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A Dirty Job
A Dirty Job | Christopher Moore
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A Dirty Job | Christopher Moore
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 3d
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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My idea of #Cozy is a good creepy book that has suspense, but not gore, and maybe a little humor.

1. The Ocean at the End of the Lane- such a great story with some wonderful characters.
2. A Dirty Job- a funny grim reaper tale.
4. The Good House- a haunted house story with a lot of heart and excellent character development.
5. The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter- a story of found family, friendships, and monsters.

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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 This is a humorous book about life and death. Hard to believe that such serious subjects can be funny, but Christopher Moore somehow managed it. Fisher Stevens, an actor I‘ve never particularly liked, was the perfect narrator. Maybe I should be using the writer‘s words to picture Charlie, but I just see scrawny Fisher. As I write this review on #WeirdWordWednesday a Beta Male would once have been called a milquetoast.

DieAReader 🥳Great! 5mo
CBee Awesome word 👏🏻 5mo
TheSpineView Well done!💜📖📚 5mo
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore

the beta male chapter did me in. i have zero patience for toxic masculinity.

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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This one has it all: hellhounds, squirrel people, a guy named Minty Fresh and more! I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a little gallows humor.

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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This is such a hilarious book and perfect for the #Scarathlon #PhotoChallenge #death!


PuddleJumper 🖤🖤 13mo
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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dabbe What a cover! 🧡🎃🧡 13mo
Clwojick This series has been on my list forever, but I can never manage to get my paws on the first audiobook! (edited) 13mo
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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The humour in this novel didn't appeal to me much, though I did like how the author explored the themes of loss and grieving.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView
#RushAthon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 13mo
TheSpineView Well done! 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 13mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 13mo
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Here‘s my #CasttheDie list for October!!! My dark little soul is so ready for spooky season. 🎃👻💀👹🧟‍♀️🧙‍♀️🐈‍⬛🦉🦇🤡🧛‍♂️

PuddleJumper 🧟🧟 13mo
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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The back-and-forth this book put me through regarding what I liked and didn't like had me struggling to stay invested long enough to finish it and consequently has me struggling to sum up how I feel about it, so here are the pros and cons, do with them what you will.
Continued in comments.

Robotswithpersonality What I liked:
-imaginative world-building aka what-the-fuckery
-Tender, sensitive moments between main character and loved ones, or remembering loved ones, occasionally made me cry
-palpable love for a place shown by author's descriptions of San Francisco neighborhoods and buildings
-reverence shown for hospice workers
-humourous banter among ridiculous happenings
-the skillful tying together of so many loose ends in that last 60 pages

What I didn't like (and cannot tell whether it is ignorance/callousness or purposeful provocation for shock value):
-leaning heavily into shallow racial stereotypes
-obsession with THOROUGHLY DEBUNKED alpha/beta male dynamic
-sacrifice of on page character development for pacing
-unnecessarily crude simile/metaphors
Currently on the fence about whether I will try reading from this author again.
Robotswithpersonality Bonus: Certain elements of the cover GLOW in the dark. Didn't know that until nightstand suddenly obtained legible luminosity. Very odd experience. 2y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: The Lost Boys

Soubhiville I loved both of these! 2y
Bookish_Viking Excellent duology! 2y
Klou omg this sounds brilliant!! Added to my tbr!! 2y
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Dirty Job | Christopher Moore
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Latest theme to pop up from library hold list....💀👻

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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#BookspinBingo #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
#Seriesread2020 @TheSpineView
(This is the first book in a duology, so I think it counts??)
This is the second book I have read by this author, and just enjoy his writing so much. He cracks me up! He creates characters that are deeply flawed but still lovable. Even the "villains" have pretty great dialog. And this story is right in my wheelhouse, creepy with a side of humor. ? ⬇️

Tera66 This won't be for everyone, lots of cussing and adultish behavior. But I loved it. Four 🌟 3y
TheSpineView Duologies count! Great job! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I struggled my way through this book…the storyline was interesting and it has humor. Any book where the author calls someone a butt nugget scores points with me but the story was just a little too weird for me to fully get into it. I skimmed my way through to see how it ended but have no intentions of seeking out the sequel 😕.

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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3✨ I could have done without the crude sexual conversations and situations that happened in this book. It did not add anything to the story except cringing. The concept of normal people collecting souls that would be passed to another that didn‘t have one yet was an interesting concept that I was interested in. I‘m planning on reading the next book and hope that it dropped the crudeness.

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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I had a really bad couple of days at work so my hubby surprised me with flowers, sushi, and hot Cheetos (my favorite things). With instructions to read in my library while he took care of the kids. So going to finish some sushi and finish the tagged book.

wanderinglynn Aw, how awesome! What a great partner! I hope your weekend is happy and full of fun. 🧡 3y
Roary47 @wanderinglynn thank you! 💛 3y
LiteraryinPA Enjoy your me time! 3y
Ruthiella So sweet! Enjoy. 😊 3y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Reading outside in some beautiful weather.

