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The Mailbox
The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Centered on a real landmark on the coast of North Carolina, The Mailbox blends intriguing folklore and true faith with raw contemporary issues that affect every woman. When Lindsey Adams first visits the Kindred Spirit mailbox at Sunset Beach, she has no idea that twenty years later she will still be visiting the mailboxstill pouring out her heart in letters that summarize the best and worst parts of her life. Returning to Sunset for her first vacation since her husband left her, Lindsey struggles to put her sorrow into words. Memories surface of her first love, Campbelland the rejection that followed. When Campbell reappears in her life, Lindsey must decide whether to trust in love again or guard herself from greater pain. The Mailbox is a rich novel about loss, hope, and the beauty of second chances.
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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@TheBookHippie I received a package from Amazon. I guess this is from you since you said I would receive a package from Amazon. But there is no note outside unless I open it. I will wait until March 20th during the #SpringEquinoxSwap opening date. Just to let you know that the package arrived🤗❤️❤️❤️

@sprainedbrain @Chrissyreadit

TheBookHippie Yay! Well there should be two boxes! 😵‍💫 I‘ll check the tracking. 3y
TheBookHippie The other package is still enroute! 3y
Gissy @TheBookHippie It is ok, we are on time and thank you!🥰 3y
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Chrissyreadit ❤️🙌❤️🙌 3y
Gissy @TheBookHippie Yesterday I picked up the second package. It arrived last Tuesday but it was yesterday when the front gate guard told me to pick it up (the person in charge to pick up all packages) So it is here waiting until next Sunday to open it🤗Thank you in advanced🥰

(edited) 3y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen

I didn‘t take a picture, but yesterday I sent out October‘s #Roaringwolf winner @Ruthiella ‘s package. @Jadams1776 your Round 12 #Lmpbc and #GroupF Round 13 package for @DGRachel It was a really long line at the post office.

DGRachel I bet the post office was insane!! 3y
Ruthiella Thank you! I hope the experience wasn‘t too traumatic. 😊 3y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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And just like that my mailbox became a bustling location, thanks to #litsycardswap!

LibrarianRyan 🌟❤️😁 3y
slategreyskies Awwww, I love this! I think I‘m going to hang mine on the door jambs by my dining room. That way, I‘ll be able to see them from where I usually sit on the couch in the evenings. :) 3y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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phantomx That's so cool! 3y
LibrarianRyan Did you get both packages? 3y
LibrarianRyan @WanderingBookaneer yeahhh. Just checking. 3y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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When you said those were all coming to me I didn‘t think you meant it. So Carson and I have our packages. Thank you. #alterednightmareswap.


The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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It has been a crazy work week (with a mountain of marking still to come) so it was amazing to come home to some #LitsyLove in the mailbox. Completely made my day! (And I 100% agree that dogs are people too...at least mine thinks he is)

@AmyG @Crazeedi @BookNAround - I'm waiting on some stationary to arrive so I can actually start responding to people, but 🤞 it doesn't take too long.

AmyG 😘 4y
Crazeedi 💞💞💞 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Stationery shopping is so fun!! 🤍🤍 4y
CuriousG @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I went down a rabbit-hole and lost hours looking at stationary online 🙈 4y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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It‘s here, the #HappyEverAfterSwap box, @katiedid927 It arrived yesterday but I picked up the box today. Thank you in advanced because I know I will like everything. The box is so pretty with those stickers😍

Your box will be out this week in priority mail. I will post a photo. Same for #BookCupidSwap


KatieDid927 Yay! So glad it arrived safely! 🥰 4y
Chrissyreadit Awesome!!! 🙌💜🎉😘 4y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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@BethM Your #coffeebeanbookclub package is on its way today! #cbbc

BethM 🎉 4y
BethM Do you have tracking? Just wondering when I should keep an eye out for it! 4y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Three swap boxes sent today: #VeryAustenHoliday box @Chrissyreadit @Sprainedbrain
#Bestof2020 @Candority
#jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBook
They should arrive by Monday.

I‘m waiting for some items for the other 3 swaps. They should be out by next week.

