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The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes is not only the most famous character in crime fiction, but arguably the most famous character in all fiction. In sixty adventures that pit his extraordinary wits and courage against foreign spies, blackmailers, cultists, petty thieves, murderers, swindlers, policemen (both stupid and clever), and his arch-nemesis Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, together with his faithful sidekick Doctor John H. Watson, proves himself to be not only the quintessential detective but also the most engaging and entertaining company any reader could ask for. This beautiful new edition contains a new foreword by Ruth Rendell
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TheSpineView 👍🌞📖📚 2w
Cuilin ✅🎉 2w
dabbe 💙💚💙 2w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2w
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A train ride to Birmingham, a walk to an office, a greeting and then somebody‘s trying to hang themselves. It was rather shocking. What are your thoughts?

Librarybelle Great question! This deserves a lot of thought. I initially thought Conan Doyle used this tactic to start dissuading the public from reading Holmes—he himself was sick of Holmes for a time. But, the public likes macabre stories. This is also written post Jack the Ripper, so the public still has those gruesome killings in mind. If Conan Doyle wanted to dissuade, he failed. I‘m not 100% sold on this theory; I need to think on this! 2w
Cuilin @Librarybelle so not necessarily a literary tactic, but more of a phasing out. I wondered about Doyle‘s Irritation at Holmes at this point. He did reach a stage where he wanted to be done with him. Are we at that point in this story? Possibly. 2w
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Librarybelle @Cuilin I actually looked up the timeline of stories—we‘re fast approaching the infamous story. This one was written about 6 months before the infamous one. The timing made me wonder… 2w
IndoorDame I actually found myself wondering about the “too good to be true job trope”. Doyle does write a lot of social commentary about larger issues. Is it possible he was subtly trying either to call out or educate readers about smaller issues like one this related to London‘s growth and social change at the time? 2w
dabbe I wonder how much this is a problem for detective writers in general. It must be difficult to have to create an entire new crime + solution for one's detective. And all of them seem to fall short in a few of their stories--probably from I-have-to-create-yet-another-new-crime-for-my-detective fatigue. 😀 2w
CogsOfEncouragement @Librarybelle Interesting point about Jack the Ripper. That timeline connection would not have occured to me. We have so much violence on the news now, it is normal really. I also personally read tons of cozies - all these murders in quiet little villages with cute bakeries & handsome detectives. lol This may have had a much bigger bang for the original readers. To think someone takes your job & name, then murders on a Saturday afternoon. Yikes. 2w
Librarybelle I love cozies, @CogsOfEncouragement ! They are a perfect way to escape from the violence in reality. 2w
Cuilin @dabbe fatigue syndrome for crime writers has to be a thing. And the pressure must be greater when your audience clamors for more. 2w
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Librarybelle I think this shows how important this partnership is—how both men play off of each other. Watson is a good foil, but yet also holds the clues to some of these cases. In this instance, he was essential in administering his medical knowledge. 2w
Cuilin @Librarybelle yes I do like it when Watson gets to show his skills and talents. 2w
Aimeesue I think Watson role in the stories is maybe a bit muddled in the public‘s mind. We tend to see him as the backup and the stand-in for expository purposes. We forget that (1) he has his own skill set and observations, and (2) processing and refining thoughts is a big part of Sherlock‘s method. That‘s a lot easier to do with another person, vs inside your own head. 2w
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IndoorDame It‘s a little convenient that Sherlock seeks him out at home, seems sort of out of character, and then he‘s needed for his medical knowledge in a way no one predicted. Makes me suspect that one of our authors is sending a message, but there‘s so many layers to the authors and relationships that I couldn‘t decide on what with all the possibilities. 2w
dabbe @Librarybelle Agree 💯. Watson gets to show his medical abilities in quite a few stories, and I always love it when Sherlock defers to him on such matters. That's one reason they're such a perfect dynamic duo. 2w
CogsOfEncouragement Watson and Sherlock are such an enjoyable pair. Watson is still impressed by SH and enjoys being in the mix. SH respects Watson more than maybe anyone else on the planet. I think Watson rightly deserves the respect for his skill, loyalty, honesty, on and on. (edited) 2w
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I usually read the story and then do my research for the discussion questions. I was surprised to hear that this is not a particularly popular story. I for one enjoyed every bit of it. Did you like the story?

