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3 ⭐This book is the usual question when someone tries to pick something for every letter of the alphabet: What about X? In this case all the alphabets are going on a camping trip and everybody‘s going to bring something for camping, but who wants to play with an x-ray and what happens when the xylophone is broken? This book wasn‘t bad. The illustrations are fun and it‘s a nice addition to the usual alphabet books.

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Well this was a cute surprise! I didn‘t realize I was adding a summer version to my Night Before Christmas collection. 😄 A great story to read before a summer trip. Ending lines - “ I heard Jimmy ask as we drove out of sight, “Mommy, are we there yet?” She said, “With luck, by tonight.” 😂

MaureenMc How cute! 6d
mabell @MaureenMc The rhyming is so fun to read, too 😄 6d
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Swallows and Amazons | Arthur Ransome
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Great prompts @vivastory
Part 1/2 #lasttenbooks

Let me say this... once I've properly started a book, I hardly ever DNF it.

Swallows and Amazons is the exception.

Also, I didn't really "lie" about Harry Potter 5... I read most of it, but didn't finish in time for the film. Then I just... didn't bother with the rest. It's still on my Goodreads "read" shelf though...

Shame on me!!!!! Shame!!!!

vivastory Happy to see your answers! I'm with you on the DNF. I like the term that we have agreed upon on Litsy for books that are put to the side because the time isn't right but we might return to is “hibernating“ but there are DEFINITELY books that I DNF. I very rarely DNF a book & what is funny is that typically it will be so close to the end of the book that I will either look online & read the ending or just skim read the last few pages. Funny (CONT) (edited) 1w
vivastory enough I did start Swallows & Amazons last summer & put it to the side. Not sure if it's hibernating or a DNF. 1w
RaeLovesToRead @vivastory It was one of the few books that I genuinely thought "life is too short" while reading it. Apparently there is a whole series of them. Gave my copy to charity. I think if I'm going to be reading old kids books I'll re-read Nancy Drew or The Magic Faraway Tree. Books where stuff happens. 1w
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Campfire | Shawn Sarles
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Eggs Absolutely 💯 2w
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Let's Go Camping! | Jan Mader
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Are you ready for #CampLitsy24? Get your bags, don‘t forget your sunglasses and we‘ll meet at Camp later today to discuss the first half of Clear. I‘ll post three questions, we are looking forward to all of your thoughts on them.
If you‘ve finished the whole book, no spoilers please, next week there‘ll be another three questions.

The 3rd and 4th Saturday in June we‘ll be discussing Butter after which Meg will take over for July ☀️ 📚 ⛺️

See All 35 Comments
Hooked_on_books Putting my sunscreen on now! 3w
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books That‘s the spirit 😎 3w
Ruthiella Due to the vagaries of library holds, I will quickly have to read Clear this Sunday. 😅 Luckily, it‘s short! 3w
Megabooks So excited to read what the campers think!! 😁🏕️ 3w
BarbaraBB @Ruthiella It is indeed! We‘ll be waiting for you! 3w
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m so excited! 😆 3w
Kitta So ready!! 3w
TrishB 👍🏻 see you there. 3w
AmyG All set! 3w
Bookwormjillk A camping we will go! 3w
Suet624 I‘m serving as a death doula and helping my friend who is in the final stage of his dying process so I‘ll check in later. 💕 3w
squirrelbrain Very much looking forward to this! 3w
squirrelbrain @Suet624 - I‘m sure you‘ll be a great support to your friend and we‘ll see you when you‘re able to join us. 3w
Roary47 Yay! I managed to get halfway through E‘s playtime. If he could talk baby E could probably join in. 🤣 3w
TheKidUpstairs So ready! I whipped through the first half in less than a day. Can't wait to discuss with you all. 3w
TheKidUpstairs @Suet624 sending love to you and your friend ❤️ ♥️ 💕 3w
Meshell1313 Ready! Can‘t wait! ⛺️ 3w
Suzze I sorry to say that life has thrown a lot in my way and I will have to not participate in camp after all. I did buy Clear and hope to read it some time. Sorry, 3w
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Oh no my poor friend. Wishing you strength and a goodbye as good as possible. I will think of you 🩷 3w
BarbaraBB @Suzze No need to apologize. Wish you the best dealing with life and hope you will soon have the headspace to read again ❤️ 3w
peaKnit @suet624 I‘ll be thinking about you, also what an amazing way to support your friend. Take care. 3w
squirrelbrain @Suzze - hope you are OK and sending love. 3w
CBee @Suet624 oh Sue - what a beautiful thing to do for your friend ♥️ May his passage be peaceful and full of love ♥️ 3w
Suet624 @squirrelbrain @Thekidupstairs @BarbaraBB @peaknit @CBee Thank you for your kind words last weekend. My friend died late Tuesday evening after 5 days of lingering so close to death. I was there night and day and there is so much I will remember from being with him and his family, assisting in supporting each and every one of them. It was a holy experience that I was humbled to be there for. I am still processing it all. Again, thank you. 2w
squirrelbrain @Suet624 that sounds beautiful and rewarding, as well as tough. I‘m sure they all appreciated you being there. 2w
BarbaraBB @Suet624 That must have been such a consolation for them and hopefully for you too. Wishing you strength with your loss 🤍 2w
CBee @Suet624 ♥️♥️♥️ 2w
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Be Prepared | Vera Brosgol
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Today is my son's first day as camp counselor, so for all the kids heading off to camp, let's share our favorite books about the experience for #middlegrademonday!

