizing sexual harrassment, with inebriation as a cover. 😬
Sex between/sexualization of minors, passing reference to sexual relationship between clergyman and underage boys, child labour, ableism, fatphobia, animal cruelty, whiff of homophobia, SA 8/8
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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✳️🌌❄️ Brilliantly, beautifully cold. Immersive descriptions.

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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'Didja get the license plate for that horse?'
'Next best thing.' 😆

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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#TemptingTitles #WithaSeason

This chunkster is sitting on the bookshelf. I‘m hoping to read a couple of bigger books this year…maybe its time has come?

Eggs This is awesome 👏🏻 oh the days of old when the sun‘s rays flooded Grand Central with light ☀️ 1y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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All sides of New York - the good, bad and magical - are on display in this beautiful, lyrical narrative. Consumed by the setting and characters as I was, I‘m still not sure what the point is. Perhaps that‘s the justice we‘re meant to find.

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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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I read Winter‘s Tale in 2007. It is still one of the most atmospheric I have ever read. #adventrecommends

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin

I loved this book and I‘m having a hard time putting into words exactly why. It‘s beautiful, contemplative, and seems to be from another time. Sit down (with a dictionary) and soak up this incredible tale.

Sapphire I “felt” winter in every fiber of my being with this, like ice in my lungs and sparkle in the vision. 2y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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❄️ The tagged.. I know it‘s a somewhat #unpopularopinion, but I loved the slow, snowy, homage to winter that was this book.
❄️ A personal goal is to find more time for art
❄️ Today, I am grateful for vacation days…
Of which I will be taking one tomorrow 😜

Thanks for the tag @Eggs ! 😘❄️

ElizaMarie Ooo so glad you are taking a vacation day and spending more time on your art this year! 2y
BethM You just miss home 😉 2y
Eggs Thanks for the thoughtful responses 👍🏼📚👏🏻 2y
mabell Thank you for the tag! 🥰 I‘d love to see some of your creative projects! Enjoy your vacation day today! 2y
Avanders @ElizaMarie ☺️ me too! 😁😘 @BethM maybe.. 😜😘 @Eggs 👍🏽😘 @mabell thanks! 😁😘 2y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Starting this one this morning. It seems like it‘s got mixed reviews, but I‘m going to see what I think. Have any of you read it? ❄️✨

persephone1408 No but I watched the movie the other day 3y
Deblovestoread It is sitting on my shelf. I would love to be tagged in your review. 3y
melissajayne Read the book when it came out; felt very convoluted 3y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Day 17 - #Supernatural

Only one of these is still on my TBR

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧛🏻‍♂️ 🖤📚 3y
Eggs Great choices 🖤📖💗 3y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Next up on this sunny Sunday in Sydney is a cup of tea, some apple tea cake & a book that‘s been on my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom since 2014. I came across the movie last night & with a few exceptions, thoroughly enjoyed it before remembering I had bought the book after seeing it for the 1st time. Really hoping it‘s just as magical & sweet.✨

scribbler One of my favorite books! 3y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#AWintersTale #DecemberSong @Eggs

Years later and I'm still not sure how I feel about this book. So much potential, but I didn't really enjoy reading it, and yet I think about it all the time (seriously, it takes up so much space in my brain).

Crazeedi I have this book on my shelf, I read like 2 pages and put back. I saw an interview with this author and have wanted to pick it up again 4y
Eggs Fascinating❣️ great cover too 4y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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It‘s cold and rainy outside today so my afternoon is all about hot cocoa and finishing this book. 📚✨

tracey38 Your hot cocoa looks really good! 4y
batsy Yum! 4y
Balibee146 Hmmm.... I have some lovely hot choc that goes frothy plus cream in the fridge 🤔🤔🤔😋 4y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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☃️ Something dark, like horror or non-fiction about natural disasters, like climate change.
☃️☃️ Normally I'd say grilled cheese sandwich, but I've given up bread, so I'll pick a nice beefy spicy chili.
☃️☃️☃️ Clear & Sunny 42/28
@audraelizabeth @WatsonReads @ameliashley

#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Mmmm chili 🤗👏🏻📚 4y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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“He moved like a dancer, which is not surprising; a horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music.”


📸: Google images

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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A great city is nothing more than a portrait of itself, and yet when all is said and done, its arsenals of scenes and images are part of a deeply moving plan.


