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The Dark Tower VII
The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower | Stephen King, Michael Whelan
All good things must come to an end, Constant Reader, and not even Stephen King can make a story that goes on forever. The tale of Roland Deschain's relentless quest for the Dark Tower has, the author fears, sorely tried the patience of those who have followed it from its earliest chapters. But attend to it a while longer, if it pleases you, for this volume is the last, and often the last things are best.Roland's ka-tet remains intact, though scattered over wheres and whens. Susannah-Mia has been carried from the Dixie Pig (in the summer of 1999) to a birthing room -- really a chamber of horrors -- in Thunderclap's Fedic; Jake and Father Callahan, with Oy between them, have entered the restaurant on Lex and Sixty-first with weapons drawn, little knowing how numerous and noxious are their foes. Roland and Eddie are with John Cullum in Maine, in 1977, looking for the site on Turtleback Lane where "walk-ins" have been often seen. They want desperately to get back to the others, to Susannah especially, and yet they have come to realize that the world they need to escape is the only one that matters.Thus the book opens, like a door to the uttermost reaches of Stephen King's imagination. You've come this far. Come a little farther. Come all the way. The sound you hear may be the slamming of the door behind you. Welcome to "The Dark Tower."
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The perfect ending to the cycle, no matter what anyone may say. Aside from being a beautiful, heartbreaking, and enthralling tale of the final leg of Roland's journey to the Tower, this book contains - for those brave enough to venture past a discouraging author's note - the most perfect ending to the series I could envision. Until next time, when what was Unfound becomes Found once again, and I stand in the fields of Can'-Ka No Rey. 5/5

TieDyeDude Yes! This was one of the reason that, while not a good adaption, I enjoyed the movie as one of many possible follow-ups to the book's true ending. I look forward to revisiting this epic sometime in the future. Glad you liked it! 10mo
Pikathulhu @TieDyeDude I've heard that about the movie - I'll have to swallow my unease and give it a watch at some point. Hopefully as a prelude to an excellent and pitch-perfect adaptation by Mike Flanagan! 10mo
TieDyeDude *Finger crossed* 10mo
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The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower | Stephen King, Michael Whelan
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Let me just say that I still think that The Dark Tower could have ended no other way. King sort of leads on that maybe he wasn‘t quite content with it but I would have to disagree. (I mean, what does he know; he only dedicated half his life to writing it.)

This entry is not without its faults. I think King misses a lot of opportunities, and if he hadn‘t felt rushed to complete it, this could have been a truly epic book. Still, that ending though…

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We‘ve reached the end of Roland‘s quest for the Dark Tower. Long has it been and many a friend and loved one were lost. Was it worth the toil and loss? Only the reader/listener can decide. I highly recommend this series. This was my third time and I still picked up things I missed the first two times. #SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Awesome! 2y
Andrew65 A truly exceptional series 👏👏👏🙌 2y
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“Roland Deschain and his ka-tet have journeyed together and apart, scattered far and wide across multilayered worlds of wheres and whens. The destinies of Roland, Susannah, Jake, Father Callahan, Oy, and Eddie are bound in the Dark Tower itself, which now pulls them ever closer to their own endings and beginnings...and into a maelstrom of emotion, violence, and discovery.”

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Oy! 🥺❤️

TrishB Awww 🐶❤️ 2y
ShelleyBooksie Adorable pup! 2y
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#expandeddt completed ✅

This took me far longer than intended as I went on a lot of reading detours along the way but I‘m happy to have finally made it through. I finished up with the Dark Tower VII which just has so much going on but did have me in tears towards the end. 🥺
I thoroughly enjoyed tracking the connections thru so many books (if even loosely connected).
To be inside the head of SK 🤔
❤️Oy ❤️

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@LocalTXLibrarian has a set of Dark Tower books she'd like to pass on to a good home. If you're interested see her page for the original post.

#LosersClub #ConstantReaders

LocalTXLibrarian thanks for sharing! ❤️ 2y
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I still have maybe 9 books to read in 2022. We shall see cuz some are chonkers! I‘ve loved so many of the books! It will be difficult to narrow it down … 📚

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You have my attention. If anyone can do this right, it's Mike Flanagan.