Be Prepared is a graphic memoir. Her family can't afford regular summer camp, but then she learns of Russian camp where everyone will be like her. She gets to go, but it isn't what she expected. Still, she learns and grows in important ways. Great coming of age memoir!


dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 4w
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Let's Go Camping! | Jan Mader
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After announcing the 6 fabulous books for #camplitsy24, Meg, Barbara and I thought you might like to see the 10 books that ‘nearly‘ made the list. (In no particular order)

James was by far our runaway winner, with 4 in 10 Littens voting for it. Next were Bear and Clear, with around a quarter of you voting for each one.

The other 3 winning books gained just a few more votes than these 10, so a close-run race!

We‘d love to hear your thoughts!

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ChaoticMissAdventures Greta and Valdin has been one of my favorites of the year, I hope this post gets more to check in out!! Thank you hosts for all your work on Camp! 2mo
TheBookHippie Knife I‘m reading asap now 🙃 . 2mo
RaeLovesToRead I got Warm Hands of Ghosts, The Familiar and Book of Doors on my TBR.... looking at these covers though... I need to investigate the book with the trippy blue trees! 2mo
Kimberlone lol all but one of the books I voted for were on this list 2mo
Susanita Three of these were on my list! 2mo
squirrelbrain It‘s one of my favourites too @ChaoticMissAdventures - I wonder if it didn‘t get more votes because a lot of us have already read it? 2mo
dabbe Only one of my choices made the summer list. I'm a horrible picker! 😂 2mo
squirrelbrain @TheBookHippie - I have a #netgalley ARC of Knife. I was saving it just in case it got nominated (along with *many* other books 🤣) so probably need to get to it now. 2mo
squirrelbrain It‘s a fab cover isn‘t it?! @RaeLovesToRead 2mo
squirrelbrain @Kimberlone @Susanita @dabbe - there were SO many great books, though, the votes were bound to be reasonably spread out. 2mo
Leniverse I loved Greta & Valdin, but didn't vote for it since I've already read it. Two of my nominations are on that runner-up list, so I definitely have to read them! 2mo
BarbaraBB Great collection of books! I couldn‘t resist purchasing 2mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB I‘ve brought that too. And Whale Fall. 2mo
Meshell1313 Ooh I‘ll def pick up a few of these to read soon. I‘m hearing fantastic things about Knife! 2mo
Hooked_on_books An interesting mix! I‘m glad the Emily Henry didn‘t make our list because I have zero interest in it. And I clearly have weird tastes, as nothing I voted for (or nominated) made it on here. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2mo
youneverarrived Interesting to see what almost made it! None of these were on my list but I do want to read Greta and Valdin. 2mo
JamieArc Whale Fall is one that only got on my radar because of the nominations. I‘m super intrigued by it, so I‘m sure it‘s going to make its way to my summer reading list. 2mo
BarbaraJean This is so interesting to see! Several of these I thought (or hoped) would make it onto the final lineup, and several I‘m glad didn‘t 😂 Greta & Valdin is on my list to read. 2mo
Roary47 Aww so close. 🥰💛 2mo
Karisimo Several of these were my picks! 2mo
Suet624 @Hooked_on_books I‘m with you. 2mo
Suet624 Thank you for letting us see all of these. Really interesting. (edited) 2mo
Ruthiella Nice! I voted for the Leigh Bardugo because I wanted a good excuse to finally try one of her books! 😂 2mo
julieclair Thank you for this! And for ALL the work that goes into Camp! 2mo
Larkken Very cool! I love seeing what everyone is excited about this year! 2mo
Chelsea.Poole I was hoping the tagged would make the list. Really look forward to reading 2mo
Caroline2 These all sound so good. I want to read all the books!! I may swap Warm Hands for Bear if it proves too difficult to order it here. There‘s a long wait on Amazon at the moment. 😬 2mo
squirrelbrain @TrishB @JamieArc @chelsea.poole - I just finished Whale Fall. I liked it but not as much as I thought I would. And I‘m not sure how much discussion we would have had, as it‘s very short. 2mo
squirrelbrain @leniverse @youneverarrived - Greta is so good, but I also didn‘t vote for it as I‘d read it. I think you‘ll love it too, Katie. 2mo
squirrelbrain @Meshell1313 - I‘m going to read Knife soon as well. 2mo
squirrelbrain @Hooked_on_books @suet624 - not weird tastes, just eclectic! 🤪 2mo
batsy I've got Irena Rey on hold and am excited to read it! 2mo
sarahbarnes Thanks for doing this! 2mo
Bookbuyingaddict They‘re all great 👍 thank you for organising ☺️looking forward to reading 📖 around the camp 🏕️ fire 🔥 starting 1st June 🙂 are posting our progress ? 😀 2mo
Bookbuyingaddict They‘re all great 👍 thank you for organising ☺️looking forward to reading 📖 around the camp 🏕️ fire 🔥 starting 1st June 🙂 are posting our progress ? 😀 @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @dabbe @TheAromaofBooks @TrishB @Kimberlone @Chelsea.Poole @Megabooks (edited) 2mo
squirrelbrain Hi @Bookbuyingaddict - we‘ll post the schedule soon. We read 1 book over 2 weeks and the host for each book posts some questions each weekend for us all to discuss. Looking forward to getting started! 🏕️ 2mo
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Let's Go Camping! | Jan Mader
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I‘m thrilled to be hosting your August #camplitsy24 books!

