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De wereld volgens Garp
De wereld volgens Garp | John Irving
109 posts | 298 read | 2 reading | 84 to read
De wereld volgens Garp is een zeldzaam komische, originele maar ook schokkende roman die John Irving in n klap beroemd maakte. Sinds de verschijning in 1978 hebben miljoenen lezers genoten van de excentrieke, non-conformistische Jenny, haar zoon T.S. Garp en de fanatici, onschuldige kinderen, transseksuelen, hoeren, worstelaars en de vele andere figuren die de wereld van Garp bevolken.
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#SchoolSpirit #Team John Irving was a wrestler in prep school, he also coached. An example of how your real life can inform your fiction, several of his books have characters who wrestle. Playing catch up , busy week!

Eggs 🖤🤼‍♂️ 🩶 2w
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Quote about reading or books
“Wherever the TV glows, there sits someone who isn‘t reading.” - John Irving

Ruthiella 👏👏👏 3mo
Eggs Agree 👍🏼 3mo
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday In no particular order!
1. The World According to Garp- John Irving
2. The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger polarizing, yet I love it.
3.The Go Between - L.P. Hartley a bunch of us read it in the #NYRBBookclub a treasure , more people should discover it.
Everybody play!

AmyG Garp 🙌🏻 7mo
lil1inblue I'll always have appreciation for The Catcher In the Rye. My favorite teacher in high school assigned it, and it really tickled my brain at the time. It was independent study, so we worked in small groups for discussion and it really made it interesting. Then I revisited in college with a favorite professor, so I just have good memories of reading and discussing it. 7mo
Leftcoastzen @AmyG can‘t get over it. Also, came upon it when my reading life was sort of tapering off,it pulled me back in. 7mo
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Leftcoastzen @lil1inblue I was kind of surprised I wasn‘t assigned it in school. For good or ill love Salinger , especially all things Glass family. 7mo
dabbe I'm making a list, checking it twice, and I'll make it available to all whether naughty or nice! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚

Catcher was a favorite of mine to teach. Loved The Go-Between; it reminded me of Atonement in a way. And I can't believe I've never read Garp. 😱
Leftcoastzen @dabbe well , I get it though, when a book is really popular for a time I sometimes say I‘ll get to it , then I don‘t 😁 7mo
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#LuckyInLove My #BookCrush seems to be more about an author rather than a character! 😄

AmyG Oooooo I love John Irving. And your little china dogs 🙌🏻 8mo
Ruthiella I love seeing the hardcovers of his books. 😍 8mo
Eggs I remember watching this film with Robin Williams many years ago 🙌🏻 8mo
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Leftcoastzen @AmyG thanks, I kept finding the little dogs here & there,suddenly, a collection. 8mo
Leftcoastzen @Eggs in this case , I like the movie & the book!😁 8mo
Amiable I share your book crush! Good thing there‘s enough John Irving to go around so we don‘t have to fight over him. 😀 8mo
Leftcoastzen @Amiable indeed! 😄 8mo
Centique So many great books! I love his work too. 8mo
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This book is quite a mix of violent, absurd, humorous, thought provoking, and heart wrenching events all entwined in the story of a family and their close friends. Along with Garp and his immediate family, there are several other intriguing characters. The stories within a story add an additional layer to the reading experience as well. I absolutely look forward to more of Irving‘s writing.

#1001books #audiobook

Amiable Love this book —and John Irving! 13mo
BkClubCare Is this your first Irving? Gotta go with Owen Meany next! I need to read Cider House myself. 13mo
Daisey @BkClubCare It was my first Irving. The other two you‘ve mentioned are both also on my TBR. 13mo
BkClubCare @Daisey - Owen was my first. Then I read Garp. And then…. I think I attempted a recent one and couldn‘t get into it. 13mo
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A crazy novel that covers a lot of ground & years

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30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 20 “The World According to Garp,” by John Irving. Beware the Under Toad.

CuriousG This is one of Irving's best! 1y
Tkimsal Agree! 1y
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Some people might say that it‘s ridiculous and over-the-top to travel more than 2,000 miles just to see their favorite author in person. Thankfully for me, I am not married to any of those people. When I said, “John Irving is going to be at the Santa Fe International Literary Festival,” my husband said, “When are we going?”