Crossing my fingers @TrishB

TrishB I shall admit to not knowing who he is but being hopeful that you‘re impressed 🤞🏻🤞🏻 2y
TrishB Now I‘ve looked him up and seen his films I‘m a bit excited! 2y
Oryx @TrishB he's really good. His TV series are great too - Midnight Mass and The Haunting of Hill House were superb. 2y
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Billypar I didn't know who he was either until recently @TrishB - and had the same reaction - 'he directed all these amazing things?!' This Halloween I watched Ouija: Origin of Evil and it's now on my short list of all-time horror favorites 😈 2y
Billypar I still need to watch Midnight Mass - good holiday entertainment maybe? 👻 2y
Oryx @Billypar definitely! 2y
TheNeverendingTBR The casting will determine whether I bother with this. 2y
TrishB @Billypar will keep my eyes on this! 2y
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The Dark Tower | Stephen King

I did it. I have spent the last year with Roland and his ka-tet. Commala come come, the journey is done.

How can I summarise my feelings, or even the plot, of this magnificent magnum opus?

This is what King excels at - he doesn‘t just lay words on a page, he brings them alive in the mind of the reader. I don‘t think I will ever forget the scene building throughout this series.

Sai King, I say thank ya.

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Thank you Amazon for your 3 for 2 sale 😈 I finally own them all (insert maniacal laughter) I loved this series and will read it again! This is a lovely box set! ♥️♥️♥️

deeannloso My favorite series of all time! #SaiKing 2y
Twainy @deannloso YESSS!! ♥️ 2y
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Sorry I‘m late with this! We were away for Easter and I lost track of time! Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #DarkTower!
Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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BookwormAHN I'm still not sure how I feel about the ending of this book since it is literally told in the first book 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
TheNeverendingTBR @BookwormAHN That's the whole point though isn't it, he goes back to the start to set things right. 2y
BarkingMadRead @BookwormAHN @TheNeverendingTBR I totally get it, at first I was like wtf? But it‘s how it should have ended I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
Karkar When Oy dies it kills me every time. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Karkar ughhhhh I hated it so much! 2y
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Whew! That was a long one but so worth the wait! Looking forward to Colorado Kid next month because it‘s short! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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It‘s a bit murky at times, but ultimately this an exciting and emotional conclusion to King‘s magnum opus.

KathyWheeler I hated the ending of this book when it first came out, but the more often I‘ve read the series, the more I appreciate that ending. 3y
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On Saturday we start Dark Tower 7! Wow! In April we will be reading the Colorado Kid. I will be posting the discussion post for Song of Susannah next! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost

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Just some Dark Tower artwork that I think is on point!!! 😍🥀

BookwormM That is fantastic 3y
KathyWheeler This is gorgeous and completely on point! 😊 3y
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This was my favorite book read in June, and really I loved the whole series. The ending was awesome! I was worried the whole time I would hate the end, what a relief.
I still need to read The Wind in the Keyhole…


Andrew65 A great series of books. 3y
CuriousG I loved The Wind In The Keyhole! Hope you do too 3y
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My latest journey with Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, and Oy has ended. This is my 4th or 5th time through this series and I love it more each time. I will continue to re-read this every few years. Looking forward to revisiting the other Dark Tower-adjacent books as I continue with my #stephenkinglonghaul! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The last stop on Roland's journey. I have really enjoyed my re-read of this series. Here we go... #stephenkinglonghaul

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The Dark Tower | Stephen King
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An amazing friend of mine just dropped these off for me😭😍
Just need DT2 and that collection is complete! Looks like I‘ll be diving into some King very soon!!

sprainedbrain Oh how fun! I love SK so much, and I‘m planning to read at least one of his per month next year. 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks That is a keeper of a friend!!! Amazing! 3y
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I'm a massive SK fan so it's a massive shame that I haven't really enjoyed this. There we books along the way I really enjoyed but the last couple haven't left me particularly enthralled. I haven't hated the journey, but I'm not skipped along either.