First, we‘ll be heading off to Ireland to read about 4 gifted sisters in The Alternatives, then heading to the Pacific Northwest to read Bear, which was our second most voted for book, after James.

We‘ll confirm all of the dates for each book shortly.

That‘s all 6 books revealed now, what do you think of our final two, and of the full selection for camp? 🏕️

See All 64 Comments
jenniferw88 I'm surprised Knife isn't on there! 2mo
Soubhiville I‘m excited for these two! 2mo
julesG Looking back at the longlist, I'm surprised we don't have six one word titles this year. That would have been awesome 🤣🤣 2mo
Bookwormjillk Yay Bear! I‘m excited that so many of these books aren‘t on my radar, but am happy this one made it. Can‘t wait for summer reading! 2mo
Hooked_on_books It‘s an interesting list! Like last year, I‘ve already read 2 (Clear and James) and the rest look promising! 2mo
Bookwormjillk @julesG ha! That does seem to be the trend this year. Thank goodness it has seemed to replace “The Girl” 2mo
BarbaraBB @Bookwormjillk 😂 ‘The Girl‘ 2mo
BarbaraBB @jenniferw88 Knife had many votes too. @squirrelbrain will share the runner-up‘s later this week! 2mo
squirrelbrain @jenniferw88 @julesG - look out for the ‘nearly-theres‘ later this week! 2mo
squirrelbrain @Bookwormjillk - it‘s great to have a mix of known and hitherto unknown books, isn‘t it?! 2mo
squirrelbrain @Soubhiville - glad you‘re pleased about these two! 2mo
squirrelbrain @Hooked_on_books - I‘ve also read James, and would have probably read Clear as well, but I had insider information about how well it was doing in the voting, so I saved it. ☺️ 2mo
Caroline2 Oh intrigued by these two!! 😃 👍 2mo
Meshell1313 Exciting! Can‘t wait! 2mo
monalyisha I‘m thrilled! This went much better than when my book club (or ahem, my whole country) votes! 2mo
kspenmoll I am thrilled to be part of this group- some books I was aware of, some not. I have not read any of them. ❤️ 2mo
TrishB Brilliant ❤️ looking forward to them all. 2mo
CBee Yay! 2mo
JamieArc I‘m truly looking forward to reading all of these, and I believe 4 of them I either nominated or voted for. Though my own votes don‘t reflect this, I do with there were a nonfiction. Looking forward to the discussions! 2mo
AmyG Yay! I am so excited. Thank you all. 2mo
charl08 I have a feeling this is going to add to my wishlist... 2mo
batsy Don't know much about these two and look forward to finding out! 2mo
Suet624 Just broke down and ordered several books yesterday. I usually cross my fingers that a library will have the books but none of them did. I‘m very excited! 2mo
jlhammar Awesome! Beyond excited for both of these. 2mo
peaKnit Very excited to read some new book this summer! 2mo
squirrelbrain @monalyisha - we‘re a good group here, as far as voting for the right things goes! 🤣 2mo
squirrelbrain @kspenmoll - I think we had a lot more ‘new to everyone‘ books this year, whereas last year some Littens had already read a few. 2mo
squirrelbrain @JamieArc - non-fiction didn‘t do so well in the voting this year. 🤷‍♀️ Only Knife ever really troubled the top 6. 2mo
squirrelbrain @charl08 - my TBR always explodes at this time of year! 2mo
squirrelbrain @batsy - I don‘t know much about these two either, that‘s the beauty of #camplitsy! 2mo
squirrelbrain Which ones tempted you? @Suet624 2mo
Suet624 Butter and All Fours 2mo