Our flight leaves on May 17, sweetie. 🙌🏼💃🏻🕺

JamieArc That‘s a great spouse 😊 1y
batsy It's so fun to have a fave rockstar author and to have a partner to share that with! 💕 1y
Amiable @JamieArc @batsy He‘s definitely a keeper! 🙂 I think it helped that we‘ve never been to New Mexico so he‘s intrigued by a new travel experience as well, ha ha! 😀 1y
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AmyG Fabulous! And Santa Fe is a great little city. Enjoy! 1y
JamieArc @Amiable I was going to say that it‘s not a bad location either. I‘m sure it will be a great trip. 1y
Leftcoastzen Amazing! Enjoy! Glad Irving still wants to get out to events like that!I bet you both will really enjoy Santa Fe too ! Georgia O‘Keefe museum is excellent! 1y
Amiable @AmyG I‘m sure we will! Thanks! 1y
Amiable @Leftcoastzen Honestly, that‘s what motivated me to act. He‘s 80 years old. I told my husband that we might not have many more opportunities to see him. 😬 1y
Ruthiella Fantastic! 👍 Glad you and your husband are taking this opportunity. 1y
BarbaraBB Wonderful!! 1y
Amiable @Ruthiella @BarbaraBB We also have tickets to the sessions with Beth Macy and David Quammen, which I‘m sure will satisfy my inner nonfiction geek. But I‘m an OG John Irving fan girl. 😀 1y
dabbe #heisakeeper 🤣💚😊 1y
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#MarchMagic #FavoriteMaleAuthor I‘d say this one!

Ruthiella Nice collection! I‘m envious! 😍 2y
Eggs Great choice!! 2y
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Comfort watch!

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My intentions are strong but my will is weak… how on earth am I going to squeeze this on my bookshelf?? Blame it on charity shops!

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#bookmoods #byyourfavouriteauthor
I 1st came to John Irving when I borrowed a vhs of the tagged bk, over the years Ive read everything he's produced, often with joy ,sometimes less so but always with excited anticipation + even managed to see Jeanette winteron interview him for his last bk. Definitely my favourite author although I've never reread, except again for the tagged bk, I'm scared to do so in case Owen meany isn't as joyous as my memory

Ruthiella I reread Cider House Rules a couple of years ago and found it really held up. I think Owen Meany will too. Those two are my top Irving favorites. 2y
CarolynM I read Hotel New Hampshire years ago and liked it, but I bailed on Garp and I‘ve never tried any others. Lately I‘m seeing Owen Meany and Cider House on favourite/best book lists and wondering about trying them. What do you think @andrew61 @Ruthiella? (edited) 2y
Leftcoastzen I‘m the weirdo who loves Irving but I still haven‘t read Meany. My favorites are in the order I read them Garp, Hotel New Hampshire, & Cider House Rules. 2y
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andrew61 @Leftcoastzen @Ruthiella @CarolynM Yes his storytelling is so involving but I think unique to him as a style. I think I may reread Owen meany soon and then try some of the older books like hotel new Hampshire. I'd definitely say give him a go carolyn. 2y
Ncostell I feel the same way about Owen Meany. I loved that book and am also afraid to reread it in case it will change my opinion the second time around. I still have it on my bookshelf just in case though! 2y
Ruthiella @CarolynM Go for it! 2y
DivineDiana Owen Meany was such a surprise to me! An all time favorite! 2y
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Back to this crazy Garp character (and by crazy, I mean funny as hell!!) His mom isn't too lousy either. What a firecracker she is!! I still love John Irving

#currentlyreading #today #outsidereading #coffeeandabook

Amiable I adore John Irving and this book! That is a throwback cover, too. 😳 2y
Bklover I remember that one from a long time ago! 2y
BookNAround I pulled this off my parents‘ shelves when I was about 12. It‘s the only book my mom ever took away from me. I just snuck it off again and I still remember some of the scenes in it (which probably validates the impulse to take it away from young me) even though I‘m 51 now. (edited) 2y
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bibliobliss @Amiable 😍 yes it's from the 70s 2y
bibliobliss @Bklover yes it's vintage Irving lol 2y
Leftcoastzen One of my all time favorite books . 2y
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#MayMoms #memorable Jenny Fields comes to mind .Wonderfully played by Glenn Close in the film !

Bec_lectic I loved the movie as a kid! 2y
Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 2y
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My goals this year are to read fewer books than I did in 2021 and stop being intimidated by chunksters (500+ pages).

Total: 12
Fiction: 4
Nonfiction: 8
Chunkster: 1 (Garp, also my top read!)

#januaryreads #januarywrapup

Freespirit I loved Garp ❤️ 3y
britt_brooke @Freespirit SO GOOD. 💚 3y
bookishnerd I have the same goal! I read like no long books last year. 3y
britt_brooke @bookishnerd Same here! My preference is 300-400 pages, but every time I finally go for a longer one, I never regret it. So many beautiful chunksters out there! 3y
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1.T.S Garp from tagged
2.Maurice Swift in The Ladder to the Sky
3.Glad to relax with Litsy , I‘ve had a couple of pretty stressful weeks & it might stay that way for awhile.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
Consider yourselves tagged , anyone can play!

vivastory I'm sorry to hear that things are stressful for you. I hope you enjoy your evening. 3y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory I‘m going to read this evening & relax. Sometimes it is that way & you just keep going.I think I make it harder on myself by over thinking it for sure!🙄😀 3y
Eggs I have had #3 too-just feeling worn down…hope your days get better ❤️‍🩹 3y
Leftcoastzen @Eggs Right back at you ! Hopefully calmer seas ahead! 3y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It‘s hard to describe John Irving. I‘ve only read three of his books, but they‘ve all hit similarly, and in the best way. Always an oddly likable, imperfect protagonist. Bizarre moments and details that might at first feel outlandish, yet become a believable exploration of humanity. The books within the book; the Ellen Jamesians. I loved it all, especially TS Garp himself.