However I really loved this ending. Weirdly the ending makes me want to go back to the first book and start all over again, I can see why Dark Tower fans get into this loop!

DrexEdit I'm on book four. I really hope to finish this series next year! 3y
Michellesibs @DrexEdit Enjoy! It took me almost a year to plough through but now I'm done I can finally watch the movie! 3y
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I read 104 books in the third quarter of 2021, here are my 25 favorites.

I‘ve been picking so many winners! So many 4.75-5 ⭐️ reads!!! Amazing!!

I had no DNF‘s!

I‘d have to say that The entire Dark tower series in September might have been my favorite but I loved all of these for a multitude of different reasons!!

What books did you read in the 3rd quarter that you‘d classify as favorites?

Aims42 I also loved ‘Under the Whispering Door‘ 😍 His books make me ugly cry one second and then he has me smiling like a fool a second after that 😂 3y
Twainy @Aims42 I ordered the Illumicrate special edition of this & TWitCS! I also cried & laughed! I love the covers too. 3y
Aims42 @Twainy Yesssss, love the covers too!! 3y
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I watched The Dark Tower movie for #Screamathon #ScarePairs today. Once I figured out it was a continuation not a retelling I enjoyed it. #scarathlon #teamslaughter

kathytrithardt That movie is such traaaaash. I was so disappointed. 3y
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🎧 📚 I‘m caught up with September reviews! PHEW!

I love this series & this was a fine ending.

Deus ex machina? CHECK

Author inserts self into story? CHECK

Beloved characters will die? CHECK

Amazing fun dog character? CHECK

Good monsters? CHECK

I loved the ending. Great series!


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A magnificent ending to a unique and propulsive series. Every page oozes finality, which is ironic given the book‘s final twist. #stephenking

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At last...finished the series! Took me roughly 7 weeks but I did it! There are no words. Literally none. 🤯

Bookwormjillk Wow, you read all of them in 7 weeks? 3y
TH3F4LC0N Yep, I did one a week. (Well the first one I actually did in one Sunday, cuz it was so short.) Definitely the most I‘ve read in that amount of time I think. It was a gauntlet, but it was well worth it! 😊 3y
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#20in4 Readathon total time!
In the last 2 days I read an additional
235 pages in 8 hours and 29 minutes.
Final total:
332 pages in 12 hours and 30 minutes
609 pages in 20 hours
Thank you @Andrew65 for getting me closer to the end!
🐕 Enjoying The Dark Tower on our new patio furniture with my reading buddy, Caprica 💙

dylanisreading Awesome! Is your reading buddy named after the Battlestar Galactica spin off series? 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂🍾🥂 3y
PaperbackPirate @Bianca Yes, that‘s where it comes from! Her full name is Caprica Six. 🙌⭐️ 3y
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PaperbackPirate Thanks again @Andrew65 ! 🥂🙌 3y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Bianca ! I‘m excited someone got it! 😂 3y
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#20in4 update!
We‘re at the halfway mark & my goal was to have read 305 pages or 10 hours by now. Alas, I‘ve read 97 pages in 4 hours 10 minutes. Instead I spent the afternoon yesterday putting together our first grown-up patio furniture set with my husband & doing yard work. A different accomplishment!
I also read 6 pages of Phantasmagoria while waiting in line on Friday. The Dark Tower is too big for my purse.
Recommitting to the Readathon!

Ruthiella Yard work and new patio furniture are also worthy goals! 3y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Ruthiella ! I agree. It‘s a great place to read! 3y
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I just started my summer vacation and I want to finish The Dark Tower before next month!
I have 236/845 to go. Bookly thinks it will take me 24 hours to finish.
I think the #20in4 Readathon will help! Thanks @Andrew65 !

Andrew65 Good luck, the readathons certainly help me. 3y
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💛 Hooray, I met both of my goals for the #NutsInMay #readathon!

⭐️ Today my goal was to get to p. 220 of this book, the first checkpoint for the group I‘m reading it with on Instagram. It‘s a great spot for a checkpoint because something spoilery good happens!

🌵Thanks again @Andrew65 !

