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Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism | Michael Cart
71 posts | 3 read | 3 to read
This survey helps YA librarians who want to freshen up their readers advisory skills, teachers who use novels in the classroom, and adult services librarians who increasingly find themselves addressing the queries of teen patrons.
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“Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you.”
― Gayle Forman, If I Stay

What did you think of the book this month?

Who is your favorite YA character?
 #NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

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“You just work through it. You just hang in there.”
― Gayle Forman, If I Stay

What is the best advice you have ever received or given?

Favorite YA Movie or TV Show?

 #NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

ElizaMarie 🌸 I am currently reading the book “You Should Talk to Someone“ and came through a section they talk about taking things a day at a time, a step at a time, a moment at a time. I really felt it resonated well with me. 🌸 I love Pretty Little Liars and Riverdale 🌸

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“People believe what they want to believe.”
― Gayle Forman, If I Stay

Is there anything you believe that others do not?

Favorite YA Meme.

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

jb72 I‘d say I believe quite a bit that others do not such as reincarnation and how naive it is to think we are the only life forms in all the universes. 3y
ElizaMarie So I believe there are ghosts, there are aliens, demonic possession is real. I think the most off-the-wall thing that I believe that others find “weird“ of me. I don't think Sadam Hussien is really dead. 3y
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“You can have your wishes, your plans, but at the end of the day, it's out of your control.”
― Gayle Forman, If I Stay

Which book did you choose to read this month?

Any major plans in your future?

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC


AsYouWish Hey all - how is it July already?? I want to make an announcement - In August I am going back to school to get my Masters Degree!! Over the next month I am going to be planning out Challenges for the rest of the year. If there is anything you would like to see or any suggestions, please let me know!! 3y
Butterfinger Congratulations!!! 3y
AsYouWish @Butterfinger Thank you so much!!! I am super excited!!! 3y
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ElizaMarie @AsYouWish congrats on furthering your schooling! I am right there with you (going for my master's as well)... You are amazing as always! 3y
ElizaMarie 🌼 I read the book this month a few months ago (maybe a year), I wasn't super fond of it. I will not be reading it again so.. yeah bowing out of #NWC this month. 🌼 My big major plan for the future is school as well. I started a week ago, tomorrow is officially week 2. Ehh! Anyway, also plan to fix up my office space! 🌼 3y
AsYouWish @ElizaMarie Thank you so much!!! And congrats to you!!!! We can support each other through this awesome adventure!!! 3y
AkashaVampie @AsYouWish congrats like I said on the other post. Hope u kick the masters degree in the butt! 3y
ElizaMarie @AsYouWish Yes, we can! I am all for checking in with each other and continuing to be our little cheerleaders!! WE can do this!!! 3y
AsYouWish @ElizaMarie 💙💙💙💙 3y
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Here‘s my TBR for #YApril - it‘s cool that everyone has different books. My TBR is going to be growing when I add your books to it! I also want to try to read Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All by Laura Ruby, the #YABuddyRead on 4/24, so @megnews tag me please. Anyone else have a #YApril TBR?

LibrarianRyan Nice selection. I‘m not making a list but I‘m going to start working on the new read for a life time list. Since I was in the committee I know the titles I just can‘t say anything until it‘s “publication” official. Love this years list. 4y
sblbooks I loved Between Shades of Gray. 4y
Allylu @LibrarianRyan That sounds interesting! TBRs are not required. We will just share good books. 4y
Allylu Also, I forgot to add Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee. It sounds really good. 4y
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April starts tomorrow and I plan to read several YA books this month, so if you want to join in and share your TBR, reviews, blurbs and quotes, use the hashtag #YApril. Also, @megnews is hosting the #YABuddyRead so check that out, too. Looking forward to seeing what you are reading!

LibrarianRyan Sure thing. 4y
megnews I‘m in! I‘ll work on my tbr tonight 4y
MoonWitch94 Oh fun! I‘m in! 4y
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Peddler410 Fun! 4y
sblbooks I'll read a couple. 4y
Butterfinger Thanks for thinking of me. 4y
Deblovestoread I have a few on my #Bookspin list. We‘ll see how I do. (edited) 4y
JaclynW Fun. I hope to read a few. I'll keep you posted! 😊 4y
Allylu @LibrarianRyan @MoonWitch94 @Peddler410 @Butterfinger @Kdgordon88 @JaclynW @megnews @sblbooks Great to share YA with you! Let‘s go! Woohoo! 😊💕📚🎉❗️ 4y
SaturnDoo Thanks for the tag 💜❤ 4y
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Latest library haul. I‘m puzzled by my library‘s practice of labeling anything from middle grade to young adult reading as “teen.” There‘s such a vast difference in reading appropriate for a 12 year old vs. an 18 year old. Plus, people of all ages enjoy YA books; not so much middle grade novels. Oh well. Trying to start this year off with more reading as I failed miserably at meeting my Goodreads goal last year. #librarybooks #januaryreads

