What a lovely surprise from @pbsbooks ! The other side of the mug says “the book was better”.
I am not sure what to do with the stickers but I will figure it out.
Many thanks to @pbsbooks and I love being a part of the pbs book readers club.
What a lovely surprise from @pbsbooks ! The other side of the mug says “the book was better”.
I am not sure what to do with the stickers but I will figure it out.
Many thanks to @pbsbooks and I love being a part of the pbs book readers club.
Year in Books - 4 fiction & nonfiction. Adding to the TBR! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c3idNUXitVk
I agree Foster was wonderful, just as I had expected of Keegan. I hadn‘t heard about Trust by Diaz.
P.S. I‘m going to miss Judy Woodruff.
I‘m currently looking through this. I have a question . It seems that many books I‘d like to borrow from our library system are only available as e books. What is the best ( and easiest) device to read them on?
This is my April #BookSpin list! I'm keeping it super light because April is going to be an INSANE month school-wise. I've been making my way through some of the books I haven't read yet on the PBS Great American Read, but I'm really hoping it lands on RM (BTS) book recs.
Book 232 of 2020
What's in the box you ask? Why its books I'm giving out as Christmas gifts from The Strand! #savethestrand #shopindie @strandbookstore
#3books #thatweregiftedtome 🎁
People who know me have learned over the years that the surest way to make me smile is to hand me a book, so I get books as gifts all the time. These are a few of my favorite book gifts. My husband gave me the Outlander, and my inlaws gave me the Great American Read and Downton books.
I really like projects like this and having a good solid list of books to work through. This book is a great companion and provides fascinating insights, however, it is full of spoilers!
This is a fun companion volume to the PBS series (which I did not watch). It has a page spread for each of the 100 novels they chose, with pictures on one side and text about the novel, author, etc on the other. Interspersed are pages of bookish info, like covers, pictured here. I really enjoyed slowly reading this.
Been working my way through this slowly between other reads and finally finished it this morning. I loved the anecdotes about authors and the history of each book. Also appreciated that it helped me understand why certain books made the list...even if I still think they don't belong there 😏 Also, some beautiful pictures of 1st editions and other notable publications.
I confess. I snapped this deal right up. Looking forward to reading it on my iPad, since I‘m assuming the photos will be weird on my Paperwhite. Go ahead ... you know you want it ... 😎📚❤️🧡💛💙💚
#garbingo #greatamericanread #kindledeal #kindledeals #boksaboutbooks
I already have a few of these but it's hard walking past it every day at work.
It doesn't help that they are right next to chips.😀
Unpopular opinion: I don‘t like the books on this list. I read this book hoping to find new favorites and learn about these books (and the classics!) from The Great American Read. However, most of them don‘t interest me at all. If I saw them on a library shelf I probably wouldn‘t pick them up.
Books I‘ve read before: 1️⃣1️⃣
Number of books I‘ve never heard of before: 4️⃣4️⃣
Books I want to read: only 8️⃣
I had no idea that Mary Shelley was a) the daughter of feminist and author Mary Wallstonecraft, and b) led such a tragic life. How did I miss this in all my college lit. classes?! I feel like someone owes me some tuition money back 🤯
In 2018, I read (and listened to) 184 books. Of those, 100 were off my own shelves. My top 5 for the year were those pictured. What were your favorite reads from 2018?
I made this #GARBingo card for myself way back when the list of books was announced.
I‘ve managed to check off 5 that I originally planned on, plus some I didn‘t, so I‘ll consider that good progress.
The rest will all get carried over into 2019, after all there‘s no bingo yet. 😉
Well I only managed 3 off of my Great American Read to-read list, not sure if I‘ll get to anymore this year or not, but I‘m happy to continue on next year. #ReadingGoals !
I watched the PBS mini series and voted. This book is the perfect companion piece, detailing all 100 books featured. I borrowed from the library but I‘m probably gonna buy my own copy for my personal bookshelf.
Yesterday I only bought books about books. 🙌🏻
I tried to avoid all the spoilers since I haven‘t watched the last episode yet....but darn the publisher sent me an email. 😂
I happy with the result though... I‘ll post the rest of this under a spoiler tag in the comments for those that still don‘t know the winner.😉
The results are in:
I'm happy with the winning book🎉📚🎉
How do you feel about results?
Tonight is full knitting and watching #TheGreatAmericanRead! Outlander top 5. My #1 would be either pride and Prejudice or Harry Potter.
Saw this at the library and had to grab it to check out the #greatamericanread books !!! #PBS
Chocolate and Tullamore Dew. I'm ready for the #greatamericanread 📚
Whose watching?