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
Andrew65 Fantastic 👏👏👏🙌🍾🥂👍🥂🥳😊 Thanks for playing along. 3y
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A late post, but here‘s my May #TBR (with one of our backyard cacti)!
📘 I‘m going to read The Midnight Library by Matt Haig for my book club.
🐢 I finished Song of Susannah by Stephen King last week.
🧛🏻 I hope to finish all 845 pages of The Dark Tower for a buddy read on Instagram. I‘m loving it so far!

CuriousG I love The Dark Tower series. Have read the whole thing twice, and a few of the books more times than that. Did you read The Wind Through The Keyhole as part of the buddy read? If not, you'll have to read it afterwards too. 3y
PaperbackPirate @CuriousG No, I didn‘t read The Wind Through the Keyhole- thank you for the recommendation! Good to know you like the series so much! 3y
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The LAST book in one of my favorite series. I felt like I waited so long for this book. 💚

#OppositeDay Day 1, First. @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs

TheKidUpstairs I really do have to get to this series someday! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty photo 💗 3y
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The Dark Tower series has been our road trip listen, and we finished up book 7 today. While I still don‘t love the ending, I understand why King chose it just a little more every time I read it. I‘m almost done with South of the Buttonwood Tree. #audiowalk

Texreader oooh, did you take that photo? It's brilliant. 4y
KathyWheeler @Texreader The top one? Yes. It used to be a staircase down the side of the bluff to the park. Thanks. 😊 (edited) 4y
Texreader @KathyWheeler Wow!! It looks like the entrance to an old coal mine or something. I think that photo could win an award. 4y
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KathyWheeler @Texreader Thank you! I‘ve been really interested in photography lately. When I retire, I want to take some classes. 4y
Texreader @KathyWheeler What a great idea! 4y
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We took a quick beach trip today just for the peace it offers us. We‘re listening to the Dark Tower series as our road trip book and are on book 7. Unfollow was my “sit and read”book, Return to Sullivan‘s Island was my walking book (still really annoyed by Beth), and Rivals of Dracula was my husband‘s beach read. The trip gave us just what we needed — peace. #audiowalk

Tamra I‘m glad it was just what you needed! Sometimes simply getting out and even if only short ways away is refreshing - especially in times like these. Never more appreciated! 4y
KathyWheeler @Tamra Very true! 4y
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Oy is the best character in The Dark Tower, prove me wrong 😂

TheNeverendingTBR 🧡🧡 4y
CuriousG Couldn't agree more! 4y
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The Dark Tower | Stephen King
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"The road and the tale have both been long, would you not say so? The trip has been long and the cost has been high... but no great thing was ever attained easily. A long tale, like a tall Tower, must be built a stone at a time." ?

#ThoughtProvokingThursday @BayouGirl85

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Me, six months after starting this final book of “The Dark Tower” series —and about 30 years after starting the series with the first book —trying to muster the enthusiasm and interest to finally finish it...

LeahBergen 😂😂😂 4y
BookwormM 🤣🤣I really enjoyed the series after the 1st book 4y
TrishB Can‘t wait to see what you think of the ending 😁 4y
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Amiable @BookwormM I am definitely a different reader now than I was in 1988 when I read the first book. Some of the books have been better than others. This one? Well, the only word that comes to mind is ... interminable. 😖 But I will finish, if it‘s the last thing I do! 😀 4y
Amiable @TrishB I have 120 pages to go. At the rate I‘ve been reading this, that should take me another month. 😄 4y
Bookwormjillk You need to get to the end, trust me 4y
vivastory I loved the ending of this which is apparently an unpopular opinion 🤔😈😂 4y
BookwormM @vivastory I loved the ending as well 4y
TrishB I most definitely didn‘t ! @BookwormM @vivastory 4y
Birdsong28 Bit like me with The Fiery Cross (Outlander book 5) on audiobook it's 55 and half hours and I now have about 11 hours left but I just don't have the motivation to keep going with it but I will power through 😂😂 4y
JennyM 😂😂😂 4y
Amiable @Birdsong28 I gave up on the “Outlander” series around book 6 or 7 (thereabouts). There was just Too. Much.Detail. to push through. My friend Traci, who did read them all, jokes that she now knows more about the flora and fauna of North Carolina than she ever thought possible—and she‘s a science teacher! 😄 (edited) 4y
Bette Great pic 👍📸😊 4y
Nute lol 4y
CarolynM 😂 4y
Tanisha_A Oh gosh 🤣 4y
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The Dark Tower | Stephen King
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Day 17 of my #20Days20Series - The next one is the dark tower series. I heard that these were really good. Have to check them out❤️