Hazel2019 I just emailed a list of books that I want to check out to my library. I live in a really small town so hopefully they have them. This is a new thing for me too - in the past I had just assumed they didn‘t have the books and purchase them myself. Trying to be better $$-wise this year tho 😁 4y
Bookgirl @Hazel2019 Interesting...my library has a website with a search option. I‘ve used it for years since I only like buying books that I might want to read again. I love when a bunch of my requests are ready all at once, so exciting! Good luck with yours! 4y
Lindy I worked in Teen Services at the Edmonton Public Library for many years, I‘ve led workshops on the topic of YA literature & for 18 years I‘ve been in an ongoing adult book club that reads only YA. I know the multifaceted answer to your question. The teen section in the library is intended for patrons 12 or 13 to 16 or 17 years old. The primary audience for YA lit is this age group, with some titles skewing to the younger or older ends. 👇 4y
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Lindy Of course anyone can enjoy YA, but the primary audience is still teens. Separating it from the rest of the collection makes it easier for teens to find it. The range of reader maturity in the children‘s section, btw, is much broader. There‘s an overlap between upper middle grade & YA, so usually the MG books with more mature themes and content are placed in the teen section. (edited) 4y
Bookgirl @Lindy I didn‘t even think about the range in children‘s books - good point!! I‘ve been bothered, in the past, by the mature content in some “YA” books that really are not for 12-13 year olds. But that‘s really more about how the book is marketed, not how the library labels it. Thanks for the insight! 4y
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“And I think everyone is special in their own way.”
― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

What did you think of the book you read?

What makes you special or unique?

Any New Year‘s Plans?

Do you have any New Year‘s Resolutions?

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

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“I decided being good at something didn't mean you had to do it. Just 'cause something's easy doesn't make it right.”
― Julie Murphy, Dumplin'

Who is your favorite YA leading man?

What is something you are really good at?

Any Holiday Plans?

Favorite Holiday song. (YouTube Video)

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

*If you want to be tagged, please let me know!!*

Butterfinger I still want to be tagged. 4y
AsYouWish @Butterfinger Perfect!!! I will keep you on my list!! 4y
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“I have finished "To Kill a Mockingbird". It is now my favorite book of all time, but then again, I always think that until I read another book.”
― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Who is your favorite YA character?

If you were in a YA Novel, would you be the lead or the sidekick? Why?

Favorite YA Meme.

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

Butterfinger Definitely Peeta 4y
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“All the best things in my life have started with a Dolly Parton song.”
― Julie Murphy, Dumplin'

Which book did you pick to read this month?

What is your favorite YA novel?

What is your favorite Dolly Parton song?

What was your favorite book NWC read this year?

#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC

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I decided to take part in Blogmas for the first time ever. Today‘s post features my favorite YA reads of 2020 to gift for the holidays. This post, along with days 1-4, is up on my blog.


mdemanatee Oohhh so many great titles featured here! 4y
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TheQuietQuill YA woohoo! 5y
AnneCecilie Nonfiction 5y
AsYouWish YA 5y
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Amiable Ha! I mostly read nonfiction now anyway. 😀 Reading only YA would be torture for me. 😖 5y
Jadams89 Nonfiction please 5y
guinsgirlreads Non fiction 5y
EliNeedsMoreShelves Nonfiction 5y
AmyK1 Non fiction 5y
cwarnier YA 5y
maich YA 5y
KT1432 NF 5y
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We're in hour 33, I've logged 14 hrs. Hitting 24 hours is doable, but will require caffeine! ☕☕
This is also my entry for the hr 30 challenge. This is the MG/YA section of my shelves and it's only about 1/2 the MG/YA books I own... as you can see, I read a lot of books that are "too young" for me ?

