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Lover Awakened
Lover Awakened: A Novel Of The Black Dagger Brotherhood | J.R. Ward
A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation. Renowned for his unquenchable fury and sinister deeds, he is a savage feared by humans and vampires alike. Anger is his only companion and terror his only passionuntil he rescues a beautiful female from the evil Lessening Society.Bella is instantly entranced by the seething power Zsadist possesses. But even as their desire for each other begins to overtake them, Zsadists thirst for vengeance against Bellas tormentors drives him to the brink of madness. Now Bella must help her lover overcome the wounds of his tortured past and find a future with her....
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

📘 Lover Awakened (tagged)
📘 🎧 Audiobooks 📱followed closely by ebooks
📘 Depends on my mood. Top 3 are Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Romance

Play? @DebinHawaii @Gissy @kelli7990 @IndoorDame @Texreader @Deblovestoread

Eggs Thx for playing and sharing ❤️‍🔥 1w
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! 💜 1w
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DebinHawaii Thanks for the tag! 8️⃣ 1w
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

🔹️ Doing/helping others
🔹️ My family, both two and four legged
🔹️ Tagged

Play? @BookmarkTavern @IndoorDame @Texreader @kelli7990

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 3w
Eggs Thx for playing 💗 3w
BookmarkTavern Thanks for the tag! 💖 3w
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This wraps up book three of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Starting with chapter 39, Mr. U is made the fore-lessor. Bella asks Rehvenge to come home. She tells him that she went through her needing and is in love with the brother but he doesn't want her. Now Mr. O is back in charge. (Did you get whiplash?) Bella is sent to stay with Havers and Marissa. While John is practicing Lash lands a dirty blow that Z witnesses. Z tells Lash that he remove..

TheSpineView ..his eyes if he ever tries something like that again. Then Z sends a message to all the trainees John is under his protection. Mr. O breaks into Bella's family house and sees the memorial. He is now convinced she is dead. Mr. O tells Wellsie and abducts Sarelle. Butch takes Phury to Havers to get payched up. While there, he feeds from Bella. Marissa tries to get Butch to "call on her" and he refuses. Mr. O sets up a meeting with Z using Sarelle 1mo
TheSpineView ..as leverage. Wrath and the brothers tell Tohr that Wellsie is dead. He disappears and John is devastated. Z gets Wrath's permission to average Bella and Wellsie. Z knows it is a suicide mission. Phury drugs Z so he can take his place. When he drank from Bella he discovered she is pregnant. He wants Z to live and be a father. Everything goes wrong and Z has Bella use the blood connection to find Phury. At the end of the day, it is Bella who.. 1mo
TheSpineView ...kills Mr. O and saves both z and Phury. Bella says goodbye and goes to Charleston to live with extended family. Viscous dupes Butch into drinking his blood. He says it is necessary because he has had a vision. Tohr is still missing. Bella returns to the man's two months later to tell Z he is going to be a father. During her time away Z has totally transformed himself. They finally tell each other how they feel. Z goes with Bella to meet her... 1mo
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TheSpineView Brother and ask permission to be mated. He realizes that Rehvenge is also the Reverand. Epilogue: Z and Bella have a girl. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 1mo
TheSpineView #BDBBookClub #BDBBuddyRead #BDB A lot went on in these final chapters. I feel sorry for John Matthew. He just can't catch a break. He needs a hug. I didn't see the point in the change of leadership in the Lessors. Maybe Ward is trying to show how unstable the society is??? Looking forward to the next book and also excited to get to John Matthew 's book. 1mo
ShananigansReads I had forgotten the whole climax of this book so it was a bit like reading it for the first time again. This is such a hard story but it ends with so much love. Also I love John Matthew so much. 1mo
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads I didn't remember a lot of details. I did remember that Wellsie was killed and I still cried. So sad😢 1mo
ShananigansReads @TheSpineView Yes, Wellsie was the one thing I did remember (and Tor‘s reaction) but I had the situation all wrong. 🤦🏾‍♀️ 4w
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads I had forgotten how Z stood up for John. I loved how he never said a word but he left no doubt with the trainees that John was under his protection. I think this scene was in the book to show how Z was changing. 4w
ShananigansReads @TheSpineView yesss!! Z truly evolved in this story 4w
julesG Z really changed and I loved it. And it took time and wasn't insta-180° like in so many other romance novels. I'm still furious about Wellsie's death. That felt like death of a character in a soap opera who wants to leave the show, so sudden, so (imo) unnecessary. 4w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🖤🖤 1mo
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🖤🧛‍♂️ 1mo
Eggs 🖤🤍🩶 1mo
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- He‘s a warrior that protects his species.
- I‘m a bookkeeper, which is not the same as a librarian no matter what my niece thinks. 🤣