Crazeedi Had this book on my shelf for a long time. Interested in your thoughts 4y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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1. Yes
2. Sometimes. Not as much as I‘d like.
3. Snow and colder weather. I breathe better in the wintertime.
4. Coffee, and hot cocoa.
5. This is on my TBR. Planning on reading it soon.


Crazeedi I have had this book on my shelf for a couple years, not read yet. I'll be interested in what you think 4y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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I really thought I would love this book, and now I‘m just disappointed that I invested so much time in it.

Really beautiful writing. I loved the first third or so... then it went off the rails, started to redeem itself, and finally fell flat. I don‘t mind verbosity, I like historical fiction with magic and romance, and I love a good, sprawling story. This book has those elements, but they did not come together in any meaningful way. 😕


ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I bailed on this one and couldn‘t remember why, but now I think I know! Thanks! 5y
sprainedbrain @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled you made the choice I should have made! 😬 5y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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I‘m struggling... this a big book. I am supplementing with audio to help get through the giant paperback.

It‘s had funny parts, and I was enjoying things quite nicely, and then BAM. Everything changed and I‘m not even halfway through and it‘s wholly different characters and omg what is happening here.


wanderinglynn Sounds intriguing. 👍🏻 5y
batsy I've had this book on my radar. Will wait for your review 😁 5y
sprainedbrain @wanderinglynn @batsy update: more things have happened and now some characters are back and I‘m no longer confused. 😂 5y
readordierachel 😆😆 5y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin

Should‘ve been magical but was just overeritten

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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This is hard to review. It‘s true the book is long-winded but the writing is gorgeous & the book can be read as an expression of the author‘s love of language & NYC. More of a story would have been nice. Peter Lake (great character) breaks into a house he thinks is empty only to discover it‘s not & he falls in love with Beverly Penn who is dying. I would have liked more Peter & Beverly, directly, & less of other characters. Good not great read.

Crazeedi I've had this on my shelf for several years, still not read it. Had heard it was really good....maybe someday I'll get to the books I haven t read yet... 5y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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After enjoying a brief foray into this week‘s new comic releases, it‘s back to the tagged book which I‘m enjoying even more than I expected to. Good Thing too since it‘s a big one!

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage OMG, that Carry On art on the left is 🌅 5y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Diving deep into my TBR stacks for my next read. How deep? Well, I‘m fairly sure I got this book around the same time the movie came out in 2014. So umm, this book has waited almost 5 years for me to take it off the shelf. I‘d say it‘s about time!

Crazeedi This book is on my TBR shelf too 5y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#MusicalNewYear #day1 #SeasonsOfLove I do have this book in my #MountTBR shelves but buggered if I can reach it atm! This is a rare case of movie before book for me, I absolutely adore this film, if you ignore Russell Crowe‘s overacting it‘s a sweet & sad time shift love story set in the beginning then the end of the 20th century in New York, between a thief & a upper class lady dying of consumption.❄️🗽Lovely story plus it‘s Colin Farrell!😍

vivastory I've never read Helprin, but I seem to see a lot of Litsy love for him. It is memorable when the movie is better, because of how rare that is. 😄 5y
Cinfhen I think sometimes a book just works better because of the visual aspects 5y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#AWintersTale #WinterWonderland I have not read ... picture looks enchanting ♥️💙

Cinfhen It does 😊 6y
TrishB Good pick - weird haven‘t read and don‘t recall the film! 6y
Lizpixie I loved the movie, yes it‘s a bit cheesy & don‘t get me started on Russell Crowe‘s overacting, but it‘s sweet & sad and lovely. Plus it has Colin Farrell in it. Nuff said.😍 6y
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Cathythoughts @Cinfhen 👍🏻♥️ 6y
Cathythoughts @TrishB I havnt either but it looks worth looking into ... 6y
Cathythoughts @Lizpixie Russell Crowe can overact all he wants ... for me he will always be The Gladiator ( one of my favorite movies ) and Colin Farrell ??!! I need to see this movie.... 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Snuggling up post-festivities is one of the best parts. #merrybooksmas

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#WinterWonderland #awinterstale
@TrishB @Cinfhen
I've seen the movie but never read the book on this one

TrishB Not familiar with this one. 6y
Cinfhen I‘ve heard of the movie but I haven‘t seen nor have I read the book!! 6y
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Hmmm...beginning to suspect this book is nonsense. 12 year old tatooist of rich Chinese women? Bonkers mythology?