We are under new restrictions😱from 12/7 to 01/07. Curfew time: 9:00pm/5:00am. Lockdown on Sundays except essentials stores. Beaches are closed again😬no sales of alcohol beverages S/S😲

Chrissyreadit Wow!!! Has Covid exploded by you?I wish everyone would go on lockdown at the same time so it would be under control. 4y
Gissy The Governor said that if the numbers continue increasing, there will be a total lockdown. But apparently the problem is related with family reunions during the holidays. There are family members with COVID. Will see. In our case, we haven‘t have any family reunion since the quarantine. Everyone do their celebrations within their nuclear families. @Chrissyreadit 4y
candority Thank you for posting! I hope everything with the new restrictions goes well! 4y
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Gissy Thank you! @Candority 4y
tpixie @Gissy wow! You are busy with swaps!! What fun! Stay safe & well!! 4y
Gissy Yes, too many swaps but I really enjoy them☺️ @tpixie (edited) 4y
Gissy I sent my boxes 2 weeks ago but I don‘t if they received them because my matches have not posted anything. But I know that the box related with Austen which was sent the same day, was received and opened before opening date. @candority @MaleficentBookDragon 4y
candority @Gissy I will follow up with your #Bestof2020Swap match via email to see if they have received it! 4y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Lots of #LITSYLOVE went out today !

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Lots went out from Mississippi too!! 4y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Playing catch up. Sending these today and when my stamps arrive I can send more. #litsylove The notes, cards and emails are keeping me sane. ❤️ ✉️

The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen

@TheBookHippie I have you as my #WhiteRabbitSwap I just need to buy a couple more items for you and then I will sent it out to you hopefully at the beginning of April. :)

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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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All #NewYearWhoDis Match emails have been sent! I hope you love your lists!

Bookzombie I do!! 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Woot! Got my package, @IndoorDame ! ❤❤❤ Can't wait for Christmas Eve! Thank you! #jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon

That's a lot of exclamation points, but I'm excited!

IndoorDame Yay! I‘m so glad it arrived! 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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I sent out my #JolabokaflodSwap package yesterday. I took a pic of the package, and promptly deleted it, so I hope you enjoy this image I got from Google.


The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Forgot to mention, my #PoutinePenPals #CanuckChristmasSwap package was sent on Friday! 💌 It should be there before the end of this week.

Also counting this photo as an “ornament you can see your reflection in” ✌🏼 #ChristmasTreeScavengerHunt #WinterGames #TeamFestivus

wanderinglynn 11 pts! 🙌🏻⛄️🎄 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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@Marmie7 #CBBC was delivered today! Thank you so much I love it all! #CoffeeBeanBookClub

Marmie7 You're welcome! Next one will be early, sorry for the lateness! 5y
MommyOfTwo @Marmie7 it‘s ok, I have plenty of time to get it read yet. 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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I made a run to the library and post office today. Sorry guys I‘m late on both these packages. #SFMBC is going to @Shadowfat and #CBBC is going to @Kshakal . Both packages are scheduled to arrive Tuesday.

Kshakal I will keep my eye out for it! 5y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽♥️ 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen

I mailed out the #SFMBC book this morning @Avanders so @MommyOfTwo be on the look out ☃️

MommyOfTwo Did something get switched around? I thought someone else was sending to me this month 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
MrsGagnonreads2024 No I messed up grrr sorry I read the wrong Column. I was supposed to send to Michelle. @MommyOfTwo (edited) 5y
MommyOfTwo Ok so I should send it on to her when it gets here? 5y
MrsGagnonreads2024 @MommyOfTwo yes please and thank you and if you want to email your PayPal I will send you the shipping cost I am truly sorry again for the mix up. My email is JessiNoel21@gmail.com 5y
Avanders Oops! Well, these things happen 😉 Thanks to you both for working this out! ♥️♥️ @mommyoftwo 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Jenni - I‘m so sorry! It‘s been sitting in the office as the staff failed to tell me it arrived.

Thank you—I can‘t wait to open it!


The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Jenni - I‘m so sorry! It‘s been sitting in the office as the staff failed to tell me it arrived.

Thank you—I can‘t wait to open it!


sprainedbrain Oh thank goodness!! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Back from the Silobration and got everything all ready last night for the post office once it stops raining today!! #BasicWitchSwap #NightmareSwap #AllHallowsReadSwap #FallBookSwap #LitsyLoveSwap

RinaBrahmbhattBarot You my friend is so well organised 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
Meaw_catlady That is quite the stack!!! Good luck at the post office!! 🖤 5y
Linsy That looks amazing! 5y
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LibrarianRyan Yeahhh. That is one mighty stack. 5y
TorieStorieS @MyBookSwapClub Hahahahaha! I try! ☺️ 5y
TorieStorieS @Meaw_catlady I know!! I‘m trying to find a sturdy and large enough bag to get them all in one trip! 😂😂😂 5y
TorieStorieS @Linsy Thanks!!! 😊😊😊 5y
TorieStorieS @LibrarianRyan Clearly I had no control over this latest batch of swaps!!! 🎃🥳🎃 5y
LibrarianRyan @TorieStorieS Amen. I think I did 4. I think. I didn't mail them all at once and have only received 2 so I can not remember. 5y
TorieStorieS @LibrarianRyan hahahahaha- I am glad I‘m not the only one!!! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!!! 🖤🖤🖤 5y
Gissy Wow!😱 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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It‘s here!! Can‘t wait until opening day! I‘m waiting on one more thing to come in the mail and then I‘ll have my package on it‘s way! 📦 🎃