carmens.library It's hard to narrow down a favorite, but obviously HP & Narnia are up there! I read more YA than MG, but now that my boys want to read w/me I've found a whole new love for MG! #ireadya #ireadmg #24in48 @24in48 5y
jmtrivera They're gorgeous! 5y
Lucy_Anywhere I'm in awe of your bookshelves (and a little jealous!) 5y
BookmarkTavern I love your shelves! So beautiful! ❤️ 5y
BooknerdsLife Love your bookshelves 😍❤️❤️ Hahaa same here! 😂🙈 I‘m too old for YA but my excuse is I read them so I can recommend to my teenage kid & some of them are really good books! 5y
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Making notable progress on my physical TBR stacks! Happy happy happy 😃


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The young adult section or Teen Scene at my local library is so amazing! Look at this super sweet idea they had for Valentine‘s Day. ❤️ #librarygirl

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BeansPage yEEEaaaah!! Haha thank you for entering and much luck to you sweetheart 🤗 6y
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@Eyelit shared this and I thought it was hilarious.

Mine is Honor Roll, My Butt & Other Intangible Things. 🤣

What's yours?

Naj Chemistry, The Sun, and other intangible things. Sounds good TBH! 6y
JoScho Happy Endings, Vampires, and other Royal Bastards 😂 6y
KrystleTheBookSlayer Honor Roll, Spies, and Other Side Effects of Being 16 6y
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ShananigansReads Happy Endings, Hate, and other Statistical Improbabilities 😂😂 6y
AmberWB Boys, Fairy Princes and other things the Fairies Stole😁 6y
IamIamIam Summertime, My Butt and other things that the Fairies Stole! 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Emma3 Cake, Liberty and other lies I‘ve believed 6y
CarolynM Boys, Assassins and Other Side Effects of Being 16 - sounds like something I might read😂 6y
julesG Girls, Vampires and other Skullduggeries 😂😂 6y
RavenLovelyReads Boy Bands, My Butt, and Other Things Im Over ....sounds pretty accurate....let me start writing ✍️ 6y
RavenLovelyReads @KrystleTheBookSlayer That‘s hilarious! 😂 6y
Rudis Boy Bands, Fairy Princes, and Other Reasons no one will talk to me 😂😂 6y
MirrorMask Happy Endings, Hate, and Other things that are better in Space 6y
Michollio Boy Bands, Hate, and Other Reasons I'm Banned From the Library 6y
Maria514626 Cake, Frida Kahlo and Other Royal Bastards. 😂😂😂 I love this so much! 6y
kristincatastrophic Love, Nikola Tesla and Other Alternatives to Necromancy! Sweet 6y
LazyDays Girls, hate, other lies I've told😃 6y
CouronneDhiver Macchiatos, Frida Kahlo and Other Things I‘m Over 😆 6y
mermer87 Cake, Totalitarian Regimes and Other Reasons No One Will Talk to Me 😂 6y
Lisaw13 Boy Bands, Wizards and Other Lies I've Believed 🤣 6y
madamereadsalot1 Macchiatos, Liberty, and Other Alternatives to Necromancy! 6y
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Happy Endings, Wizards, and Other Statistical Improbabilities! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Rudis I think yours is my fave. I Lol'd pretty good. 😆 6y
RedxoHearts Macchiatos ,Frida Kahlo and Other Natural Disasters 6y
RedxoHearts LOL my mom's cracks me up though. Hers is Cakes, Vampires and Other Things That Happen at Midnight 6y
lynneamch Boy Bands, Assassins, and Other Unbreakable Laws of Nature. This is fun. I have to share it with my YA granddaughters. Thanks! 6y
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"Chemistry, Fate, and Other Bad Ideas." What's your YA title? #ya #bookmeme

Readingismyescape Love, Frida Kahlo and other things that nearly killed me. 🤣🤣 6y
Andrea313 @Readingismyescape I would read that madcap adventure! Hopefully it'd be full of romance and feminist art history. 6y
Readingismyescape @Andrea313 This was fun. Thanks for sharing. 6y
Andrea313 @Readingismyescape Thanks for taking part! This is a fun one. :) 6y
Cadyly Chemistry, Hate, and Other Natural Disasters! 6y
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Goodreads has a blog post: 11 ways you know you're a YA reader.
I especially like the three above.

