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Dr. Seuss's ABC
Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Arguably the most entertaining alphabet book ever written, this classic Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss is perfect for children learning their ABCs. Featuring a fantastic cast of zany characters-from Aunt Annie's alligator to the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, with a lazy lion licking a lollipop and an ostrich oiling an orange owl-Dr. Seuss's ABC is a must-have for every young child's library. Originally created by Dr. Seuss, Beginner Books encourage children to read all by themselves, with simple words and illustrations that give clues to their meaning.
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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One year later, to the day, my son still LOVES his Dr. Seuss box set. He still chews them... but at least he attempts to read them now, too 😅

Ruthiella Kids books are versatile like that! 😅 1mo
ShyBookOwl @Ruthiella haha 😄 1mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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marleed Hahaha. I have given my grandkids many a chew-toy ‘er board book 🤣🤣 1mo
ShyBookOwl @marleed LOL it just proves that books are forever. They meet our needs at any stage of life 😂 1mo
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
Smrloomis Oh my gosh the adorableness 😍 3w
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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WJCintron 🙌 😃 3y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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And with that, I have completed my #LitsyAtoZ challenge for 2020 all nonfiction and all female authors (although I stretched a bit for the X & Z). Phew! I definitely made that harder than I needed too this year, apparently I was feeling really ambitious when 2020 began before it went sideways on us. 😂.

I can‘t even find my link to update these officially🤪. So enjoy them here


Scochrane26 That‘s impressive 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Scochrane26 😂 Yes, going into 2020 I was obviously feeling very positive & ambitious, unlike this year when I‘m feeling more like no challenges for 2021, boycott them all! 🤣 what a difference a year makes. 4y
Graywacke Awesome. And enjoy the 2021 boycott if it works that way. 4y
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AmyG Amazing job! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Graywacke Thank you! 😂. I doubt I‘ll hold out, but I think I‘ll limit it to maybe 1 or 2 this year. 4y
Reggie Wow, great job! 4y
KVanRead 👏👏👏 4y
cozypunk Great list! I read Barracoon this year as well. 4y
cozypunk Oooh, I didn't know that Malala has another book out. Off to add it to my tbr. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @dandy.punk It‘s a shorter one, highlighting stories of other refugees. It was excellent though, I‘d recommend it! 4y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Slight tongue twisters for each letter of the alphabet.

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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💗💕I‘m having so much FUN on Litsy today!💕💗

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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This was fun. Thanks @RealLifeReading 🤩 #alphabetbookishquiz

RealLifeReading Nice! I like finding out about authors I‘ve not heard of 5y
DGRachel @RealLifeReading I tried to pull at least a few books/authors from my stacks that aren‘t super mainstream for exactly that reason. 😊 I had to choose Red Rising, though, because I wouldn‘t want @Andrew65 to be disappointed in the #1FanGirl. 🤣🤣 (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @DGRachel 😂😂😂 5y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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litenthusiast Love this! 6y
vkois88 1, 2, and 4 are my favorites ❤ 6y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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#LessonsfromDrSeuss - memorizing whole books you‘ve read them to your child so many times. These are 4 I had memorized. My kids used to do that belly laugh so hard they‘d cry in anticipation of me knowing what the next page said before we even turned it. Man, I miss those days! Thanks for the memories, Dr Seuss!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sweet memories ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Making good progress on #LitsyAtoZ so far! Even if I'm doing it all out of order. I still haven't found my "A" book yet.

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss


Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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In an effort to get out of my reading funk, I‘ve decided to participate in my #readingchallenges in the coming year. The #LitsyAtoZ seemed like a perfect jumping off point. Thanks to @BookishMarginalia for organizing it! Now to get my #AbecedarianTBR together.

BookishMarginalia Yey! Hope you enjoy it! 6y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Only 6 of these were ones I originally had planned on, but I went through what I‘ve actually read so far and replaced the other 20 with other classics that I read through #ShakespeareReadAlong #EarthseedBuddyRead #JaneAustenReadAlong #Reading1001 etc and with that I am counting this #ReadingChallenge complete

And a few also worked for my #MountTBR and #192019 challenges, so that‘s a plus.😉

DGRachel I love when a book multitasks and works for more than one challenge. I don‘t repeat a book for prompts within a challenge, but I do like checking off boxes in multiple challenges! Good for you! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel Yes, I completely agree, it‘s a great feeling when that happens. 6y
Daisey Congrats on finishing it with plenty of time to spare! 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey Haha, that‘s ok, it just gives me 2 months to finish up the other ones I started. My overall MountTBR, for one, is WAY behind schedule! 6y
Andrew65 Got one more book to go on my #LitsyAtoZChallenge. Congratulations! 🍾🥂🎈👏 6y
Gezemice Congrats! That‘s awesome! I have reworked mine, too, but still have a few to go on it. You are up on it this year! 6y
TheBookHippie Finishing up my LAST ONE!!! 6y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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I‘ll be in here for a while...