Making my bookclub read One of my favorite Christopher Moore books.

#death #darkcomedy

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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I had a good time reading about Charlie and his new found job as death merchant while raising his daughter after the loss of his wife but there were a few things that bothered me. The side characters were really cartoonish cultural stereotypes that I know the author meant to be lighthearted humor but that in today's social landscape I felt a bit in poor taste. Aside from that though it was weird in a good way.

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Now that I‘ve finished all of my challenge commitments for the year I figured I‘d tackle this duology for my last books of the year. I read this first one over ten years ago so I felt the need to reread before heading on to the sequel.

A Dirty Job | Christopher Moore
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I started reading this a few years ago & it wasn't spooky enough for Halloween. I tried audio this time, read by actor Fisher Stevensb and it's still just OK. Charlie Asher is a beta male, but a sarcastic and neurotic beta male. Talking about his beta maleness happened early and often and it was all just over the top for my tastes. A new dad & widow, he is chosen to be a merchant of death.Most characters felt one-dimensional, but one of his ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick employees, Lily the goth girl, showed some growth as this covers a five year time span. There's humor but more from snappy one-liners and stereotypes than actual funny plot. I doubt I'll read Secondhand Souls as I'm good with where Charlie's at when the book ends. Another book finished in November for #CrushTheRush 4y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I have to admit that I didn't love this book (although I do love the cover!). It's not that it was bad, it just wasn't for me. I do think Christopher Moore does humor well (that's what I enjoyed most), but I'm not a huge supernatural/horror fan, so the story dragged a little for me.

On the plus side...this was my November #bookspin read, and I finished it with more than a week left in the month, so I'm excited about that!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great progress!!! 4y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Oddly my book involves death. It's my favorite book by Christopher Moore.

The reason I chose this book is because it's about a man who becomes a psychopomp after the death of his wife. It's a new beginning because now he has to learn to deal with that as well as be a single father. There's literal rebirth in there too...kind of...sort of. In a way. But I don't want to give away spoilers.

#tarottakeover @ErinSueMreads @Meaw_catlady

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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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LOL snap

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Blueberry 20 hrs after making this post I see that I didn't include the photo so adding it now. 5y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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It glows in the dark! ☻ How cool is that. 😯🧙‍♀️

TheBookgeekFrau Omg! I never realized that 🤦‍♀️🥴 Now I must make mine do it! 😂 5y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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1. A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
2. Won free tics and attended Hamilton!
3. Mexican
4. 13?
5. @NataliePatalie

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Susanita WTG on free Hamilton tickets! 5y
BooknerdsLife OOOOMG WHAT??!!!! 😱😱 WOW Congratulations on your Hamilton ticket!!!! 🎉🎉👏🏼👏🏼💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 5y
Tanisha_A Ooh, Hamilton! 🥳 5y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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There are some books that you power through to finish because it takes pure will to continue. I am happy to say this book was not one of them. Loved the flow of the story, and the bits of real mythology (that I admittedly had to google).

#sundayreading #metime

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I am loving the ease of which this story reads. And this #blurb resonated with me. ❤ Christopher Moore.

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Nothing better than laughing on the way to work because your audiobook is that good. #audiobook #booknerd #bookaddiction #bookaddict.

BiblioLitten That cover🤣🤣 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Currently reading. I love books set in San Francisco 💚

GypsyKat I loved this one and it‘s sequel! So entertaining! 6y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I started this a few years ago and it wasn't what I wanted to read at the time. I should find it in my book stacks and get back to it. I liked it, but wanted something spooky. 6y
Blueberry @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I understand about reading to the mood. I was looking for humor this time. 😀 Christopher Moore is such a kick. 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I read this for the category “a humor book” the @bookriot #ReadHarder challenge, and because I really loved his book Lamb. This one was a bit of a disappointment - I loved the concept, but I didn‘t really find it funny. I didn‘t laugh AT ALL, though I did snort a few times.

cathysaid So were you in Boone, Blowing Rock or Banner Elk? 6y
bookwrm526 @cathysaid LOL we were staying in Boone and hanging out in Blowing Rock, we never made it to Banner Elk! But we have every intention of going back once it warms up a bit :) 6y
cathysaid Ah...I love both areas! But I bet it is really cold right now 🥶 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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This was my first Christopher Moore book and I'm so hooked I now wanna read everything by him! I dont think I've read a book that made me laugh out loud this much since Augusten Burroughs. Moore has a weird, dark sense of humor. Combine that with an original plot, lots of San Francisco references and an odd cast of characters and you get this perfectly entertaining book.