Librarybelle To me, this one seemed a little more mundane than others we have read, though the scene mentioned is pretty gruesome. I did like it. This is one I felt all the pieces were there for the reader…I did not have everything solved before Holmes‘s unveiling, but I rarely do for any mystery. 😂 2w
Cuilin @Librarybelle I figured out that somebody took Pycroft‘s place, but I had no idea why. Except for the Redheaded League, I can never figure out the full mystery. 2w
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Librarybelle @Cuilin If I can figure out the full mystery, it‘s either dumb luck on my part or the author made it really obvious. There were one or two of the Holmes stories we read so far that I had things figured out. 2w
Aimeesue I really liked that one of the clues was dental work! 😁 2w
IndoorDame @Librarybelle I agree, this one doesn‘t have the wacky details we tend to expect. I got as far as @Cuilin with solving it, but I never solve mysteries so this one may have been simpler than usual. Still, I thought it was a really fun read. 2w
dabbe This one to me is a weaker “Red-Headed League“: the mundane job to cover for a bank heist. There are some subtle differences and more violence, but that's about it. 2w
kelli7990 I liked the story. 2w
CogsOfEncouragement I liked this one. I always shake my head at these characters taking “easy“ jobs for tons of money and really thinking they are not being used in some way, but I also think it is human nature and not unbelievable. I didn't find the scenes all that violent. What happened is told, there are no gruesome details written. Am I getting callous due to reading too many cozy mysteries? lol 2w
Read4life I agree with that assessment, @dabbe Well said. 2w
dabbe @Read4life 🤩🤗😀 2w
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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I‘ve been back to work on the family farm all week, mostly doing maintenance with my dad, and haven‘t listened to an audiobook since last Saturday. Today I did a bit of work around the sheds by myself and listened to “The Adventure of the Yellow Face.” I didn‘t remember this one at all, and appreciated the explanation of a story Sherlock didn‘t solve.

#BooksOnTheFarm #audiobook
#NoPlaceLikeHolmes #Sherlocked

Texreader The farm is so beautiful 4w
Daisey @Texreader It really is right now! We‘ve been getting a good amount of rain so everything is so green and the corn is growing so quickly. 4w
BarbaraBB That looks so romantic but it will be hard work! 4w
Daisey @BarbaraBB Lol! Yeah, romantic is never the word I would use. I love a lot of it, but it is hard, dirty work. I commented the other day to a friend that farm work absolutely makes me appreciate how although teaching is stressful, it doesn‘t leave me covered in dirt & grease with bruises on an almost daily basis. 4w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4w
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#noplacelikeholmes schedule is up for anyone who wants to join in the fun!
see @dabbe for more information.

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Happy Saturday! This morning‘s book and breakfast includes catching up on this week‘s Sherlock Holmes story and probably listening ahead for next week. “The Adventure of the Engineer‘s Thumb” is not one of my favorites, but I am loving revisiting these stories each week.

#NoPlaceLikeHolmes #Sherlocked #BookAndBreakfast #audiobook

Cuilin I listen to Stephen as I follow along in my book. 🫶 2mo
tpixie Oh! How fun to see your #CoverToCover mug!! The paint chipped away on mine so fast. I miss it.. 2mo
Daisey @tpixie I don‘t use it a lot and always hand wash it for that very reason. It makes me smile! 2mo
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tpixie @Daisey 💚💚💚 2mo
dabbe I am, too! They're my cozy reads for each week! 🤩🤗😀 2mo
5feet.of.fury What is for breakfast? Looks delish! 2mo
Daisey @5feet.of.fury Breakfast pizza! This was a frozen one that I added a few chives to for an easy breakfast. 2mo
Daisey @Cuilin @dabbe Yes, I tend to listen on Saturday morning, and it‘s a great way to start my day. 2mo
dabbe @Daisey 🤩🤗😘 2mo
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IndoorDame Some jobs (like this one) are clearly sketchy, but whether people walk into them anyway because they‘re too naive to notice or too desperate to pass I think they still deserve justice when they get burned. 2mo
Cuilin @IndoorDame Right? That seems fair. He was clearly targeted. Stark knew he had no family. No one would miss him. (edited) 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement When someone confirms you are an orphan and a bachelor maybe realize they are saying “So no one will go to the police to report you missing? Cool cool cool.” And extract yourself from the situation. Also, he was given a story that this fellow wants to cheat his neighbors out of what was theirs. Despicable. To go along with this for high pay is abhorrent. I‘m not saying he deserved death, or a missing thumb… 2mo
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CogsOfEncouragement …but the engineer is seeing the injustice of not being paid for his help and the loss of his thumb rather than seeing he was willing to work for wicked, greedy men. Escaping to tell this tale at parties seems fine compensation. 2mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement Also when he complains at the end, he reminded me of Jabez Wilson in “The Red-Headed League“, complaining that he lost his good job of copying out of the encyclopedia, and Holmes rebuffs him by saying he gained at least some knowledge along the way. 😂 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement @dabbe LOL these men are not that sharp. 2mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement Too true! The villains have to be as smart as the detective but not the clients! 🤩😂😀 2mo
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The things I do for littens! Seriously the minute I read about the missing thumb I felt nauseous. This is when I would normally DNF (I know the clue was in the title) But I‘m glad I pushed on. It‘s definitely one I will remember.