Amiable Huge John Irving fan here! I‘ve read almost all of his works. This one is definitely a favorite! 3y
britt_brooke @Amiable I can‘t wait to read more! So far, I‘ve loved this, Owen Meany, and Cider House Rules. What would you recommend I pick up next time I‘m in an Irving mood? 3y
intothehallofbooks I haven‘t read any of his books yet, but earlier today I pulled The Cider House Rules off my shelf and put it on the table by my bed to start this week. 3y
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britt_brooke @intothehallofbooks I read that one last year then watched the film afterward (somehow I‘d never seen it). It‘s a good story. Hope you like it! 3y
AmyG I loved, along with these two, The Hotel New Hampshire and Widow for One Year. He‘s a big favorite. Owen Meany is one of my most beloved books. (edited) 3y
britt_brooke @AmyG Thank you! I‘m adding those to my TBR. I read Owen Meany in 2020 and it immediately became a favorite! 3y
Amiable @britt_brooke I share @AmyG ‘s love of “A Widow for One Year.” I also really liked “Last Night in Twisted River.” But my heart will always hold a special place for “Owen Meany” and “Cider House Rules.” My all-time favorites. 🥰 3y
britt_brooke @Amiable Thank you! 3y
AmyG @Amiable I have to read Last Night in Twisted River. I just never got around to it. 3y
Ruthiella @Amiable Those two titles are my absolute Irving favorites too. 3y
Amiable @AmyG I also enjoyed “A Son of the Circus,” but I fully admit that is one I would not ever recommend to the casual or first-time Irving reader. It took me three attempts before I really got into it and finally finished it. (edited) 3y
Amiable @Ruthiella So great, right? 3y
Ruthiella @Amiable I still get a little teary eyed when I think about Owen Meany and it‘s been 30 years since I read it. 3y
AmyG I am not even sure I read that one at all. @Amiable ….isn‘t he coming out with a new book? Did I read that? (edited) 3y
Amiable @AmyG Yes, I think I saw an interview where he said it will most likely be his last book. 🥺 Not sure when it‘s supposed to be published, though. 3y
Amiable @Ruthiella @AmyG Irving‘s works just have a way of grabbing your soul and holding on! The first sentence of “Owen Meany” is my favorite first line of any book. I also still think about another line from “The Hotel New Hampshire” more than 30 years after reading it: “Sorrow floats.” So simple and yet so profound. (edited) 3y
Cinfhen Loving all the Irving suggestions @AmyG @Amiable @Ruthiella I‘ve only read Owen Meany, which I too quickly LOVED!!! I feel like Irving needs to be read in paper. Not on a kindle or audio. Not sure why 🤔I‘m gonna look in my charity shop where I volunteer. Thanks for the reminder, Britt!!! 3y
Cinfhen Great photo 😍 3y
Leftcoastzen Keep passing the open windows.-Hotel New Hampshire 3y
Leftcoastzen @Amiable @AmyG Darkness as a Bride “expected date” August 4,2022. 3y
lynneamch Good reminder. I need to read more Irving. 3y
Amiable @Leftcoastzen Thank you! I‘ve been holding off on “Until I Find You” because I wanted to know that there was a “new” JI book for me to read. I don‘t know what I‘m going to do when I know for certain that there will never be any more books. 😩 3y
Sapphire I have started Avenue of Mysteries a few times and not been grabbed like all the other times. Maybe it‘s time to try again. A prayer for Owen Meany is my all time favorite Irving. 3y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen I want to read more of him! I‘ve gone back and forth with print and audio on the 3 books of his I‘ve read, and I actually love the audio, too. PS. I‘m trying NOT to be afraid of #chunksters this year! This was a good start. 3y
britt_brooke @Amiable @Ruthiella @AmyG @Leftcoastzen Thank you all so much for the suggestions! I love the conversations this post has spawned. 🤩 3y
britt_brooke @Sapphire Owen Meany is perfection. 💚 3y
britt_brooke @lynneamch Yes! Me, too. 3y
Cinfhen I know 😁 @AmyG xx and I‘m happy to hear audio is good, Britt. Sometimes I need a touch of both print & audio ♥️ 3y
Amiable @britt_brooke John Irving is one of those authors who inspires passion —people either really love him or they really don‘t! 😀 3y
britt_brooke @Amiable I can definitely see that! 3y
Leftcoastzen “Maybe television causes cancer,Garp thinks;but his real irritation is a writers irritation:he knows wherever a TV glows, there sits someone who isn‘t reading.” -John Irving,The World According to Garp (edited) 3y
britt_brooke @Leftcoastzen Such a great quote. 💚 3y
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Finished! And yet again missing one piece. 🧩😤 This is happening too often for it to not be my dog snatching a piece out of shear meanness when he wants attention. Little shit. 😂