Megabooks So excited for these!! 🏕️🎉 2mo
squirrelbrain @Suet624 - glad you can join us for those two. Hopefully your library may get some of the others in soon. 2mo
Suet624 Thanks! Somehow or other I‘ll get the others. 😊 2mo
sarahbarnes These are two more great choices! I love camp this year!! 😁 2mo
Ruthiella These two are completely off my radar! I‘m so happy to be discovering them! 2mo
BarbaraJean These were nowhere near my radar until nominations—I‘ll be crossing my fingers for those library holds! 2mo
CBee @Suet624 I can‘t find Butter either - might have to order it! 2mo
Deblovestoread Ireland and the PNW 🙌🏼. Love camp!⛺️ 2mo
youneverarrived They sound interesting! Besides from All Fours none were on my radar, but I‘m looking forward to reading them all ❤️ 2mo
squirrelbrain @sarahbarnes - glad you‘re loving camp! ❤️ 2mo
squirrelbrain @Ruthiella @BarbaraJean - these two weren‘t on my radar either until they were nominated - the beauty of camp! 2mo
squirrelbrain @Deblovestoread - we‘ve got 6 fabulous books this year! 2mo
squirrelbrain @youneverarrived - I‘m looking forward to all of them too! ❤️ 2mo
Christine What a great bunch of books - summer can‘t come fast enough!! ❤️ 2mo
squirrelbrain I know @christine - I can‘t wait either! 2mo
Jess I am so excited about these selections! 4 of the 6 are either on my TBR or I was already planning on buying. The other 2 new to me picks sound great. Can‘t wait to get started! 2mo
Bookbuyingaddict Haven‘t heard of either of these two always love ❤️ a surprise 😮😆happy camp 🏕️ reading 📖😀 2mo
squirrelbrain It makes me happy that you‘re so excited! @jess 2mo
squirrelbrain @Bookbuyingaddict - these were new to me too, before Camp! 2mo
julieclair Looks like August will be Sisters Month! We really have a great selection lineup this year. None of the winners were on my radar, and that‘s what I love about camp! 2mo
GatheringBooks Thank you so so much for the tag! Great picks for #CampLitsy24 already bought 4 books out of 6. 📚📚📚📚 (edited) 2mo
squirrelbrain Great spot! @julieclair Glad you‘re pleased with the lineup! 2mo
squirrelbrain They are all fantastic picks aren‘t they? @GatheringBooks 2mo
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Let's Go Camping! | Jan Mader
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Repost for #Megabooks

I am incredibly excited to be your counselor for July! We‘ll start off with the #1 vote getter, James, and if you haven‘t read Everett, be ready to leap into his backlist after this because he‘s wonderful. Then very appropriately we‘ll move on to Miranda July‘s All Fours. An artist on the edge? Yes, please! I hope you‘ll join us for one or both books! #CampLitsy24

See original post at https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2728511

BarbaraBB Thanks as always 🩷🩷 2mo
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Let's Go Camping! | Jan Mader
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Repost for @BarbaraBB

Meg, Helen and I are so glad you are as thrilled as we are about #CampLitsy24: 74 people voted, which is a new record!
Clear will be our first June read, followed by Butter. We hope you‘re happy with these first books!
I‘ll be your host in June & will get back to you with the reading schedule.

See original post at https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2728155