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Sugar Queen
Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
In this irresistible novel, Sarah Addison Allen, author of the "New York Times" bestselling debut, Garden Spells," " tells the tale of a young woman whose family secrets and secret passions are about to change her life forever. Josey Cirrini is sure of three things: winter is her favorite season, she s a sorry excuse for a Southern belle, and sweets are best eaten in the privacy of her closet. For while Josey has settled into an uneventful life in her mother s house, her one consolation is the stockpile of sugary treats and paperback romances she escapes to each night . Until she finds her closet harboring Della Lee Baker, a local waitress who is one part nemesis and two parts fairy godmother. With Della Lee s tough love, Josey s narrow existence quickly expands. She even bonds with Chloe Finley, a young woman who is hounded by books that inexplicably appear when she needs them and who has a close connection to Josey s longtime crush. Soon Josey is living in a world where the color red has startling powers, and passion can make eggs fry in their cartons. And that s just for starters. Brimming with warmth, wit, and a sprinkling of magic, here is a spellbinding tale of friendship, love and the enchanting possibilities of every new day."
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#freebiefriday #litsylove

It is hard to choose just one, but my favorite female author might be Sarah Addison Allen. I‘ve read almost every one of her books and have loved all of them. Tagging my favorite. ❤️📚

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love her! 💫 4mo
Read4life Great choice! Thanks for sharing. You‘re entered. 💙 4mo
peaKnit SAA is my favorite too and I re-read The Sugar Queen every winter. 🩷 🍭 4mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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“Other Birds” is my favorite Sarah Addison Allen book that I‘ve read so far, but this one is second! It glistens with snowflakes and the scent of peppermint. It twinkles with friendship, romance, and self-discovery. There‘s a sprinkle of magic and melancholy. It warms your soul like sipping hot chocolate after playing in the snow. ❄️

peaKnit It‘s my absolute favorite feel good pick me up read. I want books to find me like they find Chloe! 5mo
ICantImReading @peaKnit I loved that aspect, too! A book lover‘s dream! 📖 📕 📚 5mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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1. I enjoy Love, Actually every year.
2. “All I want for Christmas is a new Christmas gift for my mom and I” oof, but would I ever. 💗
3. Tagged, I read or listen every year. Peppermint oil is a topic in the book, so it motivates me to run my diffuser and enjoy the freshness of winter. ❄️
@Eggs @TheSpineView - thank you for the tags! #wondrouswednesday Tagging my tag team @JenReadsAlot @Kshakal @BethM

Eggs ❤️ Sugar Queen ❤️ 6mo
BethM The tagged books sounds awesome! I loved Garden Spells. 6mo
BethM Also my tag team- love it 6mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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I‘m in the midst of a book slump for the first time in years. These lil bite size stories by Sarah Addison Allen on instagram are just the perfect lil read for me during this crazy and busy holiday season. Check them out if you already haven‘t.

sherrisilvera Love them and love her! 7mo
mrp27 @sherrisilvera Me too! I‘ll never forget when we all first read Garden Spells. 6mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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My favorite winter book is only 1.99 🥳❄️🍭

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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#Naturalitsy #MidWinterSolace

My #FridayNightShare for Fiction-Winter is The Sugar Queen. Sarah Addison Allen writes cozy magical books & this one is set in North Carolina in November/December. Also, MC, Josey‘s favorite season is winter. ❄️❤️🤍❄️

TheBookHippie Oh I agree! I read this to my friend during her chemo when this book came out. It was such a gift! 7mo
AllDebooks ❄️🩵❄️ 7mo
JenReadsAlot Years ago when I was in a bad way @peaKnit put this book in my hands! I've read it many times since that day. 7mo
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peaKnit It‘s one of my favorite re-reads❤️ 7mo
julieclair I loved this book! 7mo
kspenmoll I love her books! 7mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Josey Cirrini is sure of three things: winter is her favorite season, she‘s a sorry excuse for a Southern belle, and sweets are best eaten in the privacy of her closet.
The tale of a young woman whose family secrets—and secret passions—are about to change her life forever.

Such a good story. Love how the magical happenings just naturally blend in.