LauraJ 😹 6y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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As if being sick as hell didn‘t put me in a melodramatic mood already, my PCP‘s office is, literally, in a Belle Epoch “high rise” building. #toopretty #consumptivemaiden

GypsyKat I hope you feel better soon! 6y
HLouiseM @GypsyKat Thank you! 6y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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A new perspective that reading has brought to this privileged child: what happened to the people who came to U. S. Customs between 1880-1920 & were turned away?

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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Cozy winter nights ❄🔥📓

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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How cute is this card + these Harry Potter pins. ⚡️#secretsantagoespostal

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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This is one of my all time favorite books!

Bookcation74 I need to get to this one in 2018!! 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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(Seen on FB)

Betty YES. 7y
Chelleo Love this! 😂👍🏽 7y
TheNextBook I relate... 7y
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TricksyTails 😂😂😂 7y
Tamra 🤣👌🏾 7y
dsfisher Yup, perfect 7y
BookMaven407 😂😂😂😂😂 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Truth!!! 🤣😂 7y
Louise I felt like this when we ran out of heating oil 2 days ago and had to wait a full night and day for a fill-up! Brrrrrr! 7y
SandyW 😂😂😂❄ 7y
RohitSawant 😂😂 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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#bookmail from the wonderful @MeganAnn ... I just love my #LitsyGoesPostalOG people ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thanks so much, Megan!

mangokittty Oh I didn‘t know this was a book! The movie is really good. 7y
Laura317 The book was magical. I loved it. 7y
DrexEdit I 💜 that bookmark that looks like it had a period appropriate photo of NYC? 👍 7y
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sprainedbrain @DrexEdit it‘s a little print of Monet‘s Boulevard des Capucines. ❤️ 7y
lesliemarie That is one of my favorite books! 7y
MeganAnn Yay! So happy you received it! 🎉 @DrexEdit I have a small stash of Monet bookmarks so I picked this one because of the winter scene ❄️ 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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About half way through this audiobook 📖 very different from the stuff I normally read but I‘m liking it so far. And I‘m really wanting to see the movie after this 😊
#audiobook #winterstale #booktomovie

Kammbia1 One of my all time favorite novels! I hope you enjoy it. (edited) 7y
IamIamIam The museum I volunteer at was used for several scenes in the movie!!!!! 7y
Seekingtardis The movie is really good. Not what I expected at all but I loved it. I didn‘t even know it was a book!! Added!! 7y
EllieDottie I felt so so about the novel and I really liked the movie!! 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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It's probably silly to ask, given how I can't seem to read more than a couple of chapters of prose per day right now, but I'd love to find a thick book as weird and wonderful as WINTER'S TALE. Any suggestions? #30daysofreadathon

silentrequiem It's actually a three book omnibus but 7y
xicanti @silentrequiem thanks! I've stacked it. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Going really really spiritually similar here but 7y
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TobeyTheScavengerMonk @silentrequiem Oooo, I've always heard awesome things about those and I bought a copy of the first one just recently. 7y
xicanti @TobeyTheScavengerMonk spiritually similar works for me. Stacked. 7y
Viji Have you read The Name of the Wind? 7y
xicanti @Viji I have, and I love it! 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin

All the freaking stars! 👏👏 I loved it! Might be my favorite of the year.

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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I'm in love with this book. ❤️

Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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I'm in the mood for something atmospheric and beautiful. I think this is supposed to be magical realism, I hope so! I need to be carried away. It's massive so I'll audio and book. #currentlyreading #audiobook #audiobaking

JazzFeathers That cover is so inspiring 😍 7y
Foragingfantasy @JazzFeathers it's gonna be one of those book that I will wonder why it's taken me so long to read. I'm only half way but I think it's going to be my favorite book of the year. 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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My haul from today's library sale!!

mrozzz Nice picks!! 7y
LizzyM Great stuff!!!! 7y
EvieBee I have that same edition of Miss Mare stories. Love it! 7y
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Winter's Tale | Mark Helprin
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BEST book with the WORST movie adaptation? Like so bad you beg people not to watch the movie before reading the book—or watch it ever? For me, that distinction goes to WINTER'S TALE. I loved this epic, atmospheric novel so much (and apparently the Audible version is marvelous). Just please, for the love of all things literary, read the book. So much—too much—is lost in the atrocious 2014 movie (in my humble, grumpy opinion...sorry movie fans). 🤓

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