#AllHallowsReadSwap @MaleficentBookDragon

JoScho Yay!!! 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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My #HighFiveToSummerSwap arrived this morning! Thank you @KatieDid927 ☺️ I completely forgot to take a picture of mine prior to sending, but @BarkingMadRun it is on its way and Elfster has been updated with the tracking info!


JoScho Yay! Thanks for the update Amber ❤️ 5y
KatieDid927 Glad it arrived! 🤗 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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I spent my late morning and early afternoon catching up on my #jb and #litsylove letters! These will be dropped at the post office in the morning. Is there something in here headed to you?

Also- who else is in love with the new Sesame Street stamps? I got several sheets of them!

squirrelbrain You‘ve been busy 😁 ✉️ ✉️✉️✉️✉️✉️ 5y
Bookwormjillk I love the Sesame stamps too. I also got a sheet of moon landing ones 5y
LibrarianRyan Me Me Me!! 5y
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litenthusiast I also love the Sesame Street stamps. I feel like I need to buy more. 😁 5y
Crazeedi I have the stamps too and am having a hard time using them!! 5y
UwannaPublishme 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Got a couple #litsylove letters out today. Got a couple more overdue ones to answer but will work on them shortly. Sorry friends.

The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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My trip to the post office to mail my #LMPBC reads was a success #GroupO and #GroupU . Expect packages on Monday and I will probably email tracking numbers later today. Happy Reading Round 6!

LibrarianRyan yeahhhh 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Wow!!! I‘m not the best at consistently posting all of the #LitsyLove and #JB mail that I receive, but I‘m going to try to do better moving forward! Thanks so much!! And a special thanks to @Jas16 for the amazingly unexpected book off of my Litsy TBR! I can‘t wait to read it!! Responses back to you all soon!! 💌💌💌💌💌

Lovesbooks87 I loved this book. It was so good! Enjoy! 5y
TorieStorieS @Lovesbooks87 I‘m looking forward to reading it!! So glad you liked it as well!! 👏👏👏 5y
Jas16 I hope you enjoy it! 5y
TorieStorieS @jas16 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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The sun is shining and I finally got my first batch of #Litsylove pen pal letters posted!!! Now I‘m back home and less stressed (for the moment!) I‘m going to aim to get another batch out next weekend. 🌸🌺🌷

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Post office trip complete! #LitsyMail coming your way @KathyWheeler (red envelope) @Mitch (white envelope) & my #MysteryMessageSwap buddy! 😉🖋💌📦🚐✈️🌍

Although I wish I had taken some photos of the mystery message book before I packed it because I thought it was pretty cool. 🤦🏼‍♀️ #hindsight

Mitch 🥳 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Working my way through a lovely pile of #LitsyLove ♥️♥️♥️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💌💗 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Bookmail is the best mail to come home to 😍. #bookmail #litsylove

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!!! 📚💗📚 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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#LITSYLOVE headed out !!!!!!

MayJasper Ooh exciting. I hope one's for me. 🤩 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @MayJasper Do you want to join?! You can email me your address and birthday to loverofbooks75@gmail dot com 5y
Princess-Kingofkings @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Could you help me understand what you do for #LitsyLove? (edited) 5y
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TheBookHippie @Princess-Kingofkings We (^^^) run a pen pal like group to mail each other notes @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and I started a no pressure group you can write to one person or 80 whenever you want, postcard, letters, cards etc. if you want to join email is above. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Princess-Kingofkings 📚🙌🏻📝💌 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Butterflies and damsel-flies from the inimitable @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you Misty💗😍🌸🥰💝😘 One is on its way to you from Texas ❣️

tammysue Beautiful! 🦋💗 5y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Thanks for the #LitsyLove , @WeeziesBooks ! I‘m working on a reply! 🥰📚

WeeziesBooks Looking forward to hearing from you! 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Thanks for the #LitsyLove , @CoffeeNBooks and @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ! Happy mail coming your way soon!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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The collection of #jb letters I collected from the mailbox this morning arrived on particularly beautiful stationary cards. Thank you to @BookwormAHN @AmyG @Butterfinger @kaye @DoonTheGoon @Soubhiville for the stickers tea and lovely letters. You guys rock!