See: Goodreads.com/blog/show/1362-11-ways-you-know-you-re-a-ya-reader

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Some of the MG/YA novels I read recently-loved them all

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Alright Littens YA Wednesday is on hiatus right now until I get back into the swing of school... aka get my life together lol
Don‘t worry- we will be back with a splash soon!! 💜📚

JoScho The struggle is real right now for us teachers!!! 6y
Lauren_reading Right?!? 8 days in and I‘m exhausted 😂 6y
hermyknee I can‘t even right now 6y
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TheFunkyBookworm @JoScho @LaurenReads @hermyknee hang in there girls- we will make it!!!! 6y
tjwill Totally relate. 6y
Daisey I know the feeling! 6y
Peddler410 I run two middle school libraries! I get it! 6y
Ddzmini Cool it‘s always a mad house at the beginning of school anyway 😝 6y
ravenlee Good luck! We‘ll give you some time to catch upon all the suggestions you‘ve already gotten. 6y
Biensoul Have a wonderful kick-off to your school year!! 6y
Peddler410 I hope your first semester of the school year went well. I miss YA Wednesday —😊 (edited) 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Peddler410 it went 😂 but I‘m feeling more comfortable now- should I bring it back?! 6y
Peddler410 I‘d love it to come back ... I can help if you want. 6y
tjwill I‘d be willing to help if you want to bring it back but need assistance! 6y
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Happy YA Wednesday- late, yet again 😬
I don‘t know about you but these first couple weeks of school have me losing my mind! Lol

Today‘s post is inspired by all of my boy students arguing over who was going to get their hands on the ONE graphic novel in my classroom library first! Load me up on suggestions to beef up my collection!

Create a new post with a pic/tag of a YA graphic novel. Be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday

LibrarianRyan You‘ll get my posts tomorrow 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LibrarianRyan great- I always look forward to your posts! (edited) 6y
tjwill Yeah, I‘ve been so off my Litsy game because school life is hectic. I love graphic novels so I‘m bummed that I missed this one. I‘ll have to look through the posts and see if I have anything unique to add. 6y
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Hello YA Wednesday! 🎉
I‘m way late due to being a teacher in the middle of back to school bliss- but I made it!

In honor of the new school year I want to know either:
A- Your fav book you read in middle/high school
B- Your child‘s fav book they have read in mid/high
C- Your fav book to read with your students

Create a new post with a tag/pic of your chosen book and be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday

Peddler410 This is the hardest yawednesday yet 😂 6y
Daisey Fun topic! I think I‘ve decided on this, but I may just wait to post until I‘m working in my classroom tomorrow and can get a photo. 6y
DaveGreen7777 I didn‘t read this for school, but when I was in middle school, I read “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie, and I was so blown away by it, that was the book that turned me into a full-fledged bibliophile! That book literally changed my life! 😀 6y
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Let‘s kick off another edition of YA Wednesday!! 🎉

For better or worse I‘ll be embarking on several adventures today so why not tie that into today‘s topic?!

Create a new post with a pic/tag of a YA book that fits the theme of “adventure”- so many great options for this one!
Be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday 😊

Wishing you all fab adventures today, Littens! 💜

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Happy YA Wednesday Littens! 🎉🎉🎉

Today‘s topic was inspired by my excitement to see Dave Matthews Band in concert tonight! Always my favorite summer event 🎵 🎶

Create a new post featuring a YA book that has music as a theme/focus of the story. Remember to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday 💜🎉🎶

Liatrek They are so great live! I‘ve seen them three times always excellent❤️ Have fun! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Liatrek yes!!! I think this is our 7th time seeing them..... so excited and hoping for a great set list! 6y
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YA Wednesday Round Up!
Thanks to all who participated 😊

Daisey I was so busy yesterday, I missed this completely! I‘ll have to go back and check out the posts! 6y
LibrarianRyan I honestly could not think of any comedy that wasn't middle grade 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LibrarianRyan Middle Grade is always cool to lump in there as well- I just feel like most of the middle grade I run across is more suited to 6th grade and less so the older end lol 6y
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TheFunkyBookworm @Daisey yes! Lots of good ones! 6y
LibrarianRyan @TheFunkyBookworm yeah, and the things I can think of are that way. Series. Would make a nice Hi-Low 6y
LibrarianRyan Series. Very Sandlot like. 6y
LibrarianRyan How could I forget this. It's like reading a reality TV show that mixes miss Congeniality and Lord of the flies. It even has commercial breaks. 8th + 6y
LibrarianRyan Anything Carl Hiassen. He has one teen book and the rest are adult or middle grade. But they are usually fun. His teen book is not as funny as his others. 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LibrarianRyan Gordan Korman is always a great choice!!! Def will check out the other two- Beauty Queens sounds right up my alley 😂 6y
LibrarianRyan Didn't make me laugh out loud but it did a few of my staff. 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LibrarianRyan I LOVE Hiaasen!!!! Just read Razor Girl and laughed out loud the entire way through- def adult but highly recommend! 6y
LibrarianRyan @TheFunkyBookworm I have a galley copy from BEA16. It was one of a few to survive the flood. I just have read it yet. 6y
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Happy YA Wednesday!!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

