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A Room with a View
A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Room with a View | E M Forster
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In this novel young Lucy &her older unmarried cousin Charlotte have just arrived in Florence when their complaint about a room with no view is overheard by 2 “ill-bred” gentlemen,Mr Emerson& his son George who offer to give them their rooms with a view.The offer is the beginning of a passionate love story with twists &turns until the lovers are-I don‘t want to spoil the ending.Lovely,funny portrayal of middle& upper class England.Awww the violets…

Suet624 Just another classic I've yet to read. :( Your review makes me want to run to the library. 1w
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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This is my favorite Forster so far, the third that I‘ve read. Forster‘s writing is imminently quotable. I found the characters to be well-rounded and alive, their flaws/strengths both so gently described. And I adore the themes of this book, all about perspective and the positions we hold in society, the views we have from where we stand and what is possible. I aim to be a completest with Forster, and I expect I‘ll pick this one up again someday.

psalva For those that have read it, this was an interesting article discussing a bit of Forster‘s process, choices, etc. https://lithub.com/on-the-slyly-subversive-writing-of-e-m-forster/ 1mo
Cuilin I aiming to be a completist with Forster‘s novels too. The last one my list is 1mo
psalva @Cuilin I just love his writing! I have three novels to go, The Longest Journey, Howard‘s End, and Passage to India. Lots to look forward to! (edited) 4w
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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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It would have to be A ROOM WITH A VIEW. Tomorrow it might be a different book. 😃

BookmarkTavern I love how answers can change day to day! Thank you for sharing! 6mo
dabbe @BookmarkTavern 💚🩷💚 6mo
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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#Naturalitsy #LitSolace

My #Fridaynightshare choice for Spring fiction is the perfect A room with a view. It has everything, a coming-of-age novel, set in Florence and Edwardian England, with seering, comedic portrayal of polite society. I absolutely love it. In my view, E M Forster is on par with Jane Austen.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit

A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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My thoughts on this book were too long for Litsy's word count limit...

A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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"Do we find happiness so often that we should turn it off the box when it happens to sit there? To be driven by lovers - A king might envy us (...)". In "A room with a view", by E. M. Forster.

A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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(...) to descend from bright heaven to earth, whereon there are shadows because there are hills (...)". In" A room with a view", by E. M. Forster.
What a lovely way to put it!

A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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"We know we come from the winds, and that we shall return to them; that all life is perhaps a knot, a tangle, a blemish in the eternal smoothness". In "A room with a view", by E. M. Foster

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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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What a treat! This book was such a joy to read. We start off with Lucy, (the prime character) being chaperoned by her much older cousin while visiting Florence. They are disappointed in the room they have at the pension because it doesn‘t provide a view. Enter in a man and his son, who offer to exchange rooms with them, and from there the story takes off.
4 ⭐️

A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster

First line: “The Signora had no business to do it,” said Miss Bartlett, “no business at all. She promised us south rooms with a view close together, instead of which here are north rooms, looking into a courtyard, and a long way apart.”

A Room with a View | Edward Morgan Forster
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My pick up today at the bookstore after trading in Middlemarch, and Magic Mountain.

282Mikado I'm surprised they didn't make you pay to take Middlemarch off your hands. 11mo
Pip2 @282Mikado that‘s probably why I was only able to get three books with my credit. Had I excluded Middlemarch the original credit may have been double. 11mo
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A Room with a View | Edward Morgan Forster
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I'm sure I said it before because it describes every Forster book that I read, but this has such a wonderful cinematography in my imagination. I loved seeing the women liberation movement through different eyes, the difference between the most conservative characters, the pretending to be feminist characters and the real feminist ones, it will forever be relevant. This is the most homoerotic of Forster's stories (and yes, I read Maurice) ⬇️

nanuska_153 but the adoration of George Emerson doesn't know of sexualities, it's universal. Hello, new literary crush ❤️ 12mo
Anna40 I fell in love with George too 😊 1w
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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Re read for book club.
Still very English and of its era, thus cringy language surrounding race, gender and class.
It'll be an interesting discussion...

A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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#Pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade – this recent episode of Grammar Girl may be of interest! She interviews someone who wrote a book on the exclamation point and other names for that punctuation mark come up. She mentions that the question mark was called a “note of interrogation”! And get this—the exclamation point was a “note of admiration”! 😄

IndoorDame Ha! One of my writing teachers in college was a staunch member of the ‘grammar police‘ that just hated it. A friend and I were speculating recently about whether internet norms had mellowed her views at all, or if she was still ranting about !!!s to all her students 😆 14mo
wanderinglynn I think the exclamation point has a purpose but should be used, like most things, in moderation. 😉 14mo
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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I enjoyed reading this classic with the #pemberlittens this month. Lucy was an interesting character to witness as she matures and learns to make her own decisions. I loved to hate Charlotte, the little manipulator, and Freddie was the best.
Thanks for leading the fun as always @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you liked it!! 14mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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I have to say I have a hard time reviewing books that I read with the #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade because I have such fun reading with this group that I end up loving it! So having said that, I loved this book with the exception of the abrupt ending which left me with a sort of “wait, what?” reaction. Also, there is an appendix in some versions that is awful, so if yours has an appendix just skip it (Forster years later wrote a followup ☹️👎👎

mcctrish I completely agree with you, it is so much fun reading together that it does colour the book and the ending was abrupt 14mo
Bklover @mcctrish I do love the #hashtagbrigade🩵🩵 14mo
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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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Finished yesterday with the #hashtagbrigade with the #Pemberlittens I‘ll give it a soft pick. I saw the movie years ago but this was my first time through the book & I mostly wanted to smack or shake every character at least at some point. Also to note, I bought the annotated Kindle version for.99 cents & while I appreciated the summary & analysis after each chapter, I felt like it was translated into a language & then translated back to English⬇️