Allylu We once finished a puzzle missing one piece and then when we were working on the next puzzle, the piece was found in the pocket of my daughter's robe. It fell off the table and into her pocket! 3y
ElizaMarie Awe I love this puzzle its super cute! 3y
britt_brooke @Allylu Oh no! 😂 3y
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britt_brooke @ElizaMarie Thanks! It‘s really adorable. It was a Christmas gift from @LouLouLane at our #NashvilleLittens holiday party. I was considering framing it. 😕 3y
Allylu @britt_brooke It was pretty funny! 3y
Sapphire Ha ha! 3y
fredamans 😂 😂 😂 3y
mom2bugnbee Chaaaaaaammmmmmpppppp... 😂 😂 😂 3y
mrp27 My Sadie is a puzzle piece snatcher too! Quite the little shit. 3y
britt_brooke @mrp27 😬😂 3y
Cathythoughts Oh fab 👏👏👏 3y
Kimzey How dare you pay attention to all those puzzle dogs instead! 😂 I have the same issue and I think my cats are accomplices! 😼😸🐶 3y
britt_brooke @Kimzey Exactly! 😅😂 3y
britt_brooke @mom2bugnbee So naughty!! 3y
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🎧🧩 All the snow is making us stir crazy now, so I‘m escaping with a little puzzle time. 😅


Suet624 Hahaha. Done with the snow? 3y
britt_brooke @Suet624 Yes! 😂 And thankfully some of it is melting today. Tomorrow, we‘re supposed to get a lot of rain, so that‘s going to be a mess. 3y
Suet624 Ugh. That‘s the worst: rain after snow. 3y
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Oh my word. That was some ride.

Our Bookclub read Hearts Invisible Furies this year & someone (@jeg I think 🤔) said Boyne was a big fan of Irving. Now that I‘ve read my first Irving I can see the similarities.

Epic, absurd, moving and before its time in many ways. Who knew it was, in part, a book about feminism 🤷‍♀️.

Looking forward to watching the movie 🎥 🍿.

Ruthiella I‘ve only read The Hearts Invisible Furies and could definitely see the Irving influences in it. 3y
Jeg Glad you liked it. I didn‘t think the movie that good. 3y
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So some of you use #bookspin to choose what‘s #upnext from your mountainous #tbr piles. Some of you use challenges and #bookbingo.
I‘m going to try #bookwithinabook to choose my next read. This book was mentioned in the one I just read, Commonwealth.
It‘s been waiting patiently on my shelf and my husband tells me it‘s a #mustread book. I don‘t think I‘ve read any Irving before 🤔. #currentlyreading

BkClubCare Oh wow. If you end up appreciating Irving‘s talents, I recommend Owen Meany (A Prayer for…) next. 3y
Ruthiella That‘s a pretty neat way of structuring your TBR! Garp becomes an English major I think? 🤔 So maybe there will be another book in Garp...? 3y
violabrain This is one of my all-time favorite books! I‘ve lost count how many times I‘ve read it at this point, and I hardly ever reread books! 3y
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Leftcoastzen Love Garp, I have never seen that cover before. 3y
MrsMalaprop @BkClubCare thanks for the recommendation. 🙏 I‘ve read chapter 1 & can see I‘m in for a ride! 3y
MrsMalaprop @violabrain @Leftcoastzen Hopefully I‘m in for a treat then 😁. That first chapter - 😳🤭😂. Reminded me a little of Catch22 🤔. 3y
MrsMalaprop @Ruthiella A few authors already mentioned in the first chapter, so 🤞. 3y
Leftcoastzen I get that comparison for sure! 3y
Jeg I loved this book so much when I read it when it first came out. I went on to read his other books. I still have my copy. An all time favourite. 3y
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TK-421 Love this! 3y
Leftcoastzen Love this , love Garp! 3y
Tamra Good one! It is so satisfying to create something tangible. And tasty to boot! 3y
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Phew! Irving tackled some tough themes in this book. I wasn't expecting that ending. 🥴

See that sploot, though? 👀

Lreads Hi Winston! ☺️ 3y
TheRiehlDeal Winston, the photobombing Corgi. 3y
GingerAntics Winston is an awfully cute photobomber. 3y
Leftcoastzen I adore this book & such an adorable Corgi! 3y
ShelleyBooksie Winston!! ♡♡♡♡♡ 3y
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#MoviesInMay @Klou
Prompt: Robin Williams

Klou Nice! 3y
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"Maaaahm, pay attention to meeeeee."

Two seconds later, he jumped on my lap and starting licking the book pages. ?