TheNeverendingTBR Best thing a reader can read 💯 4y
Bookwormjillk So good 4y
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The Dark Tower | Stephen King
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"I am Roland of Gilead, and I come as myself; you will open to me.” - Roland Deschain, he of Gilead ?



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Finally finished The Dark Tower series & now I don't know what to do with my life🌹


Sweettartlaura Well... you can do like Roland does at the end 💁🏻‍♀️😉♥️ 4y
BookwormM You could disappear further into the King multiverse and try tracking down characters who appear in multiple books... 4y
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Sunny Saturday front porch-sitting with tea and book.

Crazeedi Looks perfect 💖 4y
Amiable @Crazeedi It was such a nice day today! We‘ve had a string of chilly, rainy days, so the sun felt so good. 4y
Crazeedi So have we, and today was like yours finally, but its rain again now 4y
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Lining up the finale to start on my drive home tonight! 😍

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So I‘ve already completed my #chunksterchallenge2020 book, but I‘ve decided to dive into this one and finally finish the series after many years. At 845 pages it *almost* meets my criteria for a chunkster, so I guess I‘m tackling another one of them. Let 2020 be the Year of the Chunkster! 😀

DrSabrinaMoldenReads So the Dark Tower Series is good? I feel like we are living in a Stephen King novel. 5y
Amiable @Joyfulmimi I know, right?? To be honest, I haven't enjoyed the last few books of the series as I did the first few. But I started reading them when they were first published, back in the early 90s, I think! So I feel compelled to finally complete it. 5y
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Me, on the Duolingo app attempting to complete a beginner lesson in Swedish: “OMG, why is this entire unit about the word for ‘turtle‘? When am I ever going to need to know how to say ‘turtle‘ in Swedish?? This is ridiculous...”

Me, picking up the final book of the “Dark Tower” series and opening to this page: “Ahhh!! SKöldpadda is Swedish! It means ‘turtle‘!! I KNOW THIS WORD!!” ??

Butterfinger LOL!! 5y
Lindy 🙃🐢👍 5y
wanderinglynn 😂🙌🏻 5y
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SW-T 😂😂 5y
Daisey Perfect! 🐢 5y
zezeki I'm also learning Swedish on Duolingo app! 😂😂 🐢 5y
Amiable @zezeki Yay! I literally haven‘t gotten much past the turtle unit, so it‘s still very early days. 😀 5y
zezeki @Amiable I started learning it 4 years ago, did for a few weeks and then quit. But recently I picked it up again. There is also an official course that Swedes themselves made, learningswedish.se , if you are interested. 5y
Amiable @zezeki I started learning German on Duolingo a few years ago -- I did it religiously for over a year and was getting to the point where I could read a fair amount of it (still wasn't all that fluent in speaking). Then I stopped and I've forgotten a lot. It's hard when you don't use it! And Swedish is so HARD. Ugh. The accent marks make no sense to me so I have a mental block about remembering where to put them! 5y
zezeki @Amiable I'm struggling with accents too! My nephews are born and raised in Sweden (they are 9 and 6) and they sometimes try to correct me, but to me, it either sounds the same or I just can't make that sound. 🙈🙈 5y
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The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower | Stephen King, Michael Whelan
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I really need sleep, but it seems forever away. So wearily onward toward the dark tower we go.

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The quest has ended, we have made it to the dark tower.

The Dark Tower | Stephen King
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Best I could do, looking a little dry today. He needs a drink!

Fang88 Aaawww that is awesome! 🖤🖤🖤 5y
GHABI4ROSES Thank youuuu, I was disappointed in how poorly it photographed, it is way brighter. 5y
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