Blueberry Do you live around San Francisco? I've seen him on book tours several times at Books Inc by the Civic Center and at Copperfields in Petaluma. He is hilarious in person also. 6y
Beatlefan129 I really enjoyed 6y
DoonTheGoon @Beatlefan129 I second that opinion!!! That's my favorite of his. 6y
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juliegumdrop I have not read this one, but Lamb is fantastic. You will literally LOL IRL. 6y
CaliforniaCay WOW ok so that's 3 recommendations for Lamb, I have to know what all the fuss is about so thanks @juliegumdrop @DoonTheGoon and @Beatlefan129 for helping me choose my next book! Can't wait 🤗 6y
CaliforniaCay @Blueberry I do live near SF, I'm in Sacramento which is about an hour and a half away. Omg I would love to see him on a book tour 😍 I will have to look into this for sure. 6y
Suet624 Love this author. 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Day 5 of Turkey and Pie Day Break. Last day off till the winter break. Guess I‘ve got my work cut out for me.

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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The Grim Reaper is loose in San Francisco. 🧟‍♂️👹

#settingyouvebeento #Riotgrams

mcipher Love this book and its sequel! 6y
Blueberry @mcipher Christopher Moore is so funny. 6y
Patchshank I loved this book 6y
Patchshank I found the sequel disappointing, but I still hope he writes a third. 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Omg @bullbunny it's perfect!! I actually screamed. I was having a bad day and this fixed it right up!! I didn't have a Frodo pop! #hocuspocusswap @rather_be_reading

bullbunny Woah that was fast!! Yeah I put that book on my tbr. It sounded good. So glad you like everything! I hope that bookmark/bracelet works out for you! 6y
Bloomingjen I loved this book. His books are so fun and I love how characters from past books pop up.it connects and expands all of the stories. 6y
freyaheart @Bloomingjen @bullbunny I love Christopher Moore 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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1. Tagged book is hilarious. All his books are.
2. August
3. No kids, just a fur child.
4. Snack size beef jerky or red vines.
5. To anyone who‘s birthday is in September, happy birthday!


A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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#WeAreTheReaders @LibrarianRyan

Charlie Asher's daughter might be a baby but she makes sure that #AnotherOneBitesTheDust, and another one, and...

LibrarianRyan Another one gone... 🤓😁😈 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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Almost done! Less than 20 pages to go ... Still haven't decided if I'll start book two immediately or if I'll finish another book I'm currently reading. Truly a fun story with memorable characters!

bels_books This sounds like a different book. I can‘t wait to read it. 6y
bambeiisaurus @bels_books, definitely different! I went to the library and picked out the second book. Brought it home to read and one of my boyfriend's friends was like, "Holy shit! Is that the second book?" To which I responded with a shrug amd handed it to him. Turns out it was. So I traded him my library rental and he went home and got his copy of the first book for me to read. ??? It's been a hilarious read so far!! 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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New to Litsy and started this little book today. Not sure what to expect, but it seems funny and dark - right up my alley. #newbie

Chelsea.Poole Welcome! 🤗 6y
Cubanmommy95 @Chelsea.Poole thank you! 6y
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LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! We‘re so glad you‘re here!Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!!! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
AmandaRae26 Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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This was my first time reading a Christopher Moore novel, and it will not be my last. I laughed out loud so many times! This was an excellent mix of dark humor, poignant parts about death and grief, the paranormal, and an engaging story with some kooky characters. The writing was so fun and funny! I‘ll definitely read more of his books! ☠️☠️☠️☠️

Mollyanna I love Christopher Moore. I highly recommend 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker Yay!!! So happy you liked it. 6y
GypsyKat @Mollyanna Thanks! I may have to check that one out. 👍 6y
GypsyKat @That-Bookish-Hiker It was so funny! 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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I‘m listening to this audiobook while painting my nails. Dark blue, but later I‘ll add some dark red then I‘ll be nice and festive for Memorial Day. 🇺🇸

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore
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“A death that results from your actions is basically killing someone, unless you‘re a politician, right?”

I‘ve got reading ADD lately, so I started this today and it‘s got me laughing out loud! 😂

Abby-J I love Christopher Moore! 6y
GypsyKat @Abby-J It‘s so funny! I‘m loving the writing! 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker Christopher Moore is one of my favorites! After I read this one I made my husband read it and he loved it too. He loved it so much he also read Bloodsucking Fiends and You Suck which are set in the same world. 6y
GypsyKat @That-Bookish-Hiker I‘ll definitely read more of his books after this one! 6y
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A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore

Loved it!

A Dirty Job: A Novel | Christopher Moore

Started this morning, and a strong start! Didn‘t have to wait to get hooked in.

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
Nan2 Thank you!! 7y
Soubhiville Welcome! This was a great book, wasn‘t it? I love Christopher Moore! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!!! 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 6y
BooknerdsLife Welcome to Litsy 🙌💕💖 6y
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