DebinHawaii …with some very peculiar wording & sentence structure. It had me laughing more than the book did several times. That & the hash tags from our host @BarkingMadRead & comments by my fellow readers helped move the book along. I may try to find & stream the movie this weekend. (edited) 14mo
TheBookHippie I love the reading together part!!! It‘s so much fun. 14mo
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Yes! It‘s the best! 🤗 14mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m watching the movie next week! I‘m glad you mostly liked it 🤣 those translations can be crazy 14mo
DebinHawaii @BarkingMadRead It‘s on me for being so cheap & liking my chapter-a-days on Kindle so I can fit them into my day easily! 🤣🤣🤣 14mo
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I've so enjoyed revisiting this month's #Pemberlittens @BarkingMadRead #HashtagBrigade!

BarkingMadRead Hooray!! 14mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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mcctrish I think Charlotte did help #theleastshecoulddoafterthelavishmuddle 14mo
Ruthiella @mcctrish Agree! A little sad Mr. Beebe wasn‘t on board, but I can also understand his frustration at being used. 14mo
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mcctrish @Ruthiella his reaction seems over the top to me but I think the main point is George and Lucy are so meant to be ( unlike the fiasco ) they don‘t need approval 14mo
dabbe Get over it, Mr. Beebe and Lucy's family! Reach a little more into that 20th century! 🤩🤣🤩 14mo
Bookwormjillk I thought that chapter was really sweet. I think Charlotte helped too. 14mo
Clare-Dragonfly I found the ending unsatisfying 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think Forster skips over stuff I‘d like to know more about and extends stuff I‘d rather get through quickly. 14mo
Morr_Books I absolutely loved this book and enjoyed all the comments y'all made throughout. In the last chapter, I thought the dialog with the Italian was a weird way to tell the audience that they were married. Also, I too believe Charlotte helped (aka redeemed herself a bit). 14mo
Bklover I would love to have seen a bit more of the in- between part. I loved this book, but it ended so abruptly. And I really can‘t see why everyone‘s so angry about them. If her mother loves her, wouldn‘t she want her happy? Oh, and I like how she mentioned coming in to her money next year, so we don‘t have to picture them poor 😉 14mo
Bklover Oh, has anyone read the appendix? Apparently Forster wrote an appendix in 1958 telling what happened “after”. I just read the summary. Didn‘t like it. It said only some versions of the book contained the appendix. 14mo
eeclayton @Clare-Dragonfly @Bklover I agree. Just like the missing Rome chapters earlier, we go from denial to poof-they-are-on-their-honeymoon. That said, I did enjoy the book, I just think some more chapters could have been added. 14mo
julieclair I don‘t think Charlotte actually helped, but rather chose not to hinder. And I would have liked to have learned more of Charlotte‘s backstory. 14mo
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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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This Edwardian bildungsroman places, at times, an awkward Lucy Honeychurch on the cusp of womanhood who is first on the puppet strings of her elder cousin and then her fiancee. What ensues is a comic satire on the mores of early 1900s England, both at home and abroad in Italy. Lucy could be annoying if seen through our modern-day sensibilities, but I rooted for her all the way. Will have to read more Forster. #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

dabbe Thanks again for being our ever-wonderful host, @BarkingMadRead. 💙🩵💙 14mo
eeclayton Great review 🤘 14mo
dabbe @eeclayton 😎🤩😍 14mo
AvidReader25 Howards End is wonderful! 14mo
dabbe @AvidReader25 Cool beans! That'll be the next Forster! 🤗 14mo
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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I always love reading with the #hashtagbrigade but this one had a bunch of chapters and characters I couldn‘t concentrate on. It also had parts I really enjoyed, so I think it‘s more me slogging out of my reading slump than Forester. I may have to pick this up again someday and test my theory. #pemberlittens

TheBookHippie I enjoyed it or I enjoyed yelling at the book 🤷🏻‍♀️😅😂👀. My first time trying I DNF. This time I made it! So I would say try again later … couple of years. 🙃 14mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie haha, good to hear 😆😁And yeah, I was definitely thinking space of a couple years… 14mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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#pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Nice read, but why are we robbed of the Rome chapters?

Thanks for hosting @BarkingMadRead 💕

TheBookHippie Yes!!! WHY?!?! 14mo
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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Finished this after a trip to the beach. A long time ago I was in Uni and there was a rep theatre that I went to to see all the cool movies. A Room with a View was one and I loved it and all the actors in it so much. I can‘t believe I waited to so long to read this, but I‘m so glad I did so I could read it with #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #allswellthatensswell ( also I‘m not sure there is a better sandwich than a French ham one, Club Jambon)

Allylu I have the movie cued up on Amazon Prime Video. Some say it is better than the book!! 14mo
mcctrish @Allylu I will have to watch it again but it could be true 14mo
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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Admittedly, this took me several chapters to follow the writing style - I‘m way better at 18th & 19th century classics, not early 20th century! But, once I did, I found this an intriguing study on the class system in Edwardian England. Many of the characters are horrid, & I was not really a fan of Lucy, though she received the brunt of all of the clashes. I‘m glad I read this! #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade

Thanks for hosting, @BarkingMadRead !