IndoorDame Haha, personally I have a thing about those the room will crush you setups. 😱This one was definitely higher on the horror scale than usual. 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement That injury even made Watson shudder, so we are in good company to be repulsed. The moldy hallway was creepy. And yeah, @IndoorDame I would not have been so comfortable to go back into the roomsize press on my own to poke around. No way. 2mo
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Cuilin @CogsOfEncouragement Definitely darker vibes in this one. 2mo
eeclayton Did anyone else get Dracula vibes: journey in the middle of the night, someone waiting at the train station, long ride through unknown regions, arriving at a big house, lady trying to convince man to run away? 2mo
Aimeesue Somehow, scenes of attempted murder are more disturbing than the actual murders that take place off stage. 2mo
Aimeesue @eeclayton Yes! And this story was published first, oddly enough. 2mo
Cuilin @Aimeesue agreed, I like my murders off stage. Lol 2mo
Cuilin @eeclayton now that you mention it!!! Creepy 2mo
dabbe @Aimeesue Maybe DRACULA borrowed from it? 🧐 2mo
dabbe I got major claustrophobia in the almost-crushed-to-death scene. It kind of reminded me of the trash-compactor scene in the original STAR WARS (Harrison Ford again, @Aimeesue!) 🤩 2mo
Librarybelle @eeclayton Yes! Total Dracula vibes! 2mo
kelli7990 When the thumb was missing, it made me shudder. It made me squeamish. (edited) 2mo
Aimeesue Is this the right time to tell you all that I once sliced the side of my thumb off? Or should I not mention that? 👍🏼 2mo
Cuilin @Aimeesue love the thumbs up 👍 😆 hope it healed well. I get squeamish due to a horrific news story in my teens about the IRA kidnapping a dentist for ransom and sending his fingers in the mail when his family didn‘t pay up. He did get free, but the kidnapper was on the loose around Ireland for months. It was a big story in the 80s. 2mo
Cuilin @kelli7990 I was hoping I wasn‘t the only one. So many enjoy horror. I need all the trigger warnings. 2mo
Aimeesue @Cuilin Yikes! That would be traumatizing! My thumb healed nicely, but it‘s definitely a bit squared off on that side now. 😋 2mo
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IndoorDame I liked how out there it looked at first, and then how reasonable it all was when it was explained. Covering up a major counterfeiting operation is one of the soundest motives for murder we‘ve seen yet, and it definitely explains the police jumping in with no evidence and all the rest. 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement The fresh horse was certainly an important detail Holmes asked about. I enjoyed this one. 2mo
Cuilin @CogsOfEncouragement when he asked the question I remember thinking, that‘s gonna be important. 2mo
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CogsOfEncouragement @Cuilin lol Right? But then I didn‘t think about until he woke up so near the station. Then I figured that long ride had been a ruse. 2mo
eeclayton I felt like Sherlock was kind of unnecessary in this one. Even though he pointed out what he pointed out, the police would have found the house without him (they could see the fire from the train station), and the culprits completely disappeared. Even so, I enjoyed the story. 2mo
Aimeesue I particularly enjoy the Indiana Jones style escape from immanent peril! Or Star Wars. Something about Harrison Ford being crushed 😉 2mo
dabbe @Aimeesue And exactly at the last possible moment! It reminded me of the miraculous escape of the narrator in Poe's “The Pit and the Pendulum“--again at exactly the last possible moment. 2mo
dabbe @eeclayton Agree 💯. Holmes was basically along for the ride. Still a fun story, though. 2mo
Librarybelle It was a fun story, more adventure than mystery in my opinion. 2mo
kelli7990 I enjoyed this story. 2mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
dabbe Yay! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
Cuilin 🎉✅ 2mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this cover 🧡🤎 3mo
Read4life 💙💙 3mo
dabbe @Read4life 💚💙💚 3mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Physician and one of literatures best sidekicks. 🤩