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TheSpineView I agree that this is a tough read. So many tragic things happen and/or are brought to light in this book. 1mo
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#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

Chapters 27 - 38 began with Bella and Zsadist finally being intimate. Zsadist feels like he is dirty and will make Bella dirty. He has a breakdown and relives when Phury rescues him. Zsadist denies to Phury that he has bonded with her. He thinks Phury is the right make for her. Bella enters her needing. Zsadist services her but offers her the option of being drugged, which she declines. Butch takes John to his...

TheSpineView ..first therapy appointment. As they are leaving Butch sees Marissa get in a car with Rehvenge. Marissa goes to Rehvenge's condo to drink from him. Mr. O finds out the address of Bella's family house. He drives by the house and sees the black ribbons on the gate and knows it is for mourning. V admits to Phury that he has not had any visions in 3 days and can't hear others' thoughts. Zsadist realizes he loves Bella. 1mo
TheSpineView The Reverand gets Phury to admit he is in the Brotherhood. Bella knows Zsadist needs to feed and goes to find him. She inadvertently insults Zsadist in front of the brothers a d Z storms out. Bella apologies to the brothers and tells them she loves him. Bella finds Z downtown feeding from a human female. Z thinks it is the best for Bella if he drives her away. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @tdrosebud 1mo
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TheSpineView I'm enjoying the series. However, I wish we would learn how each of the brothers got recruited into the Brotherhood. Were they all from warrior bloodlines? 1mo
julesG I think in one of the books it says that the Brothers had to come from warrior bloodlines. But looking at the dwindling numbers the Brotherhood should change some of its rules. 1mo
TheSpineView @julesG Agree. Also, what about halfbreeds? 1mo
julesG Well, they made Butch a brother, so non-warrior bloodlines and halfbreeds should be accepted too. In one of the next books there's a part about how the inbreeding (pure bloods, warriors+chosen=chosen/brothers) has caused problems already and to protect the race they'd need fresh blood [it's on the chosen-side, when the handicapped chosen in black robes is introduced(?)] - guess vampire high society has the same problems as the royal/noble... 1mo
julesG ... families of Europe had. Too much inbreeding damaged the bloodlines and caused all kinds of hereditary problems to come to the fore. 1mo
TheSpineView @julesG Hopefully, with Wrath on the throne now things will change. His children will not be full-blooded warriors. Beth is at least half human so any children can at best be only 3/4 vampire. 1mo
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Welcome to another #Two4Tuesday Everyone is welcome to play. I'll tag a few Littens to get us started. Have a great day everyone!

1️⃣ Not a big drinker, but when the mood strikes I love a good glass of wine. Usually red. 🍷
2️⃣ Tagged

Play? @Eggs @dabbe @Deblovestoread @AmyG @Born.A.Reader @Susanita @TheBookHippie @TracyReadsBooks @Decalino @Ruthiella @JenReadsAlot @peaKnit @Kshakal @lil1inblue @Read4life @Blueberry @JessClark78 @AnnCrystal

AnnCrystal Thanks for the tag 😎👍💝. 1mo
Read4life Thanks for the tag 🤓 1mo
AmyG Thanks! 1mo
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Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! 1mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 1mo
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#BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub #BDB

Mr O is now the fore-lessor and Mr U is his 2nd in command. (Something tells me that will not go well) Bella needs to feed but only wants Zsadist. Though it kills him, Zsadist thinks she needs to feed from Phury. After much back and forth Bella does feed from Zsadist. Zsadist and Bella kiss for the first time. Bella learns more about his abuse.
John has his first day at training. John is not feeling it.