Librarybelle My view upon finishing - all of the boys with me! #CatsOfLitsy #Zeke #Vladimir #SebastianKitty #Xander 14mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m glad you liked it!! 14mo
Bette I love sleeping 🐱🐱🐱 14mo
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dabbe @Librarybelle Look at da handsome boys! 🖤🐾🖤🐾🖤🐾🖤🐾 14mo
Librarybelle @Bette @dabbe ❤️❤️❤️ 14mo
Catsandbooks Cute kitties! 14mo
Librarybelle Thank you, @Catsandbooks ! 14mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Chapter 19: Emerson sets Lucy straight #willwegetourhappyending #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

CatLass007 I love this movie! I didn‘t know that the character who walked around with his nose in a book was played by the same actor who played Hawkeye in The Last of the Mohicans. Someone had to point it out to me. Daniel Day-Lewis is such a versatile actor. So sad what happened to Julian Sands. I remember reading Interview With a Vampire and thinking he would make an excellent Lestat. Then almost every character in the movie was terribly miscast. 14mo
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Cuilin “Life is a Public performance on the violin, in which you must learn the instrument as you go along.” #itsaMuddle 14mo
Cuilin @CatLass007 I love the movie. The pond scene cracks me up. 14mo
CatLass007 @Cuilin That is definitely funny!! 14mo
Morr_Books While I have not seen the movie, I love this book. If I didn't have a work meeting right now, I would have read the last chapter too. ❤️ old Mr Emerson! 14mo
BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books I read ahead because I‘m traveling, I was so glad 🤣 I didn‘t want to wait anymore anyway! I‘m watching the movie when we get back! 14mo
peanutnine So glad she ran into Mr. Emerson, you can't lie to a sweet old man! 💖 I definitely want to watch the movie now, I've never seen it 14mo
Clare-Dragonfly Their conversations continue to confuse me 😂😂😂 Poor Mr. Beebe. Everyone is always trying to drag him in to help them with whatever their agenda is. 14mo
mcctrish #itamuddle #bewarethemuddle #speakyourtruth I saw the move decades ago , Helena Bonham Carter, Julian Sands and Daniel Day-Lewis - I went to any movie they were in no questions asked 14mo
Ruthiella Love Mr. Emerson. He‘s so honest. It‘s what gets him in trouble. 14mo
dabbe I vote for Emerson as the most beloved character in this book. Any seconds? 🗳️ 14mo
peanutnine @dabbe 🙋🏼‍♀️yes for sure! Followed by Mr. Beebe @Clare-Dragonfly is right, he's always called upon to help and usually willing to do so 14mo
Bookwormjillk @dabbe I‘m with you 14mo
Bookwormjillk I liked that George was honest with his father. An actual normal relationship. Still wondering what happened to Charlotte though. 14mo
Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk Yes! Since Mrs. Honeychurch is saying Lucy sounds like Charlotte, I wonder if she also fell in love with the wrong man and hid from romance all her life because of it. Sadly I don‘t think we‘ll find out for sure. 14mo
julieclair @dabbe Yes! Mr. Emerson is such a dear! @Clare-Dragonfly That‘s a great theory about Charlotte! 14mo
Bklover @Clare-Dragonfly I never thought of that! And @dabbe He has my vote!❤️❤️ 14mo
TheBookHippie @Clare-Dragonfly oooo that‘s a good point! 14mo
TheBookHippie @dabbe yes. Without a doubt! 14mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Chapter 18: Lucy convinces Beebe to help her travel to Greece with the Alans #dontrunaway #GEORGEwillcry #idonottrustcharlotte #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