GingerAntics I hope they tasted good? I‘m not sure what the sentiment should be here. 3y
Rachel.Rencher @GingerAntics Hahah he does this to things that take my attention away from him. He knows that my reaction is to set down whatever it is so I can clean his slobber off, but that usually results in him getting attention at least for a minute. 😂 But he's a corgi so he really makes no sense at all. 3y
TheSpineView That face... I love it!❤🐾 3y
Leftcoastzen Awww , cute! 3y
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Sitting in the car, waiting for Lucas to get his hair & beard done. 🧔

I'm obsessed with Irving's writing. I know a lot of people think he's a drag, but he draws his readers in so close to each scene that it feels like I have intimate knowledge of the characters that I shouldn't be allowed to have. He has a knack for exposing the raw truth of humanity.

The_Penniless_Author Agree completely. I don't know how anyone could find him to be a drag. 3y
Rachel.Rencher @The_Penniless_Author Me, either! A lot of reviews say that it felt like it took years to get through his books or that he's just not worth it. 😱 3y
jdiehr One of my favorite authors ❤ 3y
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The_Penniless_Author Yeah, that makes no sense to me. I can understand the criticisms that he's too sex-obsessed or that his plots are too cartoonish at times (even though I don't agree), but the one thing he is not is boring! 3y
AmyG He is a favorite. I love his books. 3y
Amiable My favorite author. LOVE HIM. 😍 3y
Ruthiella I love Irving, though I haven‘t read anything since the ‘90s. 3y
KarinWestbrook I‘ve not read anything by him. Think I‘ll add him to my list of authors I want to deep dive this summer. 3y
FrancineCallaloosoup One of my favourite authors. 3y
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I'm giving this one another shot now that I understand Irving's writing a bit better. One chapter in, and I'm hooked!

Schwifty This is my favorite Irving novel. Robin Williams did a great job playing Garp in the movie too. 3y
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#nursesday #MagicalMay A huge thank you to all the real life nurses who are working beyond all expectations in these challenging times. My favorite fictional nurse is Jenny Fields played by Glenn
Close .This is one case where I love the movie as much as the book. The incomparable John Lithgow plays the transgender ex football player , Roberta Muldoon. I feel Irving was ahead of his time , looking at morals & ethics from more than 1 perspective.

Andrew65 Love this film and book. 4y
Amiable Yes!! Love Jenny Fields and Garp! (edited) 4y
plemmdog I fell in love with Irving the moment I read this in 8th grade, when it first came out. I think he‘s largely unappreciated now, but he was the bomb in the 1970s-80s. 4y
Leftcoastzen @plemmdog I was always a reader , but when I read this years ago , it just had that special mix that made me want to read more.At times this book is funny , tragic ,absurd, and thought provoking. Irving‘s always a great one for quotable lines that capture his quirkiness. 4y
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I feel this might be an #unpopularopinion, but this book didn't feel like a great read to me! I feel like I've been reading it for 10 years. I also feel like it's been a very long time since I read something light and romantic and easy. I've got to choose a fluffy book next to cleanse my palate. This was like eating an entire roast by yourself.
(I sometimes must use a terrible analogy like this to try to get you to really feel what I feel..lol)

emtobiasz Nah, I share that #unpopularopinion. I read this one in college after loving Irving‘s A Prayer for Owen Meany in high school, and I felt like I wasted my summer on it. Go read something uplifting 😂 4y
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#7Days7Books ... Day 7
Seven books that made a deep impression and changed me.

This was the first John Irving book I ever read. My dad gave it to me because John Irving is his favorite author. I read it and also fell in love with John Irving. It‘s a wonderful thing to share a love of reading with my dad. It‘s even more special that we share our favorite author.


violabrain This is also the first John Irving book I ever read. One of my favorites of all time! 4y
Amiable @violabrain It‘s so good! I remember reading it thinking “this is completely bonkers but I can‘t put it down!” 4y
LeahBergen I almost chose this one, too. 😃 4y
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Amiable @LeahBergen One of my favorite Irving books of all time! 🙂 4y
andrew61 This was my first Irving as well which i read in the early 80's and he has been a constant ever since - great choice. 4y
Ruthiella Irving titles are coming up a lot in this tag. When a reader loves him, they really LOVE him as an author! 😍 4y
Amiable @Ruthiella I would totally agree with that. People either love Irving or they really, really don‘t. There‘s not a lot of in between! I love his works but I don‘t often recommend his books to people unless I can get a sense of what kind of readers they are and what they like. He is definitely not for everyone. (edited) 4y
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Thanks @Eggs for the tag
1️⃣Lawrence Block but when you get out of mystery series, John Irving, Paul Auster,Virginia Woolf,Phillip Roth , F. Scott Fitzgerald, maybe Fitzgerald ,would be closest to considering completely read.
2️⃣🙄8 tall , 8 medium and they are stuffed everywhere except the bathrooms or under the bed.
3️⃣Clumped by topic.If I have many by one author , try to clump together.
Anyone who wants to play.

Eggs Clumping works. Thanks for playing Linda 💕 5y
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#jolabokaflodswap Hey @Judybskt thank you so much for the wonderful book and chocolate!!! Can‘t wait to start it! Chocolate has already been consumed 😂😂😂

MaleficentBookDragon Very nice. 🎅 🤶🎁🎄🍫 📚 Happy #Jolakabodflod 5y
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John Irving became a Canadian citizen this week. Interesting read ... @ljuliel , did you see this? We‘ll have to move to Toronto to stalk our crush!


