My first bookish tshirt finally came in!
My first bookish tshirt finally came in!
I feel this meme on a deep level.
After the post office held my mail two days longer than they should have, I received my bookmarks and goodies from @GondorGirl ! The one with the cat reading on the toilet is great! The lil' pouch is cool, the bookmarks are great, and the pixie dust crystal soap looks nice, although it might have to wait for renfest, because everyone loves a tall kilted man covered in glitter.😀
Thanks again for the generous giveaway!!
At a book festival you need to prioritize, which why the first time through, I only stop at booths that offer me a free bookmark!
I'm in Bookmark Heaven! Look at all these gorgeous ones I received from our rock star swap hostess @Clwojick 🙌🏻. Check out the coolest pugs and Samantha Stevens! 👏🏻👏🏻Thanks soooo much! You somehow found the perfect bookmarks to match my every whim. 🤗💖
I seem to have a bookmark obsession too. I have wooden ones, magnetic ones, watercolour & handmade ones, ribbon ones, Bookshop ones, metal ones & ones from sub boxes. My favourites are the handmade ones & the ribbon “bookjig” ones. What‘s your favourite type of bookmark? #markedforlife
Just some of the wonderful #bookmarks that I've received from you lovely Littens.
#ReadingResolutions @Jess7
@CAnne the bookmarks arrived today! And they are fantastic! I LOVE the tea cup, and I'm so glad you included a little bit of Texas too 🤠 They will all be treasured members of my collection for years to come, and I'll think of you whenever I use them. Happy Christmas!
#bookmarkswap @Clwojick
I am showing bookmarks I give as gifts.
The typewriter ones have a front and back that say THE BEGINNING and THE END. They are magnetic.
The black and white ones are also magnetic.
The cute house was given to me as a gift.
To tell the truth, I don't use bookmarks...I use envelopes, bills, postcards, recipes, or anything available.
December 8: #readingaccessories - I picked out these cute little holiday bookmarks for the library system this year! #allthebooksdec #bookmarks #seasonsreadings #christmas #retrochristmas #vintagechristmas #librarylife #seasonsreadings2017
Thought I‘d share this. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
@GypsyKat and @AvidBookWorm02 these are on their way to you today! Via UPS because I hate the damn post office. 😂😂 Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄#bookmarkswap @Clwojick
Finishing up most of my bookmarks today and just waiting for the last few goodies to arrive before I send these out to my swap partners! This was a ton of fun, @Clwojick so thanks so much for putting it together! I‘ll definitely be joining the next one if you host again! #bookmarkswap
@AvidBookWorm02 @GypsyKat
Advice wanted: thoughts about these timer bookmarks for kids? I want the convenience & independence, but my fear is reading will automatically stop just because the timer goes off.
Can‘t lie: making these corner bookmarks is super addicting once you learn how to do it. 😂🎄
Don‘t worry, @AvidBookWorm02 and @GypsyKat I promise I am not showing you ALL of your surprises! 😉
#bookmarkswap @Clwojick
Whooooo is excited to start working on bookmarks for their #bookmarkswap matches?! 🙌
@GypsyKat @AvidBookWorm02 @Clwojick
I don't think I will run out of #bookmarks anytime soon 😄
I love them. I have a lot. I hardly ever use one. Why? I'm too lazy to get up and get one. Stupid, I know.
#noteworthynovember @Jess7
#fallintobooks #bookmarks
I'm a bookmark girl, always have been. I love to collect them from bookstores I've gone to and places I've visited.
New bookmarks! The long one has a list of spells used in Harry Potter.
What to do on a quiet rainy Sunday morning? Why not make bookmarks!?
I wanted to give a shout out to an amazing artist illustrator who makes the most incredible bookmarks from GV Creations from Melbourne, Australia. I can't recommend her enough and a few of my bookish besties can expect something coming their way very soon 😍 if you do buy from her let her know I sent you, nothing in it for me I just want to share the cuteness http://etsy.me/2rEfaO2 #bookmarks #gvcreations
What do all those books need? Cute bookmarks of course! Bookmarks a plenty...you know for when I lose them (usually by putting a book away and forgetting to take it out). And they're magnetic! Which means they won't fall out in my purse! 😁
#happymothersday #bookmarks
An early Mother's Day gift from my son and my new favourite bookmark. I guess that's me coming for a hug, an Edward Scissorhands haircut, or a soul reaping 😂
You never know what you're going to find in the library... this gem brought to you from a biography section that hasn't been weeded in decades!
One of my friends made me a bunch of these for Christmas since people on our campus are notoriously bad at parking. I set one aside to use as a #bookmark, though. #RiotGrams
Cool surprise bookish gifts I love😍!
Thanks so much! And thanks for the great challenges that keep us thinking!📚📚📚👏👏👏!
Got these cute bookmarks at the National Book Festival. #bookmarks #riotgrams
I ❤️a good bookmark!! The stretchy ones are my favs (except R2, who belongs to my husband) #riotgrams #bookmarks
Some of my bookmarks laid out, plus most of the rest of them in the mug where they live. Stacy is ensuring that they all smell like her by rubbing her face against them.
A couple of these (the Garfield one and the sculpted kitty) are about 25 years old. #Riotgrams #Bookmarks #catsoflitsy #StacyTheCat
So. Many. Cute. Bookmarks! Thanks, @Matchkim #SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange
I know the #bookmarks part of the @RealLifeReading #booktober photo challenge is long gone, but I just have to show off my daughter's origami creations. They hook snugly over the corner of the page. I love them.
I absolutely adore bookmarks!! #booktober #bookmarks Harry and pals with their animal friends. Lizzy and Darcy (so cute!!!!!!) my guinea piggy! With a BOW! And the octo jelly pus fish 😍😍 @RealLifeReading
Some of my huge stack of #bookmarks. Some of them date back to grade school!!! I try to collect them at different indie stores and book sales #booktober
I keep my bookmarks in a glass vase that sits on the bookshelf for easy access. #booktober
Bookmarks are people too! Unless they are cats...
This is one of my favourite bookmarks to look at, which is one of the reasons I am sharing it with you for #booktober
The other reason I am sharing this, is that despite how much I love it, it is not very good as a bookmark! This means you won't see it in any book pictures 😔
Use it properly and it risks bending or tearing pages, just place it in the book and the cats are so heavy it falls out!
These are just some of my #bookmarks. Sadly, they don't get as much use since I read so many ebooks, but I still love collecting them. #booktober #octphotochallenge #day4
I know I have more but here's what I've managed to gather up. We have lived in 4 different states and enjoy traveling, so many are from all over. And some of @LitHousewife 'S handmade bookmarks 😊. #bookmarks #booktober @RealLifeReading (P.S. I haven't read the tagged book but the title made me smile).