mcctrish #thishasbeenadayandahalf we‘ve all had those days #wellcoinedfreddie #thedahliasaremoreimportantthancecil and I feel Mrs Honeybottom‘s pain from the bottom of my heart ( the rabbits annihilated my pollinator garden and they make me so cross ) 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @mcctrish The Dahlias!!!😫 1y
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dabbe Don't be like Elsa in FROZEN, Lucy, running away from your problems. As Maria would say in THE SOUND OF MUSIC, “You have to face them!“ #imawalkingcliche #twomorechapters 1y
Clare-Dragonfly OK… so is George going to stop her from going to Greece or is he going to turn up there?! The book is at 90%, George, we‘re running out of time! 1y
Bklover @Clare-Dragonfly George seems to show up wherever she goes! My guess is he will follow! 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish Dahlias are so gorgeous....... 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Cuilin Love the meme. Lol. ”Cecil you are the sort who can‘t know anyone intimately. …. for you may understand beautiful things but you don‘t know how to use them “ Ouch! Will we get Charlotte‘s backstory? Does she get a redemption arc? 1y
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin that would be amazing, I feel like there‘s a story there 1y
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TheBookHippie @Cuilin oh I‘d love that backstory!! 1y
Cuilin @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead There‘s Fan Fiction online regarding her backstory plus alternative telling of this novel. I had no idea 🤷‍♀️ but how cool!!! Or hot, methinks some may be spicy. 1y
Morr_Books I kept humming "na na na na hey hey hey goodbye" during this chapter 1y
Bookwormjillk Hooray!! 1y
mcctrish @Morr_Books 🤣🤣🤣 whoever Cecil gets as a fiasco after this will owe Lucy a debt of gratitude 1y
julieclair I'm proud of Lucy for having the guts to dump him. 👍 1y
dabbe Lucy has definitely shown evidence of maturing; however, she has yet to face her feelings for George. 🤔 There are still 3 chapters to go. 😀 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I really thought the breakup was accomplished last chapter and we wouldn‘t have to deal with him anymore 😂 I‘m glad he‘s dealing maturely with the breakup but it makes it harder to hate him… 1y
Bookwormjillk @Cuilin I feel like it would be cruel to throw that line in about Charlotte and not tell us what happened! 1y
Cuilin @Bookwormjillk right?? Don‘t tease us Mr. Forster. 1y
Bklover I hadn‘t thought about there being more Charlotte. All I kept thinking was there‘s way too much book left! 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - honestly it felt almost like an Elizabeth/Darcy type of scene, with Cecil genuinely realizing some things he needed to change about himself. I like to think that he'll be a better person going forward! 14mo
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Ruthiella It‘s about time someone did! 👍 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Yeah!! I‘m not sure I understood George‘s speech but it seems to have gotten through to Lucy somehow. 1y
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Cuilin “The scales fell from Lucy‘s eyes.” Finally!!!! 1y
eeclayton Good riddance! 1y
julieclair I‘m so glad Lucy has come to her senses! With a little help from George. 💙😉 1y
dabbe Cecil was never nicer than when he got the boot. He seems to finally realize what an ass he truly is. Will he ever change, though? Nope. Yet there is still a little more to read. 😉 1y
ravenlee Hooray for Lucy! Tell Charlotte to back off! Get rid of deadweight Cecil! And George 😍 (edited) 1y
Bklover The whole book was worth reading just for the last sentence in this chapter! What @Cuilin said!! 1y
Bookwormjillk I am really liking this book. Could have almost ended the book there. 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Ruthiella OMG, the second kiss. 🥰 I had forgotten it. 1y
Cuilin When it gets a little autobiographical “Even men might suffer from unexplained desires, and need help.” Oh Forster 😔 1y
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Cuilin Also apparently the Weald is beautiful or is it George? 1y
mcctrish @Cuilin 🤣🤣 George is getting quite forward with his kiss stealing ( is Miss Bartlett acting all nuts because she‘s already read this bodice ripper of Miss Lavish‘s ?) (edited) 1y
julieclair George is so bold! The kiss! 😍 #DitchCecil 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish BODICE RIPPER 💀 1y
TheBookHippie @Cuilin 😝 and need help 😵‍💫😵‍💫 1y
mcctrish @TheBookHippie it doesn‘t take much for Charlotte 🤣🤣 1y
TheBookHippie It‘s very nice of you to put up a pic of my hair style in 1993 😅 1y
TheBookHippie The kiss stealing is life. 1y
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I think it‘s George 😍 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish it is the exact phrasing my mind was hunting for while reading!!! 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig That hair!😍 1y
Cuilin @mcctrish Charlotte knows!! 1y
Cuilin @TheBookHippie He was gay and had lovers but of course couldn‘t be very public about it. “ unexplained desires” I find it interesting when self disclosure finds an outlet or slips in a novel. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Cecil is insufferable. @Cuilin Very interesting, I didn‘t know that! 1y
dabbe Oh, these characters and their drama! I love it! 🤩🤣😀 1y
Bklover @Cuilin I didn‘t know that! 1y
Bklover George is becoming quite the kisser! 1y
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Room with a View | E M Forster
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I‘m not getting much reading done while on vacation ☹️ walking, yes! At night it‘s all I can do to read my chapter for #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens and I‘m out like a light because of walking and the heatwave