#TitlesAndTunes #TheWorldIsMyOyster
#RushAThon #SummerEndReadathon

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 9mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 9mo
Cinfhen Awesome review!! I might need to pick this book up❤️ 9mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Late with this one. I got a little stumped thinking of a book for #TheWorldIsMyOyster. I went with a Sarah Addison Allen book since she likes to write about characters suddenly getting a world of possibilities and new beginnings.
For Tunes, I went with Take The World by She Wants Revenge.


julieclair I loved this book! 10mo
Cinfhen Yay!! Another song for our awesome August playlist!!! Thanks for sharing and playing along 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Who wouldn't love a book in which books chase you demanding to be read 😂

Sarah Addison Allen is my go to for magical realism💞

#MayMontage #Queen

JenReadsAlot Love this book!! 13mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love her books and I spy some Kristy Woodson Harvey!! 🩷 13mo
TheBookgeekFrau @JenReadsAlot I think it might my favorite of hers 13mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yup! Both authors are auto-buys for me 💕💕 13mo
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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1. Chloe from The Sugar Queen, books come to her when she needs them. I would like to manifest that.
2. I think she would be a great help in any mystery, such as The Cartographers, books would come with answers to help her solve the case with the characters.
@TheSpineView Thank you for the tag. #Two4Tuesday @Kshakal @JenReadsAlot @BethM

TheSpineView You're welcome! What a great skill to have! 1y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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The one book I didn‘t get to this year that I really wanted to read is Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen. I‘ve loved all her books, the tagged being my favorite. So todays recommend is more an author. If you haven‘t read any of her books do so immediately, they are magical.

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Every Fall, when I feel that first icy bite of the winter to come, I can‘t help but fall back into this comfort read. I loved getting to read the newest Sarah Addison Allen book, Other Birds. There were elements that called back to this book. But, I managed to hold off my reread until now, and it was as wonderful as I remember it being. A perfect read for this time of year!

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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This was a darling book! It's 2am so forgive my lack of review here...

I would call this a very mild ghost story. And I would recommend to anyone looking for a good way to end the Halloween season ♡

📚📖Happy Reading!📖📚

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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1. Magical realism or light lit.
2. I have just to relax with an “old friend”
3. The tagged book is a yearly re-read for me, I have also enjoyed the Tales of the City series many times since college as a reset at different times when I just needed to chill and hang with the San Francisco gang.
@MoonWitch94 #ThoughtfulThursday

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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kspenmoll Wonderful pick! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 📚 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Clwojick I‘ve heard such good things about this one. 🍭 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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This story ended up being so much more than I expected! Josie is such a sweet character. I loved this romance of the story. A love story in both traditional and non-traditional ways. Have Kleenex handy.

kspenmoll Love her books! 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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1. Anything by Sarah Addison Allen. During December it's my holiday cheesy reads.
2. Oh all the book lovers!
3. My books set in New Orleans - almost vacation time!
Thanks for the tag @Kshakal @Eggs #wondrouswednesday

Eggs Oh I 🧡 Sarah A. A. !! 2y
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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I didn‘t like this nearly as much as Allen‘s debut novel, but I‘m not done with her work yet. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#the-sugar-queen

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen

This book started a little bit slow for me and it took me a while to read the first 50 pages. I picked it back up yesterday and ended up about 2/3 of the way through it because I couldn't put it down. I only put it down to go to bed. I ended up absolutely adoring the main character, Josie and the love interest, Adam. I also really liked their friends. My third book by this author and I've loved every one of them.

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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I know this is a winter book, but I requested it from the library when it was winter and it wasn't available in time. Nevermind that it's already been around 90° where I live. Maybe this will help me feel cooler. I enjoyed the other couple of books I've read by this author and figured I'd give more of her books a try.

nichollinlove I love Sarah Addison Allen. Everything by her is good but this is one of the better ones! 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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@sprainedbrain Tagged book on its way to you!

#LMPBC Round 14 #GroupO

@BookBosomed1 @Readergrrl @suvata

suvata Cute graphic 2y
julieclair @suvata Thanks! I'm on a long car ride today, so had plenty of time to have fun with it. 2y
sprainedbrain Yay!! 2y
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sprainedbrain It came already! Thank you for the sweets and the sweet card. 😃 2y
julieclair @sprainedbrain Wow, that was quick! Enjoy! 2y
BookBosomed1 @sprainedbrain Received the book today! 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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I thought this book was delightful! The touches of magic enhanced the story, without overwhelming it.

@BookBosomed1 , @Readergrrl , @sprainedbrain - Hope y‘all enjoy it as much as I did!