BookwormAHN 😺😺 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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I got book mail today!! So happy to be part of the 2nd round of #readersgonnaread 🤗🤗 I am going to try not to start it until the 1st but I doubt it‘s gonna happen! 🤪
@erinreads @Chili

The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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My packages for #BlitsyHistoryMonth swap and #happilyeverafterswap went to the Post Office today.

Happy reading.

@Chello @Chrissyreadit

Chrissyreadit 🙌👏🙌👸🤴🧚‍♀️🧚🏿‍♂️🧞‍♀️🧞‍♂️🧜🏾‍♀️🧜🏽‍♂️ 6y
Chelleo 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 6y
Annl I received it! Thanks! Not to wait not so patiently! 6y
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KatieDid927 I got mine, thank you!! I shall now have to practice patience. ☺️ 6y
Chelleo Hi there! Did you receive your BlitsyHistoryMonth package? 6y
MaGoose @Chelleo Yes I did. Forgot to post about it, I guess. 6y
Chelleo @MaGoose 👍🏾thanks 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Thank you to everyone who sent me lovely #jb cards! You all brightened up my week and I‘ll write back soon. 💌💜📚

Kaye 💕 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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My #readersgonnaread package is on its way to @collegecatlady !! Now, it‘s time to hit up the library before I go home 😝

wellreadredhead I got your package! Just wanted to let you know it arrived safely. 6y
Leigh0906 @collegecatlady yay! I hope you enjoy it!! 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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It‘s here @CrowCAH !! (It must have arrived yesterday, but we were at our cabin for the weekend and just got back home!) I can‘t wait for opening day! 😁 @MaleficentBookDragon

CrowCAH Woohoo yay, super exciting! 😁 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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So my books are wrecked ugh I've never ordered from book outlet before it took 4 weeks to arrive and arrived damaged. 😡🤬😱😭

Melissa_J That sucks. I‘d say the problem is on the mail system, not Book Outlet. Book Outlet is a Canadian company and their distribution Centre is here - our national mail carrier was on strike until recently and there has been a huge backlog in packages. Yours likely got caught up in it. As for the damage, I‘ve ordered tons from Book Outlet and never once has a package been damaged. 6y
Avanders 😖 super frustrating! (Though i agree w everything @Melissa_J said ☺️) 6y
Lovesbooks87 Oh no! I am so sorry this happened to you. I am waiting for an order from Book Outlet now. I am thinking it was whoever shipped it that ruined it. I would try to get into contact with them. Maybe they can do something about it! 6y
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Traci1 Oh no. That stinks. 😕 6y
rubyslippersreads I would definitely take photos of everything and contact them. It can‘t hurt 6y
TheBookHippie @Melissa_J OYE!!! I assume it's OUR mailman post office issue ? Just got to figure out who to complain tooo???? 6y
TheBookHippie @Lovesbooks87 I assume toO! The post office has to have done it 6y
sprainedbrain Oh no. 😢 6y
Melissa_J Does USPS have a contact number or email for lost or damaged packages? If so, I‘d try that first. Maybe also let Book Outlet know. They might do something about it. 6y
Soubhiville Oh no!!! I‘m sorry. 😭 6y
TheSpineView That's horrible! Sorry! 6y
CouronneDhiver That‘s never happened to me with BookOutlet. Try contacting them... I‘m sure they‘ll make it right 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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Guys you got to watch this video! I just got #BookMail that you wouldn't believe!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 I'm so excited!!!


Andrew65 Will check it out. (edited) 6y
BeansPage @Andrew65 it is every horror fans dream to own this book!!! 6y
Klou Awesome! New book on my tbr❤! AND I've subscribed!! Great vid!! 6y
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BeansPage @Klou thank you sweetheart! Just a warning though this is a very pricey book. I know on eBay they were selling it for a few hundred dollars a piece. Amazon is a bit cheaper but you're looking at a used copy. 6y
Klou Woah. Probably have to wait a while to get that one then. Looks good though!!! 6y
BeansPage @Klou it's definitely a must-have for horror readers but it costs a pretty penny (as do most collectable items) unfortunately. But it's well worth it to have it! 🤩 6y
Klou @TheReadingMermaid ❤❤❤ I'll definitely try to get it one day! 6y
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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The Mailbox: A Novel | Marybeth Whalen
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#litsymail day! Thank you for the card @AmyG and @olivia.ferz for the postcard. 🤗🤗