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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Cuilin Lucy slipped up she said “he”. 🫢 oops 🤫😉 1y
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Clare-Dragonfly @Cuilin Is that what her mistake is?! I don‘t get it 😂 1y
mcctrish Even awfuler than before @TheBookHippie 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1y
TheBookHippie @mcctrish OY TO THE VEY.. 1y
Bookwormjillk Awful but entertaining 🤣 1y
Ruthiella @Cuilin @Clare-Dragonfly I wondered about that too. Is it the line “It makes such a difference when you see a person with beautiful things behind HIM unexpectedly.” So that we understand that SHE was overtaken in the moment just as he was? 1y
dabbe And all the exchanging of coins: a comedy of manners. Charlotte seems to be concerned about doing the right thing about reimbursing for the cab, but as with everything re: Charlotte, it's annoying to everyone, especially Lucy. 1y
Cuilin @Ruthiella @Clare-Dragonfly yes. She gave it away that she was overcome not “him”. That the beauty of it all got to her and she still thinks of it!!! 1y
ravenlee The endnote in the Penguin edition: “It perhaps is worth explaining the ‘unfortunate slip‘ in Lucy‘s speech. She clearly reverses the point of view, meaning to say, ‘It makes such a difference when you see a person with beautiful things behind her unexpectedly.‘ Lucy has made an early version of the Freudian Slip. @Clare-Dragonfly @Ruthiella @Cuilin 1y
ravenlee @dabbe I think the word “punctilious” applies here. Also, why wouldn‘t she have smaller coins? Wouldn‘t that be like traveling in the U.S. with hundred-dollar bills and quarters, but nothing in between? How hare-brained. 1y
Cuilin @ravenlee Exactly. Interesting that Charlotte doesn‘t pick up on this. I guess she‘s all in a dither about coins again. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @Cuilin Ooh, I see! That makes sense, but is Charlotte observant enough to pick up on it? 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Speaking of Charlotte, I suspect she wanted to be seen as virtuous for offering to pay, but for her money to not actually be accepted because they wouldn‘t have change. 1y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly definitely! I don‘t think she actually expected them to take her money! 1y
BarkingMadRead I bet Charlotte picked up on it and is saving it for another day! 1y
dabbe @ravenlee I think she does it on purpose--just like her always saying things like “Oh, I'll sit on the hard ground, Lucy, you take the seat.“ She LOVES being not only the center of attention but creating angst; she feeds off of it. But then that would put her in an even darker category than just being a twit (that was the word in the book right?) 1y
dabbe @Clare-Dragonfly YES! A way to “pretend“ to be virtuous but not really intending to be. I'd hate to ever turn my back on Charlotte! 🤣 1y
Bklover @Clare-Dragonfly Yep! She is a manipulative sneak. @ravenlee I had no idea what she referring to 1y
julieclair @ravenlee Thanks for the explanation! I am listening on audio and was completely clueless what the “unfortunate slip” was, even after listening to it several times. 🤪 1y
eeclayton @Cuilin @ravenlee Thank you for clearing up what the slip was. I'm reading this in translation and this aspect is completely lost in my version 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Chapter 13: Cecil doesn‘t like anyone and nobody likes Cecil 🤷🏻‍♀️ #sameoldstory #whydoesthischaptergetaname #notevenagoodname #solame #GEORGE #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Bookwormjillk #RunLucyRun #ShutUpFred middle class twit ha! 1y
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TheBookHippie The chapter titles are as entertaining as the story … 👀😂😅 #norhymeorreason 1y
BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie seriously!! Everything that went on and the title is about a boiler?!?! 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I‘m laughing every morning with my chapter 😅😂😵‍💫 #makeitmakesense 1y
Cuilin “We don‘t want no dessert” speak for yourself Cecil. #whataLoadofTwaddle 1y
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin I was highly offended by this comment. Don‘t ever speak for a girl and her dessert! 🎂 🧁 🍪 1y
Bklover “We don‘t want no dessert”? How about “We don‘t want dessert” or “We don‘t want any dessert”!! If you‘re going to be such a prig at least use proper grammar! Oh, and I laughed through this whole chapter. Poor Lucy trying to appease everyone and at the same time hide all her little secrets. Go Lucy for finally speaking the truth about Charlotte and Go Freddy for being endlessly entertaining. I‘m getting very attached to Freddy! 1y
julieclair I am still mystified as to why Lucy agreed to marry Cecil. 1y
peanutnine @Bklover Freddy is the best 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Cecil… please go away. @Bklover I took that as him parodying uneducated people, or maybe children? I know he wasn‘t just being straightforward because he‘s too much of a jerk 🙄 1y
dabbe I love how Lucy perceives George greeted her “with the shout of the morning star.” What a lovely line! And I think it was important that their next meeting took place out in nature, a place with many views. Back at home, she goes to change for dinner, looks through a window, and can't find a view. C'mon, Lucy. Figure it out! We're all pulling for you! #lasttimeaboilerwasinastoryformewastheshining 🔥 1y
Bklover @dabbe And we all know how That boiler turned out! I have faith in Lucy. She can‘t possibly marry Cecil. She just can‘t. 1y
mcctrish Charlotte is set to stir the pot ( I find her insufferable but if she sets the demise of Cecil in motion 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻) also Mrs Honeychurch DOES NOT get to diss Cecil after all the fuss about getting Lucy engaged to him 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Ruthiella This is the funniest scene! It totally made me laugh. 😂 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig 😂I can't wait to rewatch the movie when we are done. 1y
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Crinoline_Laphroaig Also does anyone know why some of the Chapters aren't named? 1y
Bookwormjillk This chapter was so funny 1y
BarkingMadRead @Crinoline_Laphroaig to drive us crazy 🤣🤣🤣 1y
peanutnine This chapter was bonkers in the best way 1y
mcctrish I was hoping for a #mrdarcyemergesfromthelake moment but with George and a pond but these hijinks will do 1y
Bklover Finally a chapter that made me laugh! George seems to have found his spark! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly This is a pretty ridiculous chapter! 😂 1y
dabbe @Crinoline_Laphroaig I was thinking the same thing! 🤣🤩😍 1y
julieclair This chapter was so surprising - in a very fun way! 🤪😃 1y
ravenlee I loved George pulling pants on in a hurry and then jumping out of the bushes to greet Lucy. 🤣 1y
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A Room With A View | E.M. Forster
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Okay then. I guess everyone needs a lazy day every now and then. Can‘t wait to see what tomorrow holds. #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade

Aimeesue 😂😂😂 1y
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A Room with a View | Edward Morgan Forster
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BarkingMadRead So pretty!! 1y
peanutnine This is a much prettier cover! 1y
TheBookHippie @peanutnine I do so agree! 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead it‘s so much happier! 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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TheBookHippie OMG these peoples 😵‍💫 1y
TheAromaofBooks It especially blows my mind that Cecil thinks he's the open-minded one for inviting “lower class“ people to come and live there 🙃 *edited because I totally spaced on Cecil's name and put him down as Cyrus* 😂 (edited) 1y
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mcctrish #quotingtheservants the fiasco lives up to his name #donttellmewhattodo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks I also try to forget Cecil. 😑 1y
TheBookHippie Priggish comes to mind 😵‍💫 1y
Ruthiella He only sees Lucy as someone to be molded and reflect him back to himself. He does not appreciate her as her own person at all. (edited) 1y
peanutnine So proud of Lucy for telling off Charlotte! How she still manages to meddle when she's not even there baffles me 🙄 1y
Bklover Charlotte needs to stay in her own web. 🕷️🕸️ 1y
ravenlee @TheAromaofBooks he doesn‘t deserve the attention required to keep his name straight. Ugh. 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig Cecil is such a prig! 1y
dabbe @TheAromaofBooks Probably because Cyrus rhymes with “virus“. 😀 Cyrus Vys. #perfect 🤩🤩🤩 1y
dabbe @Bklover Nice allusion! 🤩😍🤩 Or she needs to start spinning words in favor of Wilbur, I mean George. #thatllneverhappen 1y
Clare-Dragonfly You could have said that every chapter so far! 😂 1y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly I feel that in my soul 🤣🤣 1y
Bookwormjillk These people are a trip. Loved Lucy telling Charlotte off. No one reads my mail Charlotte. 1y
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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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Bookwormjillk Cecil you dummy #TeamGeorge 1y
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Bookwormjillk Also as soon as work ends today I am going home to name all my tennis balls 1y
mcctrish #GEORGE #temper #THEemersonsarecoming I just want to read and read and read now #mrbeebeknows 1y
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk I mean, do you even play tennis #bumblepuppy if your tennis balls aren‘t named 😂😂 1y
mcctrish Also the BEST thing about Cecil is referring to him as Fiasco 1y
Ruthiella Ha ha! Cecil has totally shot himself in the foot by inviting the Emersons instead of the harmless Miss Alans. 1y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk 😂😂😂😂 1y
Morr_Books Maybe I wouldn't have stopped playing tennis if I had named my balls.... which just sounds dirty 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Bookwormjillk @Morr_Books 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @Morr_Books 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1y
Cuilin @Morr_Books 😂 💀 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Cecil is such a jerk! I look forward to him getting his comeuppance! 1y
Bklover It seems to be an awfully small world, doesn‘t it? What are the chances???! 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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My plans:
~Continue with Wolf #bookedintime
~Read next section of MessyLives #sundaybuddyread
~Read/catch up on A Room #achapteraday #pemberlittens
~ Finish GE & ZNH chapters in A Life, 40 pgs #ninewomenwritersbeginagain
~Read several ch. of Night Gate #kindle #Enzofilesseries #serieslove2023
~listen to 4 ch. Broken #a karenpirienovel #audible