This week‘s genre is COMEDY!!!!
It‘s time for a mid week pick me up so share those books that have made you giggle, laugh out loud or snort obnoxiously (in a good way)! 😂😂😂

Create a new post with a tag/pic of a YA book that fits today‘s genre. Be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday

Let‘s share some laughs today 😃

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Another great week of #YAWednesday in the books!! Thank you to all who participated!
I‘m trying to think of the best way to share all these recommendations with my kiddos this school year. Maybe I‘ll create a binder with sections for each genre/category and include a list of recommendations for each that they can reference? Also thinking about doing an interest survey that would allow me to make specific recommendations based on their answers 🤔

tracey38 I missed this yesterday. Another YA paranormal abiut ghosts is 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @tracey38 someone posted about that one too! On my list! 6y
LibrarianRyan If you Pinterest, you should check out some of my boards. I have specific read a like boards. I used to make these lists in great eye catching print outs, but then started adding them to Pinterest for the library. Patrons loved it. 6y
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TheFunkyBookworm @LibrarianRyan I am not usually a pintrest gal, but for that I will be!! Thanks for the tip!!! Are you under the same name on there? 6y
LibrarianRyan @TheFunkyBookworm I'm. It sure I have the print files but if I will look. I use Pinterest because I could have it show up in the libraries website. And I could have multiple categories etc. and I could set the links to match our online catalog. 6y
Weaponxgirl Have you looked at the Alex award before? It's an award for books that are written for adults but that are good for young adult readers too. I love some of their recommendations 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LibrarianRyan that‘s awesome- I‘ll be checking it out! Thanks!!! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Weaponxgirl I‘ve never heard Of that but I def will check it out! Thanks! (edited) 6y
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It‘s hereeeeeee- YA WEDNESDAY in the house!🎉
I just love a good ghost story, so this week‘s topic/genre is..........Paranormal YA Books! 👻

Create a new post and tag/picture a YA book that fits this week‘s genre. Be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday

Let‘s continue to spread that Litsy YA Love! 💜

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GUYYYSSSSSS!!!! Just got this email from Barnes and Nobel- 20% off select YA new releases, YA series buy 2 get 3rd free AND YA paperbacks 3 for $20!!! RUN RUN RUNNNNNN to your nearest B&N! Unless you live in Tampa, walk so that I can get there first! 😂

tracey38 Thanks for the heads up! 6y
BibliOphelia Hi, Tampa! I‘m in SWFL (Pine Island). 6y
Jess7 Book Riot is doing a $500 giveaway for YA books too if you‘re interested! 6y
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TheFunkyBookworm @BibliOphelia Hi Pine Island! 👋🏽 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Jess7 I already entered!!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @tracey38 no problem- gotta share the savings! 😂💸 6y
Beachesnbooks Oh man I'm in trouble 😂 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Beachesnbooks I know me too!!! Can‘t wait to head over there this evening- good thing I just got paid 😂 6y
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WOOHOOO!!! Congrats to @Bkwrm7 for winning the #YAWednesday Giveaway!!! Please email your address to KatMurphy728@gmail.com so I can get your copy of Puddin‘ in the mail!

A big thank you to all who participated- thanks to you guys my TBR list just keeps on growing!

JoScho Congrats @Bkwrm7 💖🎉💖 6y
Kaye Congrats 👍🏼 6y
Geeklet Congrats @Bkwrm7 :) 6y
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MirrorMask Congrats @Bkwrm7 !!!!! 6y
Bkwrm7 Thank you!!!! I'm so excited! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Congratulations @Bkwrm7 🎉🎉 6y
AJones Congratulations @Bkwrm7 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Bkwrm7 I‘m a little jelly that you‘ll be getting the same book I would have chosen 😂😂😂 I got ur email- going to try to get it in the mail this weekend- I‘ll let u know when I‘ve sent it! 6y
Bkwrm7 Thank you so much! It's going straight to the top of my TBR as soon as it gets here! 6y
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Hey Littens! 👋🏽
Just a reminder that this giveaway closes tomorrow at 12pm (est) when I draw and announce a winner!

Want to participate? Create a new post telling me what YA book on your tbr that you‘re dying to read and why! The winner will receive a copy of that book 😀

Be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday Good Luck 🍀

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So, fellow YA readers...

