Hello Valloweeners! I hope you all have been having as much fun as I have shopping for your #Valloween matches! We haven't posted anything up to this point aside from the #ValloweenSwap itself, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to post some of my favorite books that align with the Valloween theme. Out of all of these, a long-time favorite is the Kushiel's Legacy series. So good! What are some of your favorites? Everyone is invited to play!
1. All the Bright Places, Jennifer Niven
2. Bloom, Delilah S. Dawson
3. I Think I'm in Friend-Love with you, Yumi Sakugawa
4. Kushiel's Dart (1st book in Kushiel's Legacy series), Jacqueline Carey
5. Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me; Mariko Tamaki
6. Medusa; Jessie Burton
7. Monstrilio, Samano Cordova Gerardo
8. Shark Heart: A Love Story, Emily Habeck
9. The Spirit Bares Its Teeth, Andrew Joseph White
10. Sunburn, Laura Lippman 1mo