TheSpineView Phury learns that the owner of Screamers, the Reverand, is a symphath. Butch thinks Phury is gay and asks him while they are playing pool. No, not gay but pining after Bella even though he knows Bella has chosen Zsadist. We find out how Phury lost his leg when he rescued Zsadist. Mr. O is watching Bella's house and he daydreams about " his wife" and how he can make her a lessor. (he has totally lost his mind). Havers tells John that he is a full.. 1mo
TheSpineView Full-blooded warrior and that he is Darius's son. Tohr and Wellsie are excited about this news. Havers suggests that John go to therapy. Bella's brother, Rehvenge, will stop at nothing to get her back home. Something is wrong with Rehvenge because he has to take a drug to function. Tohr tells Zsadist that Rehvenge has asked Wrath to make Bella his ward. Bella is not happy about this when she finds out. Bella realizes she loves Zsadist. 1mo
julesG Those lessors. Not a single one who wouldn't benefit from a black dagger through the chest. On that note, do we ever find out what the omega does with them in the one-on-one sessions? 1mo
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TheSpineView @julesG I can't remember much about the Omega. None of the books that I recall delved into the Omega that much. That said, it has been a LONG time since I read this series and I only got to books 12 or so. I have forgotten so much. 1mo
julesG I read the first ten books. Can't remember anything specific either. I'm going to go ask the Wiki. 1mo
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#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

At the opening of Lover Awakened, book 3, it has been 6 weeks since Bella was captured. Most think her dead. Mr. O is keeping her and calling her his wife. He has even brought her a male vampire to drink from. Bella helps the male escape while Mr. O is distracted. The Brotherhood and Bella's fanily now know she is alive. A plan is made and Bella is rescued. We learn more about Zsadist's time as a blood slave.

TheSpineView Zsadist takes Bella to his room. He is acting like a bonded made and others are noticing. Phury is also attracted to Bella. Tohr takes John to meet Wrath, when Beth comes in the room it causes John to pass out. John goes to Havers then later home and meets Sarelle. She tells John that she thinks Tohr and Wellsie want her to be the one John drinks from during his transition. @PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom 2mo
julesG Mr O is 🤬🤬🤬 - Bella is tough though. 2mo
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julesG Butch's thoughts about Phury. His looks and that he'd be "a Nancy" if it wasn't for his fighting skills. ? That part didn't age well. 2mo
TheSpineView @julesG He is a total fruitcake. 1mo
TheSpineView @julesG Totally 1mo
julesG Had to continue with the audiobook, nearly at halfway point. 1mo
TheSpineView @julesG I did the same. I feel sorry for Zsadist. He reminds me of some I knew when I was young that struggled with an eating disorder. She said she felt like eating was the only thing she could control. I think that is, at least part of, the reason Zsadist deprives himself. 1mo
julesG Yes, I think that's his reason. But I also think he's punishing himself so much for what happened to him although it was all out of his control. He's not to blame for what happened. He needs to realise it. 1mo
julesG I think they all could benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. 1mo
TheSpineView @julesG He does have a lot of guilt and Phury's guilt is probably not helping him either. Even if it is just subconsciously, I think when he see Phury's guilt it reaffirms his. In other words, if Phury has guilt then it is OK to feel guilty too. Therapy would do them all good. 1mo
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#FirstLineFriday @ShyBookOwl

"Goddamn it Zadist!"