RadicalReader @Nebula_of_Books what has been your favorite reads this year? 6y
BoldCityBooks @RadicalReader Probably The Name of the Wind so far. Yours? 6y
RadicalReader @Nebula_of_Books The One by Jason Marrs 6y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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I don‘t mean to brag, but I‘ve got all the words to this board book memorized 💁🏻‍♀️.

(I might‘ve read it a few times 😉.)

#mydearwatson #drseuss #latergram

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Since I‘ve seen a few new people from #LibraryThing asking about Litsy Challenges, I thought I‘d post updates from a few of mine, with briefish explanations. This is my #LitsyAtoZ challenge, it restarts every Jan. & was started by @BookishMarginalia The idea was to make a list of books, with a certain theme this year (I chose Classic Sci-Fi), and read one for every letter (either 1st letter of the title or author‘s last name) of the alphabet....

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ... I always start with a list, but end up making some substitutions before year‘s end. 7y
LauraJ This is a great list! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @LauraJ It is, as I go though I‘m finding quite a few of these lead into larger series, so I‘m beginning to suspect this one might take me longer than a year....but that‘s ok with me. 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss #DrSeussDay

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Giving my classroom door a little Dr. Seuss flair in honor of his upcoming birthday!!

398.2 Cute! 7y
Kshakal @398.2 thanks!! 7y
minkyb So sweet! 7y
Kshakal @minkyb thanks!! 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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@BookishMarginalia has enrollment up for this year‘s #LitsyAtoZ challenge Check out her page, her post, and sign up if you‘re interested!

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Here‘s my #LitsyClassicsAtoZ picks for 2018, but if it‘s anything like last year, I‘ll stick with about half and the other half will be substitutions that just show up along the way. In fact a few of these like Catch-22 were ones on my original plans last year that got pushed back as other things showed up on my radar or on a whim.

Sarah83 Looks great 😎 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Emily92Bibliophile Here‘s the list of classics I came up with at the beginning of the year. I may substitute some out as the year goes on, but that‘s my beginning goal list for this challenge. Again if you click on the # for the challenge and scroll down you will see other people‘s lists, and reads. 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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slategreyskies Congrats!!!!! 🎈🎊🎉🍾 7y
Sarah83 Great job. Congrats 🤗 7y
GondorGirl Amazing! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
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Mdargusch Woohoo! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
Jas16 🙌🏽 7y
LauraBrook 👏🏼👏🏼❤️👏🏼👏🏼 7y
merelybookish Congrats!! 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Dr. Seuss‘s ABC picture book written and illustrated by none other than himself is the perfect P book for CR. This picture book is great for students learning their alpahabet and great in choral reading for students to build their fluency skills and motivation. It also contains simple words and illustrations that aids the students when reading.

supan.katherine http://www.homeschoolshare.com/seuss_abc_book_unit_ideas_and_printables.php With this website, you‘re able to download activities that would go along with the book. Theses activities allow students to learn how to write the alphabet with traceable letters as well as create their own alphabet book similar to Dr. Seuss‘. 7y
supan.katherine UDL 3.3: Guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation EL 46: Use discovery learning activities (hands-on-activities) #ucflae3414f17 7y
AJones Dr. Seuss is one of my all time favorite as a child. Your embedded link activities are nice and simple, but to the point; especially for kindergarteners. My students would like these worksheets. Thanks for sharing. 7y
DrSpalding You've included developmentally appropriate activities to align with this author! Choral reading is a wise method to use with his books! 7y
cheyennewilliams Great book choice! It's a creative and fun way to introduce young students to the alphabet. The developmentally appropriate activities you included were very useful for young students, specifically kindergarteners. They are simple enough that the children shouldn't have any issues completing the assignment but they are also complex enough to challenge students and test their understanding of the alphabet. (edited) 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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I'm looking for some recommendations for my #LitsyAtoZ
Either title or author's last name for Q, X and Z.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations you can provide.