The finale is tonight! I haven‘t been very good about voting.. how about you all? How did everyone do with their #GARBingo cards? What is your favorite book on the list, or your favorite book you read for #GARBingo? My favorite is To Kill a Mockingbird, but I think my favorite that I read for the first time for #GARBingo was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
The Top 10 is in!! Have you watched this series? If so what did you vote for? There are some awesome choices leading the vote. Grande Finale next Tuesday the 24th ❤️
#thegreatamericanread #greatreadpbs #pbs #vote
I know I‘m late to the party but I‘ve decided I‘m going to read through the entire 100 Great American Reads books. I‘ve read 28 of them at some point in my life.
Twilight and Lord of the Rings are going to be tough. I‘ve never in my 45 yrs of life made it through Lord of the Rings and I‘ve tried 4 times. I did enjoy the movie.
Not going to try to only read these 100 in a row, I‘ll follow the list order and probably pepper other books between.
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
The results from Bracket #91 are:
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, 38%
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie, 62%
Today is Bracket #92 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/QX75FYMT
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
My 16 year old was looking through my Book of Books yesterday (which is a fantastic book, by the way), and she sent me a long list of books she wanted from the library. There were a few on her list they didn't have in, but I think she's got a pretty good start. (The top 2 on the stack weren't from the list).
#RaisingReaders 📚
I‘m currently using my classroom door as an interactive bulletin board. I had my junior high students tell me books from the Great American Read list that they have read, we started adding them to the door, and then any students sign the covers of books they‘ve read. It‘s been fun, and I hope it will lead to some student recommendations.
#TeachersofLitsy #GreatAmericanRead
Costco for the win!!!
Anyone looking to read any of the #GMR books, Costco has the majority of them in paperback for $9! #bookbuyingban
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
The results from Bracket #90 are:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 30%
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott, 70%
Today is Bracket #91 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/TVX6RJ5H
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
The results from Bracket #89 are:
Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier, 65%
Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton, 35%
Today is Bracket #90 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/KV0RWI5F
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
The results from Bracket #88 are:
Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery, 67%
The Book Thief, by Markus Suzan, 33%
Today is Bracket #89 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/MV52Z3ON
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
I helped set up at our local library book sale today. I was instructed to make a Great American Reads display, but then the library ladies said it was too fancy & made me make it plainer. 😂 Those Friends of the Library ladies are not messing around! Seriously, though...the romance novels are going to be 20 for $1! 😳 I will leave my wallet at home when I help take down tomorrow!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
The results from Bracket #87 are:
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, 38%
The Handmaid's Tale, by Margaret Atwood, 62%
Today is Bracket #88 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/JWTU5Z7U
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
I goofed up yesterday, but the results were the same anyway with The Color Purple victorious, lol. Sorry about that. 🙈
Today is the actual Bracket #87 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/IBW7F5K7
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
Bracket #86's results:
The Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling 49%
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, 51%
A ONE vote difference! 😱
Today is Bracket #87 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/N52NFGZ4
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Some of you have said this is getting progressively more difficult to decide...
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
Bracket #85's results:
The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, 30%
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, 70%
Today is Bracket #86 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/NBW755K7
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
Bracket #84's results:
The Tales of the City series, by Armistead Maupin, 27%
Gone With the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell, 73%
Today is Bracket #85 (of 99) between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/G4VPJO3J
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
My library branch's #GreatAmericanRead #GAR winner has been determined!
In the three-way final round,
The Chronicles of Narnia beat out Gone With the Wind by one(!!!) vote and Anne of Green Gables by three!
Wow! It was a personal top seed of mine, but I didn't expect it to win.
In our other branches...
The Color Purple won at one and Pride & Prejudice won at our other.
What do you think?
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament ???!
Bracket #83's results:
Pride & Prejudice, by Jane Austen, 57%
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë, 43%
Today is Bracket #84 between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/A52NSGL4
Persuade Littens in comments below! ?
Happy reading & voting!
I've organized my library's own #GAR tournament. Each branch starts with the same titles in the same positions, but patrons can vote however and wind up with different titles making it through the brackets.
My branch's (the main one) final titles:
War & Peace
Great Expectations
Anne of Green Gables
The Chronicles of Narnia
Pride & Prejudice
Gone With the Wind
Wuthering Heights
Which one do you think will win?!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament 😁👏🏻!
Bracket #82's results:
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie, 54%
1984, by George Orwell, 46%
Today is Bracket #83 between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/RP6MF5K6
Persuade Littens in comments below! 😁
Happy reading & voting!
Thank you for voting on this fun tournament ???!
Bracket #81's results:
The Little Prince, by Antoine de-St. Exupèry, 21%
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, 79%
Today is Bracket #82 between the previously-victorious titles above.
The link to vote: https://linkto.run/p/SZ9PFY7P
Persuade Littens in comments below! ?
Happy reading & voting!