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 🧡🖤 4mo
Eggs 🤎🧡🤎 Love the film w Robert Downy Jr @dabbe (edited) 4mo
dabbe @Eggs #metoo! 🤩😍😃 4mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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1. Of course it would have to be Sherlock Holmes. I would love to have a case for him that we would discuss over dinner. #benedictorjeremyplease
2. Jamie Fraser from THE OUTLANDER series. #hubbahubba 💓
3. Rhet Butler from GONE WITH THE WIND. I'd try to make him “give a damn.“ 🤩

All are welcome to share! I'd love to see your thoughts! Some tags: @TheSpineView @Eggs @Bookmarktavern @Read4life @Aimeesue @AmyG

Read4life Thanks for the tag! 4mo
dabbe @Read4life 😘 4mo
AmyG Fun! 4mo
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dabbe @AmyG 🤩 4mo
Crazeedi Number 3,😂 perfect! 4mo
dabbe @Crazeedi 🤩😂😍 4mo
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! I must agree with you on #2. 4mo
dabbe @TheSpineView Yes! 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
Eggs #3 😂😂😂 4mo
dabbe @Eggs I'd try my best! 🤩😍😂 4mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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This morning I saw discussion posts & realized I had kind of forgotten about The Sign of the Four this month. Luckily it‘s not too long, so it was a perfect listen while I worked around the house & took a walk with my own hound. The inclusion of Toby is one of the things I really enjoy in this story. I found it much more interesting & entertaining than A Study in Scarlet.

#NoPlaceLikeHolmes #Sherlocked #audiobook #audiowalk #DogsOfLitsy #reread

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 Glad you enjoyed it! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Cuilin Yes I liked this one two. I love Stephen Fry‘s narration. I go between book and audio. 5mo
Daisey @Cuilin I‘ve read these early books before, so I‘m just listening. When we get to the ones I haven‘t read, I‘ll probably add some print back in again. 5mo
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Being the self-confessed Sherlock Holmes maniac that I am, since Conan Doyle is no longer alive to produce any Sherlock stories, I tend to buy a good pastiche of any SH story that includes Sherlock and Watson. Some fave pastiche writers include Leslie Klinger, Laurie King, and Anthony Horowitz. #sherlocked @BookmarkTavern #SundayFunday

Jen2 Louise Penny 5mo
dabbe @Jen2 Yes! Her, too! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
ShananigansReads Darynda Jones, Abby Jiminez, Janet Evanovich, and J R Ward 5mo
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CrystalE02 I love Laurie R. King!!! I am slowly starting to get all of her Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell books. I can't wait for the new book that comes out next month!!! (edited) 5mo
dabbe @ShananigansReads Thanks for the recs! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
dabbe @CrystalE02 Yes! She's one excellent Sherlockian! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
BookmarkTavern That sounds fun! Thanks for posting! 5mo
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Hello, Sherlockians~
Be on the lookout for some mail! No need to use a 🔎! 😃