Maike Anything by Carlos Ruiz Zafon! 😊 for example 7y
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Alfoster It's by a Litsy author, @EricQiao 7y
MidnightBookGirl It's been years, but I remember liking this dystopian 7y
britt_brooke Q (Matthew Quick): (edited) 7y
Libby1 Anything by Markus Zusak is great! 7y
LibrarianRyan Graphic novels!! 7y
VioletMoonBooks Kate Karyus Quinn (edited) 7y
Read4life Thanks everyone! These are great. 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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And last, but certainly not least, of my Litsy reading challenges for 2017 #LitsyAtoZ Which looks like I'm on target for this one too. Whew!

What was that website link to post and track these again @BookishMarginalia ?

Mommamanzi Wow!!!! 7y
angrylilasian 👏👏👏 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Well done! 👍🏼 7y
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Mimi28 Awesome!! 7y
TitleSpines How does this work? Do you read the books listed here or do you make your own alphabetical list? 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TitleSpines @BookishMarginalia Started this challenge this year and it was to read one book from each letter of the alphabet this year, either by title, author, or a mix of both. I went with a mix and this is the list I'm working on now. Originally I had chosen others, way back in Jan, but I just updated mine realizing I'd read a lot of books for some of the letters already, just not the ones I thought I would in Jan. So pick whatever you like! 7y
TitleSpines Ok, great thanks 😄 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Big Z Little z what begins with Z?

My favorite #lastlines from Dr. Seuss. 😂😂


ValerieAndBooks I loved reading this book to my kids, who fortunately didn't mind ?, and getting to say "Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz" at the end ?! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I loved this book when I was a kid!! 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Me (acting like I'm gonna tickle Juliet): FEE FI FO FUM.

Juliet: Did you know giants are scared of books? Dey are scared of dem because dey don't know how to read, and dey think books have monster magic, so dey run away.

And now we are playing a game where we alternately chase each other around the house with Dr. Seuss while the other one runs away screaming. 😂😂 #raisingreaders

Reviewsbylola She looks so much like my daughter Florence in this pic, with her blond curls and impish face. I think they would be great friends! 7y
ScientistSam Oh so cute! 7y
Gayan ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Wife Hilarious! Creative Thinking!😜 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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I'm here to share with people who will understand my joy. I just spent a couple of days alphabetizing my books by author. Here's a glimpse of three of my four bookcases. I am so excited, and a bit embarrassed- I seem to have three copies of The Count of Monte Cristo (along with a few other duplicates). Anyway, I wanted to share with some kindred spirits! #kindredspirits #ilovelittens

LauraBeth This is lovely! 💕 7y
monkeygirlsmama Great shelves! I see lots that I had on my shelves too before I moved and boxed stuff up. 7y
JacqMac Beautiful! 7y
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BibliophileMomma Love love love. 💖💖💖 7y
LauraBrook Those look wonderful! And isn't it surprising at the number of duplicates you find? I think I keep a close track of what I have, and then suddenly I have 3 copies of a book! (edited) 7y
Bklover @monkeygirlsmama @JacqMac @LauraBeth @Tiffness83 Thank you!! My family thinks I'm nuts. So glad you're all here!! 7y
Bklover @LauraBrook Yes! I know what you mean. Maybe it will help to have them alphabetized 😉 7y
TrishB Lovely 💝 7y
LeahBergen Wonderful!! 7y
Eyelit 💜📚💜 7y
Bklover @TrishB @LeahBergen @Eyelit Thanks! I thought it would bug me to have the sizes all mixed up, but it doesn't bother me! 7y
mjdowens Awesome👍👏🎉 7y
My_novel_obsession ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Usagi I need those bookshelves in my life! 7y
Zelma Beautiful shelves! 💕 7y
Bklover @Usagi @Zelma Thanks! I bought these bookshelves at Walmart! Put them together myself. I needed four bookshelves so couldn't get anything too expensive. They work fine! 7y
Bklover @mjdowens @Anovelobsession Thanks! It was a fun project. My TBR grew enormously as I found books I forgot I had! 😊 7y
Usagi Wally world had those?? They look fantastic! 7y
Bklover @Usagi Yes! They are a Better Home and Garden brand. Came with a free magazine subscription, lol. I think they carry them all the time. I am now an expert at assembly!😉 7y
Usagi That's awesome! 7y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Clearly I need to buy these children some more books. #KidLitNostalgia

Joanne1 Can't have an empty bookshelf!! 8y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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I suppose you have to start somewhere !