Cinfhen Nice genre of books you‘ve got going 😊 1y
Andrew65 Love Peter May! 1y
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A Room with a View | Edward M. Forster
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Chapter 9: 🤮 Cecil judges Lucy‘s family, and …. Well…. Everyone 🤷🏻‍♀️ #ihatehim #wheresgeorge #sopretentious #haveimentionedgeorge #thatkisswasawkward #unlikegeorge #george #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Ruthiella Such an awkward kiss. 😱 1y
eeclayton What is wrong with her? How could she get engaged to this man? 1y
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mcctrish Also Cecil “when you think of me, where am I?” Lucy #inaroomwithoutaview 1y
dabbe Instead of being on the end of the kite-string of Charlotte, she'll be on the end of Cecil's. Guess his last name says it all: Vys-->Vice. #runlucyrun 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig That kiss is so cringe and sus. 🤢 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Umm, Cecil, has anyone ever mentioned to you that you‘re supposed to LIKE the person you‘re marrying? And she‘s supposed to like you, so maybe stop insulting her and her family? 1y
Bookwormjillk Cecil yuck. And also beware of canaries 🐤🐦🐤🐦🐤🐦 1y
dabbe Class distinctions here, class distinctions there, class distinctions everywhere! Gee, why does Lucy see you only in a room without a view, Cecil? And we all know what Lucy yearns for--a room WITH a view--if only she can cut the proverbial strings! Mr. Bebe knows this: “If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting both for us and for her.“ That's what we're waiting for, right? #teamgeorge #georgeandlucy #byececil 1y
Bklover @dabbe Exactly! I can‘t stand Cecil, and I‘m getting quite annoyed at Lucy too! 1y
julieclair Wake up, Lucy! #inaroomwithoutaview is your future of you marry #CecilbadKisser . #ditchCecil 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I'm a chapter behind but #CecilIsSoObviouslyGay. 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Morr_Books So I haven't seen the movie in years. Is that what the fiancé looks like in the movie version? #ewwww 1y
BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books this is what came up when I googled him, so I guess so! 1y
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BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books I just checked IMDb and this is the Cecil in the HBC version 1y
Ruthiella @Morr_Books That‘s him! Daniel Day Lewis. He played the prig Cecil Vyse to perfection. 😃 1y
Morr_Books @BarkingMadRead I'm guessing whoever did the casting for that production felt the same way some of us did about not wanting any of that Cecil character. 1y
Morr_Books @Ruthiella That is Daniel Day Lewis???!!! 🤯 1y
TheBookHippie 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 1y
mcctrish I seriously thought I‘d screwed up my kindle 😡 #whereisgeorge #freddyisawesome #morefreddynocecil #whatthehellislucythinking 1y
Bklover I thought I was reading the wrong book. Or the wrong chapter. The whole chapter was just wrong wrong wrong. We are supposed to be in Rome and George is supposed to be finding her and sweeping her away!!! And what rock did Cecil crawl out from under 🪨 (edited) 1y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover yes! I was so confused, I kept expecting them to switch back to Rome. WTF?!?! 1y
Bklover @BarkingMadRead I hope your daughter knows how much fun we have here! (edited) 1y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover she‘s actually on Litsy, although she rarely posts! @Princess.ofthe.pages 1y
Ruthiella @Morr_Books As my sister says, “Daniel Day Lewis could put on a hoop skirt and play Scarlett O‘Hara convincingly.” 🤣 1y
Bklover Went to follow her and I already do! 1y
Bookwormjillk This chapter was so abrupt. I feel like Rome stolen from us 🤣 1y
Cuilin #lovefreddy played by a very young and beautiful Robert Graves 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Lucy thinks she can but I really hope she doesn‘t actually! I was annoyed with George last chapter but now I really, really want him to come back. Also… I‘m so confused 😭 #whydidtheyskipaheadsomuch indeed! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @mcctrish I‘m with you! #morefreddynocecil Any book character who leaves bones lying around on the nice furniture is my kind of book character 😂😂😂 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Also… when Mr. Beebe said Cecil was an “ideal bachelor” like him I so wanted him to mean that they are both gay. But in Cecil‘s case I think he just means that he sucks. But Mr. Beebe doesn‘t suck, so it‘s still unclear. 1y
mcctrish @Clare-Dragonfly that‘s exactly how I interpreted ‘ideal bachelor‘ 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly @mcctrish - in the context of also talking about how he was like a Gothic statue “which implies celibacy, just as a Greek statue implies fruition“ - I think it may be more that at the time even more than now, marriage also meant fatherhood, family, responsibility - men were the sole charge of the household finances and major decisions. For different reasons, neither Cecil nor Beebe is particularly the type to take on that burden. 1y
dabbe @Ruthiella The same DDL who was a stud in THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS? #wtf? (excuse my French). 😀🤣🤩 1y
julieclair I‘m listening on audio and seriously thought a large chunk of the book had been left out! #whathappenedtorome #whathappenedINrome #ditchcecil 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Hey y‘all, my daughter is visiting for like 36 hours so I never got a chance to finish the chapter. If I finish it later tonight, I‘ll post… otherwise, I‘ll post tomorrow! I leave you with a pic from the Charlotte Mecklenburg library…..

Ruthiella No problem! 😃 1y
Morr_Books Sounds good! Enjoy your time with your daughter! 1y
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Bookwormjillk Enjoy your time! 1y
ravenlee Hooray for mother-daughter time! I‘m taking the day off from the book and catching up tomorrow or Monday so I‘m definitely okay with a delay. 1y
Bklover That‘s ok. I did NOT like this chapter at all anyway. Have a wonderful visit!❤️ (edited) 1y
TheBookHippie No worries it‘ll keep. You enjoy your time! 1y
dabbe Hope you have a lovely time with your daughter! 💙 1y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover @TheBookHippie I read the first half at least, and I was so irritated 🤣🤣 1y
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I was yelling 🤮😵‍💫 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Early morning “ garden” breakfast. The overcast sky makes it cool & comfortable. #porchlife #coffeeandbooks #pemberlittens #achapteraday