IndoorDame Fun! 6mo
Cuilin Denise, as we would say, in Ireland, “you‘re a rare gem” 💎 💜 6mo
Pageturner1 yay 😀 6mo
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Librarybelle Thank you!! 6mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @Cuilin Ditto to you, m'dear! 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @Pageturner1 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 💜🩶💜 6mo
CogsOfEncouragement 😍😊👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6mo
Aimeesue Wheee! What fun! 6mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @Aimeesue 💜🩶💜 6mo
CrystalE02 💜 6mo
Read4life Love the stickers! 6mo
PageShifter 🥰🥰🥰🫂 6mo
Mollyanna Exciting 😊. Thank you. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks OOoooo thank you!!! 6mo
erzascarletbookgasm 😍 thank you 6mo
dabbe @CrystalE02 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @Read4life I made those with address labels and my printer! 🤩😍😃 6mo
dabbe @PageShifter 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @Mollyanna 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks 💜🩶💜 6mo
dabbe @erzascarletbookgasm 💜🩶💜 6mo
mom2bugnbee Awwwww, what? You're the best! 6mo
dabbe @mom2bugnbee 💜🩶💜 6mo
Read4life @dabbe Fantastic! 💙 6mo
dabbe @Read4life 💜🩶💜 6mo
Daisey Mine came yesterday. Thank you!! 5mo
dabbe @Daisey 💜🩶💜 5mo
CogsOfEncouragement WOW! I absolutely adore everything you sent. I‘m moved by your thoughtfulness, and impressed with your creativity. THANK YOU. (I‘ll wait to post a photo to not spoil for those still waiting by their mailbox.) So looking forward to the discussion. 5mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement 💜🩶💜 5mo
IndoorDame This is incredible! Thank you!!!! 🖤🕵️🖤 5mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 💜🩶💜 5mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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I finished my reread listen of A Study in Scarlet this morning. I love the first half again, getting to know Watson and Holmes through Watson‘s thoughts, but the shift in the second half always throws me off a bit. This story is good, but not a favorite in the collection.

I‘m so looking forward to revisiting these stories with a new group of readers! #NoPlaceLikeHolmes

#Sherlocked #reread #audiobook

tpixie Great quote! 6mo
Cuilin Fabulous, I think we‘re all on the same page regarding part two 🤔 6mo
dabbe True about Part 2! 🤩😍😃 6mo
Daisey @tpixie I had this fun image of this quote still saved on my phone from quite a while ago and thought it was a good opportunity to reuse it. 6mo
tpixie @Daisey perfect! 6mo
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Loved revisiting this one & seeing the first meeting of Holmes & Watson. I can‘t wait for our #NoPlaceLikeHolmes discussion later this month.
#BookSpinBingo #NoPlaceLikeHolmes #readyourTBR #ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Andrew65 Excellent 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️ 6mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
dabbe Yay! I'm loving it, too! 🖤💜🖤 6mo
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TheAromaofBooks Still waiting for my copy!!!! 6mo
Cuilin I loved it too, yay!! 6mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 6mo
Read4life @TheAromaofBooks I don‘t know if you use Serial Reader, but it‘s available there. 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Thank you!! 6mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Hey, Sherlockians~
Ever since @Cuilin posted her fun “Who's Your Sherlock?“ slide, I've been looking around for the Jeremy Brett videos (the ones that closely follow the original canon). We've hit the YouTube jackpot! Every singe episode is on YouTube ... FOR FREE!

Here's the link:

Read4life Thank you for the link. 💙 6mo
batsy I love the Jeremy Brett version! Thank you 💜 6mo
Librarybelle Thanks for the link! 6mo
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TheAromaofBooks Oooooo 6mo
IndoorDame Exciting! Thanks! 💜 6mo
Cuilin Fabulous, thanks. 6mo
Pageturner1 great! 6mo
kimrenee Thanks so much. I might watch a few today 6mo
AnnR Thanks so much for the link. 🤗🔍 6mo
dabbe @Read4life 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @batsy 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @Cuilin 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @Pageturner1 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @kimrenee 🖤💜🖤 6mo
dabbe @AnnR 🖤💜🖤 6mo
CatLass007 @dabbe @Cuilin Please add me to your tag list for #NoPlaceLikeHolmes. 6mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 absolutely 👍 6mo
CatLass007 @Cuilin Thank you! 6mo
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@dabbe @Cuilin So far really enjoying this introduction to Sherlock Holmes. It‘s interesting to read how he comes to his conclusions. I keep picturing Benedict Cumberbatch - may have to rewatch the Sherlock series soon!