TheNextBook My son loved this book. I've never hid a book before in my life but after my husband and I had it memorized and it was falling apart we would try to hide it to get a break. Those breaks didn't last long at all. 8y
LittlePixels "I'm a zizzer zazzer zuzz, as you can plainly see!" My kids are 10, 20 and 24, and I still have that book memorized. ?? 8y
saresmoore @LittlePixels Hahaha! I still have it memorized, too! I eventually paid for an iPad app on which I could record myself reading it, complete with animations. 8y
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AmyG I love her sweater! 8y
LittlePixels @saresmoore Genius! I wish that'd been around when mine were littles! 8y
PNWBookseller85 Adorable! 8y
MyNamesParadise Awwww cutie pie! 8y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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This book was really cute and silly. Great for little kids!

DGRachel My favorite! 8y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Morning story time!! #1000booksbeforekindergarden

Josie Awwww look at that extra tiny human!!! She's absolutely beautiful 😍😍 8y
Poetryfreak38 Thank you! 8y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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The carpet in the classroom I'm subbing in today.

Bookzombie Cute! 8y
Lmstraubie Adorable! 8y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss

Planning my #LitsyAtoZ reading list. I'm stuck on #K #Q #U and #Y by title. Any #mustreads that fit the bill?

Joybishoptx I think there's a book called Quiet about introverts. 8y
BookishTrish @Joybishoptx Excellent idea! 8y
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Zelma One of my absolutely favorites and isn't super well-known. 8y
Zelma Y: The Last Man, Underground Airlines, Kindred 8y
Cinfhen @Joybishoptx suggestion is a good one! Read it and liked it! Very interesting 8y
Martta I'm missing "Q" as well. I was thinking I could read something that starts with the word "Queen" maybe something wonderful historical stuff or fantasy or something. I have not made the research yet. I'm pretty sure I could maybe find that kind of a book. 8y
Notafraidofwords I love Danticat. Try this one: 8y
BookishTrish @AudreyMorris I LOVE The Sisters Brothers! This one sounds totally different. Is it equally good? 8y
DreesReads @BookishTrish I loved them both too. They are very different yet his writing is very distinctive (to me), so somehow they are also very similar. It is just as unusual! 8y
BookishTrish @Zelma I've read Y and Kindred already and don't yet feel like a reread. Would recommend them both to others struggling with the same letters - especially 8y
BookishTrish @Zelma I've never heard of The Unit -- it looks really interesting! 8y
BookishTrish @Cinfhen interesting choices! I've never read any Megan Abbott. Does anyone know if You Will Know Me is the place to start? 8y
BookishTrish @Martta Queen is a good suggestion - especially with my Alice in Wonderland obsession! There's bound to be a queen of hearts book I haven't read. 8y
Cinfhen I've never read Megan Abbot before either. I think this is a stand alone 8y
Martta @BookishTrish I actually found one today that sounds pretty good. 8y
Zelma @Martta for something not involving queens 8y
Martta @Zelma That does sound interesting also! 8y
BookishTrish @Martta You should TOTALLY read 8y
BookishTrish @Notafraidofwords I couldn't find Under the Udala Trees today even though I desperately wanted to. I came home with Uprooted instead. The bookseller recommended it. 8y
Notafraidofwords @BookishTrish awesome, I think you're gonna love it 8y
BookishTrish @Notafraidofwords I'm so looking forward to it! ❤ Temeraire. 8y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Universal Studios birthday geek out with my sister! I am SO not a theme park person but am having a good time!

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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Universal Studios - geeking out with my sister for her birthday!

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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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#fundridayphoto @Liberty I'm doing a small twist on this fun friday photo and am sharing my son's favorite childhood book! My husband and I read this book so much that we both had it memorized and it began to fall apart. This is the book my son would grab as soon as he could walk. He loved this book and it helped him learn his ABC's and I always recommend it to parents!

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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For #recommendsday I'll recommend my current favorite book to read to the boy. "Four fluffy feathers on a Fiffer Feffer Feff!"

Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss

My first Dr. Seuss book. ❤️