Leftcoastzen Can I come too? Thanks for posting. 5y
ljuliel Isn‘t that such a beautiful story ? I‘m glad he has citizenship in both countries now. If you decide you want to go on a search for him, give me 15 minutes to throw some clothes in a sack. I‘ll pick you up on the way North. He is SO CUTE. ( and quite talented too) 😍 5y
ljuliel @leftcoastzen. How quick can you be ready ? I‘ll stop and get you on the way. 🚘 5y
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Amiable @Leftcoastzen @ljuliel ROAD TRIP!! I‘ll get the snacks! 5y
ljuliel Sounds good to me. Maybe THIS is what we can ask Santa for : to meet John Irving ! @Amiable @Leftcoastzen 5y
kspenmoll Thanks for posting this! 5y
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So difficult to know how to review this book. I loved parts of it, and sometimes I didn‘t want to put it down. However there were some parts of it that were just so distasteful that I didn‘t want to read it.

Ultimately I think there was just *too* much going on; I like quirky books but this one was so loud and busy that it was too much for me. I contrast it with The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint, which was quirky but quieter and I loved that one.

Librarybelle I‘ve not read anything by Irving. Sorry this was just a so-so read. 5y
cathysaid Have you read other Irving books? Moderately offensive seems to be his thing. Yet I like his work in general. Not sure what that says about me 🤔 5y
squirrelbrain Probably says more about me @cathysaid , as most people seem to like him! #unpopularopinion Not sure if I fancy reading any more just yet.... 😬😁 5y
cathysaid @squirrelbrain Life‘s too short to read books you don‘t enjoy. So now you know! 👏 5y
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I‘m not going too overboard with my reading plans for this week, the two pictured here will finish #readingUSA2019 and I‘ve still got The Romanovs on the go on my Kindle....

Cinfhen Yay!!!! You‘re almost there!!!!! 5y
BarbaraBB So good you‘re almost there. What state is the left one for? 5y
squirrelbrain That‘s for #montana @BarbaraBB - and loving it so far! 5y
ONH John Irving is my favorite author and this may be his absolute best book. Enjoy!!! 5y
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This is a book that oddly enough affected me emotionally because it's weirdness made me feel accepted and understood. I first read it over 20 years ago when I was in my 20s and it has withstood the test of time. The characters are bizarre and endearing and the storyline is twisted and inane, like my life.

ljuliel Great choice. I do believe this wins for my all time favorite book. It‘s at least in top 5. Excellent comments on how the book emotionally impacted you. 5y
Eggbeater @ljuliel Thank you! I think this was a great prompt. 5y
ImperfectCJ John Irving is one of my favorite authors. I love his weird, flawed characters. I read him less these days, but his books have stuck with me better than most. 5y
Crazeedi Read this when it was published years ago. Very much enjoyed 5y
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One of my favourite books from the #1970s, which I read before the film with Robin Williams.

Leftcoastzen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚❤️ 5y
Blaire This and Owen Meany are all-time faves. 5y
Andrew65 @Blaire Thanks for the reminder, I keep meaning to get to Owen Meany! 5y
BookwormM I loved Owen Meany and Cider House Rules but didn‘t connect with this one 5y
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Did I need any more books? Of course I didn‘t!

But it‘s all for charity so I‘m not just thinking of myself, you see....

Actually, the top one is for #mummysquirrel and the next two are for #MiLsquirrel, so only 5 are mine...?

Not bad for a total of Qe...


Cathythoughts Very noble of you ... it‘s a win-win situation 😘 5y
britt_brooke Nice haul! 5y
julesG Wow! And just £6? My haul, from Oxfam (which only has a tiny book shelf but really good quality books), was €25. I don't mind, good cause and all, but I truly miss charity shops like in the UK. 5y
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squirrelbrain Yes, @julesg this is the shop where they used to be 25p each! Then they went up to 50p, now they‘re Q9 or two for Q9.50.... 5y
ONH The World According to Garp is one of my all-time fav books. Hope you enjoy!! 5y
Birdsong28 Wow!! The Endless Beach is the second in a trilogy starting with the tagged book just wanted to let you know I wouldn't want you to have half the story!! (If you haven't read it already) 😘📚📖 5y
squirrelbrain Thanks @Birdsong28 - this one was for my MiL so I‘ll let her know.... 5y
squirrelbrain @olivianixonhemelt - I‘m looking forward to it. I read it as a teenager but really don‘t remember it all.... 5y
Susannah I‘m nearly halfway through The World According to Garp right now. I‘m grappling with it a bit but definitely glad to finally be reading it.... Terrific haul! (edited) 5y
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I can‘t quite reconcile Irving‘s avowed feminism with his main female character‘s hatred of sex and his main male character‘s preoccupation with it, but I suspect that‘s my shortcoming, not Irving‘s. Garp feels realer to me than Jenny Fields right now, but I‘m not sure if it‘s because I know the book was written by a man or because of the way the characters actually are written.