Cuilin So glad you‘re enjoying it! 6mo
dabbe I am, too! It's fun to revisit how these two met and relearn all of Holmes's tricks an traits. I loved the Cumberbatch Sherlock--that one was A STUDY IN PINK, if I remember correctly. I'm with you on revisiting this series, too! 🤩😍😃 6mo
kimrenee I enjoyed seeing how they met too and how Dr. Watson describes him and his gifts and talents 6mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Some of my favourite reads this year!
Some classics by Arthur Conan Doyle, Daphne Du Maurier and Willa Cather…a lot of wonderful Irish stories and some homegrown fiction and non fiction. It‘s hard to pick one favourite…
#favouritebooks2023 #bestbooks

TrishB Some great ones on there 👍🏻 I‘m still deciding on mine. 7mo
Freespirit Looking forward to seeing your choices Trish @TrishB 7mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Bookwomble Thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to watch this 😊 7mo
BookwormM Thank you set a reminder to watch this 👍 7mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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dabbe Thank you! 🩵🩶🩵 7mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Are you interested in joining a Sherlock Holmes buddy read? If yes, let me know in the comments.

Denise and I are excited to start this. We thought to start small with the short stories. We want to make this a fun and accessible buddy read so we‘ll also have some games and prizes along the way.



Librarybelle I would be interested! I‘ve read very few of the short stories, but it would be nice to read all of Holmes. 7mo
PageShifter I have read some novels but would love to read the rest of the series too! 7mo
AnneCecilie I wanted to read Sherlock Holmes for years. And as always when I think about a new year, I think this is the year I‘ll actually get around to do it. So I‘d join. 7mo
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IndoorDame I would be interested! 7mo
dabbe Yay! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks I have never read Holmes but am definitely interested - these have been on my list for years!! 7mo
Aimeesue Definitely interested! I‘ve read them all before, but maybe this would spur me to listen to the Stephen Fry narrated audiobooks! 7mo
kelli7990 I‘m interested. I tried reading the first story a long time ago as an ebook and I didn‘t care for it in that format so I‘m going to try listening to it on audio this time. I have 2 audiobooks of Sherlock Holmes on my Audible app. 1 audiobook is narrated by Simon Vance and the other one is narrated by Stephen Fry. I think I‘m going to try the one narrated by Stephen Fry. 7mo
5feet.of.fury I have a really pretty Complete Works edition & have probably read 3 or 4 stories out of it, so this sounds like a good excuse. Count me in! 7mo
Read4life I‘m definitely interested! 🤓 7mo
AnnR I'm a novice who has only read a couple of Sherlock stories. I'd be willing to try and join in though, as I bought an ebook and audiobook of all the stories this year. 7mo
Cuilin @Aimeesue @kelli7990 I would listen to Stephen Fry read anything. Glad you‘re both joining us. (edited) 7mo
mom2bugnbee Yes, please! I've read some, but not all, & I've always wanted to read all of Holmes. 7mo
Pageturner1 i would like to give it a try. 7mo
eeclayton I'm interested! 7mo
erzascarletbookgasm I would be interested. I‘ve only read a few random short stories. 7mo
aroyse I‘m interested 🙌 7mo
Cuilin @aroyse great 👍 7mo
Larkken I‘m interested 6mo
Cuilin @Larkken wonderful, on the tag list. 6mo
CogsOfEncouragement I‘m in! I‘ve read a good amount of Holmes, but it has been enough years that a reread will be enjoyable. I love what I‘ve read so much that I was appalled when at a murder mystery dinner, Watson was the villain. Blasphemy! (edited) 6mo
Cuilin @CogsOfEncouragement Watson!! No never!!! You‘re added to tag list. 6mo
CatLass007 @dabbe @Cuilin I‘ve looked on the thread for a list of the books we‘ll be reading each month. I‘m ready for The Sign of Four in February but I‘d like to plan my reading as much as possible. Is there a list that I‘m missing? 5mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 we haven‘t posted a list yet. We plan on reading in Canon order. However we‘re still working on the schedule as some are novels and others are short stories. We may stick with one a month or two short stories a month. 5mo
CatLass007 So how do I find out what canon order is? Is there a website I can consult? 5mo
CatLass007 Great! Thank you! 5mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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1. Professor Moriarty