Reading this book for #BDBBuddyRead #BDB #BDBBookClub

Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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August lineup! 📚🖤 🎧



Eggs All of these look great 👍🏼❤️📚 2mo
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
TheSpineView Lookin' good!❤️📖❤️📚❤️🧛‍♂️ 2mo
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Lover Awakened is book three in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and our book for August. #BDBBookClub #BlackDagger

There are 50 chapters. I am going to read 14 chapters the first week (August 1st to 10th) then 12 chapters each of the three remaining weeks of August. I will continue to do a summary each week unless you guys want to change that.

@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud

TheSpineView @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Misty, you had indicated an interest to join in in August. Do you want to be tagged? 2mo
julesG I have my audiobook copy ready. 2mo
TheSpineView @julesG 👍❤️🎧 I just purchased an audio copy at Kobo. 2mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Let me see if I can find this book! 🖤 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I found it on hoopla! 🖤 2mo
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😎🖤🧛‍♂️ 2mo
ShananigansReads 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 2mo
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Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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#BDB #BDBBuddyRead #BDBBookClub

How is everyone coming along on book two, Lover Eternal? The third book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is Lover Awakened. It is Bella and Zsadist's story. Get read to read about them in August.
Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.
@PageShifter @Laughterhp @julesG @ShananigansReads @DuckOfDoom @InkedBookworm13 @tdrosebud @CoverToCoverGirl @StayCurious @BooksNBowls

ShananigansReads I haven‘t even started yet 😩. I did get caught up with book 22. I plan to reread book 2 next week. (Had to take some time between) 2mo
julesG I binged the whole book yesterday. 😉 2mo
TheSpineView @ShananigansReads I get that.👍📖 2mo
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TheSpineView @julesG Wow! Great job! I have 5 chapters left. 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I don‘t know how I missed this! I‘m going to see if I can find this book! 2mo
TheSpineView @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Would love to have you join in! 2mo
BooksNBowls I‘m a little behind this week! Dealing with a lot of stuff right now, hoping to catch up this weekend 🙂 2mo
TheSpineView @BooksNBowls Sounds like a plan. Enjoy your weekend! 2mo
StayCurious I‘m behind but plan to catch up. 2mo
PageShifter Haha, I am late but finished! And I have the next book ready 👍🥰 1mo
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Book 3 in the black dagger brotherhood series. This one is about Zsadist and Bella.

A LOT happens in this book! I‘m absolutely loving and devouring these books!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I read these years ago and loved them! 🖤 1y
LaraReads @Laughterhp @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks was obsessed with them in the early 2010s. Such good memories! 🖤 1y
Laughterhp @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LaraReads This is my first time reading them! 1y
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Continuing with my series reread, this is my favorite of the series! Zsadist is a “broken boy” who is redeemed by Bella‘s love. I love this trope. Zsadist was a blood slave a few centuries ago, and has carried shame and self-loathing his entire life. As a result, he‘s pretty miserable to be around. Until Bella crosses his path and his cold heart begins to melt and experience love for the first time. Love, love, love this one.

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#ManicMonday #LetterL @CBee

Today's picks are!

📚: Lover Awakened
✒️: Lori Wilde
🎬: Land Before Time
🎤: Little Mix
🎶: Laffy Taffy- D4L

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I don‘t think this is the 1st of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series but I don‘t think you need to read them in order. Love J.R. Ward books!!! Trying to get some time here at the beach reading since I‘ve been fishing more than reading while I‘m here. I hope you all have a good Labor Day weekend. It‘s 90‘ here and I‘m not ready to kiss summer good bye. I love my summers. Especially to read here at the beach. #beachreads #summerreads #jrward

Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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Starting the 3rd in the series 📖🤗

La_Cori One of my favorites in the series 💟 enjoy your reading! 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Z is my favourite! Love the Brotherhood. 🗡🧛‍♂️ 2y
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Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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Book 3 of #BlackDaggerBrotherhood

Could hardly put it down, although I could predict the ending from the start.

@GingerAntics, I might have to unfollow you. You make me plunge down rabbit holes. I should be reading all the ARCs. 🙈🙈

#20in4 #readathon @Andrew65

Fabrics cut and pinned together. Now I just need to sew them up.

Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 2y
Catsandbooks Excited to see the finished results! 2y
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This book was originally one of my favourites of the series (back when there were only 6 books). Zsadist has always been one of my favourite characters from this series, but this time through I love the entire brotherhood. I‘m not sure I can pick a favourite. Z is certainly up there though with his past, and his strength to eventually push through it all. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

GingerAntics I didn‘t remember so much of this book, but all those details made the book even better than I remembered it. How fitting I should finish this book on the birthday of the person who first introduced me to this series back in 2009. #jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverAwakened 2y
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A lot of contemporary fiction references to Trump haven‘t aged well, but this one sure as hell did. I‘m dying!!!
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverAwakened

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I‘m so excited to revisit Z and Bella. This is one of the few of the first six books I remember something about. I know there is a lot I don‘t remember too, though. Third of the six books where the audiobook doesn‘t match the ebook at all, but at least this one somewhat relates to the ebook cover as well. #jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverAwakened

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The more I get to know these characters the more I like the books! Can‘t wait to read the next one! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Twainy 😋 I listened to the first book, shared it with 2 friends that have now read them all LOL I enjoyed book one & own 6 more but haven‘t listened. Yet. On my TBR though! 4y
CoverToCoverGirl Ward is the best. And so is the BDB. 🗡 Z is my favourite brother. 4y
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is my favorite book out of the series so far! It was so good! I loved the healing that Zsadist has to go through. I love the relationship between Zsadist and Bella. This book was heartbreaking as well since something bad happens to a character. Mr. O is just a psychopath and made a great villain. This was just great and I cannot wait to carry on more with this series.
#bookstagram #bibliophile #litsy #littens #bookreview

Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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Thanks for hosting the #24B4Monday #readathon @Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72 I had a great time!

I read two books and started in on a third and came in at 18 hrs and 32 min.

This book had a darker flavor than the other two. It was much more detailed and intense. I thought it was really good.

Texreader Congrats! 18 hours is impressive!! 4y
Andrew65 That‘s great, well done 👏👏👏🙌🙌🍾🥂🍾🥂🥳 4y
TheSpineView Excellant time! Great job! 4y
jb72 Great job! 🥳🤩 4y
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Thanks for the tag @Owlizabeth 1. Either sleep or watch something funny like The King of Queens.
2. July—Atlantic Ocean when in Ireland.
3. So far, so good! I will def try.

@Grrlbrarian wanna play? @MoonWitch94


MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing ☺️ 5y
Ashley31 @MoonWitch94 sure thing! 😀 5y
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This series is like book candy for me!🍬🍭🍫 I could eat it up all day. This book dealt with the serious topic of sexual abuse, so didn't go down as easily as books 1& 2, but it has a satisfying ending. I enjoyed it.

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This book was my introduction to paranormal romance. Zhadist, man. He's still my favorite Brother.

Kindle format is currently only $1.99. #romantsy

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What a beautiful ending!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 can‘t wait to get home and start the next one!!

CoverToCoverGirl My favourite book of the series! ♥️♥️♥️ Zsadist ♥️♥️♥️ and Bella of course.. the rest of the brothers aren‘t bad either.. Rhage is a fairly close second......sigh..😊 5y
TheRomantiCate @CoverToCoverGirl yes!! Zsadist is absolutely my favorite so far! I can‘t wait to get further into the series!! 5y
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Oh, darling Zsadist. I definitely understand why his story is a favorite among fans of this series. Who knew he could be so tender-hearted despite all that pain and humiliation he endured. This was a delight to read and I can‘t wait to continue with these books 🥰
#blackdaggerbrotherhood #romantsy