BarkingMadRead Loooooove 1y
Bklover Looks wonderful! 1y
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A Room with a View | Edward Morgan Forster
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ravenlee Charlotte keeps getting worse. Ugh. 1y
BarkingMadRead Amazing 🤣🤣🤣 1y
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A Room with a View | Edward Morgan Forster
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BarkingMadRead @mcctrish for real 🙄🤣 1y
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julieclair Charlotte is the absolute worst. Poor Lucy. Keeping my fingers crossed that George shows up in Rome. 🤞💋 1y
BarkingMadRead @TheBookHippie 👚👚👚🤣🤣🤣 1y
Bklover @TheBookHippie 👚yep. @mcctrish Definitely! @BarkingMadRead Charlotte is so manipulative that I am almost impressed at her skill. What a sad, mean person! 1y
Ruthiella But what happened to the second mackintosh square? 😂 Charlotte was probably very rude to George, but I don‘t think it matters. He‘s impervious to people like her. 1y
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I do try to use my teacher voice on here 🤣🤣 #butimafoulmouthedsailorinreallife 1y
mcctrish @Bklover her manipulation skills are seriously legendary #legendwaitforitdary 1y
dabbe I can't help but see similarities between Charlotte and the Nurse in ROMEO & JULIET as well as Lucy and Juliet. I'm waiting for a final break to happen when Lucy finally matures and will no longer allow herself to be manipulated by Charlotte. #staytuning 😀 1y
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish haha that pretty much sums it up 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @dabbe Ha! Except the Nurse is all about sex! And Charlotte is all about… repression, I guess! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I just love Helena Bonham Carter's hair in movie Room With a View. Also does anyone remember her in that Barbara Cartland tv movie A Hazzard of Hearts? 1y
BarkingMadRead @Crinoline_Laphroaig I‘m going to watch that version after we finish the book. I love HBC!! 1y
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A Room with a View | Edward Morgan Forster
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BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books I legit squealed 🤣 #hereforit 1y
Morr_Books He kissed her! I don't know why I am so excited, but I am 1y
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TheBookHippie I am #hereforit as well!!!! I was legit cheering 👀😅😂♥️♥️ 1y
TheBookHippie Also Charlotte 🤮 1y
Bookwormjillk So did Lucy fall in a hole filled with violets to find George when he kissed her? Also loved Mr Eager‘s description of tourists going from place to place just to check things off. #Dontlovehim #Buthekindofhadapointthere 1y
mcctrish Roller coaster chapter, I was legit #poorlucy this is the worst vacation ever with Mr Eager condemning tourists in one breath and pointing out where ‘people of worth‘ live with the other ( but don‘t look, you can‘t see), and Charlotte and Miss Lavish being absolute snobs about everyone “he is the image of a porter - on, on the South-Eastern” #lucyshouldjumpfromthecarriageitsthatbad BUT a kiss 💋 #hereforit #thingsaregettingspicy 1y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk he was too on point 🤣 also, I think she slid down a little embankment maybe? 1y
Ruthiella I loved Mr. Emerson championing the canoodling between the driver and his “sister”. “To be driven by lovers, a king might envy us…” It would be hard to be his son, but I love him in book form. (edited) 1y
Bklover Lucy‘s determination to avoid the Emersons insures that she spends time with all the snobby idiots. 🙄 Charlotte is an absolute master of manipulation. 😈 Thank goodness she wanted to rid herself of Lucy or we never would have gotten to The Kiss! 💋Oh, and someone should shove Eager off a cliff. Either that, or condemn him to live among the peasants! (edited) 1y
peanutnine This chapter was so wild and I can't wait for the reactions to The Kiss! 1y
julieclair The Kiss! 💋 Go George! #hereforit 1y
Clare-Dragonfly He KISSED her out of nowhere?! Whoa! George, not okay! Also I hope there‘s a good movie of this because I want to see this scene with all the violets. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I see I am the only one less than thrilled with The Kiss 😂 1y
Cuilin @Clare-Dragonfly there‘s two movies, one from around 2009 and one from the 90‘s with Helena Bonham Carter. The later one is my favorite. 1y
Cuilin @Ruthiella I agree, he‘s fabulous 1y
dabbe I keep expecting Mr. Emerson to break out in poetry by Keats or Byron or Shelley; he is quite the Romantic. ❤️ 1y
Clare-Dragonfly @Cuilin Oh, I love Helena Bonham Carter 😍 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - I also felt like the kiss was a little abrupt 😂 1y
Cuilin @dabbe that would have been perfectly appropriate ❤️ I haven‘t been to Italy yet, but when I go, I will be taking their poetry with me. 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Lucy is naming & feeling the constraints society has imposed on women.

A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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Morr_Books Well clearly Miss Lavish would not have fainted. 1y
eeclayton How lucky it is that what happened happened: now Miss L has something to write about! 1y
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BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books #accurate @eeclayton hopefully she doesn‘t lose this one 🤣🤣🤣 1y
dabbe And it seems like Eager is eager to throw shade on Mr. Emerson and others while seeming to be concerned with manners and gentility; what a hypocrite! Lavish and Charlotte, too! Only Mr. Beebe and the Emersons seems truly to be good people. I take it we're going to Rome soon, or somehow we're going to meet the Vyses. #ahtheintrigueofitall 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Mr. Eager is the worst so far about implying a lot without saying anything at all! 1y
mcctrish #mreagerisreallymrawful let‘s go to Rome and meet all the Vyses 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 although a drive with Mr Beebe does sound delightful, maybe he could go to Rome too 1y
julieclair I can‘t wait to see who shows up in Rome! 🫣😂 1y
Bklover @TheBookHippie #pimpingout 😅 perfect!❤️ 1y
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It's been ages since I've read this. So enjoying the #HashtagBrigade with @BarkingMadRead and #Pemberlittens that I bought a print copy.

BarkingMadRead That‘s so pretty!! 1y
Ruthiella Very pretty! 😍 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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“Chapter IV: Fourth Chapter.” I guess Forster is already sick of the descriptive chapter titles 😂 #hashtagbrigade

Ruthiella 😂 Another kick at Victorian habits! (edited) 1y
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A Room with a View | E.M. Forster
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I‘m afraid my covers for this month‘s #pemberlittens read are the most boring option imaginable since I pulled the free copies from Libby and Audible, but so far I‘m enjoying the read/listen combo. #hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead I love the bottom right pic, not boring at all! So many of the classics have really dull pics, I‘ve noticed! I love finding ones that have been updated, but it‘s not always possible! 1y
TheBookHippie Did you see my ugly library copy?!?! Blech. 1y
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie haha I did! Zero marks for the graphic designer, but I do tend to like the binding on that series, so I could think of copies I‘d want even less… 1y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I've got the same audiobook! Loving the narration. 1y
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