2. Hans Gruber

3. Cruelly De Vil

Thanks for the tag @Eggs 😀

dabbe 1. 2 words: Reichenbach Falls! 😱
2. My first introduction to Alan Rickman. 🧡💜💛
3. One of the best Disney villains ever. Thanks for playing! 🤩😍🤗
Bklover 2. Mine too! 9mo
Eggs Great choices Lynn! I concur 👍🏼 9mo
wanderinglynn @Bklover 🙌🏻 9mo
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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@RaeLovesToRead has questions, y‘all! 🤔

Even at an early age I loved Sherlock Holmes mysteries, so I‘d go with Sherlock, Dr. Watson, and Irene Adler. For the entertainment, I would leave a bunch of fake clues around so every time Holmes used one to make a deduction about me, I could tell him, “That‘s not even close! You were way off!” Holmes wouldn‘t be amused, but I‘m sure Watson and Adler will enjoy watching Holmes suffer!😂

RaeLovesToRead Hahaha, Sherlock picks up PlayStation Controller... "I suspect we are looking for a gamer, Watson..." *looks at bookshelf* "a gamer who likes Brandon Sanderson ? 1y
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead That‘s one of the ways I‘ll get Sherlock, I‘ll leave an Xbox controller around, and when he deduces I‘m an Xbox player I‘ll say, “No, I‘m a PlayStation player, I don‘t even own an Xbox! You‘re really bad at this, Mr. Holmes!” 🤣 1y
RaeLovesToRead Haha. "An xbox controller without a console, Watson? I think we may be being trolled. I call shenanigans. Also, when does takeaway arrive?" ?? 1y
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dabbe I'm a #sherlocked fan, too! Can Professor Moriarty and I come, too? ❣️🤣❣️ 1y
DaveGreen7777 @dabbe Absolutely! 😁 1y
Branwen I want to be invited too so I can witness all these shenanigans! 😂 1y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen You absolutely are invited! We can try to make Sherlock‘s head explode from logic like Captain Kirk did to so many computers! 😂 1y
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The first of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle‘s Sherlock Holmes stories. The novel sets up the characters and their characteristics that would become iconic. It‘s interesting to me that part of the back drop of this story is set in the American West and the Mormon migration. I couldn‘t get over the inaccurate placement of the Rio Grande as a point of travel fir the Mormons.

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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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“‘Holmes!‘ I cried. ‘Is it really you?‘”

The complete Sherlock Holmes now available to read in bite-sized daily issues! 251 to be exact 😅 spend the majority of a year with Holmes and Dr Watson and dozens of the craftiest criminals from London and beyond - https://www.serialreader.org/63a4eaeb4be9b78e8a02158c/the-complete-sherlock-holm...

#SerialReader #SherlockHolmes

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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#ScarathlonDailyPrompts catch up for Oct 14 #Clue

No one finds clues better than Sherlock Holmes!
#Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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One of my favorite literary characters and one of my favorite TV shows.

#OminousOctober #Scarf @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs ❤️🧣💙 2y
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Eggs Great image 2y
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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When you discover your bag has a SECRET DOOR...!!!! 🎉🎉🎉😲

Liz_M 😲 😍 2y
erzascarletbookgasm 😎 Love it! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Liz_M @erzascarletbookgasm If I hadn't been fiddling about with it waiting for my Mum, I may not even have noticed 😅 2y
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BekaReid This is great! Totally love it 2y
Branwen WHAT?! 😱 Just when I thought this bag couldn't get any more awesome! 💕 2y
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Today my new Vendula bags arrived... Couldn't resist the Sherlock Holmes one 💕💕💕

StaceGhost I need to get one of these ~*immediately*~ 2y
RaeLovesToRead @StaceGhost Vendula London if you want one... They're limited edition ❤❤ (The Sherlock Holmes one is the "Charlotte" bag - but they do different styles ? ) 2y
StaceGhost @RaeLovesToRead the Charlotte is so cute! I think I‘m leaning Bella— I need a satchel for work! 2y
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marleed I love them! 2y
vonnie862 Love these!!! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @StaceGhost I hope you love it as much as I love mine! 😊 2y
Branwen So cute! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen I love them so much, but I need to curb my spending ? The trouble is, they keep bringing out "Limited Editions!!!" so really it makes financial sense. 2y
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle

Overall, an excellent collection of stories. The descriptive characterization of Watson and Holmes is delightful throughout and, while the series as a whole ends with a less-than-stellar collection of stories, I wouldn't skip a single one.