Do any Irving fans or non-fans here have an opinion?

Susannah *Picture from the film version of “The World According to Garp,” which I‘m beginning to realize is a positively heroic adaptation given how dense with story Irving‘s book is. (He‘s always like that, isn‘t he?) (edited) 5y
Billypar I read this a few months ago, and really liked it. I think it reflects a pro-feminist outlook overall on the part of Irving, but he does get a few things wrong- the negative attitude towards sex by feminists is one of them. I think the Ellen James storyline betrayed an anxiety about extremism that never came to pass in the feminist movement, violent or otherwise. 5y
RaimeyGallant I suspect Irving is confused about his feminism. 5y
Susannah Thanks, @Billypar and @RaimeyGallant. I continue to be a bit ambivalent about Irving‘s portrayal of women in the book (I see less nuance than I‘d like), but I‘m also keeping in mind that Garp was written 40 years ago. I don‘t doubt Irving‘s perspective has continued to evolve. I‘m curious to know how I‘ll feel about it at the end. (edited) 5y
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It‘s Day 19 of the @bookriot #Riotgrams Challenge! Today‘s prompt: I read this too young! Like most avid readers I know, I was allowed to read whatever I wanted from a young age. But one strong memory I have is of sitting in study hall in sixth grade, reading THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP and glancing up every few minutes, sure that someone was going to stop me, because WOW was that a lot for an 11-year-old to process. 🤣❤️📚

Bklover Mine was Valley of the Dolls. I think I was about eleven as well. 😳 5y
violabrain I felt like I was too young when I read this too (and I was in high school when I read it!), but now it‘s one of my all-time favorite books! 5y
Norlad My “looking over my shoulder” books were a lot less classy in middle school. I saved my allowance to get horror novels from the rack while my mom did our grocery shopping - and they got a little racy at times. The book “Slugs” comes to mind - classic horror tropes of “sinning” characters getting killed off, or characters in a vulnerable state. In this case, they met their fate at the tiny rasping mouths of killer slugs. 5y
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ONH John Irving is my favorite author! I think I was in college when I first read this ... thanks for reminding me, it might be time for a re-read! 🤩 5y
Peddler410 I read this in junior high and it had stuck with me. I should give it another read as an adult. 5y
Lcsmcat Mine was The Summer of ‘42. When I was about 12. 🙈 5y
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#30JuneBooks #J is for John Irving .Considered part of my permanent collection. The dogs are on guard!😂

LeahBergen That one in the middle looks a lot like my last dog (a little Jack Russell Terrier) 😆😆 5y
Leftcoastzen @LeahBergen aww , I love them! 5y
Amiable John Irving is my favorite—I love him. 5y
Leftcoastzen @Amiable 👏👍❤️ 5y
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There's so much goodness packed into this: memorable characters who can be both funny and affecting, surprising turns of events, and a personal favorite--fiction written by one of the characters. Irving is one of those authors who can take his time with the story, but still never fail to be interesting. After reading the this and Owen Meany, I'm all ears for recommendations on what my next one should be.
(A vibrant Undertoad is pictured here).

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Awesome toad! 5y
Leftcoastzen One of my favorite books ever!!! I love Hotel New Hampshire,many Irving fans might disagree .I would say this one , it‘s become relevant again, (ha, like it stopped)not unlike Handmaids Tale . (edited) 5y
Leftcoastzen I think of Garp , New Hampshire , and Cider House as some sort of odd trinity,If I remember correctly, that is their order as published.I still have not read Owen Meany, maybe this is the year. 5y
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Leftcoastzen Beware the undertoad ,sorrow floats !(the next book ) 5y
Billypar Thanks for the recs! You're right, it does go Garp, Hotel, CHR: maybe I'll read those two next and go in order. That's true about CHR and the current times...yikes. I loved the story behind the Undertoad and how it developed as a theme. Apparently that story was plucked from his own life- one of his sons made the same error that Walt did. 5y
Billypar @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ha- thanks! Somewhat less morbid than the toad of the novel 🐸 5y
BlameJennyJane Hotel New Hampshire and Fourth Hand were my other favorites... but I have to admit Owen Meany and Garp are both in my top five of all time so measuring up is hard. I‘m one of those that thinks you can‘t go wrong with Irving... unless too much wrestling... and then I just read a little faster. Lol 5y
Leftcoastzen 😀I have to say I was always a reader , but reading and loving John Irving definitely turned it up a few notches. 5y
Billypar @BlameJennyJane Thanks for those! I just read the beginning of a synopsis of 4th Hand- he does seem to like chronicling bizarre freak accidents, doesn't he? 🦁 5y
Billypar @Leftcoastzen I love that about certain authors- I hope my reading life is still able to be cranked up by the right author at the right time. 5y
BlameJennyJane @Billypar yeah! And it‘s like they‘re already flawed but not flawed enough so let throw something super freaky in! 5y
Leftcoastzen Bears and freak accidents. I think it is because we never know what bizarre thing can happen way beyond our control. 5y
Tanisha_A Super awesome review! I have been meaning to read Owen, Garp since forever. 🤞 5y
Billypar @BlameJennyJane @Leftcoastzen Good thoughts- it does seem like he uses them both for character development and narrative purposes. 5y
Billypar @Tanisha_A I really liked Owen Meany too- hope you enjoy them! 5y
Centique I loved Owen Meany and Garp both so much. I really need to reread them because it‘s been too long. I‘ve got this one coming up to read 5y
Billypar @Centique Very nice- I'll look out for your review for that! 5y
DivineDiana Owen Meany is a favorite! Adding this to the TBR! 5y
Billypar @DivineDiana I don't know which I liked more- at times I was thinking I liked Garp more, but if I went back and read Meany, I'd probably flip flop. 5y
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I read this in high school and have forgotten much of it, but there is a car accident in it that has stayed with me. I was so disturbed by it, and I still think about it sometimes when I get #behindthewheel.