#LMPBC Round 14 #GroupO @suvata
#Pantone2022 #Basil @Clwojick
#RoadTripUSA2022 #NC #NorthCarolina @megnews
#22booksin22 @jb72

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Have you read ? It‘s really good! 💚 2y
julieclair @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes! I really enjoyed Garden Spells. Next up is 2y
Clwojick This looks good! I love the cover 2y
julieclair @Clwojick Thanks! I love the cover, too. It's softly out of focus, almost as though it's covered with a fine dusting of sugar. 🍥 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Enjoying escaping with a bit of magical realism on this rainy, gloomy day. #LMPBC Round 14 #GroupO. @BookBosomed1 @Readergrrl @sprainedbrain @suvata

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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#LMPBC Round 14 #GroupO #magicalrealism

@BookBosomed1 @Readergrrl @sprainedbrain

Hello Group O! I have decided to go with The Sugar Queen as my pick. It has been languishing on my TBR shelf for far too long now, so this is the perfect "excuse" to read it! It will be such fun sharing it with you all and eventually seeing your comments.

sprainedbrain Sounds great! 2y
BookBosomed1 Awesome! 2y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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“Books can be possessive, can't they? You're walking around in a bookstore and a certain one will jump out at you, like it had moved there on its own, just to get your attention. Sometimes what's inside will change your life, but sometimes you don't even have to read it.”



Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks “Sometimes it's a comfort just to have a book around. Many of these books haven't even had their spines cracked. 'Why do you buy books you don't even read?' our daughter asks us. That's like asking someone who lives alone why they bought a cat. For company, of course.” 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I know that this happens to all of us at some point! Me, just yesterday!! 😂 2y
hissingpotatoes It's so weird because a different Sarah Addison Allen book (Garden Spells) did this to me! I haven't read it yet though... 2y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @hissingpotatoes I loved Garden Spells!! 2y
Eggs Wish she‘d publish more books 🍭💚🍬 2y
HeatherBlue I‘ve never seen the blue cover before! It‘s gorgeous 😍😍😍 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @HeatherBlue I have no idea why I have two!! 📚 but I love them! 2y
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Kenyazero This is such a fun looking book cover! 😍 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Can‘t wait to read this one!! 3y
Eggs @Kenyazero It is magical realism-fun!! 3y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I loved it❤️🍭🤍 3y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#WinterGames2021 #festivephotochallenge

Today‘s #RedandWhite prompt made me think of the peppermint candies on my favorite cover of the tagged book which is a great winter read. My favorite red and white peppermint candy for the holiday are these Lindt truffles. I have already purchased and consumed one bag.

JenReadsAlot One of my favorite books! 3y
StayCurious cool cover! 3y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Elizabeth! I can‘t wait to read these and I love the bookmark and stickers! Thank you so very much and thanks for introducing me to SAA!! 💗💗💗

Elizabeth2 Happy Birthday, my friend! ❤️🎂 3y
DrJAdMerricksson Merry name day! And that bookmark is awesome 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @DrJAdMerricksson thank you and it is!! 💕💕 3y
peaKnit I love Sugar Queen, it‘s a winter read every year. 3y
GondorGirl This is my favorite SAA book! 🥰 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @peaknit @GondorGirl I‘m looking forward to reading it!! 3y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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To me the smell of funnel cakes is one of the best parts of a #carnival, festival or fair. And this book is a favorite! 🍭💕.

“The area was encompassed in a bubble of warm, fragrant steam from the funnel cake deep fryers. It smelled like sweet vanilla cake batter you licked off a spoon.”

TK-421 Great pick! 3y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Look at these lovely goodies from @Kdgordon88 I‘m so excited to have a page holder for reading my books and new cards, stickies, lovely soap and that dolphin bookmark is so adorable! Eating the chocolates already and petting my new books seeing if I can maybe read one this month! #litsylovesummerswap Thanks so much! #llss @rsteve388

Deblovestoread Yay! I‘m so happy you like everything. It was fun shopping for you! 3y
rsteve388 This looks.like.a great box. 3y
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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JenReadsAlot Love them! 3y
rjsthumbelina I love her! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful covers!! 3y
Eggs @JenReadsAlot @rjsthumbelina @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Me too! I keep hoping she‘ll write more books 📚❣️ 3y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Thoroughly liked this. A sweet story of women helping each other through, back & out. With engaging writing, eccentric characters and magic realism I can really get behind - the book that you need to read appears & reappears & stubbornly reappears & will not be thrown out- this was a cozy, fun & delightful read that also did not hide from tough subjects. The cover is gorgeous; I love how writer‘s name follows the curve of her dress. 4/5

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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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I finally read this after @peaknit mentioned it during the winter games last year. And I loved it!