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Bookish things for Christmas!

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Feel like I‘ve been listening to this forever and still have so much to go!

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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So I have this thing that because nobody buys me Language books for Christmas, I order them online and open them on Christmas.
I've discovered Diglot, they put italian (French,Spanish,german) words into English books so you learn while you read.
It doesn't work for some people and ive read Wizard of oz and enjoyed it.

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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The prompt this time has me thinking of Sherlock Holmes! #london #julyjourneys @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Love Sherlock 🕵️‍♂️❤️👏🏻 3y
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"I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out.... Now the skilful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work." - Sherlock Holmes

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Okay so Mr Holmes and I have something in common. The sleeping schedules. Why are nights so beautifull, full of peace and tranquility. But then you don't get to see your freinds that often which sucks a lot. 😂😅

Reggie How have you been my friend? I haven‘t seen your book spin list so I was wondering if you‘re doing better than last month. Hope everything is well! 3y
ishan0986 @Reggie hey, I am good reggie, thanks for asking. I was actually busy with my interviews for an MBA so didn't participate in bookspins for a while. How are you doing? Got some rad book recommendations for me?? 3y
Reggie Lol, no because I‘m read nothing but trashy horror books right now because work has been so crazy I don‘t really want to handle anything too deep right now. I‘m glad you‘re doing alright and good luck on your MBA interviews! ☘️ 3y
ishan0986 @Reggie Thank you so much man. Hope your work gets better in the coming days. 3y
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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It is a gloomy and rainy day outside. Perfect morning for sipping coffee and reading Sherlock!

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Figured it was about time I tackle this collection... they've been sat in my Audible library for long enough! 🤭

I'd read this particular book before which is what got me interested in Sherlock Holmes in the first place, but having it narrated by Stephen Fry was a real treat! 🎧

I've made a decent start on the 2nd book in the collection already so I'll probably post a review for that one soon 😁

Katerina I listened to the collection last year and enjoyed it a lot. I like Stephen Fry's voice anyway :) 3y
TCLinrow @Katerina I bought it because Stephen Fry was narrating it, then got intimidated by the length of it 🙃 really enjoying it now that I've actually picked it up properly! 3y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ These short stories are not as good as the first two Sherlock novels. A lot of these stories were just people being cruel to one another but no actual crimes were committed. But there were some amazing Sherlock quotes and I even noticed that some of these stories were used in Benedict Cumberbatch‘s Sherlock when him and Watson are meeting clients in those quick montages. It‘s fun but I recommend the novels of this one. #nwc

Butterfinger This was the very first Sherlock Holmes I read. 4y
mollyrotondo @Butterfinger A Study in Scarlet was better, right? 4y
Butterfinger @mollyrotondo I liked the short stories better. I can't really rationalize why. 4y
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mollyrotondo @Butterfinger oh okay! I am going to read the next batch of short stories in Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes so I‘m hoping these grip me a little more. I‘m also on this hunt to find mentions of Mycroft and Moriarty in the short stories lol 4y
ElizaMarie I was also pretty excited that some of the stories jumped out at me (because of the BBC show) .

But I agree, the novels are better in my opinion as well.

Also, I totally get what you are saying about the people just being cruel. It felt like a running theme was tricking women.
mollyrotondo @ElizaMarie yes women were being duped by men, including their own fathers and stepfathers. I can only assume that happened a lot in those days. More sad than anything. 4y
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#NovelWatchingCrew #NWC @AsYouWish @AkashaVampie

I'm going to watch Benedict Cumberbatch because I have not seen it.

Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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i‘m gonna do it guys 🖤🕵🏻‍♂️ ive had this collection for a while but just now about to dive into it. i‘ve been a bit sherlock obsessed lately so i‘m actually excited to emerge myself in the world of it even further 🗝🔍 man this is a big one tho lol 😓

Books88 Beautiful cover 😍 4y
Mrs_B I love the cover - so gorgeous. 4y
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Complete Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Any other Sherlockian littens listen to this excellent podcast? It‘s one of my faves. The hosts pick something vague from the canon and expound upon it and how it affects the stories.

bibliobliss I just finished my first Sherlock Holmes this morning. I'll have to check out this podcast!! 4y
Brooke_H @Readage Awesome! Congrats! 4y
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