Epic Reads shares the first five chapters via email of new YA releases. Weekly! Here is the link if you are interested


Also! Each email includes a link to the previous chapters so no need to save emails if you can‘t get to it that day. Friday will have the link to all chapters.

You‘re welcome! 😊

TheFunkyBookworm This is.... epic! 😂 love it! 6y
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The book on my #tbr that I am itching to read is Anon Check out Anon. by Diamond McKinney.
I am itching to read this because I watch the Sims 3 seasons of this book and I adore it! Thank you @TheFunkyBookworm for this #YAWednesday 😊

TheFunkyBookworm Sounds like a good one! Thanks for entering! Good luck! 🍀💜 6y
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🎉💥YA Wednesday One Month Anniversary!💥🎉

What is the one YA Book on your TBR list that you are dying to get your hands on?!
Create a new post with a pic/tag of that book and tell us why you‘re itching to read it!

Each participant will be entered into a drawing to win a copy of the book they posted!! The winner will be drawn/ announced at 12pm (est) on Thurs 7/5!

Be sure to tag me @TheFunkyBookworm and use #YAWednesday! Good Luck 🍀

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Giveaway, giveaway, yay! @TheFunkyBookworm #YAWednesday

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for sharing!!! 🎉💜☘️ 6y
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Ooh, something exciting is going to happen on 4th of July!
Check out @TheFunkyBookworm ‘s profile for more info!

#YAWednesday #giveaway

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for the repost!! 🎉💜 6y
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@TheFunkyBookworm will be hosting a #giveaway tomorrow, July 4th, in celebration for the one month anniversary of #YAWednesday! Head to her profile for more info and to enter!

Excited and keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for the repost! 💜🎉 Good Luck! 🍀 6y
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@TheFunkyBookworm is doing a #YAWednesday giveaway tomorrow! Check out her page on 7/4 to see what it‘s all about 😁

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for sharing! 🎉💜 6y
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@TheFunkyBookworm is doing a giveaway tomorrow (July 4th) to celebrate 1 month of #YAWednesday Please check out her posts to see the details! 📚🎉📖🎊

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for reposting!!! 🎉💜 6y
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Oh yeah! Another giveaway! Check out @TheFunkyBookworm for more details! #YAWednesday

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for sharing!!! 💜💜💜 6y
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@TheFunkyBookworm is the hostess of #YAWednesday and she is sponsoring a giveaway to celebrate its one month anniversary. See her page for details.

TheFunkyBookworm Thank you for sharing!!! 💜💜💜 6y
CatLass007 @TheFunkyBookworm You‘re welcome! 6y
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@TheFunkyBookworm Is hosting a #giveaway tomorrow for the one month anniversary of YA Wednesday! Keep your eyes 👀 peeled and stayed tuned for details on tomorrow‘s post!!!! Feel free to repost and tag @TheFunkyBookworm

TheFunkyBookworm Thank you for sharing!!! 💜💜💜 6y
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@TheFunkyBookworm is hosting a giveaway ya‘ll! #books #booklover #bookaddict

TheFunkyBookworm Thank you for sharing!!! 💜💜💜 6y
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What?! Check out @TheFunkyBookworm tomorrow for a fun YA giveaway! I love the book recommendations coming forward, too. ❤️❤️ #yawednesday

TheFunkyBookworm Thank you for sharing!!! 💜💜💜 6y
Theshadedbuffalo @TheFunkyBookworm ❤️❤️ my pleasure! 6y
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See @TheFunkyBookworm for more info. She hosts #YAWednesday recommendations each week, and we‘ve been doing them for a month now!

TheFunkyBookworm Thanks chica!!!! 💜 6y
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Hey Littens!!! I‘ll be hosting a #giveaway tomorrow in celebration of the one month anniversary of
YA Wednesday!!!
Keep your 👀 peeled and stay tuned for details on tomorrow‘s post!
Feel free to repost and tag @TheFunkyBookworm for an additional entry into tomorrow‘s giveaway! 💜

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Thank you to all who participated for another great installment of #YAWednesday! I knew non-fiction could be a bit of a head-scratcher but you guys came up with some awesome options as always! Stay tuned for next week... 💜📚

AJones Awesome choices everyone! Sorry I didn‘t get a chance to participate. I will try better next week. 🙃 6y
Peddler410 Great representation! I‘m so glad to have stumbled across the #. 6y
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