@Cinfhen @rohit-sawant

Reagan Oh I really enjoyed that book! 5y
candority I saw this at a used bookstore today, but decided not to buy it. Now I‘m intrigued 🤔 Plus, seeing it twice in one day must be a sign, right? 😂 5y
readordierachel @Reagan-reads I think I liked it, too! But it's been a while. 5y
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readordierachel @candority The universe is telling you to buy it! 5y
Reagan @readordierachel I remember that car accident but I also read this a long time ago. I tried reading A Prayer for Owen Meany and I just kept thinking I should reread Garp. 🤷‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen I should read this!!! And yes @candority it‘s a sign !!! 5y
BarbaraBB Great choice for this prompt. I know exactly which scene you mean 😲 5y
Reggie The kid loses an eye but doesn‘t something else happen to somebody else? The mom‘s arm breaks? He hits her from behind? I just liked this book because if you ever want the anti-openending this is it. Lol 5y
RohitSawant John Irving is another writer I've been meaning to read. 5y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I actually really appreciate you sharing about the car accident which will keep me from reading this book and being triggered. I drive a lot and have a phobia about being in a car accident. (edited) 5y
readordierachel @BarbaraBB It's haunting 😱 5y
readordierachel @Reggie It's wild. Garp's wife is performing oral sex on a dude in the other car (that Garp hits) and she bites some of his penis off and I think breaks some teeth or something? 😱 5y
readordierachel @rohit-sawant I've only read this and The Hotel New Hampshire, but I remember liking them, although it was a long time ago. 5y
readordierachel @Joyfulmimi Car accidents are so scary! 5y
gradcat I‘d forgotten that accident until now, and funnily enough, now I remember it quite clearly. I read a good few of his books back in the day...it‘s been eons though. I remember being obsessed with the books mentioned here. 5y
readordierachel @gradcat Yeah, even though I only read a couple of his books, I was really into him. For some reason I never think to pick up another one now. It's so interesting how we grow and change as readers. 5y
gradcat I truly think his appeal wears off after awhile...maybe the books are for younger folks—I‘m probably too old now! 😂 5y
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My fave books from the 70‘s!

The World According to Garp by John Irving 🐻
Sophie‘s Choice by William Styron 👩‍🦱👨🏻👱🏻‍♂️

I grew up in the 70‘s and loved the books & the movies (bawled my eyes out😭📖)

#Egg 🥚👦 or #Jan&Eva 👫
Who broke your heart more?

AmyG Both are favorites of mine, too. 6y
readordierachel I read Garp in high school and loved it. Sophie's Choice has always scared me. Too sad! 6y
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Happy birthday to my favorite author! No, not Dr. Seuss (although he‘s pretty cool, too) — John Irving! He is 77 today. 🎂🧁

kspenmoll ❤️ 6y
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#ANewChapter #IllAlwaysLoveThisBook I love the movie too! That‘s rare.

Andrew65 Totally agree. Great book, great film, great performance by Robin Williams. 6y
Trashcanman 👁️👁️ 6y
erzascarletbookgasm More love for Irving for today‘s prompt! 6y
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Leftcoastzen @Andrew65 I had a Garp moment.I was removing my Christmas Iights , I‘m on a small street, people are driving too fast , kids,dogs ,cats,etc. are out.I can visualize scene where Williams as Garp takes on the speeding work truck!😡 (edited) 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 6y
BookwormM Amazing book I haven‘t seen the film 6y
vkois88 I've heard great things about this one 6y
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"Jenny asked for a book about clams. She read all about them: how they ate, how they bred, how they grew. It was the first live thing she understood completely--its life, its sex, its death. In the hospital [...] she was discovering that people weren't much more mysterious, or much more attractive, than clams."


Freespirit Wonderful book 6y
bibliobliss @Freespirit Reading again. Read so many years ago I don't remember anything!! 6y
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