ShananigansReads Zadist is the best 💙💙💙 6y
AmandaEve @Bookjunkie57 He really is! I thought Rhage was, but then in comes Z! I didn‘t want this one to end 😉💞 6y
ShananigansReads Rhages‘s book was one of my favorites too. And I have a soft spot for John Matthew. 6y
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AmandaEve @Bookjunkie57 ohh yes I‘m curious to see how John‘s story evolves. I have some thoughts about it but want to see how it unfolds 😊 6y
ShananigansReads Can‘t wait to see what you think. Now I feel like I should reread the series. 6y
madamereadsalot1 Love these books! I loved Z's story too. My favorite book is probably Lover at Last, even though V is my brother! 6y
AmandaEve @Bookjunkie57 right! I‘m sure these will be nice rereads in the future 6y
AmandaEve @madamereadsalot1 ohh I‘m excited to get to it. I can‘t wait to dive into the rest of the brothers‘ stories! 6y
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Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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Z is now my favorite of the brothers. To be fair that is now the third time I‘ve change my mind on who is my favorite so chances are it will change again. These books are amazing JR Ward creates characters that are so floored and well human that you can‘t help but suffer with them. The story such you in and drags you along kicking and screaming. I love these books

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BOOK Three of my reread, Lover Awakended by J.R.Ward, Bella and Zsadist story is one of the hardest to read from the series it also touches on a basic insecurities and fears we all have, it took me a little longer then normal to read but I am glad I did

Lover Awakened | J R Ward
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A coworker recommended this series to me and I am obsessed. I can‘t wait to start the fourth.

Lover Awakened | J R Ward

Good, but sad. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 out of 5.

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I can‘t tell you the last time I finished a full length novel and started a second one in the same day! Flying through this series...I love me some BDB. 🧛🏻‍♀️

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The damage done to this vampire lives in his very blood and bones - Zsadist is a ruined warrior. When a female is taken hostage, he takes on the challenge of finding her against every obstacle.

ZoeyPeacock I‘m rereading these, getting ready for the new release. 6y
The_Literary_Jedi @ZoeyPeacock - I‘m excited too! 6y
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1) I've read A LOT of romances, so I decided to put the book that introduced and hooked me to the modern romance genre.
2) Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth
3) Orchids
4) Swedish Fish
5) Red


ralexist Oh Wentworth...such a good choice! 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Love J R Ward! 🔥❤️ 7y
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Congratulations @Elle_Skeldon 🎂💕🎈👏🏻🎊
I think of Zhadist as the loner brother in the Blackgagger Brotherhood... With a past full of suffering and humiliation, anger was his only companion until he rescues beautiful Bella ❤️
#giveaway thank you for the opportunity!!! ❤️❤️

Christine11 Pretty photo 😊 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Christine11 thank you Christine!!!! 💕 7y
Taulara My favorite of all the brothers!! 7y
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cobwebmoth He was always my favorite.😊 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Taulara @cobwebmoth I loved him and Wrath!!! I wish I had time for a reread!! 7y
Jas16 My favorite too 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Jas16 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
ElleSkel Another one for the TRB pile! I have had so many great adds from this giveaway! Thanks for entering and great photo too!! 📚🤓📚 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Elle_Skeldon thank you!!!! These are so good!!!!! 7y
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#bookhaul!! This is what I love about used book stores and trade credit; all this just cost $17!!!

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I've only read the first three books of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, and this has to be my favorite! This was my second read and I loved it still!
The tragic tale of Zhadist had me yearning to give him a hug. It was so sad to hear about his past. I was so happy that Bella came into his picture. They were perfect for each other.

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#tattoo makes me think of Zsadist who was kidnapped by his nanny when he was 7 months old and when she died sold into slavery... His mistress kept him in a cell ready to use for blood or sex with her or other males... His brother Phury found him after a century and he later added body piercings and slave band tattoos because he liked the pain... 😱😰He later fell in love with Bella ❤️

Black Dagger Brotherhood


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @EchoLogical these books are crazy!!!! 😵 7y
Cinfhen Yowza 😲😳I'm kind of excited! 😘😘😘 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Cinfhen I read these years ago and they were all great and out of my usual genre!!! Lol 😆😘 7y
cobwebmoth Zsadist was always my favorite. 7y
Jenni_Capps He was my favorite! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Jenni_Capps mine too!! I want to read these again, but so many books and so little time!! 7y
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