The writing is beautiful, and while maybe some bits were predictable, it was such a warm and cosy read. The little touches of magic were very interesting and not too over the top (I would quite like to have books randomly appear thank you very much). I even liked all the characters (even the grouchy ones!)

#WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders
26 points

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
Jas16 I really liked this one too. My favorite by this author is 4y
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Bookworm54 @Jas16 I had apparently already stacked that one! But my tbr is out of control 🤣 I have re-stacked it, and maybe I will remember it next time I am on a buying/borrowing spree! 4y
Bookgoil Sounds awesome! 4y
TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 4y
peaKnit Yay! I‘m re-reading it now, I try yo read it once every winter. I‘m so thrilled to hear you liked it! ❄️🍭 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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A tradition to read with @peaknit during the holidays! My #bookspin for December and it got me a Bingo! @TheAromaofBooks
#wintergames #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious

TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!! 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Cocoa Bombs, my daughter and I took a zoom class today, so fun!

rachelm Yummmmm 4y
JenReadsAlot Those look amazing!! 4y
valeriegeary Oh nice! 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#ChristmasQuotes #cookies

I may need to reread this book, love this description. ❄️🍪

“She stuck her head out and took a deep breath. If she could eat the cold air, she would. She thought cold snaps were like cookies, like gingersnaps. In her mind they were made with white chocolate chunks and had a cool, brittle vanilla frosting. They melted like snow in her mouth, turning creamy and warm.”

-The Sugar Queen, Sarah Addison Allen

EadieB Great quote! Does sound wonderful! 4y
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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My 6 year old disappeared into the kitchen & emerged 20 minutes later having made this dessert! A mere 7 billion calories in it! How we're not all in diabetic comas i don't know! So sweet it made my teeth itch! 🤣🤣🤣

Sleepswithbooks This looks amazing!!! 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Precious! ❤️ 4y
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kspenmoll ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Very creative! I like their plating, better than a lot of kitchen staff I've worked with. 😆 4y
bcncookbookclub Of course she's quite sure about want, just want learn how to express it in a healthy plate😅 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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My #bookspin and #doublespin for December. Sugar Queen had become a reread for holidays thanks to @peaknit 😊 @TheAromaofBooks

peaKnit It‘s my yearly go to ahhh. I‘ll reread with you. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
JenReadsAlot @peaknit want to read it after I finish book club pick? Later in the month? 4y
peaKnit Sounds good, I have a little backlog lol‘ 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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I find all of Sarah Addison Allen‘s books to be #enchanting

OriginalCyn620 I‘ve only read a couple by her but I really enjoyed them! 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#WordsofOctober. Two books on my TBR with apples on the cover. I‘ve only read the tagged book by this author and enjoyed it.

HappilyEverKrafter I love her books! 4y
Chrissyreadit One of my all time favorite authors!! 4y
Traci1 I love her. Garden Spells was my first read of hers, and probably still my favorite. I haven't read First Frost, but it's on my tbr. 4y
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OriginalCyn620 I love First Frost and Garden Spells is on my TBR! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey!!! Can you email your address for the #3Books giveaway? 🎊📚☺️ loverofbooks75@gmail. Com 4y
Deblovestoread @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Done! Sorry to keep you waiting. 4y
kspenmoll I love her books. 4y
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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#3books #ivereread I really had to think about this as I dont have many rereads under my belt! @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

OriginalCyn620 Good ones! 4y
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Laced with love and magic, S. A. Allen‘s novels have a warm #ethereal quality 🧚🏻‍♀️ 🧚🏻‍♂️
#beautifulwords @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 I need to read more by her! 4y
JenReadsAlot Love them all! I'm ready for her to release a new book! 4y
Eggs Me too @JenReadsAlot ❣️ 4y
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Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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It's fine, that line just sliced me to ribbons.

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Lovely, quiet, sweet and comforting which is kinda perfect right now. And this has been on my TBR for 8 years! One more down, #MountTBR 10th #TBR finished this year.

The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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#WeeklyBookReport Finished HP on audio. It‘s always been my least favorite of the series but I quite liked it this go round. The Sugar Queen was unplanned but delightful and quick. 3 1/2 🌟

#WeeklyForecast I plan to finish A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Women of Copper Country and get caught up with Depths of Glory. Also hope to finish The Museum of Modern Love and start Time After Time. I have a full day of reading ahead with football on the TV

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The Sugar Queen | Sarah Addison Allen
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Not exactly what I had expected but a good book all in all.